City Council Packet - 10/26/1970 ME _ :FF= ..0 E. m, AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEC h AN"'F, _ 4. APPROVAL OF M NU2'ES 5. WRITTEN COMKUN_[t"AT.ZCN_' 6. APPROVAL OF B7CL1..S $,q X46. 7. APPROVE LIQUCI 1,r:t.:$A E.'.•EwA:. Al,,. .--CA (a) Hudson, S t=p-e- l Faa - p"u.xe'- <a.--,F, -, E Rona Gree:: GV' _,N. .., _ Y:3Wr E °;'E' e3[ A Gyred's SuZe L-.Ine Oak Rett_,..r :.;, r P. .Gaffer ._4a .. Mi Safewa} &- (b) Reconvaendatfcn :� _. .. 8, ORDINANCE Nno 79-� La C'FL nti'i` C' hND t OF _ M E,=�L INC r O Mho "RF, t3?' i i nm. DE, i9'1 0 ED-Ti°vN,. AS_kUE...2SHED `N a9=`0 B`, THE _NTETt.ra_ 5'3' LD NG; <A. HT, . ',"-F' ;'GArD UVIrORM -. AJ'LD.`NG-ML CHAIN-:CA, =N;OU'SNC 5:YC-N S ANDARDS- Dr4Tv'GE.0 r- fiC.,ti.DahC C.:I.E; -C-E,rHER 7, BE r � X"vCW'iAE THE .7'i CT, T'c.t�t,D "lb r 6S: cUa LSl".NG Ofi .9G r6' EA .vC ::NA�4E Nee 53 .. ,:.= F,..;:cd_nc t:.aE;:. and C; �.rs_.,,.,e h,: .a, 4 ,lr ar'e. f�>s'e ',r.cwn as the Meu'ra a;L..Ccd_• F7 -t_NG'.FEE�, FIRE ZtNEA; TE. .N".;vC :LAi:CAN3 AND E'.%Z_NG (a) Recomnenda'_ior C:-tv 9. SEWER PLANT EXPANS eON, ..z':PFGVE a (a) Reco=endat.lon of nizec-or ZL� Wr-rk� loo REPORT ON DMRPX DEL: SEWER (a) Report by Director of lle ORDINANCE Nr>o 70-__ r1.'+T !%;D»,.,r11C;E .�..,;a;s?a",RG'E E t�:;: _ C ONtiEC.�.C74 D. F.=S EC DEER'P DELL SEWER L:NE (a) Reconunendation of C Ey .A.d.7t r ir 12, REZONING AP %CAT t .p F -,LYTr c A-2 (Multipie G ar R P Dw'e rJ, eY r= located at 14240 5,W, FacLjj, and 501, _._. Ape:_1c-�.>_ . 3x _ � eti E__ t._-,i sr;cry t.-2:Gn ___,o (a) setting :hi nc Hear, N g •r. ..r t 7" 8 CC a•.1. (b) R.ec•,;Ymnendaz rs 13. CONDITIONAL, USE AF r r CA'Ar_ N.(Genera. E r e C-3c _j . 7880 S.,W, Y'£aff.ne, approved b F CC o.N Y (a) Setting 'z•ut Hey (b) Recammevdar -n: ni C: at 14. ZONING CODE AMENDMENq F_�, DISTRICT. Amer..dmeno `ap }E C �M A Fes: Ai (a) Setting F^•,ii _r n c-_^c r.�smte_ 4 19-C (b) Recammendat:cr., p,r 7"ty Aar...nia .._ .:_ 15, AMfiNDMENTE- TO kO'^'fiEA FLANKED E D n r rN :y . S,W, 121st. and S„W Somme C. .. ` ..£ 900, 1000 and 2100. W ' -.x (a) InL.erna: t'.sl:. r; He 8 CC (b) Reccnanendiat ion, 16. SALE OF LERON HEIGHTS SEWER !MERG:"E,SMEEI ECND , (a) Bid Opening 8a OC F,M. (b) Recc m-nerdationt Wit" C=ty Ad:n:.'..._,, atcr 17, ORDINANCE No, 707__ AN CRWYANCE ArO T- F �C:., FA F``_`_NG AND CONFIRM NG THE APPLI AB,LWT`z TO THE CITY OF.TIGA:1D s:F THE, FIREkREVE?V_'Ivn: C:;DE ADCFTED BY THF OF THE TJA,LA:':t FUFAZ FIRE` fRr 'E m?LTt D.STk.CT, ...2 ..:UDING THE C T ,C',F T .GARn, EX- REFERENDUM {YF Sky 26„ 1966; zRFF_k;;= Nv S:TANZARD;T FCR ON-S:W E FIRE F -rTTECTTtN_ FACWITIES WI.:EW THE CIT" CAR TIGARD TRC. IDING AFFRC,;;AI OF FARE FAC:.' TIES BY THE :,UA'1AA.,.N FURAL, F Ir:F PROTECT ON D S I .:s T AS CONDITION t".DECEDENT TO :WSUANCE OF BU* T NG PERMIT3: F=TcCHTEW'L:y OBSTRUCTION OF ACCE 5 TO RISK AREAE; RE QUIRI:NG° F RE ^ IECs"N CP COMPLETED FAC.TZ7— a F TEES FR" " "CUFr .00 FSTAPIWH:a N& REFjF'CN- SIBILTTY FOR MA NTEV:A.`.'CE OF FAC,LI a:Eq, PRCH.IE `' .NG OF F--RE h`_rRANTS AND S_:M!LAR FIRE C?�'Ei T_.^Nc REACR.._E_:.!VG EFFEC_ T!V'E DATE AND DE I,A_,...:";F AN E'9E7GE2^` (a) Recommendation Of City Admsr..r..,t-__;-»- Page 2 - Council Aganda 1C/26/30 18, OTHER BUSINEEE5 19, CALL TO AUVIEN7V FCF: 7F CF-EEE "2 'N E yt; 20, AFJeTOURNME'_�T F t d S Page 3 - Council Agenda 10/25/70 i CITY COWGTh 01 YInARD UCtObcl^ 26 The renular meeting of the: city Council of Ti�ard =9 uni l—I to order by Mayor Kyle at; 7:30 _u.m. on October 2n, 1171, roll l k revealing- that the Mayor and all Councilmen were present. Miscellaneous other business havin7 been nisnosed of, at 8:00 p.m, the !'Mayor announced the title for o, enin-= of bias received with respect to the sale of 114 ,976.04 'moral obli--ctiou hands oi' the City for the Laron Heights S wer immovemenL District, ther=e being th ne bids as hereinafter set forth: The •Iayor proceeded to or.-on the bids ani: publicly read them, as follows: FIRST STATE BANK OF ORECON: For all of said bonds as publicized, Coupon interest rate of 5.75% for all bonds maturing 1971. to 1975, inclusive Coupon interest rate of 5.90' for all bonds maturing 1976 to 1978, inclusive Coupon interest rate of 6.201 for all bonds maturing 1979 to 1980, inclusive Price: :6100. for each $100. par value 5 Net interest cost: $5,697.12 Effective interest rate: 5.9963; UNITED . PATES NA`tTIONAL BANK OF OREGON, Tigard Rranch: For all of said bonds as publicized, Couponinterest rate of `6-1/85 Price: $100.006 for each $100, par value Net interest cost: $5,816.38 Effective interest rate: 6.124" FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON, Tigard Branch: For all of said bonds as publicized, `Coupon interest rate of 6-1/4" Price: $100. 11 for each $100. par value Net interest cost: ;x5,919.53 Effective interest rate: 6.23265 Excerpts of Minutes of Meeting of 1-0/25/70 After some discussion, on mot on m - by Ccuncil �;' seconded by Councilman Moore i11cr an, and t ie r:a tiro s unit- i, co inci':- wen dulypresent ac and the ,'Mayor, tt r'� of or +y bid of ir.,t ;,r,;to neon utas duly accepted, -"` On motion duly made, necondpd and passed, It was ,, t_j that the Cite Recorder and the City Att:orncv nronood to forthwith to have prepared � tran5eciut of rxrn r r � r me il ha Messrs. Shuler, Hankin, Myers rWalsh, and Ln h �av' tnc nor,d6• n ,n_ pared and dE liverou at the 'at l L 'st nossIbl, date. c i �nCOr44 Attest: j p•2 - Excerpts of Minutes of Meeting of 10/26/70 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 26, 1970, 7,30 FSM. 1. ROLL CALL, Present. Mayor E. G. Kyle, Councilmen Floyd H. x Bergmann, Daniel L. Larsen, Robert C. Moore, Thomas M. O'Halloran; Stephen M. Telfer, City Administrator; Fred A. Anderson, City Attorney, Keith C. Thompson, Director of Public Works; Doris Hartig, City Recorder 2. PL:DGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, October 12, 1970 (a) Approved as submitted 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter from Bill and Marian Sabisch, 9995 S. W. Garrett, commending City for improvements made to S. W. Main Street railroad crossing. (b) Fetter from Allan Paterson, President of Planning Commis- sion, regarding proposed amendment to Henry Potter Planned Residential Davelovment. 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS, $29,846.72 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Moore, seconded by Council- man O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 6. APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATIONS- , (a) City Administrator stated Police Department had reviewed and recommended the following applications be approveds` Hudson Stores, 3 -Boys Market, Package Store Class B Ron's Green Valley Tavern, Retail Malt`Beverage`Class-A Girod's'Super'Market, Package Store Class B Lone Oak Restaurant, Class'B Dispensers Gaffers,<Retail'Malt'Beverage Class C Safeway Stores, 'Inc., Package Store Class,B American Legion, C Dispensers, Less Than 500 Members " (b) Motion to approve. Councilman Larsen; seconded by Council- man O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 7. ORDINANCE No. 70-42'- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING VOLUME,I, VOLUMES II, III, IV, AND V-OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1970 EDITION, AS PUBLISHED IN 1970 BY THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFI- CIALS, AS THE CITY OF TIGARD UNIFORM BUILDING- MECHANICAL-HOUSING-SIGN STANDARDS-DANGEROUS BUILDING CODE, TOGETHER TO BE KNOWN AS THE ' "CITY OF TIGARD UNIFORM BUILDING CODE OF �. 197011,- REPEALING;ORDINANCE No. 67-53 (hereto- fore known as the Building Code), and Ordinance No. 67-54 (heretofore known as the°Mechanical Code),'PRESCRIBING FEES, DEFINING FIRE ZONES, DEFINING VIOLATIONS AND FIXING PENALTIES (a) Motion to adept; Counc. lrar, .° l.c:rar,; s+ec^^;ced by Councilman Mccreo Approved by unarni.m.-us vete cf C r^:<W. pseserto 8< SEWER PLANT EXPANSION, 'PROGRESS PAYMENT (a) Director of Public W^rks, repr_�:ted sewage tr&aaament plant is 77% complete and .�Lhcul.d be in £u:S cperat---n withir, 30 days, (b) Motion to apzr.�ve pa"en Cmc nc<lman Bergmann, ser�ended by Councilman Tarsen, Approved by unar:":mous vote of Council. 9, DERRY DELL SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) Director of Public Works repc9rted ark. ,,L installation of line complete and ready to be used. ht.•wever, several _ discrepancies have bean noted. Contract will run over time allotted on project, 10. ORDINANCE No, 70--43 AN ORDINANCE PRE5CRIBING SUPPLEMENTAL SEWER CONNECTION CHARGES ADDITIONIAL TO ALL OTHER SEWER CCTNNECITON CHARGES HERETOFCIRE IN EFFECT WITHIN THE CITY OF TIfARD AND SUPPLEMENTAL Tk) SE.-WER SERVICE CHARGES IMPOSED BY THE UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, WITH RESPECT TO ALL RESIDENTIAL CONNECTIONS, INCLUDING EXTENDED LINES OR. T'RIBUTAR'Y LINES, DIRECTLY OR ZNDIRECTLY TO THE DERRY DELL TRUNK SEWER AS DEPICTED SAN SHEETS l TO 6, INCLUSIVE, OF PLANS AND PROFILE DATED MAY, 1969, PREPARED BY STEVENS, THOMPSON & RUNYAN, INC., ;EXCEPTING THOSE CONNECTIONS FOR WHICH � A SUPPLEMENTAL SEWER CONNECTION CHARGE IS OTHERWISE PAYABLE FOR CONNECTIONS-TO LERON HEIGHTS INTERCEPTOR, PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT THEREOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) City Administrator requested page 2, section 4 of ordinance be corrected to read "each ,equivalent dwelling unit as defined in Unified SewerageAgency rate 'order No. 70-12;" Motion to correct ordinances Councilman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Bergmann. r Approved by unanimous vote of Councils (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman O'Halloran, seconaad by ,- Councilman'Mcoree Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 11. REZONING APPLICATION, GARFIELD & ARDATH HUBBLE v Present Zone A®2 (Multi-family Residential), requested Zone C-4 (Neighborhood Commercial), located at 14240;S,W, Pacific Highway, Map;2S1 10A, z Tax Lots 400 and 5010 (a)' Setting Public Hearing November 9, 1970, 8-00 P.m. Page 2 - Council Minutes 10/26/70 (b) Motion to set public hearing ;. rcn r:•; e._,•.:e, seconded by Counci mar r Ha-'_c,- .r:. Approved by unanimous vane ai C •rc 12, CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION E .'ia L. Ft R gnes•. . r a conditional use for too duplexes in a C 3 !General C merc_a Zone, located at 7880 S.. W. ffaffle,. Map 191 36CD. Tax !at 300, (a) Setting Public Hearing November 9. 19-.7C, 6-OC. ,, M,, (b) Motion to set p ..b'.ic hearing C n:: man Morey seconded by cnr,c;wan. Larsen. Approved by unan.msas ucte cf Cau.e.ciA. 13. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT TO NC 7:..CO -.P, C GMMEF.CIAL PRC;EE:!ONAi. DISTRICT (a) Setting Public Hearing Vanomher 9 x.910, BnQ f„M, (b) Motion to set public hearanCouncilman M cie seconded by C unci:_man Ira ser.. Approved by vote of C rci ;. 14, AMENDMENT TO POTTER PLANNED RESID-ENTXAL, Located in t cinity of S. W. 121st and S. W. m<_e rest tw:ve, Map ;EI 34C, Tax Lots 900, 100V and 1.100, (a) City Adminis .gator reported c'e:ea per p_cpr,-ed tc change the concept to single family and duplex lois, Adm Lis- _ trator reccamended matter be remanded back lic Y`lann rg Commission for further,action. Informal public hearing8;00_P.M. No Testimony -- Hearing Closed (b) Motion by Councilman Larsen that the amendment, along with the list of recommendations submitted by staff, be remanded back to the Planning commtissinn for further action. Motion seconded by:Councilman O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous vote of aouncd . 15. SALE OF LERON HEIGHTS SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS, $14,936.04 (a) - Did Opening:8.00 P.Mr City Administrator reported three bids were received, as follows. First National Bank Interest on all bonds 6 1/4/ Net interest cost $5,919.53 or effective interest rate of 6.2326 Page 3 - Council Minutes 10/26/iO First State Bank On boreds ma>ur r Ieniber _ sa"" t 7 N e,nce: 1975 inclusiver-ez s rate 11 f On bonds m3.tarsra: N:'i ti^_r a o N _:-v:a: 1978 inclual e ter =te -t 5.9C% On bonds- maturing Ncc .nhe_ 1980 inclusive 26% Total interest. 55,695. e±fac.t.%"e -nterest rate of 5.9963% United States Nat L,-.na Bar.k Interest cr., al.1 c,nd 6 _/'6% Net interest c:<st cS,S;i.6.=.8 or effective -,'•*eras rate of 6.:24/ City Admin-'strater stated itappeazed the hsd of Fi_^st. State Bark was low ar.d recommended they be awardad b w„ subject to rat*Wfic:aticr, by City Attorney and Messrs, Shuler, Rankin, Myers, Walsh & Ragen. (b) Motion to accept I'dd f First State Ba:nkz C un.ci.`Lman O'Halloran; sac<..reded by Councilman Moore. Approvai> by ananLMnu_= cote 16. ORDINANCE No. 70-44 -, PON ORDINANCT ArOPT NG„ FAT:F'Y NG AND CONF:RM:NG THE APPLwCAPZL'IT"Y TC THE CWTY OF TTGARD j'?F THE FIRE PREVENT-ION CODE ADOPTED BY THE VOTERS OF THE TUALAT N RURAL, FLRE PROTECTION D STRICT, ;`:NCT!JL,. NG THE CITY '? TIGARD, BY REFERENDUM OF MAY 26, 1966, PRESCRIP—NG STANDARTS FOR ON—SITE FIRE P':=cf.TECTZON FACSL'T'ES W:THZN THE .:WT'Y OF 'STIGARD, PROV'IDYNG APPROVAL OF FIRE FACILITIES BY THE TUALATIN RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AS CONDITION PRECEDENT TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS, PROHIBLTING OBSTRUCTION OF ACCESS TO RISK AREAS, RE QUIRZNG FIRE INSPECTION OFCOMPLETED FACILIT ES PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY, ESTABLISHING RES''CN„IE:L ITY FOR: MAINTENANCE OF FAC LL.TIESg !PR.OHi:BZTING• OBSTRUCTION OF FIRE HYDRANTS AND SIMILAR FIRE CONNECTIONSg 'PRESCRIBING EFFECTZVT DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Motion to adopt. Council-man gore, seconded by Council- man O*Halloran. Approved by:unanimous vote of Council. OTHER BUSINESS w A. HERBERT STARK REZONING APPLICATION (Washington County) x _ City Administrator reported Stark Property before Washington - County Board of Commissioners or. appeal from denial of Planning Commission to rez.^ne from-S-R to RW7 ;,sanding Field. City Administrator reported City staff recommended request be denied as the proposed deve1cpment would be incompatible with City of Tigard Planning.' Page '4 - Council. Minutes 1,0/26/70 Messrs„ John Sirclazr - _ h S,,r:i; r, ce:..:r S;xb._r* expressed their cartcerr -:q r a -_,.. that w _-j ce creared with the expansicn 0 t a_ --_ 1r. Motion by C'cunc .Inman I =er: t-.a_ i C`. ,rc... 4 __ opposing the request ro: t<<e rez, r t .e _ta-n r:cr'ty� from S-R to R-7 fi me*: _ __ .r-ce3 by f• :c_:.na.i: O'Halloran. Approved by sznan mous VI'te Of' -CLrc City Adminsstxa* _. wrto Aa ..s; C . 'r,t.y Plannirg sign of crunr:l' act, or, B. PROPOSED SIGN ORD7NANOE City Admirb.trat-«:: rer nne:-_c ' < nci:L Sar rieaz_ng date November 9th icr pz:_posed siar, ozd rance. Motion to set. public hearing __ ve_T .er 9, is?(_ 8;00 F ?A_ Councilman Larsen., seconded by t::oyn iman Councilman Bergmann s-uggeste n.ce Ccu c l had •a .mar•,v other hearings scheduled the 9th, the date be changed t.:- N,-,vemlt er 23rd. Amen(-hnent: agreeable tc -matter and s.eccnder �,f Approved by :unanimous vc.te rte« C. YOUTH APPRECIA_'I.+ti>N WEEK _ Mayor Kyle read prccI a, .at.ic.r, d-i!LL.G at,cng Novembez 9 - 15 as Youth Appreciation Week. C vb each year hc;r,.w> young people who norma '`y se Five ve y _.1t.1.11-e Motion to accept proclamation,- Councilman E¢rgztann, seconded by'Councilman O'Halloran Approved by unanimous vc.te cf Counc .'. D. -BALLOT MEASURE #11 Mayor Iryle read resolution cpposing Baylot Measure #11. Motion to adopt resol-aticno ounc:'_lman Y-"cre, seconded by Councilman Larser!. Approvedby unanimous vote of Counc:.l.. E. USE OF PROPANE GAS 3N CITY VEHICLES Council requested report on use of propane in City vehicles. City Administrator stated new bawds for vehicles cc-ntain option for this type of gas,: and w-la r4part to council on past experience with respect to performance and operating costs. F. ADJOURNMENT 850 P.M. �1 r C. R-corder ATTEST.. Mayor Page 5 - Ccuncil Minutes :.0/26/70 a T I_ .t 3? _- C� _. -. .._ 1�7, T) , t r�'.T. I p: , T r,Y "heck Vo. : ,l. - t-- .r : TJ r f- C .y 6:�1 JB CJP 7 1 .., 1 1 th .l ;l; .Lman 1310 t!s, ii+365 T .`jr'd T -rt;? ,«5 C t r LJ 6gt.)t• 1j, to i).. .., �.:UI ,It.7 - L _ .._ 1, j)1iEi � l.- i bo07 i i-719 I: MEMOT2ANDUM TO: City Council _r.ROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: October 26 Council Agenda DATE: October 23, 1970 On the agenda for your Monday evening Council Meeting are several _ ordinances, copies of which are enclosed for your reference. One ordinance adopts by reference the 1970 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, including Volumes I, II, III, IV and V, which covers buildings, mechanical, housing, dangerous buildings, and signs, respectively. The fee schedule for building permits and mechanical permits will remain the same as currently being charged. Another ordinance provides standards for fire protection facilities within the city limits. This is an ordinance long sought by the fire district in order to require developers to install hydrants to insure adequate supply of water for fire protection purposes. This should also assist in maintaining a low fire insurance rating. Enclosed is a copy of a memorandum from Allan Paterson regarding his feelings on the informal public hearing scheduled for an: amend- ment to the Potter property planned residential conditional use. It would be my recommendation that you hold your informal hearing' monday evening and then return the proposal to the 'Planning Commis- sion for their review and comments prior to adopting an ordinance; amending the existing conditional use. It seems there is confusion regarding the ability of the developer to subdivide the land in accordance withtheplanned residential conditional use, enabling him to sell off individual lots to potential duplex builders. Mr. ti Paterson seems to be concerned that the projects must be developed as a `total complex by one developer. I would request that you come at about 7:15 Monday evening so that we may, discuss this matter further ;prior' to your meeting. Respectfully submitted, SMT/jp Encl. i y,_ aC tATERS-ON Rka&, 12700 S PACIFIC HWY, TIGARD, OREGON 97223 n g. r' O Real Estate Appraisals . Insurance Telephone MErcur 9.2125 � LL October 21, 1970 P F FLO OCC 2..1 197 Tigard City Council City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: City Council Meeting October 26, 1970 _ - Dear Sirs : On your agenda you have a hearing scheduled on a proposed amend- ment to the Planned Residential Conditional Use you approved on March 10th, 1969 on the Henry Potter property. The amendment pro- poses a change from an integrated Planned Residential use of 48 multi-family units supporting a neighborhood commercial zone in front to a subdivision containing 11 duplex lots and 22 single family lots in the rear. Tt appears to the Planning Commission that this is more than an amendment to the original plan. More particularly, it is a whole new concept more clo. ely akin to sub- dividing the subject parcel with individual lotF, and duplex sites being available, rather than one well planned integral multi- family Planned Residential Unit in a residential zone where one parte would be responsible for maintaining the property. The concept has now been turned around into quite something else. We now have 33 separate parcels of land being created with the resulting density, being 1 houses and � duplexes. This is not the originalconcept of the conditional use and therefore it-is main - tained 'that it should be referred back to the Planning Commission for consideration ;as a 'whole new conditional use. Furthermore, the old;approval should be cancelled since it now is obvious that the developers have no intention of following the original plans as they were bound to do in the public hearing. ally ordained function of the Planning' Commission to It is theleg ' it se is the Cy Council on planning matters. This is just such a a matter. A review of the record shows that the Planning Commission initially heard this request Feb. 180, 1968, and unanimously denied the conditional' use. Subsequently the City Council reversed the recommendation on the appeal of the developers. It is not to suggest here that the Planning Comatission will again deny hearing a 'request for a Planned Residential development on the subject property. Each application will stand on its own merits as it relates to what is considered good planning. However, for the Council to take action on this as simply an amendment to an already approved conditional use-this, in spite of the initial -denial on the part of the Planning commission,, and--this, without referring the matter back to the Planning. Commission for study- _ would seem not to be in the interest;of promoting public confi- dence in our local government and would seem to be eliminating the function of the Planning Commission altogether,-.. ., �. e ul y S, Ji terson Pr"es ident Tigard Planning Commission