City Council Packet - 07/27/1970 Tigard City COLinci' Regular Meeting July 27, 1970, 7:30 P.M, Fowler Jr, fiigh School AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, July 13, 14, 1970 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS $2,197.43 7. AWARD SEWAGE WORKS OPERATOR IV CERTIFICATE - Ronald E. Johnson 8. GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY PUBLIC HEARING - August 5, -1970, 10:00 A.M. (a) Report by City Administrator 9. LERON HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTRICT (a) Report by Director of Public Works 10. RAILROAD IMPROVEMENT PLANS (a) Report by Director of Public Works 11. PROGRESS PAYMENT SEWER PLANT EXPANSION $12,546.00 12. ORDINANCE No. '70 AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND x RECORDINGCHANGE IN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE '. CITY OF TIGARD'BY THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION, ORDER 4172 INVOLVING LANDS OF DUANE COMPANY in Section 36, TIS, R1W, 'W.M. WASHINGTON COTINrY, OREGON, RECORDING EFFECTIVE DATE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY q x (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 13. CITY OF TIGARD'ZONING ORDINANCE OF 1970, Recodifying Amendments and Supplements to the Text 'a) Public Hearing: 8:00 P.M. (Continued from Council Meeting 1' of July 13, 1970) 14. ORDINANCE No. 70- AN ORDINANCE`AUTHORIZING' CONDITIONAL USES ON LANDS OF Atlas Steel Building_Company, in Section 2, T2S, R1W, W.M. TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing 8:00 B.M. 15. ORDINANCE No. 70-_ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONLITIONAL USES PAMON LANDS OF GLEN S. STONE & VIRGINIA STONE, in Section 11, T2S, R1W, W.M. TIGARD, n . WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing 8:00 p.M, 16, FOUGHT ANNEXATION - approximately 33.46 acres, located between S.W. 72nd Avenue and Tigard-Beaverton Highway (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 17. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 28, TO CONSIDER SPECIAL ELECTION RESULTS AND LEVY 70-71 TAXES 18. OTHER BUSINESS 19. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 20. ADJOURNMENT z h Page '2 - Agenda 7/27/70 I G A. R D C i T Y C O J N C I � RE'-,U7-AR MEETING JULY 2.7, '_170. 7: 3p r. M. 1. ROLL CALL: Mayor E. G. Ky-'e, Coclnciimen Flcyd B. Bergmann. Daniel L. Larsen, Robert C: .Moore, Tho-<Tas M, O'Halloran; Stephen M 'i'elfer., City Administrator- Fred d_inistrator-Fred Anderson, City Attorney; Iceitn C 'rF;ompscn, Director of Public Works; Ecris flart g, City RFcorder 2_ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Ja'iy 13, 14. 1970 'al Approved as submitted �. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a` Letter from F. J. Cooper, i2R75 5.W. Watkins, refuestanq sewer service charges he Cance-led as they are unabla to connect to the sewer. City Administrator to invastigare and report back to counci , b` L-tter from Or-gon State Spend Cont-0i Hoard ropc-ting the adoption or a resolution which places a speed limit of 35 mph on Bonita Road fro;n S.W. :2nd to S.W. Haii "C) Letter from League of Oregon Cities regarding pr.;zosal to adopt. a state wide building Code, Administr.-ator to review further and report back to Connor _ 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS .2, 197 43 'a) Motion to approve: Councilman Larsen, seconded by Counc - man Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Councii, 6. AWARD SEWAGE WORKS OPERATOR IL' CERTIFICATE - Ronald E. Johnson 'a) Presentation made by Mayor 7. GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY PUBLIC HEAR':NG - August 1, 1970, i0:00 A.M. a) City Administrator read notice: Of pub is hearingregarding adjustment of telephone rates.. 8. LERON HEIGHTS LIGHTIN3 DISTRICT 'a)_ Director of Public Works reported agreement with P.;,E. and,L-ron Heights Lighting District has not been reached and re(,uested matter be continued to a 'later date. 9. RAILROAD IMPROVEMENT PANS fa) Director of Public Works outlined pians for improvement of railroad "crossing on S.W. Main Street, City hopes to have the outer two tracks re;mcved; irstail new sianal gates, street light and curbs:; 10, PROGRESS PAYMENT -• SFWFR PLANT EXPANSIIN 512. .nF, 'a) Director of r`ab;ic Works ecomx,ndea Payment, 'h' Motion tc authori e pay;nen.t: Counciimar. C'Ha._oran, soconaed by Councilman Moore- Approved by unanimoas cote of Coanci'i. 11, ORDINANCE No. 70-2R - AN 01DINANCE RA•CIFYIN,. CCNF rM!Nr, ANT REC3RTING CI-L%NGr IN THE ROUNTARIFS OF :CHF Ci'^Y GF TI,ARP. rsV '7'gr 1;uUN1,ARY CCMMISSIJN. Ci7TER #172, INIIvLV N :.ANTS GF TUANE (CYFANY. in w. . WA . ;TpNSection ti 1 COUNTY, (.',RT",(-,ON. RFCGRBIN, FFFSCTi"F. DATE. r,N , DECLARIN AN FMER IENCY (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman; Fsergmann, seconded by Council= man Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council., 12. CITY OF TI>ARD ZONIN-� ORTINANCE OF 1970, Recodii_ying knondments and Supplements to the Text a, Public Hearing: n:00 P.M. 'Continurd from Council m-rting of July 13, 1970• b1 Motion by Coanciiman Moore tc continue tc August 10, 1970, Council Meeting; secondna by Courci_:.Tan Larsen. Approved by unanimcas vete of Council. 13. ORDINANCE: No. 70-29 - AN ORDINANCE• AUTLCRIZ=NG C-, NT_IT_:NA- USES ON LANDS OF ATLT,S STEEL 5JI-ZING C-'.A1-ANY, ,n Section. 2, T2S, RAW, W.M. T_rl,RL, WA�5b- NGT N CvjNTY, vF.EGvN raE Public Hearing: 8:00 r;M D. R. Allred, owner, explained Lroposed plans. Vern Risbnrq, owner of Tax Lct 1801, testified against'. Public Hearing Ciosed. W Motion to ado=.t. CouncilmanMoorni seconded by Co"nci:'-Pan Bergmann. 1c` Motion to amend by deleting pro-iisions for outside storage: " Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman C+'Ha.iaran. Amendment approved by majority votQ of 1, Counci<man O'Halloran voting NAY. (d) Amended ordinance passed by majori.ty vote of = 1. Ro:i call of 'vote as follows-, Cedn^iimar. Bergmann, AYE; Councilman Larsen, AYE; Coun.ci_man lvoore. r,YE;` COunc1-_Tnn O'Halloran., NAY, r-layor Kyle. AYE. ' Since ordinance did not pass by ananimous 'vote, it wi I be reread at,August' iOth'Council- Meeting. Page- 2 - CouncilMinutes, 7/27/70 1 . ORDINANCE, No. 70-_ AN ORDINANCE Ai7TI2, RlL: N; C ND?.T_-NA Ut::T-S ON LAND2 QL ':.EN S. STONE 6 4iR iNIA STONE, ir. :lection .. T2S, RiW. W M. TlnARL.. WASHiN TON COUNTY, C;REQCN /at Public Hearinq: R:00 _ M. glen Store, applicant, + estiti"d for conditional use, Public Hearing Closed. tb' Motion to adopt: Clanci;man Bergmann, seconded by Cowr_cil- man O'Haiicran. Denied by majority vote of Council; r.oi call of vote as fo1',Ows: Councilman Bergmann„ AYE; Councilman Larsen. NAY; Councilman Moore, NAY; Councilman O'Halloran. NAY; Mayor Kyle, NAY. - 15. FOU!HT ANNEXATION - located.' between S.W 72nd Avenue and Tigard- 5navrrton Highway 'at City Administrator. recommended Councii approval and ' petition be forwarded to Boundary Review Commission for action. .bt Motion to forward to Boundary Review Commission: Ca,:r:cij - man Larsen., seconded by Councilman Moore.. Approved by unanimous cote of Counci;, 16. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETIN; TUESDAY. .;ULY 2R, !q70, TO CONSI VR SPECIAL ELECTION RESULTS AND LEVY 1970--71 TAXES 'a' Mayor Kyle called special meeting for Tuesday, July 28. 1970, 8:00 P.M. to Canvass the -oto for tax Leery: of 099.125. OTHER BUSINESS A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (1) City Administrator reported comprehensive-pian: had been mailed to Council, Planning Commission and Citizens Advisory Committee. Dinner ;meeting will be held,Tuesday, August n, 1970, Tualatin Country Club, to discuss plan. S. HOWARD ADKINS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL: CONDITIONAL USE 'i) Mr. Adkins presented revised site plan changing complex to 6 duplex units. Council and staff Oiscussed aspects u of formation of Home Owners Association., Attorney Anderson commented the amendments Should be made a matter of -record by ordinance and that the conditions rcrrinq the;home owners association be approved by Council, council rcnupsted Attorne Y Anderson.to prepare 'r_he ord.ir.an�o: C. PHYLLIS ANDERSON CONDITIONAL USE 12.705 S W," Pacific Highway 'Ma 2S1 25D, Tax Lot 500) C 4 Zone; _revuest' for temporary use'for .'veterinary clinic. Z` Setting of Public Hearing R:00 p M. Auq.:st 10, 1970 12' Motion to set public hearing: Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by;unanimous vote of :Counci , Page 3 - Council Minutes, 7/27/70 D. WARNSTROM CONDEMNATIGN CASA; i) Attorney Anderson stavon +ha t-ia: was r,t for mica-Sc-toh1r. E. OROINAmcE 70-10 -- AN ORDINANCE AMCNQ:NS SWTION i < . OR NA':Cr No,. 00-71 ENTITLED D A% '•RUINANCE `0 IZIN; FOR "HE iMFOUNDIN! AND 51SPOSIT 'N OF AR NC NQED VEHICLES". PRESCRIBING IN INCREASED LAI_ STOR00, CHAR;^. ANI: DECIARINn AN WW NCY 11, Motion to adopt: Cour.ci man Bay warm, s,nndnd by Cooncii- mar. Mooren. Approved by unanimc.us 'lot(, of Caur.cii. F ADJOURNMENT %00 P.M. City RQCara�-r� ATTEST- Mayor 9 Page 4 - Council Minutes, 7/27/70 n . BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT July 27, 1970 GENERAL FUND U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 6497 Genernl Telephone (18) 413.75 6490 George F. Cake Corporation. - ('16) 32.2.0 Supplies 9,10, Uniforms 23,10 6499 Commercial Communications Co.-Main. (16) 52.00 6500 League of Oregon Cities - Traffic Tickets (16) 73.02, League Membership (18) 882.00 955.02 5501 Line-Up Shops, Inc. - Auto Main. (16) 7.50 6502 Motor Vehicles Division - Teletype Serv.(K) 29.00 6503 National Police Chiefs Information Bureau " 12.50 6504 Shell Oil. Co. - Administrative 8.05 Building 8.78, Police 152.12 163.95 6505 Woolach Tire & Auto Service -Auto Main. (16) 111.20 51,782,12 SEWER FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 6497 General 'Telephone - (30)51.95 (31)6.85 58.80 6504 Shell Oil Co. (30) 4,71 2181 A. & E. Sales & Rentals - Eq_uip,Rental 307.50 2182 Foxboro Company - Equipment Main. 130 91.63 2183 Frahler Electric Co.-Supplies & Main. (30))) 31.97 2184 Manning Packing & SuDply Ce.-Main. (30) 60.38 2185 OreWn Bureau of Labor-Boiler Inspection 30 5.00 259.99 STATE TAX STREET FUND U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 6504 Shell Oil Co. (20) "k 57.54 2183 Frahler Electric Co.-Breakers 20 15;00 1629 Rogers Machinery Co. -Supplies 120 56.34 1630 Tigard Sand & Gravel Co. - Rock (20) 5.00 135.88 ROAD FUND U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 6497 Genera Telephone (20) 1.30 1631 Feenaughty Machinery - Main. (20) 18.14 r 19.44 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $2,197.43 h . j