City Council Packet - 11/05/1970 C6 A F. C' i` J 5 1i SPECIAL MEETStC NZTEMBEF. 5: 1970. 4 00 %M, ROLY, CALL=;: Present Mayor Eo G. Kyle, CoanciLmen £ .:yd H„ Bergmann, Lan,_e:: L. Larsen, Robert Q Moore, S .epher Mo Tel,fer, City AamiriEtrator,r n. _a_ Ha2:tic,. City RecCzder Ahsent. Councilman Th mai M, O'Hal2orarj Fred A, Ande aon, City Artor::eyr ]Keith Q Thcmpscn•; Director of Public Work: Special meeting was duly called with the cc.mmsn consent cf t_ne Council for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the regulyr City Election November i, 1910, as certified to the City R c._rder by the Department of Records and Elect cn,so RESOLUTION 7G-12 RESCLUT*_CSN WITH FEEPEC7 70 ELEC:T:CN CE CCr UNC: •MEN _ (a) City Recorder reported returns of e 'ectior as certified by the Department c_" Records and Elections as frkcw.s Tctal Ealy.c:-cs Cast; For F1'+yd Ho Sergms._r- 9;'8 Charles 1N'_;rton 813 Carolyn 0. Paisley 715 Daniel Lo Larsen 694 WlilLam Co Phillips 520 Richard A. Rau _e?ie 421 Miscellaneous write-ins .4 According to the provisions of the C'h'arter.; the following Were elected to cfflce:. ..- 011 Floyd Ha Bergmann, elected as Councilman fOr a feur-year term beginning .:aruary 1, 197-'' Charles Lo Norton, elected as Councilman for a four--}ear term beginning January 1, 1971 Carolyn Jo Paisley, elected as Councilwoman for a two - year -term beginning January 1, 1971 (b) Motion.to adopt rescu i ns councilman Larsen, seconded by _Couneiman More, Approved by unanimous vote of council present. OTHER BUSINESS LANG HILL SUBDIVISION Administrator reported Unified Sewerage Agency has approved plans submitted by Stan Adkins, developer of Lang Hill � Subdivision and, since they will be using Mtv facilirips E recommended C ,t.y Cram up cornract let;reen Un^f.iad Sewerage Agency, Mr. AdkinE, and the O ty of Tigard. Council diycusaed and requested P -nir_ .ra.t<<_ write letter to Uzrif>3 SeUO:age AgeOCY stat r q the1ty, c, wUld allow the sewer connection Crs:__ d the Ciny Limits and that contract he dup. The contract to include a pro rla ._r_ that Lang HJI Subdivision annex to City when. apprcved by Boundary Favew Cona lssion, ADJOURNMENT. 4;35 P.M'. City Recorder ATTEST. 0 4s Mayo_ Page 2 Special Council Meeting 11/5/70 s