City Council Packet - 06/29/1970 mr cA �tr;� � 'tmr ct :; Nc � L SPECLAL MEETING jUNE 29. 1970., 700 P-& 1; ROLL CALL; Presents Mayor E-G„ Ey'_e, wan_•ilme: Floyd H. Bergmann. Daniel L. Larsen: Robert Q Moore; Frei A. Ander. ;n, City Attorney Stephen M� Telfer, City Adm ni ,vator; Keith Thompson., Director of Pibii - Works Darin Hart.;g„ City Recorder Absent.;; Councilman Thomas M. O'Halloran Present: Budget. Committee Members Robert Burrow, Louis Girod, Betty ,Jack, Harvey L. Knauss Absenti Hugh Mayes Jr- Special meeting was duly called by Mayor Kyle w_Th common ronsenr of Council for the purpose of molding a p9b_ic hearing regarding the 1970-71 Budget for the City of Tigard 2, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3= PROGRESS PAYMENT - Sewer Plant Expansion, $23„38E ,28 (a) Director of Public, Works s ated of this amount„ $5700 snool-d be charged to the State Tax Street. Fund for installation of 100 lineal feet of 24° storm sewer at Pinetrook Park, (b) Motion by Councilman Bergmanto approve payment„ se o:,ded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Ca7.r.0l present.. 4e SEWER CONNECTION POLICY (a) City Administrator read proposed policy and recommended adoption. ` Policy to provide guidance',and answer questions for builders and developers. (b) Motion to adopt. Councilman Larseni seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous 7ste of Council present, 5e 98th AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REMONSTRANCES (a) City Administrator reported staff and attorney reviewed remonstrances and recommended the following actions Horace Mo Propst, 1385 Rainier Road.. Woodburn,' Oregon, Map 1S1 35CD, Tax Lot 900, no grounds for objection and assessment stand, George Heintz, 11.705 &W. 98th, Tigard, Oregon„ Map ISI 35CD, Tax Lot:1300, no grounds .for objection and assessment stand, Forest F. and Margaret Wittharo 11700 S„Wo 98th Avenue, Map 1SJ 35CD, Tax .Lot 1800 and 19009 no grounds for objection and assessment `stan& Anna Ehrnfelt, 12045 S.W. 95th Avenue, ,Tigard, Oregon Map 2S1 2BA„ Tax Lot 200; Attorney Anderson reviewed background of previous assessment. Property previously assessed at a'rate of 3 mills as,a general benefit' Attorney Ander -on s:sated a genera'_ benef i t does not preclude a spe ,f-€c tenef O and ec_mmended the assessment proposed shs.yld s!arci ttvae:se fY:e ewer line directly benefits the ?and inr7Y.ved, Richard Ho Tusaa t ijrder con,rac}: W� Eo l^:.y- A ri, 6`05 S,W, 155, Beaverton_ Oregon; Map 251, 2BA, Tax L a 8 3, Mr, Johnson questioned 3f p..operiy owner could be as--.essed if he did not receive written noti- e of prcpasal to f.:rm assessment district and if property jwnear aiready has access to :.ewer„ they be included in ao assessment d strr :~;., Attorney ArAars�:n stated public norAces were p,ub_i.shed in !,cal paper a..cjrding to legal requirements and a.5 a matter of courtersy all property owners were contacted, Attorney Andernon also c:mmented that if the property was not a'lr?ady assessed it c,tild be w n:.Iuded in an assessment district rather than pay the in lieu as:,essmerito Assessment to stand. 6, ORDINANCE No, 7022 AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE FINAL COST OF SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN THE 98th AVENUE SEWER :IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; DETERMINING THAT THE PROPERTY BENEFITED _ SHALL BEAR ALL OF' THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS] RATIFYING AND ADOPTING THE APPORTIONMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF THE COST TO THE RESPECTIVE LOTS, PARTS OF LOTS AND PARCELS OF LAND WITHIN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ACCORDING TO THE SPECIAL _ AND PECULIAR BENEFITS ACCRUING THERETO FROM THE :IMPROVEMENT; SPREADING THE ASSESSMENT, DIRECT- ING THE CITY' RECORDER TO ENTER ALL ASSESSMENTS IN A SEPARATE LIEN DOCKET OF THE CIT: AND DECLARING SAME TO BE A .LIEN ON THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTY UNTIL PAID; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Motion to adopts Counc-ilman Moore; se;onded by C enc lman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Comic:i:, present. _ 7e REPORT ON S.W. 72nd AVENUE IMPROVEMENT (a) Director of Public Works stated a public hearing will be held Wednesday night, July 1, 1970, at the Phil Lewis School. C;ty staff will attend.' 8, 1970-71 BUDGET City Administrator called attention to some changes In the Road Fund Expendituresto include expenses for Traffic Hwy. Safety Grant, (a) Public Haaringo 8.-00 P.M. No Testimony d Public Hearing Closed (b) Motion to approve budget as presented. Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Larsena Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. ORDINANCE No, 70-2 m AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ON JULY 134 1970, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF THE CITY THE QUESTION OF LEVYING TAKES FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1. 1970 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1971 FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND PE , IO OF T -CITY N THE .C.�.TMI...OF 399x.325 Orr;Rl+Tivi3 v� THE -CITY, L � IN EXCESS OF THE TAX,BASE, AND DECLARING`AN EMERGENCY: Page 2 Council Minutes 6/29/70 (a) Motion to adopt; Cour'"an 1,arseni 6econded by COW011man M greo Approved by uhanimous vate of r -anci• prose 1. 10, SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAFFIC 'COUNTER AND RADAR. UNIT (a) Director of Public Works presented specifications for equip ment needed for Traffic Safety Highway Study (b) Motion to approver Councilman M ore, seconded by Counc ima" Bergmann., Approved by unanimous oto ;: C,,,,,nc, : presen OTHER LDS,INESS A. City Administrator reviewed ;erre:po dense from Washing-on C .: ty Director of Public Works regarding t1 ink ng light to be installed at the Intersection of S.W„ Bali Mn Road and S.W. Pacific Harp, County requested City sSgn agreement to pay for energizing and maintenance of light. (a) Motion by Councilman Larsen +o e n r'zF Mayr ar. #, Administrator to exes,aVe document; sc onded by „:nnniiman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Coancz, present,, B. City Administrator reported Chicken BBQ. Commitiee and Park Board had requested Council to consider the selling :of beer So the City Park for Town and Country Days, Sunday. Angus t &do if Cune z_ approves, they requested rojes and gu:_ iaa cep City Administrator stated City Attorney f2nds nothing legally wrong with seli:irig beer ' in park. Administrator recommended Council Indicate what rvies they would like to have est:abl.isheK Council and staff discussed matter. City Administrator to prepare policy statement for adoptAon at next Council meeting. Co Adjournment 8145 P.M. C3�q e as<3er i ATTEST: ayor Page 3 Council Minutes 6/29/70