City Council Packet - 12/14/1970 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1970, 7:30 PM FOWLER JR. HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY ROOM AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, November 23, 1970 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS $31,052.51 7. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Administrator (b) Building (c) Finance (d) Police (e) Public Works 8. APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION (a) Town Tavern, 12370 S.W. Main St., Retail Malt Beverage Class C. (b) Recommendation of City Administrator 9. APPROVE PROGRESS PAYMENT #7, SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT $28,549.06 (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 10. DERRY DELL SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) Approve payment of 108 retainer - less $4500 for cleanup; "work (b) City's share of project and assessments (c) Recommendation of City Administrator 11. ORDINANCE No. 70 7 AMENDMENT TO POTTER PLANNED RESIDENTIAL CONDITIONAL USE (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 12. ORDINANCE No. 70 - AMENDMENT TO CANTERBURY SQUARE CONDITIONAL USE r (a) Recommendation of City Administrator a ` W x 13. APPROVE REFUND - OVERPAYMENT SEWER CONNECTIONS (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 14. ORDINANCE ADOPTING SIGN CODE FOR CITY OF TIGARD (a) Setting of Public Hearing December 28, 1970, 8:00 P.M. 15. APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TYPE TWO STREET SYSTEM (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 16. AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF WATER STUDY AGREEMENT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 17. OTHER BUSINESS 18. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 19. ADJOURNMENT 'City Council Agenda, 12/14/70 Page 2 < TIGARD CITY 0 U I`T C .I- L REGULAR IYIEETING DECrIBER 14. 197-.), P.,I•L. 1, ROLL CALLi: Present. P•Tayor E�G. Ky!e, C uy.c i ir.an F, ,y I I' Bergmann, Robert C, 'Moore, ^hor_tas Pt J'I ,- �rar•. Stephen Poo Telfer. Cit-yFr :i A, Anderson., City Attorney. NL--k '- "-c-' p` o' Public k'orks; Ray Rangiia, City Piarner , I lr':e Hartig, City Recon' t--r Absent: roux:-ailm n Daniel L Iar_sen 20 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3, APPROVAL OF MINUTES, November 1970 h, 117RITTEN COMMUNICATIONS n (a) Letter from Mash gt,on Couri-, adv _ng :--r L---r—mal hearing to be hci,{ at Tigard S High 5 •hzx,`. '7030 P.M. Jan,Kary4 i9ii i ss ;.rye exter�- sion of thedvrof So1'; Blvd, City A,.uni , ,:rator vd _. senA le- rer well as preser:t: r , _ t 1 Lm,',-'1,Y of C,ty"v n -rc _ecommndir.g (b) Letter from R J Man ue 5`5 So;d. Greenbury Road regarding d.ispo5al _f aead :.sis. 5, APPROVAL OF BILLS X31,052051 (a) Motion to approve Councilman O'Halloran, recon-ed by CouncilmanMoore Approved;by unanimous vote of Cou.:,cil present 6, 14ODTTHLY REPORTS (a) notion to approve, Councilman Bergmann.;, seconded by Co,_nclman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote -3f Counc%l present. 7e APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE RENE''AL APPLICATION (a) Town Tavern, 12.3-70 S.W. Rain Street, Retail Nair Beverage Class Co w: City Administrator reported Police De-oarrment had reviewed and recommended renewal. (b) Motion to approve. Councilman O`Ha !_..-an, seconded',by Councilman 110-oreo Approved by unar,.lm.,�s vote of C—inc x l pre 3 t:.. f' 8, PROGRESS PAYMENT 07, SEWAGE 'Pu TMENT PLANT W 1491%. (a) t✓ Admit ' ;tra mend p va ' L fu%er exl, L­j Wh" ?I payment me. I t a " + r ;e &e i _ Tid z sly 0 t, >realm • o- PlQuT , C. 1 nC 1 iman BHI gm ,I,n: hecunds l Q C ^ail O'Halloran, „is , Appr•w,-c.. by t_, vote r C m i i sant, �. 9e DERRY DELL SEVER IMPROVEMENT D(SIRTCT (a) Wim ..-.J t f a'l [ �wuw e;i 1. :L (' .s- pendiilf receipt .... .c. Y aE . ng :u la:ns of (L) City Admin2 <_ ur L.-v "en role s - ai f1 om S,eveus, n},._ml ,rl a. R !a, and Cit _ O J `Q00"u- no' : . after ha. da C AdmIn 1 x,..a mi mended $31,049.15, In, a r c: -he line, h;i, ,C Boat; N ini un the „.. r the possiblead ';i: Whittaker F Jp e = law t. 700 mopJ: Q31,049,45 f he Derry Dell 3,we7 Coun; lman "`all __.., d ms-s v0*,e j ., f Ce c_.. present, dpor e- u5 _.__ - 10; ORDINANCENo, 70'-49 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE No, 69 and ORDINANCE N 69_51, PRESCRIBING REVISE CONP'.TTONS FOR CONDITIONAL USE FOR "PLANNED;RESTDEdTiAL" DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES t t::HIS' THE R-7 ZoIiE or CERTAIN; SANDS IN S_c tiol. 31. TIS, RI4, &M, TI.GARD,;WASHINGTON COUNTY..OR_' 0^I, DECLARING hf? 'ET .R ENCY ATdD SER'T''NG EFFECTIVE DATE, (a) Motion to appra CAU 6,1man :-1alluran. seconded b Coun,:_ mai, Bergmann, Approved by u:-an.im, z' C •N,' i I;r es 1' 110 CRDINANCE No. 70 AN ORWANCE AIMIEND2,G ORDINANCE E N 70 26 WITH RESPECT TO vNDIMIONA! USE OF LANDS OF ,R E MOUNTAIN TN ESTMENT COMPANY ZONTED C:..n N- ghboi. ood miner L L' IN .SPC 10.. T2S, RIM rT,,M,: WITHIN THE CITY OF TIGARD, RECD RING APPROVAL OF THE T, COUNCIL FOR ALL RESTAURANT USES % c AND DEVELOPITNT OTHER i "HIV A SINGLE RES1.",TJRAN^ PAC.L� `' .:ERE!TxiFOR APPROVED. AND DECLARING AN M ERGENCY• (a) Motijn to appr.. _ , C,,,VjjM,, pytgyar,u, spoonded 6y Councilwal M A.p;r vsd by unanimv,n vote _ 1 _ rese.r.- Page 2 ..+,uricii M'_.c_.tes 'i. ! ' 12. ORDINANCE No. 7G j . AN CRDINANW& AUViiRIZINI O.0101',CNAL U3E Pope, iL Seo , 34 T:S R.V. .ARD, VASH]NGTON COUNTY , OREGON, (a) Public Hearing Q on PA! N: Testimony, P blic. Hwar .-,g Crosed (b) Muti6n •_, p, n e. c:,n,, an Me,je, _ qvw, by Counzilman O'Ha i gran, Approved t:, vLanimnAs vote •* C ,ar '. a 13. ORDINANCE No. 70-5? AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL USV S 7 ON LANDO OF Conrad E Ncve rsor & 1reneS. A:;1ersson . n Se., to P1S WIM, TIGARD PIrSFr =It r ^:�iuNl•r Or r;'::UN,. _ (a) Public Hearos,g 000 P,M, Those who testified foo approval , Chester K McGriff. 0861 S,V. 95th; Herbert Olson, 20765 &W, Greeobowg Road, Fred S. Sou"g, 10965 S,T. 95th, Public is Hea: Close l (b) Motion to a.t.gt: Cobra man Bergmann, .sewyndei Y, Councilmen O'Halloran , , _ Approve.d c., -nanlmoAs vo, f of v present: 14. REFUND OVERPt'i Y;'rN_ - 6 SEWER 0 ON iT I ONS (a) Ci lc Administrator ^e`rwrtt•e City had ✓c yharged for sewer connections or r pin xi ti,_g ha':__;ec, Fee shnald have been 8`300, and L:i y Acmini.s?rator requested authorization , refundCity's share 7f overpayment or $90. Overpayment was made by the follow nge M.rse Aria Lerner11875 SXn 7>b Alta V. Fowl iH S,W, Lynn Sl.�,eer Gle.ui M Lamm ._1520 S.W,-98th. Avenue Borgheld M. Strom, Q435 S,& ireenburg, Rhe Paul Luckero•th 11885 So W. Ann Street, David R. Cro•.w, 11875 &K Rynn Si;ee t ° (b) Motion by Councilman Moore to ref4_^.3 overcharge on the 6 connections, for a tova; of $90<oq seconded by Councilmen Bergmann, Approved by unanimous vote of Cour_o:; present. 15.• SIGN CODE FOR CITY OF TIGARD (a) Setting Public Hearing 8:00 P.& Decemter 28, 1970, (b) Motion to sew public heat ngs C 6wilman O'Halloran," seconded by C,uncilman Moore, m Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. Page 3 - Council Minutes 12!14/70 16o APPROVE TENTATIVE T"F;• 'I:;C' STNS a t' f 2.) C:ty TOPIC y i)i f r r.. I c it r man 0 r'ai :u . t, :r'a 3r.rgri ...- 5 Approved ;ry .'x.:nncs ': ,, I r-,,enr- 17. AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUI _OAT OT' .GRTFT Nl' S: 7 i 'T11k 1 D 4"CATER DISTRICT FOR1-.TATER SNSTEN PRP.? NT!"R r?F,aI . S'T'i_I d _ l:Jfl or behalf if !!h T r t,' ib) Mc;-I Ly C.— n:- T,g.i d. 'Tater secorY�c:—,. by Appro "__i tv A. City Adm.inisti r0r r 1a Uth�x Federal Prog w,; p ., r r;. .r i �.,'i_m ,r. 2 L t `, z . meet would be be' _ 2h. 'J tj ` 'I'".c, rd a,1- Stla A f" Ga rout: While , _ ...., .w,,3s...Y'1 ng`Jft url"�"r' IS �.., .�_., y - iCt 1.c. ""hey, 20 po_ :tions to'' -_e C-t. l _ .r IY,ara _ 'cc to the City for particlp .i.n in ine :r. ii Taff m in+ery eira re je,:t or rele-as. emp, ,;Yee to provide stperrt jct an Jer'Leal t',c'k pr ,�e_sjng time reports. Motion by Coan:i7man I`Ia.tre t:, authj tzc_ Mayr and t+:itriris rata. to sign;agreement s;:i behalf ,,f 'Cit, led by C ...L:z men Bergmann Approved by unantm—. --. ` .te -,f ..4';5..l p-rtsr:. B, LOADING ZONE, TIG'.RD BARGA N HOUSE, S,-r 1ACiF1 G.:r.'Ati 11) City Auministrater statedt 1,a_ neer. 'ade by Ti.gar;d'B<rgay.cr Ho_ise t., a `i rr riF :5 mi loading zone cr, the ex2Ye_t.e t loVeOf S,Wl Pacific Highway Ln frl-nt of Chanes F• T.gard SchcoI C ty ;_,dm._ istraf r r°e:.oLe._n ed be`den iedi� -ai__e-Wa.s no jus'.i.ficaf,on' to,pro4 de any one:pc.p=rty owner w1th personal loading zone and suggested - the t if City t•,rl.shed they could allow park,;.ng all along area in front of Charl:e3 F, Tigard Sc. ol on a limited bas.:.,. .M,,*,ter li._ _stied by Attcr:.ey and stiff, Page 4 Council _4fn U12/14/7,.) (2) Mul ion by Coancilman 0 Hall�uan rD deny roq-, fw 1 )ad.nE one Muwon denied for aw f w.wd, (3) Mot.= by Co,nviiman Xrgrran" r. nfrw� ' Attorney to prepare or_wu,o to pr wvid, v minute parking zone from Sawh t Tigard Bargatra HGwse iD first cntE on—�nv� Charles F. Tigard School parkin g !a*, seconded by Cw, ncilmn" �.ore. Motion failed for Yck Q urinnimo,s vote., P .,no A, man Bergmpnn and MaDre voting ATF; 14yor Kyl-? and CWUnCL1riRn 0"A i 7.. ...._ voting VPY Request 1 )n loadng zunQ Lenin' C, S.W. MAIN STREET PA11ROAD CROSSING 11) City Pdryi1ni,frplar -Vj Afjvrno, jtp, r ; vunt:r.00d ibishear'01 Df CZ11YO71 :L - ,.Oq Fvidence t-VwE hy naor., nxam.usy -a, - nwci .:n� tnday and wtow f wvf - q wiLl L L, nn ,r, 3-4 months, D. VANDALISM AT COOK PARIUK (I I Mayor Kyla reques en p4bl ,� L� np�� P—, � -hp, ren*1 on- �' of dvind� ; 013 he" S M�ju a A h 'Pw! !, Yj2h, qr7e &q 9 -iran, ha, , *"n i 011.17� mry to wRe4 Uj �nc C."j , EADJOUHNI,17,11 3: 0 City Renoraer ATTEST. A Ilayo, ----------- r` _ l _. - ( ;"1 !- 07r. 7)77 7 } ( (" 7 l'_ _ , a (17)4.05 ( .7..o 7" _ : 7049 Pionvvr 4"tionpi Title Qu. 77 nn 715n pubbor 70pp 70, sl- _ .r; I IV1 - " if 7055 Stato of OreL-q Division of Auj!Q Audit T enort ( ,__ ,_, �, Anthony .e�. 1) 7006 Raymond C. Rnnglia - Nilenge 95.76 7157 Lonnie Rr n i t 4 ' f 7097 Keith C. Thompson n ` De . 709P "!ph" Duckett,, Inc. Foin. (lr S ", % Priction SiTply, Inc. i`t. 7100 Linc-Up Shops, Inc. 175.0-5 M2 Morthwent Industrial 3uppi _ 1.r. ( )1_.. 7103 Northwest nt - 0s: (I } h ' u, 77 7104 Portland generni Flecrrir Co. (ic,cG 5.C3 7105 RoAer T'1 ,;ss i Elentipn Expenses 51. 7106 TiCard Auto 2odyo7 - F F, r: t' . 70.7 7107 Tignrd fusiress n, _4 t Placbine Main. 7103 TiS_rd Water District (17) Gao 7109 Times ,itho-Fr ,ie cticn Txpenses 39-30 711" Tigard Times Fublication. Notice (l `% 10.07 7113 United ripe Supply Co c,u;ip.. . n. (17) C5 7114 Vniley Auto art tc (IG) 7703 7117 ,ishin� u ton' County - Care ris hers (IG) 195-DO 7118 Southwest Office .Supply Supplies s fig) 45-75, 7119 Kilhat. Stationery & Pit= i ,ce Su plies((19) 1 :'n 7120 .1oolach Tire Service Onno,o (16 50 17.50 Payroll, Taxes F Deductions 00,S62.18 Bank Balance ;26,350.16 i.-r rUld 1, it NT] (,c e:ipts ills i 1. Ti v:).. Check No 71J3 "dorth.,e st P?.Cural 7104 Pc,r`tlr.7r7d Cir •",1 Ti7107 J Ea:, 'T J; Tap Tnc 2r O s.n_.r ic,.n :[r(I us ^e - 1 i 1 7,-' 22'l b1etzj,er ,r it ry Dit S.: �p Van '!at_rs r R,ger. :161_ DERRY DsLI. 2274 C. J. YontaL x .molts 15 Banat STATE TAX STREET FUND U. S N TICN?_L ?AN,K Balance, October 31, 1970 1,655.45 From Time Deposit: !?,75t'.. ;4 Bills Paid Nov. 23, 197,'; Balance „ !jl,F'60.59 Check, No. 70;1 Petty Cash - Equip T'ain. (" } E? 7114 'Talley Auto Parts Supplies (. ) X4.4, 1769 D. A D?Vld.gori Par!-,,,L, Co. - t (Po) 5!, I^� J•' 1770 Tigarr_ Sand v Gravel Co. 1771 Union Oil Co. - Supplies _(2G�} X6.41+ 1772 ?Talley Petrolcum&': v ...'-ding - Supplies (20) ` 'L Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 37.03 ,418.52 Bank_ Balance ;$38,442.07 ROAD FUND U S. NATIONAL BArTK Balance, October 31, 1970 K 10,902.01 Receipts 1,539.78 Bills Paid Nov. 23,',1970 ( 64.40) Balance 12,377.39 Check No. 7103 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (20) L3.77 7104 Portland General Electric Co. (20) 12.31 7107 Tigard Business "achines - Nain. (20) 2:67 7114 `Talley Auto Parts quip i;ain. 2C) 66.87 1772 Valley Petroleum& e idin. - Supplies ?_0 6.72 177 Bonita Glass Eaux Main. � 0� 76.64 1774 6 Robblees, Inc. Equip P,ain 20 11.60 1775 Ti and Auto Zeclning - Equip. ?lain. �20� 5.00 Payroll, ,Taxes & Deductions 592:53 Balance 76E.11 TRAFFIC SAFETY 7118 Southwest Ofr?ce Supply - Plans 2.ir) 77`}. .1 Bank Balance �t COMSTRUcTTO l Pur! U ;)rt T rpm KT]T,r) {ti, P ';i T I U. TTM.,-.-L , 3_�rICPO_ i ,r}4 U °TATIOPT BAITCPii;�T ''_`), TI. N TIO" i ,J n' 87 , r"tri(:[-'�(,1T ! c nr,mnp n7 �r}.,.' r (. �T ,46, Ti. 1.._ C o? BAP?.POF TT,TIUT iL P,t?int TOTAL C i;, tN , YrBL1.3 TOTAL a . . f= T:'&MORAIIDUM TO: City Council FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Monthly Progress & Status Report DATE: December 11, 1970 1. Sewer Plant _ Construction at the sewer plant is nearly complete. There are, however, a number of minor deficiencies which have been documented in a letter to Stevens, Thompson & Runyan and the contractor. 'These deficiencies are impairing the operation of the plant during its trial period. tae have requested that the design engineers spend a minimum of two full days with our plant operator to monitor the operation of the plant and make recommendations for forwarding to the contractor to correct the bugs. 2. Derry Dell Sewer Project You will receive, Monday night, the final assessment roll for consideration. Because we are in the holiday season, we feel that it would be inappropriate timing to anticipate full return of the assessment notices and ,Bancroft authorizations on December 30th,: which had been our previously scheduled date. We are therefore going to 'delay sending these notices so that the people have an opportunity to consider their assessment in the first"week of -January. As previously discussed, we will be aslting the contractor to ;agree to a 14-day extension, which means he will have 11 consecu- tive calendar days onsecutive `calendar =days next summer to finish the work, upon notice to .. proceed. Upon receipt of the contractor' s endorsement of this agreement, we will;be coming ;to the Council for release of all but $4500 of the $13,000 and some 'odd dollars retained from the contract payments to date. 3. Loading Zone on 99W The owner of the Tigard Bargain House has requested the estab- lishment of a 'one-car loading zone in the extra lane on the Charles F. Tigard Elementary School side of the highway. ' Fred Anderson recommends that the establishment of a single space loading zone for one =given property owner ,is perhaps not an appropriate action on the part:of the City. The staff"has somewhat mixed emotions about `establishing loading zones in that area at all; on the other hand, it recognizes >some `of the problems of both the school and the Bargain Rouse, due to their closeness to the highway. At this stage, I would prefer to deny the establishment of any loading zone and leave the existing no parking requirement in effect. The fact that the Bargain House is a non-conforming use, with little or no parking available, does not, in my opinion, make it any more worthy of a loading zone than any other business. You have the alternative of establishing a 10- or 15-minute loading zone the entire length of the extra lane in front of Charles F. Tigard .Elementary School, which would facilitate both the Bargain House and parents who wish to drop off or pick up their youngsters at the school. 4. The City will be participating in a federal program known as Step. This is a program of an emergency nature, funded entirely by the Federal Government, to help solve the high unemployment problem. It is particularly geared to people whose workmen' s compensation has reached an end and no other means of support is available, other than welfare. The program is being administered through the State E'raploy- ment Agency; Washington County is the recipient of the grant, and they have in turn allocated a portion of the grant to some of the cities in the county. We have been allocated 20 positions, beginning immediately, and we will be asking your permission to allow the mayor and myself to sign the agreement at your meeting Monday evening. The people hired under this program will. be used in all of our departments for data gathering, .inventory of nuisances, labor involving drainage work or additional park clearing and cleanup, or any other work that we can find for them to do. 5. Cook Park Damage Recently, the police department apprehended four juveniles after witnessing them 'damage some of the -turf at Cook Park in an automobile.' Two of the youths were from the local area and were remanded to Washington County Juvenile Court; the other two were from Multnomah and Clackamas Counties, respectively, and were therefore remanded to those juvenile courts. I was informed yesterday_that the Washington County, Juvenile authorities have requested restitution of the costs from the youths and I understand these will be forthcoming next creek. It is my hope that this kind of approach will be used in the future because I'believe that it will act as amore effective deterrent to s other young people acting first rather than thinking. Respectfully submitted, SMT:jp Page 2 - Progress & Status Report w CD00oO0Oc )::0000< C'c>co 0 o c)cD 0000 O 000 Ch i)000700 O(;00 r, c, 00 c)C, O O(O N N N CV( O c-l' >O O<t O C)C)C)C• CJ a'T '� >'• 0•tN f\tr\toO0r)OC)v-C)OCC)C-)C] h h v In rn cn un,n N;r\u) n 0 O v v u•«r1 I.�v 10 r'. �P Cm r i it O IT c7' 1- T 11N In T _« ri N r-i ri ri ri N(\I N N (YN L-.`I -1 QJ _ . N i9 4- -,I.,..t N n ri N I I N U a) A T E I H ri H H r-i cl) O •ri•rt ^)O m Q N a U a N a) a) R7 (d - UUUU0U UU _te r+ o T coal oCn s (U (1) a) a) al a) Fi U a) FA FA I 'U J'U'cl'd'n N'Ci'175 N Ill H -4 M q•ri•H•H•H-H-Hz $:451 Il F•H•H tl .. Z 1~ r cd cd +-'i' cd N Il do m m m m m U) hD C(7 w tao k1 m m 1,0 d U t�� k1 � H r1 41 P ?+ •,{ a) O Q) 41 a) a) i•rl•r✓•rl O a) CU -1 O•H•H O O O "i ::1 O O m H U)rr LY.7,a.iY re.Cn U)cn U)C)fI 4Y'.U)C)U) C-) H F R i' O n N r-i - r-i to H �, an v c� . O •r$1,i S -4 f1 F E-i H 0G2 0 � a y .+ 3 3 3 •H f 3 33 3 uN xC�) z�riA hDRNxxx .co chC3xxxx:r. 0 T o d U Q) •.1 U U U U a) ti U U U U U •r> Fi H'O b N'd•H•ri•rl•H ice...t10 Q'•H•.-1•ri•moi•ri C'J U E A4 ti 4i 4i ,-i IH �:0 E5 IH N 4-t`-i�H ;-' •H E 'v' R3 cc H a)•H Ti­i•H rl ri Co .i 'I•H•.i•rl bD v U EQ) t.0'.t;H.tD U U u C.),-i r-i a) U U U:U U z o !ti •r♦•H-.i •ri cd cd d:Cd cd•H IL-4 Cd a1 cd c-S cd 'ri 4iul Eic-A PEI E-2wfl,aa CJwwwc O .� 0 c) cnviuicnciviuiuic.Inco"'U)znrncn'Ua.ici )•o : U) r G7 U'\O in 10 If\O uv H In In Ifn O Ul In u\h�u\T C4 r-,D 0 Pc, o In in io i,o r-I rcl to*n O w OI CO t CC) r-in q rn C--H V[-0 In O�rrn,•n cT N-,t n'n(.J cV�n;n o��n :(-1 <t r-I Tr-i-1 N H N:t-t v ;�^n 1\d d v't d i10 6 - H ri r-i ri'.-i ri r-i r H,-i H r-i ri H r-1 H r-I -1 ri Y O CJ z z. 4 O O 000 O O U O f•, CJ•rl •H•.i•.-t•.i O.L'. 'TiC? OJ L:-J O O v) •rig s-; si ii P s4 P-H u.a) 0 rl to o 0 d) EI a) G' >~.,.$. N Cn:Pi cQ S7•H�-. b cn a7 C� 4 0 0 0 0.o A' •.-1 a)R va r-i o'- •.+r-i •'+•� -4 •ri 0 0 0 0 0•rl 7-,R7 R N cd U >P H 4-4' W. 0 0cdp ri N3a3 EC (d cd F-+ -4 a)W a) a) (p (1)ri m of:s a)•H W (1)-N m z H H r. IlH Hri HH Fa B t,.1"H r1 t-: 10 m'.6H A N cd 0 o of'Cc W cd (i 0..o•H O cd CO a) a) cd.o a) ;Iz 0 I-7 R6RRRRNn:E-i0RRC3k+sCeC)M HF ,,1)ENDI`.CLJr Nove,!iber _>O, GENET--u T PUD 1970-1 '`71 Currvrzt. - -- Year to 13udi-ret Tor zt�z Date Mayor and Council �,66(i. ?6 759. Municipal Court 17,222. 11� 24. ! � ,oa i. Administration 56,993. 3,847. 19,15!=. Building hep-t. 17,004. 1,O"M `,,x,97. Planning & Zoning 17,56f3. 1,11 !, 663. Library 1-2,999. 557. '490. Police Dept. 192,233. 14,002. 08,8"0. Parks & Recreation 16,967. 476. 1,737. Engineering Dept. 35,847. 1,933. 12,055. Non-Departmental 49,184. 1 ^ )' Contingency 2,000. , `',. 11,30�n 6. Total General Fund _ !+2_1,686. 24,931. _ r � SE4TAGF DISPOSAL FUND Operation & Maintenance 72,929. ;'' 21815. 14,279 Replacement & F.crar_sion 2.31,8!}3. 122,9)74, Contingency 1,471. Transfer ( �_j,2.00. ) Derry Dell 5�. 43,615. Lenon Heights 1,611. 98th Avenue /433- Total Sewer Fund 293,043. t` 2,370. 182.,892. STATE TAX STREET FUND = - Operation & Maintenance 91,510. ,;; 3,886. 22,352. Contingency 444- Total. ;tate Tax St.Fund$ 91,954. 3t8806. 22t-7152. 2- ROAD FUND Operation & Maintenance 40,555. 833. 24g. Traffic Safety` 2 93. Canterbury .Vane 941. Total Road Fund } 40,855. 835. 5,283. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT FUND Bancroft Bonds 1,2,3,4,5,6, 43,447, 35. x 6,55 . GENERAL DJEBT FUND General Obligation Bonds �,s 39,858. TOTAL BUDGET $ 930,843. 32557. 348,801. � e r FINANCIAL STATEMNT FLFVENUES 1970 1970/71 Current Year to G'N�RAL FUND Budget Month Date Available Casks 7/1/70 $ 26,854. - rcperty Taxes 197,823. Ielinquent Taxes 5,600. Lind Sales �- ldvance Tcxes 200. _ LICENSE-1-.N.11 PP"!U ITS - Business 18,500. 1 Liquor 160. Plumbing .', a tint, 5,000. I3u i ld in- 20,000. ?ovinr, 50. Sign 300. Bicycle License 100. Misc. Street Cpemngs 250. FINES AND 'r'CRFF'ITU371 Court A Indigent Defendants Defense 34,520. USE OF MON^Y F- PROP=Y Telephone Pay Bootl-:r 50. interest 800.MOM SFV:^IUT. FRO Ci GENCI Cigarette Tax 15,498. Liquor Tax 40,950. a Trailer Ste?es T<x- 250. CHARGES FOi? CU V I-NT Zoning Adjust Fnts 400. 50, =OC. Document .ali,: 700. ^ , Library Fees r. Pines 375. l0 24 G. Recreation Use 'ees 1,000. Lien Check350, ubdivisicn'.ti.nnlicrtien. Fee 100. ;n, :.n u .� • Street Lis',.^.ti n� m -0- -0- 270 FRA.TiCCiI� '7.' ?j Portland Gerer-=1 "" (-ctric 23,68r. a _ 7 Northwe, t ; l 4,760. -10- 2, Tf,loohnne 7,529. -01- ',^^n. 2,701.701. 's'9. 1` 020. , m i 100 Unclaimod Fro-arty rjF. 200. Adm. -of 'ewer 71u is ,'orks 7,500. Ta:r ?e°unci 1,280. 1, CT `4.,000. 1"`I♦ 74 "ti FUND $421,686. 52n. ' �3 1': Pp Erse I `rvenues: - 1970/71 Current Year t, Mo - ;Qif) ➢udEet With La+..n 33,930. 73,710 l ;r, ti3,00'' �,t: Y.t.,�.t 3,000• 70,000. i ,^:- etc_. 2,500. rurss, n0 -1, a to 5(,0. 17. Perry W CT!,I_ -A-7 771 1306,245. -,,, Avoilable=A , "A/7" 22,760. 27,937. State Gasoline it m--r 0,544 32,27 Sr, e.a 50. 24 6 57C 246. 60,790. TCT L. T17 91,9F4 m .. vail?b]n lorK 711 f7r) 527. ;Dunty :',o-,O T.,,. 13,823. 1,500. 2,145. Ro-d Inventory Tra rant 20,200. C- :-Vblic As-Construction :les 500. -0_ _0- rle of Street Arn: 500. -0- -0- Street Swreping 31000. 40. 9n0. CH!,C, X p 1T t-, Ctherr 100. MC- 17,03. C ( V interest, 12.5. 14. 7q,-n J Revenues 1970/71 Current Year to Budget Month Date 50. TMA! c -. a 44,825. 5 NCAOFT RMS 12,7,4,5,6,7,8 Tint, Av il2ble r, h 7/1/7'x, 40,198. ,-yes . _:nt,s #2,3,441,6,7,8 27,684. Interest 15,758. OF UR TV Interest 5. TOTAL 3IMPUT BONDS °' 83,645. - G'?N RAI CBLIGP-TION BONDS Available Ush 7/1/70 275. Taxes 2.6,383. ^rrnsfer from Sewer Fund 13,200. TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS W 39,858. i , r Page 3 - revenues POl�C E DEPAR`}'MEN`F CONSOLIDATED MONTITLY REPORT MONTH OF_,y, Iti }ate ._.z� ._ 1.9..- D'STRIBUT.ION OF PERSONNEL NUMERICAL sAVERAGE? PERCENT STRENGTH DAILY ABSENCEI DATLY ABSENCE AVERAGE EFFECTIVE STRENGTH End ofSams; 1 Th Same �7h Sit^~ Th�S I I as'. Same this month mon[.h mote ,+� monfh l mor:*.hs mon b month rt��n,.h s month lasts yes a aIII i3� I I lacks s last, 7 yeaz Year year i q TOTAL PERSONNEL 18 _3 17 ; (•5 ! 1 1.r ! r 10$5 10.9 { 9.5 CHIEF'S OFFICE 2 3 ; .9 1.1 �l15 y; 36 7/. ! �1�1 1.2 1.9 _ r SERVICES DIVIS,N _ 5_ s 1 8 .2 � 36 �! !i6 3.2 �_ 3.2 � 2,8_ � �.: F PATROL D=S. 10 �ey. sZ � .__ ..2 a.�1�4 . C�k� _ _. 5.61 - a INVEST. SECT. 1_— !1 I 0 il1006 FORCE ONE 5 _ _4 9g1.4 1.9 a 38 % h2.2% FORCE TWO 8�W�_.��_._ 3.6 y 4.1��h5% 49 b.4 - 1 b.6 ti g FORCE THREE CHANGES IN PERSONNEL DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH to Present for duty end of last—month.o... 18 This Same month month last year 2. Recruited during montho o 0 o o o o o a o o.o a o o 0 3. Reinstated during montho ..o.....oma..eo 0 - to Total number field Total to account fox. .o............ 18 officers.... 10 10 _ 2. Less Agents Assag� 4. Separations from the services ned to Invest,agat„.. 0 . (a) Voluntary resignation ....e. 0 3. Average daily abs- () ences of field off- (b) Retirement m.............. acers owing to—. (c) Resigned with charges pending p,._: � (a;) Vacation, susp- (d) Dropped during proba:tion..o. 0 � ension9 days off, (e) Dismissed for` cause ...... 0: comp. tames etre 3.2 11.Z (f) Killed i-n lane of duty (b) Sack & injured. 7 7 (g) Deceased'................... 0 (c) Schools9 etc... Total separations o......o....a.o 0_ Total average dai, u _ 5. Present for duty at end of mond a o.o.. I.8 Q 6' h. �. .� absences.000 11.4 5.2 .� � ) for duty. 5. �.. Available - - s Page one FI'Aif`IM tq"I MOOT `,-y I7IIEPOY"r F?MF \TDFY AND PIUILTCF ACT'If:T`"Y TREND OFFEr uT._:•_.. . _. .. CNANGF {>USS t Ar 014 t x Reptr 1'3 r Far ._ [,4.,._._.. _ i - La� Yea- u .. Pe c r� i r g Fr 0.nI ucio R tiit r 0 p ------,.z_ e R .._. __.._. 0 _r ,..a _._._ 3 �� ps. __.s._. _2 AGS �� p 7 2 200% ! 5 un 110% 0 00 I b. b . f 0 2 0 �_. r 0*tie We pt i i p 1 I p 0 1 0 Io ' Fig 4ip 2 I 2M% Nr 2 un 100 - _ 5 D � a TL r 99 3 �.un 66% 77 uh 32°' 5 y a. Fcrci.h.le Fr rJ _._. 2 u .�.ln �._ Mun 5t .. bNo For Us—!, 3. 31 1 2 up 50% 32u 03% _ Attempt YE tY p 11 V O i p 5 .._s.eJun120�1 7 91, 5 un ?gyp% 69 .� �_ Up m3(,c'= 70 to Tn e !� 3 3p u 1 kz_2001=�.. 7 juO 32 __m _ I 15 1 233 11 un 36'162 un ti1i Iba M�.ns:Ia3gn,p � _n-- k .�_m=u,•._,�- a~`_' Neg1 ge o ��.�...:z.- 0 0 0 � n 0 gra 0 0 0 tir Ams ,i a (Not Aggra at,d) _ 10 _ 1 ,-_0 0 + 12. � 2CO, ! _ _;ao0o 13 116 ,un 16 �PART�i '0'iA.Z20 _ 377 2�0� g - 0 2901 tun 630% Total Parr' 'I?r d ts) 51 390 i 35 un 7115 i 1496 - 27% � V crimzna- 'i 71i8 171Q135 dun 10 i 1523 �uD 13% Total Gay for 5ez `, e 219 � 206 y� 190u@ un� '7.5% i 2309 Ivo 08 a_ ..m r Page. t-wo m. DE.FART MEN'. MONTHLI' REF-'OR.' CFF ENSE :.F+'ARP:'J qv APP ST, YEAR TO ',-'A'PT;' 6_. NUMBER OF CF FENSF� .� - T CLASSIFICATION OF C IEARF D BY ARRF,S o � � IFA REDOBY ARREST' OFFENSES (Pa,t. L 1^]. Under, P + ,1: a '!P, Par, ._ r �c T le I T 11 LaThtv._ Y ( :;C' �Y __. F'ci , ! I �je,g Y yet 1 a. Xurb-, ar d N] negl S genT� 0 0 0 0 0 ;._ _ 0 0 0 to M4 r, ugnr Y ` I _ d ge 0 0 �- 2o Forcib. e Rape Tota* 0 + r 100' 0 I 0 Rape by Fo 0 w 1 i 0 i• I be Ai 7.emps Rap i �J �.. . I 3. Robbery- Tctad 1_ h��l �u_ 119 . .. 33 �_. 20`" o A r e{ 1 T 1 _0_._._.. bo No Weapc 1 1 0 1 13•n100 4. Assault t. Tot a:? i 5 5 f I 1 0 1 71 2 7) 0 ao 0 _0 y 0 J.W 0 .y. =0 x 0 0 i _0 �o ` I -5 � �o o on� Weapon ...��_ o 0 � 01-00% 1 - _ 73 e�OtlleT�A .,�utv'- a �l® 09� _O_Aggravated) 3�, O 0 � .�_ l� tl� _�' ! 0 0 - (Not, . 11 �-_ v � _ .�, �� M , m 25% -O 0 _ 59 Bur "a-n, T c tad 6 — ao c� cable E-�t� F5W s 3 — — v _m s. ..a._ _ I__. .a_ ,..._� K� ._._� 08 _ , 0 J2- , -- b, No Farce Used i 1 1 0 10 �0 0 _ 0 i 2 0 2 Ca Attempt Exp 1�A i= �J O 0 0 6. Larceny _ a $,50.00, & Over 15 I 3 I � � 2 05� � OLm 04 0 bo Under $50000 � _32 20 22 7® Alit'o T:hef t 1 1 1 5 _ ii 5 _ 3 23%�715 17% 43% GRAND T�`AIa ..� � -- 36 I- _ Page three rU:,XF. UFP.AR`"M.EN`I' Yf)NTH?1 REPt)R- I'AF.' T1- CRIME -I.NOFK C7FFENSES KNC1YTAd CHANGE CLASS.IF7CAT::ON OF Reporfe3 r.,r as O£f'e._se=z Cur- Year 1sa fA_ Year OFFENSE` Arcwr P}l.<s � rh..- Year t.rs s. lam. MG n ,•� r3. Sama Per c)d (Part T'" C`f.a.sen) Mon''n, I Da ,,- Last.. Ye 3* La---" ?e3 I �Nu^l'er Pe .x,~- Number Pe ent. 1. Forgery & Cw;nt- 16 ib 2. Emir z:em r & r Fza 3 _ 3 � 150 .5 i J 10 fi �._,_.�_ _.._....#�u� :.. 3. ;S}of er. .Prop:r c. R Y I 7 1 ' C.ime8 1 i 5 O un 100`4 i 12 - 1!�0' u- Z,. Weapt s G s.,re � . 41 0 5. Sex Of:fenses.,�.-...a_�_. .s (Except, Rape) i 0 5 0 � 0 i 9 i 80X i'3 and D r�g Laws 200 16 o L.-quo Lawe 20 _- .. za, ��, up 100% m_ 60 8. Dr unk res..7 a 1 r y up 9 D�.sordez°�.y Con du, 1 a 5 0 u 1(7J� 10. Va..nd lry_m i -- 16 118 I �8 un 100 a 98 ��un u20 11.- Cu fe _ y _ - Tru,anwt 6 32 0 up 600% ; 40 - 25% 12. Runaway �c Escapses 2 - 38 5 150% 2h_ yup 58% 139 Arson 0 1 - 2 20. J100% . All Other a 15 81 �� 15 0 8 - 02 PART II TOTAL 51 � �,.�_�_,__�� ��� v._9�._,.39 - a� 35 - uo =t6 _ POLICE VEHICLE REPORT _ Unit # _ 'Miles Driven Final Miles Ess Used Oil. Used Repairs & Cast., per mz.le to Maintenance Operate. Vehicle #2 3,891 39,571 592.5 15 Pts. $273.05 7.0 Cents #3K 3,655: 36,865 678.1 -1 Qt. 179.91 5.0 Cents #1i 2,707< 56,234 249.4 12 Qts. 75.L6 3.0 Cents #5 -1 124 102116 9h.6 4 Qts. 22,17 2.0 Cents 11,37 1=- 32Qts, , h.25 Cents oer Mile Average L.P.G. UEL Page four 'fi IDEPilra, J'T NI'Ft' . RE. '_u' PAP- .. Fi i :'"EAPE_' t?'.' ARRE.1" N NMF CIFFE NSE`, "ERC FNT O OFrENCF C 1.A.SS_F _.l1'?'_.a OF C E'Arif,L' n;' t ri {E �T ( o LEAR'T BY ARREST ( , __. "._- i ' I Ye.xr �{ � YGa az� Yea- i -ar I t j F..r p 7 i 0 0 r) 33% 0 I o . iii' F'ra 6 0 122, F 0 ! C; C _ G._.:,m_. 2 I I , , ' o Weapc r 1 o i roe ion ��0a _v __� _. ,... .. r...rte _ q 5- StIJi IEI i I j C I 0 1 0 1 0 0 11/ 0 I 0 and I i I 3 13_ _ t._. . _.3 . ._, 5 �. 1i0%, _...,.�_. 19 _ ...... , 7 45% 67T p ,w 11 16' � . - i .�.0 _KL- u. � 2l I" 104 Va al 16 . .. a -.. �.. 0 _ .fi�_ I E 5 ape 126 10e _ ._ 'S _ II 08 ? _ ! 2cl -3 2L Ar. _0 ` w i" 0 I 0 0 1 Al' 0+�, s57 52 5 16 r �18 ' 70 � 22% LUND TOT-Ai 186 ! 217 � lOg_> � 130 — � i ��% l �a 2 R� 2FN x. OTHER AGTIV?T3ES CLASSIFICATION OF ACTIVITIES THIS MONTH ' SAME MONTH UST YEAR a Vacat.�,c,~ House Check Made _ -.._�.10lI._w. � 119: ® Open Drcrs & Windows Fon - 27 � I 13 3. Specal P c-w3 Checks Matic^ X2,10 K{a9 P dered to. Che: Ag ns.ie_ 280 72 Warra.nt,f� aero.>ed 2 ( . 3 Fe. 1. � . rrogat ior, Repor; ; Made e 80 Rau*zne Complain ` - e.,':g 1Z 8 _ _ lain lr..r any a*.eci nmo�.;. �® 131 9. Crimes Reported and En p 'l;" 1_...._ p .. v..st ga�,ed uQu_�_ 71 �3W . TOTAL.ACT IVI..TIES ------------------------- 3 zLl E - —1,179J - sage £ice;e Ui tEFA.R"MEPti MON T;JL. VALUE OF F(CaPER.T_ AND Or PaOPER"Y I)UITD 1s;!'L� FFCOI+'ER" 1AlCIITJD Nn RAD HECKS PROPERTY STull.Pi TH-J7 !01: 41 ---¢ 69 313.66 PROPERTY STOIEll .A?�: r_1�.".? AS, Y�,R_ o ',AI.'lx' 411 n7K 85 SRO ERT'[ RECOVERED '"H P'UNI'C 1N VAL? ���� 5,!_x00.00 PROPERTY RE(" J ERE'rJ :AMI,, ti?ON':-,. i.R 3_ ':TAR Ult BAD CHECI,S,, VALuF ,c)S:,, „ '"4'.3, MONTE! 170.29 EAI) CHEICK, VAI`_r 10,; - - SAME MONTH LAST YEAR. -------------- )_15.00 ------ RAD TIE;K i, `,ALUF PECIYERED H 15 MONTH EAL' '_'IIECKS, 4FA.L"E R.ECOVEREE) 31AME MONTH 'AST Vl,- m-=�$ P1one -� FROFERT Y LOST THIS J?i!N-H VAI:UF No no FROPEIRTY OS•i, SAME MUN.H IAST YEAR VAr,UE ------ -a None,__,. T`RC!PERTY FOU14I) THS MIC) I VAILUE -$ None FROFF TY FOUND SANE MUN 'il i AST' YEjAR �, IR:.:TJE lfo oo- USS FOR TH;S MONTH _W..,._ $ 298.68 -03S FOR SAME MONTH FAS ;LAR ------ ._---- X11,009.90 VANDALISM LOSS THTS MONTH 2i8�ls3h TTjA t;T ACCIDENT SUWkRti THIS MONTH _1 i _ ','Z4,R TO RA 7E ?: �I.+..Se;.aw 3. " ? u ACCMEN Tt zA.L — .. 15 w 23 f--'139 9 _ 165 _ -19%-- Fa i.al 0 _ 0 0 _ 102 upG r Damaa--� 1 ' — Pe d�sf 0 — - 1 1 100 0 H R m p 1 lOQ 6 _� ,z 19 __d- 217 : ENFORCEMI•I.N.T SL?MMRY -- - 6THTS M NTH _ YEAR TO DA7 E �, This Y a L 4i:, Yea-- , Cnarg ,his Yep� .. La3��Yea Ck2ar�g � _ , TRAFFIC' TSYxAI � 26h Ha.c.au OtherViolations'Y 3.�� Wo Other nkx,k 281 43 — _ 54% �2 l�19 �� 329 uD 7� s D U, .I o - Accsde_it Arrewe.. & C:.ta.'ions 1 9 I 15 iw 73%' i 4l 79 k 85 a 08% F'O;_. Cr I Ff'ARTME''_N MON'lli Y Rx'FCR' tF�.itA "t. SUMMAIP" 'F `Nn FH r!= U;TJFOR`F' N r a ry q. l I. YEAR 11",AT )V r , �� '... 1S 'd I ( T1. (260 [ 88 � V3 1,0 Y t K 2 !! 29 38 s - 1 6 1090 931 o UP ]7 R a es3. D r _ 0 L' r.i 7 yt 36 12 211 u 139`17 _az Y nwC t � 0 �. iarp rP ..7_.._..ss ;.._.....���..., g� _.,._72�r ._. =«t 7un 2 Faso,_ !i4 un 02% Fc lcw cg Tnc, CIO-- 2 it 17 68 1 18% Nc . . G._x.._..,._va ,.0 �1�., 100% Asa T�sag 6 I , 57 2 ( V=G d* r7 22 11 1C7 11,5 36 V c2,ut cr.= T I. !�6 38 " 1108 i 305 up alt Parking dl_t .,a�,1G.„ Total. r 28 63 lr00 m 329 up� 2V. - CLERICAL DATA ACTIVITY THJS MONTH Rader Massages Lagged -�------------------------------------- L971 _ Telephone Calls Logged o o e o 4h05,� Ca d i'y _ni'FY1 d o 0 0000000 ---- me mee 1997 Personal t C s a 's — 107 a As s.s s C V ) 0 her p ge c ia, --= ---------------- 2 80 Other A o0 o - — - - _ 1116 I� $ = ll1dPA"O O�rEP.t?P+]E LTH..S'LOGGED BY ALL PERSONNEL T NTH ° 'n SAME MONTH LAST YEAR d , (Chief of Police & Captain 110 Firs,)(SXts. 87 Hrs.l� l End of report for Mon-Un of NOVEDMER 19 70 - Hugh H. Wilkinson Chief of'Police ^� ^t - l01 { ^] 57e r3 r•- ' C' c: r C ., ln PI,- - r i ll i • 'nOt,S "F- - - �.."�_,_>C. t0 C c"r4 ,C)'7fl T •t^F;l ,til l� .rY enc Us -- ,_> :17 nt C-,_iCi 32:Cy, Ct1t t 1 io't 1 ..^C. ^ o avc rcceivpd our nn5 ::il"C_ oE-CO"C ,^_,C, the ^Ct.i v e c te i i _ needeC'_ 1 si 1 1C 7� i7 t. Cr t CYl. y- r, r -e c:tigent Plant > The C`.pansion is noT,I -pprc`"im tel (?;< C n .,i�_� +C ;i t1 e.-Ception to sever"l slr1Fll proble ._s which require J .i-,:e(f.rt^ a-ttention by the contr,..ctor. '`1)_e r e. ill be items such as �,Clj»sp i_andsce in,,, and pavinc, l i.iC'_- cannot be,, C'Mi-oietcd l.lntil next springy,. letter "aas been sent to advising them of the con i riot 1")c^�:?f Y to v the Contrac to" i:r1 ll bo rZt''ineld` until completed.4 ^ 2. PARK ':TTS ST.7C _;T DIVISION" '!his month the maintenance crews .spent a considerable "fi0unt of time cleaning roadside ditch and storm lines in preparation for the winter rains.Seve ral ne`t:r street signs were installed., the ,school crossing,signs have ;been installed on school street which has caused considerable concern. B. Parks Trost of the playground equipment has been removed from the parks along with the irrigation pamps from t_.e creek and river. er.` Maintenance cress removed several,dead trees from Cook Park, approximately '- ecres of brush was cleared by the boat dose. n --vin _J the Ervas. Me .. of i r juvcniles for GrIvira on the jr ..._ . "o an lawvardle , rc action hnr :i. _nFn o Vyet. 'C ! .._ r. ,nl v ;;FrE Oma.;tic �� ?`1�: _�;�", Ghi e wr r '_�F_, ., Cooki_- =14777ITTC 7117171011 R170" the 5 her conditions, we pr. Frntl.J _.<ry PA! se cn counters in ope'_'<:tion. The interscctien surveys 'i r- 25,, co:-1p to 7M tnc tr_ :.f:ir counts Pro 561 complete. survey data s "t^ t ro rpto -4 c co t _ ui;. � e f-if, sic^'U£ col i cctiton. 7c have completed s:O - rout:'.s. We Pre e no t'_"F ih_E d tG on c0._...E rcin! trf7n cl"ta ion routes, public lands, s.nerr? :ones 7nd prrhin6 .zones. Nick Ti nbert Supt. of Public `.:corks MUM