City Council Packet - 11/23/1970 'GAn.B c':z� c .,tic• RFG'�!AR MEET rNG N %"E'MPER 23 7-30 Fbl R, GC � ERAR'Y RC,'M AGENDA, 1, CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, November 9, 1970 5, WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS $1,694.12 7. APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATIONS (a) RENEWAL APPLICATIONS Hi-Hat Restaurant 11530 S.W. Pacific Eta r. Glass 5D 3r>raer Plaid Pantries Inc. Market #24 i16GG S.W. Pacific Fick'. Plaid Pantries Inc. Market #21 12800 S.W. Pacific Hwy. Package Store Class B Trade el Stores, Inc. Prairie Market #412 8950 ".W. Commercial, Package Store Class B Loretta°s Pizza, 12386 S.W. Main, Retail Malt Beverage Ciass B NEW APPLICATION Big "B" sThriftway, 14400 S.W. Pacific M-ry., Package Store x. Class..B ` (b) Recommendation of City Administrator 8. ORDINANCE No. 70 - AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND RE- CORDING CHANGE IN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF TIGARD BY THE_BCUNDARY COMMISSION, ORDER #207, INVOLVING LANDS OF SEVERS - FOUGHT ET AL IN Section 1, T2S, R1W, WASHINGTZZN COUNTY,; OREGON, RECORDING EFFECTZ E DATE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Recommendation of City Administrator a (b) Adoption of Ordinance 9. DERRY DELL SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - TIME EXTENSION (a) Recommendation of City Attorney 10, CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION - Steven R. Pope Applicant for conditional Use to allow one duplex on 1.5 acre R-7 (single family residential) located 14, side of S.W. Tiedeman Ave. Opposite S.W. Meadow;St. Map ISl 34D Tax Lot 5600. Application approved by Planning Commission. a' (a) Set Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. December 14, 1970. kg 11. CONDITIONAL :._E A-m,-` !CA':2N C^-.--ad. E. Anderr: r Ac:. '_car.: f_r conditicnal use a!lcM a zerv-ce statinn, 'in a C-' GEn.er-a:: Colmmerc>al.{ tore cr. 10„5 -...re parce_, r:? _cater- NE c Greenburg Rd. a ;t>aav L,ar.e, Map ___ 5E- *ac - 2CCr Applicaticr ap ,ea by . ar _ - n„is ^no Set Iti1W ,. Ye a,_r;.ry S;QC .-ov -cc:-e tier ,.4 ° Co 12. AMENLb`ER. T.' .�.:�,:ES_;C=�� C.!�L'WT_.'��..:: ,JS E 69--25) IcrLate:t -r, .., i r+r ve. (ai Reccmme.:.xat:.,ter. 2f Cwt} P-J.: r ,tra_. _ 13. ORDINANCE NG. C - AN (:RL`NANCE :`RALES� r E _ �S,,�'. ANL RE,'T":E'r E r xaEL'u" :E' .ANCE .F THERE,--7, RE-PEA=hG 'N,: 63--^- 65-13 and 7C° `,5 AN (a) ReC =e:dation ^..f C._._y Aa",11- ..„,.:.,, - 14, ORE' MANCE No. 7: - _ AN L;YAti'CF r.2.. _ .._..._hG _-N _ :E{ etas',, W.-M0 GREG^_'S (a° (Ccntinaed frctal ^unci.. Meat ♦ars ine_ 9; (>tii Rec:,_nmenw � !: _ .0 cf .__Y F _.._ 150 PROPCEED SIGN OREiYANCE F31: C--TY OF TIC-.kRZ (a) Informal. Public Hearing 16. OTHM BUSINESS 170CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO S;FEAK 18. ADJOURNMENT Agenda - Council Meeting- 11/'23/-,0 Ti c RC.Li1 CA. L rB:Ea' -I- E _E :.cea v Pe_-gnar r:e, Fe* G:- ert Ce: r a.t<_ _ n... .,.,.E r t', •._. }.e iti' C„ Ir.,:'17�pF .... _e.. 2. P?ELCE OF A" EG=A',CE 3. AF.Pb^_CVAL Cr N NG2Ec' ti.•:E e,_ s 4. v R-_'TTF c'_i��^' (aii et _C-_, frcat h ej - E- ..rc E C'' b� Cact :. e - C_. _.^f. _. _ta'e _..� .. ?_ E:7. C _ - sneex rece_.vei _ smear. r a cz as: -o 5. A 'PFCI'A,I,. CF' fa? M t rt t t':% E: Cs-:_ c_ 6. AFPF.CIVE i QI7�:R Z1C'E_�E A ' a) RE.NEeW I Nm-Fat Re C, la_r '.:a.,.._ .e,_ rco i XaiAet. # 4. P,i ghway f a, ra^ 7'.c x Narkei #e 6 is E•.. :way r'ackcoe c;are C..a.Z c .az� .:tC x'. .r.e Yja,'tet �. lack=....^.'c1 c c .. - b to za, eta..,. G _e.a, Ma.,. Reeve ace C::a_,r, E NEW AP'I _C'ij l: N F E::; n. rw a :'.:44'C: o++., �• Package Zitcre.,C':`tad,., E C �•ad argP ;ca._._ _ ar.d re.. l„E. .:.: a caro (i�) M^. i✓Jr tc, asts�.e c .ma. ::araen, eccsr.d :w. ry Cr_ar:cl Ifnan APr=cved by v'te of Cr„.rc.:..o ... -.. -_ I• .:gib £• . .. _ C .°:u _ f ,.,ta.: a:._ a e _ E:r.er _ _.. -.. ;�x_ - - _ •�, _.. - - cat _ cc:z ares Mat _. eC b`,° C:,r_ c_ .nar, r<__ -r r,, AYENENTF:NT T^ TE'i le. ,re c_f.._' L• :.t7 nam r'7. r_,. .. ..r<._.:dL�"� '..,.C'y Eti,....:.: '."t:P L.�'yE.6�=.e2::i_ aL.a.owed to yza ar- c I a` _ t:e ,e_:a..nen 1 v Q,_. E a- '1" r,.ex:. t �r.. 1:41e. _ :inc. " r __e._a w A_ 4r_ re_�1,.:er._ r,, 11, ':L `E NC; -7x,-48 . .,. u:fi.,.E ?F:','„ :NG ':F t, _ tu: AND CA'- ::.N'.:xf iE _r.":�.>E:OF'.. P.F\;ENUT, 2..ES.r:E.NG tFL.EL-' :E r :.& ;ANCE Page 2 Co.;nCi: vi_nL-tes /<3/7G OF 1WENFEE , Pill__. 'TIG _EK ...'E: F7F &LAT. 't:N TEE E;.r FE=E'FWN& tiA.^:CE Nos. 63-5. 61 .._ ar, -n- 5 All F_..x--;`_ EFr'Fti'K I FA'T'E (a) City Admin___=at'r" state _. a-_,_r:a:ce amerm.ra _ ns nes_: .:_cense ."ee: _ - r_cer. _e ra c a reg_3atary Ox ilrarcO- Atrarney Arc c-mment_d. ky =z-ate . ay, City ccsld nct license finarcial r_ _ cr !VE_ranee agencies. C r aq e nem h m_r.istratcr 10 check with league f Gregor. "We ar._ _ra _. `:e-lstat _ a t .. co• _ be i rcdu e tereky cies r e tie reimhurssmer t. x.;r._ _ of jjcynse :new E _ect.ed by State. (b) Motion tic adopt,. Ccnuci.nan Bernmaor encrobes Councilman M:e:ze„ (c) MaLi•_n by Council aa._ Rv:re no men& fee 9cted-le Ur _ortnre tel.ie.s tc 5220G Per Year S4.,51 im day,; the same as for re 'i_rs c e r= Mot on died for tack ai s.c%ni. notion tc a ,rpt Wdonanze - :-48 was ailzi.ea by urian mons vote f C' r 130 ORDINANCE No. '"'C'._ AN SPP NAN:.'E =E,•.,r.2:`:C 773ilymnA. WSM, ON 1ANDS __ ELLA _ F_ S in Section _b, GREGs;., (a) City AdWnistralwl rojCcOnS We. _y _ hes withdraw application. Mayor Tyle reopened p+h.'hc hear No testimony gib!_c Hearing C._c:sa. (b) Motion by Councilman M_a_e to deny rezon g as per request of appli-carry seconded r Councilman O'Ha_ Oran. Approved by un.anlmzus vote of Council- 14. ounc:l o14. PROPOSED SIGN CODE FOR CITYOF i7GAPD (a) wforma_'n.:b'yic Hearing 8.50 ;.,K- those who testified are, W. 'Lee,E09s, repzesenting Si,gn Cannittee Bill Barber, representing VZOter a Kisleer Roger :Ennons, r=_present..g v'urdo y AdvErtis_no Ear_i. Reid, Sign Com..intee informal hearing c?;ossd (b) City Administrator and Planner, Ray nanglia, reviewed proposed ordinance and showed slides of various s g.s' throughout the City,, Thei._d _ were used t:: :i n n E- trate the proposed d� arnceo Council to set date f'r.,_ formal r:i'..-.,,_r nearing 5atero Page 3 - council Minutes 11/23/10 1.. A. PCTCE 6EI-i1C'�-LEc (1) C` ,i kd. r_.r_-ra t. ._r. ed _ ._.ed. County VS— as r:.r E, extra= sc..d thing x _ n'! r: -ca 0 865 City hadgEleS 1230, r re_w:na.. selv:t .. 1: tn_s a.partmEr,. A an Ya nr recam::.e-dea we :.vara C:.__._. .. Conroy, (2p Motion Y1 Cos _.mar deco: w:_ Taal- Count!' h1aF fkz 3 Wag& Cot _ __ t@ $2,59- 7C _ac . =_C r_._� k Ccsr- man a Ap raged by ur m-us Leto _ C unc: Mayor Pyle r&,-rten. ser_ra vane, ha%e .e6: low suits against auto r _.act c wrinsury inn a .e_-_ price x and _nq__re�a. _ C- ._ - - k_. en .ea t'recover afy`.f.'_rq order Ma'-...et w'a= c.'."..__:.ed by Council, Att O_May ant stat:. A "r::_ "at,:. to make S.nqufry if Eta_e of F _-r _.__. P, PROPANE FUEL, Eq' y new 1,eh .r 4,.. t.. rr ra... :-& .. y W be ec'.=.c ��'.or an 'ir c......a .}r 2e 155, $o. -ann y .:en !SO. T-, _ -:c: per m nt : on jesse fee ani; _ c_'_- E :or ieta.. _... .,._, _ 5.V' je� A"MimistratOw l re, ,Ew a. -:e: t -_ mmerc.a. Co CANTERBURY SQUARE . \r.':.. .V vz (1} Admin: Lr irpuirea. in t was CaurcWs irzartion to require app2lnant to 90 thrOaV c_nd ticna a Wr each restyw_anW, In the C__._ _:Cts '_quare t-ung Center or, to approve fina,0 pLals On each r tax a t„ . Council ad i,_e Lo z., app s ed r. spizza ., ese, ccA PraggWtis __ iewe1 ,natter ana "`M seed with uncil ant`=_ z_f. :t was Mr. 'r'ragga.s _s -;._n_.: Councl-I wished '- approve final r_ 'irg ar.s ark not have appo cant c rcr__t. _ a'e arP.i cation Wr each xcnta._art revelo .e_r preieviswl has plans for Z"aa ear, p i _.c center.for snacussed by Wcnc and Eva:: (2) Motion.: by CouncilmanC Ha. ra. to a,re C 'ey . draft an _na. = ._a ,ZocePt Of Yc . _ " in t_i s C-4 do mert; :e ,.arses - t.�. _na. (3) L-L}` Administrator st Ed ur E. provisions st zoning _crdlnance anyother p ._.7.sel hop- fir �.._ _ �_E.E'..a.:- 4 :^ient that are listed as c:.end ona._ ase, such a- garden supply store, r rserysc--.03— realystate oflica etc, wcayd go threugh regunarccn=.t.tna use procedure. b_ 003,ctjon was r iced by Cou ci_ D, Adjournment 9.30 PAM APTEST, �G ' ,Mayor BILLS FRi:S NTED FOR Fi IIENT November 23, 1970 GENERAL, FUND U. S. NATIONAL BQZ,' Check No. 7019 General Telephone (is) i, `01.no 7020 GeorCc F. Cake Co. - Uni o u lie, ( t`t 45.75 7021 Commercial Communications .Co. Main. (16) 31,no 7022 Mrs. Garlin Fchles - Recreation Instruct. (17) O.0�) 7023 Nancy Scill -n - Recrcreation Instruction T'17) 73.00 7024 ^•^._r. Howard Green 24.no 7025 International Conference of Blu Officials(13 4.0? 7026 Motor Vehicles Division - Teletype Service(16) 29.00 7027 Northwest Industrial. Laundry Division (18) 29.30 7028 City of Portland- Anti-Freeze-Supplies (12) 1.09 (13) 1.09 (16) 8.72 10.90 7029 Victor Comptometer Corporation - Ribbons 12 S.12 7030 `,loolach Tire Service Centers - Auto Main. 1163 11.00 797.97 SEWER FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 7019 General Telephone (30) . 2.42 7028 City of Portland - Supplies (30) 24.50 2269 Ken R. Humke Co. - Supplies1321 30.21 2270 Ted P. Schacher, Sec.Treas.PNPCA - Ices 35.00 2271 Tigard-Sherwood Truck Service - Chlorine 30) 42.09 2272 Van Waters & RoEers - Supplies 30 148.88 22.73 Zep Mfg. Co Supplies 1301 63.00 366.10 STATE TAX STREET FUND U. S. NATIO-AL BANK Check No. 7028 City of Portland - Supplies (?0) 64.50 1758 L. H. Cobb- Crushed Rock 20 16,1.0 1i59 D. A. Davidson Paving Co Asphalt ( 0) 30.25 1760 Feenaughty Machinery Co: Equip.Rental (20) 355.00 465.65 ROAD FUND U S. NATIONAL. BANK Check No. 7019 General TelephoneS20 W. :40 1761 Lewis Construction Co. - Ecuip.Rental 1203 64.00 64.40 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE aa> 1.694.12 k MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: November 23 Council Agenda At your last regular council meeting, you closed the public hearing and continued action on the Prison conditional use application. It is our understanding, 'though we have not vet received this in writing, that Mrs. Prison wishes to drop the application. Also scheduled for your Monday evening meeting is an informal public hearing on the proposed Tigard Sign Ordinance. I have sent a memorandum to members of the Sign Advisory Committee and Planning Commission requesting their attendance Monday evening. I would recommend that you open the public hearing and allow the staff to do a quick summary of the proposed ordinance and show slides_indicating some existing signs with their dimensions for comparative purposes, hear any public testimony, and then elect to either continue or close public hearing. Fred Anderson is reviewing the proposed draft and would, in all probability, have prepared an ordinance for final adoption at your next regularcouncilmeeting in December. Keep in mind the ordinance, in its present form, is a result of a number of compromises with the Sign Advisory Committee and that the staff and Planning Commission feel strongly that amend- ment should be made to tighten it up somewhat. Most importantly, } please bring your copies of the proposed ordinance. , They are lengthy and cost a considerable amount to duplicate on the 3M machine. If you do not have, or cannot locate, a copy, please t let me know Monday morning so that we can arrangeto ,make one up for you. I am anticipating that Stan Adkins will be in attendance Monday night to question our policies regarding sewer connections on Canterbury Hill`. Stan seems to be in a particular rush to get his sewer project done and is 'irritated <because the City and U.S.A. seem to be not moving quick enough to satisfy his needs. Also on your agenda Monday evening is an ordinance repealing previous ordinances regarding business licensing. This has been m prepared by Fred and is the result of some review of our business license procedures, particularly as they relate to real estate k City Council page 2 November 20, 197: brokers in light of the recent Beaverton court case on ih, matter. The court held that in the case of real -state, state statutes allow licensing %^hen the licensing is not regulatory in nature but is intended as a revenue measure for local government. In line with this court decision, Fred has rewritten the ordinance, and I would suggest your review of it prior to the Council meeting Monday evening. Respectfully submitted, � v SPIT/jp