City Council Packet - 06/15/1970 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 15, 1970, 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE AGENDA: 1. SALE OF BfiNCROFT BONDS - CANTERBURY LANE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Special meeting has been called for the purpose of reconsider- ing the award of bonds to First National Bank MINUTES OF SPECIAi; C11-11Y COUNICTL OF 'IGAHIi June 15, 1970 _ The special meeting- of the Cit `I i Council of irard, called pursuant to order of the Mayor, was called to order by ;''la,yor Kyle at 7:30 P.m. , June 15, 1970, in the Administrator's office, City Hall, Tigard, Oregon. Holl call revealed that In addition to the Mayor, all councilmen were present except Councilman O'Halloran. The Mayor directed that the certificate of service of the notice of meeting, as given under his direction by the City He- corder, be incorporated in the minutes. The Mayor then announced that the Purpose of the meetin,, was to reconsider the award made to the First 'national Bank of Oreton at the last regular meeting on June 8, 1970 for the. sale of 45,683.12 of Bancroft sewer improvement bonds of the City. the Mayor called upon the City Administrator and the City Attorney, both of whom were present, to informthe Council of the background problems involved and the matter was thus reviewed. The content of the letter of June 11, 1970 from: Howard Hankin of the firm of bonding examiners was discussed with the Councilmen and there was presented for consideration by the Council an ordinance amending Ordinance No.70-16. On motion made by Councilman Larson, seconded by Councilman Moore and unanimously adopted by the Council, Ordinance No. 70-20- entitled "An_ordinance' amending Ordinance'iV0.70-16 with respect to the sale of bonds of S. W. Canterbury Lane Improvement District, providing;for re-advertising and resale of said bonds, and declar- ing an emergency", was .duly adopted. The Council then directed Attorney Anderson to return to each of the bidders, First National Bank of OrLG,on and United States National Bank of Oregon, the bid deposits'nreviously tendered with their respective offers to purchase the bonds. There being; no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned. Cit- Recorder Attest: Minutes: Special Meeting 6/15/70 a q ,