City Council Packet - 07/13/1970 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 13, 1970, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JR. HIGH SCHOOL AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, June 22, 29, July 6, 1970 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS $88,263.18 7. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Administrator (b) Building (c) Finance (d) Police (e) Public Works 8. APPROVE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR GENERAL WELFARE OF THE CITY - 1969-70 (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 9. RESOLUTION 70-9 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RECOGNIZING MERITORIOUS SERVICE OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER JERRY HARRIS 10. AMENDMENT TO BROOKWAY PLANNED RESIDENTIAL;CONDITIONALUSE (a) Recommendation of City Administrator ' 11. BIDS FOR RADAR AND TRAFFIC COUNTER (a) Recommendation of City,Administrator 12. PROGRESS REPORT - MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM (a) Report by Director of Public Works 13. DERRY DELL SEWER'IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - Aoorove Extra Work Order (a) Recommendation of Director of Public Works 14. LERON HEIGHTS STREET LIGHTING AGREEMENT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 15. CITY OF TIGARD ZONING ORDINANCE OF 1970, Recodfying'Amendments and Supplements to the Text (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. (Continued from Council Meeting;of June 8, 1970) (b) Recommendation of City Administrator s 16. ORDINANCE No. 70 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL USE(S) ON LANDS OFDUANE COMPANYinSection 36, T1S, RiW, W.M. TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing 3:00 P.M. (b) Adoption of Ordinance 17. ORDINANCE No. 70 - AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A ZONE CHANGE WITH RESPECT TO THE LANDS OF IRON MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT COMPANY, in Section 10, T2S, R1W, W.M. TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. (b) Adoption of Ordinance 18. ORDINANCE No. 70 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL USE ON LANDS OF IRON MOUNTAIN INVEST- MENT COMPANY, in Section 10, T2S,R1W, W.M. , TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. (b) Adoption of Ordinance 4 19. GLEN S. STONE APPEAL - Amended application for duplex in an R-7 (Single-family residential) zone, located at 14135 S.W. 103rd (Map 2S1 11BB, Tax Lot 1501) Application denied by Planning and Zoning Commission (a) Setting a-Public Hearing July 27, 1970, 8:00 P.M. 20. ATLAS STEEL BUILDING CO. APPEAL - Application for conditional use foroutsidestorage:and the temporary Use of a trailer for an office. 9380'- S.W. Tigard Ave. Map 2S1- 2AB, Tax Lot 1900. Application' denied by Planning and Zoning Commission (a) Setting a Public `Hearing July 27, 1970, 8:00 P.M. 21• CANVASS OF VOTE FOR TAX LEVY OF $99;325. (a) Report by City Administrator 22• LEVYING OF TAXES ,FOR 1970-71 (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 23. '; OTHER BUSINESS _ - 24• CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 25• ADJOURNMENT Agenda - Page 2, 7/13/70 T i G A E t Lily C J N C Z I. REGULAR MEETING allLY :3, 197C, 7:30 :,M, i.. ROL._. CALL: Present: Mayor E G. Ayre, =_rAc ,.tier. r_cyd a Bergmann, Robert C .00ze, Thomas X 'rai.inran. gyred A. Anderson, City Attorney; Sternen M Te':er, City Administrator; Keith C, Thompson, Director of Fah-i_ Works. loris Hartig, City Recorder Absent: C*nnc_lman Uanie_ L Larsen 2, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3, APPROVAL Of MINUTES, ,:ane 22, 29, ..u�y 6 9`1C 'a) Approved as submitted A„ WRITTEN COi*1`UNICATIGNS fa) World Wide Church of. God requested exclusive use of Cock rark August 23, 1970, for a picnic for approx_mate_y 7G0-8CC peo_'_e. Councii and staff discussed and recommended Admin;stratcr inform Church park could not be closed off and suggest they find another park that could accc:v:-iodate their activities and group, 5. APPROVAL OF BS LLS $88,263.18 a) Moton to approve: Coancilman Mcore, seconded by Councilman Be rg:mar.n: Approved by unanLmcus vote of Cocnci_ present 6� MONTHLY REPORTS ` fa) Motion to approve: C'o.rci_man G'Haicrap, seconded by Councilman Bergmann., Approved by unanimous vote of Council present,, 7. APPROVE TRANSFER OF'APPROPRIATICNS FGR GENERAL WELFARE OF THE CITY - RA 1969-70 (a) Motion to approve: Counc i pan Bergmann, ;seconded by Councilman. O'Halloran,, Approved by unanimous vote of Council present, B. RESOLUTION 70--9 - RESCLUTICN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, RECOGNIZING MERITORIZUS'_SERVICE OF _LANNING.'AND ZONING CCMMISSIONER JERRY HARRIS (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Moore, seconded by Counci'Lman 'O'Halloran, Approved by unanimous vote of Council present_ 9. AMENDMENT TO BRCuKWAY PLANNED RESIDENTIAL CCND=TIONAL USE !a) City Admin'_strator reported deve_opers of Brcokway Subdivision were having difficulty with front-yard setback reasire_nerts in the cui-de-sr.c know': as „ _ wr Ctt rec airr 5G' rigint- of-way t^_ he cipve of ,u w t zav ; 34 1:r r." arrd a 4` sidewalk next to ircr&!rts e a 1 ar _rg str'p next to the curb or each side n&ca..5. �..ty `_ sio:. : rc_rar,ce indicates a 36' z'd::i s i ataa" -_ 4::` a c.,_-a(e-sac cieveloi:ers :r tr r.t.-vats sec-bac,; measureirar renuestea vai_arse r rv;n tt rc _ the proi:erty _ne 'b) Matior, by b.r:c .:na_ than t.rn cwr,r cts :4 thrca;h IR ir:c .,sive, in rhe Fr- okw ,,.,uic_ - be giver, thra rcrcaauv: ." sing to i'r:;rerty~iir e 2 of the siacwa.k as t?e e fe=ct ve iroi.ertti' : :.ne f.r ::r 1> -c.se ci decerminiry tt:earcs s tbsC'ns sec r.c�ea by Cv—inciiman _ror.�-Y - 0'Ha=Ic,ran,, Ap_ %vet ry nani,no_is vote of C:_-:;nc'-. ;;resent 10.. AWARD ],:LS r 7:< RADAR ANZ TRA,is .0 (a) Lids received icr ttatfic cc.in ter as io_ cws: Fisher _orter - _reicir-t, batter.e.s a:c tubes nct arc. ,dec S69.S. ..aC I. Streeter 113-,et - edC,: City Admin-strat,:.r ret:rn:nendvL awarcir_ bid t,3 Streeter Avnet 4 units, tcta- cost $2050 (b) Bids receivea icr radar c:s tc: ows. Step ens^n sreeda_yzer - -395 cc. p,-ete Dominator radar -- -:53C c,, ,irvete c) ,t�-tion by Co�nc, -nan EerG nann -sward c acs vcr ` Streeter Amet traffic counters in of $206u .a"d Step:Ens,:n sgeedalyzer radar :.t in a:rsunt o? $1395: seccrdea by Council-mar. Moore,. Approvers by unanimous v,to of count-' cse_sen-t ii. PROGRESS REPORT - MOSQU T CONTROL tmRC,,RAIA i (a) Cirector of Pabiic tozks catiined areas covered and fest results of pr•.ograai were Qu_'te St:ccessiui +:. 12,. PERRY DELL SEWER -K�!RCt FMENT T--STR:C'I A�`rR--VE EXTRA WORK' ORDER (a) Director of rub -c 4vcrks rer •este' rcrcvai of extra work order in area of :di_ i:roperty. Aadltioral c„st $1,4C0,60, city's share of ccst apprcrx matey ;.200-300, (b) Motion by Counc—!,.nan Mccre to apprcve ex_ra wcrk, seconded by Counci-man O'Hal-cran, Approved by unan-1mous v_te of Cc-Inc-I Cc—Inc—Ipresent, 13. LERON`HEIGHTS STREET LIGHT-'N_ AGREEMENT (a) City Administrator recn.es`tec :natter be set over to Co.irci ' -Meeting of July 27, ..970 e Page 2 0 Council Minutes =_7ui.y 13, 1970 14. CITY OF TIGARD ZONING ORDINANCE OF 1970, Recodfying Amendments and Supplements to the Text (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. (Continued from Council Meeting of June 8, 1970) Administrator suggested city include amendements which would change yard requirements on railroad track frontage and include new fees as follows: zone change $100; conditional use $5.0 and variances $25. Fees to be comparable with rates charged in this area. Motion by Councilman O'Ilalloran that amendments be included in proposed zoning ordinance; seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. (b) Mr. Art Newberg, of Airking, testified in favor of change in building on railroad siding and urged Council's adoption of change. Motion to continue public hearing to July 27, 1970; seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 15. ORDINANCE No. 70-24 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL USE(S) ON LANDS OF DUANE COMPANY in Section 35, T1S, R1W, W.M. TIGARD, WASH- INGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing,8:00 P.M. Mr. Bob Thompson representing Duane Co. &/or'Fred Meyer testified for conditionals use Public Hearing Closed (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman O'Halloran; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 16. ORDINANCE No. 70-25 - AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A ZONE CHANGE WITH RESPECT TO THE LANDS OF IRON MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT CODIPANY, in Section 10, T2S, R1W, W.M. TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. Mr. Wm. Hurley representing developer testified for zone change. Public Hearing Closed (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman Bergmann; seconded by Councilman O'Halloran. Approved:by unanimous vote of Council present. Page 3, Council Minutes,July 13, 1970 17, ORDINANCE No, 70-26 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL USE ON LANDS Of' IRON MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT COIMPANY, in Section 10, 'T2S, R1W, W.M. , TSGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public hearing 3:00 P.M, Mr. Wm. hurley represcnt:ang developer explained proposed development Public hearing Closed (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman O'Halloran; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Counc l present. 18. GLEN S. STONE APPEAL - Amended application for duplex on an R-7 (single-famrl_v residential; zone, located at 14135 S.W. 103rd (Map 2S1 111313, Tax Lot 1501) Application denied by Planning and Zoning Commission (a) Setting a public hearing July 27, 1970, 8:00 P.M. (b) Motion to set public hearing: Councilman _-Moore; seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present, 19. ATLAS STEEL BUILDING CO APPEAL - Application for conditional use for outside storage and the temporary use of a_trailer for an office, 9380 S.W. Tigard Ave. Map 2S1 2AB, Tax Lot 1900. Application denied by,Planning `'. and Zoning Commission. (a) Setting a Public Bearing July 27, 1970, 8:00 P.M. (b) Motion to set public,hearing: Councilman O'Halloran; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved ,by unanimous vote of Council present.:` 20. C�ViVASS OF;VOTE FOR TAX LEVY OF $99,325. (a) City Administrator reported total of 272 votes_cast;. 124 YES, 148 NO; 0 ballots incorrectly marked. (b) Motion to ;:ecord results of election: Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 21. -LEVYING OF TAXES FOR 1970-71 (a) City Administrator recommended City ask for an extension of time to certify'tax levy with County. Council discussed various alternatives and Mayor Kyle called special council p: Page 4, Council Minutes July 13, 1970 meeting to be held July 14, 1970 at 5:00 P.M. , City Administrator's office, for the purpose of considering an ordinance calling for a special election for city tax levy. OTHER BUSINESS A. City Administrator submi.ttcd for Council's consideration, rules for selling of beer in Cook Park for Chicken Barbecue, Sunday, August 2, 1970. (a) Motion to approve rules as submitted: Councilman Bergmann; seconded by Councilman O'Halloran. Approved by majority vote of Council present. Councilman Moore voting NAY. B. City Administrator gave progress report on pension plan for city employees and stated city will be seeking informal proposals from banks and insurance companies shortly. C. Adjournment: 9:00 P.M. Cityorder ATTEST: L 7 M r Mayor Page 5, Council Minutes July 13, 1970 ' FBILLS PRESENT D FOR PAY'�ENT July 15, 1970 GENERAL FUND, U. S. FATIONAL BANK Bdance as of May 31, 1970 1 -00 ? June Receipts From Time Deposit °�31 67 Bills Paid Jui-�e2z, 197010,00o'c;O Balance , L. w 37,826.28 Check No. 6283 Otto Sore - Library Rent (1 5) -- 6289 Faye Sundt - Travel - 141;leai e ('14) 1u7. 00 .20 6290 First National Bank - Interest on G.O.Bonds i.2 �0 6300 Ze Mf , ,6. p g. Co.Co - auto Maintenance (16) 96 00 6216 Zen Mfg. Co. - " (16) ( 132.50) 6302 Department of Motor Vehicles - License 6303 Postmaster - Postage Suspensions (11) 5,0,0,0 6304 David Andress - Teaching Classes (17 45.00 6305 Addressograph-Multigraph - Supplies 12 50.00 6335 Marsh-McLennan, Inc. - Insurance 18, L:,35,00 6339 Housing Conference of 1970 10 50.00 6360 Postmaster - Box Rent 12 36.00 6365 Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield �14) 509.1-5 6366 Multnomah Count - Supplies - (12) 9.76 (1.6A) 38.86 (M 17.70 60.34 6367 Pargas - Propane (16) 112.00 6368 Platt Electric Supply - MaintenanceSl8) 25.2 : 6369 Singer-Friden Division _ Postage Meter 112)) 2.3` 6370 Ti,ard Times - Notice of Budget Hearing (12) 298.08 6371 Title Insurance Co. - Legal (l ) 4.00 6372 Union Oi1Co. - Oil 6373 westway Chrysler-Plymouth - Car Main. - R6) 34.66 6374 General Telephone (18) 218.60 6375 Business Equipment Bureau - Copying (12) 18.56 (14) 4.69 (14.1) .66 (16) 7.58 (17) 10.00` 41.49 6376 Petty Cash- Supplies 6377 Petty Cash - Supplies (10) 1.45 (15)4.726) 98.75 (16) 18.26-(18) 11.36 25.79 6391 Leonard Misso - Parks &Recreation (17) 200.00 6404 Judge `ffm. 'H. Poole 11 165:00 6405 Judge Anthony Pelay 11) 165.00 6406 Mayor E. G. Kyle - Council Meetings 10) 67:50 6407 Floyd H.Bergmann - 11 ' 10) 67.50 6408 Thomas M. O'Halloran- it 1O 45.00 6409 Robert C. Moore �10) 37.50 6410 Daniel L. Larsen - ((10 6411 Doris Hartig - Mileage (12) 61.76 6412 Portland General Electric Co. ,(16) 77.29 Trust (51.75) 129.04 6413 NorthwestNatural Gas Co. (18) 16.08 6414 Northwest Industrial Laundry (15) 11.80 (18) 18.55 30.35 6416 Pargas - Propane (16) 73.18 6417 Riverman's Rubber Stamp Co. - Judge Pelay's F Signature (11) 6,75 6t+18 Shell Oil Co. - (12) 10.26 (13) 7.87 (16) 143.52 161.65 6419 Speedometer Service & Instrument Co. - Auto:Maintenance (16) 9,00 6420 Tigard 'dater District 18 8.25 6421 Westway Chrysler-Plymouth - Auto Main. �16) 40,50 6225 it if ,t , {16) ( _4.80) 6422 Times Publications - Public Notices 12_ 65;79 6423 Mayor,E. `G.Kyle Expenses X12) 4. 52 6424 S. M. Telfer - Expenses 43 50 9 6425 City of Portland - Boraxo (18) 1.38 6430 Lonnie Branstetter - Mileage (16) 9,04 6431 Elmer Hanegan - Golf Lessons (17) 100.00 x (2) GENERAL FUND - Cont'd. 6437 Portland General Electric Co• 'meet Lighting (lcs) 1,112.16 64 it; Lake Grove Printin_: Envelopes ( 12)101.45 (16) 91.10 201.55 6439 Tigard Community Center - Municipal Court Rent 60.00 6440 "Ish" Tuckett -Janitorial Service (18) 127.25 6441 Valley Auto Parts - (12).72 (16) 10.14 10.86 6442 Whitcher Printing & Stationery Co. - Rece.ipt Book (11) 3.84 6443 Anderson & Dittman - Legal - (11) 180.00 (18) 347.20 527.20 6444 Standard Oil Co. - Gas ( 16 1.82 6448 Smith Brothers - Steno.Chair (M 28.70 1611 Tigard Business Machines - (12) 64.16 (15) 2.67 (16) 29.20 - Of.-ice Machine Main. 96.03 1617 Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies (16) .98 Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 16,008.74 u 24,061.46 Bank Balance $13,764.82 SE,-,ER FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of May 31, 1970 u 9,856.99 June Receipts 25,062.33 From Time Deposit 26,144.80 Bills Paid -June 22, 1970 ( 1,057.52) Balance S 60,006.60 Check No. 6292 Business Equipment Bureau - Copying 31) 2.50 6300 Zep Mfg. Co. - Supplies 30) 118.75 6368 Platt Electric Supply - Material & Supplies((((((30)) 65.07 6374 General Telephone - (30) 53.00 (31) 202.25 255.25 6375 Business Equipment Bureau - Copying (31) 1.01 6377 Petty Cash (30).60 (31) 20 .80 6412 Portland General Electric Co. (30) 283.53 6413 Northwest Natural Gas Co. 30) 105.51 6420 Tigard Water District 234.75 6441 Valley Auto Parts - Supplies (30) 9.17 2129 First National Bank Sinking Fund 356.94 2130 Owen Snyder Road Construction (32.3) 409.60 2131 Underground Construction Co. (32.3) 2,094.45 2132 U. S. Natioanl Bank - Interest onGO Bonds 1,488.75 2133 Bryan Morrison, Inc. (3�3�05 1,260.00 -2139 Stevens, Thompson'& Runyan - Engineers 1 13,064.28 2155 Alden 0. Oleson - 'Contractual Services 200.00 -2156 A-Boy Supply Co. Maintenance (30 6.00 2157 General 'Supply Co. - " J31 244.00 2156 Fred Meyer Supplies 31 24.75 2159 J.W. Minder Chain & Gear Co. Maintenance 31 94.50 2160 City of Portland - Supplies 30 9.00 `2161 Van `Maters & Rogers - " 30 12.23 2163 I•.'illis Mechanical Contractor (31) 22,811.53 2164 Beryl G. Rich - Mileage ( 31) 25.36 2166 Amc-ican Industrial Service Co. - Laundry 30 11.10 2172 Mine 'Safety Appliances - Supplies S3028.90 2173 Southwest Office Supplies - 31 20.82 2174 E. S. Constant Co. - Equipment Main. , (30 20.00 2175 Van Waters-& Rogers -;Chlorine (30 169.20 2176 Keith C. Thompson - Expenses 31 131.36 2177 Metzger Sanitary District - Pumping Sludge HO 217.50 2178 Eoff Electric Co. - MaintenanceS30)) 13.23 1607 it (30) 5.75 1611 Tigard Business Machines -Office Main. (30) 20.00 1617 Marine Lumber Co.-(30)7.52 (31)1.35 8.87 Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 5 392.16 � 9216. 2 Bank Balance $10,789.98 (3) STATE TAX STREET FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of May 31, 1970 .S 5,982.80 June Receipts 7.59 Bills Paid June 22, 1970 ( 678.76) Balance 1 5,311.61 Check No. 6300 Zep Mfg. Co. - Auto Maintenance (20) u 96.00 6216 Zep Mfg. Co. - " " (20) ( 132.50) 6372 Union Oil Co. - Oil (20 30.37 6377 Petty Cash (20) 1.95 6416 Pargas - Propane (20) 6.62 6418 Shell Oil Co. - Gas (20) 5.88 6420 Tigard Water District - Repaire to `relater Service (20) 29.21 6441 Valley Auto Parts - Supplies20 10.29 2163 Willis Mechanical Contractor 203 574.75 1586 Feenaughty Machinery Co. -Equipment Rent(20) 215.00 1591 Iverson's Trailer - Vehicle Maintenance (20) 300.00 1597 Lewis Construction Co. - Equipment Rental20) 1,200.00 1603 North Coast Seed Co. - Materials HO) 147.48 1604 Parents Club Flamingo Drum &Bugle Corps Seats for Pickup (20) 50.00 1605 Traffic Supply Co. - Signs (20) 96.00 1607 Eoff Electric Co. - Supplies (20) 26.41 1608 Valley Petroleum & Welding Supply (20) 8.55 1613 Sakrete - Premix Concrete (20 24.30 1614 Tillman & Booth - Supplies 20 5.33 1617 Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies 203 14.94 1619 Traffic Safety Supply Co. - Supplies (20) 18.94 1620 Tillman & Booth - Supplies 20 488.33 Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 2.078.16 5,296.01 Bank Balance $15.60 ROADFUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as;of May 31, 1970 w 6,848.29 June Receipts 5,327.61 To Sewer Fund - Unbonded Assessments 6,914.00} Bills Paid June 22, 1970 104-35 Balance 5,157.55 `Check No. 6300 Zep Mfg.Co. - Supplies (41.1) Y 382.25 6216 Zep Mfg. Co.- if it ( 382.25) 6374 General Telephone' (20) 5.20 6412 Portland General Electric Co. 20 4.85 6413 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (20) 6.63 6420 Tigard Water District 2O 17.25 6441 Valley Auto Parts - Supplies (20) 21.81 1598 Farmcraft,"Inc. Fertilizer (41.1) 174.00 1599 Cascade Construction Co. - Cook Park (41.1) 6,225.40 1606 Casey Tractor & Equipment Co. Repairs (20) 46.50 1607 Eoff Electric Co. Switch Assembly (20) 11.38 1609 Nine=T-Nine Sales &Service - Tire Repair (20 -1.50 1610 Portable Power,Equipment-Repair Saw (20) 13.65 1611 Tigard Business,Machines Machine Main. (20)) 2.67 ¢ 1615 Oregon Toro Distributors -Maintenance (20) 3.87 1616 Overall Industrial Laundry -Laundry -(20) 23.00 1617 Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies (20) 18.53 1618 Six Robblees' Inc. - Maintenance 20) 29.85 " S 6,606.09 Bank Balance($1,448.54), (4) SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK 7440.55 BANCROFT BOND #2, U. S. NATIONAL BANK 24.66 BANCROFT BOND #3 U. S. NATIONAL BANK Sr 2,467.50 BANCROFT ?OND #4, U. S. NATIONAL BANK w 4,050.00 BANCROFT BOND #5,-U. S. NATIONAL. BANK 1,425.14 TOTAL PAYABLES x;88,263.18 TOTAL BANK BALANCES $31,x29.71 TRUST FUND - PGE STREET LIGHTING 1,013.63 rzEMORIUNDU%1 TO: City Council FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Monthly Progress and Status Report DATE: June 8, 1970 1. Fanno Creek. Recreation Project Enclosed in your folders is a copy of the recently completed feasibility study and report on the proposed Fanno Creek Recreation project. This was formerly known as the "Total Water Use Concept" or as the "Meyers Plan". I would like to discuss this briefly Monday evening and will also be asking for a motion of the Council authorizing the Mayor and Recorder to execute the contractual agreement, in order that the City may pay its share of the cost of this study - $3, 000 - during the next budget year. 2. Budget and Tax Levy Thursday evening an Informal Budget Committee Meeting was held. The purpose of the meeting was to provide the staff with some s guide lines for preparation of the final budget to be submitted to the public Budget Committee Meeting scheduled for 8:30 P.M. Monday evening. The informal concensus of those present Thursday' evening was to submit to the voters a special levy ;with an esti- mated tax rate of approximately $2.45 per $1000 of,valuation. To arrive at that tax rate, we have 'cut roughly $45,000 from the original proposed general fund budget. These cuts are numerous in nature and I` will`-not bother to detail them at this time. The question of salaries was thoroughly,discussed and it was informally decided that the original requested 6/. cost of living increase be maintained. Please bring your budget notebooks and be prepared to review this revised budget proposal with the intention of adopting it as 'a budget committee Monday evening. The remaining schedule calls for 3 ,publications of the budget summaries, beginning Thursday, June ll, and the Council public hearing on the budget Monday, June 29th. After the public hearing, an ordinance will be adopted calling for an election July 13th, 3. Sewer, Connection Policy I have just received" a letter from the Department of Environmental Quality, suggesting a meeting between the Unified Sewerage Agency and the cities, of Beaverton and Tigard to further discuss policies for allowing additional sewer connections. At this date, it appears that the B.Q. C. is informally saying they will allow us to issue non-occupancy building permits beginning immediately, with the ability to issue sewer con- nection permits beginning -November lst. Still to be resolveca is the question of how many sewer connection permits will be made available and under which priority system will these be issued. I will, of course, keep you posted after our meeting scheduled for next Tuesday afternoon, June 9th. 4. League of Oregon Cities - Metropolitan District - CRAG Meeting, June 10 Beginning at noon Wednesday will be a very important meeting for all Washington County city officials. The purpose of the meeting starting at lunch is to work on the League of Oregon Cities municipal policy to select the city's representative on the newly formed Metropolitan District Board and to participate in a CRAG General Assembly Meeting after a no-host dinner and cocktail hour. I respectfully urge that all of you make an effort to attend at least a portion of this all-day meeting to be held at the Sweet- brier Inn, if at all possible. I would also urge that you discuss this meeting Monday evening. '. 5. Park Board I `have just received a memorandum from John Cook, who has been selected as president of the newly ;created Tigard Parks and Recreation Board. His memorandum indicates the following officers and terms have been established:= President: John Cook Vice-President: Karp Hanneman Secretary: Betty Jack Terms of 'office: 1`'year Iry Schacht 2 years -' Karl'Hanneman, Fred Cooper; 3 years - -John Cook, Velma Ewen 4 years - Betty i Jack, H. E. (Sam) White a The Parks and Recreation Board is scheduled to meet again Tuesday evening, June 9, in my ,office. 6. Planning Commission Vacancies This is just a reminder that you have one existing Planning Com- mission vacancy and one resignation pending because of Jerry; Harris' move away from the city. Page 2 - Progress Report 6/8/70 7. Personnel Police Chief Hugh Wilkinson has recently returned from his three-month t.railiir.g program at the FBI National Academy. Hugh gained valuable experience and did particularly well in his class in the area of notetaking and reporting, where lie eras ranked second in the classo Bernice Sherman, as previously announced, has left the city to move to :Eastern Oregon, where her husband was transferred with the telephone company. We will not be replacing Bernice imme- diately, in an effort to increase our cash carry•-over for the next budget year. 8. Water District _ Laesday, I had lunch with 3 of the 5 Water District Last WednwiCom- - to further explore jont operation. The meeting ssioner s}: for was successful - the 3 agreed to aoanitiinancedPwaternext meeting, Tuesday, June 9, requesting a j Y study to commence immediately, and a second motion declaring their intention to contractually merge with the City. I will keep you posted as to further progress in this area. It is my sincere feeling that the City should participate financially in such a water study. This would enable`oo cus ooperation that it is accomplished properly and will aid in the p and merger effort. Respectfully submitted, SMT/jp Page 3 - Progress Report - 6/8/70 C C2 C) c-(I, C c o �>Ci7 0 C) C, O c-:, c, J C, C O•-1 (i Q) C n i-y rt 'ZS Ci t7J CC 'L' :_ a: = C'- CJ CD O O j O Ea G. yl aH7 �1 N tn 1 }' r-i E O - r:-i O�O CV Ur CV v, -� r-1 rte:ri 1 ri 0 " •'i U U bl 'c± t rn FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVENUES June 1970 1969/70 Current Year to GENERAL FUND Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/69 * $ 36,077. $ *$38,288. Property Taxes 88,848. 4,486. 87,250. Delinquent Taxes 9,872. -O- 4,339. Land Sales & Advance Taxes 25. 188. 310. LICENSE AND PERMITS Business $ 12,500. $ 33. $12,465. Liquor 100. 25. 160. Plumbing &Heating 5,000. 188. 4,232. Building 20,000. 521. 9,904. Moving 50. -0- 19. Sign 300. 20. 341. Bicycle 250. 16. 89. FINES AND FORFEITURES Court, Etc. $ 24,000. $ 3,465. $26,745. Indigent Defendant's Fund -0- 1,105. 2,520. USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Telephone Pay Booth $ 50. $ 3. $ 47. Interest 500. 105. 763. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES Cigarette Tax $ 13,160. $ -0- $13,776. Liquor Tax 18,095. -0 31,915. Trailer Sales Tax 250. 0 -0- Traffic Safety Grant 5,979. 2,370. 8,343. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Zoning Adjustments $ 3,000. $ 100. $ 300. Document Sales 600. 54. 691. Library Fees & Fines 375. 58. 446. - Recreation Use Fees 1,000. 295. 1,188. Lien Check 350. 20. 326. Sub-division Application Fees 1,000. -0 50. FRANCHISE REVENUES Portland General Electric $ 18,200. -0- $19,739. Northwest Natural Gas 4,100. -0 4,104. Telephone 7,000`. -0 6,723. Garbage 1,960. 189. 2,094. ,Y NON-REVENUERECEIPTS Unclaimed Property Sale $ 200. -0- $; 235. RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Adm, of Sewer & Public Works $ 65,010. $ -0 $65,010. Gas Tax Refund 800. -0 1,232. OTHER $ 11000. $ 2,228. $ 2,885.' TOTAL GENERAL FUND *$339,651. $15,469. $346,529.' *'Includes Supplemental Budget Page IRevenues 1969/70 Current Year to SEWER FUND Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/69 $211,989. $222,825. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Sewer Service Charges $ 70,2.00. $ 3,285. $ 69,670. Sewer Connection Fees 77,868. 11,525. 66,230. Sewer Construction Inspection 2,500. 70. 840. LICENSE & PERMITS Sewer Permits $ 500. $ 18. $ 178. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 3,000. $ 232. $ 6,599. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Subventions $ 2,325. $ -0- $ 710. Federal Subventions 8,424. -0- 4,873. (Pinebrook, Inc.) RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Assessments Engineering, Etc. $ 5,500. $ -0- $ 363. Assessments Legal, Etc. 2,000. -0- -0- Other Recovered Expenditures 500. 41. 41. OTHER $ 50. $ 240. $ 1,152. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS 98th Street $ -0- $ 1,284. $ 1,284. Derry Dell -0- -0- -0- Leron Heights -0- 1,561. 1,561. TOTAL SEWER FUND $384,856. $18,256. $376,326. STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/69 $'11,561. $'13,908. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Gasoline Tax $ 49,162. $ -0- $ 58,875. USE OF MONEY Interest $ 50. $ 150. $ 982. � Y TOTAL STATE TAX STREET $ 60,773. $ 150. $ 73,765. ROAD FUND 'Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 9,358. $ 9,358. Revenues from Other Agencies $ 18,960. $ 4,800. $ 6,829. (Cook Park Incl,) County Road Tax 10,000. $ 527. $ 10,425. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Permits' $ 100. $ -0- $ -0- Public,Works Construction'Fees 900. -0 467. Sale of Street Signs 400. -0 448. Other '' -0 -0-- 165. USE OF MONEY Interest $ . 75. $ -0 $ 92. Improvement'Districts Canterbury Lane $ $ -0 $ 10,505. TOTAL ROAD FUND` $ 39,813. $ 5,327. $ 38,289. Page 2 Revenues 1969/70 CL,rrent Year to BANCROFT BONDS ,,#2,3,4,5 Int Budget IDbnth _ Date Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 45,221. $38,721. Assessments #2,3,4,5 $ 12,000. $ 2,386. 13,677. Interest 4,958. 1,883. 6,913. TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS $ 62,179. $ 4,269. $ 59,311. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/69 S 22,563. Taxes 2,505. TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 25,068. r t Page 3 Revenues' Transfer of Appropriations for General 9elfare of City - June 30, 1970. GENERAL FUND i1AYOR & COUNCIL (1-10) Account # Amount 1-10-270 Council Travel Expense to 1-10-300 Furniture 18.56 MUNICIPAL COURT (1-11) 1-11-202 Printing, Forms, etc. to 1-11-165 Judge 55.00 _ 1-11-202 1-11-122 Accounting Clerk 6.00 1-11-202 1-1-1-103 Employee Health Ins. 1.38 ADMINISTRATION (1-12) 1-12-101 Social Security to 1-12-120 Administrator's Salary .02 1-12-101 1-12-122 Accounting Clerk 6.00 1-12-210 Vehicle Maintenance to 1-12-202 Printing, etc. 159.46 1-12-207 Books,Maps 31.00 1-12-271 Employee Training 63.70 1-12-220 Materials & Supplies to 1-12-270 Travel 26.02 1-12-220 Materials F; Supplies to 1-12-240 Maintenance & Repairs 86.32 1-12-286 Election Expenses to 1-12-270 Travel 346.33 BUILDING (1-13) 1-13-101 Social Security to 1-13-102 State Accident Insurance Fund 6.31 1-13-205 Memberships & Dues to 1-13-202 Printing, etc. 10.01 1-13-205 1-13-207 Books, Maps .45 1-13-205 1-12-270 Travel 3.16 PLANNING_(1-14 ) 1-14-203 Advertising, Public Notices to 1-14-201 Stationery & Supplies 31.09 1-14-203 1-14-202 Printing,Forms 145.48 1-14-203 1-14-270 Travel 62.59 LIBRARY (1-15) 1-15-201 Stationery & Supplies to 1-15-240 Building Maintenance 14.71 1-15-220 Materials & Supplies to 1-15-240 Building Mlaintenance 129.73 1-15-220 1=15-299 :ert 80.00 POLICE (1-16) 1-16-141 Captain's Salary to 1-16-142 Police Sgt. 454.00 1-16-147 CommunityService Officer to 1-16-142 Police Sgt.3293.00 1-16-144 Police Officers to 1`-16-310 New Vehicles 1612.49 1-16-205 Memberships & Dues to 1-16-201 Stationery & Supplies 44.00 1=16-206 Postage to 1-16-201 Stationery & Supplies 20.13 1-16-207 - Books & Maps to 1=16-201 Stationery & Supplies 18.60 1-16-210 Vehicle Maintenance to 1-16-201 Stationery 14.35 1-16=210 1-16-202 Printing,Forms 190.00 1-16-220 Materials & Supplies to 1-16-202 Printing 486.67 1-16-271 Employee Training to 1-16-202 Printing,Forms 222.05 1-16=291 Contractual Services to 1-16-202 'Printing 146.90 1-16=300 Furniture-Office to 1-16-202 Printing,Forms 77.77 1-16-312 Other Equipment to 1-16-202 Printing, Forms -73.39 1-16-312 1-16-240 Maintenance 300.83 1-16-312 1-16-280 Clothing & Cleaning 255.53 1-16-312 1-16-270 Travel 41.89 1-16-312 1-16=310 Vehicles -58.41 (2) POLICE TRAFFIC SAFETY (1-16A) 1-16A-289 Indirect Costs to 1-16A-201 Stationery & Supplies It1.20 1-16A-2839 1-16A-202 Pr.inting,Forms 48.39 1-16A-289 1--16A-240 Maintenance 122.00 PARI{S & RECREATION (1-17) 1-17-220 Materials & Supplies to 1-17-201 Stationery Supplies 11.48 NOM-DEPARTMENTAL (1-18) 1-18-285 Civil Defense to 1-18-290A Audit 50.00 1-18-260 Utilities to 1-16-320 Building Improvements 28.82 SEt,ER FUND OPERATION & MAINTENANCE 2-30-158 Laborer to 2-30-157 Mechanic 72.50 2-30-204 Pension Fund to 2-30-202 Printing,Forms 49.32 2-30-204 2-30-205 Membership,Dues 5.00 2-30-204 2-10-210 Vehicles Maintenance 6.68 2-30-290L Legal to 2-30-210 Vehicles Maintenance 17.29 2-30-290L 2-30-240 Maintenance - Equipment 943.93 _ 2-30-290L 2-30-220 i);aterials & Supplies 46.63 2-30-300 Office Furniture to 2-30-291 Contractual Services 4.50 2-30-300 2-30-271 Employee Training 13.50 2-30-312 Other Equipment to 2-30-220 Materials,Supplies 1592.17 2-30-312 2-30-260 Utilities 499.11 2-30-312 2-30-291 Contractual Services 253.92 REPLACEMENT & EXPANSION 2-31-103 Employees Health Benefits to 2-31-102-State Acci- dent Ins. 19.18 2-31-155 Engineering Technician to 2-31-102 State Accident Ins. Fund 194.90 2-31-205" Memberships & Dues to 2-31-26o Utilitj�s 1.00 2-31-206 Postage to 2-31-260 Utilities 4.12 2-31-207 Books, Maps to '2-31-260 4.70 2-31-252 Recording Fees to 2-31-260 121.50 2-31-391 Bond Retirement to 2-31-340 Sewer Plant Enlarge. 5812.02 STATE TAX STREET FUND OPERATION &MAINTENANCE 3-20-154'- Maintenance Man I to 3-20.159 Maintenance Man II 24.00 3-20-220 Materials & Supplies to 3-20-106 State Accident Insurance Fund 293.50 3-20-220< 3-20-210 Vehicles Main. 834.96 ROAD FUND STREET OPERATION & MAINTENANCE 4-20-203, Advertising, Public Notices to 4-20-202 Stationery Supplies 1.30 4-20-207 Books, Maps to 4-20-202 Stationery &:Supplies 16.10 4-20-271 . Employee Training to:4-20-214'Equipment Rental' 230.00 4-20-290L Legal to 4-20-202 Stationery & Supplies 1.46 4`-20-290L 4-20-214;Equipment,Rental 128.59 4-20-290E Engineering to 4=20-206 Postage 1.22 4-20-290E 4-20-214 Equipment Rental, 245.16 4-20-290E 4-20-280 Clothing & Cleaning 5.85 4-20-300 Office Furniture to 4-20-214 Equipment Rental 22.00 F'Q--'"CE UEPAR'!'MENT CONSU1,11)A''FD VMUMM REPORT 1jC '.- 0 !7-:/70 - D:STR1BU! ON OF F'ERSt.)NNE ; NUMERICAL: iAVERAGE FFFCEN`?' STRENGTH. i DAIIff ABSENCF� OA'1,X ABSENCE AVERAGE EFFECTIVE STRENG`T'H Tn_� I Z�.:� 1 Th_7 trills i I a ,}rear last can aarI i_3 ' I Y � y " �^ � year i 3.�', ,Maar I la,� 4 ea- I r year, year t TOTAL PERSONNEL !+_ 4° �.0.,:`?' _. 9.11 u._ 8.1 CHIEF IS OFFICE ! 2.1 ` 1.6 9 ` .4 12 84125 N 1.2 1.2 SERVICES DTV,7S R� 4 _3 r_ i 4.8 3-3 1.7 1.3 35 h%a 39 ' 1 2.0 � 4 PATROL DIVIS. 9.7 8.5 1 1 9 3.7 5o.5M3.5% ' 4.8 INVEST. SECT. 1 ; 0 0 0 _ i CHANGES IN PERSONNEL DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH 1. Present for duty end Wof IMMEMEMMM ,& r.. 16 � This 2 Recr cited during , _.,uq�r. 8 E last year - __ a� 3. Reinstated during .yealz..o0 - . Total number field Total to account fox. .... ..�.0 24-1 officers.... 10.0 8.6 1 '2. Less Agents Assig- ^ 4. Separations from the ser-viceg ned +�0 7xxv s3 gat.o .3 .1 (a) Voluntary resignation 7 9 3. Average daily abs- (b) Retirement ...,o......o..,m 0 encea of field off (d) Resigned with oh ?ages perdirg 0 i^ers owing'too (a) Vacation,, susp- (d) Dropped during probation...., 0 j ension., days off, (e) Dismissed for cruse ...oa L s� comp, time, eta. 3.7 3 0 (f) Killed in line of duty 0 � (b) Sick & injured. . . 7 3 ® (g) Deceased ..................a 0 I (c).. Schools., etc�.o. .5 - .4 Total separations .o........... . _$_ I Total, average daily 5. Present for duty at end of clUM y� . 16 g : absenceso.o. 4.9 3.7 - 3 . Available for dutr. 48 .8 Page one POI:ICE DEPAH"'MENT 12191W REFOR" FI`'_CA L YEA-q 1969/70 CRIME INDEX:. AND POLICE ACTI'II'?Y. t?.ENL _._.._.� .., OFFENSES KNOWN CHANGE c I�ASSIr 'c'A� UI`j c')i RpIJC r rid .` { ¢s ' TC Yea wi. Las' Yea i - _ .._._ ...._. tF FEN iE,., knoa . .Y. E _ L s.o.... - (Pa," :ast year year 10 Mj . ,,-Y & Nor— iI � neg g,?, I k 0 1 0 k c ri u:. Rapt i Tot�al0 _� ao Rap e by Fear 1 o A t e mp I R x p e 0 0k k _ 3. Robbery To* l -- 1 +400% h . . NoWe�pG,r . 2 _ 1' +100 ltd gg Assault Total j 9 � � ! +125; a o Gum l _ 1 I 0 } ca Other Weapon 1 2 100' _ 0 ds Hp,,_I Fistq etc _0 +11001' _ 5. FSW gl.a�x;� TuI,�.♦:1,_�_ � 1�. _a Fe rn1hl e En _CCK _ - 8 1)o No Fl^T' fUse^ V a - o Attemp* EY:t -, ,-- 5 +18 60 "la �any 0i�•eY� $50000 lol 56 +86% 7. kuto Theft _ 24�._ _ - - 12 +100 ® Gree Index Total 6 lb. Manslaughter -, LLLL�� Neglige nc s 0 0 0- 1 I too Otixtz°Assaults � � ��._ (Not Aggravated) 6ba Larceny* Under $50000 � � 119 +21% ! k PART I. TOTAL 415 321 +29% Total Parte II Inca dents r,0�r. 66 -gym Total Misc. Non- criminal Calls oraeeriminal.Calls � ��1886 1551 +22% r , for s 236 tvv��. ��sys.b .iatt a�oi 2v�6 +15% Page .,pro DEPART HENT IMMM REPORT IS C'L Yr:.R 199/70 CIFFENSES CLEARFD B`f ARRE57 _..<. _.,., ... ..._�.-t:.-. . _._.,._... ,�- _..,. - NTrhIE R OF :FFFNSEv FERCENT OF 01IFENSE- CLASSIF_CAT ON OF � (. ,D RED BY ARREST �� CLEARED BY ARREST T� xC__ear.OF OFFENSES Ii B+ A rec* -, - By Arr- ' cf Yd ( ie. S,:-: 1 I :4P .perSC�r.. U..,tj2 h Thl, zap I Thi s ,Last Tt�i .. 1 Lam vear vFa i Year YPar Year wYea- 1. C ra rax. Hcm c d� E a. M,urde and Non— f nPg :igc ,fi Marea ght .k' O R 0 U I 0 t 0 0 -___.__ b. Manslaughtuer by :, i I Neg?, gens:.--: s i0 0 y E • 2. Fo h e Rape t iy t 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 0- Rap by Fore a 1 0 ' b o A i*emF; RapA s 0 0 p , 0 9, 0 0 3e Hob;beryr Tcta 2 o s o ..._ o i . r ti, Pac, Weapi �I 100 _ 1�� i 100 _ Zoo Assault- Total � _8 12.._ __.rl �A as 0 1 a 0 lO e ! a31= lUQn d..��ry o O i1C wbapGP: �. 1 i 0� _0 ` I 100-4 i -_ Q 0 i -- _ e `- P. Other' Assaults 9 ar,a e d � �.._..__��r fl m m.�2 a=.m_-m; -• 5. Bu g a p Total. ��, JAL_ �� _ ,.� _ i ao Forcible o c ible Ent. 12 ( 6 I_12 y. 18-e.-Z°®•-.m�� �? io No Fortis Used 1 M� 3 a _ ?m_ 2 1_1G c. Attempt Ert i - 1 MLL 1 l� �l 7 0 �20% s�_� 20/o ao $50,00 & Over 110 i 27 ] lG 3 �7y 2")'_ r $5ry . --�—� ---� b a�Ur d 0 0 0O �! 6 n_3,2 � 7. Mitt, Theft s a a r� �a l� 6 _ _oma 2 2�� 2 2 i GRANDm 'T( Pii �V 89 _ 62.._. "57� 1 -42 . .=tea 2i n _1 .a 14° Page three d - YL'l- 1)69/70 ,,r. ; .R SMF F OFFENSE. iii.}W^; CTAS:;i r r AT:+.GR! OF R p OFF'FP3F b..6. x.� year F,.: o �ow 5, crt..;..o � e 4 9 1 — �..,.. , _._ .._.,... ,._..�.._ .,.�.... .. ..�_,- _v a..._ v _ 7 � 9;� To Emt rbem & F.a l a 6 f 161 " A wf to Sio."e P np I . F 11 22 �..._ W _.. ._9 7 ! 4. tole Apr 9 ! p pRaj pte " Rapt D " " b 11 _l7 r D' La 11 20,�,_,_�. -an17No r i 54. a _ 3 i C .x133. - i 12. Runaway & 21 x111 i 1,. Ars 2 + Via. A:t Othei � e ' � l _ ' .11: PART,R.) T tF` T MAL � 505 -12 0 - y,. B FMTCE VEHICLE REPORT Unit # M-Ji,les DaIven Gas Used Oil, Used Repairs & Oc5*, per rule Maant;enaT,` Operate; Ven Acle 1969/1970 s _ i ALL UNITS 126,758 16,0811.2 401 qts. $4,917.28 I 4.70 gal. 19 19 9 i L UNITS 110,082 14,032-5 1 1177 qts. $3,489.82 0 UN1CJCbM 1 ! gal. (approximate)l Page'fr,.r UEFA1371,E>�I1! WEMMM F TSUL YEAR 1969170 FAF:T GFFEG_>E` _-IV.RE'.' 1 Y ikRREST ^UKI13T ' F OFFENSES F CFNT OF OFFENSES .) CIA , t i1 F C FAR�FD i,Y AI?RE.1 C1.E+1.ffr^"! BY ARRESTI ' 11'a_ t i { ..'y e J.� A ! I ra (` -..d7 _ ... ,. _ �' - ,_.__ as- of a.,i Yr- L .- Cli -.... .. 0 22 , 0 0 L �7n x i a > f 10 _.3 I„ 122 J0 2 7A o i Off r-ra IF ent Ray,,,, 0' 2 1 o 0a 0 6. Na of a.,d a , . I _ 1 ­91a7 11 1 _.__. AW 28 loop- 8. I 16� 8o 1 _.. L I 9m 17Lr(I. r o 0 yi X8719 _ I 100,E 1 `12 0 Ivo Va ac 16 E �., ; na,?6., ops .. 3.. _ T.12-1U. T1� 411 �42 ' 1 .... ...�._. � !t2 100; 1'?0 F away _ Es -aee B 26 , 11 �5 63 � 60 = 1 '2 GRAND TOTAL. i ' _ ! 251; 225 167 1090�,.! 50% 40 o j 3 % 19, OTHER ACTIVITIES CLASS Lfr f'ATLON OF ACTIVITIES mHI YEAR LwST YEAR Vacat...d__ Timise Check- Mad._, . 2. Open Doors & Windows Found ------------- 3n Special Prowl Che Ns Madc- _ 12,52 _6,z 2_ 4. As sWs Rendered *:c 01he~ Agan* e ----- 5. 5o A d Give "-"o,Gtizez �F Warra_n+.t, Served „ Eta 1 ..e.roga.t.ioL.i Reports Made 8e 'Rout,inr Comp-laints, Lnvesw gated -------- - - 9s Orme Repor ed and Ir,res+,. gaffed92 o `I`OTAII,AOTIVITIESm 30'226 - - �34 Pagei:ve <s a iOi..I(.:E LIEPART�T. REPtRT' FISCAL YEAR 1969/70 VALUE. 0iPROPERTY LOS' i STDIEN AND OF F'ROPF . -,' FOUND AND IiECOYERED o INCLUD NG BAT)wCHEM9 FROPERIlY ST 1T.,N1 "'H-,--, YEAR VA.I.L`E PROPERTY S..T O ,EiI i AST `,+E^�R. LAI.[�E PROPER"47 RECOVERED TMS MMP YEAR VALU-F PROPERTY RECOVEREDi.A; YEAR - VA"e t;E 9 BAD CHECKS VALUF .;i5'.` za°S I= Y" .---- -- ._ovo� 2898.21 BAD CHE�CE3 n VA:tJE LCT. '. YEAR EAR. ------------- _.. �219.W� u� .12 BAD C FiiEC KS, tA.Li TE PEC UIERED THIS .-------,,--$ BAD CHECKS,, VALUE RECOVERED :;AST -,TAR 900.9 FROPERTY I.,OST THIS _ YEAR VAI UE _,- $ 127.00 PROPERTY .LOST IAST YEAR LAI UE ------._ --$.� 736.50 PROPERTY FOUND THIS MW YEAR tALUE $ 1 O 88 PROPERTY FOUND 03MMEM LAST.` `_TEAR VAT;T]E LOSS FOR THIS LOSS FOR I,AS`P YEAR ---------------------------------$ 29 551+.69 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT SUMMAR'" _ --- - TH,; YEAR Th'; ACCIDENT TOTAL � -- -—_-- �: X73.W ; 160 «. - _+? Fa :a1r 0 _ L� -10 0`� Prsor90 al. - � Pedestrian o � +� " ENFORCEMENT SUMMARY - - _ � is Year X���sH1Ye� p��YF�Rr;�e TRAFFIC; TML _v21b3���G u Hazy doaW Vii a;t�.o � .1536 n _.� �l � � 'Othervznlatjorns 529 3 j +50% D•TlolaL. 399 32 1' +22%� Ac-cide bll ArresEz - ons Cilat- F 019 0,m _ _ Page s: x? - POLICE. DEPARTIC11" SSE= REPORT FI C_A.L YEAR 1969/70 C'0!�IPARATIVE sUMMAR.Y OF TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT VIOLATION 1hs to om 41 in Em RD- - Charge ..na_.-_=r_...�.—,.a_.�rd-acv_...i:vr:..: .... ��. _.a::,... �v_ .�.. V _. .. _.- ..y..r-..:.__ � ..��_-- •_•._ ---,__. _. .i-.�..a.i.<_ u.....z..u........�v- Hazardous Total Dr.LN,r..ng 4Jf :I.e Under F ' � a Influence of I quc� 39 1 32 � Violation of Bas € Rule (Spee d .rg) Reckless D--iv—Ing 4 4 I 0 Disobey T a,ff c Sygral _ X77 /J . Improper Passing 10 " i Improper TuxT:�nog 8 _1 � 75 5 Failure to Yield g Y Right o� Way 40 � 47 i a - 7� 1 Following Too Close � 6 88 I 172% No or Improper Sirnal 0 0 iI � _ -- — - Improper Lane Usage 1 69 +25/Z Defective ..Defective Equipment � � _ �l Other Hazardous Violations i 20!} . ! ' _ + 2:1 Non-Hazardous -- ----_ �y Violations Total _ 529 1 _251— +50% Parking Violations Total 466 336 +39a - CLERICAL DATA ACTIVITY THIS h.._ YEAR Radyo'Messages Logged m m - 57,047 Telephone Calls Logged ----------------------------------- 39'982 Cards Typed and Filed ---------------------------------- 43 069 Personal Contacts ----------------------------------- 12,o26 Assists Given to Other Agencies ------------------- -- 2,470 Other Activities ----- ---- ---------- --------- -- 17'239 UNPAID OVERTIME LOGGED BY ALL PERSONNEL THIS YEAR qglmsmsm LAST YEAR 3,841 Hours 1,75112 Hours End of report for MEOW FISCAL YEAR 196L70 Hugh Ha Wilkinson Chief of Police POi T.:'.CE DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED MCN`:F I.Y 'REPORT .MONTH OF,-___z: 19� D ISTR IBUT ION OF PERSONNEL NUMERIC4L (AVERAGE IPERCENT T SrRENUTH DAILY ABSENCE( DAILY ABSENCE AVERAGE EFFECTIVE STRENGTH End r3f S?m� F Th S3m� 7'}: �ar�, T ._ h1,= Inas . ._�. Same .a _. .. this mUTlt21 monr i ron,F TfUT ',:? mo ahl mo 'd mon""1 mC.Ii_>7 I month llasY yeara3 t-, last, vee w , year year TOTAL PERSONNEL r CHIEF'YS OFFICE SERV ICES D?V IS o� .,.L _._-, r r 3 M a PATROL DIVIS, o INVEST. SECT. FORCE ONE � z__._ �,ze�.��.a.,�,-_l,_3.,_,�_e.��_..�..32�._�-�!�.�-, FORCE TWO FORCE THREE s4_zr -z•�,a,',_., 2 i0% i i CHANGES IN.PERSONNEL - DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH le Present for duty end of hast Month-,o000� �11--� This Same month 2. Recruited during month00000..... 000000 — --- — month last year 0 3. Reinstated during month 000000.000a. ,.— Io Total number field Total to account foredo o,p000 'u0000 17_ officers....10 g -- 2e Less Agents As,sig- 4o Separations from the service€ ned to Investigat®, (a) Voluntary resignation ,000 a 1 3. Average daily abs- (b) Retirement oo, ®„ooa,000000a ences of field off- icers owing,too (c) Resigned with charges pending0 (a) Vacation, Yuspu (d) Dropped during probation..... ension9 days off, (e) Dismissed for cause oouoa000 0 compo time, etdo 3.,5 2.9 (f) Killed in line of duty oomo0 0 � (b) Sick & injured. ?' ,7 (g) Deceased 000000e0000u0000000 (c) Schools, etm000 0• 0 Total 5epartgt .ons 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 oa o® 7 Total average d.a.ily 5- Present for duty at end of month o0000o16 absences.... 4,3 4. Available for duty. 5 6 4 2 Page one KILICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY` REPOR"' CRIME INDFY A10 POITCE ACTTVI`PY TREND OFFENSES k>N041N CHANGE CLASS IF CAT ;ON OF Repursed cs�.. .Actua:! c tfr ;. arc t dei v_,o Ian`, Year OI'NrTv T''C k"low -..1.a this year o "-so 1.'TiF' TI'D'1.�.n, Lao am_ pe Gd CrPart , l'.a.3.Ses) rio vL 4 da'-;= tea t year 4 yea — _ I r 4 N. P P e c e rc, Nu7ber, Pe er i _ to M x0 R Ner.- ! regge 1 o Fc Y bl e. Rip � ! � a i r, + l 100, — a. Rape r Fort,e aul ami 3. Ro be y Tota I 0 i 70 0 t 2 ! 0 a, !I s.n: �-,..a-_...�.a .._•,-,._ -_....,..,.r_._..�as-u._� „c._�...,. ++�3, h No Weapon 0 4. AggraVa­ Assault Total I Q 4 .. _ 0 ! UD_100", bo K* v.fP w 0 _ 2 0_ o �� __._Q _IjP-• QO r Other Weapon y� d e Han f ail Fish F':a;,'�.`o �,.�_,- QQ.�n�, -�..._ it&_Z2 �_ - _ _ __ aurcI axy T__�;717 a. Fore hie ET; 3 .��ITR bo Ns:: Fu n U c. Atterrp En -� _ 96a Larceny (her -�� i ` 150oOO I56 5 7o kuto Theft Crane Index Tota lb, Manslaughter by Negligence Q 0 0 0 0 ea Other ss (Not Aggravated' Aggravated>v� 6bo Iardr;rsUrideb E� u $50,00 �- 13= - __76ae_ 11 U�.�187 65 TJ 17' PART r TOTAL Total, Pam T r�It�ac1 d nts 18 210 _ 38 - L l l 280 U 307> Total Mica yNGra= crininal Calix Tota Calls ,for 5erviee 226 I I Page two K)i.'CIS DEPARTMEM" MCUNTHh'i REPORT OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST YEAR TO ,DAT FERC ENT OF OFFENSES CLASSIFICATOFFENSESON CP C EARIn BY AP.REST T" + CIEARED BY ARREST kr�7�ii. �. ly B;V' A T 3 Ca!' Tt-)ta.l C'_ar'�-d By Arc s!� o (Pa.t ". Clas e':., pe Suri J ae. P ' PPrscn Under r. lt? T� p Th-i� LaThis List This Last Year IYea Year Year Yea^ Yea loPCz mry^.a�t Homzcn-- s a Murder and Non— neg'A. em. Mar-laa ght b. ManslaughterWby Neg7 lge, , : 0 k 0 0 0 i0. 2, Fe c h."e Rape zo Rape by Fore 0 _0 0 0_ y 0 0 Yeo Rape + i + 3- Robbery- ot�a+.y -- � __z. ��� 1 �_.� �vz __ '�_ o Arne + 1_. _. 0_._L 1 _ .�0100 %% 100b 10 �.� 0 �. o_ ' _ �l Ioor loon � d iooe ..__.�. s .__._.� _ 4. Assault Total — i I Baa o r`�.' '. 0 3 1 0 50% 1 0 50 .-- _0 c. Other- Weapon � ! a�n .n,.., ..� � � � �,m.a.. � ,oto Ha..dss,� etc. -i 2 i 0 � o o !� 100% o yam= o _ _0 Ot -- 13. nvAtisaus.*-s _ ttt _ m =, (Net Aggravated) 0 i- 3 0 0 0.__�___ 33! 0 0 - - 5aBurglary Tota: _ 2 — ao Forcible F_na y Z i s.3� 1 _ ^2 ml.�.��_3 6 _=22' 22% — ba No Force Used y m 0 �4�2 �0 c. Attempt Entre O 0 0 0 0 0 r d 0 6. larceny -�1-- a.o $50.00 & Over i 3 1 2 bo Under $50.00 7. Aito Theft 3 3, .,.__ 31 17 o OP.AND TOTALI 31 _ 3d� 22 20 14% 20 10' x 1., � Page three DEPARTMENT YUNT:H{ REPORT OFFENSE K=O 'N (HA N CLA Sb T I CA "ON CSF OF FFNSE` r..r, i n E a s r. iso yam= �1ry p (Par ._asF e ) Mc Da. sar �e v Sam Pe;o r•d _ a Per��r a 20 Emb ,s::em_^ & 3. Stki"er. Property Cri n s ! 4. W apc. ,s Cri e? p 5. Sex Qf';€P Lie.,' C (Except Rape) I0 ? 2 ° 8 bo Na t �a.± and � p _ , D r g tw W -- -- s.- _,.�._ i •7. 1 Uzio3. Lair~ pp 0 I r 0 i _ 17 Jnr D „W ke n.FCC -.. 9. .D sc ;1e yy Cc d-- I _ _ 0 _ 3 1 - 100% 3 1 0 _ 20. 12. R,r aWay p a. EscaD a- -- - - 3 ®�®a p 0007��_,.,�y 9� Arson 0 0 0.- 0 _ � 0 � 14o All Other I — PART 11. TOTAL .PNCE VEHICLE REPORT Unit {�y Miles Driver Final Miles Gas Used Oil Used Repairs & Cost per male to Main+enanc-.e Operate Vehicle #2 4,376 16,723 689.0 12 qts. 237.14 6.1 #3* 3,460 15,979 645.0 6 qts. 169.47 4.0%; #4 2,349 45;365 262.0 7 qts.` 131.17 5.3 45 940 3,918 73.0 0 20.60 2.1 11,125 1,669.0 25 qts. 558.38 Note LL.P, Average Cost Per Mile Fuel 6 4.4 page .f01 DEYV il,*' RE, C PA �FFMISE5* CTLEAREI J,!Y ARREST YEA,F, F IN T-i OF FENSEC: ERC ENT OF OFFENSES CiEkFF:1�1 BY ARFEST CIA SS_7R1i_A'! `)N OF EA F.? Ty ARREST • A: -f Hy A Pal as iVYna- 1, L. Weapc,r-s C.-,.-., Ila-, ana L T .9. D Condu­', 'T' 13. 'Tardal 7 21 ') 4o.v 20 0 02, 71 B :L_A. Anccn T.—PI:Y- 0' GRANT WrAi I Lai OTTER ACTIVITIE C­ SSIFICATION OF ACTIVITIES LA THIS MONTH SAME MONTH IAST YEAR 1. Vacat_fcn. Hou.se Che-,k5 1,aTde 2. Open Doers & Vljndcws Found -------------- 25 16 3. .Spec. al, Prow! Ghec4s Made m 2 37 4. Ass'lst5 Rendeted -Ic, Z)4he;, tag _e3 269 217 5. A..J,d Gi-ven to GJ­ Warrant_q Served ------------- 0 Field Reports rMe 72 8, Re u-t:ine Compla-ITItS Irrie-s tgated --------- 9. Cr�nes Reported and lnxestdgated ------- 66 TOCIATLACT I IT IES ----------------------- Page f ive R w - X T :T.:: DI:PA:R'"1,1ENT `,ON` 141Y REPORT VALUE OF PROPERTY LOOT AND ifs PROPERTY F'fiJUAID APIA FECOTjFitFi) � INC'I.T.TUTNG BAD CHECKS FROPERTY STOi_EN "H' VAi.?F PROPERTY STOLEN SA'?E' r �Pd z H I AST YEAR. - VALUE _4 00� :.o�,o� n r' j^ IROF'ERTY RECOVERED TH'S 7N�'"ti VALL*F PROPERT`Y RECOVERED SA.MP: YA)NIT1? LAST 'BAR VALUE arD CHECY3, VALUE y.Oc "_ _ 'T'Jq T2, MONTH BAD CHECKS, VA,I,UE LOS'l' - ;SAME MONTH EAST YEAR HAD CHECKS'.. VALUE RECOVERED THIS MC)NTH BAD CHECKS, VALUE RECOVERED SAME MONTH FAST YEAR Nono PROPERTY I.0ST THIS MONTH VALUE 17.0() FROFERTY LOST SAME MONTH IA.SI' YEAR VAi;UE ----------oma$ PROPERTY FOUND THIS MON".°H VALUE PROPERTY FOUND SAME MONTH LAST YEAR VA I,!X ° ? LOSS FOR TILLS MONTH .,��u,�w�.-..�.,�LL. - ,._,._,� .�....�._ ,_.�., -$ 3 i:OSS FOR SAME MONTH i.AS' YEn.:R .. .....G.n-oe-.v"_ TRAFFIC ACCIDENT SUMMARY THIS MONTH o YEAS TO DATE— — - �,r n �t y 1 c'1. --,eary _k• ("x `r"'. Bt.t•5 Y .d"` �� �(E-a,,.,,• % Change - ACCIDENT TOTAL �_-4-=- h ..� Fa .al � Personal , y y 8 i 913 v. 7 33 = a 611, Property Darrage1. ���? s �Q100 Pedestiian I ) - � ENFORCEMENT'SUMMARY THIS MONTFI - -- - 9 YEAR T'0 DATE Thas Yeazx���lGhange This Year Last ear Chang -- TRAFFIC TOTAL Hazardous Violations ° Other Violations � ark�r�g m 52 _ --.24 Ug_l>_ 77 263 Acciderm Arrests & C itay..ons — Page six l)i-iGE I7EPAR1 ENT MON`:"H— REPORT r? (A').':i:'E SUMMARY (-)F T. L ENFORCEMniT i?S M N VIU:AT'''.)N -- . "`!'I'l'ls � � 1-dS a" � ( T� !: 3' I T a t; yeX%�p ('!33 "g o f , Drsv 'o Wh L.de i ! 1 InfIluen-e of t _ 7 Violation t-.f Ba Rldif. G`ipec d Y`Er, ° " 5 IS RecklesD y TxlprrN� pa3L.Ing Ixp:ape Fa ba to vet.:R? Right of Way Folln;a'l:nToo C �.� " g i n 2 _ —jZav2-L No or lffproper 31.gnal Improper Lane Usage, Dete:^t " e Eq-_pme m 9 1 48 Other F:aza`t -s V dations E' I ` r ,9 2 Ua ._73r--- - _- Nc�2. a. d a�i Parking Violati,.ons ? ! Tots.? CLERICAlu DATK ACTI.V.IT _� - - THIS MONTH Radia Messages Logged ----------------------------U------ Telephone Carie Logged ----------------------------------- 2®754 Cards Typed aid Filed e---o-o--oe-o=meme000000mmo-aee--omm .. 308 Personal Cc.dtac-ws o®_o=o e o 0 o --- -- moo- 1 159 Assists Given yo Other Agenciez e e ---- -- ------ 269 Other ®m oomo o e o 0 oe e 1244 UNPAaD OVEPTIME LOGGED BY ALL PERSONNEL` THIS MONTH SAME MONTH LAST YEAR Chief of Police & Cai fain_- 96 Hr, l______ End of report i ur Month of Hugh Ho Wilkwnson Chief of Police PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Report for June 1970 1. SEWER DIVISION REPORT A. Monthly Data State Criteria Total Ave. Design Capacity_ Flow (Gal) 24 ,241,000 808,000 700,000 Solids Collected (Gal) 66,000 2,200 n/a Chlorine Used (lo) 1,272 42 n/a OBD (Ppm) 47 20 Suspended Solids (ppm) 49 20 MPN (per 100 ml) 1,000 Plant Efficiency 73% 8S% B. 16,000 gal. of sludge was pumped by U.S.A. this month. A new dump site has been put into use as a - result of some complaints received at the Cobb site. C. Repairs were completed at the Bonita Pump Lift Station; which has been operating on l pump for the last few months. At the sewer treatment plant, the main lift station pump motor burned up. The cause was an overload from rags which jammed in the housing. This problem will be solved with modification to our existing pumps during, the plant expansion.: D. The sewer treatment plant expansion is progressing in accordance with the schedule submitted by the contractor. He, is slightly behindschedule on the lagoons however, I see no problems effecting the completion date. The month of July appears to be critical in that the contractors schedule has several different activities scheduled for LL starting and completion. E. The primary digester is still operating at a -PH of 5.1 and we have been"unable to correct this situation. The trickling filters are looking very good. It ,appears that the plant will stabilize with`,a summer efficiency of about 75%. If the operation of the digestors improves it will help and possibly we may get into the 80's. 4 2. PARK AND STREET DIVISION REPORT A. The irrigation system at Woodard Park has been completed and the damage done by vandals has been repaired. Much work was done cleaning the banks of Fanno and the installation of the playground equipment has been completed. B. Cook Park is getting a lot of use and many groups have scheduled the park for week-end gatherings. The need for park ordinances as a result is very important. The Park Commission is presently pre- paring an ordinance for the Council's consideration. At Cook Park we have added about 500 yd3 of fill for landscaping and barrier, to the park. C. We have 11 NYC students working; 9 of which are coming from Hillsboro. This has been very helpful in getting many of our weed problems under control and keeping up with the park maintenance. D. Because of the cash flow situation, we have not done street repairs, but have kept most of our efforts in park maintenance and street sweeping as these do not require as much cash outlay. r 3. ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT A. No traffic counts were taken during the month of June as we had one of the counters stolen and the other is out of operation. B. No new work was completed by the developers in Brookway, Cresmer or Karol Court Subdivision. The contract for Cresmer is still pending and Mr. Paterson has submitted the deeds for the park land, but he put in some restrictions which are being studied by Mr. Anderson. C. No change in the Derry Dell Sewer Extension. Work is scheduled to start on the 6th of July 1970 D. Final assessments for 98th and Leron Heights 'rr Sewer Extension were completed: this month. Remonstrances will be heard on the Leron Heights Project in July'. E. Beryl Rich's employment with the City was terminated effective June 30th and his replacement, Lance Anderson, will start July 6, 1970. Page 2, P.W. Report - June 1970 F. The traffic study with CH2M started this month. The two main areas for starting are inventory of traffic control devices and inventory of traffic volumes. Enclosed is the schedule for various phases of the project, which will be the basis for monthly reports, G. Steve Telfer and I met with representatives from the railroad regarding the main street crossing. Hopefully improvement can be made in August. H. A public hearing on improvements to S.W. 72nd Ave. is scheduled for July 1, 1970. 1 , Page 3, P.W. Report - June 1970 ).� � t "�^�i`; �` � � t � � � �� � .. ... i �; � � � � � � �., 4 i 0 � �� H I I I x e � I � 6 � � o d �� � i � o 0 � _ � �� _ a ._ y� r d � - � — LL� �¢ Y � s� , .. � � �� � � ----- - - _ - -- -- -- i j � �� I � � --- r— .�—.— — -- -- - -- N ;�—t_ " — �—-- _ � _ - —_- -- —, e �!L o� . . _ _ . , . � �—_o � �� --, � � __ --- --- - -- - - � - �� i� _ _ __ g ;- - -- ---- -- a ���� - — - - - -- i- - - � ___ - � _ -^;R _- i ' o _ - � �' - � �� _ - N v a � _ � � a _ _� - - - �! - _ — _ � � _ �a I �� � _ _ � �N - — � _ _ W= •� 7te:1>or t for June 1970 l La to Criteria ria 'o Lal Ave,- Design Capacity (Gal) !! �a •�,2 7 02D 47 C:.1.11iv � Ts_l� ty 20 000 11V Zficiency s 73% ` t�. 16,000 gal. O :ilil;a'�i:' iaT c3N �lt=.;.:y ;� U. ti-lis 1110n t11. , new %�U'_11p si to- 11as ,' o e ` t lri t0 iiS� �S ..x resin of sGyaiiE a0iTt()1c1iYlf,- r tF>.7.VEi.t the Cort!) site. C. W,!rif, C )11('1 ' FE aLlc ii)rlt3`v,2')'-WU,T Lift ,-' zLi. for Lhc last £ _;v 101 A 11c, e.1-or trca.t-licnt plant, tilo -1 iil lift tf_':." .:7Url3 G:t? 11p. Ti1C. CdU E .P:ls:' cltl. tstic.tlC .ira.�i t �J^� IY;1Ci: J � ii1Hr1 In tt1G? _ .! . "o:,l -:. •rill �v tlt.)1t�C;_' r.�.Lh :1talii:icatian to aur c -ji�,c�`° �,1 ,s k S,zZYI, t.:ta _)1anc.: sxpaazsion. li. T-2 sow trtactt tE' r} Mali E?.' r 11 i1Cn l ?Z'UCfSE 3sZ1.• 111 acco a11t E b71}jJ'/tl c sLYludi1le _ubl-.I.t.te '.3y J Uie coil t. c L(Dr. C is 0 1 Ji 7 t.1.S` F .-LnLy sc`!edule oil / c:-. U3f�Q rPC.Vc?x rsee no IO3 oblem C fecting f/ 'the completinn date. T_1� ;1ic>:x a c,f Jazlla ,pu?s €f to ;bc c. tical in „latCSllf tsl( LU'C i schedule �.,;. 1'1z1S St:V' Ell - r3.t:. <iG�,:ZV:..3..��j,^.., rE:i1 ��171E?E� .L - a tar t:L. :;,4d col—iinle t-io'l. E. nary digester is still operating at a P11 of- 5.1 ana we have been una!�?le� to correct this ,ihuation. Thn tric'.ling filters are, 100kirl�- very good. It appears '- that the plant Will stabilize with a suaukier efficiency of about 5rz. ?f L, -1 operation of the: digestors improves it Xi ill ilt--�lp .' and possibly we may get into the £30'S. to _ FOR i.'i2.fa! f'TC .OLTTv'C i? A. Trar.fiCa C'ountf?r 1. �r�'isher Porter: 'Frei-flit, hatteries and tube are riot included; -also the unit punches the tape_> rather than printing. Two pulses Ire made per count, limiting the totals to 5010. ,699. 00 r,ach 2. Streeter Arnet: 'lmetron Model RCT is complete in accordance with the specifications. :515.00 each Recomn!end that award be made to Streeter ii,,i-,t for four (4) traffic counters in the ,amount o:C $2060.00. B. Radar 1. Stephenson Speedalyzer Radar is complete in accordance with the specifications. $1395. 00 2. Dominator Radar is complete in accordance with the specifications. $:1530.00 Recommend that award be made to George F. cake Company for one (1) Stephenson Speedalyzer Radar in the amount of $1305.00. Respectfully, Keith C. Thompson KCT/jp GOVERNING `1'HE I:iSIJAN, CP SFECIILL F1 R;,,Z„ ;i� ,., -�r t ,rT n� i� �,.ii - ;;� � cam-- s E1={ IL-1 `..'.00) P2'1` -K O_V SU�_I_-fir A AUGUST 2. 170 1. issuance of special permit shall be by the City !-dretin'i strc11-or as provided by ordinance ilio. 66-34. 2. Beer shall be sold only in accordance worth State lave and. as permitted by appropriate license issued by .he Oregon Licr,ucar Control Commission. 3. Beer shall be sold only from an area set aside and suitably fenced and posted to prohibit minors from entering. 4. A person 21 years of age or older shall be present at all times in the designated beer sales area. 5. Beer shall be sold only in paper containers for consumption on the park grounds. July c, 19'7-0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO COUNCIL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION: Restaurant in the C-4 zone APPLICANT: Iron Mountain Investment 543 Third St. , Lake Oswego, 97034 - PROPERTY INVOLVED: Approximately at 14285 S.W. Pacific H # 8s110A tax lots 1700 .and 1800) { p SIZE OF PROPERTY: 6.3 acre STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends approval of the concept of this request. A restaurant appears to us to be a compatible use in the proposed shopping center. We would recommend that final approval be granted after the following condition has been met: 1 That a final specific site plan be submitted for Council approval prior to the issuance of a building permitt showing the specific location,, size and Jay- Out of the restaurant within the shopping center, PUBLIC ,HEARING 1, The applicant's attorney spoke in favor of the proposal 2. No one spoke in,,opposition COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION: By a vote of 5 to; 2 the Commission recoua eglci�u aPlux•uvel vX the cuciue�r G vi locating a restaurant within "the"s i with the conditions recommended p PP ng center ��J the Sta f s July 8, 1970 PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO COUNCIL ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION: A-2 to C-4 APPLICANT: Iron Mountain Investment Co. 543 Third Street, Lake Oswego, 97034 PROPERTY INVOLVED: The west side of S.W. Pacific Highway approximately 450' north of Bull Mountain Road. (Map ##2S1 10A, a portion of tax lot 1701 and a portion of tax lot 1900) STAFF RECOM1NIENDATION: The staff recommends approval of this zone change. The developers of the proposed "Canterbury Square" shopping center wish to "square up" the site for more efficient development. While the staff is opposed to the extension of commercial zoning along the highway, we feel that planned commercial centers are more desirable than individual parcel-by-parcel development. (Approval of this zone change will invalidate the conditional use recently granted to the applicant for medical offices in an A-2 zone) PUBLIC HEARING: The applicant's attorney spoke in "favor of the zone change. No one spoke ,against the proposal'. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION: s The Commission was concerned that perhaps the applicant'seally does not ;yet 'know what his zoning needs are `and 'that `this change, like the !' previousconditional use is premature.'' The applicant's attorney assured the Comunission that this was to be their last zoning request, except perhaps for a 'conditional use for another restaurant within the center itself. f The request was approved by a majority vote; of the Commission (6 to l) . r i { 4 July 8, 1970 PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO COUNCIL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION: Doplex in an R-7 zone APPLICANT: Glenn S. Stone 14135 S.W. 103rd Avenue PROPERTY INVOLVED: 14135 S.W. 103rd Avenue (Map #,2%1 11BB, tax X lot 1501) SIZE OF PROPERTY 0.19 acre STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends denial of this amended proposal. Although the applicant now proposes a carport which would connect the house and the garage and technically form one building which could be called a duplex, the rest of his,proposal -re ins basically the same. The following problems still exist in the proposal: 1. The lot area of 7,721 square feet does not meet the { 8,000 square"'feet minimum lot arse for a duplex,. 2. The following setbacks are still non-conforming:' front required setback:. 201 existing: 6' v 3 rear requiredsetback: 159 existing: 614" side required setback: 6' existing: 5110" 3. With the additLon of the carport, the structure :will exceed the 34% maximum lot coverage permitted. t ' In order ;;o treat applicants equally under the zoning ordinance, we cannot recommend approval of this application. All other duplex applications have had to meet more than the minimum requirements and this proposal clot even meet the minimum. Land area is basically r the problem. Perhaps if sufficient property could be added on at the roar, .so that at least the minimum lot area, the maximum lot coverage r and the rear 'setback requirements could be met, the recommendation a could be different. Right now there are -too 'many non-conformities. LIC HEARING: I. One neighbor appeared saying he would have no objection to the use, if it would improve the looks of the property. J r '' COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION. Although they like to see property upgraded, the Planning Commissioners felt they couldri't condone higher density here because of all the non--conformities. Pair. Nicoli questioned the feasibility of the applicants plans. The commission voted unanimously to deny the application. e s July 8, 1970 PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO COUNCIL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION: Outside storage and the teoDorary use of a tiraiier for an o ce. APPLICANT: Atlas Steel Building Company (Mr. D.R. Allred, rep. ) 5820 S.W. Chestnut Street, Beaverton 97005 PROPERTY INVOLVED: 9380 S.W. Tiand Avenue, Tigard (Map #2S12AB, tax lot 19005 SIZE OF PROPERTY: 3.09 acre STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends conditional approval of the applicant's request for: 'the temporary use of the existing storage shack and trailer office for a period not to exceed six (6) months. This would give us time to construct a permanent type office on the: site, and hopefully by that time we would be able to connect to the Tigard City Sewer line." We would recommend approval of thisrequest for a six months period only. The use;of such temporary and non-conforming facilities is not something we generally wish to condone. Because of the;intent of the applicant to replace the temprary facilities soom 'with a permanent, conforming structure, and,because of the sewer connection moratorium which has worked a hardship on;many,people in the area, we are will ing to cooperate on a temporary and limited use basis. The property As large enough in area to support -a septic tank system, but its feasibility >appears `poor because of the amount of fill on the property. The conditions,we would recommend with approval of this conditional use cre: 1. that the conditional use for the office trailer and storage shack shall expire andthese facilities will be removed six months from the date of approval by, } the City Council. ' 2. that the building permit and construction of the pro- posed office, metalproducts assembly , and warehouse building shown on the plans submitted begin progress within this six months period. 3. that during this period the landscaping and paving re- quirements of the M--4 zone shall be waived for the temporary facilities, but 'completion of these requirements shall be required prior to occupancy of the new per- z � Cond. Use — ATLAS STEEL BUIIaDING COMPANY inan6nt office-assembly-warehouse building. The staff also recommends conditional approval of the outside storage request shown on the site plan as asa part of his future planning, as well as his immediate use. The conditions we would recommend with approval are: 1. that a sight-obscuring fence be installed immediately so that the stored materials are not visible through or above the height of the fence at the ground level of this and adjoining properties and from the street (Tigard Street in front of the property. 2. that this conditional use shall also expire in six months if the building permit has not been issued for the new building and construction is not in progress.