City Council Packet - 07/28/1970 SPECIAL MERTIN'; JULY 2R. 1970, 400 0,M. I. POLL CALL: Fresp°nt: Mayor r a. Rvio. Co rc _D,n r.oyn H. r. i gmnnn, Danic< 1. Larsen, Robes h c Poor— Thcmas M. 14MI loran; Stephen M. Tolfor, r1tV AdministrAtor; Keith Thumpsc:'., Director of. Public i9orks; roris Hart iq, City Recorder Special meetinq -as caked by Mayor Kyle to canvass the vot_r for the tax levy of $99,325. Since the election board had not- ^ountrd the votes, the meetinq was recessed until 9:15 Y.M. 9:15 P.M. Meeting called to order 2. RESOLUTION 70--10 - RESOLUTION CERTSFYIN; RESULTS OF ELECTION. DECLARING 'PAX LEVY AND CERTIFYING THE AMOUNT CF' TOTAL 'FAXES AND DIRECTIN; THE CITY RECORGER TC FILE THE BUDGET WITH THE PROBER F05 1C OFFICES a) Mayor Kyle reported 71R votes cast; 1% favcred the Levy. 330 votes against the Levy, and that the measure passno. !b) Motion to approve: Councilman O'Halloran, secondees by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous rote of. Council 3• ADJOURNMENT: 9:20 P.M. ATTEST: ` Mayor Y s.�