City Council Packet - 08/10/1970 TIGARD CITY CDJNCIL REGULAR MEEPING AUGUST :0, '_9?C .- 30 Y.M. FCNLER JR. HIGH SCHOOL: ZIBRARY ROOM AGENDA: L, CALL TO ORDER 2 ROLL CALL 3., PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, July 27, 28, 1970 5, W)tITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6, APPROVAL OF BILLS $48,351,,07 7. MONTHLY REPORTS 'a) Administrator 'b) Building (c) Finance (d) Police (e) Public works 8. APPROVE PROGRESS PAYMENT #3 $18847.35, DERRY DELI 1.1=ROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 9. ORDINANCE No. 70-29 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL USE'S) ON LANDS OF ATLAS STEEL BUILDING COMPANY in Ix Section 2, T2SRIW, W.M. TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON 'a) Second reading 10„ CANCEL,MONTHLY SEWER SERVICE CHARGES (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 11. LERON HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTRICT (a) Report by Director of Public Works 12, °BOB MEYERS PRESENTATION OF MEYERS_PLAN 13. ORDINANCE No, 70- - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL USE'S) ON LANDS OF PHYLLIS M. ANDERSON in Section 2, T2S," R1W, -W.M. TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON 'a) Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. `b1` Adoption of Ordinance Council Agenda 8/10/70 14. ORDINANCE No_ 70-__ C:TY OF TIGARD ZONING OR .`NANCE OF 1970, Recadifying Amendments OW Suppiements to the Text (a) :Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. 'Continued from Council Meetirc of July 27, 1970) 15. RATIFY AMENDMENT 1970-71 BUDGET - REC-UCE BONDED INCEETECNESS TC$1616L (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 16 OTHER BUSINESS 17, CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK IV ADJOURNMENT s Page 2 - Council Agenda 8/10/70 T I G A R p C T Y U N C REGULAR MEETING AUGJST i970, -'-.30- 1., ';3C2.. RO CALL. Mayor E., G. 4Cyre, Ccar.c_emer r'lc:yd f3 Eer ;oarzrLar:ie ., Larsen, Robert C Mcorer Stephen. M Teller, C-tv Admi .istrator Fred ;�r:derscn, Cxty AttCrr.ey; relth C. T`hc r-S,:n; Lirector c Fah- Lc kc+rks. Lor!.s 'r_artig, City Recorder Absent: Coa:ci'man Thomas' M _'[ia!:tsar. a 2. PLEL sE GF ALLEGIANCE 3, APPROVAL Cr M_NLTES, July 27, 28, 1970 (a) Apprcved as submitted 4 WRITTEN COM.tiiiNICATILNS (a) None S. ASiPROVAL OF BILLS $48,35'-,0-,, (a) Motion to approvet Ccanci'man Berq.mann:r seconded by Councilman Mccre. Approved by 'unanimous vote of Ccuncs'I present, 6„ MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Motion to approve: Ccurcllman Moore: seconded by Council- man Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present,- 7. APPROVE PROGRESS PAYMENT #3, C_ J- MON'TAG, $£884',35, CERRY rELL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (a) Motion to approve. Ccuncl!y;:an Larsen., seconded by Council- man Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Counci-l' present, 8., ORDINANCE No, 70-29 - 'AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING COND7=CNAL USE(_) ON YAN.DS OF ATLAS STEEL- BUILDING COMPANY in r. Section c, T2S, R£W, W.M. TIGARD, WASHINGTON , COUNTYOREGON f r -(a) Second reading Mayer Kyle requested City Recorder to read the ordinance 3 times by title only. 1b) Motion to adopt ordinance 70-29 as amended: Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman"Bergmann, Approved by unanimous vote.of Council present. 9� CANCEL MONTHLY SEWER SERVICE CHARGES (a) City Administrator recommended the city stop billing the following properties for monthly sewer service: 1 A:: R_ Taylor, 8365 S.W. H"nziker - sewer available, not connected H. P. b"ermilye, 12185 S.W. Mal'n garage ased f r car polisir:g, no facilities, sewer ava. Franc Sc2xeckla *•, X2294 S.W. .abI .W. Mair. sewer avai_ahle, not connected W„ N: Maynard, 12555 S.W. Hall -- prQperty oT S.W. Scoff,ns, no facilities, sewer availab e, not corrected Tigard Feed Store, 12355 S.W. Mair. - availabie but nct connectedac�-itieS, sewer McCall investment, 1199C S.W, Facjf-,c Highway - house torn down and vacant lot, seweravailable Francis ;7,. COcper, 12875 S.W, Watkins - arable to connect as sewer ,-ne is too low Karl's florist, '12660 S.W,. Main - sewer available, no faci'_icies Willamette Screw, ':2436 S.W. Main - sewer ava 'able, no facilities Farmers insurance, 200 Tigard Plaza - sewer available, no facilities United Finance, 205 Tigard Plaza - sewer available, no facilities City Administrator explained in the past, under the provisions of the ordinance which regasres a„l properties to pay, the city has been charging if sewer available, whether they are connected or not, under the Unified Sewerage Agency schedule cf rates, only Properties that have facilities connected to the sewer should be charged, City Administrator reconmeneed discontinuing charges, Council felt each case should be handled an its own merits and requ,sted Administrator to review list and report back. 'b) Motion by' Councilman tarsen, seconded by Councilman Bergmann, to discontinue monthly sewer service charges for the Property located at 12875 S.W. Watkins, Francis 1, Cooper. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present., - 10. LERON HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTRICT (a) Director of Public Works reported agreement between P G,E, and Lighting District has not been reached. 'Lighting District must prepare and submit a budget by August 15th and Director of Public Works recommended their budget be prepared on the basis of $14.07 per lot to cover,the service of 8 lights`.and one pole in that area and that the bill. of $1247.40 due to P.G.E. remainoutstanding. Director Of Public Works requested, City Attorney to prepare-a con- tract whereby the,City could administer the street Lighting through a trust fund. (b) Motion by Councilman Bergmann requesting City Attorney to prepare contract for adininistration of,Leron Heights Lighting District and for their,budget'recommend they bill the property owners within the Leron Heights Lighting District $14.07 per lot seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 11. ORDINANCE No, 70-31 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL USE(S) ON LANDS OF PHYLLIS M. ANDERSON;in Section 2, T2S, RIW, W.M. TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON Page 2 - Council Minutes - 8/10/70 9 ea) Fubiic tl,earinq; S:Oi- . .... ;FYI.. Vlcker, rep,l"e`i"'..1,T- c ,. I:i'.ti ,..c .. _ E.:arc, e;ti.r P_sbt2 school'., conce.rr: ti'.a ._..rC_ ,.,C prc tect_Gn icr cr- 1cre,'t t; _ wr, be r:. Dr. Corr, a,:,r:._ .car.t, rFv.:::wr c._r,_c arm: states t!-If; lac <,.`!Bs w„:' ' :r.Z.13ely w'..T.: the Pncit=5eu hi-I.. - (}?) Motior. to dGlc 't; C'.. C .. .,a' ,:�nr'r C`_li':,c_ `.na^^... Lax ser. Apprcve. L( ._. r',iRa..' ,_to C i. rreser:. 1?. CRE=NANCE N•ca. 7G-32 - AN 32: � _'F,. f .FF SH NG . NiNG REGJ.,kTI(:NS rP'L s<E'L� _'N 11'NANC E __ ANY' A,:.i: A..MENC- (a) P-,h-ic E.r.ax_i'.c: 8.OG of ju y 2 79' ) No Test._:Trcny C'_ostc (b) City Aa.ni.nI S _-r .::d i'.C:e ce 3',(1 ..a Cd and ir,s•ert ;a gu w e 4.1'zuseoxr:{a z t} rc ra_ ..oad _rac'xs; cixarge a I:..;r.IIre r.c . iee 311 (c) Motion t.; ado;. r ...._-a:-ce %-i r Cc4nc, _,mar Ee r ,,a-. seccsnced by C`:­ E __:`1c' i-Sc tio7:, tCY aCc rl,mer c,:mer.t8 as 2:C-C'.'::'iT tf.G_.fk L. CI tra..ir'i ln:i f:C' :mdri. i3.Ser'., s ,,,SSeO, by Vote on a nea:d;ne i L 'w:d =Y_lroved by Ccunc l p',res-e"t -.y - d) Attorney k:.: r.._,e rem_ 1nel,aea ac< r._;: o: oja_:ance be tabiea to next C,;onc__ !neez.Inq beca:sse title -s inadeaosate and an enactirq c <3'+ijse r!v wt ..nC:iiCec% Motion to table; C u..c nar, Mcore sec: _.cev by Co�nci_;sian Larsen. Approved by unan.:uc:rs v to c-I Co% cy present. AMENDMENTS TO 1970-7.1. I:Ur'GL.T - RE.0CE B�:N :Ei INDEBTEDNESS TO $Y6-,.16; , (a) City Aaministratcr reperted C_,ty naa receiver errurecus in>=crmation frc.n C^'.trtY= and av'ailab.e 'cash with c_,anty Treasurer ,sh .Ila be cc.rrectec`to $:_�,955 This woald reduce levy far bonder ate:Hess't�, q.6,167 (b) Motion by Council,mar: Larsen to reduce aGnded _ndehtecness fc,,r I9 Q %i. Budget tc: $i6,-67seconded by Co.1nc:.>mar. m Bergmann, Approvea by anani.moss cote Ccurci_ ;resent 14. 111EYER rIAN PRESENTATION (a) Ecb Meyer shrtiwea s;:3es and E-xpiained prc'_posed prcgra;n for Meyer's Lake "aqe 3 - Council M3rautes - d%lCj7u :TFER BUS-INESS A. ORDINANCE N0. 70-•33 - AN ORDINANCE AZLiTTiNG, FAT::"':NG PiNL CGNF`_TR- M1NG AL_, ''ROCEL".JRES ACYL DETET;_A-N1.T_CNS HERE- TOFORE MADE W TF RESZ!EC'T' TO TitE' `98TH AVENUE SEWER M P2`� L STR:CT" AS, SE] r;aFTH sN PRIOR ORD''NANCE SANL RES-C T_CNS _F' THE CITY _ CDUNC Il OF T"iGARL, A FY C%R 2 iNG SS:RNCE Or B NDS t URS SANT TC ThE BANCROF T h'n L NG ACTS, AND DEC ,ARI'*NG AN EMERGENCY (1) Motion to approve: Cou .ci:':nan Bergmann seccar.ded by Councilman Moore a Approved by unaninicas vete of 0-ar.ci.2. present, B: MEYER PLAN CONTRACT (1) City Administrator recont�nende3 Cour.c.l arprCve contract with `Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington Coanty and authorize the City to pay $3,00G, for the_r snare of the engineering study_ (2) Motion by Councilman Larsen authorizing Mayor and City Recorder to execute agreement or. behalf Cf the City;' seconded by Counci"_man Bergmann, Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. Co REVISE PAY RANGE OF PLANNER (1) City Administrator recommended the ray range of City Planner be changed from range 21 to range 23, (2) Motion by Councilman Moore to make change tin pay range for City Planner, _seconded by Counci=man Larsen, e Approved by majority vote of Council. present,' Maycr Kyle voting NAY. D. Marion Sabisch, 9995 S.W. Garrett, requested status report of Howard :Adkins;conditional use permit located on S.W, Garrett. E. Adjournment 9:25 P.M. City tie':�arda ATTEST: Mayoe Page 4 - Council Minutes - 8/10/70 BILLS PRESE!dTED FOR PAYMENT August 10, 1970 GENERAL FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of June 30, 1970 Receipts 15,826.22 Bills Paid July 27, 1: 70 ( 1 1 7`;2.12) Balance 17 Check Check No. 611)3 Robert C. Moore - arlcing Lot Rent (1 ) 75.r00 _ 6434 Otto 11org - Library Rent (1 } 186.00 6436 Postmaster - Pcstage (1` ) `; 10 61 51 Virginia Dean - Election Expense S1 } 11.25 6452 Irma Butterfield - " " ll.^-.) lu 25 _ 6454 Hazel L. Adams - " (12) 16.?5 6455 Carolyn J. Kuhn - " (12) 16.2 6456 Doris Cooper - " 17) !6.2561457 Rogene Rogehr „ „ 12 16.25 6488 Roger Thomssen - Recording Fee 12) 4.50 6489 County Surveyor " " 12) 2.50 6490 Federal Aids Service - Subscription LI ) "5.00 6491 Chas. W. Stuller - :°fitness Fee ((11 X7.0'0 6492 alter Machaben - 11 11 (11� 5.00 6505 Singer - Friden Division-Postage 1,achine (1E-,) 46.50 6507 Postmaster (18) 45.00 6508 Rogene Rogehr - Election Expense 12) 17.50 6509 Doris Cocper - " it 12 17.50 6510 Hazel Adams it �12� 17.50 6511 Business Equipment Bureau - Copying (12) 13.76 (13) .42 (14) 18.07 (1618.98 (19) .10 41.33 6512 H. A. Mohr Associates - Prints (19) 1.65 6513 Northwest Industrial Laundry - Main. (15) 11.80 (18) 17.50 29.30 6514 Tigard Automotive Supply - Battery (16) 31.94 6515 whitcher Printin w Stationery - Receipts Books 1 .40 (18) Repair Fostage:rfi- ,> Machine 16.55 30.95 6516 Woolach,Tire_Service Center - Tire Repairsl6) 20.00 6517 Department of Motor Vehicles - License Suspensions (18) E0.00 6518 Postmaster' 6542 Emily "died'- Mileage R4� 16.16 6543 John S. Hagman -"h:ileage (17).92 (19)5.20 6.12 6544 Lance Anderson - (19) .32 6545 Judge Anthony Pelay '11 275.00 6546 Leonard Misso -Recreation Director ' (17 200.00 6557 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. - Supplies 12 50.00 6558 "Ish"Duckett, Inc. Maintenance Service (18) 127.25 6559 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (18) 12.58 6560 Portland General Electric Co.-- (18)95.31 Trust Fund (51.75) (17) 4.52 ' 151.58 6561 Southwest Office Supply (12)9.30 (19)6.00 15.30 6562 Westway Chrysler Plymouth - Auto Main. (16)) 41.25 6563 Times Publications (12) 53.76 1641 Tigard Water District - Park 17) 6.00 Payroll, Taxes &Deductionsi22:846.69 0 966.70 S 22,8+ . 69 Bank Balance $15,982.48 BANCROFT ACCOUNTS CHECKS 6432 U. S. National Bank - Bonds & Int. #4 4,050.00 6435 First National Bank - Bond #3 2,000.00 6449 First National Bank - Int. #3 255.00 6450 First National Bank - Int. #3 170.00 6453 First National Bank - Int. #3 -42.50 6,517.50 SEWER FUND, U. S. N4TIONt.L BA3•?Y. Balance as of June 30, 1970 w,( 2,302,27) Receipts 8,848.32 Bills Paid July 27, 1970 ( 259.99) Balance 6,286.06 Check No. 6511 Business Equipment Bureau - Copying (30) .12 (31) .91 w 1.03 6559 Northwest Natural Gas Co. 3O) 146.41 6560 Portland General Electric Co. HO 262.51 6561 Southwest Office Supply (31 22.38 2186 First National Bank - Sinking Fund 356.94 2187 Washington County -- Recording Fee (32.3) 15.00 (3 2188 Bearing Sales & Service - Repairs 0} 79,56 2189 Engineered Control Products - Supplies (30) 16.04 2190 Western Union - Telegram to Dorr-Oliver 31 2.81, 2191 Willis Mechanical Contractor 31 12,546.00 2194 A & E Sales & Rentals - Ecuip.Main. 30 8.09 2195 American Industrial Service - Cleaning �30 12.86 Salaries, Taxes & Deductions 1,188.05 14,657.72 Bank Balance($8,371.66) STATE TAX STREET FUND U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of June 30, 1970 15.60 From Time Deposit 12,653.23 Bills Paid July 27, 1970 ( 135.88) Balance i 12,532.95 Check No. 1627 Feenaughty Machinery Co. -Equip.Rental (20) w 355.00 1632 Homelite- Rental of jack hammer (20) 16.20 1639 Mobile Trailer Supply - Vehicle Main. (20) 12.4.51 1644 ;' Sakrete = Supplies (20) 23.70 Salaries, Taxes.& Deductions; 3,190.70 u' 3,710.17 Bank Balance ;"8,822.78 ROAD FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BA1,T Balance as of June 30, 1970 ( 1,448.54) Receipts - July 5,935-00 Bills Paid July 27, 1970 ( �-19.44) Balance ' 4,467.02 R Check No. 6511 Business'Equipment Bureau -'Copying (21.4) .14 6514 Tigard Automotive Supply - Repairs (20 2.70 6516 Woolach Tire Service Center - Repairs -`(20 4.50 6543 John Hagman - Mileage (21.3 .54 6544 Lance Anderson - 11 (21.4 9.28 6559 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (20) 5.71 6560 Portland General Electric Co. (20) -0- 6561 Southwest,Office Supply (20 3.50 1639 Mobile Trailer Supply_- Equip.Main. (20� 5.25 1640 Overall Industrial Supply - Cleaning (20) 18.40 1642 Traffic Safety'Supply Supplies X20) 48.00 1643 Woolach Tire ServiceCenter - Repairs j20 14.00 Salaries, Taxes & Deductions 506.97 $ 618.99 Bank Balance $$3,848.03 TRUST FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BASK (PGE) 1,229.63 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND U. S. NATIONAL BPJIK 740.55 BANCROFT BOND ##2 U. S. NATIONAL BANK 24.66 BANCROFT BOND #3. U. S. NATIONAL BANK u -0- BANCROFT BOND #4. U. S. NATIONAL BANK -0- BANCROFT BOND ;;5 U. S. PIATIOI'AL BANK 1,425.14 BANCROFT BOND #6, U. S. NATIONAL BANK 15,512.92 TOTAL BANK BALANCES 39,214.55 TOTAL PAYABLES w 48,351.07 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Monthly Progress and Status Report DATE: August 10, 1970 1. Timothy Lake Conference Thursday, July 30th, and Friday, the 31st, I attended the second annual conference of Washington County and City Officials. The program this year was established on a format similar to the current Decisions and Direction Conferences being held at the state level. Among the items of discussion were new sources of revenue for cities and counties, new highway financing, and the possibility of uniform zoning and building codes. Concensus was reached that several approaches should be studied further with respect to new sources of revenue for local govern- ment. Most popular was the concept of a metropolitan area income tax that could be used either as a direct source of revenue for cities and counties or as an offset to the school property tax. Increases in user fees for various services was also discussed. In the area ;of uniform planning and zoning - I had the oppor- tunity of handing out copies of our preliminary comprehensive plan. Agreement was reached that a meeting would be scheduled in the near future to 'include representatives of all cities and Washington County, to talk specifically about Planning objectives and a Uniform Zoning Ordinance. ' 2. Comprehensive Plan As you are aware,' Tuesday evening, August 11th at 6:30 PM. , there will be a-dinner meeting ,for the Council, Planning com- mission, and Citizens Planning Committee, to have the formal - presentaticn of the comprehensive plan, Unfortunately, ;Dick Ivey of CH2M, had an accident last week involving some burns serious enough to put him into the hospital for a short time. He will probably be unable to attend Tuesday's presentation, and I will have to handle the presentation on my own. Atter the presentation, we :intend on circulating — many copies of the proposed plan to other governmental agencies surrounding Tigard and citizen groups for their comments, review and feed- back to ;be heard at future hearings of the Planning and ,Zoning Cosamission and City Council prior to the actual plan adoption. We are proceeding with the preliminary work on re-writing the zoning ordinance in its entirety, in order, that we may ultimately implement the concepts and policies set forth in this proposed comprehensive plan. We are also working on a detailed "urban design" for the Triangle Area, in order to protect the pattern of development established with Farmers, Lamb-Weston, and O.E.A. 3. Planner At your last study session, we informally discussed the market for available planners. I would like to hire Ray Rangila, who has three years of planning experience with the Washington County Planning Department. He is currently making $815. a month at Washington County and will be receiving, at the end of August, $850. a month due to a merit increase. As ;you are aware, Emily has been paid considerably less than that because of her lack of planning experience. I am therefore going to request Monday evening that you adopt a motion authori- zing me to shift the pay range of the Planner from Range 21 upwards to Range 23, which will put it on a par with our building official. Range 23 starts at Step A $711. per month, with a top pay rate of $864. per month in Step E. I propose to start Mr. Rangila at $784. a month, which is Step E of the existing Planner range and Step C of the proposed Planner pay range. I propose to hire Mr. Rangila effective September 1st. Because we are talking about a 10-month outlay rather than 12-month, our cost outlay will be less than the amount actually budgeted for Emily's services. 4. Retirement Plan During, our budget election. process, I had asked Lee Jackson to hold off sending letters to various funding agencies for our pension plan. With the successful budget election, I have asked' him to again proceed and I have, for your review .Monday evening, the rough draft of a letter he proposes to send. Assuming response is somewhat timely, we areaiming at establishing the City's pension program on or about November lst of this year.. 5. Work began ,today on the interim modifications to the Main Street' railroad crossing. Crews from Southern Pacific began installing a conduit to handle the wiring that will interconnect the wigwag signal and also the wire to energize the new street light which the City has ready for installation on the east side of the ' crossing. I am still awaiting definite ,scheduling.of the rail- road's work related to improving -the track elevations prior to the City's repaving of the street. Respect y submitted, SMT/7P Page 2 —Progress &Status Report -' 8/10/70 _ CCOE E03 �CNE'.228-©630 1 I {'CDifll'L®�' WILCOX BUILDING PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 August 12, 1070 Gentlemen: RETIREMENT PLAIT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF TIGARD Our firm has been retained as Consultant by the City of Tigard for a Retirement Plan for city employees. The attached page outlines the significant data and provisions regarding the accumulation and disbursement of funds for the proposed qualified plan. Please prepare a proposal for your company to handle these funds based upon this information. if for any reason you are unable to provide the services for the plan as outlined, please submit a proposal as close to that requested as possible. Deviations,, however, should beclearly stated. Your expense charges should be illustrated to reflect the following: 1. The cost if participant account records are maintained by µ'ms' __ ,.sac ;..y and ,Gua a:vu[jrccty merely•by in,Vr2sts the funds. 2. The cost if your company maintains individual account records as well as investing funds.: ` Insurance companies should indicate the type of contract to be used and submit a specimen. Applicable annuity purchase Y 4` rates ,and their guarantees, if any, should be noted together with any guarantees relating to interest credits and employee contri- butions. Your timely response will be appreciated and should be ; ` submitted in duplicate to this office no later than October 1, 1970. ,w Very truly yours, Lee R. Jackson LRJ/goo Encl. rt e � 6 FOLi.a:ta' cot W ust 12, 1970 R_ETIRS;:I NT PLAN FOR E3Ph0YLEoc OIC TILE CITY OF TIGAiO A. prorToaed Effective Date: Fdovember 1, 1970 B- Employee Data - 1. Number of Euaployees: 37 2. Total Payroll: $23,060 monthly or $276,720 annually C. Si2nificaant Provisions 1• Employee contribution a. The required contribution will be 2.0 of pay. b. The optional contribution may be an additional 3%, 5! or 8%. c. No more than one change in any 12 consecutive month period will be allowed. 2. City of Tigard Contribution: 2.5% of pay. 3. Allocution of Contributions: a• Employee contributions to a "fixed income" fund. b. Employer contribution to an "equity" fund. 4. Retirement Benefit at Age 65. All contributions shall accumulate until retirement at which time the value of the account would be distributed as a lump sum ea„ttlement or a mthly annuity. 5. Death & Disability Benefit Prior to Retirement. Value of account shall automatically be payable. Y �k To: City Council Date: July 10, 1970 From: City Administrator Subject. Monthly Progress and Status Report 1. Personnel: The Police Department has had a change in a Clerk-matron Position due to Lac resignation of Diane Smith rrilo had to leave because her husband was transferred to Tillamook. Dian;` s replacement Department) , is Barbara Wood (our second 3arbara Wood in tPolice: Polic Beryl Rich, an Engineering Technitian IT in our Public Works Depart- ment has been replaced by Lance Anderson, a young fellow wita con- siderable drafting experience witn the U.S. Department of Agriculture. I have received a written resignation from Emily Wied, who has decided to become a full-time housewife and carry on some limited free-lance design work. We are sorry to lose Emily, she has done an outstanding job for us as Planner. A replacement for this Position will be difficult to find, however, I have several people in mind and interested. We Hope to have this position filled on August lst or shortly thereafter. 2. Railroad Crossing: The Engineering Department has recently completed the final plan for the railroad crossing. A meeting with representatives of each of the two railroads several weeks ago tentatively scheduled the improvements to happen during the month of August, or September, depending on the railroads ability to have available their necessary materials. 3. Tax Levy Election: Approximately 170 letters have been sent to citizens that we feel will be favorable to the proposed tax levy. In addition a number of interested citizens groups " are attempting to campaign on a citizen to citizen basis, expressing their concern about the need for continued city services and affirmation of the tax levy. The Police Departmentwill be utilizing off-duty police officers to personally contact all residents who have taken advantage of our vacation home check program during the last several years. We feel these people are particularly receptive to our police pro- tection and it may well be close to 200 affirmative votes. 4. Due to the fact that we are short on secretarial help this week, I` am not forwarding with your council folders my recommendations regarding rules and regulations' for selling beer at Cook Park during the Barbecue. I will present ;these at the beginning of the Council` meeting Monday evening.; We have also asked Fred to prepare an ordinance that will taxes levy our Monday evening should the election be positive. This may well require taking a recess after the termination of all other business until the votes have been tabulated and .the memo respectfully`' submitted. SMT;dh FINANCIAL . F X I CENE"rtAL FUND 1970-1971 Current Year to BuMet Month to Mayor and Council S 3,669• 37. 37. 17,222. 935. 935. Municipal Court 3 802. 3,802. Administration 56,993. 1,092• 1,092. Building Dept. 17, 4• 1,315. Planning & Zoning 17,568. 1 315' 416.. 12,999. 4j.6. Library 192.233. 13,069. 13,069. Police Dept. 211. 211. Park's & Recreation 16,967• 1,808. 1,808-• Engineering Dept. 35,847.49,184. 1,901. 1,_901. Non-Departmental Contingency 2^ Total General Fund 42 ;686. x+,586. 24,586. SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND , Operation and Maintenance 72,929. 1 872. 1,872." 12,671• 12,671. Replacement and Expansion 231,843. Contingency 13,200• ) Transfer Derry Dell Leron Heigh"'s Total Sewer Fund $22L04.3 STATE TAX STREET 'FUND ,. Operation & Maintenance 3 91,5 . 3,84y.444. ,84y. Contingency 8 Total State Tax St.Fund $ ROAD FUND Operation & Maintenance $ 40,855• 625. 625• - B.O.RProject Contingency . Cook Park - 68. 6 "Total Road Fund 40 8 -. • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT FUND Bancroft Bonds 12,3,x',5,6 4 44 6,517. =517• GENERAL DEBT FUND General Obligation Bonds 8 8_ TOTAL ET 3.5.0 133• 3.50,133. FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVENUES July 1970 1970/71 Current Year to GENERAL FUND Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 26,854. $ 40,329. Property Taxes 197,823. _p_ Delinquent Taxes -0- 5,600. -0- -0- Land Sales& Advance Taxes 200. -p_ -0- LICENSE AND PERMITS Business $ 18,500. $ 11,312. Liquor $ 11,312. 160. -0- Plumbing & Heating 5,000. 357. 357, Building 20,000. 3,093. 3,093. Moving 50. _p_ Sign 300. 10. 10.-0 Bicycle License 100. 7, Misc. Street Opening 250. 7� FINES AND FORFEITURES WA Court Fines & Indigent Defendants $ 34,620. $ 245. D $ 245. Defense USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Telephone Pay Booths $ 50. $ 3. $ 3. Interest 800. 71, 71. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES Cigarette Tax $ 15,498. $ -0- $ -0- Liquor 40,950. -0 Trailer Sales Tax -0- 250. -0 -0- CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Zoning Adjustments $ 400. $ 25. $ 25. Document Sales 700. 37. 37. Library Fees-& Fines 375. 54. Recreation Use Fees 54. 1;000. Lien Check 350. 19. 19. Subdivision Application Fee 30' 30' 100. -0. _p_ _v FRANCHISE REVENUES Portland General Electric $ 23,686. $ -p_ $ -0_ '. Northwest Natural Gas 4,760. _0_ -p_ „ € Telephone 7,529. _p_ ti Garbage -0- 2,701. 222. 222. Taxie 100. -0 NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Unclaimed Property Sale $ 200. $ -0_ $ -0- RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Adm. of Sewer & Public Works $ 7,500. $ _0_ Gas Tax Refund -0- 1,280. -0- ' -P- OTHER $ 4,000. $ 101. $ 101. TOTAL GENERAL FUND $421,686. $ 15,586. $ 55,915. Page I Revenues w 1970/71 Current Year to SEWER FUND Budqet Month Date Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 33,930. $ (2,152.) CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Sewer Service Charges $ 73,710. $ 5,380. $ 2,180. Sewer Connection Fees 37,500. 625. 25Q Sewer Construction Inspection 2,500. 35. 10, LICENSE AND PERMITS Sewer Permits $ 500. $ 2. $ 2, USF OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 3,000. $ 105. $ 105. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES County Subventions $ 70,000. $ -0- $ -0- RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Assessments Engineering, Etc. $ 2,500. $ _p_ _ Assessments Legal, Etc. $ -0 500. _p_ _0_ Other Recovered Expenditures 82,098. _p_ -0- OTHER $ 5. $ 17. $ 17. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS 98th Street $ $ 2,782. $ 2,782. Derry Dell Leron Heights TOTAL SEWER FUND $306,243. $ 8,946. $ 3,194. STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 22,760. $ 27,915. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Gasoline Tax $ 60,544. $ -0_ $ -0- USE OF MONEY Interest $ 650. $ 130. $ 130. TOTAL STREET TAX STREET FUND $ 91,954. $ 130. $ 28,045. ROAD FUND Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 6,527. $ (1,449.) REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES County Road Tax $ 13,828. $ _0_ $ _0- Road Inventory Traffic Grant 20,200. -0- CHARGES FOR CURRENTSERVICES Public Works-Construction Fees $ 500. $ -p_ Sale of Street Signs $ -p_ 500. -p_ Street -0- Sweeping 3,000. -160. 160. RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Other $, i00. $ 5,775. $ 5,775. TOTAL ROAD FUDTD $44,825. $ 5,935. $ 4,486. Page 2`-Revenues m 1970/71 Current Year to BANCROFT BONDS #2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Int, Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 40,198. $ 40,198. Assessments #2,3,4,5,6,7,8 27,684. $ 14,359. $ 14,359. Interest 15,758. 240. 240. USE OF MONEY Interest $ 5. $ -0- $ -0- TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS $ 83,645. $ 14,599. $ 54,797. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/70 $ 275. Taxes $ 26,383. Transfer from Sewer Fund $ 13,200. TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 39,858. g N. Pag 3 Revenues �.: 0 0 0 00 0 or)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 O 0 - <�O O O O O o 0 0 0 0C)0 0 C 0 p p O f.) 0 0 0 0 0 C'O C)C)C-1 o o C)w O O cd rO O In�o Nc-�-! OO O C o c'(),-,c r-•Nin.•�,e.� � m r ri�n DC7�D '+ r-I�- c,O vow +r r, o C C'; - rn H N (,J Cl) Nt1N NNN o["�t TO tnr-i O� "u�. ••1 N a) a r-i J L0 m w Q o U o o U .0'L1 •rl .r{.H w m m C? '3 x r H o HCH HH ~ N m O _cdm mni nlww wwomwwrocJN r +'+' r ..1 U.� U U U o v o U o•ti.H•.-� rn Q) ( a� w w H m.z w a: m r,^� •v� v ��r v � w w ,-�,� () +- �H f=1 �'••-i r E: E•�•.� �.••� •�+••i r1 E E G cd cd rl N N a3 ::.� u) _ E F o:r �;-> P.of cd +'i' >� o a) o)•.-i a) a) c) a) w w - o o., o o H� U CY U J U CC[Y.U)�G CL'CG W C>~U U U U) HH co Aa1 HH co E �C E O H w Cl J W H Lr ri r-13 tko cxl O U H C' • H � 3 }s3 •� >aN � H o +. x 4� :3 U co CV•H w u) moi•�•� o F�..tv. m F v :."i �:* x w"I o w m F"w F F U w f`• c• o—`'V-- Q U-o U c". �, T rd L: :3 ::s...:V.F+N c3 n- F+N N N clj of ,i 0 o 0.0 y.0 m R1 W c.-) T, .H rl r-i r-'.rl^a a,W M ££ .�3 r •.3�3:3333.g x33 'z_ _ co co u)(1)to(!)u)u)tlo V)U)U)u)N U)G7 Ul U)V) s7 Cn.G� In u�O n:,�LfN cr,O O O u�.1 CV 0t`- z 0 w O O co n n u'.O u O cJ -ia 0v:cn cno.�r..e tw-1 tr%vim.•c:NOCn q :r:r ;;�cr N. ('\j :V NNN �. w'r+S Co.ri r-i N r-1.r-i r-1 r4--r n H r--1-4 rl H r-i y Y y w a E E 1-�i� ,P.�.G• w NNw a)UU: o AAA oAAAoCgvo •iaW UUc0ou a 41 41 41 to U N � 6i ��..0 @ y G: N 2 r•� 0 'O. a) o o od •-o o 0 0.Q) O.Q) P ; U EiAAA3Uc4P4 aUC�t-3Iz pdQ -rar� :av�6`r�t�.zz�w.:w fmvs�eriaaS435 � „xu3n,J' -a :ami..� POI "CE L`EPAR`!'IENT CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT MONTH OF t' 9 DI:STR IB11'T.ION OF PERSONNEL NUMERICAL 1 ASIERAGE � PERCENT STRENGTH _ DAILY ABSENGF,!DA.LY ABSENCE AVERAGE EFFECTIVE STRENGTH _ End rf. S3.m Th Same I Thi > Th-_q I! Saar -: 1,. s Same T------" ---- this mon*,, mont, p mon h mon-:.r1 Mori h I 13n n i ( � mor h mon4.,n r � mon-,h lass year: Ia3t= l.as last yep w yep year TOTAL PERSONNELS 17 7 9 e> . 1 4 0 G _I 9 0 ' E .9 CHIEF oS OFFICE 2 S 1 v� �9 3 4 5 3" 1.1 1 .2 j SERVICES D?VIS,. 5 I s 5 '._?. ._! 361 _34--,' m - _s.1 �s2, _ PATROL DIVIS. 9.510 3 4,0 1 4,1� 4(i 31; 5. 1 b 6.7 -- _� - _ _._ _ omaa._�..._ INVEST. SECT. A ��.5 w� ,_7 ?_..,.4 s 0__. .0 S FORCE ONE 5 4 1.6 1 3 32, 3 % 3.4 1 2,7m� 2 7 FORCE TWO 8 8 d 3,7 3.2 46% ' 40% 4.3 4 0 4.8 z FORGE THREE !_ 55 1.54 1 6 :7/ 2.2� 1 _ CHANGES IN'PERSONNEL v DAILYAVERAGE 1'AxROL STRENGTH la Present fordutyend of las" month .0000 16 �y; This Same month month las> year 2. Recruited during month...�...s....o a.... ' 1 _ _ __ 3. Reinstated during :month........ to Total number field Total to account fo_-......0.......... 17 �� officerso.o. 10 11 2. Less Agents Assig 4. Separations from the services � ned to Investigate. .5 .2 (a) Voluntary resignation e000®. 0 3. average daily abs- (b) Retirement00000.ou00000000. 0 abs- ences of field off- (b) owing,to (c) Resigned with charges pending _2_'_ (a) Vacation, susp_ (d) Dropped during probationo... 0 ensign., days off, =(e) Dismissed for cause .....o.. C. comp. time, et*o 3,2 3.4 (f) Killed in line of duty o,uo. 0 (by) Sick & injured. .8 .7 (g) Deceased oeeooe0000.0000.000 0 (c) Schools, etc... 0 0 Total separations o 0 0 0 0 0 0.o 0 0 0.o® _0 i Total average dai],,� 17 absenca60000 4.0 4.1' 5. Presea�t for 'duty at end of month a e.e o o _ 4. Available for duty. 5.5 6.7 Page one F'0I:10E OFF'A F?r1�FN` .Mt�T T, REUR,r r.R1111F: INDEX AND Pt)e'CF AC'r?V ?'Y "'REND W C��FEr SES KIvC7WN CLASS?t cr r x UI'd ��_ X E t t i t a3.t �.d.. \T7o t.:a.<, ye t)FIi�ASn k c Jr, h -.- .,,.,...... .r C 7'' ?:t7 V.1 . ..... tr,•'>. a . ° an , pe_ c, - x v a7, i a e i i4r �: PP. Nf e, g g W. ll (j 1 R t � URape , 4 U E i 3 i + , j + 0 0 * r i t No !1 apiT, �• t i4Agg �O T,y t.Idf... .....__. I ....y,._.....,_._.......�_..,..�. �..r.._.v.._ ..-._...�_.� ..._��.v _. y. ._._...-.., As�ai ,: Tr,tal, 0 go a_ U 4 � ...._._..._....._`�` . _ - Y U eliev Wf apt nt v i - F c n ren i�1 e Fr f 36 LL ° A }P+t},p E:n L Y 1 7 ... .-......® 10� 1�?s.e�m...4.a+ J .6�.ms....,.r,,' _..a.m_.4,_ 200/, 3 L0it ti 6° Ia �; t1 $ 0.C10 7 R� �3 g i rI36 �.f�b4 7. Atei t, Thef 1 I �- - Crime T d€x Totaa��� j lb. Manslaugh x.,� 17 i 1 u m ;._—' 12 -=_- ,4 9 `Negla 'TM ec � I � i G I C 1 0 °Na t Aggravated) L 1 , 9 s ob° Larrer�r J_ cied�-mac �s e Wit- 100 `> � - 28 a $SOoOO 14 9 �� � g as 55i 74 ± 22% PART 1. TOTAL t 1 �a ! 32 s � 9 56 + r ? 77 a s 9 + 47eie Totall M �'Q.y �7 _ 4 t i �s�o Nc�= c�sma_na1. Ga_a.s 2,5 j . m _ � 113f, 14 i 1?% X89 d_ Total r sP i .._=�L _ + 28% tia�z,4� or Searic ,9 2,, 4 �m 161 _ 261 _ + 9% 139_2 �f 17 Page two - _ i.FTA i MEN' MONTHLY RE'fiC)R'" ENSE5 APRES'! 't EAR TO '.)A`!"; ,�ER,FNT C)F OF ENSE ._ LA 3! (AT:C)N l?I RI I) BY ARREST � �E ( .EARED BY ARREST T" z. R A I r ,.. 7 E Pa P r C. r; TJ J. Tt V .i I'_.a.• YG a. _ i �I rix rl I a u 2. FtT:" r " Roape o Ra P_ J a .J /1 tao NG WT apt 14 v i 6 xUD I I a. V C V 1 r d 0 - �a gf r b' r u � � Ci (� 5 _.Bu,g.l a ry i`T a I ao Fo c .b e E..-i4�/ .�—�-• i �=..,tea b. No Force Used { 2b1 rev �2 _ we A t empt E * r� Go Larceny a- `$50o0C & Over, r � p � I i _ _ 5 7 1 4_ _1 8". 3„ ro Under $50.00 7s Auto 'jhnftll— I �I 4 3 _ 3 i1 ami 75% GRAND TMAL a I 9 �QL2 �� 31 h 2� � � 16% 17% r DFPARTME'NT MIMTHLY REPOR7. GABS,' {CAT-'-ON OF P rT 7FFEN� I{ CJtw'rft H°N.F uFTEI'Y`7 1'. Pl yea- (Pa! tee. v - ea T (Fa. ... M, Mt r_ Sar .. . R Da.". „ ��.... N �l P i 1 I i i , 2. Fmk z em a 3r Fiaui I i 3. Stolen P ope r",jr crimes 4. Weapury C?rn:e Sem Of'.fe n_5e8 , , __._.,e. _..._,_.z.,_.K ,y._._.,�mv-v....... �_±_2au __�_-=.v,.� (Exc epxt Rape ? �+ d . ,,.v_��. 6. Na ro*4 and I � ;- .. 6 ..s 7 'Jii�Y L..aw_... i o 8o�nr ..,re , _s 29 _ 0 r IUO . � Q9 20 Cc dactt, t 1 I10. i a� _ sa 0 ��vtt aT�ial�, i xs _ -�-ry�- -3 0 ��o Curfew. x pw. T 70% � ` TrGano �4 p 12a 3 Runaway- �c 2U0°' 3 � ^7 13. Ars � — 7 C F 300! ' 9 200`, a All Othere t:� ea=m 0 0 3-4- ---- v 267' 73 FART ,1'" TOTAD ��. 92c — - - 37 251 1 49 2 yY s Jam.a ,s.� �ff . ' PONCE VEHICLE REPORT U: t ' MileL'Driven Final voles Gas Used Oil Used Repairs Rc Cost t, er p anile to Maintenance, Operate Vel c1e 2 4,922 r 22,041 865.7 3* 4,285 20,8n 1 840,7 14 276.54 $ 0.056 4 1,287 46,8I4 1253 5 238.53 0.056 . 5 686 4,783 67.5 5 58.37 0.045 _ 18.95 0.027 11,180 1,944.2 23. $ 592.39 ,S 0.046 Average Cost Per Mile NOTES -= L.P.G. fuele vehicle. _ Page .four :.F DEFAR'`MENT MIONTHI.' REFOR" PFS" �iFFENSV' C'' ARED BY ARREST 10 f)ArF Ur r,LNSr''FR(ENT,of OFFENSES CIA.,SiF fl,al '()NOF' rh {, , 5YA�? E.,': CLEARED BY ARREST ri A," t (: ,.fir A L E rl i a Si35'. 9 I . rr' s , W 3 - �C o3?c 3 3 1_ 3 f _ Z�� I �'u« 4 Esrap� % 1 6 — _4a 1�7 A r 5 o a r 0 a� 0..-m. U t i ''` d GFANb TUrIALA _!1�5 I 133 vi' I 50; '+G! 32, — 4TUR ACT IVITIEEq O ASSIF?:i?TI6iN OF _4GTTVTTIES �'HI� MONTH SAME MONTH UST YEAR ® Vacat,"lon Mouse Checks Mads 268 :1 - - t 2. Open Doors & Windows FoanH :0 17 .� � _ 30 £oy LI, Pj,c-41, CherkS Made leo A: ,lz'_ Rendered to✓Other Agei. zee oma 330 - 5. Aid Oaven `o C..ttzeno ---------------------- 4, -----m--m--mo 4, Warrant Served ------------------------- 5 _ 3 [ 160 8 Field In rrogatr"ori Reports N`,ade 8, Routine Complaints Ives' gated, ---- 2.15 d ?14 _ 9, Crimes Reported and .in estagatNed 69 TOTAILACTIVITIES 3 272 a. 2 31,A Page five REFY: VALUE OF' PROPER.'; :..a S .:.:' hP1Il .';F 'ROf 7u..:`:' r"'.i'JDi'TJ %:^, ' FECUVER.F1') I ir."I.'fD NG SAD :'HECK°, ,ROTT,RT:'t" ST."",-P ;{?; l S _ fRUPER' . rE%OVERFD "r 'S I,'I:NTH PR C)PERTT RI1t':%7 tI FZF.D SA 111F MON` A. V,"r E. L- UF CHECKS,, �iAi ?x' IXS" BAD CHEICK3, VA;`'r' k ME lAiN511A5T '_'EAF, SAD .'HEt;h;� 7A;.'?F RE! `.ERE,, - WiD CHECKS VALUE RECOVERED ;AMr, MCN`"H ':AST YEAF.. f RQPER.T Y LOST THIS MC:rNTF e VA i iTE _..._ ._ .: $ .'JC•. PROJM-Y I:OS`r SAME MONTH LAST YEAR. h VA,1 TT --------- PROPERTY --- ..._,-PROPERTY FOUND THsS MONTH VAidJF FROPERT'Y F'OU11D SAME MUNI'}] 1.A.ST YF-4R vP_I?!E tAl._''y tOr. TfiIS C T i = 611.E6 I:C'ISS FOR. SAME MC NTH .AS`" 1aR --------------- .. 7,476.77 V.t�NDiLISIi LOS THIS ON H .-------- ----------------------- C;v• _ - - TRAFFIC At C IDFd11T SUMMAR H ti1JNT �.J' EAR 3TO D4 F, ACCIEDENT TOTAL 'U ; " 1C?„ i 79 r S_ Fa a'I 0 O� Clv0 _U - 10 Personal 4 ' � �5 ��G �� 3.7 1t 1 - Fzp Da,--age 1(QI 4 C' 50'_ Pedes s'� ��-i��... U � _ _..`f 0 200% 0 2 200jj, 5 FNFORCEMIOIT SUMMARY - - a TH.1 E u MONTH fEArpR_..TO DATE E Tn s Year 'Es -ea g�a�� TnsYea� Ian' Yea Crar, 1353 104{TRAFF-C O'pAL176 l'U HazY -39 30 '2 122 167 1079Other � _ tions _ 12% 324Lr t U�3°io �Tking 69 22=-----. +72147 331 3190 m1¢ 69% 07 Accede- A r s � � � - & Cita_,qn �7 E7 t •I 17% ! 45� ) 5� C ; 215% Page sxx.' -. - P(ii:'CE DEPAR IT�ZN°" WfiTW Y REFi)RT ;t�rg ;�{'s':t:til ST?MTIAR:'' OF TF.AI'z" C ENti'UR�.`.EMEldT ;H:"S wIr)NT, i t 'TEAR. 70 DATE VI01.AI 'ON i �r r T z � as vC�.ange Tc,La ,, J I D v 117 Rule t Speed , g Reckless D Ir_g + E ! t D sobey T of I Signal 1 I t � - J al.., - Improper Passing i Tlnprio e �` 1. P -t � �g 12 9 Failure to Yield ' Right of Way s � 3 30 I'ollowhng Tori Close No or Improper Signal a Improper Lae Usage- ! i Defective Equipment 50 Other Ha a:rdou s g,- Viclation5 C ! aw -51 3J + 7 5 Non-Raza_dnu s� I _ Violations ++ + I- - �- 2 c q Parking Viol,atiors Total # 6.9 22 316 CLERICAL DATA ACTIVITY THIS MONTH Radio Messages Logged _----------------------------- 4,943 Telephone Calls FLogged c----------------------------------- - - - - -- 961 Cards Typed and Filedm ----------------------------------- . .. ,� ? 877 ". Persona. Contacts ----------------------------------- i ,328 vs Assists Given to Other Agencies ------------------------- ,,Other - -¢ =m ®__Other Activities m _ o o m m - - -_ 1-115 UNPAID OVERTIME LOGGED BY ALL PERSONNEL �^THT3 MONTH SAME MONTH LAST YEAR (Chief of Police and Captain 132) _107_ 117 'End of report. for Month of JULY 19 70---- - - - Hugh Ho Wi1krlson 'Chief of Police _ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JULY 1970 1. SEWER DIVISION REPORT A. Monthly Data State Criteria Total Ave. Design Capacity Flow (gal) 23,758,000 823, 000 700,000 Solids Collected(gal) 184,640 6,763 -0- Chlorine Used (lb) 1, 529 53 .BOD (Ppm) 34 20 Suspended Solids (ppm) 59 20 MPN (per 100 ml) 1,000 Plant Efficiency 78,E 85% B. Several major repairs were made this month to the pump station and boiler. The cono-flow and Foxboro unit in the main lift station were overhauled this month. These two units are the controlling units for operation of the pump. The boiler was completely torn down and cleaned. In addition, new gaskets were put in the portholes and the electrical system was checked out. C. The primary digester has picked up considerably in perfor- mance this month. The ph has increased from 5.1 to 5.6 with an alkalinity running about 1,660. As a result, gas production is good and we are able to_burn it. D. The sewage treatment plant expansion is progressing slower than anticipated; however, the contractor seems to feel he will complete the job by October 16. Many other jobs he has scheduled for July will not actually get started until September. The :plant progress was reviewed with the contrac- tor and equipment suppliers August 3, 1970. E. The sewer treatment plant has improved slightly in overall performance. The average this month was 780%, which: compares to 73 for June and 67 for May. It is not known whether the chemical additions to the plant have aided or not, but we will know better by the end of next month, as completion of the experiment will be done August 12, ;,1970. F. Byron Knepp's employment with the city was terminated July 17, 1970. A laborer, Dave Scharff, has been hired to assist Ron in operation,and maintenance of the plant. 2. PARK AND STREET DIVISION REPORT A. At Woodard Park, the banks along Fanno Creek were again cleaned, this time by the NYC students. The park looks quite nice and is being used by a considerable number of people. B. Of the signs for Cook Park and Woodard Park, ordered by the Chicken Barbecue Committee, we have received delivery of the Cook Park sign and delivery is expected in August of the Woodard Park sign. C. Again, because of the cash flow situation, most of the work done has been in park maintenance this month. Some patching was done on the streets and a culvert was in- stalled for Tiger Oil Company across Grant Street. 3. ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT A. A little over 100 man hours has been spent on the Traffic Safety Program, most of this time being spent in the inventory of traffic control devices and road conditions. a Because of the cash flow situation, we were unable to order the radar and traffic counters. However, CH2M will be buying the counters and billing the city after we have received the money from the federal government. B. Street lights in Brookway 'Subdivision have now been com- pleted, and the subdivision has had an overlay;of Class 'D asphalt. The subdivision is now acceptable for maintenance by the city, pending receipt of the maintenance bond by Mr. Paterson. The Cresmer and Karol Court Subdivisions have had no changes; both are lacking street lights for completion. C. The Derry Dell sewer extension is progressing smoothly. `' The contractor will probably have to add another crew to complete the project by the September 4th deadline. D. Plans are completed on the Main Street crossing and sent to the contractor. No date has been set for the improvement on the railroad crossing; hopefully,; in the latter part of August or September. Respectfully, Keith C. Thompson Director of`Public 'Works KCT/jp