City Council Packet - 06/22/1970 T:GARE C'.TY CTUNC::L REGJLAR MEET NG UNE 22. i9%0, 7:3C P.M. F-:WLE.R JR H:;H SCEi0 L:E.RA&Y RCTM AGENDA: 1., CALL TO ORDER 2„ ROLL CALL 3,. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 4,; APPROVAL OF MINUTES, June G; 15, 197- 5- WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS $4,403-98 7� RESOL:UTION 70-8 - RESOLUTION CF THE CITE COUNCIL OF THE C_TY OF TIGARI:, OREGON RECCG` ZING MER:TV ,mac SERVICE OF MUNICIPAL JJDGE WILIIA'4 H. POC''_E B. OATH OF OFFICE - ANTHONY :SLAY, 1R, - Munic pa': Zedge 9.. APPLICATION RETAIL MALT BEVERAGE Class B License, Laretta`s pizza, 12386 S. W. Main Street (a) Recommendation. of. City Administrator loo PROGRESS PAYMENT - SEWAGE TREATME'N'T PLANT (a) Recommendation, of Director of Public Works 11, <'REPORT ON TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 12. DUANE COMPANY (Fred Meyer) CONDITIONAL USE APPLT_CAT_ON for outside Hales area in conjunction With a new Home improvement and B6CCr3tirig Center to be constructed as part of Fred'Meyer Shopping Center,: Map #IS1 35AC, Tax Lot 3400 and 3401. Application approved by , Planning and Zoning Colmission, (a) Setting of Public Hearing July 13, 1970, 8:00 P,M, 13. IRON MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT COMPANY ZONE CHANGE AFPLICAT:CN'- present �J zone A-2 (Multi-family Residential),` requested zone C-4 (Neighbor- hood Commercial),' west side of S.W. Pacific Highway approximately 4501 north of Bull Mountain Road (May #2Si LOA, portion of Tax Lot 1701 and 1900) °Application approved by Planning and 'Zoning Commission (a) Setting,of Public Hearing Ju Ly 13, 1970, 8:00 P.M. lK IRON MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT COMPANY CONDITICNAL USE APPLrCATICN for a restaurant in C-4 zone located approximately at 14285 S.W, Pacific Highway (Map 42S1 10A, Tax Lots 1700 and 1800). Application approved by Planning and Zoning CommissiCn- (a) Setting of Public Hearing July 13, !970, 8:00 P.M 15. PROPOSED VACATION OF PORTIGN OF 'JNOFENEE EEE=CATER R_GE:T OF WAY IN N.E. 1/4 of Sectio. Ii T2S, R1W, W.M. , CITY OF 77GARL. WASHINGTON COUNTY, ORECON (a) Public Hearing: 8:00 = M. 16, CITY OF TIGARD ZONING ORDNANCE CF 19%, Peclaitying Amendments and Supplements to the Text (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P M. (C:: aim-eV from Ccancl! meeting Cf" June 8, 1970) 17, 98TH STREET SEWER IMFROVEMENT L:STRFCT REMCNSTP ANCES (a) Report by City Admi,asrrator 18. ORDINANCE No, 70- AN ORDINANCE LE•'TER.MTN'_NG TETE FINAL CCST OF _ -- SEWER :MPRCIEMENTS IN TEE 98TH AVENUE SEWE-,, IMPROVEMENT EISTR C'I DETERMINING THAT THE PROPERTY BENEF TED SEALL BEAR ALL: IF ThE CCST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS. RATIFYING AND ALOFTING THE AF 'CPTIONMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF TaE CCST TO THE RESPECTIVE LT:TS, FARTS OF LC TE AND PARCELF OF LAND WITHIN THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ACCORDING TO THE SPECIAL AND TECUL_AR BENEFITS ACCRUING THEZETC FFCM THE :MPRO"EMENT: SPREADING THE ASSESSMENT> C:FECT:NG THE CITY RECORLEF TO ENTER ALL ASSESSMENTS. IN A SEVARATE LIEN SOCKET OF THE CITY AND EECLAF':NG SAME TO BE A LIEN ON THE RESPECTIVE FRO?EFT:ES UNTIL FAIL.: AND EECLA'.:NG AN EMERGENCY (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 196 JOINT,FINANCING OF WATER STUDY (a) Report by City Administrator 20, APPROVEPAYMENT OF ROAD REPAIRS Lewis Construction Company, $1200. (a) Recommendation of E_rectcr of Pubn c Wore :acs 21. OTHER BUSINESS 22. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TCG SPEAK ' 23. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 - Agenda - 6/22/70 T .7. _.A R D C I. 'P Y C C U REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 1970, 0C . M, 1, ROLL CALL: Present.: Mayor E G. hyie, _nci:xeD Floyd R Bergmann, ,ane is Larsen Ashert C M re, Thomas M, na ;tam Fred X Andexecr, City Yney, Stephen M. Telfer, City Aam_nistratcr r.0.th c Thompson, L.rector of Public Wcrks; Derr_ Hart:g, City Recorder 2., PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3_ APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 8, 15, 1970 (a) Approved as satmitted 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) None 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS $4,403-98 (a) Motion tc aperove_ Councilman, Bergmann, secc aed by Councilman Moore Approved by unanimous vote or Council present 6- RESOLUTION 70-8: RESOL.UTICN OF THE C:TY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, RECOGNIZING MERITOF JJS SERVICE OF MUNIC' IAL iUDGE WILL AM H. FOOLS (a) Motion to adopt: COuncilman Larsen, seconded by Ccunci:- man Bergmann q Approved by unanimous vote of Counci 7. OATH OF OFFICE MUNICIPAL JUDGE 'ANTHONY PELAY JR. AND MUNICIPAL JUDGE PRO TEM PAUL >'L' ROY O'CONNOR (a) District Judge Harold Lewis administered oath of Office to new Municipal Judge and Judge Fro, Tem 8 APPROVAL LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION (a) Retail Malt Beverage Class B License, Loretta's Pizza, 12386 S. W. Main Street City Administrator reported Police Department had reviewed and recommended approval of application.. Motion to approve application: Councilman Bergmann., seconded by Councilman O'Halloran Approved by majority vote of Council, Councilman Moore voting NAY (` (b) Class'A Dispenser's License; Lee's Restaurant, 200 Tigard Plaza City Administrator'reported applicant wanted to apply again and Police Department recommended apprcvai of application„' Page l - Council 'Minutes'- 6;22!70 x Motion to approve: Councilman F- lmarn_ seconand by Councilman O'Halloran Approved by unan1mcas .sLe __ CO,irC_- 9. PROGRESS PAYMENT - SEWA= . TREATMENT PL= (a) ,;hectorof Public Wzrks stated he had non xeceiven retort and recommended item be cenrin,en to special meeting of ' June 29, 1970 10„ REPORT ON TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT (a) C1ty Administrator reported City • a d _oceived acri .-.an or traffic grant in amcantof $20, 200 Farpose of crL%t is road inventory for street ;gip vemert and traffic c:-rtr:?_ 11. DUANE COMPANY (Fred Meyer) C"=D!T:GNAL USE y'PLICAT:GN tar cutsiae sales area in conjunction with a new Home crovemer_t and _sccra- ting Center to he constructed as part of. Fret Meyer Shopp•inc Center, Map #IS1 35AC, 'Pax lot 3400 ana 34C: Application ,_:1_x •;ec: by Planning and Zoning Commiss ;:n (a) Setting Public Hearing :.uly° 13, i9'G, 8:00 .M (b) Motion_ to set pablic he. -rny: C wr:c lman arse^ secandea by Councilman O'Halloran Approved by unanimous vote ci Cn_r,c,: 12. IRON MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT C _MFANti' ZONE CHANGE AFPL:CAT'LJN - present zone A-2 (Multi-family Residential), r&quested zone -4 (Neinh- borhood Commercial), west side Of VW ac:£ic Hinhway aSprcxi- mately 450' north of Bull Mountain Ro.c. (Mao #2S i. &A, p rt_nr. of Tax Lot 1701 and 1900K Application approved by Planning and. � Zoning Commission. (a) Setting Public Hearing July 13, 1970, 8:00 P.M, (b) Motion to set public hearing Councilman Moore, seconded by,Councilman 'Bergmann, Approved'by unan mcus vote cf Ccuncil, 13� IRON MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT COMPANY CONDITIONAL USE`AFFI::CAT:0N for a restaurant in-C-4 zone located approxa mately at 14285 S, W, Pacific,Highway (Map'#2SI 10A,' Tax Lots 1700 and 1800) :: Appli- cation approved by 'Planning and Zoning Commission, (a) Setting Public Hearzng july 13, 1970, TOO P.M. (b) Motion to set public hearing: Ccuncs man. _^ Halloran„ seconded by Councilman Moore, Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 14. JOINT FINANCING OF WATER STUDY (a) City Administrator recommended a 30int water study w_ct Tigard Water District to solve problems of supp y, distribution and expansion to meet artic gated growth: Administrator estimated city:share would be approximately $2000 and anticipated study could be completed in approxi- mately 6-months [dater District- has declared their intention to a contractual merger with the City- Page 2 —Council Minutes - 6/, ,,­0 r (b) Motion by Councilman moc r .:A,-n7". ca%rcil in fa of participating with water cistnict _. . c _t"r seconded by Cc ne:: an rc-r s ,,. . Approved by unanimcas vote of C u%c .. 15, ORDINANCF No. 70-21 - AV ORD:NANCL. V,%CATING h 1ORTIGN CF A L'EDICA'ITEL, UNOPENEC STPEFT 1N ThE VE /} OF SFCT':C:N 11, TCENS= 2 BC2TF, RANGE WEST, W.M.. INdY>:_V:NG THF LANCE OF GEGRGE . LIhN.lSE ET UX PNn SCh2QL EIETHICT #237, WASHINGTON CUNT:. _;FEG.'fd (a) Public Hearing 8,00 P.M. Mr. Deb Fennell, representing schcoi district. req.n6t:06 Council's favorable ccnv i d=rat icr.- sublic Hearing Closed., (b) Motion to adept: Councilman C:"Ha_icran, seczrded by. Councilman Larsen_ Approved by unanimc' :s vote. c! C .1r:ci 16. CITY OF TIGARD ZONING CRL NA.NCE OF 1910. fecrcify_ng AP7"a.ments and Supplements to the Text (a) Public Heari^g 8:0^ T M (Cen.ti ,Pec: from Coinci. Meeting of June B. 1970) City Administrator recc'r•ne deci he&i ccr.t.r_ed to July 13, 1970, Motion by Councilman Mocre to continue pubic hearing to July 13, 19'.0: seconded by Councilman Bergmann., Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 170 98TH STREET SEWER IMPROVEMENT DT-STRICT REMONSTRANCES (a):' Letters objecting to assessment because they cannot connect to the sewer at the present time were received from: _George & Katherine Heintz., 11705 S.W, 98th; Tax Lot 1300 Horace Propst, 1385 Rainier Road, Woodburn,97071Tax Lc•t 900 Forrest & Margaret Witthar, 11700 S,W 78th, Tax Lots 1800 & i900 Letter from Attorney Giovaninv representing; Mrs. whrr.,telt, 12045 SX. 95th, Tax Lot 200, who oh3ected to assessment as her property has already been asseessa for sewer in 1956, Counciland staffdiscussedat length- ;Director of Public Works explained property assessed in 1956 on basis of C•23 per square foot for all property within 3.00, feet of sewer and .003 for remaining property for a distance back of 400 feet, remaining 400 feet on southwest corner was not assessed.. Total assessment in i957' $610 20. City vrvpcses to assess $1828. 1 in 1970 for:Mrs Ehrafelt s property exclusive of the first,-20C feet ' � ich bcrders S:W-., 95th' A.i{_:.ue, Attorney Anderson commenced there were now special renefits>to the back portion of her property and all she had to do would be connect and that it appeared the assess- ment'should stand, Letter from W. E, Johnson, 6505 S.W: -155th, Beaverton, Tax Lot 800, objecting to assessment, stating he could connect to the inteiceptor line along,Fanno'Creek and he would then be charged on basis of $4.25,per foot. Page 3 - Council' Minutes - 6/22/70 ,AE , A Ly had n•-t c l _- Qua: _1 r z s t permits ,:.r: ct.ta_• e;.t,,::�. t _.: .-. ,. Novetnb c 1 the f c co.. c _ a' r:?li _ .. ._;.. ._: is,i_c .. • _ .--.:- {".,.i_ Ind ^.a`,.eS. th: .t t {_ ....; _ -._ t.:',:.. ,r _. •t.;;�. ,,t tt:t:"s...i�e.. the c.:)-11;;i tzeC! Ca_rt..i ".. - .:.r -;. _, .•t en_,.re ac OA.a.,t etc.:, ai .. co-."nittec ftn-, g,.jw`CN t01 t -r. treatmen, .medsa -k: large c.ragc- y t, ti SJn� _ct: wc�'ti� t;gE:rc r.• COsncrl rr-'.^u.. [ v_•' ,._.•r.:::c - regardi .0 _ u t _ r- r tf 7, c_ Meeting _ut 9 y C. PiANN--NG I;S; !a ??,.. City Aa,n_ •atcr ret-,D -ec: t posi.t1or, a n:, re n at:i^r peril:. outside the! e l t\:'.,t.,,,[:_.il-tr .{:^.7 r ext 7F, •'1"CCF. Severson s e_m <: -`_iIc . V. r. y'L z ;' ,_ inventory'v__ :hat_ beet-: rece � -< *^ .,, ;rr' I •.a=.cr a 4 Mr. _amen-<< rete . ... C_ty :, m.-, appou.t;ner:t t.; vac ,j •r r s Motion by -nc Etna_. Lar=e: t- �. �r -a. _ re`£ , a 4-year tR.rn ex:._sr n t Kc: complete the tc•.Y z YIr- t;•v -3_._, Page 4 - Council- M-cutes - t reappoint Mr., Everett Severmn tor a 4-year r .• .. expirir.: :,.y 1974; mczien seconded by Ccanc..nan G f -_- ,_ Since we have rct receiccc Mi aarzaW IMlyndtiOn C,, ,, _imar. Moore mcvec t:- a.me_ .Y .n. is Severson, mctim failed for !&oW of sE _ original mcticn ap,m vEu by maicrzty vote C.,.:-.c.:., C:; iLman Moore voting NA?- D, Adjcurnment. 8:45 r.m, city Rocct-curY, ATTEST: mayor Page 5 - council Minutes - 6/22/70 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT June 22, 1970 GENERAL FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 6291 Anderson & Dittman - (11) 127.15 (18) 192.05 319.20 6292 Business Equipment Bureau - Copying - (12)17.67 (13) .37 (14) 12.45 (16) 9.45 (17) .06 40.00 6293 Butler's Tire & Battery - Tires,Repairs,Etc. (16) 184.73 6294 Dept. of Motor Vehicles - Teletype Service 16 23.75 6295 "Ish" Duckett - Janitor Service (18) 63.63 6296 Marine Lumber Co. - Main. - (16A)109.87 (18)5.17 115.04 6297 Shell Oil Co. - (12) 2.08 (13) 8.36(16)183.50 193.94 6298 Tigard Pharmac - Film & Film Processing (12) 22.90 (16� 6.89 29.79 6299 Times Publicatsns - Public Notice of Tax Base Election,24.42 - Notice of conditional use public hearing - 14.97 (12) 39.39 6301 Northwest Industrial Laundry - Laundry Service (15) 17.50 (18) 11.80 29.30 6306 Copeland Wholesale Co. - Vinyl Tack BoardS14) 14.40 6307 Demco - Supplies (15) 9.15 6308 Paramount Pest Control - Mosquito Control (18 1,000.00 6309 Times Publications - Notice of Budget Meeting 8.40 - Notice of Public Hearings, 14.16 Tax Base Election Ballots, 29.25 51.81 6310 Tualatin Valley Fire Equipment - Main. 16 3.00 6342 Anderson & Dittman �18� 223.50 6343 League of Oregon Cities - Summer workshop for Mayors (10) 20.50 6344 Westway Chrysler - Auto Main. (16) _ 21.46 x2,385.59 SE`ffER FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 6291 Anderson & Dittman - (30) 110.45 (32.5)17.90 $ 128.35 6296 Marine Lumber Co. - Main. & 'Supplies (30) 10.23 (31) 4.35 14.58 6306 Copeland Wholesale Co.` - Vinyl Tack Board. (31) 43.20 2113 Wilde Electric Co. - Repairs on Bonita Road Lift Station 30) 185.00 2126 Beaverton Rentals, Inc., - Transit Rental HO 4.00 2127 Frahler Electric Co. - Repairs to Bonita- Lift Station S31 53.77 2128 Metzger Sanitary District - Pumping Sludge UO) 90.00 2134 Title ins. Co. Plant;Service (31) 4.00 2135 United Loose-Leaf Bindery - 12" Binder (30) 10.55 2136 Van Waters & Rogers - Chlorine 30 169.20 2137 Anderson & Dittman (32.4} 350.00 2138 Portland'Precision Instrument & Repair - Level Repair (31) 100.00 2143 Portland Precision Instrument & Repair - Magnifier for Transit (31) 2.95 2140 Nyanza, Inc. - Fluorescein Dye 30 25.05 2141 Pacific Motor Trucking Co. - Shipping sulphuric acid (30) 3.68 2142 Pettijohn Engineering Co. - Supplies S31) 26.40 2144 Title Ins. Co. -`Title report< 31 25.00 $1,235.73 STATE TAX STREET FUND U. S. NATIONAL BANK _Check No. 6296 Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies (20 1 1.70 6297 Shell Oil Co. (20) 52.58 1584 A & E Sales & Rentals - Supplies (20) 38.10 1585 DZI A. Davidson Paving Co. - Asphalt (20) 221.21 1587 Norris Paint & Varnish Co. - Paint (20) 332.15 1588 Traffic Safety Supply - Supplies 20) 20.32 1592 Frahler Electric Co. - Electrical Fitting�20) 2.-7;- ,1 .72, 678.78 ROAD FUND U S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 6291 Anderson & Dittman (21.3) 48,85 6309 Times Publi,�:ations - Noti.ce of Bond Sale " 30.69 1584 A & E Sales & Rentals - Repairs 20 9.74 1589 Tigard Sand & Gravel - Rock Ho S.00 1590 Tigard. ;later District (20) 6.00 103.88 TOTAL PAYABLES x'4,403.98