City Council Packet - 12/28/1970 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 28, 1970, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JR, HIGH SCHOOL i LIBRARY ROOM AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, December 14, 1970 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS $9,055.91 7. PROCLAMATIONS OF APPRECIATION (a) Mayor Kyle 8. DERRY DELL SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 9. PROPOSED CITY OF TIGARD ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS (a) Amend Zoning Application Fees Include' a P-D Planned Development District (b) Setting of Public Hearing: 8:00 P.M. January 11, 1971 10. CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION, FIRESTONE TIRE & 'RUBBER%CO. (a) Request for conditional use approval to allow retail tire,sales and service on 1.17 acre C-3 General Commercial parcel located on S. side of S.W. Villa Ridge`Way approximately 260 feet west of S.W. 72nd Ave. Map lS1 ,36DB, Tax Lot 2602. Application approved by Planning Commission (b) Setting Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. January 11, 1971 11. CONDI'.LIONAL USE APPLICATION, IRON MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT CORPORATION (a) Request for conditional use approval to allow'a day nursery in the C-4,-Neighborhood' Commercial Canterbury Shopping'Center located on the west side of the Highway 99-W frontage road,' north of S.W. Bull Mountain Road. Map 2S1 10A, Tax Lots 1700 and 1800. Application approved by Planning Commission (b) Setting Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. January 11, 1971. 12. CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION, DONALD POLLOCK - HERB WATKINS (a) Request for conditional use approval to allow a planned residential development of 38 single family,dwellings on a 6.46 acre R-7, Single Family Residential parcel located on South sides of S.W. Walnut and S.W. Fonner Streets, approximately 230 feet North of S.W. Watkins Avenue, Map 2S1 2BC, Tax Lot 1900. Application approved by Planning Commission (b) Setting Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. January 25, 1971. 13. APPROVE CONTRACT LERON HEIGHTS STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 14. PROPOSED CITY OF TIGARD SIGN ORDINANCE (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. 15. AUTHORIZE APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY CITY RECORDERS WITH AUTHORITY LIMITED TO VERIFICATION OF CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 16. OTHER BUSINESS 17. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 18. ADJOURNMENT T 1 G_ h R G C e. T; s C j L' N' C' _. REGULAR MEETING L'E',.^FXBE"R M, 1. ROLL CALLx Present- Mayor E. G. Kyle, H. Bergmann, Daniel .� Warsen, Rche�rt C. M.eo::eg Stephen M. Telfer,�City Adminiw-ra*ar; rra-d A. Anderson„, City Atcsrneys Keith C. T^c �psas ; Director of Pab"iia Ray :RangiWa, City Plannsrg Doris Hart ice; City ecgrder Absent. Ccuanci'.„man :hcamaa M. C°:�alleran 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGZANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES,. Decembe= 114, 197-1 (a) Approved as submitted 4. WRITTEN COMMUNZCATZONS (a) None 5. APPROVAL OF $I $90055.91 (a) Motion to approve° Councilman Bergmann, seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 6. PROCLAMATIONS OF AP2'RECZATuON (a) Mayor Kyle wished to express his gratitude for their assistance,to him during his term of office and presented certificates of appreciation to the followings Attorney Fred A. Anderson Councilman Floyd H. Bergmann City Recorder Dories Hartig Police Sergeant John R. Murley police Chief Hugh H. wilkinuon City Administrator Stephen M. Telfer 7. DERRY DELL SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) City Administrator stated letter received from C. J. Montag agreed to withholding of $4.500. for cleanup from the 10% retainer. Approval Of payment of retainer fee will be presented at next Council meeting. Citydmi ni strato questioned Council if they felt any adjustments should be made to the proposed assessment roll. No objection was made_;by Council and assessment notices will be mailed in January. x' t 8. PROPOSED CITY OF TIGARD ZONING ORDINANCE AMENWENTS (a) Amend Zoning Application Fe®s Include a P-D Davelopment District ' Setting Public Hearing S OO P.M. January ll, 1971 s retan 1 tole �a. e a- -Ce 1 o Ze-r en a..:. Commart r a,so jc� i .. :a. +3 .: way all: ?"77, cot 0. CONE... .•:`NAL.. USE .r'• ..,C.'1_".. _ .- "S M 37,. 0 - s-. .;,;rY•: ., eEIA, MI.n,aor _ t To aro AC7. Sooting aat. pa.c. tc Ital .nc { a= ware, sec =:Y C.. an bergm•a'. -.Approved by or so jm:4, w te C, "r ino CQNETTIONALn USE AP ATI N, L_NALD c - :-E. _ NA`'f.,,a (a) Request , ccnaltinnal one alyrawya 7 1 a''ou a,, planned tee:=_ at'ia Kine:_ 36 _:.rcg e c> _ _ dam } vws gs - r 5,46 aci.. - 7 PoWdent0 ra-c- 4eti _ s 'i Rasa z w _rn streets, a;3r-.Iwate2Y 23C h zs SettingTuhklO RearirlWCO b 1. Aniary seconded t y C unc N Approved ky unanimau? C, 'As" 12. AFFACrVE1 C'ONTFACT 1EF'_W HEZOETT ITREE7 HI N& E "'T (a) CitY AAfAiMi ,LYator _ .4Ted 's achand e^' eft icer„ of .etxn Heights ..gi,:- _,c' n:,; y .. recommended City delay actics a......., cOntract. rerelverao Matter set 6,wr;'to n,X, r meeting. r.g. Page 2 Council Minutes 2/2B/l 13. PROpO5ED CiT'y ^F GARS AW L'i:N'E a> Vnkliv Rea.: E K 1 M Zhu jsiiiiiea .Ni3'„ tt h.vtvv •_:,". OWE! f..-.___...... -._. K Mr `e fere MV.-;Ta. A'alhir;T'n Fen—a. A ,an tb.i matzoa_....._ _lh.' nuarong to F a:m a_r y . Ill Y: C ;,e W.. C,: .. _. Lars= aecorlas by C" nnci.maz 4, reo Approved b ^aninv:s v:.e xe. - . ,. (cl City A"min ___......`d re% ewwd will Ci n== .., __._ee-r: (17i reconsemden _.M1on....,e ._ n"WY5z to code. c __, req,a_ a e :gyres.' he .11. in a aft of zdlnanceo loo AUTHORIZE AT LIP ME't,'a r.Ei'-'_.: :} _E_ ': rF= : N171 X07. .'. : Y' LIMITED TO PFE'iF'Rrr '_'=:i kNt i' .?F: :iG __ C '411A. 07- (a) _(a) A_.mi _tra_ ar .____ea ain.. n ._ -c t Ci Fea der- Sat H ._ »._ ,._ s:e_�.e a_; votary fab .•_ toy ply its Ita=a l_., AT Motion by councilman .a. __, t.:- apyc'._T t Ho Brown and saxen ,1s' Recorder.; xec&rci'd b} CavncLlman Fe q w.:M Mati"on by Councilman Bergmann t:? a Onl m0'°._oc. appcint k'atricia H arcwm and .a.,.ny Q 9a.* .s at Dep,ity City Recorders Wth aniharzzaticn lnmhra*l to preparation and w_nnessing , r cam. .a.rts, seconded by oiunac.lmars larssn. Amendment approved by In :ncaa v '.e t: Fre��.ato Call for vote an main ,^y o• a � a p_ vved by ' 2Sna,t,i.,.n.,1svnte ofCo_n i.. present. � OTHER FU "VESS A. OFFICIAL CENSUS (l) City Administrator reperted City tl'ans to take census during the month at lanua_ as Officialc^e 1tsus taken in 1 indicates trite"..#u.M.at«' n fnr the City of T.ga=d W 53G2. Cast of,c__•sus will be <about, $1,000. PAS CV7 to furnish OfMice spale, recruit enumerate and pay r„-.e__ i•or:y-- w<ageo Administrator recommended Courcil InTalzazG g Mayor and Carty Recorder to execute clttravO w..*' ' State of"Wagon C'enter far 1WPTVlatL0n Teysa^& and Cenauso 4 Page 3 - council Minutes 12/28/10 PEE W x PLAN company 01.1 r.'1 naeown.-V _ _ r Y at, w r__. scae _ _. _ an" Lee a._,T_ rec _.__ Qe __c-n.e 3i &Pa emPn-Yews i.% W L _.. arw. :. .._ .....na.; c, r; a c- V Repreventatines on Tzavn. bn tt_ tc .wee_ with C.10 F" V <_. next r .- . er meeting,, C STAN ADRINT ;..AN F-IL sykj- _ K A- (a v C'..t y Adm.v.s, a Adm. a'- r o-- -' .. _._ _. t e.. prc sewer .. ra<,. .t .., . .e rat'; invarnaL a s k., , i_y . . _. ins ec...,..4... „ �Ac. ;n cx ._ o_ it _ C1 he done ar ae _ga _, Matter will be onnuldered an .ar 'd: sneer_ng, I} COUNCILMAN 'THG:'MAI` .?". r_i.'.r:N RE`. . . 4: W ( Mayor tt,.,R real al e . December Z8w 191C tr.n C^unc; ,naA WHalkzar. ( ) Vatict, inVatic acce,pt. reaignazons, seg: Ccu ;pan Mc ;ire, secc,nA_c *.,>z C ...nan Bergmann, Apprcve& by "nan,.m_ui ' cowncij present. E COUNCILMAN DANZEL 1, LAPSEN (1) mayor Kyle read kenter - gna io , e:'te..ol1r, DeceRDsr A& 1970, from C.anc...car 'Be e:, (2) Mcnia" by caanzlzman Pergmanow accept :e ^a- w Aper ved by ar..antimaT c.ne ^f CCjnC Fa a,P (31 Mayor Kyle staxed aspre Canno,nman .,,..e,u .e:.:n, Of Office aLmOd recemter it, 190C. hs -,aAs not, fill he unexpired w F. APPOINT DANIELc Z. :.,XRSEiti W F_., a UYEXYOSEE, 7ERS' 'I THOMAS M, n' HAL:rCRAv Temm c ex.: W. C er 1972. Page 4 — Caiancik minutes 2a'�zs,�70 IM Par gma,,.. Ac ravea h, w ar Ln, E, - t 1 C art _ mar oar "ez ,. G. GA'I'N OF rFF. CE T. CC_L•h AN! t SC'i WmAN I:..F ar_a .:r:: _ F. Ell,, PAWY, r.. he:Tman: te_a ce Ca: ;,-r i H. ADS'C RNMENT UK 5 ti ..M A'I TEST Page 5 — Council Minutes 12/18/70 F - BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT December 28, 1970 ';ENEPJIL FUNTD U. S. NATIONAL BANY 'heck Azo. 71.53 General. Telephone (18)S 557.02 7161 Business Equipment Bureau - (11) 1,55 (12)13.04 (16) 1.9.75 (19) 2.24 40.95 7io verc.ial Communisations Co. - Radio Main.�16 31.00 ? M o tVehicles Division - TeletypeService 16 29.00 7167 Anne Hicks - Library Books 15 26.88 7168 Management Information Services - Sub. �12 50.00 716a Multnomah County - Supplies - (12) 20..07 (16) 1.11- (18) 6.50 77.99 7170 North Coast Electric Co. - Auto Main. 16) 3.51 7171 Oregon Assn. Chiefs of Police - :hies 16) 50.00 71.72 Oregon Hi-F-4 Recorder Co. Supplies (12 21.75 ?173 Ancorn National Services, Inc. - Books (15 15.78 7174 ryecutive Dept. - State of Cregon -701 Stud�l� 4,000:79 717: FarUas 7276 City of Portland - Supplies 16 7.13 7177 Portland General Electric Co. (18 1,143.65 7178 Shell Oil Co. - (12) 919; (13) 14.70 (14) 4,43 (16) 511.95 541.02 7179 Singer- Friden Division - Rental Postage M chine 18 57.00 7160 St. ndard Oil Co. - Gas 16 10.04 7181 Stark fat. Lavin & Garden - Equip. Main. 17 7.35 >` 7182 Tigard Auto Body Work, - Auto Repairs (16 86.50 7,062.36 SEWER FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 7164 Business Equipment Bureau - Copying (30 1.55 < 7177 =ortland General Electric Co. {30 386.54 i.` 2289 Certified Laboratories,Inc. - Supplies (30 234.07 2290 Frahler Electric Co. - ,Equip. Main. 30 2.5.04 g 2296 Irwin--Hodson Co. - Printing of Bonds - Leron Heights (32.5) 194.02 2297 Marine Liunber Co. - Supplies 30 7.89 2296 Nurnberg Scientific - F:quipmert (30 286.50 2299 Title ins. Co. - Title Reports -Derry De1132.4 188.00 2;1,223.61 c"r x; STATE TAX ^TRiET FrJriTD. !J, 'S. NATIONAL BANK r Check No. i 7175 Fargas 20 31.70 7176 City of Portland Supplies 20 12_4:69 7176 Shell Oil-Co, �20 78.35 1785 Columbia_Ecuipment - Gutter Broom 20 37.50 1786 Del Chemical Corporation Paint Remover 20 55.02 i 1787 Feennuglty-Machinery Co. - Equipment Rental(20 355.00 682.26 t; e� .x J; ROAD FL"M, IJ. 3. NATIONAL BANF Check No. 77.63 General Telephone (20 .40 717E Citv of Portland -� Supplies (>20 26,00 7177 Por+land General Electric Co. `20 4.96 ?-q7 Marine Lumber Co. – Supplies 20 3.17 178,.3 Maryatt Industries —Laundry Service 25.15 17r3q Portland Traffic Safety Commission – Work Books 20 12.00 1790 Traffic Safety Supply– Signs HO 16.00 w 87.68 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLEO 1 2 F _ fr, zi El 'y