City Council Packet - 08/28/1972 TIGARD CIT` COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 28, 1972,: 7-,30 P.M. CHARLES F.- TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION OFFICSS AGENDA: 1 CALL TO OF-DER 2. ROLL CALL 3: PLEDGI: OF ALLEGIA.NC'E 4.; APPROVAL OF MINUTES, August 1.4. :972 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS. X14,_671,.43 7. CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION - Applicant. .iv Coe Manufacturing Co, Request to allow outside storage on an M-3, Light 'Industrial parcel located on the south side of S.W. Hunziker Street, approx. 1.900 feet east of S.W. Hail Blvd, Tax lot 1202„ Tax Map 2S1 1 Application approved by the Planning Commission.. (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8:00 P.M,., September 11, 1972 8, ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - Applicant is City of Tigard. Request to allow change of zone classification from R-7, Single Family Residential, C-3. General Commercial and M-4, Industrial Park to C-P, Commercial. Professional for properties designated as Tax-Lots-1600, 1.60I and 1700 on Tax Map 2S1.IAC, -Tax Lots 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400;, 3500, '3600, 3700, 3800, 3900, and 3990 on Tax Map 2S1 IAD, and Tax Lots 100. 200, 300, '400,=500, ,`501, 701, 'M- and 1100 on Tax Map 2S1 1D. 'Properties in question bounded by S.W. Hampton Street on the north side, Interstate 5 (Baldock Freeway) on the east side, State Highway 217 (Beaverton-Tigard Expressway) on the south.side and S.W. 72nd'Avenue'on the west side. Application approved by the Planning Commission. (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8.00 P.M, September 11,` 1972 9. ZONING ORDINANCE. AMENDMENTS - Applicant is City of Tigard, Proposed amendments to Sections 230-3, 245-2i 250-5, 250-6 and 110-3 of the City of Tigard Zoning Ordinance, which would give the Tigard Planninq,Commission final:authority to grant conditional use permitsand increase':the minimum lot size within.the R-7, Single Family Residential= Zone from 7,000 to 7,500 square feet. Amendments approved by the Planning Commission.. (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8:00 P,M. September 11, 1972- 10. LIBRARY APPOINTMENT - (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 11. ORDINANCE No,, 72- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE No. 70-42 (City of Tigard' Building'Code of 1970 - adopting the 1970 Editions of the.Uniform Building Code of the international Conference of Building Officials) BY AMENDING AND qrt} SUPPLEMENTING Section 303 =(b) OF THE UNIFORM ,,s BUILDING CODE TO ESTABLISH APPLICABLE FEES FOR PLAN-CHECKING SERVICES FOR REPEATED USE _ OF THE SAME OR SUBSTANTIALLY SIMILAR BUILDING ' k PLANS CCVENINC: RESTDENTIAL UNITS AS PART OF ONE DF.I c.i,iii'MrNT;' ADOPTING THE 1972 ACCUMULATIVE SUPPLEMENT TO THE UNIFORM BUILWNG CODES: REI?EALING Ordinance No, 71-6: D£.C:'LAR;NG AN EMERGENCY AND PRESCRIBING EFFF'C1'3F DATE, (a) Continued from council Meeting_ of July 10. 1972 (b) Recommendation tet City Ad wnistratoc 12. OTHER BUSINESS 13, CALL. TO AUDIENCE FOR TI-K,SE; F)F.,IF-'NG TO I;PEAK 14 :)r,P O URNM FNT a PAGE 2 -' COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 28, 1972 A s TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 28, 1972„ ?.30 P,M, 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Daniel L.. Larsen; Councilmen Robert C. Moore; Charles L, Norton; Councilwoman Carolyn J. Paisley'; Stephen M. Telfer, City Administrator; Fred A. Anderson, City Attorney;: Ray Rangila„ City Flanner> Doris Hartig, City Recorder Absent: Councilman Floyd H. Bergmann Nick Hiebert, Acting Director, of Public Works 2, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3, APPROVAL. OF MINUTES, August 14, 1972 (a) Approved as submitted 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter from CRAG reporting Oregon Law Enforcement Council has awarded to CRAG a grant to help perform a study on the 911 emergency phone system,. Letter from CRAG setting meeting September 7, 1972 regarding CABLE TV, 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS: $14_6671.43 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman fgoo re; seconded by Councilman Norton Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. g 6< CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION - Applicant is Coe Manufacturing_Co. Request to allow outside storage on an M-3,-Light Industrial parcel locited on the south side of S.W. Hunziker Street, approx. 1900 feet east of S.W. Hall Blvd, Tax'Lot-1202, Tax Map 2S1 1 Application approved by the Planning Commission (a) Setting of 'Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. September 11, >1972. ' (b) Motion to set public hearing: Councilman Norton; seconded by Councilwoman Paisley. Approved by ;unanimous vote of Council present. arc " 7. :ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - Applicant is City of Tigard. 'Request to:allow change of zone classification from R-7, Single Family Residential', C-3, GeneralCommercial and M-4, industrial Park to C-P, Commercial Professional. for properties designated as ' Tax Lots 1600, 1601 and 1700 on Tax Map 2S1 1AC; Tax Lots 3100, ' 3200,' 3300, 3400, 3500,;3600, 3700, 3800,, 3900,' and 3990on : Tax Map 2S1-1AD, and Tax Lots 100, 200, 300;-400, .500, x501, 701, and 1100 on Tax Map 2S1`1D, Properties in question bounded by S.W. Hampton Street on the north side, interstate 5 _(Baldock T -,Freeway) on the east side, State Highway 217 (Beaverton-Tigard Expressway) on the south side and S.W. 72nd Avenue on the west side. Application'approved by the Planning Commission. (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. September 11, 1972. . (b) -Motion to set public hearing: Councilman Moores seconded by Councilman Norton. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present: a s 8. ZONING ORDINANC-;-' AMENDMENTS n.rc c, nt is City of Tigard. Proposed amendnu-%ts to Section ) '45-2. 250-5, 250-6 and 110-3 of the City of Tigard t_n:nq Ord xiance, which would give the Tigard Planning Commission tlnal authority to grant conditional use permits and increase the minimum lct size within the R-7, Single Family Residential Zone from 7,000 to 7,500 square feet, Amendments approved by the Planning Cc*mn_ssi.on, (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8-00 l>.M, September 11, 1y72 (b) Motion to set Public, hearing: Councilwoman Paisley; seconded by counc:lm<.tn Moore. Approved by unansmou.f vnce of Council present,: 9, LIBRARY APPOINTMENT (a) City Administrator read letter of resignation from Library Chairman Dee Paterson. Tigard Library Board submitted names of 4 citizens who have expressed a desire to participate as members of the Tigard Library Board, Ci.ty Administrator recommended the appointment of Mrs. Walter Cundi£t, 12660 S,W, Watkins: (b) Motion by Councilwoman Pa.,:s;ey to appoint Mrs_ Walter Cundiff to a 4 year, term expiring December 31, 1975; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vete of Council present 10, ORDINANCE No. 72-49 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE. No- 70-42 (City of Tigard Building code of 1970 - adoptx.ng the 1970 Editions of the Uniform Building Code of the International Conference x of Building Officials) BY AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING Section 303 (b) OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING COI1E TO ESTABLISH APPLICABLE FEES FOR PLAN-CHECKING SERVICES FOR REPEATED USE OF THE SAME OR SUBSTANTIALLY SIMILAR BUILDING PLANS COVERING RESIDENTIAL UNITS AS PART OF ONE DEVELOPMENT,; ADOPTING'THE`1972 ACCUMULATIVE SUPPLEMENT TO THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODES; REPEALING Ordinance No. 71-6; -- DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PRESCRIBING EFFECTIVE " DATE,. (a) Continued from Council meeting of July 10, 1972, (b) Motion to adopts COuneilwoman Paisley, seconded by Councilman Norton Approved by unanimous vote of Council vresent, OTHER BUSINESS" ' A. City Administrator reported Mr. Otto Sorg will repair floor of library within the next week,`' a B. City'i%dm-inistrator stated a joint. study session of the City Council, Planning Commission and representatives of Tualatin Development Co, mgr will be held at City Hall, August 29, 1972 at 7;30 P.M. to review the Summerfield development, PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 28, 1972 C� City Administrator reported State Highway C�epartrent representative has left preliminary plan of the 99w paoject which is to be bid on September 29, 1972 Project to 4t.'irt at Multnomah County line and end at the Mcrxinald intersect.ici,.. D. Councilman Norton reported he had scheduled a meeting with the p.U.C. Commissioner regarding City of Tigard holding a hearing with respect to rate increase by General Telephone, E. Attorney Anderson commented on memorandum regaLu,ng time deadline for acceptance of nomination for city elective offices_ The _ question is: whether or not the failure to file an acceptance of nomination "within 5 days of notification of nomination" disqualifies the acceptance, The City Attorney's memorandum states the acceptances of nomination is directory only and not mandatory, therefore the acceptances are valid and the names of the candidates may be placed c±n the ballot F. Adjournment: 8:10 P.M; Czty eccrder V/ ATTEST: - Mayo � � v PAGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 28, 1972 k BILIS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT August 28, 1972 .GENERAL FUND U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 10572 Dean Cawley - Witness fee (l 1) 7.00 10573 Gary Jacobsen - Witness fee (11) 14.00 10574 Thomas Killion - Witness fee (11) 7.00 10575 Robert Oliverio - Witness fee (11) 7.00 10576 James Farmer - Witness fee (11) 7.00 10577 Gary Landis -Witness fee (11) 7.00 10578 Robert Wheeler - Witness fee (11) 7.00 10579 Alvin Hiebert - travel expense (19) 25.80 - 10580 Local Government Personnel institute Seminar _ (12) 17.00(13)17.00(14)17.00(15)17.00(16)119.00 (19)17.00 204.00 10581 Roger Thomssen-re-recording Garrett Lien release (12) 2.00 10582 Director Revenue & Taxation-back taxes St. Dedication 115th (20) 59.15 10583 Division of Continuing Education-Urban Planning (14) 1.50 10584 Washington County Surveyor-prints & plats (19) 32.00 10586 A-Boy West (17)19.15(20)5.22 24.37 10588 A & E Sales & Rentals-spark plug and adjust points- mower (17) 3.85 10589 Anderson & Dittman(11)238.00(18)168.95 406.95 10590 Business Equipment Rental(ll) .19(12)15.00(13) .78 (14)2.96(16)15.57(19)7.24(20) .76 42.50 10591 Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merrifield-copies Community Plan (14) 95.00 10592 -Columbia Maintenance-janitorial service (18) 145.00 10593 Daily Journal of Commerce-adv. call for bids on paving (20) 55.20 10594 Donald E. Fraser-polygraph examination (16) 35.00 10595 Farmcraft, Inc. - Casaron G-4 (17) 24.50- 10596 Gaylord Bros.-Library supplies (15) 40.58 10597 R. Eugene Giesbrecht, M.D.-physical-G. Landis (18) 30.00 10598 Marine Lumber Co.(17)18.30_(18)4.52(1,)3.64(20) 24.86 51.32 10599 Multnomah Co. Oregon(11; .56(13)2.71(14)2.74(16) 76:23(18)5.44(19)3.95 91.63 10600 Nudelman'Bros.-clothing - Policr Dept. (16) 188.25 10601 Peter's Office Supply-file,jackets (16) 46.40 10602 Pargas(12)31.80(16)279.16(20)70.00 380.96 10603 Police Equipment Specialist-hammer caps and plates(16) 21.50 10604 Rentex`Services Corp.(15)11.80(18)25.95 37.75 '.0605 S.W. Office Supply(14)8.54(16)9.60(19)20.55 38.69 10606 Greg Sundt-photo enlargements (18) 14.50 10607 Tigard Auto Body Works-paint Unit#1 (16) 198.50 10608 J. Thayer Co.-Supplies (12) 4.05 10609 Valley Petroleum & Welding-oxygen & acetylene (20) 16.08 10610 Valley Auto Parts(16)6.12(17)28.01(20)20:57 54.70 m"` 10611 Dan Allison-travel expense (19) -28.00 10647 Petty cash custodian(10)7.00(13)2.85(16)62.82(.18) 9.08(19)2.00(20)2.52 86.27 10650 Oregon Administration Co.-Emp. Ins. (619) 33.30 '0651 League of Oregon Cities-Kaiser(103)280.80(616) 267.08 547.88 10652 League of Oregon Cities-Blue Cross(103)362.61(616) 230.99 593.60 10653 League of Oregon Cities-Salary Continuation (105) 145.22 10654 Gary Jacobsen-Witness fee (11) 21.00 10655 Gerald Edwards-Witness fee (11) 7.00 10656 Dean Cawley-Witness fee (11) 7.00 10657 Thomas Killion-Witness fee (l 1) 7.00 10658 Donald Rea-Witness fee (11) 7.00 10659 Robert Wheeler-Witness fee (11) 7.00 10660 R.L. Thompson-travel expense (19) 22.71 10661 Portland General Electric (18) 1,356.79 10662 General Telephone Co.( 6)142.6O(18)441.77(20) 28.23 612.60 10663 Dictamatic Corp.-Maintenance Contract renewal- nymatic (16) 100.00 10664 Unique Book Stall-book (15) 3.20 10665 Bob Ewing Public Safety Group Ins. (618) 88.56 10666 State of Ore. Dept. of Motor Vehicles-Lic. Suspensions (11) 80.00 10667 Lyle M. Baker-rock (17) 20.00 10668 John W. Bradley-drawings-Jack Park (17.1) 400.00 10669 International Conference of Bldg. Officials- Mem. dues (13) 50.00 10670 Lane Laboratories-solvent and cleaner (20) 99.05 10671 Marsh & McLennan Inc.-insurance (18) 25.00 r 10672 Fred Meyer-caulk gun, caulk & ozite carpet (18) 11.74 10673 Multigraphics-repair offset print, machine (18) 18.00 10674 Print Mill-Offset plates(10)3.00(19)6.00 9.00 10675 Tigard Times (12)13.42(14)15.25 28.67 s• 10676 Wharton School of Finance-research on planning (14) 2.00 10677 Fairfax Co. Div. of `Planning (14) 1.00 10678 Mmir &Frank & Anne F. Hicks-books & records (15) 34.58 10679 Book Publishing Co.-final pmt. on basic code (18) 1,905.00 10680 Roger Thomssen-poll books & supplies (12) 237:83 10681 Shell Oil Co.(13)9.66(16)107.97 117.63 $9,141.36 h SEWER FUND. U.S NATIONAL BANK Check No 10599 Multnomah Co. Oregon-supplies (30) 1.75 g 10602 Pargas (30) 37:52 10610 Valley Auto Parts-supplies (30) 6.15 - 740 Oregon State Hwy. Dept.-(sewer relocation) (31) 4,283..23 10650 Oregon Administration Co.-Emp. Ins. ;(619) .91 10651 League of Oregon Cities-Blue Cross (103) 12.29 10653 League of Oregon Cities-Salary Continuation (105) 5.21 2742 Postmaster-postage for meter (30) 100.00 $4,447.06 A . •- =„u.-... xw . y� 1 - - - b STATE TAX STREET, U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 10598 Marine Lumber CO.-supplies (20) 11.70 1602 Pargas (20) 60.89 X304 Al's Sweeping Service-flushing streets (20) 148.50 2305 Minnesota Mining & Mfg.-pavement striping tape, etc. (20) 281.59 ' 2306 Bill Page Construction-top soil (20) 12.00 2307 Tigard Sand & Gravel-rock (20) 86.00 10650 Oregon Administration Co.-Emp. Ins. (619) 5.75 10652 League of Oregon Cities Blue Cross(103)60.58 (616)43.52 104.10 10653 League of Oregon Cities-Salary Continuation (105) 16.18 2313 Traffic Safety Supply-signs (20) 125.80 10681 Shell oil Co. (20) 90.01 2314 D.A. Davidson Paving Co.-Street patching (20) 40.59 2315 Oregon Culvert Co.-pipe and band (20) 39.15 $1,022.26 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. - -ae BANCROFT AND MISCELLANEOUS U.S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 10661 Portland General Electric Trust Acct. #525 (283) 60.75 _ TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $14,671.43 b µ` a s a