City Council Packet - 11/09/1970 TICr E I-TY CCUNC.`L FEC IAF: MEETING NCTIMPER 9 970700 P.M, 1 F-,.w ? F. HIGH SCHC= L 7 FTAF:: . .C:M AGENDA, 1, CALL TO CRDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4, APPROVAL OF MINUTES, Cct., hex 26. N 'erke= 5, '9'C 5, WRITTEN COMMUNICATS:ONS 6, APPROVAL OF BILLS ;8'7,946082 7, MONTHLY REPORTS lc) FLnar.•.ce (d) Police (e) Yublic Warks 8, APPROVE z QE;C;T. L:>CENSE APPL:CAT .t'NS (a) Lee's Rest,aurant. 2% Tigard 11aza„ FetaLl Mait. Beverage Wass B Fred Meyernc., 11575 S.,W., ; Zcif'ic Highway. Package Store Class E Hokey's Pizza House, 14385 S.W. Pacific Highway, Retail Malt Beverage Class A (b) Reccmmendatior; of City Administrator 9„ DERRY DELL IMPROVEMENT DaSTR::CT (a) Approve Final Frc•asess Payment (b) Approve request for time eat...nsior. 10, LANG HILL SUBDIVISION SEWER E',XTENSZON (a) Recommendation of City Adni.r._=:t_ato llo ORDINANCE NO; 70. __ AN ORDINANCE'GRANTING A ZONE CHANGE WITH RE:-.ECT TO THE LANDS OF GARF:ELD RUBBLE AND ARDATH HUBBLE; in Section :0„ TSS, FI,•: & TI:GARD, WASH:NG'TON ' COUNTY, OREGON (a) Eub,i. c Hearing,8-00 P_M, (b) Adcp.t-:or. of Crdinance 12, ORDINANCE. Nco `70-- LN Cg:i':NANCE Aj.`?CF.':NG U E tS! C,N .ANDS L_:A L :\ Lr, Secticn 26, W. F!W. W,M !GARr W SH::NC ^N OTUN7Y, GFEGM (a) lublov Hearing 8-00 F,M (b) Adoption of .rd T ante 13. ORDINANCE No, 70-n,____ AMENDMENT TC TWARD KNING C'RU'M1ANCE TO INCLUDE C-c CGMMERC'!AL F-:`E SEMNAL, DISTF.3CT (a) Public Hearing 8:00 F M„ 14, OTHER BUSINESS 15, CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THC'SE; DE .R:NG TV ?FEW 16. Araou NMENT r"4 Page 2 - Council Agenda U/9/70 - T r1 `s G C C N C: REGULAR MEETING NOOEMSEF g .970, 7 30 g• M L. ROLL, CALL. Present:, Mayor E. % Kyle, CcWci, men Fleyd H. Ber Wmann Dane L. Larsen Rcber.. C. Moore, T cmas M O'Hall0rany Stephen M. Telfer, City Aan n.+stratcry fired huderson, City A.t.torney Keyto C T c mts-on, Direct^ -f h lc Warks, Ecr2:s Hartig, City Recorder - 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL •CF M:NOTES. Oct:lher 26, Ncve,iber 5„ '-97 ' (a) Apprc ed as svr;n-tted 4. WRITTEN COMMUN,3CATC\S. (a) Ncdr_e 5. APPROVAL OF BILL$ Q0,946.8 (a) Motion to apprcvet Councilman C,na'lsrany seconded by Caunc__man Larsen. Approved by r Par., sr �, a,<t, e ref Cour:cii. 6. MONTHLY REPORT'S (a) M t.iOn to accelt: COuncilman Bertmanno seconded by Coc:ncismarx M:cre. Approved by unanimous vote of council. 7. APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE APPL.»CATIONS (a) Lee's Restaurant, 200 Tigard Plaza, Retail Malt Beverage Class E Fred Meyer Inc., 1.1576 S,W< Pacific Highway, Package Store Class B Hokie°s Pizza House, 54385 S.W. Pacific Highway, Retail Malt Beverage Class A. (b) City Administrator reported Police Department had investigated and had no objections to renewal. (c) Notion to approve; Councilman C'HaKorana seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by unanimous vete of Council present. 8. DERRY DELL !MPR VEMENT DISTRICT (a) Director of Public Works stated the project is complete with the exception of some cleanup work. Due to rainy weather, the contractor will be unable to Complete this fall. City Administrator read letter from C. J. Montag & Son, contractor, •R requesting extenEicn of t_me aE.. r_ci--cv� Stevens, Thompson & Runyan rec nmEr , ity :Eta $4000, to cover cleanup co is ect discussed l _-:nl and Staff„ (b) Motion by Councilman Larsen tc a'_thor:re progress payment of $52.15 and refer to City Attorney ;matter regarding time extension, seconded by Councilman O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous vr-te of C,Durci::.. 9. LANG HILT, SUBDIVISIGN SEWER EXT'ENSICN (a) City Administrator stated Council had discussed at. special meeting of November 5, 3900, Council agreed to allow sewer connection. provided Boundary Review Commission approved request. for annexat°cr.o 10, ORDINANCE No. 70-45 -- AN ORD,'_NAN'CE GRANTING A ZINE CHANGE WITH RESPECT TO THE ZANDS CF GARFTELD HUBBLE AND ARDATH HUBBLE; in Section i 10, T2S, RLW, W,.M T7.GARD, WASHVNG'TON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing 8;00 P, M.. Those who testified f.ra Garfield Hubble, 11585 „.W, Queen Victoria Drive, owner Mrs. Barbara vones, representing Oregon Foundation Public Hearing Closed (b) Motion to approve: Councilman O'Halloran, seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Motion by Councilman Moore to table action for adoption until after the Commercial Professional amendment to zoning; code was discussed. Roll call regarding tabling of motion as follows: Councilman Bergmann, NAY; Councilman Larsen; AYE, Councilman Moore, AYE; Councilman O'Halloran, AYES Mayor, Kyl.e, AYE; motion passed by 4 - . (c) After enactment of_Ordinance No. 10-46, it was moved by Councilman Bergmann to remove from the table the rezoning of the Hubble property; seconded by Council- ` man Moore. Cali_ for vote on adoption of Ordinance No, ?0-45 indicated`approval' by unanimous vote of Council's 11. ORDINANCE No. 70-__ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL USE(S) ON LANDS OF ELLA L: PRISON in Section 36, TIS, RlW,-W,M, TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing 8x00 P.M. Page 2 - Council Minutes 11/9/70 Mrs, Prison ownei , stated b_.yer had WL!Ihorawt 'fzEr and she was undecided aw t cc .t_:.�_ V w:* ez:n_ app i,caolon, .. .. ng (b) M ticn by Coarci�man Larsar, t; cantIE—e pab._c hearing until November- 24, 1.9?0 Coanci::. Meet. r_g seconded by Councilman Moore, Apprc,ved by ur.animo::s vote cf co;;rc_..,, 12, ORDINANCE No. 7G-46 - AN ORDINANCE ADO T:NG THE REPORT OF THE CZTw ANN NG CCM:I S_:CN WITH RES"ECT T: AMENU::NG IiND SUP' LE-MTNI:NC rD:NAQCE No 7C-32 -C-T1 OF T:GARE 2CN:NG OR.D`NANCE OF 1900 aY L_TAS H:NG A NEW 20NE DES'SG- NATED -C? I CCMMEF A"-?K EEEf:GNA_' DEF:N:NG FERMITTED USE_:. THERE. y :PRE.. SCR_t_tiG REG' :A"'.JNS ANE W-TH FESFECT THERE Zy =REECR_B:XG EFFEC- T:-,:"E FATE ANE DECLAR,"NG AN EMERGFNC-y (a) Ray R.angila, City r..a_aer. "ev:ewea proposed amend- ment for Council, (b) Public Hearing B GC s•M No Testimony - F.ubic Hearing Cosea (c) MI-tion to adapt Cnuncl:man Larser, eecrrhEd by Councilman Monre, (d) Mwfacn by Ccune Liar; Bergmann cc amend section 156-6 ME Height. or Buildings, tc read "Tr_ maximum heights shall be forty-five feet with not more than three stories. When abutting a single family residential district, the maximum heighr shalt be two stories or thirty feet, whichever is less Motion seconded by Councilman G Ha?_':cra^, Amendment approved by uran:mcus vote of Council present. Amended ordinance was approved by unan_mousv cte of Council. OTHER BUS:NESS A. City Administrator stated he had rough draft of a e.ment for engineering services for water system betweengthe Tigard Water District, Stevens Thompson & Runyan, and City of Tigard. Administrator will have City Attorney r&View and report back recommendation at :ext Council meeting. B. City Administrator reported auto industry has taken cff all. g0ye.rnment discounts on 1971 cars, Current bid, received raise price of 3 units to $8609f budgeted $6900 or y 7G9 n over budget..estimate, Stair w:..:`_. re_crt backrecommendation at. a:later-.date, : Page 3 - Council, Minutes 11/9/70 C. Adjourrament 8s50 P.M. CityRec rca_ 7 ATTEST" Mayor ,a Page 4 - Council Minutes 11/9/70 I!1Z ; P "ED FOR _rAYTANT November 9, 1970 Gi�nr FAL '-r.dP *TATIi;i?AL '`J'K Balance as of SOPt. TO, 1170 Receipts Bilin P.,id, Crtr ier VG, 107i, Mlance Check Ido. Ur : to t' , motel 6844 Robert 4oor t' ilot rent 16F, Corn GS45 Otto - T bi ;r: rent. lip, 6851 Roscoe Found - American T&21 T_ y .r;; boon, r 6859 Keith C. niom s,a - r ti 'e c- _ n 1 686`) Ph� ia.s P Bronson t l ..?rr n _, - :t.i ( 6861 U ~ • Postmaster - pontage tete. (� --( 6866 'm. T. 'ell S . itn s. Fee SS ,_, 096 National 1 . ,r ty Council IDUes naw 6699 American >oc 1d of Planninz dCficialc literature ( r' 15.oo 6901 National Municipal League 'hies (12� I. ) 2 6909 ?tarsi: t McLennan - Insurance 0 6910 Ron Dreeszen - Plumbing Inspection 35 16.41 6911 American Society of Civil Engineers -dues(19) 32.00 6912 International Conference of Building �, U•, Officials - literature ) 6914 Dept. of Motor Vehicles - license (11) suspensions 1 00 6915 Northwest Natural Gas Co. 18 6916 Tigard Water District 18) 41.75 6917 General Binding Corporation - supplies (14 '3.68 6918 Pargas - propane (16� 4�•�� 6920 dm. R. Richey witness fee 11) -00 v 6921 [jolter Price witness fee (11) 5.96 6922 U. S. Government Printing, Office - ' literature (14) .�0 6924 Fudge Anthony Felay 11� `75'00 .:6925 Leonard T.isso recreation director ;;} 200.00 6956 Lonnie Branstetter witness ( fee 7•x`1 6959 Clayton D, Brown witness fee (11) 7.00 6960 Robert Oliverio - witness fee )) 7.00 6961 ,gym. T. '-Yells - witness fee (11) _4aO 6962 Richard L. Smith - witness fee (ill) 7.00 .6963 Johns Hagman - mileage NJ 182 6970 "Ish" Duckett- Maintenance service 127.25 6971 International Chiefs ofPolice - dues 25.00 6972 Lake Grove Printing - Porms (16 17.00 6973 Line-Up Shops,_Inc. - auto maintenance (16) 12.25 6974 Portland General Electric CO. (17) 12_.21 m (18) 65.61 ' 77.82 ( 6975 Standard Oil Co. -as 121 76,60 56976 J. Thayer Co. - Office supplies { jn 977 Tita.rd Pharmacy - film p 19 1.90 6981 Times Publications - (12) 3.00, public notice - (12) 4,00, subscription (12) ?4,76 12.48, election (14) 5.23, public notice (16) 5.63 6982 Union Oil Go. - oil ) 6.20 6983 u. -5. Government Printing Office - lit. 16 6984 Valley Auto farts - maintenance & supplies` (12)3.57,(13)9.04,(16)37.49,(19)l.e6 51.96 6985 Marine Lumber - equipment maintenance (17) 3.23 6986 Southwest Office Supplies - (12)23.98 96 (13)•90, (14)20.00, (19)16.OS 60. Bank chgs.-for-printing checks ("^) O`20 Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 23,384:44 t 25,174.19 Barris Balance $7,628.68 %ESTER FIJND, U. P.ATIOTU:L }3P°1ZC Balance as of Sept. 10, !WD (11 127.7m) I eceipts +•`l, r Bills p".id O tobez, 26, 0711 ( 3 r ) v?1� orttl,"est - {11.J Ti;-, rd .tC_ T)1._ i ict ( ) 6963 John 2. h n -- ilenge 6974 Portland er.rn! Electric c To. On` G 6977 Tigard Pharmacy "ilii (An' 7.07 6991 Times Publications - public r it " (07 51. 29.37 6994 Valley Auto Ports - onwipment ,,.ir. 69R5 1'•".a_✓'._.".c Lumber Co.. - su , t-1 e.s A main (0) 4. 243 U. S, Notions! nank - to H.Z.A.PccIt 400, 207 C. ,J Kant 1- & Cons - E Plant Expnn ion. ( i ) M&N-67 2249 rst Nati r n_ Tonk - sinking ftunl, 356.9L 255 Willis Necnanic :' Cont ..ctor- Sewur Expansion 256 Aloha Sanitary Service quit)..e :. l ( 0{ 15n.7-) 2257 `,fan Yaters A Rod err; - e qui�.. in 13 ! supplies 17L.1S_ (30) 7L 2260 American Industry i Service - laundry (30) 7.0) 22.61 Northwest Testing Laboratorbs - contr. serve r (} C) 50 2262 Pennwalt Corporation - applies 7,A Yv.w 2263 Van 'haters & Rogers - ) Q ctc�' Payroll., Tares x` Deducw,ctic1,465. 56,722-76 Bank Balance 524,321.27 ) STATE TAX STREET FUh?D U.S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of :'opt. 30, 1970 :`: 2,60 ' Receipts 411.92 From Time Deposit iq ON lic Bills Paid October 26, 1970 GARY) Balnce 16,943-68 Chec;c`No. 6932 Union Oil Co. --oil ( 0 41 2 r 6984 Valley Auto Parts - supplies '01 12.83 1732 Del Chemical Corr - ft 120) 72.36 -1733 Frahler-Electric Co. Street Improve.(20 1 1'2 03 1734 Modern Plumbing,Co. - „ ❑ (20, 12.42 1743 F eenaughty Machinery Co - equi.z mai r..(201 16.10 6985 Marine Lumber Co. - supplies & main. 20 29.09 1744 3M Company - supplies ;(20) 413.44 1745 PortlandConcrete Pipe Co. St.Improv(20) 300.60 1746 Tigard Sand & Gravel Co. - (20) 160.65 1747 Valley Petroleum & Welding Co.-supplies " 6.55 1750 Eoff Electric Co. -:supplies (20) 37.23 Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 4,113:33 ,,2FS.23 Bank Balance x'11,655.45 T ':TIMI 1, nnTK i a I anc,e a r r r P_• 7 e,.�,ts r . Time t B ll _d Pctobev _6, 1070 9alar,e: ^h' ,k No a n thwes t u i Gas Co. John 6974 ?%or lc,nc4 Cene.r ]. L7ectric i"o. Q ) 7 �9E 4 Valley uto Parts - equip. main. ( Q 698 C,, Soutihwee Office Supply . .,i intir (2i.',, .,,", 1735 Roner.s Machinery - equip, i.n. (7 0) ,,; 1705 Portland Concre P�' Ca, , Lp., ,,.n �v, .q[, 1745 Wse POwcrA Equipment F g i i r, o in. ( ) 17+9 rs i}et.t Indu,tr - uniform _ uzndry ('n) 2 1. nyroll, Taxes & Deductions _ 761.A Bank Balance :10,902,01 TRUST ACCOID", iJ, S. N TIOVAL BANK (POE) 755-5 U.S.A. (SEWES) - .OUT T U. rTyTIOn*tl BANK .7 SEWER CONSTRUCTION! FUND, U. S. NATIONAL �AAf' � �7L,0, BUILDER'S DEPOSIT, U. S. NATIONAL pr,h 1,500.00 BAINCROPT `2 U. S. I?STI_OIIAL 'SANK, BAT:CROFT rt3 U: S. NgTIONAL BAPIK 144.76 BANCROFT rr4, U. S. !NATIONAL BANK 404.51 BANIPOFT A, U. S. NATIONAL PA;!K 1,425.14 � — BANCROFT --r6 U. S. NATIONAL BA-NK 1,92 BANCROFT h,='.> U. S. NATIO,7_".L BANt 795.08 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 87,946.82 TOTAL BANK BALANCES 32,093.03 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Monthly Progress and Status Report DATE: November 6, 1970 1. Crime Since the beginning of the year, we have experienced a very rapid increase in major crimes, particularly burglary and larceny. The majority of these cases seem to be reasonably professional in nature and a good number are burglaries of apartment units during the day. This past week, after considerable research and observation, the department secured a search warrant and made a major arrest involving numerous people on narcotics charges in one of the local apartment houses. Evidence gathered in this case has implicated numerous additional people and, working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it is possible that there will be an indictment for conspiracy to rob the U. S. National Bank forthcoming. Despite this rising crime rate, the department is worthy of considerable praise for their handling of these cases and main- taining an excellentrecord of case clearance. Needless to say, crime prevention is still our foremost objective. Much addi- tional thought ddi-tional' thought will have to be given in the future to our man- power and budgetary needs to help curb this increase in crime` rate, due primarily; to our location and easy _access to the interstate freeway system. 2. PoliceCar Bids Enclosed for your review is a memorandum from the Chief of Police` regarding bids received by both the State of Oregon and Multnomah County ;for 1971 police vehicles. As most of y you have probably already heard, the automobile industry made an industry-wide move to do away with government discounts at the beginning of the model year. Like all other governmental units, we are affected rather seriously. Our budget for this year anticipated a per vehicle cost of :'$2300,-'slightly higher than we paid last year. Without the governmental discount, the costs, .as you can see from the attached memorandum, are a going to be closer to $2900 per unit. I do not have a %recom- mendation at this time and have asked the Police Chief to explore several other alternatives prior to making a decision' and reoommendacion for your approval. 4 3. Sidewalks At the request of the Charles F. Tigard Elementary School Parents Committee, I appeared before the school board to discuss alternative solutions to the development of a walking path on Walnut from 106th to Grant Avenue. This stretch of Walnut is very dangerous, narrow, and has a dip in it at approximately the location of Bud's home. There are several different ways of developing sidewalks, each of which I explored briefly with the school board. I made a recommendation that the board appoint a committee, composed of people representing each of the elementary schools, to work with the City officials to further explore the possi- bility of constructing sidewalks and especially explore the future possibility of our proposed green belt system and walkways. I will keep you informed of the progress of this very worthwhile effort. Incidentally, I think this might be an entree to talk to the various parent-teacher organizations about our boundary problems and the need for annexation to enable financing of various improvements in the community. 4. Sewage Treatment Plant The plant expansion is nearly complete; however, we are still missing several valves. We had a visit with the Department of Environmental Quality officials at the plant site last week and have received a letter from the E.Q.C. assuring us that we may legally issue sewer connections as of November lst. Our plant is currently operating at about 85% efficiency, which is encouraging at the volumesof sewage we're experiencing.° I have no doubt that the plant expansion will provide high quality treatment and will handle some considerable growth in the next several years. •s 5. League of Oregon Cities Convention This is just another quick 'reminder that the convention starts on Sunday and goes through Tuesday. The;program this year is above average and there are several sessions that I would par- ticularly recommend. On Sunday at 4:00 P.M. there are several concurrent sessions. "Multiply and 'Subdue the Earth", a' film' on the urbanization of our country and its effect on ecology, is particularly good and would be worthwhile seeing. At the same time there is a workshop on Planning :City Growth and par= No ticularly talking' about annexation, -'which%would be useful. on Monday at 10.30 in the morning, there is a session regarding City service charges and a 'concurrent session on re-thinking City functions. In my_opinion, the most important 'session of the whole convention is on Monday at' 2:00 `P.M., which will be l : a discussion of the joint city-county-school proposal for a state income tax to supplement local government. A copy of the preliminary program is enclosed in your folders for your con- sideration. Resp tfully submitted, SMT/JP i Encic;. Y . 11-3-70 TO CITY ADi-[Iid fS'1'LtP TCR IFiOM OF POLICE SLtF?J_:CT .. POLICE 111,'!i ICi.ES "he St«te of Oregon will award bids for 1971 model police vehicles to Plymouth. The modt'l will t)e the Fury I, and the base price will be $2,819.99 for the unit with the 380 cb) engine. Power steering will cost an additional $80.35, the rear window defrosLer $22.65, and the tinted windshield $24.45• The total cost for the unit we would want would be $2,947.44. Tn comparison , the Multnomah County price for the Dodge Coronet with a 383 CTD engine, :includinF power steering, is $2,312.25. The tinted windshield would be an extra ;;,13.60, the rear window defroster $18.85, and the so important electric trunk lid release $20.00, for a total package price to us per hili t; of 2,f?69.7C 3ased on the price difference of `M.74 per unit, and the belief that the intermediate-sized Dodge Coronet will make the better patrol unit, I would recommend purchase of three (3) 1971 Dodge Coronet Police Interceptor Sedans through Multnomah County at a total cost of $8,609.10. I would not recommend purchase of a non-police type of vehicle at this time. Our schedulinS after Janizary 1, 1971, will place a heavy demand on all four of our cars, and I would fully expect that a light duty vehicle would not stand up very well under tho ,e demands. s Hugh H. Wilkinson Chief of Police _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G O O OC-11 0000000000 .,O _.,OC> OC) 0 O CO O O N N'V' (1) H O C-10 7 O Ki:+\N+ M Cl)O 1-10 C-(I) W CO K\In 111:f\LO V t'1 H C 17I TA 1`I T, S TATI r t,',!T GENERAL I;'UND 197--1971 97 l 97 t- 13uc'„et "'brith Mayor and Council9 -� �,J�i�, Plunicipal Court Administration ,6,qq-7 Building Dep',.., Planning- & ?onin= i ,�,' 6<_ _, . ,� 7 , Library c�r�c , Police Dept. 9 Parks & Recreation lE 967. Engineering Dept. 5 Z,7. Mon-Departmental 49,184, Contingency 2 000, s Total General Fund SE'-VAGE DISPOSAL FUND Operation and ?Maintenance 72,929. �[;q Replacement a �; -2 and T-„pan on �1 �,4 � 5-,� , -�-- Contingency _ ”, Z�71 • ,, _ , Transfer ( 13 'OO. ) J,c_ Derry Dell c Leron Heights Q. 98th Avenue Total Surer Fund 93,176. STATE, TAX STREET FUND Operation and Naintenance 91,570; 6,095, ar t:E6, ContinZency Total `tate Tax St.Funci 951j., 6,^v-95. , I ,46 LOA D Fid Operation, and ^:laintenance 40,855, n ;0, "'' =7,416. Traffic Safety 3. �1 Canterbury Lane � 1, ` Contingency "Total Road Fund 4o,855. - 803. 4 ` _. ,448. SPECIAL ASSESSMRNT DEBT FUND Barcroft Bonds 1,?_,3,4,5,6 - 43,447- " 6,517. GENERAL DEBT FEND General Obligation Bonds 39,858. _ TOTAL BUDGET $ -Q30 843 "t115,450. 316,243, q FINANCIAL STATE.VENT REVENUES October 1970 1970/71 Current Year to RA! FUN Budget Month Late wilable asp, VIA-' S 26,854. _' Property Taxes 197,823. -linauent Taxes, 5,600. - - I.nd Sales ° ldvance Wxes 200. 110ENS" AND P'::L'IVI Du:-iness 18,500. Liquor 160. Plumbing & ,eating, Wild-ing 5 ,000. 25,000. ov.in^ 50. -c-Sign 300. Bicycle License 100. Misc. Street Openings 250. - FINFS ANP FO tFFITURES Court F Indigent Pefendants Defense 34,620. 1 ,07, ; USE OF MONEY s PROFFRTY Telephone Pay 9octhr 50. Interest 800. lrl. or;r;,nrUr^ F::(•" Cir .^,r1ri.CI�S Cigarette Tax 15,498. Liquor Tec 40,950. Trailer S-ile , T s 04, `� 250. -� CHARGES FOR CUR5',R 1T >L'i VIC£S Zoning Adjustments400. 50. Docuaert Sale 700. 153. „r a Library Fees A Fines 375. 02, Recreation Use bees 1,000. Lien Check 350. 0 Subdivi ,ien Application Fee 100; 0 Street Lighting,, 0 ,7r. r.TU Portland Gener.RI riectric' 23,686 ; 922. ortWe mi"l ,a 4,760 -0- 5 4. T 1 eQnn�. 7,529. n- 4 Ga bage 2,701.701. 1 TPXi 100 -0- C.,-n-'e 1. IPT,:- Unclaimed Property 7PIP 200. - - -0- R-COVERED 0- R-COV R r EXP7NDITURFS dm. of 2ei:er T Funic "orfs 7,500. 0- -0- s TRx RsnunsA 1,2 O. - 1,417. {? r '4,000: 44. 729. TCT'`1. G"YrFll FUND 8421,6eG, " �,'99 °ll .3. 1970/71 Current Year to t.nvD Budget Month Date 1 31,930. r _ 73,710. v o t; ,n� 37,500. flower u,7ir i ;p, t-ion) 3,000. 27. �er FprmjV� Litcrest 3,000. P03 Tcun t;; 7ubv• miens 70,000. 70,5M, Assessments Engineering, etc. 2,500. 2. AssessmpnK T -1, etc. 500. Cth.er aecnvr ed -_eo-naitu—s 32,098. CUM�t 5. 9`t'.: Street Derry ell Lenin Neights —n- 754. k TOTAL J;L ``306,243. 7r, 76. ATATF TAX STP70T FUM' Available Cash 7/1/70 22,760. 27,937. State Gasoline T a 68,544. 32,277. US? OF MOINTF" Interest 650, r3. TCTGL „ aTF m X SIREPT FUND " 91,954 63 ' 60,544. 71CAD FUND Available Cash 7X1/70 6,527. :4,V-,Tj FROM CT'­F, 7NCIrS County oac! T^x 13,823. 645. Ro:3d Inventory Traffic Grant 20,2.00. HAM- C1 FCR rjrPuc?r. SERVICES Public Works-Construction Fees 500. Sale of Street Signs 500. Street Sweeping; 3,000. 200. 760. 7C0Viri.0 :XP CC1TU Other 100. 2,777. 13,035. JS? OF MONEY Interest 125. 14. 14. Page 2 - Revenues 1970/71 Current Year to Budget Month Date c. 50 TVTAr W FUN!-,' 44,825. 7 1)", MMOFT WNW A2j,4,5,6,7,F Int. vpilabin res, 7/l/7C 40,198. WIWI. trsessments P2,3,445,6,7,8 27,684. 1 "q. l; Interest 15,758. 575. OF IMMOY Interest 5. TPTA' B .NCROFT BONDS ° 133,645. GENERAL CBLIGP-TION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/70 275. Taves 26,383. Transfer from Sewer Fund 13,200. TCTAL OBLIGATION BONDS 39,858. a } Page 3 Revenues POO"CE DFPAR°MENT C'ONSOI.1DA7.FD M-1N' ITLY REPORT MONTH OF OCTOBER :1? 7U U.""TRI"r3TY!`,TON OF PF,RSONNEI. NUMERTCA i A ERAG`'., PF_RCEN?' S`a'RFNG M i ; �aA II Y ABSENCEl, DA:1 ! ABSENCE� AVERAGF EF:FE(-T NE STRENGTH _.. t Erd f ISS« ITri iS3m ",l._,5 � � .n ' h j Sane thi_, moat i l marl? mo?-_.A. mor; ! .note t,, n_an m0 - lla�i Yoal 11; ,r y i�., ( i asY. i I Yr 3" ye az year TOTAL PERSONNEL;_ IR 18 7.1 8 0 ;39 4i � 44,4/ 10 y 9.5 10.0 CHIEFoS OFFICE �, 2 ! 3 8 .7 40 1l 23 / ,..2 1 2 2.3 SERVICES D?Z TS„1 5 5 1 8 1.62 r l36 3_ 3.2 2.8 3.4 PATROL DIVIS. L 10 9.7 4 2 5.7 i42 7, " 58 8/ 5.8 ! 5.1 4.0 INVEST. SECT. I 3 3 ' 0 130 / 0 .7 .4 FORCE ONE. 5 4.5 1.4 1 8 ��8 l 40 / i 3.6 2.0 2 7 FORCE T4d0 9 3 4 4.2 i42 5% 46.7 4.6 3.7 4.8 FORCE THREE 5 4.5 2.3 2.0 46 1 . 44.4/. 2.7 3.8 , 2.5 CHANGES IN PERSONNEL DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH 1. Present for duty end of last rnc)nt n ....o 18 Thi 5 Same -month - mon h 1.as r_a,r 2. Reor%iited during mon lho. ... �U ! - - 3. Reinstated during montho..o.o.o...o.o .. 0 . Total number field 18 officers 10 10 Total. to account fo. ......�'.......... ......... officers.... _ 2. Less Agents Ass g_ 110 'Separations from the servi P(I!,ICE DEPARTI%ENT Y10N HIL'Z REPCJF'.' <<r1MF INDEX AND F'+) iOI AGT:�J7'�Y }?ENI OFFENSES WhNOWN CHANGE 4SSI tT. AT ON CF Re uor e'y c ''Ar t�a3" 1 Year— zti 1 i year r_ a .!?:.J !7his vs. S_>o arF.per:.*.-d (Par" ._. C. a4t year a ,ea N x7.r r PE r er N7 ,rbe F a e � III _._.._.._.........._.__....�.v.___.n..__.�_..�. 1. M- , F r & No— n g en u Ma n , 0 0 I 0 0 ! �. ._. .0 .. ... .. . _. __.. ._. ..__ . . 0 � Tt v I 0 © 0 0 100" _ _ y v a_ 1 00/ 2-o A i° nim; R iDE, 0 � 0 0 0 � n 3. FotrE Tu+a r ..��..._.. . . ...,._:_.. .a_...,_�o.,0 _�..,,..i_.._.____.3..-__.,...�_.��..�.,._.._2.__...,_.�.._.._x._200/ 5 _; 661.:.._,_:_..�.._z� ..0. _.. t.�..,_.R_Z Wea ear 0 1I 4e Aggravated Assat Total 70 1 1 � 3 ` up 133/ 00 1000 B y 2 0 �. 0 1 j up 100% c. U'heE Weapon �- da Bard Fist',, etco� 0 4 �� ` 0 t) m I 0 400% - 5o E? glay'J Tota' � 12 i 140/ � 72 5 94 up 31% a. Forcible Erjt; 5 y 55 n _ 37 — p 5 z >m. .n_. .u�_ 49% bo NosFo r e L1se� 0 __. i 28� 5 - z.� - z , _. __® R_ 500/--L-3_O_ 7% c. Attempt E t•- i 0 i 11 2 _n� 200/ ' S_�. e �..:� 6, I a.rzy 5 87 7 en Over 40% f 64 " .00: 1 � - i �a up _ 36% . T I_ _ y 7a AutoT:!1ef r �` 1� 27 0 � .100% ! --5 � ! _ _ u 3,50% -_ Gr1sne Tndex Tata. 12 218 I 22 - 83%151 up 44% lb. Mansla-ughter by j Negligence 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 eo t7t•t.ex soul v -` �`- (Not Aggravated) 1.K_ � 1 10 0 12 j �. - i - 201,6b. Larceny Und r ` $50o0Q 10 129 _R 12 _ - 20% 107 ! up w 21% _� 4 PART 1, TOTAL �..6 23 357 I 35 52% 270 up 60% Total gar., I� Le1cl.dents40 ;, 339 )tal Misc. Non- criminal Calls I 151 ' 1571 I 145 up 04% 11388 �up 13% Total. Calls for Sexvice 214 - � 2267 246' w 15., 2118 9 up07% _ _ — _._ _ �e.� � Page two C;;'!'L;NSES °, !EARED l v A FRE; GLASS Ir IC AT:ON i 17'ERC ENT OF taFFENSFS"-�`__ �.r CI.EARED £1 ARREST i _ O ENISE - ' .EARED BY ARREST (Part C-, K: r_, A r `_. T` a. xr . _ _.. By A ttPersonm ye If a II T115 _ >_ Mu rd r ar.d N, .- , neg_ gent 1i3 z .d g 9 0 t 0 0 0 ... mT_ NzE 'g 0 0 p p 0 __ __ ,W ;.,_ .e,...._ ,.._...._ o i 0 f ._.. o o Fr Kr R pei E Cta _ 0 _ ' 1 i 0 ._ 0 0 _ 0 � 100/ ap-4 by rcrv p 1 0 t' p Z.O^ i mw0 0 b. ktterptRapf? 00 0 0 0 0 0 0� 0 100% neo re 3 1 w 11 100/ L v. p 1 b Nr WF�.,c 1 �>,_� _.� �0�4 0 a.. Ls Acsau±t Total 5. 1_00/� 100��1 Oo a 4__ 0 .� i 71/ 277_ 147s p o k rt.::__ 0 Asx 0 _. _ _1 �-0 0 0 Other Weapon °w -3_ a da 3 0 r� 1 __ zC�_ �`_s0 �r . 1007 _ 0 Fg 0 ® 3 0 0 0 ' 757 p e. OtherAAssau. to ._ h i � �_� R� _ � (No Agg_-a ated) � m - 0 _ t_b.,..._0-��= •dj 107 25% p So Burg ay Tc to e 6 5� 5 � '.® a _ 0 as Fore'L1 -- .. 5 6! _ 7% Sry 7 bo No 2 0 Fesr�t tr �,6 .m. - _ 0 2 e_ o _ i 7% 0 co Ate 10 0 — _� aha 77, � 9% 0 r p 0 6. larceny i 4 e _ -- a- $50,00 & Over 5 � , b Under >OoCv 3` --24 �6 5% 5% 3% s$ _ _ 22% 167 18% ®� �x. :29Bc 29 20 19 277 7a Auto TheftY� " - � e fi 5 5- d3 26/ �83% 19% SOI GRANA TOTAL ObA1'a �56a_ 49 36 30 _mom 16% 18%' 10% 11% Page threro 'i" F{ F T FTARTIEWT 14-N 'tI7 Y REPOR-7 !NDTX' OFFENSE, KNOW" _ C E,kN �x G1�AS� r I(-'AT-ON. "Frlr r � (T''' _.,,.. = M tso ..a! M, j f yam 1�.uc;d I ��,. Liar N � Pa � I OFF t 1 _ 6 2 50/ 1,6 3_ y I; s 38 ij __...... . ......__ ... O 105 I 3 .. 300 t w 12 P Q� ! 5 o Sex o f`e:v:�e,_ 4- (E.x pt Rape) 5 0 0 ! 6. 5 Laws 3y.a_ 1 300% 15_.. - i .. i � �%.�.., .ay ° up_ 27% Llquc— La 1 18 i 15 ,1400& =52 �s_ I - 9. D ..cu -de_Iy s� 0 i 4 d Z - 200/ 8QOZ- iOo V=a.t TM 1 6 I 102 . 5 nz aax;y�+ j 0 I 26 e 4a a _ 400% �40 - 54% Runxway Es ap � m36 m _2 uP 100% 19 u2P v 0 14. All. Other z� ! - --- .18 _ e�.66 o-16mW--.lvL PART II TCTA s ! __ a,n40W 66 65% 461 339 _+ � d - '16/ . S d POOLE VEMCIE REPORT Unit Mi'l.es Driver. FinalMiles Gas Used Oil Used Repaire &� Cost per male Trl Masnt,enance Operate Vehicle #2.�._ �469.2�_._. _•.35685 676.2 ...y-15 Qts. 159.02 3.2 -- #3 2984 33210 553.2 9 Qts. 108.87 3.6 #4 2597 53527 257.1 10 Qts, 66.80 2.2 #5 919 8992 97.0 29.48 2.2 LPG Fuel 11.,192 1 ,583.5 34 'Qts. .364.17 Average Cost 2.8 I I Per mile r t 3)F,FA.1�"t�TENT MUNTIIL. RFPOR`., PAR.'' ' _ OFFENSES Gi EARED BY ARREF,'r NPNBF UFFL'NSES I LERCF.NT OF OFFENSE_, —ASSIF.IUAT 1 O OF CLEARFD 3f AI?RE.+` CL&NFED. BC ARREST Fti A. f 7 lth i t '.fl ;L's 9 7 a Y a:, r a '+ a r Yea- fear 1.o F r ge y & I t e 1 4.11 np 2 0 i 0 0 33% 0 0 i 0 Go F"1Lf.r_L..r,rll.•.�W l�C i � � .�.—�.-.�.._-._..._,.�.._ ! __...___.__I..,...... _ 5 � 0 3. t '„r,+-' 9 2 11 m 2 9 , I 50% 92% 50% 75% o 'Wea}cr: C t,t,5 A l I 0 ` 0 1 0 �33/ 7 0.._.._ U. Y0 q W 5. S O.f.fe rsQE' s t E en Rap p 1 0 i 01_% 0 0 o andLinag + 12 1I i 8 3 i 63/ 73% i 42/ W17% y�ury� _ 7, .__I �_._....._._..:.,:...�_15 �_,_...51 3 _ 47:.._,� i 83/ 861 44% 68% �.__._,.._._ _. 8. D-^u .'rte;-r sr s i ' E _ 10` 16 0 0 91/ 94% 0 v 7 0 _.. .� �o D ~fie F, - f I - - Cordk 1 3 ( g 0 1 I 75% i 100% 0 1 �12% _ lO, Va, iia 1,..�_ Tt 2Y 40 _ i 26 37 i 1007 .�s 65%121. Runaways & I 1041 �z22g � r I ESapeen 25 1 9 24 7 ' 69% 47% 67% 377 13. Arson -- 9 m I -- - � � 0 _ 0_ 14. All Othe P I 50 44 1 14 15 76% _ 657 21 22'��, CRA U TOTAL 63 204 95 125 —7-487. 44% 28% 27% OTHER ACTIVITMS - CLASSIFICATION OF ACTIVIrIES�® THIS MONTH SAME MONTH LAST YEAR 1., Vacat.-"'o: House Checks Mad_ -"56 ` 2. Open Doors & Windows Found -j----------- 51 39 3- Spec-ial Prowl Checks Made --------- 4. --- ----4o Assists Rendered to Other Agencies - 337 A 237 5. Aid Given to C=}>izen ---------- m® 915 566 6, Warranf s Served 0 7. Field In errogata,or3 Report's Made 150 103 Ro Routine Complaints Investigated 2 CrAmes Reported and Dvresta_gated m = e - TOTAILACTIVITIES ----------------------- 3,938 � 2 22 — 9 7 Page five. .N(.I-_`:lU N., BAD ^IIECI.S " 42V ,7.L8 ,439.65 VATxF 394. 16 i'cROP t Y RECO' ERED `ii,Rzl UTj„ A E4G itT+_+_iE �o �331 3, FAD Clir','A A R v,-._=_. , �._ A,, YEAR 9£ J9 �,- 1 '+ 1. � Ll...... "' :A T� MON'Ll Ll T �% r AD VON!!i � .SAD C IECKS VA ""� F 55.40 _:u., r.ECO.�..F:D t>.iv'� NrCiN'r(i 'Rc;- vti:.4 a,..,oG� 68.83 PROPERTY 1051 TH;S MON-"17 VAI -T _. -��� `F None_ Reported FROF'E1t V 1.�5' SA Mr: MJNTFi 1.AS {EAFt VA. TJE c'nC)PFRT'i FOUND T'H t rAI:,UE .-_510z.._00 TR0FEPTY FOUND SAME MONTH -AS' YEAR IA?JE 12.48 1065 r R 7_ri"G TTCI1 ''Ii "._ c , -..., _O _ ,._ .� ..�:._: �.�.,.. 4,230. 17 °-OSS FOR. SAME MONTH .AS, aF A t �_ ,A .�� 149. 13 VANDALISM LOSS THIS MONTH - -- _ _ -_ _ -- 155.00 'RAI ,t-, ACCIDENT SUfvM ` H MONTH i - SEA"i TO DATE u _ 'Th iL _ , AGCiDNN TG7'A1- i 15 �i # 124 142 _ - 9 17 % y 13 15 F a i 0 i 0 0-y 12 140 % npe 1v Dar.age i �P _ _ -.". 0 + 1 100 / ' 8m2 y 4_z 0 _�:� goo r� 0 0 2 200 f,_ ! 6 ENFORCr.TMIEv^ SUMMARY THIS MONTH YEAR TO 1 T v� a _ x .fi :s Ye� E gar ! Th s Year 'Zaiea�sECliangv TRAF1_. TA S ! 1 t 33 % _ a 239 80 _ € 210 _ ' 137 V ol.ato_s 29 267 -�_` 43 - 48 / 391 Parki.r + v - — -rt� _ 19 I 24 � t.26 /` 39I 5 } 6- - ! 20 % 7 30 ., Arvride ' Arrest's Cita r r _ j $ > 10 i 25 /_ 70 _ 70 0 Page s.l,x wy . Oi.IC F, DFIFAR`t`IwE!47MON71'11,;Y RfR)RT _ ti4'A HA.T.i VE5 t Mrlfi,!R OF TRAFFIC`, ENFOR''F=- tliL>.At 1N -YEAH '. .) DATE Cfig HG;a +cw i cta 208 137Y 1503 + 8 % 2 55 Dnnf i { ► 5 i t _ M � F.Id T n Bd - Rule (Speed-mg' rci 1.36 9� 953 89 4 ' Reck.3,es,, D... • ,ag [ i �' ��. E t _...._...�. . L 30 D:��oher T 3f1 2 8 � � 205 _z.__ _a. t 13 g t _s r .�.0 0 2 Irap-ope T,�.-__y ;g _ -_9y _. i 9 5 65 �L..d y..v . W.. 0 _ Failure to Yre:rc Right of Wad 6 i _.. ..: 39 2 Following ow ng `Tor. C 4 0,�. n _ 1� No 1 __. t _.s _.. ..._..,. n or IrnpropA; 3 g a.w 3 0 . Imps op r Lane Lsag=, + 29 53 41 � Other Fiats ._ 3 8 47 7t S j ?� 17 5 -i 85 134 Non-HaTar do=as Violat=onn T + s s ti n_ a 2843 'ql 362 6 267 -9- 36 %% P ,a 'Parking Vioiat.aos s n � Total , --- - — 19 A. 24 �N� 372 287 � + 30 _._ CUR.ICAT, DATA ACTIVITY �THI'S MONTH Radio Messages Logged o - �a— 5 145 g Telephone Calls' Logged ®___ --a-a---------------------- Cards — ----eve------eCards Typed and Filed ------------------------------------ _ 1 --- 69 2.079 1.244 Assists Given to Other Agencies m a ----- x, - _ — 337 � Other A ti It iss -------------------- --------------------- UNPAID ® ---- n ----- --------om---UNPAID OVERTIME`LOGGED BY ALL PERSONNEL' THIS MONTH SAME MONTH LAST YEAR V (Chief and Captain 135 hr_s - SRtsw39) 56 _ 553 End of report for Month of October 19 70 - - Hugh Iia Wilkinson Chief of Police PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1970 1. SEWER DIVISION REPORT A. Monthly Data State Criteria - Total Ave. Design Capacity Flow (gal) 27,576,000 889, 000 700, 000 Solids Collected(gal) 71, 040 2, 291 -0- Chlorine Used (lb) 1, 174 49 BOD (ppm) 36 20 Suspended Solids (ppm) 31 20 MPN (per 100 ml) 1, 000 Plant Efficiency 87/ 85% B. Operation of the sewer treatment plant this month has been exceptionally good considering our average flow. Some minor problems have occurred with the pump stations, both on Bonita Road and the one owned by Paterson on 113th. C. The sewer treatment plant expansion is progressing very well. The contractor received the valve and squeegees which were the last items necessary for completion of the plant. it is anticipated that November Toth, cut-in will be achieved, ; which was the date of completion set for the contractor. He has 30 days to make final cleanup, which is also approximately the amount of time necessary to put the plant in full operation. �= D. In order to go into a 7-day, operation of the sewer treatment _ plant, ,two new employees have been added. They are Mrs. Linda Vargo and Mr. Alan Inman. Linda is a lab technician who will s '4 be doing almost all of the lab work at the treatment plant. Alan is a laborer` and,will be doing most of the yard maintenance and upkeep. 2. PARK AND STREET DIVISION REPORT A. This month, all of the improvements on the Main Street Rail- road crossing were completed, including street light, ` 'tJ paving, and guard rails. The 'City is now working with the railroads for the final improvements. As yet, no date has been estab- lished for a'public hearing with the :P.U.c. Commission. B. Some work was done in the parks "this month to prepare them for closing for the winter months. However, little or no improve- ments were made, due to -the wet weather conditions. C. A storm line has been installed on Ash Street near the Fire Hall. It is our intention to leave this gravelled during the winter so that paving can be accomplished next summer. As _vet, the City has not received the deed from the fire district for this property. it is our recommendation that work not be completed on this section until we have received the deed. D. A considerable amount of general road maintenance has been completed this month. Such items as ditch cleaning, painting of some crosswalks and center lines, along with quite a bit of patching throughout the City, was accomplished. 3. ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT A. Approximately 102 man hours was spent on the traffic safety program this month. Most of this time was spent on the inventory of traffic control devices and inventory of traffic volumes and characteristics. We are presently about 40% complete on these two items. Some work has been conducted on the speed and travel time studies and identification of _ roadside hazards. We had hoped to have completed the estab- lishment of illumination criteria; however, due to a mal- ` function in the metering equipment, this was not possible. A tray"fic' counter and radar unit have been received. As yet, however, we have not received the license 'for operating the radar unit. B Street lights have been energized in the Brookway, Cresmer and. Karol Court 'Subdvisions. As yet, the maintenance agreement has not been completed for the cresmer and Brockway, Subdivisions. C. The Derry Dell sewer extension has progressed as far as possible this summer. It is Stevens & Thompson's recommendation that we hold $4500 for cleanup to be accomplished next year by the con- tractor. Also, "it has been requested by the contractor that he be granted a time extension. Respectfully submitted, Keith C. Thompson Director' of Public works KCT/jp TKLZFH0:e 253-2424 GENERAL CONTRACTORS, FZECEIVE.�D 7805 N. E. HALSEY STREET (� PURiLANO.OREGON 67213 Nov ,.t.. 197� 111 CITY OF TIGARD November 4, 1970 Cit;, of 'Tigard P. u. 133. 2 355 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Keith 9'holnpson Subject: Derry Dell SewerProject Gentlemen: We hereby request an extension of time on the Derry Dell Sewer Project to cover delays which were incurred by us and resulted in the contract time overrunning approximately 33 days. Reference is made to our letter uf- October 23, 1969 where we outlined some easement delays wilier made certain critical portions of the project inaccessible until after tilebadweather began. , The execution of this project depended very heavily oil the weather; therefore, it of extreme' importance ; to work in this area between 'tile first part of 'July ,and the middle of September. When we established our time on the job we had assumed that the job would be A awarded and we could proceed with the work within ten:days after the iob was bid. This wotlid navegiven us approximately twt extra weeks to work under extremely favorab:l.e weather conditions. It was fur:.her assumed that we would be able to start at the beginning of the praject. ;'lids allows the project to proceed much more efficiently, thus we could have had much more pipe in the first year. As it was, we had to start at Walnut Street and proceed into one of the worst swamp sections on the project. This start coupled with the re- ! sulting rains toward the end of September resulted in the project being greatly slowed. As was 'stated in our letter of October 23, 1969 we realise that problems arise with regard to money and easements at the beginning of projects which cannot be controlled by the engineer, so we are not asking extra compensation for the loss of time and extra expense ofconstruction but we do request an ultimate amount of consideration be given'to ,our problems of construction. When it became obvio•.is 'that we could; not complete on time, we did have some equipment available to put on the project; however, we did not have personnel available to us that were qualified to excavate and lay pipe, on this 'difficult a project. i We hereby request that our time be extended:for 20 days due to the delays in securing the easements from Station 0+00 to Station 11+00. -2- clioc, we r,rqu,st iO days r,xtension due to the delays in the start =i thy: ill--j1i-L nn.l thr!' Wissing this much of prime weather conditions. idc ; urtlhc=r regttL t ivs additional due to delays caused by having (art v.n iocs I-Irr r,;,s of t-he work in the middle; such as Walnut Street and Guardc- Road , ruttier than starting in the beginning. days. N1,2 c.;i11 u.:r attention Lo the fact that we cid work as much as possible "I thc' i,r1uc`u during, 1.969 and in fact we lost money on the final work that W„ (lid iast ye;ir clue to the bad weather. We started in June of this year to lrai.r: tiic ponds .:ind pedto general draining of the area so when our crews dial arriie tl start the project after July 4th, they could work as efficiently as L�c�ssibl - Assuming this ❑oasts c,Uh your approval, I remain Very truly yours, C. J. MONTAG & SONS, INC. Richard C. Montag r Secretary RCM:mld CC: Stevens, Thompson RLurayn N