City Council Packet - 10/12/1970 TIGAPD CITY COUNC EL REGULAR MEETING OC.`rOBER 12, 19700 730 p,m,, FOWLER JRa HIGH SCHO L La LRAR.Y ROOM AGENDA: to CALL TO ORDER 20 ROLL CALL 3, .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, September 26, 1970 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6, APPROVAL OF BILLS $61, 025.53 7. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Administrator (b) Building (c) Finance (d) Police (e) Public Works So ORDINANCE No. 70- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING PERTINENT SECTIONS OF OREGON REVISED STATUTES WITH RESPECT TO THE REGULATION, OPERATION, USE AND OWNERSHIP OF VEHICLES; DEFININGTRAFFIC AND OTHER VEHICULAR OFFENSES y ,PRESCRIBING PROCEDURESS PRESCRIBING PARKING AND ADDI- TIONAL REGULATIONS; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONSa REPEALING ORDINANCE 66-20 AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 9, APPROVE FINAL PAYMENT -- DERRY DELL SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) Recommendation"of Director of Public Works 10. CALL FOR ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 3, 1970, for 3 Council Positions (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 11. PRESENTATION:OF FLAG -`AMERICAN LEGION u 12, OTHER BUSINESS 13, CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 14. AD,7OURNMENT TIGARD CITY COUNCIL c REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 12, 1970, 7:30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor E. G. Kyle, Councilmen Floyd H. Bergmann, Daniel L. Larsen, Robert C. Moore; Stephen M. Telfer, City Administrator; Fred Anderson, City Attorney; Keith C. Thompson, Director of Public Works; Doris Hartig, City Recorder Absent: Councilman Thomas M. O'Halloran 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, September 28, 1970 (a) Approved as submitted 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter stating staff would like suggestions for name of new "S.W. Hospital" proposed by Emanuel and Physicians & Surgeons Hospital. 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS $61,025.53 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Moore; seconded by Council- man Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 6. MONTHLY REPOR.rB (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Larsen; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 7. ORDINANCE No. 70-41 - AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING PERTINENT SECTIONS OF OREGON REVISED STATUTES WITH RESPECT TO THE REGULATION, OPERATION, USE AND OWNERSHIP OF VEHICLES, DEFINING TRAFFIC ' AND OTHER VEHICULAR OFFENSES;; PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES; PRESCRIBING PARKING AND ADDI- TIONAL`REGULATIONS; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS; REPEALINGORDINANCE 66-20 AND ALL'AMENDMENTS`THERETO (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Bergmann; seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. r 8. APPROVE PROGRESS PAYMENT #5, DERRY DELL SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT $25,214.67 (a)` Motion to approve: Councilman Moore,, seconded by Council- man Bergmann. t Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 9. CALL FOR ELECTION TO BE HOLD NOVEMBER 3, 1970, for 3 Council Positions (a) City Administrator stated terms of office for Mayor Kyle, Councilmen Bergmann and Larsen expire December 31, 1970, and recommended Council direct the City Recorder to prepare and publish election material. e (b) idotion by Councilman Moore to direct City Recorder to post election notices and prepare election material to be delivered to Washington County Election Department seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 10. PRESENTATION OF U. S. FWPG BY AMERICAN LEGION (a) Bill Phillips, on behalf of the American Legion, made presentation and invited Council to flag retirement ceremony to be held November 15, 1970, at 2:00 P.M. 11. ADJOURNMENT 7:50 P.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Council met in executive session after close of regular meeting for the purpose of discussing the Kvarnstrom Easement which was to be heard in court October 13, 1970. Council, City Attorney and staff reviewed case. Motion by Councilman Larsen, upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, to settle the Kvarnstrom easement in the amount of $1,000.; seconded by Councilman Bergmann. "Approved by unanimous vote of Councilpresent. Meeting adjourned 8:00 P.M. n City Recorder ATTEST- Mayor: w Page 2 -'Council Minutes 10/12/70 BILL;`: PRESENTHD liii l.''L=r11 ctober 1', 1°70 GTifTERAL FUPID, U. S. NATI01JAL I'A1`;F. Balance as of .Aug. 31, 1.970 4 55j 2i, Receipts - To Time Deposits ( 1' Bills raid '1) 28.-1970 ( �) Balance Check No. 6684 Otto Sor, - 'ibr=ry Rent ,l i06•09 6699 Millie Proctor 'liCresa :'e.+: 6700 Mrs, `;iillie Proc-I:or - 'ritness Fee (111 7.cc 6701 General Services - ,State of Cr-?gon Direct- ories (12) 2.00 (19) 1.00 00 6702 Hugh ';ili inson - Travel (16) 7OJ 6718 lm. T. `ditness Fee (1.1) 0�l 6755 ``;m. E. Gill - Refund on z_oninf, adjustment 25.0 6757 Willie Proctor - '",iti c ,s Fee (1 1 7.55 6778 Pre ,'illie Proctor ;fitness _Fee (11.) 7• 675; T otor -lehicles Division - Linen"e `'uspen ions �f 67U) o i?'c Gedr c i") 6772 F liday Ma,, ii- - '.-ub,.�cription 6773 Oregon SeAion A..>. ,.L 6774 Thomas E. Bronson - Ruild n- Tn r ction (; 6775 A3d_e so Iraph P?u1_ti�raph Co z,j). 9up':Mies 6776 Business quinme.nt Buren" ' c-yir, (11)1:-C,,0 (12)9.80 (T4) 17.5 (16) 6777 Doirco, Inc. , Library suTplies (15) 6778 Friction Lupply, Inc. - Auto Yain. ?16) 2D- 6779 Northwest Natural Ca (18) 1., 71 6780 Shell ( i1 Co. Ga (1-2) f ? l i i 7.'J7 (16)f 4•i,3 cl.7=l 6781 Ti am hoof L?st. fief ;;'23J RentSi-r: Lode CoIJIT m,ittc".e 10. 'D 67132 Petty Cash-- (10) 2, 85 (16) 25.01 (1&) 1.07 (19) 1-0-76 55.57 673 Mayor .. G. I�:yle- "o,rz.. .l , eatin6.., (10) 67-50,G 6784 Floyd H. rer�.r.ann - " " (1r-1) 75 ;n 785 Zhoivas M. O'fialloran " " (10) 145.00 6736 Daniel L. Larsen (1,7) 67.50 6787 Robert C. Moore - " " 10 ''5.00 S 6788 Richard L. Smith - '.1itness Fee ;11, 7.00 , 6789T. pllS " 11 (11) 7.00 6790 James R. Farmer 7.00 6791 Raymond C.'b ,ngila - T�g)enses �14) 14.50 6792 Leonard Misso - Recreation or. Dir;,:-tor (17 2.00.00 6793 Judge Anthony Pelay (ffl 2 75.00 682.5 Roger Thomssen Recordings Fee (12) 2.000 6826 Wasteco, ,Inc. - Business License Refund 22,50 6328 Division of Continuing Education - (12)6.00 (14),6 00 12.00 6,829 National Law Enforcement 'academy - Literature 3.50 6830 PlorthweSt -Industrial Laundry (15) 19.20 IN (18) 26.25: C, ,115 15 6831 Portland General Electric Co, - (17)36.45 (18) 83.61 i25.06 6832 Tigard later District (17) 6.00 6333 1illamette Sales Co. - Auto Fain. (16) 47.42 6834 Woolach Tire Service Center Auto h"ain. (16) 13.50 6835 Butler's Tire & Battery Co. - " X16) 49.00 6836 John S. Hagman - Mileage 19) 1.78 6839 "Ish" Duckett- Maintenance Service (18) 127.25 6840 Southwest Office Supply - (12) 5.75 (16)8.20 (17) :1.24 (19) 7.40 22.59 6841 J. Thayer Co. - Office Supplies (12) 27.00 Payroll, Taxes Deductions 20,910.34 22,985.41 Bank Balance ',13,524.47 LLiER FUND U. 3. INATi Balance as of Auj3 =ci �' -- Receipt- ; ." ilii 'r' From U.S A. l.ccount .0';.71 Bi.11s Paid 9-�_,-lr'7t) ( 1 472.14) Balance Check No. _ 2216 First ^;anon 1 Bdt;l: - CinkinE; 1'�.uld ,� 35 6. y�2: 12" po-r-Oliver, inc.- c _� ln_t p „-.inr. {31` 65 oo' ?. 2'7 Po„er Thomssen - ltccordin" Fee (32.45 2£I Roger mI omssen - 22�c-' C. J. I-lontLg, a Safi, Inc. - l.)erl y . 22'0 ,o e- mil)ms' e i - P c.,.rd-ir "eq 2235 Dorr-0liver, Ir-.- e rer Pl ant E..p=,,-.icn S 1 5 7 c� 2.^-36 Van G ate s & Roc ers .:upI;l�.e� 2.237 Roger Thomssen - RecordilP. Eee 238 American Industrial i;errice Co. - I, undry-Unifors:s 9.16 2239 hitcher Printing & Staty Co. - Printing, Serer Service Billings (30) 60.00 2242 Engineered Control Products - Equi;I.Main. (30) 16 _ 6779 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (30) :;9.58 6780 Shell Oil Co. (30) .4z'+ 6782 Petty Cash - (30) 17.7'6' 6831 Portland General Electric Co. (3"� -"'84.15 Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 1,184.18 „; 33,26x;.[,1 Bank Balance ( 31,127.9F ) STATE TAX STREET FUND, U. S. I`7ATIONAL BANK Balance as of August 31, 1970 36,869.93 To Time Deposit (30,000.00) r Bills Paid 9-28-1970 261.60) Balance w 6,600.33 Check No. -- Fee au-Nty Machinery Co. 37 0 67F30 Shel�1 �Y1� Co. (20) 8i,)0 6834 Woolach'Tire Service Center - F,quip.nlain. 20 11.50 6835 Butler'sTire & Battery Co. - ' " " �20 35.30 1702 Eoff Electric Co. Supplies 20 3.86 1703 Pacific .`steel >arehouse Co. Equip.Main. 20 28.74 1704 Tualatin Va]ley'FireEquipment 20 16.61 1711 D. A. Davidson Paving, - Supplies 20 17.05 1712 Pargas - Equip. Main. 201 10.00 1713 Permapost Products Supplies (20) 36.00 1714 Valley Petroleum & Welding Supply '-Supplies" 7.25 -1715 M. G. Braun --Hole-Digging (20) 60.00 Payroll, Taxes &"Deductions 3,337.57 002.T8 Bank Balance ,$2,605.85 ROAD FUND U.' S NATIONAL BANK °Balance as of August 31, 1970 9,048.32 Receipts 844.57 To Time Deposit ( 31000.00) Bills Paid 9-28-1970 ( 400.81) Balance 6,492.08 Check No. 6779 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (20) :;z 7.37 6782 Petty Cash - (20).60 (21.4)1.97 2.57 5831 Portland` General Electric Co. (20) 8,63 6836 John S,Hagman -'Mileage (21.4) 1.97 '6840 SoL�thwest Office Supply (20)11.2.0(21.4)4'.68 15.68 ROAD FUND, U. S. P?!'."'TO".'AL '3A"'I' (Continued) Check Bio. 1683 Keith C. Thompson - Tr-vel 2 62,.00 1684 Alvin Hiebert - Travc! .)) 0.00 1716 City o1 Portland - Supplies ( 0) u•'' Payroll, Taxes & Deducti-ons J., 77 7. B�nc Balance TRUST ACCOUNT , U. S. NATTOINAL BAITKW"` ;) U S A (SMIER) ACCOUNT U. S. NATIONAL BANK 10,9i.1.�3 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND, U. S. NATIONI:L BAPII� � •`p BUILDERrS DEPOSIT, U. S. NATIONAL BINK " 1 ` ?0.(K) B,^_NCROFT #,=2 U. S. NATIONAL BANK 94.63 BANCROFT ##3 U. S.ITATIONAL BAND 327.40 BANCROFT ##4, U. S. NATIONAL BANY 347.39 BANCROFT i5. U. S. NATIONAL BANK BANCROFT V6 U. S. NATIONAL BANK 14 5U"•�2 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 61,025.53 TOTAL BANK BALANCES 21,464.19 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Monthly Progress and Status Report DATE: October 9, 1970 1. City-County Planning Discussions at the second annual City-County Timothy Lake Retreat indicated a need for continuing liason between the various governmental units in Washington County with respect to planning. As a result of these discussions, the various staffs have recom- mended several changes in the planning process reflecting the entire county. Friday, October 30th, has been set as the tentative date for a meeting of all elective officials of Beaverton, Hillsboro, Tigard, and Washington County, together with the chairmen of the respective planning commissions and staff personnel, to review this proposed county-wide coordinated planning effort. It is also our hope that discussion will be held regarding metro- politan-urban form and the desirability of a uniform zoning ordinance. Upon confirmation of the date and place, I will let you know. 2. Railroad Crossing w } Last week, the City and Railroads completed all of the interim improvements to our Main Street railroad crossing as required by the PUC order, with the exception of final installation of the street light. I am now in the process of exploring possible access points for relocating the public unloading area that now exists on Commercial Street. The 'objective is to remove the two outside tracks from the crossing, which might facilitate my argument that one: set of gates can adequately protect the crossing, rather than two sets. The total City cost of the interim improvements is in the neighborhood of $1400, which is slightly less than we had anticipated previously. 3. Traffic Safety Study Our federally financed traffic safety study is now near half- completion. Receipt of the traffic counters has allowed us to proceed p with the various required traffic counts. As a starting point, we have concentrated on the Interstate 5-217 interchange, in order to have data to support our contention that this interchange should be upgraded in the I-5 widening plans. Upon completion of that counting project, we will begin a concentrated effort on the entire length of 99W. Photographs of all major traffic corridors and intersections have been taken and will be enlarged for use in analyzing safety improvements required of each location. Anticipated completion date of this project is March, 1971. 4. "Meyer's Lake" - Proposed Residential Development As you have undoubtedly seen in the newspapers, owners of several large parcels of land in the area of the proposed Fanno Creek Lake Project have considered the development of a rather large planned unit development consisting of residential and commercial uses. The Washington County Board of Commissioners, acting as Directors of the Board of the Unified Sewerage Agency, have declined to participate in the financing of the tertiary treatment plants required to supply makeup water to the proposed lake. The result of this action puts a considerable amount of pressure on the other governmental units to find an alternative source of revenues for this purpose, or to drop the project. The Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District seems to be having a difficult time knowing how to proceed with the further study of the proposal. In order to bring things to a head, Larry, Sprecher, the Manager of Beaverton, and myself, have requested the park district to hold a "summit" meeting by no later than the 19th of October, or we shall host one ourselves. In my opinion, a very important policy decision regarding this land use must be made in the very near future. I would agree with those who say we cannot afford to succumb to the economic pressures of development without having; exhausted all possible methods of imple- menting the lake and/or park proposal. I; will, keep you 'posted on the progress toward the resolution of this rather complex' problem. h 5. Census As previously reported, the original field check indicated a substantial drop in our population. Discussions with the State Center for Census and Population Research indicate that other Portland suburban communities have experienced similar drops in population and have regained the population by doing an enumeration. I am also told that the chances are very good that the final population' figures, which are expected literally any day, will provide a more realistic population count. In any event, I have asked the school',district to allow us to shirt-tail on their biannual census, which will be Page 2 - Progress & Status Report unofficial and should cost' us nothing, in order that we may come up with our own rough estimate. This should enable us to discern any large deviation from the final federal census figures and our actual population. If, in fact, the federal numbers come in sub- stantially lower than we find in the school district's estimated census, we will undoubtedly find it worthwhile to pay for an enumeration at the rate of 304 per capita. Keep in mind that the City receives slightly over $20. per capita from state-collected, locally shared, taxes. Respectfully submitted, SMT/jp Page 3 -- Progress & Status R;:port MEMOP16"NDUM TO: City Council s FROM: City Administrator SU ECT: water Study DATE: September 25, 1970 Attached is a spread sheet that attempts to comment on several different areas of concern with respect to the retention of a consultant to accomplish the jointly fi- nanced water study. As you can see by the chart, all three of the firms are relatively equal, and making a final recommendation is therefore somewhat difficult. I am inclined, however, after consulting with Keith, Bob Santee and others, that CH2M offers the best solution to our problem. In my opinion, CH2M being a larger firm, has more experience with this kind of work and is particu- larly more capable of providing a better finished product that can more readily be sold to the public at some point in the future. CH2M's approach to the study, I am positive, will be systematic and practical, and I am confident they will be able to negotiate a reasonable price for whatever scope of work we intend to do with the first phase of this study.. I also feel that it is important that coordination be accomplished with the rest of our comprehensive planning . effort CH2M has been involved with this from the outset, as well as the traffic safety study currently underway, which should be of definite benefit to the water study. Respectfully submitted, : SMT/jp , Encl. kr au � til '"tib YI O • U1 U .0 All >1 � _1.1 rU � 0 -i 41 a) ul O•r3 (1) +1 r0 u1 C N la r-i (A U) !1w 4a >, 1.1 -4j ni to -ri a) O O C 4-I10 4-) r-1 0 • O V rd•r1 rdp U) a) 41 i~ -P U to "0 UI k4 S4 C) 1~ W U) 9-1 •ri r-i ., of : rs C>a&A in CJ ro O ro to •r1 ..c. +1 rti G -1 r0 Q) {J 4J e 4-1 U ro U 1 � > m +J -,1 0 r� 04-4 EN a) r1 •-i ,L., f.. S-. V YU S4 U O (D•r{ a) O PJ -Y1 R5 tT 04>~ •r-1 aJ tCi S:. 0; a) rU N r� ti T �M1-1 U': :4 -11 U O $-i R,O r �4 N m 4-4 O• >•ri O 0 0 A 14 fa. W ro 0 m :�••-I •r-1 0 r-i 0 .-t m -rt-H O P S4 ;1 ro N >, k r- C7 1 fn +1 U) CV � 04 4-1 Gie co Ll tT U Oi 0a 01 r4 r.h (P P. U) Q) .r1 4a t0 :S .> rS O O N +) 04 4-) U) 14 4 �+ro„ 0 N rtf 04 U) +1 a) U) r- N • tT :10 3 ul H 4.1 N 0 -n a) ri I O 0 U1 :� a N•r•1 0 R N U �4 (1) .10 to �tf tT 4J N O N N ul O a) O ro E >a :� 01 U (L) r0 3 R 14 N .11 > iJy ro rcl N O N U) 0•r•1 r-1-.-i U) >141 4J N a) 0 r0 U) �Q 4-1 S 4 0 S 4 �4 N tT F� 3-i (1) u ro 1 +1 O ro N m (D >i •rl .1J '+l P F4 m U) Sa t U )SC ri N 4-) U 0 3 Z7 -ri N•ri t3)r-4 .,1 4J ?1 4J C: N al U1--i u N 0 rl0 -4 C to 4J Ul ul rd fj > L7 04 k 0 •,� N rtf ro •r-i ro ro.-i o (a z N a o c7 �zs z cn N V Q in � v 3 04 cn c. o a U) r•1 a) s~ roN"� t 0 •� 10-r-1 •ri m u r4 ,q ro m N +1 4J P r I m > r1 ".) a11-4i•� c7 r a ,2f rJ f4 1J k r 1 it 0 O >1 0 40 � � P 3 cv 0 4a -rim u a � m Zrammsui a) w •4 C: CO F. m y r I 3 N 4-1 a) m r4 F- a) 44 u (1) 0 to to N `a m -ra A a) r-1 m •'•i ri N 10 U >1 •rI -q m 1-4 0 rzs a) (U r-i 04>~ a) C7 4 0 ru N ,A U)r-i I4 •ri .^3 > 4J Q.t ri U i� py t11tl rd a)a.1 WO 0 al � - G%, ai rC7°l 'a r-1 z U t7 m rd ul P+ �L-H U) F�4 is J•F,1 44 U) u >a A 4-) r0 m a) -A �q0 41H a-1 m 3 (1) F z a) Ic: U) U) 0) O 0 •• Ul am � r 3 O � P tp 04 N V 3 m w93 0 aai O -4Q m P4 i s (a P4 a) w aCD, bm w aro 00000000000 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 O O O O O N N�O OJ O d O:�O [- a'�af U\O M )U�O CO lh t O "'NN V r-4 IO 0 O NNtf�tn Q)M0- 0 H H Vd'v N�OO MO Lrl N1` OO O� _ `E -i r-4 Lr%N InNN(\J l0 W)[l NCO cc M ti- r-1 N � b9 �•-t''-:J tt3 U3 N V r a) b C.'ri O ::s a) a) OJ v N C4 A A a 1 1 a 1 a v r-I rl r-I +�O 02 m 410 02 ri d d Q) a F4 d a a) (a .-j a 9 +- O 'b •d••c.1 H b N•c)•p•d [A cu.0 •fa +1+� rl H tq� •rl Ul W •rr q•ri•ri Ei•rl a•'4•ca•r4 ai cd a fy F4 cd td -C F3 m W rnI4 mm arnama) rnb 00 Y. Q) :CP 41 00 cS S-4 r-i E l N•rl Q) N ) N O C) a) l', O O H , C),P. O O - H P4 H CY.U)p:0.rUtY.ULY.R:Cl' HH R4 4'•a', HH. cu O W a Y. •cs i-• :? ca rq 4. 01)_a) N y . y C- 9 :..U)M) 4 F4 =S :.. (11.N 4� K4 F4 P P4 m•ri d 4 C),x �o C, :I a w w w a w a•r4 r+a U) q+> aa+' 02•.499' 0) N cd m p td f•) w N N:p 0 C-a)00 3o U)U)C.)0.P4 r-4HU:C 11.4 1 a�o 3 ;3; 3333 Co ca CO U)U)Cf)U)ca m mm co - i=Tato O O O to Ln N O to t[\t[� t1'� •O C, u\N NMC-MSN r-I NN N.:?N q KN M W N M d•Lr,%Ln n d-s I q O€D r-4 H O Ml r-I N N trl C- 10 C r•f ri r-I r-4'A r-4 r-i H r-1 -4 U)rl O 9 }a 0 U 4•s _ : 0 0 4-z s~ >~4- 0) a s F4. +-+- O Y 1-4 r-i a'40H ti > x p � a EO -4MUO U m M � r4 iq U] q q U )-a P4q Apq PQ xOH H E4 FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVENUES September 1970 1970/71 Current Year to GENERAL FUND Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 26,854. $ 40,926. Property Taxes 197,823. -0- -0- Delinquent Taxes 5,600. 5,293. 5,293. Land Sales & Advance Taxes 100. -0- -0- LICENSE AND PERMITS Business 18,500. 955. 14,869. Liquor 160. -0- 15. Plumbing & Heating 5,000. 416. 1,224. Building 20,000. 2,139. 6,913. Moving 50. -0- -0- Sign 300. 10. 60. Bicycle License 100. -0 25. Misc. Street Openings 250. -0- -0- FINES AND FORFEITURES Court & Indigent Defendents Defense 34,620. 2,906. 6,970. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Telephone Pay Booths 50. 3. 9. Interest 800. -0- 161. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES Cigarette Tax 15,498. -0- 4,170. Liquor Tax 40,950. -0- 6,604. Trailer Sales Tax 250. 205. 205. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Zoning Adjustments 400.. 175. 200. Document, Sales 700. 39. 121. Library Fees &'Fines 375. 49., 165. Recreation Use Fees 1,000. 50. 69. Lien 'Check 350. 56. 138. Subdivision Application Fee 100. 50. 50. Street Lighting -0- 270. 270. FRANCHISE REVENUES Portland General Electric 23,686. -0- 11,822. Northwest Natural Gas 4,760. -0- 2,554. Telephone 7,529. -0- 4,270. Garbage ; 2;701. 189. 600. Taxi 100. -0- -0- NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Unclaimed Property Sale 200. -0- -0- RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Adm. Of Sewer & Public Works 7,500. -0- -0- Gas Tax Refund 1,280. 1,417. 1,417. OTHER 4,000. 312.` 685. TOTAL'GENERAL' FUND ' $421,686. $ 14,534. $109,805. Page 1 -Revenues i 1970/71 Current Year to FUND Hud et F7- � Month Date vailable Cash 7/1/70 $ 33,930. $ (2,115.) CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Sewer Service Charges 73,710. 12,147. 15,199. Sewer Connection Fees 37,500. 85. 335. (Sewer Construction Inspection) 3,000. 15. 27. (Sewer Permits ) USE OF MONEY_& PROPERTY Interest 3,000. -0- 203. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES County Subventions 70,000. -0- -0- RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Assessments Engineering, etc. 2,500. -0- -0- Assessments Legal, etc. 500. _0_ _ Other Recovered Expenditures 82,098. _0_ -0 1,025. OTHER 5. -0- IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS 17. 98th Street Derry tell 2,782. Leron Heights -0- 794. 794• TOTAL SEWER FUND $306,243. $ 13,041. $ 18,267. STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/70 22,760. 27,937. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Gasoline Tax 68,544. -0- 32,277. USE 0- F MONEY Interest 650. 73. 267. TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FUND $'91,954. $ 73. $ 60,481. ROAD FUND Available Cash 7/1/70 6,527. (1,449.) REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES County Road Tax 13,823. 645. 645. Road Inventory Traffic Grant 20,200. -0- -0- CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Public Works-Construction Fees 500, -0 -0- Sale of Street Signs 500. -0_ -0- Street Sweeping 3,000, 200. 560. RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Other 100. -0- 10,258. USE OF MONEY Interest 125. -0- OTHER 50, -0- TOTAL ROAD FUND $ 44,825. $' 845. $ 10,014. Page 2 Revenues 1970%/1 Current Year to BANCROFT BONDS 42,3,4,5,6,7,G Int. Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 40,198. $ 40,198. Assessments 42,3,4,5,6,7,8 27,684. 399. 14,895. Interest 15,758. 156. 445. USE OF MONEY Interest. 5. -0- -0- TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS $ 83,645. $ 555. $ 55,538. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/70 275. Taxes 26,383. Transfer from Sewer Fund 13,200. TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 39,858. Page 3 - Revenues FINANCIAL STATEMENT EXPENDITURES September 30, 1970 GENERAL FUND 1970-1971 Current Year to Budget Month Date Mayor and Council 3,669. 368. 1+5' Municipal Court 17,222. 1,1`x:. 3,249. Administration 56,993. 3,759. 1.1,29". Building Dept. 17,004. 1,171. 3,406. Planning & Zoning 17,568. 1,086. 2,624. Library 12,999. 621. 1,378. Police Dept. 192,233. 13,476. 40,2':9. Parks & Recreation 16,967. 247. 1,006. Engineering Dept. 35,847. 1,794. 8,457. Non-Departmental 49,184. 3,309. 9,295, Contingency 2,000. Total General Fund X421,686. 26,959. 81,415. SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND Operation and Maintenance $ 72,929. u 3,404. 8,2.11. Replacement and Expansion 231,843. 6,257. 43,474. Contingency 1,471. Transfer ( 13,200. ) Derry Dell 24,698. 43,554. Leron Heights 1,562. 98th Avenue 44. Total 'Sewer Fund $293,043. 9$ 34,359. $ 96,845. STATE TAX STREET FUND Operation & Maintenance 91,510. $ 4,270: $ 1.2,371. Contingency 444. Total State Tax St.Fund $ 9 1,9 5 + /1. ROAD FUND Operation & Maintenance $ 40,855. 1,117.' $ 2,616. :Tr(affi:C1Sai fety 61 88. Contingency Cantet bury Lane 941. Total Road Fund $ 402 855. $$ 1,178. 645. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT FUND Bancroft Bonds 1,2,3,4,5,6$ 43447. 6,517. GENERAL DEBT FUND General Obligation Bonds 39,858. $ TOTAL BUDGET �2M 843. K.Z66. $ 200,793. CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT MONTH OF.,.uSIP : _ D SM,I�BTPION OF PF.RStJNNEI„ r Nt'ME'R.ZCA t< {AVERAGE PFRCENT ST.RMTGTH 4 DAILY ABSENCE D4 17 Y ABSENCE AVERAGE EFFKT IVE STRENGTHS _T End of S z Y Tn �amr T iz s..� c r ! h s 1 Same t,Y11a m0.1-%Zt m�7n :!.. mt1�':,.; Zf!.t1n. ;:.�. i mt1r.::H1� TC�,(1T>;aE mon� ..'I I3,-: y ' a i !as,, year i yea— I year TOTAI. PERSONNEL. CHIEFoS OFFICE ; SERVICES DIV IS S i 4a ^ _. ,._. _ .__.._s 2 22�14L;_ -_..427— �2. �..s__:3„S.. PATRON D1VIS 0 —9-9--4-4-9 INVEST, SECT, FORCE ONE . ; <. ._GtiSr... 2,0 2,2 5Q _48. _ �_ 2 Q " d FORCE TWO 8 8 !+� .a ..4l _a51+ _51_,2fq... _-_ 7 - . vQ_e __ .,2® FORCE THREE 1 4 ; . i CHANGES IN PERSONNEL, J DAII>Y AVERAGE PATRCL STRENGTH 1. Present for duty end4o`� tas. manta ,0 a 0 -month �=,..IaZx�.. � mcn I:. las yrea� 2. Recruited during nonth.0-000.0,008o6600 3o Reinstated during mon'th..........om,0000 10 Total number field Total to ac.couy.t fu.—..............9 ....,R off wrers00o0__ 2. Zees Agents Aa g- 4} Separations from the servi.c e n ned to Investigat. 0 :?0 Average daily ahs (a) Voluntarf res gnat4�on o 0 o o.o0 000om0000000 omoa r (b) Retirement � � erodes of field off o =�� :i.cers owing trt (c) Resigned with cha ges pendirge�r p (a) Vacation., cusp- _, (+3) Dropped during prob e or_0 0 0 0 =- 0 i ension,, days cf f (e) Dismissed for cause 0e 00a = Sampo tines edo 4� 3 9 (f') Killed :in line of away 0 0 0 o O< (b) Sick & in�ur � _� (c) Schools, et,. (g) Deceased 0000 oomoo a000aooc 0 Total separations o00000o..0000000 0 � Total averagfi.e'�o 0 0 0 e dail'.r 4d 9 ' 50 Present for duty at 3175e end of ^ionth 00 0 0 0 0 1S tl k Available for duty. Page one (-RIME !NDFX, AND Po,,TCF- ACT V IT' TF.END OFFEN5FS WT .. kRE '.._ C�LASSIF i AI ^.:UN U r: g - CNA sF u F£NSF r c)w'.. ti. E C re ti s�o t o ye; . h7� ,ear: _ _ ' _ t � . l �u �F L �5 3Tpf RC171+,i' o i1RR .pe as*. .2 a.. ,ea 3.o M7i �iPJp._ j I I LL�m� 0 0 100 r c L' r 7 R 1 � 0 2 _.�.._. q_._._ , P�O A;g ,a A� _�._.. sai_ -- - d ( 0 Gun �r . �. 1 100% _ 1 ........ Weapon ps onhe ------ etc., ..�._.......0 _� e ., _ � �� � ��- __�L v n--�.. � So BrrVIa Tota]_ l i ` 89 "�` _ 4 �? 175" i $ a T�'� h e Erb. i �. b. No For :_.565L---- '42 ,PTEnt— _ 28 Ent a 2 At ( � o i arY� t1 Gg .a?'1 Z7� $50 CO _ I 7a Auto Tilefr a�u ' 82 9 12% 571Uc 44% 5 U 333% 0r-I:',e ir.dex Tota' ' R�Z� 9 1b. Manslaughter h �— �r•o�� 206 59i Negl :ge �e. I a Q Q (Not Aggravated) � 5b� La 24�,,._ $50000 � — 14 119 7 _95 iU� 259 U I00 i { PART ? TOTAL I Total Fars I� IrT 35� i 339_ 24_._ ___4 Total MiNonce 29 _Up _ c deit� 2 _ 9 52 a i se �criminalCal,7 '� a 96 1420 Tota l's for — .!.c 12✓f Page two F,1_ � r:c:rAzzmrfF.rJ• r�oNmxt_� R�FtR�r "'F`ENSFS t-.EARED BY AFTIIE.5T YEAR TO IDATP NUM BMI OF ONFENFERC FNT OF OFFENSES CLASSIFICAT'ON P, C EPRLD BY ARREST. i UEARED BY' ARREST OFFENSE" a: 1 By A _ E I Ti fir: ! By A s+, rT (Par.. 7 C]a. Persov., Under, ut? e I � t Ih�s Tl La � '.a- pt i.. ( `rF a:- yr+d.r Yea- f fa. V a,.r. year" '�'oa I 1.o C r-',m:r 110m1 c a. ., 1. .., i f axu! Ns. ! !i ne e Mara. ah r `s 0 1 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 t,. Man:z..;ghr b)r , w Neg:� gp! 0 p 0 0 0 0 ! 0 d �R _. u.... ._.__.. 0 0 � o f o ' 2. Fri 'rr�tN�Fi�pe � ._w,. ..._., �i.__.._., 0 � R=.. �_..a..�..�..,_..__..,as a o Ra h { S+O AtSY...Sr. ILa.D- S ° 13 3. Robte rr Total - m 3 ._.� „0 E U 0,,.,.�._ 4. A s uT, To a? _. _.. 5 ;3_ � 1 1 0 ?� 8��_ 2,� ' ??s�a�. �0 fib. F is� .-m�- 0her Weape i 0 0 p a Hai z t. 6 75! I p I . 0 I 0 ® ' 3 _a 0 _ 0 0 + ® Ogre A 9.au t� _ 3 (Nod. Aggravated) I 1 0 � 0 1 Z%` 27% I 0 0 5. Burglary Tota" JUL o FGI G b1e E V 5 b. No Forae co Attempt Ez'�"r_�_� 6. iaa cent'a — ao $50 OC & (Jrer� __4 9 027 4 — b. Under $50.00 7. Aura Theft-, i � 5 5_ ffi 3 27% 8�w1�a 50q� GRAND T OTA%x �.. �_...�; g 66 Page threi F+ K ,,FpAFiTMEhT Nf DIT113',' REIORT MF 14-DFK OFFa'SE.�, C11 Ji] oF :F - UFI am- M, p j Sam= P... `od t { , (Pamw. . Da v -- r r F 5 4 P F a . S'�� of - � " p r�, r i0 4, _ r . 4a sey, Offe se I I z a (Ext e{ Rape I 1 Dr. Lxd5 471 7. Law I 4 r_ i G 4 1 1 0 = _ 50% r , 3Cwo Va?1a1 - 12oRjjnFaay & z I Escap1 4 s u, W�y.� 5Na5 PART 1A 1, �23 �s _ 299 5� � 126/ 395 ?CE VEHTCI:E REPORT i V_ � � Cc= perto DriU.Lt M�les L > 1 TlRa� Main+enWICE' Operate Ven. CI #2�_ � �4,592 30,994 � X598.6 i� 15 qts. $210.40 4.6 #3* 3,987 30,226 660.8= 7 qts. 102.69 ! 2.5 - �:4 1,430 50,930< 150.7 9 qts. 108.23 i` 7,4 ,#5 1,367 8,073 120.3 _6 qts. 25.16 1.5 11,376 1530.4 37 qts. $446.48 Average Cost Per L.Y.G. Fuel Mile 4.0 Cents Page; fc�w i pEPAR':iN'r , UN 'HI:' REPOR" PAP' , _ OFFEr4SE`I �;EARE') F!Y ARREST YF, TO DATE' tit VP. R UFFLME; ..j_� P T d C LASS.F r A' )N (7F ! I( E.RC FS!_ OF OFFENSES C EARF2) jai ARREST OFCLEARBY ARREST FE,�, E ,_ " ' (Par+ t f i ) CA i 1, A 71 + 1 I B;v A - P a iC 3 rh i a s - a ' Y a VN Y Y a �f a-, ti a yr y & P F a,a jl 05 _ _...,12 LeW 0 _ -- 6. and -- I 1 c _ _,.-.•_._ x_,10_._ ._._I. .-.u! $:....._.�_-..-3 _._.��•¢ _r_62/_ + 7 S 36 ._.. i 26._. ___82% 32% �47c... ' 5g.'�a..m.�� Geri u.2 133 113 h ioo n 26.i_ .36 25 -33y 9 %12. �r,ak�= Escapes, 1do Arson 14- A.1.. Other 0 _ O_,__. _� --- L,42_1�i4 � 34y12 }�• 9 GRANT TOTAL � -- - •149 £I ER ACTIVITIES� - GLAS MONTH SAME MONTH DA.ST YEAR I e Vacatlon House Check.{ Made 2. — - - 2® Open Dco.,s & Windows Found -- m o -- - ?�7�- ao Speci;,,L Prowl Checks Made G • � �_: e.� 1 510 �d _ 4 Aspstr Rendered c Other Age.._ze� o � ., � 902 t ens 225 � - Aid Given *o C.. .z m X747 - �� Warrants Served ----------------- 0 0 r j Field `terrogation Raprrl sMade ��� w 343 $o Routine Complaints Investigated --------- mo---- _ � � , 9. Grimes Reported and brivest::gated ------�_--r �,7b ..m_,_:._.. _.._W..p i_n.._._.____135 TQTA1t ACTIVITIES ------------------------ - 58 _ __ _ __76- - Page fl s'e VAI UE, OF PROPERTi AMU OF WE. F'OMD k'`7 Fr.C`J�:r£{x � v`F! fD N::� CHECKS _14 n FRUFER "` ti,r_r,L.;, 5AW 491Y :AS7 _.AR VALUE IRO E % HEC 04 E JF rt zrtt)F�i�"ri' FtFC:,J'VE:RFD SAM? MAT" Yr R . .. il EI.k.S sAI ,.. ;'.t N.. .A. . Y A.r, �. + RAIL trb{'h:� Au'�k t� . i,iED H..:. �.,� '{ d--e.. .,,•,i, !r.EC,siS k"r F f ,"i ,'ME jjjTr4 7AST_ 't EAE THIS la. Pau_PEP 4 LOST SAMrM1n ,{ lel^ YEAR m ",r _?fF ?YOF'FR'''._ FC ND TFazS MONvT,i ., 'A ,1.I $ j 5.00 FF?( FHPTY FOUND SAKE M se ri f,. 534 THM MATH , ,";.5 Ft)F?. SF NF NrIUTV r1 ..A, '.:A - MWEI ?.''F,.C, A^;f DEN'.-, SN?NLN1ltR% Tji `IONT.I 77 II ACCIDENT 16 t j r � 109 125,_ CCS �>.�i d �fLr p� � 1 Y' �- «.du�/➢- - 2 _200 N, 7 + Y 9 s r 0 0 + + a ti NFORCEMIF-N_. SUTMMRY T �h cs Y a v fCI;a g u _I s wear sLas� Yea,. aha ng --2£r3 94 35 - ,E22 ym. Ark-Ir 362 4 3Z L V .:..0 46 ...�.. � I ASU!dQ sr,� _ .,_•_,. ._ m _ 457 62 _ b0 UP 307, tYNt� :iVx )_'M�t Jia !)F `p r '.y t, F'N,4 KEMENT YEAR. a DATE r 101�1.�!,..)N r.,,.;i � ty F'.x �..,;.-xS ti"c=a r - I i 9 c.ta:'s ° 131 228 ? 1,297 ! 1,258 I Up 03/ r Trfl'oe r t. gat 3 ' 6 i 22 r I !.8...._. .. - 27%.�_ _...._-. a RU2e 451, _,t3 , g 83170 817 802 c U 02% Re c k .es D V a T at S 0 T 0 Lzr r,ie. R FaAllore to d r< i ! W_, 33 i 12` R_gKt c o 6 Fr ' 1 s c,w 6_.g .t t � No t7.` i `l:l+' 3_E a 7 n nn ._,,..-,.•...•­ Imp.,t;p iu T �p� Dei e. t u Eq trn- Viola, .kc�..i1 - T9 10 1.�-:.,..._,_��,$.__�..,_-_,�.,_„_.l_29,=._u 90l Vaclat_er., _ 17 35 I 334 _ 4 _224,= 1'ark rig U olat_.0 fi Biu c+a 17 322 3�-� 353 263 U 3s� CLERICA 1. DATA. A.OT,,V1TY u - - - THIS MONTH E.ad-ir, Messages Logged T_ 20 Tel.ephcre OaIL Logg?d oo���._ �o�mam-o om��o me 4-- 9 36 Cards Typed and Filed e��»a��, o �o�o�® 0 1 C'c..r. . s °000 �_----------------- 977 ._ Persoa_. 3 Assist's Giver, to 0:he-F. A.gerxc::es ------------------------- 225 OtherA .w rS t. e -------------------- ----------- oo e 1�§ UNPA.7D OVEP.TIMELOGGED BY ALL PERSONNE, THIS MONTH � f SAMA MONTH LAST YEAR — End of report for Month of _= gjIgNj ER -_. 1970 Haigh H. Wilkinson Obief of Police