City Council Packet - 02/11/1974 qFD ,gADF ';CHOW i:.SNDA e TO C-R E9. Za MML c:A°u 3. PF EFk?E GS Wh._a M C.MWN— ..N.ti 6.. AFsF3:VAL OF f.P n"Non SMWSM Y- C F._ i. APPEAJ, 10F J12-ANN! - M'A'L 1 cr.._ C i+. t,y AL -- _ 9. APP -IC.4''MN FOR MME E ...4 .. ar i.' ._.... M, -. , ' rvi., - 1? I... r .NE r f - W. t .W� v, T--x MAF, ISI i:.A'J. .xLot 4vow, g, ? Zone. ` ( ) i Yr!?:_ y by ^°F p :':_+: Lc). C'RD1NANt'E N' AN 04+1'1:N4' 1 1,V c W- td 1?. GRL'_*7AR't_E 5 Ati C p q-\ H -)., t<".!'� :.t . 4ti.,.;F " F ��,s _. ayf, H `uy•c C.PLER N OF J� A ;WA<<' ,t1 r.•�� �o-NT, tsRc�0% Rf:�"Rls'Y=:`FrFE, AN k CtRR"vANCF. N AN ty u C ^f e -S,W. ar A 14. 'APPEAL OF PDA' TN,' t,)nIMT SiOV_A,'F* Aungter. Dis L7 FH s14.. is ---_te± ._.. W. !" {. (Tari Map 1E I -`?1D, w.x: i.,., ..0 Ai.),_. (a) c-tt' i F%t1' N 15, REbL•.,^ ,.FiGN No. A EhSL_.�"ION OF "H!, •i:'AR'! Tv ) y�<<� }rKV^W':pry;.q;: A.EGE.LPT OF iR':P::F titq,r,,r;ry ANNE,KA'T_f;`,, A\tt RF:'•,.^LntF:Vh FnRWARD)1.Nt. 'CO PORTLAND ME'TR.r_c5 ,''PN AREA. !' A.. F;C_F,,'EPNMENf PN"NrnAuy COM 7-5SIGN. P:;:_i I (a) Recom^,iSi_T7:.S.c-i -,f CLCy A+ :.Se_ Lb. APPRGS'F SPECIE D"AI7:NS K'R 'iRAPai Avr. 1R';U!El ? ;^ A.,,ur)R!iF (A 'N'- F 1R R:Dt, (aDIz.._._ . F ._..... ..... F;. _ 17. AT'IHC'R ZE F,!RF:-.ASF T:" SEWFR CLEANER lA. ?rE h;VE A^:RF.EMx v? ^`FR A'`P P:PFF !E::" ki 19. AD.TP !fQ.,4 OE ASN AVE":' t' ,+ lA !AN) ..SE'- Se tine ,. F PAGE 2 AC:ENDA, -O�JNC 1 .. F F F F'APY 20. :AVi;,1NTMENTS h, .L!iCTION C'WNIMITTEE (a) Design Review Committee (b); Building Code Board of Appeals (c) Park Board (d) Planning Commission (e) Budget Committee 21. Sign Code Board of Appeals Discvssi.: (a) Recommen9aticn of City 22. OTHER BUSINESS 23. >CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK' 24. ADJOURNMENT r f t PAGE 3 COUNCIL AGENDA FEBRUARY 11, 1974 REGULAR MFET INN FEB t IARY iI -j974. t P M 1. ROLL CALL; Y!t .::t i M I ;• d f' R<> ,a a , J, ALlar1a WL, s",-,w C, Cty dm iia f _ f id'` F:At 1 P '.l. Fac,,i. Le 2. APPROVAL CF MILT TF-3 anima. , 19,"' nd F-:" (a) App ov--d d_ WRiTT+N COMII:INk ATICI' nr P.M &b-u< s, APPROVAL OF v-XPE' D7T r,_• P.L? �FIF;,L OF PIANNIN, L)C. I a_C ..IF ,t_d* +a_ l:-74 -cru_: * fia Da._d.` t i,r v d iw, r- m J orcy and 1 f .C f �l 3a r. Corjlm :zap Z,no, iablezI, r ccpLed 'by �)n'~sl ,la' �m.1r d .,.1 .r. d `•_t .. 3'�a.., ate. ^121x, ✓`gal '7`:T'.. :J:.^E- °.T'tx MzYp '_o ?.i', '_:aX L- and n0 .a ring b, T ,- pub I c Y a r- iia o ided 'ry ,,;J,,11 -�j I'man, M,' .e Appr:lved by 6, APPEAL OF PLAN': G CNI+i. R A-CTION ,gid: i 3i Reque.,t by M:,bil. Oil. C�rp;;raIi.or for app �vai. o na service Station use :n - C S,,.bje�:* si-e I, ?oca' •d a' 1900 S. W. Pa,-.fLc H;ghwa•• and -emprise. 21 a•:.res Tax Mala 231 2AA,. :Tax C:,mmi ss i,.n approve ed ,equeS-- zai Pubs, lieari:ng "._,i_! p.M Sta.ement of Far. ... b; P Dwa„nE ;:k >,; rzq. �,Fz,n'.:r.,g Mob, Cros:; Exam 'na*,,,on of Applican' Helen 6, 1+1. iO3rd Gary Helmer� .9 Ralph Fuhr, 10685 S. W. Park Ivan Jack, 12330 S- W, Knoll Drive Attorney Charles McClure represent.rg Gene Dooley Tom Brandon Mr Russell, Manager of siation Testimony by Opponent Attorney Charles McClure repre6enning Gene Dooley Cross Examination Councilman Norton Councilman Paterson Mayor Bergmann Bill Heppner- Ivan Jack Tom Brandon Mr: Russell, Manager of station Lee Miller for'Miller Aroma: Fyne Heintz Ralph F hr Lee Herring Herb :Frank, of Frank, E San,varyFrank, c _ Gene D::ol:.ti opponent Rebuttal, Dwayne Wkels Raba... Hearing Closed_ (b) Wion by .uncilma: Norton 3 9: approval for .ho change to 0-3 Zone and uphold the appeal Wed on ;he Fnsan,; decisionn a, the r rj: t= dnd arry h, b rdon ,i proof that a 2hange of coadiinon war Ben— ha! •.h2 e was an presen- that .h,_.proposal would ould Wer I a~. ommun.ivy need, 3r that the nu; vability of this requestedlocation was greaterWannh . sthator that the change would lessen any delet ,a `t The motion was seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous votiz of ,a.irr:.l Meeting recessed a, 9:30 P M and Council reconvened a; 9:3 P.M- 7t APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE - Applicant's are Michael and Lucy Mayernik- Property located on N, E quadrant o Pacific Highway and S. W, 59th Avenue in er•section FTax Map 1S1 36AD, Tax Lot 4300< ) Site contains 1 01 acres Reque5ind zone change from R-7, Single Family and C-2.. Genera: Commercial to C-3, general Commercial Zone. Application approved by Planning Commission., (a) Public Hearing 8:00 PY— Statement of Facts by City Planner Testimony by Applicant Attorney Terry Houck, representing the applicant, Allan Patton, Realtor, Boise Cascade, applicant Cross Examination Councilman Cook Councilman Moore Testimony by Opponent None Council and staff discussed conditions to be amp and if application approved_ Page 2 COUNCIL MINUTES .. February 11,, 1974 Fublic 'Hearing Closed (b) Motion by Councilman Paterson that the -Piarning Commission recommendation be Koptr_d with the exception of item "C'' That sign controls be part of the design review process for the site developmentberemoved and item "D" read that the "Owner agrees to participate in the 69th s* at local improvement distract" and that the r:asano findings are affirmative in all prints and therefore approval of application be granted; motion seconded by Councilman Norton. Approved by unanimous vote of Council- Council:requested City Attorney to prepare rdinancce confirming findings for next .council mee i ng-: V ORDINANCE No. 74_il An ;ordinance ratifying , confirming and recording change in the boundaries of the City of Tigard by the Boundary Commissxon• Order No 675, invoiving lands of the Derry Dell area, sections 2, 3 and 10, Township 2 South. Range 1 vilest, Willamette Mid an. Washington County, ^egan, recording effe;tive'date,,rand declaring'an emergency. (a) Second reading` r! rd_nanc:_ (b) Motion i o adopto Counniinian Cook; seconded by Counoilman Moore Ralph Fuhr restated his n n. , file a anvil nui, against this annexation Motion approved by unanimoi:., vote of Council l 9• ORDINANCE No 74-13 An ordinance ratifying, cinfirming and recording change in '.he boundaries the City Tigard by The Boundary Commission Order No 677, involving lands of the Rolling Hills area, section 1. Township 2-South, Range I Wost. Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon® Recording effective date, and deic.aring an emergency. (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Moore: seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Counc 1 10. ORDINANCE No. 74-15 •- An ordinance amending section 19 o the "COURT PROCEDURES ORDINANCE OF 1972" (Ord #72-29), authorizing an increased atrornay`s allowance for representing indigent defendants. Qa) Motion to adopt; Councilman Norton; seconded by Councilman Cook.. Ron Council and staff discussed the increased fees proposed in ordinance, Mr. Heppner, from audience, stated his opposition to increase. Motion approved by unanimous vote of Council. lle PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT - Extension of construction time period, Request. by Wallace E. Johnson to withdraw the Planned Development District comprising of 1.23 acres at the S. W_ corner of the intersection of S. W, Tigard Street and S. Y Grant Avenue: Tax Map 2S1 2FA„ Tax Lot 800 R- gnaat approved by the Planning Commission., Page 3 v COUNCTL MiNUTEs - February 11, x.974 'a) City Administrator repo^rted:iSr. Jshns n wa_; no*. •«-a .o develop the land and rcquest_d .:is zoning br. *�r='d to M-4, in .accordance with the Tigard Municipal, Ccdo whi;.h calls for ,ubs antial progre_-s with.n one year The Planning Commission had reviewed,the appl_l :at on and recommended the P. D: zone b- remov.id (b) Motion by (ounc.ilman. Nort::n .o rem.)ve thr tP.B. . z.i and rez'ore"th:� original zoning of M-4, st C:Jn ..d t�v aux imar. Paterson, Approved by =unanimous vo: of 12, APPEAL OF PLAIIINING COMMISSION Ar:T. :.N Zone Chang, ,': 1-71 Request by Robert A.ungier to 'change eai:sl,nit County zoning from RU-4, Urban t,3sidential Distrtc?. and B-2 t omminxty RetailComm�r,;ial D s rrrt *a a' >>_ty C-`5 n rmm,.resal District. ':ppl xcant propos :+,Ki r, of bak<7,d lord:, thrift `Ph: zs' a �d at 1 I'a f Highway ,rd .7mT. _ 9, 3' y'.1-tx e1ap ^,`'•.K Yot d?--.i d r.`y��$ nn. ng 3If3m_ rai S Pubi. :n.(.Cl: ,J b ',!, pt r. 1 . I irr;je wn. ; s.�'; nd..dmar, RE SC :bv .:ri1 3 RESC L•'UT1 Tl.. 71,...� 1^:.C�!`� N1,hL4Yl.� /1. ia} City Administrator sta .d had from Bonita. Meads«', r,,,r, the C:t'y of Tigard Mr . 2/3 mad;ir.4y 1£ h 136 b) ;'i-ty kdmin:stra,o. -eromm:'ndvd id..,p-ion of with)ut o re_ommendtxt „r. for nppr;+:v 1 nr CI:Iat[G . t (a) Motor: I-o approve: Councilma: seconded by councilmr.n Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Counc�il- 15. AUTHOR= PURCHASI CF SFW-ER CLEANER (a) Director of Public iervices and :it r4.= reviewed bid proposal:; and recommended th bid be ;-oeirds3d �a =�»naugh_y Machinery Company, The following bids were recce ived: Flexi.bi.e Yip? No, Bid 905 McBrod Av;nue Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Page 4 .'Ot?,I-TI, i4Tf 'P':; ?..'bruary 1.i, .197 r 1N � � I T'•'�'r t i AgrivulTural Whzrie ry D_v_ ion RUQ tcr. 2115 CoKman v< 5 00 d N bo 115, bid Bo a, a San .:o. e, Cal_Pornia 95103 Columbia Equipment Corporation ND R.d 4113 �; clumbra Blvd. I' Piztland Oregon 97213 Foenaughty Machinery 'I lr d P-- v. x 79 r 17,60r) Wd ,n1 `,n, . _qd Portland, Oregon 972131 (b)" Motion to accept. bid pr nn f r z u n y I"I a } .z ' Councilmen Moor ' _ z,de d r .o:z.,c:lmah Silk Approved by unanimous vote Of Wuncill 16. COOPERS & LYBRAND 'A II)PT (a) City Administratorrequested to We audi7ing M Em t agenda r ,gr maCDU,,,j :0noury7d ON 3. 17,, ADOPT TN OF ASH AVENUE AREA LAND USE P U 11, R ,r (b) Moion to � public }t ring second:d by CO'un rr lman o,..,, _,mr,, ,,ate r� Cliff Ashley 7a NpO #1 Or pronedure In developing PC it nisu t ei�y _ u-sled city to the residents s map ria L rt .z .i` of DrMa ,z an ,-✓r i la je prix, to the hearing Motion to set hearing was approved by unanimous voce Council- 18. RESOLUTION No, 74-10 Site .Development and D sign ? .zew Board (a) City Administrator repo ,edby comm ;oma z:-c �, nirg commended he ±ofca��-irr appointments: Monte G. CDok Ph 'lip ' Ed= iorm expirwo 31:.,,0 Raymond .* par• ,_ TOM expires =/1,/75 W. L. McManagl e -m exp o 3/1/76 Allan W. Mickelson Term explros 3/l/76 Term expires 3!'l/% (b) Motion to adopt; Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Norton. Approved by unanimous vote of Wuncil.. 1% RESOLUTION No, 74-11 - Park Board (a) interviewing and screenjog committee r. 00mmendod the following appointments: Robert Buckley � . Beth H, Bishop M `-'xp 3 12/31./77 `:erm expires 12/31/74 u,ar Approve--d by unantm7t:s Page 5 WNWIL MINUTE _ �'„b U3 .,, i.i, 1974 20.' . Resolution No 74-12 - Planning Commi >sio, (a) Interviewing and screening committp, following appointment: mm"nfl..d the Harris Hansen rt (b) Motion To advp, Councilma:, Moore, Norton; s c„nd :d by Councilman Approved by unanimous vote of 23, SIGH CODE BOARD CF APPEALS DISC 3Sj0,r (a) City Administrator reported the WSW had rouble getting members to appear at meeting, and recommonded the sign code board be abolished and .he r the. I=l<:C?ts:.'1g uam.RiiA`Jt,,;, b: Motion by Councilman r t., J Prepare Drdinanc;e; Yb Faun tr�� n l ersti n: �c�_s .d;�d 4�,r �u.:. ?mane Fa,_. s...i. Approved by unanimous OTII R BUSID4.:^3 City Administrator r>I:o. ted Matron' ef`ccti.'._ =t nr cirt. ..h Mn _,: be ral;rIng 74 City e dmini tra`or roqu stet ounce'] rive orsi at;are ; a budget ion date, Matter to be discussed further at nex- Study session, Adjournment Ale City ATTEST: Y--4° /J CrUiNCIL 111ENUTFS February 11. 1974 LI1U-1E-9 Joint City Council and Planning Commission Fleeting February 6,;' 1974 TH03E' PRESENT: Mayor Floyd H. Bergmann,Councilnen-John E. Cook, Allan Paterson, Charles L. Norton; Planning Commissioners: Chairman—Thomas Whittaker, Edna Sakata; Planning Director—Wink Brooks; and CRAG 'staff-A. McKay Rich and Robert- Blakesby. Also present were members of the King City City Council. The meeting was arranged by the Columbia Region Association of Governments so that they might present a progress report of CRAG planning efforts to 'local Jurisdictions. The meeting opened at 7:40, P.M. `with a:narrated slide presentation explaining CRAG's,Planning role within the metrouolit— an region. The presentation was divided into two sections with questions solicited by the CRAG staff. Those present responded by asking several questions related to the CRAG program. The CRAG staff then continued their presentation, explaining their three alternate planning concepts, dispersion, concentration and radial corridors. A questionnaire was distributed to those' present so that the CRAG .staff could determine which concept was Preferred. it was the Feeling of several of those present that not enough information was available to determine the most ideal concept. It was suggested that 'perhaps CRAG could attach advan— tages and disadvantages to each of the, concepts, thus facilitating concept preferences analysis by local jurisdictions. The CRAG staff also presented a chart indicating Tigard's ultimate Population utilizing each of the three concept plans. The largest population figure was approximately 7,000 persons. There was a general consensus among those precsent, that this figure was low compared to population projections contained within the "Tigard Community Plan", The CRAG staff asked that their questionnaires be returned at the convenience of those present. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT February 11, 1974 General Fund U. S. NATIONAL BAr.K Check' No. _ 14148 Cornell, Howell,- Iayes Merryfield (1 )`- 317.50 Tigard Community & Development Plans 14149_' Roger Thomssen Recording (12 12-00 14150" N.W. Natural GasHeating' (18 312.96 14151 Ore.''Municipal Judges ;Assoc. Membership (1.I 5.00 14152 : Amer. Public Works Assoc. Construction (19 3 .00 Inspectors Training Course 14153 Auto Wheel Service Spotlight & Bracket (19) 30.20 141.54' Bastin Business Mach. Repair Adder (12) 43175 14155 TheCakeCo. Siren and Gun (16.3) 37O.52 14156 National League of Cities Bldg. Inspector (13) 32.00 Advartisinq 14157' Nat'l Law 'Enforce. Equip. Finger Printing (16)" 47.80 Equipment 14158 Petty Cash Frames, Lunches, Office Sup.` Etc., (10) 14.42 (12) 21.20 (14) 3.75 (15) 24.14 (16) 10.57 (18) .16 74.24 14159 Portland'Gen. Electric ' Utilities (17) 19.63 .(18) 2,118.16 2,137.79 14160 Rogers Mach. Co. Inc. Fab. Hose Adapters ;'20) 27.79 14161 Shell Oil Co. Super & Regular (13) 10.8:3 (16)'28B.80 , (16.2);,62.81 ,(19) 5.78 368.22 14162 Roger Thomssen Recording (12) 6.00 14163 Roger Thomssen Recordinn - (12) 22.00 14209 American ;United'Life Police Insurance (16) 17610 (16.2) 2.70 (16.3) .90 (16.31) 114.90 135.60 14210 Celia H. Lesman PR Deduction (606) 1013.00 14211 Wash. Co. Fed. Credit Union PR Deduction ' (609) 480.40 14212 U.S. Nat'l Bank Honds PR Ded. (610) 131.25 142.13 ` Police Officers Assn. PR Deduction (Gill) 206:00 14214 American Bankers Life Tax-.Shelter (607,) 189.00 14215 Bankers Life Police Retirement PR Ded. (608) 678:9124 14217 Jackson's Auto Bed Auto Parts (12) 21.90 (13) 21.90 (16� 51.24 (20) 46.93 141.99 14218 Ma'ryatt `Industries Laundry (20) 32.00 14220 Wash.Co. Dept. of Public Safety Burglary Equipment (16.3) 77..89 14222 Delta Elaine Robinson Witness Fee (11) 5.00 14223 Tigard Auto Body Vehicle Repair Insurance 108.00 deductable (16) 100.00 14226 U.S. "ational Bank Fed. Withholding PR Ded.(613) 4,059.10 14227 State of Oregon State Withholding PR Ded. (61-4) 1,582.46 14228 Public Employees Retire. Payroll Ded. & Benefits RZ 31.30 (12) 253.69 (13) 50.27 (14) 151.60 5 57. 3 (l6 1,052.05 (16.2) 81.21 (16.3) 24.69 (17 34.98 (19) 221.31 (612) 1,958.63 3,917.26 14229 Travelers Ins. Retirement, PR Ded. & Benefits (12) 34.80 (13)13.05 (15) 22.56 (19) 113.48 (608) 203.16 387.06 14230 Dept. of Commerce Surcharge Bldg. Permits (623) 19.80 14231 A Boy West Electrical Parts (20 17.35 14232 Case Power & Equipment Gauge (20 7.55 14234 Richard Bolen Travel Expense (14 32.30 14235 Hanis Uniforms Cap and Tie (Roamer) (16 13.25 14236 Lansan & Tremaine 46 Books (15 204.34 14237 Marv's Line Up Shop f'5 Front end aligned 16 8.75 14238 Rogers Mach. Co. Inc. Cossan Packino (17 8.40 14239 Rentex Corporation Laundry (10 42.65 14240 Tigard Lumber Co. Fittings Cook Park (1."ii 1.45 14241 J. Thayers & Co. Pocket Calendars (16 5.40 14242 Winslow Brooks Travel expense (14� 27.00 Sub-TotaA7,240.96 General Fund U.S. NATIONAL BANK (cant.) Check No. 14245 Butler Tire Tractor Tires & Contract (16) 120.00 (16.2) 40.00 (16.3) _40.00 (20)305:36 SOS.36 ' 14244 Mr. C's Photo Factory Film G Processino (13) 13.50 (14) 12.80 (16) 51,86 (19) 19.74- 97.98 14245 Columbia Maintenance Janitoral Service (18) 229.00 14246 Del Ball Ford Connect Power Steering #3 (16) 54.08 4247 Frahler Electric Co. Tube & Clips 18 3.38 '- 14248 Marine Lumber Bldg Materials & Tools (14) 3.50 (16) `68.5V (17) 30.42 (20) 64.314 166.63 14249 Marv's Line Up Shop Align Front end °4 - 'Align Front end & Shocks #7.- (16) 8.73 (16.3) 72.25 "1.00 14250 Parge.s Rental (12) 5.00 (16) 5.00 10.00 14251 Platt Electric Bulbs =,Cord lamp (20) 68.39 ( 8) 14..50 62.89 14252 Sales Nine T Gine Tire Repair (16.2) 2.00' 14253 Southwest Office Sup. Diariesr<. Date Books (19) 8.75 (13) 4.75 (14) 1.85 (16) 3.70 19.05 14254 Tigard Lumber Co. Door jam (18) 11.30 14255 Valley Auto Parts ' Batteries & Auto parts (13) 48.34 (10) 153.78 , '(20) 7.2B (18.2) 24.95 234.35 Total $18,748.16 Payroll 22,561.13' Total 041,313.31 SEWER- U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 14126 U.S. Nat'l Bank Fed. Uithholding - PR: Dad. (613)- 125.20 14227State of Oregon State Withholding - PR' Ded. (614) 47.80 14228 Public Emp. Retirement Board PR Ded. & Benefits (101) 48.SO (612) 48.50 97.00 14229 Travelers Ins. Retirement,-,PR Ded & Benefits (104) 2407 (608) '1 6.58 41:4- 2612 U. S. National TCD (531 30,000.00 2879 Dale Sand & Gravel Line 118th Repair Serv. (291 1,548.90 Total 31,800.35 Payroll 579.07 532,439.42 STATE TAX STREET U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 14161 Shell Oil Co. Gas (210 103.72 14226 U.S. National Bank PR Ded. - Fed.Withhol.din 613 259.40 14227 State of Ore. PR Ded. - Fed. Withhldg.g1614 68.80 14228 Public Emp. Retire Bd. PR Ded.- Fed. WH. (101) 128.1.: (612) 128.18 256.36 14229 Traveler's Ins. PR Ded & Benefits, Retirement (104) 22.56 (608) 15.04 37.60 14232 Casa Power & Equip. Wrenches for back hoe (240) 130.72 2614 Tigard Sand & Gravel Rock (220)) 195.50 2618 3 M Company Letters and Numbers (220) 138.1D 2619 Power Rent Rental - Barricades A Sand Blasters (214 26.00 14250 Pargas Rental (210 15.00 14255 Valley Auto Parts Batteries & Auto parts 21.0 60.14 2621 3 M Company Sign Face 1220 90,00 2622 Portland Road & Driveway 4 Tons Cold Mix (220) 40 20 Total 51,441.54 Payroll 1,679.13 Total 53,120.67 ASSESSMENT FUND U. S. NATIONAL 'BANK Check No. 2612 U.S. National Bank TCD (3) 4,386.61 (4) 6,554.93 (5)' 5,865.24 (6)) 12,100.61 2B,9C7.39 261.3 - First Nat'l Bank Bonds (8) 1,OD0.00 Total 29,967,39 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARE U.S. 'NATIONAL BANK Check No. 2620 ;Ling x'Yinger Ualnut - Tiodoman (290) 2,500.00 Total 2,St?O.On GENERAL OBLIGATION BnNDS U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 2612 U.S. NationalBank TCD (531) '73,84 Total �'1,273.84 Chock's for expenses ,;89,731.30 Payroll' 24,823.32 Total 31114,554.63