City Council Packet - 09/14/1970 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1970, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JR. HIGH SCHOOL r ,a LIBRARY ROOM AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, August 24, 31, 1970 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS $78,532.16 7. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Administrator (b) Building (c) Finance (d) Police (e) Public Works 8. APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION Chico's Pizza Franchise, R.A. Beer and Wine License to be located at 14062 S.W. Pacific Hwy. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 9. ORDINANCE No. 70 - AN'ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND RECORD- ING CIIANGE IN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF TIGARD BY THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION, ORDER' No. 130, INVOLVING LANDS OF ZIEGLER-WARDIN ET AL IN SECTION 1. T2S, R1W, W.M."WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, RECORDING EFFECTIVE DATE, AND DECLARING A_v EMERGENCY (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 10. APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION CO. REGARDING INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHT FOR RAILROAD CROSSING -,S.W. MAIN ST. (a) Recommendation of Director of Public Works 11. APPROVE DEDICATION OF 5 FEET OF RIGHT-OF-WAY -"WASHINGTON COUNTY - BONITA,BRIDGE (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 12. APPROVE PROGRESS PAYMENT - DERRY DELL'SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 13. SEWER`BILLING`BY SERVICE BUREAU (a) Recommendation`of City Administrator F14.7CONSIDERATIONF REMONSTRANCES - LERON fiEIGHTS SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 8:00 P.M. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 15. ORDINANCE No. 70 - AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE FINAL COST OF SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN THE LERON HEIGHTS SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; DETERMINING THAT THE PROPERTY BENEFITED SHALL BEAR ALL OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS; RATIFYING AND ADOPTING THE APPORTIONMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF THE COST TO THE RESPECTIVE LOTS, PARTS OF LOTS AND PARCELS OF LAND WITHIN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ACCORDING TO THE SPECIAL AND PECULIAR BENEFITS ACCRUING THERETO FROM THE IMPROVEMENT; SPREADING THE ASSESSMENT; DIRECTING THE CITY RECORDER TO ENTER ALL ASSESSMENTS IN A SEPARATE LIEN DOCKET OF THE CITY AND DECLARING SAME TO BE A LIEN ON THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES UNTIL PAID; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 16. OTHER BUSINESS 17. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 18. ADJOURNMENT a �k; T I A R D CITY C O U N C I REGULAR MFETING SEPTEMBER iA, 1970, 7: '40 g m 1. ROLL CALL-: Present: Mayor F. G. Kyle, Councilmen, Floyd H. Bergmann Dance';, L. Larsen, Robert C. Moore; Stephrn M. Telfer-, Czty Administrator.; Fred Anderson, City Attorney; Keith C. Thompson. Director of :;biic Works, Doris Hartig, City Recorder Absent: Councilman Thomas M. G'Ha.':'Gran 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, August 24. 11, 1970 tat Approved as submitted 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICAT:ONS (a) Letter. from Howard R. Adkins reruestinq extension for one year on Conditional Use Application. (b) Letter from League Of Oregon Cities notifying Council of League Convention. November. 8-10, ;970. F. APPROVAL OF, BILLS S78 532.16 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Bergmann, Gecorded by COunci Lman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Counci. present. 6. MONTHLY REPORTS (a)- Motion to approve as submitted: Councilman Larsen; P seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present, 7. APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION Chico's Pizza Franchise, R. A_ Beer. and Wine License to be located at 10062-S.W. Pacific Highway. (a), City Administrator reported Police Department had completed investigation and recommended approval. of application. (b) Motion to approve: Councilman Bergmann; seconded by Councii- man Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present, 8. ORDINANCE No. 70-36 - AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND RECORDINGCHANGE IN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF TIGARD BY THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION ORDER No. 130, INVOLVING !ANDS OF ZIEGLER- WARDIN ET AZ IN SECTION i, T2S, RLW, WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON. RECORDING EFFEC- TIVE DATE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of 'Council present. 9. APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN =AC1F C 1RAN� 6ATAT"vN COMPANY REGARDING INSTALLATION ANC MA::NT 'NANCE Of LqKKET _IGHT F jR RA!_- ROAD CROSSING - S_ W MAIN STREET (a City Administratc- reco.mmeraed a&prova, of instae.arion of street __qht. Reralremont was stet zv,th by :.'c for irnprovemer,t of ra_:r,oad crossing, (b) Motion by Coanci:man Moore authorizing Mayor- anc city Recorder to stgn on bohaif ci C_ty seconded by Councilman Berqmann. Approved by unanimous vote ci Ccanc _ present. 10. APPRO6,F WARRANTY DEED PECICATIt N Of r EET G£ R:HT-tip-WAY To WASHIN OTON COUNTY FOR WILENING CF nCNITA AR!L;E (a) Director of F"Kic Wcr.ks -oporred County pians tc wtaen Bonita Bridge an6 wii� nonce an addlt_ona_ five toot of right-of-way. City hrtcrr:ey uestionea use of warranty deed and suggested the matter he hanc.ed by crn Hance to -, city records. Council rn,uesren At_rorney to Ire-are ordinance for adcction. r s . 11. DERRY CEL! "'_EWER 1MlR0!EMFNr E16TRICT - rRCgRES& F=LIAENT n4. $24,691,99 ta$ Director of Pub-ic Works recommended aatnori•-ation tot- payment. (b) Motion to approve: Counc.t man 0a,sen; seco dea by Counci man Bergmann. Approved by unaninan s vote of Coancii present. 12. SEWER BII.l;!NG BY SERV":CL• BUREAU (a) City Administrator. recommended City use the services of data processing service bureau for bt__ nq of sewer service accounts. Two firms, Unztea Data 1,0cessing and Automated Services Inc., have submitted bid of 180 per customer per service statement. Shoa,a the City come to a contract agreement with Water District, the water and sewer bil .ing couid be combined for one statement. City could then repiace position of Accountant C,erk with Steno-Clerk. _ w Counciv wished to take into consideration and review further. 13. CONSIDERATION OF REMONSTRANCES LER3N HEIGHTS SEWER iMiROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) City Administrator read statement of objection from incl R. and Carol Luckeroth, .1885 S.W. Ann Street, owners of Tax lot iia, Map 2Si IBA and 'r,Pnneth Sven and ratricia G. Kvar,nstrcm,- 11405 S.W. Wainut, owners of Tax Lot 500 Map 2S1 3AB. w .r City Administrator recommended the Luckercth assessment- be levied per the assessment rol Council dad staff discussed possib.e reduction of assess- ment for Rvarnstrom property and ability to subdivide land. - Mr. and Mrs. Kvarnstrom roycrted`to`Council they had 00" right-of-way to property wnich was not wid- enc:;c_h to aiiow them to subdivide. x Page,2 'Council Minutes 9/14/70 _ Ccuncii reca:Tm r:dev r.varrstrom assossn«int be based on allowance of A .ots A $79_.Rg per .ct or $1.67.56_ (b) Motion by CJ:ancx1 man moo S-e to reit-lice the e'.,%arnstrom assessment to $3!67.56 ana City abserc thn S_700,21 as general benet:t to Citi;; motioK secancen by counci._nar. Bergmann. Approved by unanimous coup of Council present. 14. ORDINANCE No 70-17 AN WnINANCE• EETERMIN"Nq THE FINAL Ci ST Of SEWER :MFR -VEMENTS N ThE QqWq FE_gQS SEWER _NiER:?VE:;F_N'P !?TRICT: LEIER iN=N; ThATvTHE PRL�i ERTY BENEF-ITEC' SHA:_'L BEAR ALL W THE COST X01 T'HE" _MPR'VEMENTS; RATKYING ANL. ACOTTING THE A 't^R1 ONMENT ANL ASSESSMENT JF TEE COST TC: THE. RE FECTINE LOTS. PARTS CF LITE AND I-ARCE_S vF :ANG W_TAIN THE ASSESSMENT Li5'I'RICT ACC +RL N> T,= Tt : SPECIA! ANE ;ECJIAR BENEFITS ACCRUING PhERETO FROM THE lm?RCVEMENTP ..IREAC.NG THE ASSESSMENT: EYRECTIN i :HE CITY RECORDER TO ENTER At ASSESSMENTS IN A SErARATE _.FN LvC RET Q THE C'TY ANL CEC_AR NG SAAE TO BE A _IEN ON THE RES=FC'P:'dE 'R: ER'P_6S SNTLL iWE; ANC DF.C'IAR NS AN EMERGENCY (a) Motion to adclo: Ccunci.wan Larsen; seecrcea by Counc—man Moore. Motion by Counci_man Moore to amend crainance to rea''CO Kvarnstrom assessment to §3167.56v seconaea ay, CouLc�-:mar. Bergmann. Approved by unani.moas vote of Counci. present. Call for vote on amended ordinance was approved by unani:-ous vote ot;Council present. OTHERBUSINESS A. ORDINANCE No 70-38 - AN ORDNANCE AMENS NG ORDNANCE No. 69-61 BY EXPENDING -CR JNE YEAR ThE CONDiTICNAL JSE AUTHORIZED THEREBY, AND LEClARiNG AN'EMERGENCY (a) Motion to adopt.: Councilman Larsenr seconded by C3uncxLman :Moore.. ..-.. Approved by unanimous vote of Councr, present.' B. City Administrator reported Building Citidal Bob Hill has returned home from hosp,taL and is improv_ng-daisy. C. Adjournment'8:35 P.M. rr fL City Recorder ATTEST: Mayor Page 3 - Council Minutes 9/14/70 r DILLS KASENTED FOR _ YFENT E"ptember 14, IW') GE^TERAL FUND, U NATIONAL PiM17: Balance as of July 31 1970 16, Receipts From Time Deposit Bills paidH-24-1970 ( ') 3alnnce Check No. 6565 Anti-Defanat ,n ,.e nue - Literature (10 6567 Otto Serb Library Rent (in) 6586 Pett_v Cnah - (10)1.00 (11) .15 (15) .69 (16) 21.74 (18) 24.16 5S.0 6590 Hugh Y;ill r son - Travel (16) 6591 i n Tt r W. Shirley- Witness. Fee (11) 5.00 6592 Everett. Severson - Jury Trial (11) 00 6593 Jack W. Harmon - ❑ (11� 5.J0 6594 James R � Dilliner w) 6595 C eort e E. F%dLe - " l i l) 00 6596 Helen 1`l Leth - " „ (l 6597 Rodney C. Hardman - ' " (11) .00 6627 Lonnie Branstetter - T'ileage (16) 6.64 6628 Postmaster (1c) 40.00 6629 Anderson & Dittman - (11) 156.00 (12) 20.59 (tr) 200.75 377.55 6630 Business EaAment Bureau - (10) 6.7E (12111.53 (14) 1.90 (161 24 ) 2.05 _. 6631 Gaylord Bros. Library Supplies (1530 77 6632 Lanson's, Inc - Dictionary (121 5 30 6633 Lehman Reloadi i� Service - Supplies (16) 72.54 6634 Robt. E. Meyers Engineers, Inc. - I'anno Creek 3,000.00 6635 Multnomah County Q12) 19.16 (16) 21.40 (16 461.27 - Met._'olice Communications Equip. (181 6.50 .528.33 " 6636 Nymatic of Portland' - Ecuipment Wain. (16) 70.00 6637 Portland General Electric Co. - Trust A/C 51.75 (1£) 1140.45Street LiSh'ting (18) 88.7a (17) G16 1,349.16 663a Riv rman's Rubber Stamp Co. (19) 10n a 6639 Elections Division - Secretary of State - ' Poll 'Books (12 ) G.� 6640 Western Union Ho 2.83 6641 Motor Vehicles Division -License Suspensions 150.00 6643 Judge Anthony Pelay ;(I1) 275.00 6644 Leonard Misso (17 200.00 6672 Bob Carey- Recreation Instructor (17 195.00 - Cod 6673 Washington Co. Clerk Copies of Easements (19� 6;50 66/.4 "Ish" Duckett- Main. 18 127:25 6675 Line-Up Shops, Inc. - Auto :Iain. 116 7.50 6676 Nine-T-Nine - Auto Main. (131,91) 6677 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (183 10.66 6676 Nudelman Brothers Uniforms (16 39;50 6679 Portland General Electric Co. 49.16 6680 TiLard water District - (17)27.25 (107-75 35-00 35.00 6681 Times;Publicatbns Publicnotice of Public Hearing 12) 7.V0 6682 Westway Chrysler-Plymouth - Auto Main. RQ 42.65 6683 The ;^iigman,;Inc. -' Ammunition (16) 85.80 66s8 Pargas (16) 1223.49 6689 Southwest Office Supply - (12) .14 (16)17.75 (19)30.49 46:38 6693 Lake Grove Printing - City Charter Books (12 69.00 6694 Tigard Auto Body Works - Auto Repair (16 100.00 6695 Valley Auto Parts -'Auto Repair112 11.25 6696 Westway Chrysler-Plymouth - Auto Repair 34.92 6697 p;oolach Tire Service 16 3.00 Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 19 !01;19 f2b,924.20 Bank Balance w40,312.63 SEWER FUND U. P-ATIONAI. BANK Balance as of July 31, 1117J 7. Receipts ,,rim SinlinE Fund, rcn: mad Fuer? - :Jr-te Lulls 'aid - r tt':;u .t 24, ) N) ( 3) h,zlance '7 `>71 6 CI)eck No. 6586 Petty CashSupplies 6629 Anderson & D ttr.,tan-(31)2 - 50 (32.4)+3 �l,u= 0.637 Portland. General Electric Co. 111)77 Northwest Natural Co. (30 ;7q Portl�,rtd General Electric Co. (30) 6630 Tigard „'iter I:)istrict 33.7', 66S1 Times Publications - Public 1''otice for rale Of :fonds (32.3) 2`1.71 2198 Oref;ontete r- y. Dept. ever F elcr:;tion: it. 4,2L- O2 2199 Dryan Inc. Le o 7 f.el .lte= „u� 75 22.01 C. J. _ ontac; ;A Son - Derry Dell (52.4) 18,147..,5 2207 1"illi s Ve.clItanicstl Contractor - Plant E e ,_cion 22` f. Clock Shop - Lqu ,xr,ent Alain. (30) 4.60 � ='lder .^.=t. 2209 Autocon Industries, Inc. uir ent :-lain. (30) 7 ?0 2210 Consolidated Electrical D tri;uturs - (30) 31 . ;1 2211 Metzger ,anitary District (3! ) 241. 2212 Van Ynters & Fogers - Supnlie:; f 0` 16-? P0 22.13ater Pollution Control r eueratiorr (30S >.5') 22.17 American Industrial Service Co. - Laundry ( `); 9.16 2.218 Kleenair Products Co. - Equipment 1101ain. PP19 Rogers I`achinery Cc). P:yrol.l, Taxes ;k Deductions c'7 - 47,11;1.42 Bann Balance STATE_TAX STP,FET U.S. ?.',.TT(''AL BIT!,, Balance as f'July 31, 197:; Receipts 277.4' Bills Paid - August 24, 1G70 ( 5O5. 'S) Balance' Check No. ' 6688 Pares ^�) 3 ,1 6695 galley Auto� Parts - Supplies 20) 11.32 1671 Armco Steel Corp. - ” M) 57.00 1672 D. A. Davidson' Pavin Co. (20) 117.08 1673 Pacific Steel '.'Iarehou=e`- New Street Light (20)- 9.95 1674 Portland Concrete Pire-Co. supplies (20)' 3.96 1675 Tigard Automotive Supply - supplies (20) 2.05 1676 Traffic Safety Supply " (20) 60..75 1677 United Alloys, Inc. - " (20 69.50 1679 Valley Petroleum 3 ;fielding Supply-Supplies' (20�, 18.19 1680 Eosf-Electric Co. - New Street Light (20) 6.02 Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 3,234.38 3,646.31 Bank Balance T-36,869.53 s rBalROAD FUND U. S. NATIONAL iiI.11: €mce as of July 31, 1970 YLt, Receipts ` Sale of Bonds - Canterbury L=ne 019,W To Sewer Fund - Note Bills Paid - AuLust 24, 1970 Balance GE Checl: No. 6586 Petty Cash - Travel (20) 11.75 6637 Portland Cenercl Electric Co. (20) £,.19 6695 Valley Aut,-, Parte - Equip❑cnt Mai,. (no 26,0) 6697 °loclach Tire Service 1,D) 7.50 1652 :Marsh & McLennan, Inc. - Insuranc:e 125.00 1662 Oregon Toro Distributors - Equip. Iain. (20) `.47 1663 Winters lateel (%'' 11.50 1664 John S. F;gmon - MileaEe ( 1.4; 14.17 1675 Tigard Automotive Supply - Equip 'ain. (001 1.64 1678 T,aryatt Industries - Laundry (?, 1J.4C1 Payroll, Taxes « Deductions 585.81 820.0, Bank Balance °;9,163.43 TRUST ACCOUNT, U. S. NATIONAL BANK PCE) U. .A. (SEWER) ACCOUNT U. S NATIONAL 1 15,722.:1 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND U. S N TIOTITAL BANK „ 740-5--- BANCROFT 40.55BANCROFT BOND #2, U. S. PrATIOOAL BANK 00.30 BANCROFT 30ND i�3. U. S. WTIONAL BAAIK 150.47 BANCROFT BOND #4 U. S. NATIONAL BANK -0- BANCROFT BOND #5 U. S. NATIONAL'BANK 1 1,425.1 BANCROFT 'BOND #6, U. S. NATIONAL BANK 14,596.92 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE v 75,532.16 TOTAL BANK BALANCES I 110,134.10 To: City Council From: City Administrator Subject: Monthly Progress and Status Report Date: September 14, 1.970 1. Vater Study: Bob Santee, the water District's Administrator and myself have been reviewing proposals submitted by 5 engineering consulting firms. The purpose of this review has been to determine the respective fires ability to accomplish the water study with their particular personnel and background experience in similar studies. The process has narrowed the field to three firms and we are asking that each firm make a 15-20 minute presentation to a joint meeting of the water Board and Council Monday evening, September 21st. This meeting will start at 7:30 and will be held at Fowler Jr. High School and will be in lieu of your regular study session that evening. I will be forwarding to you shortly the written proposal I have -received from each of these three firms so that you may review them ahead of the oral presentation. 2. Personnel Changes: The City has recently hired Stewart Shelton from the City of Portland to assist in the operation of tine sewage treatment plant. Ron Johnson has moved into Byron Knepp's vacated position as sewage treatment plant superintendent and tor. Shelton fills Ron's shoes as sewer plant operator. The Police Department has reviewed an extensive list of applicants for the one police officer position that was added in the budget and has selected a young man by the name of Gary Jacobsen who will start as a,rawrecruit and undergo the normal`extensive training process prior to becoming a trained efficient police officer. Incidentially, I have asked the Police Chief for a' report on the reserve program generally,which' I will present to you atone°of your near future study sessions. 3. Bob Hill: Bob's ,heart surgery went along very smoothly and r he was released from .the hospital Friday, September 11th. He will have at least a one month'recouperafive period at home before being able to begin work at full Apace again. During Bob's absence we have been using Tom Bronson, _building 'superin- tendent forFarmersInsurance Co. to handle our building inspection on a contractual'` basis. 4. Bellwood Park: The City Park Board and myself will be meeting with the residents of the Bellwood neighborhood to discuss development plans' for ;the land donated by Jim Brayson in that subdivision. As you will probably recall Brayson donated the land and some money to be spent on playground equipment. Inasmuch as we- have> a very small 'amount budgeted for general maintenance of park lands, we felt it would be appropriate to explain this fact to the residents of the neighborhood and To: City Council From: City Administrator Subject: Monthly Progress and Status Report Date: September 14, 1970 Page 2 ask their guidance regarding what they would like to see developed therewith the money we have. _ 5, Automated Sewer Billing: We have reached the end of our supply of printed sewer bills and are now exploring the possibility of having a data processing service bureau do our sewer billing for us. At first check it _ looks as though we can save considerable money utilizing the services of a data processing fit-at. I am also exploring the possibility of a joint water-sewer billing by computer which could possibly take place if we can successfully negotiate a contractual merger with the Water District. It is very possible that I will have proposals for your review and your consideration at your Council meeting, Monday evening. Respectfully submitted, C C >C r r < c - (_ C t_ .r t r_ r r - �- C c: MR ei ci m e; m r r.' r3 N -5 — - U U ].- 41 t C) C) C; C.r n �i F� N r+ C +-' - 1 -y r Ri'r3 i�;.S+ U•N A; Ctl.:� i :';\ :rs. . 'n rM. Cl �- nl .'W% C, , c3 � ac o r,s N y c S 41..G1•�f f7 tr'N Ste-. � S-i CJ a'U 5= :.�F:. .N CC T H U �w C.Q)-N' •y J•1 ma c; r3 a)'F.F E r •:� F Sr ct rJ (v FI?IAIICI�'L STA'.CEMEPIT EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND 1970-1971 Current Year to BudZ.et Month Date Mayor and Council 3,669. 5. Municipal Court 17,222. l,166. 2,121. Administration 56,993. 3,737. 7,539. Building Dept. 117,001, 1, -35� Planning & Zoning 17,568. 1 223. 1,538. Library 12,x.99. 341. '7 "r'S7® Police Dept. 192,233. 13,7a,4. 26,773. 16,967. 547. � Parks & Recreation 7500'. Engineering Dept. 35,8/17. 4 S55. 06,66-5 . Non-Departmental 49,1SL. , Contingency 2,000. Total General Fund ;;4.2..1,686, SEtITAGE DISPOSAL FUND Operation & Maintenance y 72,929. 2,935. 4i; 4,807. Replacement & Expansion .2.31,843. 24,546. 37,217. Contingency 1,471. Transfe-- ( 13,200. ) 98th Avenue 29. 44. Derry Dell 18,856. 18,856. Leron Heights 1y562_. 1,562. Total Sewer Fund $293,043. $47,928. 62,456. STATE TAX STREET FUND Operation & Maintenance 4 a-i 510, " 4,252. Contingency; 444. ' Total State Tax St.Fund91,954. 4,252. 8,101. ROAD FUND Operation & Maintenance $ 40,855. 874. 1,499. Contingency Canterbury Lane 941: 941. Traffic Safety _ 14. 2 Total' Road' Fund yn 40,855. $ 1,829. 2,467. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT FUND Bancroft Bonds 1,2,3,4,5,6 $ 43,447. w 6,517. GENERAL DEBT FUNTD General Obligation Bonds 39,858. TOTAL BUDGET $930,843. $83,774. 8133,924. FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVENUES August 1970 1970/71 Current: Year to GENERAL FUND Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 26,854, $ 40,32.9. Property Taxes 197,823. -U- -0- Delinquent Taxes 5,600. -0- -0- Land Sales & Advance Taxes 200, -0- -0- LICENSE AND PERMITS Business $ 18,500. $ 2,602, $ 13,914, Liquor 160. 15. 15 Plumbing & Heating 5,000, 451, 808, Building 20,000, 1,681, 4,774. Moving 50. -0- -0- Sign 300. 40. 50. Bicycle License 100. 18. 25. Misc. Street Openings 250. -0- FINES AND FORFEITURES Court & Indigent Defendants Defense$ 34,620. $ 3,819. $ 4,064. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Telephone Pay Booths $ 50. $ 3. $ 6. Interest 800. 90. 161. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES Cigarette Tax $ 15,498. $ 4,170. $ 4,170. Liquor Tax 40,950. 6,604, 6,604. Trailer Sales Tax 250. -0--" -0- CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Zoning Adjustments $ 400. $ '0- $ 2.5. Document Sales 700. 45. 82. Library Fees & Fines 375. 62. 116. Recreation Use Fees 1,000. -0 19. Lien Check 350. 50. 82, _ Subdivision Application Fee 100. -0- _0'- FRANCHISE REVENUES 'Portland General Electric $ 23,686. $ 11,822, $ 11,822. Northwest Natural Gas '4,760: 2,554. 2,554. Garbage Telephone 7,529.< 4,270. 4,270. Garbage 2,701. 189. 411. Taxi 100. -O- -0- NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Unclaimed Property Sale $ 200., $ -0- $ -0- RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Adm. of Sewer & Public works $ 7,500. $ -0- $ -0- Gas Tax Refund 1,280:- -O- _0_ OTHER $ 4,000. $ 272. $ 373. TOTAL GENERAL'FUND $421,685,- $ 38,757. $ X4,674, Page 1 Revenues 1970/71 Current Year to SEWER FUND Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 33,930. $ (2,152.) CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Sewer Service Charges $ 73,710. $ 872. $ 3,052. Sewer Connection Fees 37,.500. 250. Sewer Construction Inspection 2,500. 10. LICENSE AND PERMITS Sewer Permits $ 500. $ $ 2• USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 3,000. $ 98. $ 203. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES County Subventions $ 70,000. $ -0- $ -0- RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Assessments Engineering, etc. $ 2,500. $ -0- $ -0-- Assessments Legal, etc. 500. -0- -0- Other Recovered Expenditures & Int. 82,098. 1,025. $ 1,025. OTHER $ 5. $ -0- $ 17. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS 98th Street $ $ -0- $ 2,782. Derry Dell Leron Heights TOTAL SEWER FUND $306,243. $ 1,995. $ 5,189. STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/70 $`22,760. $ 27,915. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Gasoline Tax $'68,544. $ 32,277. $-32,277. USE OF MONEY Interest $ 650. $ 64. $ 194. TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FUND $ 91,954. $ 32,341. $:60,386. ROAD FUND Available Cash 7/l/70 $ 6,527. $ (1,449.) REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES County Road Tax $ 13,823.' $ -0 $ -0- Road Inventory 0Road-Inventory Traffic Grant 20,200. -0 -0- CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Public Works-Construction' Fees $ 500. , $ -0 $ -0- Sale of Street Signs 500.' �0- -0- Street Sweeping 0Street<Sweeping 3,000. 200. 360. RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Other- $ 100. $ 4,483, $,10,258. USE OF MONEY Interest $ 125. $ 0_ $ -0- OTHER ' $ 50. $ " -0 $ -0- TOTAL ROAD FUND $ 44,825. $ 4,683. $ 9,169`. Page 2-Revenues 1970/71 Current Year to BANCROFT BONDS #2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Int Budget M. nth Date Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 40,198. $ 40,198. Assessments # 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 27,684. $ 137. $ 14,496. Interest 15,758. 49. 289. USE OF MONEY Interest $ 5. $ -0- $ -0- TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS $ 83,645. $ 186. $ 54,983. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 275. Taxes $ 26,383. Transfer from Sewer Fund $ 13,200. TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 39,858. Page 3 Revenues P-O 'CL' DEPARTTIENT CONSOLIDATED M0NTI-T1:Y REFOR T' MONTH Ox AUGUST 19 70 D'I'STI,IB r.ION OF PERSONNEL NUPIERICA I tl' iAJERAGE �PERCENT STRENGTH DAY ABSENCE,DA T-1-1n 'yENCE AVERAGE EFF (3TIVE STRENGTH End c x Ssr ip T Th + Gamma _ tt I Th s I '. �� Same this mO7it.71,monY_r mon i3Tb'1"! Pont n Tr onth4 mOn monl,.n morc..h i mon rh I Y�as year year^ TOTAL PERSONNELL 17 i 17 3 c 2 8 1 i 36 47 6% '0 5 i c' ? " S 9 .._ ... ....__. _ s� ..._q._._._ .._ .n.�v.._ __.. -W. !! i CHIEF oS OFFICE 1 2 q 1 5 32 Z5, 3) 1 1 5 1.' 168 i SERVICES DIMS, 5 5 1.5 2. 1 3��� 42", 3.5 3.1 9 i PATROL DD11So 1 ��._.1('_zb _ _3..5 S...?_ 36% 541 _---5.5 1 5.5 ' 4.9 INVEST SECTo 67`I ? Vis_. e �'. 4��- FORCE ONE �5 �4.5 ' 1.5�j 1.8 30% j 40"l, 3.5 3.4 '� I 2.7 FORCE TW) S a '.0 1 4.1 7% 51% > 5.0 4.3 3.9 FORCE THREE ! 4 4.5 1.7 2.2 4 2'1, 31% . a 2.3 5 3.1 CHANGES IN 'PERSONNEL ! DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH lm Present for duty end of 2ast�mont:h ..... 17 Th s Same month 2. Recruited during month. .00 0.�.�� - month last year ted during month ouo 0 . 10 Total number field3o Reinsm Total to account for....00000a.oao,00 17 � officers..,. 10 9 2, 'Less Agents Assig- F 4. Separations from the services ned to.Investigatoo 4 .4 ° (a) Voluntary resignation 000voo 0 Average daily abs i ences of field off= (b) Retirement oo oo®oa0000000000 _ '0 ! • -= (c) Resigneda.cers awing'too with charges pending 0 � (a) Vacation, cusp- (d) Dropped during probation.... �r0 ension9 days off, (e) Dismissed for cause doo 0 compo time, etc. 2.8 3.9 ((f) Killed in line of duty (b) Sick & injured. .8 .8 _ a (g) Deceased ooe 000 0000 oo 0000000 (} (c) Schools,.. etc... 0 ,5 ` Total separations 000000'00000000a Total average daily, h �i - , o Present for duty a t end ofmonthe e o 0 0 o t i a.bsences0000 3.6 5.2 -- �-. Available for duty. ^5.5 3.4 _ Page one POLICE I)FPARTMENT MON'rHLY REPORT CRIME INI:IEX AND POLTCF ACTIVITY TREND OFFENSES KNC'WN CHANGE CLASS IF ICATI:ON OF ort;vd 0Y Re.,p -.../. _ �ffTCt 3A1 ti Li a�PS 01;rre Xi Yc.dl rT.Sa Las!, Year, OYFENSES, wn *:h ._ Eth s yea.- .o - Q ~am. m n.1 v3. =am pec.r;u (Par`, " CIa ,,_-s) nor.~ t j da -as, year la yea N -e s P rt e _ to Mawr 7X'.„._. � .__........_._�, ...._....r ._•i-._._.._..r....� __..o.._._._ _ .._._v.__........ neg t g er U Mans yrs gh r,e ( 1 i ----------------- ---. -----..._ 1 CIM 0 TZ Rape by E c r 0 b. _ - ..1.... 0 tup ._�0 0 t•o At L ; R pY i f.� 3o Robbe y 'r s 0 3 i _ -lGC/._. 3 { r V i �b4, No Weapon __ I _. ! _.1 ?-)C'! 14. Agg avate4? Assault. Tolal. 2 1 6 ! i ;u_p 1007 � l p ug 500% 0 b I< f ET 0 X 2 �..a�.,l �=o.�alUO/ � ]. up 1010% co Other Weapon U _; 0 I 0 _ - 0 A 0 a K. Hard;, rise e t_...�..._ - �y i CC _ 9 2 .�. ._ _ .-.w.._.._._.,t}�..,..�..0 200;�,..1..�_.._,2 up,�..s..400 i _ 7 i 78 7 1 0 X 56 up 39`/, ao zo r-'Lbie_E �5� B 43� i 2 u _150 e 31 u 39 J_ Na Nig+ Fa c- Use _2 �ba 5 150% 23 �' 13° c. Attempt Ent: r 0 9 - (} 0 2 up 350`/, 6o Lazn en, 0ce2 _d $.50.009 � 11 74 1U up 10/ 9 48 ug 54% 7e Auto Theft 624 1 u SOQ/ 5 u 3801 Crime index Tota:n - _. --- — ---- - - 26 185 20 up 30 114 up 62% lbo Manslaughter by "��66��� ' Negligenes �n �0 0 , 0 eo Other Assaults (Not;Aggravated); 2 �9 _.�. 0 ups 20(Ji9 � 0 6bo Larcerrf Urdu:_ — _ $50XO 156 X M105� 14 up 07% 9 77% � 8S � u 91 PART I TOTAL 43 g� 299 34 up 26'l, 0 211 UP 421 Total Part It Icadents 25 v- 2721 43 921 343 - 26/ V _- Total Misc. Non- criminal Ca1I _ J,, 188 d _132_4_ 229 - 22% 1108 up 191 Tota.1 Calls dor Ser' ce 256 p 1895 mi�� 311 2_i1 1662 1 4% Page two MrJNTHI; REFC)R' i=G)[JSE.S E RFD 1:Y AFF F11R TO tilTMhr R (1 ?1 FI'NSE CLASSIF to ;C-)N ~R, eNT IOF OFFENSES -_ C �FtED BY ARRI:S`� OFF NTSE ;.__ 1 + CFA RED RY ARREST t_.. ti FV r P e,n TI.,-4 q j " 6 Th t a- �. J 1 o C r_:In NegI to. 20 e Rape Tota.." 0 C) 0 t 0 ! t 0_ P 0 + n y - ..�.... Att,emmt Rape0 0 hE rtr � E � _ 33 1 a 0 1 ti 100/ 100% ..a_... _ _. .._�_,.,.,.I._..._:.,._._... 4. .ssau r TOS.a ; , t ! 1 -37,_ �bo a. _ 0 7/ � J� Ui,xlc r 6d dprr. v 0 1 0 50(� : 0 n±9 n/ 0 - _ - 0 _2 ` - 0 - 0 t 0 t 0� 0 0 E 0 ! 75% I 0 0 �0 e. (Not Agg av aed1 � 4 ,�0 - 0 r 11% I 44% 9_ i0 0 B, glazT Total . r arc a bl,e F--it,,, I a ® a 5_a� S QI_ 3 12%� 97 12% 9i © � _bo 0 _.2 - - � No Force Used ! _. a a� _ t 0 v 2 s �97 � 0 oq t A ttempt __ ry -� �0 ! 11% 0 r 0 0 6. Larceay ba'Unt;? Over -1. 5 1 q 1 ®_ 77, 2 5% 2% $,0oC.7C 23�� 23._,. 18 1522% y 26% I 17% 17% 7. Auto Theft ' jT� - 4 3 5 25% 100% 17% 60% GRAND TOTAL a� --- �� 33 _ 25 16% 187, �g_ 11% 12% P=a&Fl three a F DIF F-AR."MENT L.. P IMF INDF.;Y" CLASS !' '.•(41__UN 0' R.p k. f ._� t t OF FFNS)F h." !.�1, � �1 fir_i.' `<." M[:I Mu r 't'4 rt i 1 I 3 _ ,Io Si f C?. 1 i r ul u - . ...war �to e,:i 1't r r I.... (i Se x rF e r, .P... 4 - i u La N'.. i 39. i i , ,, t j 3 a ? � �i JJ 594 29% lrl � 2 ! 2., _ _ 3 j 5{ _ 34 i - 31 28 Lo_0 t. + -2 uv ,5 14A1p (J�he _ i 43 I 7 �- 4{F% 05% PAR' vk,_T TOTAL 4 L: I 7_..�_ 48 75---_n_ 276, 92Z 4 3.43 -_2t!= POLICE VFH CIE REPORT Jr.IT#W M 1:eL Dr veu. P:Inai. M.�3es 4 Gas UseFi 02.1U.=pt1 YRepai?r & ( c pe� mile _ _Ma an'-,enan cOperate V2ntcle #2 4,361. i 26,402 775.5 18 (jts. $229.20 i 5.2 pr. mile ;`3 = 5'428 i 26'239 877.7 10 Jts. 210.94 i III 3.5, pr. mile 4�4 2 786 49 S00 297.1 5 i"ts. 225.85 8.7 pr. mile #5 1,923 I 6,706 _162.9 i 0 Qts. 32.58 1.6 pr. mile 14,498 2,113.2 . 33 Qts. 698.57 Average ca=t per mile 4.8 cents. L.P.G. FUEL ! i Page- fonz, PA?", i_iFF'ENSE`: C LEPNYE 7 f?Y A RRFS'r N!'MIBFr� (T OFFENSE` "PEF�('ENT OF OFFENSES CLA„iii CA 0111 OF p ! .s:EA F r� r„ v,1RE.,1 � t 1 ES'Fti'." BY ARREST (Pat • C ( r _ i ea oP, } I nF 7 2 I I j W WR r o Wei l 5o tri er. Ray 1 1 n J F _h .7_.._.Y. 1 7. _. I 6 1 -5,1" c µv. _.a 7. J. ._..3�_... 5 i 1 9 72-X. 6 7, 4_µ 7 10 �r 1 S77 f ,...1....... e.-.. .... _.s I _ rria _, b ? 5 0__. I 66% 100 0 20' 1 , # r° _ 26 I 34 26 3 1 .li)t lnt?% 100Eszapees 22 % s gla 6 9% � `�� 751 50" 0 _i��?�_ 0 14. Al OtherY 39 zs 12 7 90% 62% t 2;/ p 161 GRAND t UrAt 1135 136 ; 85 74 ��!_ 497 --4C7% 3 )° 22;' OTHER ACLIVLTIES CLASSIF 7 CATION OFfArTTVTTlFSHI`a NiONTH SAME MONTH IAS'? YR L, Vacation House Cha: k c Made 457 E 479 2® ,Open Doers & Windows Freund -------------- _37: ?o Special Prowl. Checks Mad 2 101 --- 4o Assists Rendered tc Othe Agenc e3 S0 1.79 _ 5. Aad Civ '•c G t ze" -m 810 T 79 r� 250 — .._. r �,m Warr an+.. aery d _ -- Fiel.d Lnr�er,ogat.Lcr,�-3 Reports Made Routine Complaints Investigated »m 188229 9. Crimes Reported and Envesit gateri = TOTALACTIVIT.IES oo m 4,299 2,578 Page five. 4 1 iC?z. F. tii:f'Fk:ME''. C)P7`rT.I:. REFi`FI 61v VALUErRrurlEl?... .,'._.� � r.ivlJ t:;},' ,tr)REr:.Tz. 1."iUN:J r�F.C:Ot'ER??'7 _7NC-1,UD,TNI- RAD CHECKS TRJPER S r 'f:'r:'ti { ..; •' r, VA.r,IE PROPERTY ',EM � 'J AIL`I;h; - G s RTEHI r1 T r t �- z-tttJz'�hT RE.'''1 I rr ,i.,-:r. . C)Iv': a ' 'FAR' ?... 1 1 J h BAD CHEZ 1 , V!,]_'_'E `.»ice MON H 'A:,: YEAR. m�.��- Ji). . . :SA.D fnr,t_R`}J •:1't Jl� r'1 1�rr ,Y:,. T,l, ,.-,•1 4,,,� ,� _.,.� L ..-,_ -�,n 7� o N GI7 E: BAD C'H , I_ A 4 _ nCKS :Ai..:F hEGO rE_P,E?� "•,aMG ?41�P;' ri. :A. . ,EAR, $- 4 35 FR:I'ER v `n5. Tt}z 5 ;nJ z-r _ VA i.ru �t z FROPER'TY I.OS'. SAME MONTH 1A.S7 YEAR VA]U ?:-+iOPF.R`?"`t FOUND `rH 3 MONTH 5'A ;TZE NOT!C: FROPERTY .ti OUN-D SAME MONTHaST °E1,71E �� COS FOR '?'H.iS MON`H �, $ 2,t�39.? tISS FOR SAME MOI T}{ :..AS. 'EA;t _. ,. -"-G--- 3-"3.612. V1vL LI Pi I05 rIIT S TII--------------------------------------- -545 4 .._._.. ...,�. .�. nom.-.. ,_..� ACCIDEN", STJYUTllAI1.:_ - --- TH a MONTH MkT() DA7E u = Ia t y _ d s a1�r Yeara'ma ng- ACG IDI,m, 'TOTAL 1 4 ( > 105 i �3 1 It C 8 t!� atio t I� 7 1 1:00; Per-c 1 43 Damn. ze .. 1 U E 5 s, _..- 120% 1-1 Fra s �n� r 0 r •=�- 100/,; r �� ' 3 _ 300/ 1 10C)rW � 6 _ 16 a� 67� _ - t ENFGRCENOr SUIMARY MONTH e � YEA f3 7 O DACE This Y a �' acs via: N � t�ar�� �& I 3,s Year La.,=T,l ear Changs TRAFFIC T QT A 132 33% I` 1 485 1219 u 22% lIazax'd rz 112 t e�_ s�P s_� 141 26% 1141 1030 _ up 11% Othey V_,,olations � 20 34 �m - 70%� 344 �y 1.�9 irk ^e 20 39 355235 � -51 2 1922 — A'cG �En TrnF- Fc Citation2 6 6 0 51 [ 43� =u p 19% Fagg shy 1 . R61T I'VE r. 5-U111MA RY `;F `a RB F'F 1C Ti NFOR"EMENT } If ilVm}1 ' i S'`Ti'P.F .- DATE ..._.-:.._.._-_. _.. ... T 7 C, V1t,T A )� ,t, T , , Rr 1 c Sp f d z i Re °k es t. D T.2t g 2' Imprope Ing 13 l J� 63 Fa.a�u � tt� Y1.�• .^. � � � t i Right of Way 3 n 7 Follow-Ing To C r � p -- 1 3 F 17 7 - No or improper, S ,, I Improper, Lax Usage1. 6 I 115 40 - � , Defe^TI e Eq pmei 3 i 53 r l j . rd Oth Ha:a_7t _ i I V10 ar 8 13 ! i 59 � 43 �up 37a Vi.olation T 22 31 t E ( 3I 187 70% Parking Violations Total 400 336 252 up 33J CLERICAL, DATA ACTIVITY - 'THIS MONTH - Radio Messages Logged 480 Telephone Calls Logged m m -- - --- ,, 44-417-- Card Typed asxd Filed ------------------------------------ 077 Personal Ccrtacls _ - 1-05 - Assists Given to Other Agencte7- --- mo 00 =®ooee- m _ 350 Other Actirltle o 0 ll6__ _ _ uNPATH?S MONTH � SAME MONTH LAST YEAR .ID OVERTIME LOGGED BY ALT, ' (CHIEF OF POLICE AND CAPTAIN 246 firs.) 592 Hrs. 1 6022 End of report for Month of AUGUST 'I,g 70 Hugh H.-Wilkinson Chief of Police MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: U.S.A. Contract and Two Ordinances To Be Considered Monday Evening DATE: August 21, 1970 Enclosed is the final revised U.S.A.-Tigard Agreement. Tuesday I reviewed, with the auditors from Price, Waterhouse and Company, their audit establishing the reimbursement to the city for previous capital expenditures in the amount of $539,421. The original reimbursement figure in the Bartle Wells Finance Plan was $756,000. The discrepancy was in the estimated amount of capital previously spent on plant facilities in the Bartle Wells Plan. These numbers originally came from Stevens, Thompson & Runyan and were considerably higher than actual expenditures, as verified by an audit of the original contract, change orders, and progress payments. I will have a complete Exhibit A and a detailed analysis of these past expenditures for you 'Monday evening. Two ordinances appear on your agenda Monday 'evening that we have not had an opportunity to discuss as yet. One is an ordinance prohibiting gathering of persons in excess of 1,000 in number for r periods longer than ten hours. This ordinance will have an emergency clause and will hopefully give us _something to work with should we begin to experience a rock festival or similar gathering next week ,during the LegionConvention. The other new ordinance is a revision of the;;Police Code, clarifying " and simplifying our existing nuisance ordinance procedure. I have been after this ordinance for sometime, and Fred has finally pre- pared what looks to me like something far easier ,to `administer. Please read it carefully and bring it to the council meeting Monday night for consideration. Respectfully submitted, SMT/jp