City Council Packet - 07/14/1970 T I G A R r I C I 'i' Y O U iV C I L SPECIAL JULY 14, 1970, 5:00 P. Nt. 1. ROLL CALL: Pres,_nt: Mayor Kyle, Cauncilr,an Floyd 1', 3,:�rgmann, Da!ii l�L Larse;7, }Zoic,.rt Moor->; Stephen M. Telfer., ;'ity T�(Iministrator; Keith Thompson, Director of Public N'orl:s; '-)oris Hartig, ':-'ity Recorder Absent: Councilman ThOwas :,!. O'Halloran; City Attorney Fred. A. Anderson Special meeting was duly called by Mayor Icy1: with the common consent of the Council for the purpose of considering an ordinance calling .for a special --election for a tax lavy for the 1970-71 fiscal year, City Administrator recommended resubmitting to the voters on Tuesday, Jt:ly 23, 1970, the sane levy as previously presented. If Council calls for another election, the Police Department, using off-duty personnel, plans to hand deliver to all voters a letter explaining the activities of their department. Police Association will bear the cost of printing and delivering. 2. ORDILIA14CP No. 70-27 - AN ORDINANTCE PROVI SING FOR A SP:CIAL 3LECTION TO BE HELD IN TH' l C:C'PY OF TIGAR:J, OREGON ON JULY 28, 1970 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUB1.112TIL4G TO THE L'dGAL VOTERS OF THE CITY THE QUESTION OF LEVYING TAYES FOR TII s YEAR BEGINNING JULY '1, 1970, AND ENDING 'JUNE 30, ' 1971 FOR This MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF' 112E CITY, IN TII SUM OF $9`-',325. IN EXCESS OF THE TAX BASE, AND DliCLARING AN EX RC:NCY (a) Motion -co adopt: Councilman-Moore, ,seconded by Councilman Borgmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 3. ADJOURNMENT: 5;30 P.M. City Recorder ATTEST: ✓ Mayor