City Council Packet - 08/31/1970 '72T'j s cow«IL 22£22 i-L UST 31, 1970, 7 :19 2 2lGaga CITY to - \ . AGENDA: . J ? ^ 1. Esta TO 02D22 © . . 2. ROLL CALL \\ \ : S. SALE OF 30NDS O2 Z93E6 �sd I322oVLlZem? DISTRICT , < Sia Opening G :00 P.A. . \ 4. OTHE2 sfslesSS ? 5. . CALL 20 AUDIENCE FOR 25oSE DESIRING TO S2£A \> 6. ADJOURNFIENT \ » Map- T I G A R D CITY C C J N C - SPECIAL MEETING AU-UT 31, 1970, 7:30 F M.. 1. ROLL CALM;,: Present. -mayor E. G. kyle; Coonciimen Floyd F.. Bergmann, Daniel i:. Larsen, Rcbert C -Poore, Thomas M, O'Halloran; Stephen M. Tetter, City Aa:n-r strator; Fred A. Anderson, City Attorney; teiti_ C, Tnompson, Director of Pcb'lic Wcrks; 7'ar.ls Har'ti5, City Reccraer Special meeting was d'aiy cal'<ed with ccmmon consent of Council for the Purpose of opening and awarai::g t--hc, 'cins for sale or $20,729,91 of Bancroft improvement For-as of the City 96th Avenue Sewer. Improvement Cistric"t:. 2. 98TH AV'EN'UE IMPR0VEMENT BONFS - .120,129,9: (a) Bid Opening 8:00 Bids were received as tal.ows: First National Bank Bonds maturing 1971 - :974 inc-asive 5 3/4/ Bonds maturing 1975 - 198'1 i.nciuslve 6/. Nr-t l terE.st cost yS;17, /91)-82; erfe.ct.ive_ -Merest rate of 5,.9648, _ U. S, National Bank Bonds maturing 197'_ - 1981 inc-asive. 6 i/8%, Net interest cost $8,005„98 (-ss premium aisc.-�unt S10.. 35 Net interest of $7,995.63 Effective interest rate 6.1170/ (b) City Administrator recommended City accept bid of First National-Bank., (c) Motion by Councilman Larsen City accept First National Bank.bid, subject to approval ,by-the;City;Attorney; seconded by Councilman Bergmann, Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. OTHER BUSINESS A. APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION Chico s Pizza Franchise, R. A. 'Beer and Wine License, to be located ar 14062 S.W. Pacific Highway (a) city Administrator stated €o ice Department has not had opportunity to complete background check Mayor Kyle reported the applicant would like to present application to Liquor_ Commission for their September hearing. (b) Motion by Councilman Moore no action be taken on'appli- cation until Police Department recommendationreceived;` seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present.. 7P. RECREATION PROGRAM (a) City Administrator. reported City Recreation rrcgra was meeting with a fair amount of success but in oiew of extensive program proposed by school system, wonaered if we should use our fonts and energies cc Saxe ocaer project, Mayor Kyle suggested we consider joining Tua.atin Hi:is Recreation District and renoested Administrator to investigate and report back to Councii. Ccunc' _ also asked Administrator to meet with ScnooL Super- ntendent as City did not want to duplicate their program. C. Adjournment 8:07 P.M. City Recorder ATTEST: CJ �w 2 - �- Mayo_ Page 2`- Council Minutes 8/31/70