City Council Packet - 05/11/1970 T:G R _.TY COUNC;- REGULARMEETING MAY ice. '.:.970, 7:30 F.M. FOWLER .7F HIGH SC'HCOL LIBRARY ROOM AGENDA: to CALL TO ORDER 2, ROLL CALL 3, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, April 27, May L. 1970 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6, APPROVAL OF BILLS $39.438„77 7. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Administrator (b) Building (c) Finance (d) Police (e) Public works 8, PEARL KOSKOVICH CONDITIONAL= USE APPLICATION (a) Applications for a conditicral use for a home occupation (beauty shop) in an A-2 zone (multi-f_ai_ y residential) , -- located at 11405 S.W. Lomita Street, ;Map;#1Sl 35LA, Tax Lot 3000. Application denied by Planning and Zoning _Commission„ . (b) Setting of 'Public Hearing May'25, 1970, 8:00 P.M. - 9, GLEN STONE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION (a) Application for two dwelling units on a single Lot in an R-7 zone (single family residential), located at L4135 S.W. 103rd Avenue, Map #2Si ilBB, Tax Lot150EApplica- tion'denied by Planning and Zoning commission. (b) ' Setting of Public Hearing May 25, 1970, 8:00 P.M. 10, RESOLUTION No. 70-_ RESOLUTIONOFTHE CITY COUNCIL CONCERN:NG VACATION OF DEDICATED, UNOPENED RIGhT-CF-' WAY'IN THE N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION I!, T2s, R1W, W.M;, TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Setting Public Hearing June 22, 1970,'8:00-P.M. 11. ORDINANCE No. 70- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING, RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING ALL PROCEDURES AND DETERMINATIONS HERETOFORE MADE WITH RESPECT TO THE "S.W. CANTERBURY LANE IMPROVEMENT;DISTRICT" AS SET FORTH 'N PRIOR ORDINANCES AND RESOL`JTICNS OF THE CIT`_' COUNCIL OF TIGARD, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF BONDS PURSUANT TO THE BANCROFT _ BONDING ACTS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) 'Bid'Opening`June 8, 1970, 8:00 P.M. Page 1 7 City Council Agenda - 5/11/70 12. AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE BISSETT & 3ISS:ETT YCO W ULACH TIRE & AUTO STORE (a) Appeal decision or City Ccurc__ regardIng Placement of S & H Green Stamp Sogr, (b) Recommendation ci C_ty Ad _r._stsatcr 13. ORDINANCE No 7G- AN ORDINANCE iROVILING THAT THE LATEST EL`ITLCN OF THE `NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE` AS SET FORTH IN THE 5TANDAR'u: OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDE WR:TERS FCK ELECTR=CAL, W:RI.NG NAE APFA..i•_TUS AS APFROVEL BY THE A.MEkiCA.N ,T NBARLS ASSOCIATION FROM TIME TO TIME, AS AND WHEN PROMULGATED BY THE AMERICAN STANEARLS ASSOCIATICN, SHALL CCNST_TJrE THE - "ELECTRICAL CODE CF THE CITY OF TIGARL", AND FURTHER PROGILING THAT THE "ELECTRICAL SkFETY LAW' AS EMBODIED :N 419.,510 to 479,840 OREGON REVISED STATUTES AS NOW ENACTED OR AS tAAY HEREAFTER BE AMENL'EL OR. SUrLEMENTED; SY_AIL CONSTITUTE THE "ELECTR'CA.L SAFETY CODE OF THE CITY OF TIGARD°' : PFOV:L"ING PENALTIES FOP THE V"C ATICN CF THE 'RG'V_i!ONS HEREOF,, REFFA:;=NG+CRD NANCE N.^, 63-4, AND PRESCRIBING EF'FEC'TIVE DATE (a) Recommendation of City Ad=1nistrator 14, ORDINANCE No. '70- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CON%STI.ONAL USE(S) ON L_nNLS OF W_lbur S, Spchn :N SECTION 2, T2S, RIS, WILLAMETTE MERIL_AN, T1.GARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing QOO P,M. 15. PROGRESS PAYMENT (a) 96th and Commercial - final payment (b) Leron Heights - final payment 16, AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE GRADER AND 'OPERATOR, @ $15, per hour, estimated cost $1200„ (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 17, PURCHASE - ASPHALT ROLLER (a) Recommendation of Director of"`;ublic Wcrks 18, REPORT ZIEGLER ANNEXATION AS AMENDED (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 19. PLANT EXPANSION SCHEDULE (a) Report by Director of Public Works 20. REPORT - SIGNALIZATION OF 99W (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 21. SEWER SERVICE. AGREEMENT - TIGARD WATER DISTRICT (a);; Recommendation of City 'Administrator Page 2 - Agenda 5/11/70 22o OTHER BUSINESS 23., CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TC: S_'EAif, 24, ADJOURNMENT -a Page 3 ;- Agenda - 5/I1/70 T I G A R D C 1 T Y C 0 0 h C = L REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1970, 7.30 F.M. 1, ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor E. G. Kyle, councilmen Ficyd H, Bergmann, Daniel L. Larsen, T110-rias M, O`Hal_oran; Fred A. Anderson, City Attorney; Stephen M. Telfer, City Administrator; Keith C. Thompson, Director of Public Works; Doris Hartig„ City Recorder Absent: Councilman Robert C. Mocre 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3, APPROVAL OF MINUTES, April 27, May 1,1970 (a) Approved as submitted 4, WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) None 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS $39,438.,77 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Larsen, secor_'ed by Councilman Bergmann Approved by unanimous vote of Council present, 6. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Motion to approve: Councilman. O'Halloran, seconded by Councilman_Bergmann Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 7< PEARL KOSKOVICH CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION (a) Application for conditional use for a home occupation (beauty shop) in an A-2 zone (multi-family residential), 11405 S.W. ;Lomita Street, Map #1S1 35DA, Tax Lct 3000 Application denied by Planning and Zoning Ccmmission< ,F. Setting of Public Searing May 25, 1470, S:OO P>M. (b) 'Motion to set public hearing: Councilman Bergmann, seconded by Councilman Larsen, Approved by unanimous vote of Council present., 8. GLEN STONE CONDITIONAL USEAPPLICATION (a) Application for 2 dwelling units on a single lot in an R-7 zone (single family residential) , located at 14135 S.W. 103rd Ave., Map 42S1 11BB, Tax Lot 1501, Applicationdenied by Planning and Zoning Commission Setting of Public Hearing May 25, 1970, 8:00 P.M. (b) Motion to set public hearing: Councilman O'Halloran, seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present„ Page 1 - Council Minutes - 5/11/70 s 9.. RESOLUTION Na.. 70- I.;ES"" , .C•.N C:F CIT' C•OUNC:_. CC7IICFFN. G VACA _,:N CF "_E^,CATED rJ vC"FENEL h_GtiT-OF- WAY IN THE N.Fa CF SECT ON, : T2E, Rita; tit.M. , _ ;F'.L', WASIc_NCT(_'N COIJTNTY, i)IZE:GON (a) Setting cf Puhl,c I+,zar,r..g co 8:00 P.M, (b) Mct:cn tc adc-t: C N rC.. '. !=c Z'4:'Zanr., stcC;.,E:;, by Caar c l<.mart C'Ha 2..c c-ar.., Apprcv'ed by anani.,wz4s V:^.te C j reser-*„ 10, ORDINANCE No., 70-16 AN URL.-,'NANCEALCiT:NG RATiF�'SN'= Av CONF' RM'rC ALi. t,RCCEE:RES AND LtETERMSNATIONS HERETOFORE MALE WITH PE rE'CT TO THE .W, CANTERBURY LANE :MI"RC%-EMENT D:S'TF::CT` AS SET P-:;RTH LN PP C'i+ ORr!'NA_'VCES AND RES0!UT CNS OF THE CITY COINC':., OF •''_GARC. 1,JTI.0I; 21NG ?SSUANCE OF ECNDS CRSJANT TO THE BANCROFT EOND:NG ACTS, ANG' I:ECiAR_NG AN F:IERCENC.Y (a) Rid Gper.ing Jure 8, 197.6, 8:06 i.M. (b) MOLIcr; to adu'.pt: Counci_';man Larsen, se—onded by Council man Bergmann. Approved by u :ar.,_mo::s vote oi' C�rc�_ Present" 11, AMENDMENT TO COND:.TIGNA. SE - B:LS'ETT AND E:SEE'T'T, FCR WOC'ACH TIRE AND AUTO STORE (a) Representat.a ,e cf weclacn T a u Amt tore appeased COilnci1's dee sicr tc- a1 .V L-•iacC^1e:'Gt VS&H sign on ins.de ..4 Hz "�'-• C-r"E2C Sta;•�p "i s_ n _tar. arc wcr_;acr: representatLve requested pernuss o:-, tcc -•ac p-ace c,--. .. c,_,ts-dzr __ standard, (b) Motion to amend cordit on i use application tr, allow placement of S&H Green Stamp srgT; or, o�t.s de of src standard: Cour+_clr:man Bergmann; seconded bv ' O'Halloran. _ C Uncz..ma, Approved voting N by ma;r_- _Y NAY. W,a e or Cr;arcZ: - �rese^..t, Mayer LCv'e ' 12, ORDINP.NCE No. 70--,- AN OF,DlNANCE PRCV'ID:NG•THAT THE iATEST EDITION OF THE "NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE" AS SET FORTH IN THE STANDARD OF THE NATIONAL m+ BOARD' OF FIRE TUNDER11TR:ITERS FCR ELECTRICAL WiR,iNG AND AFPA_RATUS AS APPROVED BY THE AJIIER CAN STANDARDS AteSOC:A'I"ON FROM T_ME TO TIME, AS AND WHEN PROMULGATED ,LAY THE AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSC-:ATI:N, SHALL CONSTITUTE THE °ELECTr CA , Cl_*_,H OF THE C':TY OF T-TGARD' .' AND FURTHER Ph%` !LLNG THAT;THE `'ELECTRICAL SAFETY LAW" AS EMBCD:EL: :N 4790510 to 4790840 OREGON REVISED STATUTES AS NOW ENACTE.°'. OR AS MAY HEREAFTER BE AMENDED OR SUPPLEMENTED, SHALL CONSTITUTE THE ELECTRICAL SAFETY CCDE OFTHECITY OF TiGARD11 PROvILING PENALTIES FOR THE CLATiON OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF; REPEALING ORDINANCE Nc, 63-4> AND FRESCR:$ NG EFFECTIVE DATE (a) Motion to adoptt Cour 'Hallcran, seconded. by. Council-man Bergmann,., Approved by iznarimous vete OfCo nci present Page 2 - Council Minutes 5/1:'/70 13, ORDINANCE NQ, 0- r.; b' ^ �' F. AJfF :..t7 Nu Ci *7 ='vA_ USE Sj Those wh!:> testi f_ez .c=r: wi::b,. r f2.. i:cn:7:, C c._i:liter ti - �q .. c, .. - ,a•v Edward t�.,get, � . �< . _ _ .Tim Mce -nar, 9961; Letters test:ty.r-rr - dr^._t.: N, L E:., a.r-:t !"cue-- Walnut c:: .rt Aga t nts Public F.ea ir,g (b) Moticn tr- adores t.rvc: Tar: Lar:.e;, sec::r,aec by Cuunc?.•mar. ergaar._.. DENS% by ..,-, ':ac: to •_: _,z.c . .reae. t•- 14,. PROGRESS PA":`MENT (a) 98th ctrec�t e e- rp se:.t L`.s 'r_.v. L•._rectri 7,i. ..'::' Wcx;r.s rc rT�e:,dac; r.ayme•,.t ti- tot. a:'m_':int of 11064- %9., _ e w_a k re'na tc he ar.rrcx - mately $500„ Mot,,-cr. t,^ Fprc%.e a; .e:.t_ --. .:nar: >r=_cr, sccc-;:ied by Coun.c::niar, O'F:aiicrar.., Appro, ed by '"r ar r,.-:'.._ v. to of (b) Leron Heights Sewer L_Str .ct Three Lots have n:t has work ^rp:etea arc Director, of F°ibYc W. Ks r _ .,a. p<-.-..r .2rc "i , progress payment,. 15. AWARD CONTRACT - GRADE_. AN:; Oi l'.:A_3F, (a) Director o 'Br=io works stater!',City Plans to clear.,, ditches ana roadways w__hi_ c-t.Y 11-nets Estimates fcr "grader and c:.eratc•r'rev.ewed a:.•d L`�rect:r ^f P..b_:.c Works recdrmer_.itd Lewis C'c.strt;ct.cr. c. ..rany':be awa_ceo. the contract f-rr-2 weeks wor1k. at $15,00 fel ncar, . Motion by C:e+I:e-.,`.man res` crnr ;.c. 're grasser and operator for 2 weeks, seconded by Approved by unn.._Yc.s vcte cf Cc' nc _resent. (b) City Adm_r,a stratcr ,requested Cc.:r�c: rev_ems prror_ty list of streets to be i.-,nproved- 611 16.. PURCHASE OF ONE TON ASPHALT ROLLER - $1655 (a) Director of F. z', Wcrks re•rtewe:i b_ds and rec..m::.enaed purchase- frc;n lcw bidderAsrmac: Inc- (b) Mot-cr, by Cc,inc_l,.nan Larsen tc accept l�,w --ia from A-,rmac, Inc.,,:seconded by Co-,nctimar. Hai iE raz , Approved by nanirnovs vote c.: Ccc,nca1 present— Page resentPage 3 - Council Minutes - 51/I1/10 17.. ZIEGLER - BOL ' G H;II . ANNEX _ON (a) Cory Ac3M_..:stirBt:_ r .p:."._u ""ary Review C r c _Q,d .,'r.: ear r , _ . Ra.1 E:i.s - Ztec:er Anrexazinn to WOW 24, 910. Start zn report track tc people in t" . ai a 18. PLANT EXPANS_DN SCHELOVE (a) Director cl fvY_,,c Wcrks re: :te- eCrU `e C:_pate. n: Yiar:t exx i; r and f'_cet ;Fu rths, Firs. pr0cres palm_ .t tc to ri7i z rk aS Ct Maa 2CEK councl- requeutea _taff write Xrr _.. .der LW eXPeUlte ta. ,.iact,:re c:i ea,•.x p.ne:,t,. 19. SIGNALIZATION OP 9% (a) City A stracor reportca cr synchtcrIzat.on cf s.7r.a'_s on 99W. F:iaRway r,,,,tv,rt snqqestea as interim measure 4 signals between. Fred Meyers ar4 Gree h.rg Read be converted to pre-timed eq.t pmec,t that wc.iu cnarGe cc S s depending or traffic !can. City's ware ,.__.jest /2 or $2.2.500,. Counci. tG eva:, ate alter atzves a_ t considar at next meeting, 20. SEWER SERVICE AGREEMIKYr - T=GARL: WATES EVSTR:CT (a) City AdM t __.t.ratcr renuested antoorizatLcr tc enter into an agreement witn the Tigard Water zistrict regarding payment of moody sewer _`rvice c axgss, property d, . locateS.W. anzerhary' Lare is prese :'__ cutsize the city _..:nets., (b) Motions to aat ari Ze agreement: Cunncl,wan Larsen. secon ed by Ccuncilman O'Ha5 _c-an; Approved by unanimous vote Of Council present OTHER BUS=NESS s A. MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM (a) Directcr of eubi.c works reported Faramcunt Pest Control will make an :nsp-ectien between May 11 a-d 15 and will make application fcr . _squitc ccr._rc? sometyme in June. Cost of firs* appl=catiOr $1000 B. MEMORIAL DAY AND JULY 4 HCII-:LAYS' (a) City Administrator reported haLicays to 1 `n Saturday and requested c_u_ac.i dec_stcn regarding employees taking preceding Friday art- (b) Motions to close City Offices May 29 and July 3: Councilman Larsen, seconded by Cc ur.cilman O'Halloran, Approved by unanimous vote of Council present, C. MUNICIPAL JUDGE RESIGNATir"iN (a) City Administrator reported due to press of b•,s;.ness Judge Poole has resigre&' (b) ' Motion to accept resignation: Councilman O'Halloran, seconded by Cour.ca'man Eercrani.. Approved by unanimous vote of Coancil present. Page'4 - Council Minutes - 5/11/70 D. ADJOURNMENT 9:10 P,M i City Fecnraer - ATTEST: Mayor y t P> d , ' Page 5 - Council Minutes - 5/11/70 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT May 11, 1970 GENERAL FUND U S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of March 31, 1970 w 5,749.75 From Time Deposit 20,214.45 April Receipts 5,803.87 Bills Paid April 27, 1970 ( 5,167.20) Balance 26,600.87 Check No. 6021 Robert C. Moore - Parking (18 `; 75.00 6022 Otto Sorg - Library Rent (1 166.00 6036 Tigard School District - Rent 10 1200 6037 Mayor E. G. Kyle - Council Meetings 10� 60..00 6038 Floyd H. Bergmann - " " 10) 60.00 _ 6039 Thomas O'Halloran - " of10) 45.00 6040 Daniel L. Larsen - " " (10) 60.00 6041 Robert C. Moore - 10 37.50 6042 Lonnie Branstetbr - Mileage �16 16.24 6043 Dept, of Motor Vehicles- Teletype Service (16 23.75 6044 Mrs. Harold D:-vidson - Art Supplies (17) 18.12 6045 (14) Cash5.500 , ( ) 3.15) 4.14, (16 32.92, .90 W1 3490 54.40 6053 Tigard Auto Body Works - Car Repairs 16 100.00 6056 Mayor E. G. Kyle - Expenses RN 125.00 6099 Tigard Auto Body Works - Car Repairs (16) 100.00 6100 Anderson & Dittman - (11)268.00 (18) 101.35 369=35 6101 Bartle Wells Associates - Easel (12) 49.87 6102 Chalet Pancake House - Sign Ordinance Committee 18.50 6103 Jerry Crume, Photographer- Pictures & Film (13) 6.60 6104 French & Dutchman - Maintenance (15) 19.50 (18) 146.00 165.50 6105 Friction Supply, Inc. - Car Main. (16) 11.38 6106 -International Business Machines Ribbon 12 5.94 6107 Norris Plastic Specialties - Supplies 16 9.00 6108 Northwest Natural Gas Co. R8� 71`.03 6109 Portland General Electric Co. -(18)'62.68 Trust Fund -,71.40 134.08 6110 Washington Co. Office Machine Co(15)t ri=t4i"' 89.50 6111 Shell oil Co. - (13) 14.30 (16) 183.87 198;17 6112 Tigard Water District (18) 8.00 6113 -Tigard Times (12)'18.51 (14) 8.16 (16)31.44: 58.11 6114 Jerry, .Crume, Photographer-Film Processing (16) 1.80 6115 Tualatin Valley Fire Equipment Recharge Fire Extinguishers (16) 9:00 6116 Westway Chrysler-Plymouth - Car Main. (16) 4.80 6117 Willamette Sales Co. -,Car Main. (16 30.91 6118 Joseph P. Worden Witness Fee (11 5.48 6119 Elmer Hanegan - Golf Lessons (17 100,00 6126 Leonard Misso 17 200.00 6127 Judge Wm. H. Poole` (11 275.00 6150 U. S. 'Postmaster (12) 25.11 (17) 35.00 60.11 6151 Anderson & Dittman (11)) 114.00 6152 Dietzgen Co. - Office Supplies 12_) 7.47 6153 Nine - T- Nine Sales & Service 16 16.44 6154 James Nylander - Witness Fee �13 11 7.96 6155 Bureau of Labor - 'Books � 4.00 6156 Pargas - Propane 16) 158.40 6157 Shell Oil Co. (16) 127.69 6158 Tigard PHarmacy - Film &Processing 16 14.64 6159 Utility Equipment, Inc. -' Pilot Lights 16 6.00 6160 Valley Auto_Parts Auto Main. (16) 33.59 6161 Lonnie Branstetter - Mileage (16) 9.12 2086 Marine Lumber Co. - Main. 18 4.71 2088 Southwest Office.Supply (16) .80 Payroll, Taxes & 'Deductions 17,981.29 Bank Balance $5,279.62 $ 21,321.25 . 9 SEWER FUND U. S NATIONAL BANK Balance as of March 31, 1970 $ 21,715.92 From Time Deposit 10,000.00 April Receipts 12,700.70 Bills Paid April 27, 1970 ( 2,384.41) Balance 42,032.21 Check No. 6045 Petty Cash - (30) 6.51 (31) 21.79 28.30 6100 Anderson & Dittman - (30)144.10 (32.4)17.90 162.00 6108 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (30) 114.13 6109 Portland General Electric Co. ((30) 288.62 6111 Shell Oil Co. (30) 51.11 6112 Tigard Water District (30 242.50 6150 U. S. Postmaster (30) 30.00 6151 Anderson & Dittman - (31)560.81 (32.4)8.95 569.76 6157 Shell oil Co. (30) 18.93 2045 First National Bank - Sinking Fund 356.94 2052 Benny Banyard (32.4) 103.50 2066 Underground Construction (32.3) 1,557.22 2067 American Public Wors Assn. - Forms (31) 15.00 2068 Bearing Sales & Service - Seal Assembly (30) 93.58 2069 Frahler Electric Co - Repair Pump (30 108.88 2070 Kilham Staty & Prtg. Co. - Supplies (31) 1.95 2071 Survey Section, Courthouse - Supplies (31) 1.00 2072 Tigard Automotive Supply - Parts 30) 1.91 2073 Title Ins. Co. - Recording Fee 32.4) 12.00 2082 Aloha Sanitary Service - Pump Digester 30) 100.00 2083 American Industrial Service Co. - Laundry 30) 7.40 2084 Eoff Electric Co. - Supplies 30 14.59 2085 Hinds Supply Co. - Main. 30(11 3.20 2086 Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies 31) 33.61 2087 Shannon & Co. - Supplies 31) 16.33 2088 Southwest Office Supply - Supplies 31 22.54 2089 Surveyors Service Co. - Literature 31) 22.89 2090 Van Watrs & Rogers -,Chlorine 301 169.20 1556 johnS. Hagman - Mileage - 311 2.88 1562 Traffic Safety Supply - Supplies M 4.80 General Telephone-(30)142.95 (31)210.57 353.52 Payroll, Taxes `& Deductions 5,040.15 9,548.44 `Bank Balance y$32,483.77 STATE TAX STREET FUND U S. NATIONAL BANK Balance :as of March 31, 1970 4$;15,056.19 Bills Paid April 27, 1970 ( ' 312.21) K Balance 4 14,743.98 Check No. 6111 Shell Oil Co. (20) 4$ 14:30 6157 Shell Oil Co (20) 28.40 6160 Valley Auto Parts - Supplies (20)) 19.08 2086 Marine Lumber Co. It (20) 10.52 1530 Feenaughty Machinery Co. - Equip.Rental ((20)) 355.00 1548 Automotive &-Petroleum Equipment - Supplies(20) 3.20 1560 Feenaughty Machinery Co. Vehicle Main. (20 289.00 1561 Oregon State Hwy. Dept. S.W.Hall`-Blvd. 1,000.00 1562 Traffic Safety Supply - Supplies (20) 9.84 Payroll, Taxes &rDeductions 2,077.89 4$ 3,807.23 Bank Balance $10,936.75 ROAD FUND,-U. S NATIONAL BANK Balance as of March 31, 1970 ( 1,444.69) From Time Deposit 4,034.52 April Receipts 10,766.50 Bills Paid April 27, 1970 ( 642.43) Balance ° 12,713.90 Check No. 6108 Northwest Natural Gas Co. ko 0 $ 36.87 6109 Portland General Electric Co. 0 9.38 6112 Tigard Water District 12.00 6160 Valley Auto Parts - Supplies (41.1) 1.08 2069 Frahler Electric Co. - Meter Box " 28.68 2086 Marine Lumber C(-,. -Supplies " 14.80 2088 Southwest Office Supply - Supplies " 18.34 1529 U. S. Postmaster52.0) 75.06 1531 Roger Thomssen - Recording Fee (20 3.00 1551 Oregon Culvert Co. - Supplies & Materials41.1) 100.50 1552 United Pipe & Supply Co. - Supplies5(41.1) 43.62 1553 CascadeConstruction Co. (41.1) 4,139.52 1554 Frahler Electric Co. - Electrical Parts41.1 18.06 1555 Roger Thomssen - Recording Fee (21.3) 3.00 1556 John S. Hagman - Mileage (21.3) .24 (41.1).96 1.20 1563 General Bearing Co. - Main. 20) 5.79 1564 Ken R. Humke Co. - Supplies 19.14 1565 Overall Industrial Supply - Laundry Service20 18.40 1566 Rogers Machinery Co. - Supplies (4l.1 213.41 $ 4,761.85 Bank Balance $7,952.05 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 740.55 BANCROFT BOND #2 &-INT. , U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 231.12 . BANCROFT BOND ##3 & INT,., U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 729.68 BANCROFT BOND ##4 & INT. U. S NATIONAL BANK $ 912.95 u. BANCROFT BOND #5 &INT U. S NATIONAL BANK; $ 207.05 TOTAL PAYABLES $39,438.77 TOTAL BANK BALANCE $59,473.54 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council 4/30/70 FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Resignation of Municipal Judge and Report on Gamroth Complaint Attached is a letter from Bill Poole, tendering his resignation, effective at such time as we have had an opportunity to find a replacement. I have taken the liberty of asking Attorney Anderson to provide the names of several potential judges in order that we may review their backgrounds and ultimately interview them in an executive session. Also enclosed is a copy of a report and the supportive material from the police department regarding the complaint publicly stated at the last Council Meeting. I am convinced that the department acted with expertise and very appro- priately regarding the handling of the entire affair. It would appear to me that perhaps there is the involvement of personality in this case that includes several former city employees. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions. it is my intention to have the local newspapers do a feature story on our narcodal field kitto .describe to the public exactly what, its abilities are and how the department utilizes it. Res ully submitted, cc: City Attorney Acting Chief of Police LINDSAY,NAxSTOLL,HART, DuNGAx,DAFoE & KnAusE D.N.m Lxxnswt ATTORNRYS AT LAW } R.W.N—ISTOLL N:NTn FLooe,Lo—z.TT Bvl Laxro ALx.eN HAxrr ROn.RT B3 D..Ncsx.- FSO kiT1.A.N I�. l7R1`(�nN 97204 Gi WTRRR F.K us.to"-I"7 CAum— R.DAro.,.I e. A DO-1,11 G.Kl U— (5u(3) i;au-Ito) uxan G.�'a.zxs WU')3 FOOL. or GOUNS.L Gael If N.— .)TeAltn ti WEIOl-P ti R1ctAx Wx.I)Avxs April 28, 1970 - .JONATeAN A.AT.R _ R0...RT H.GON eLI.N WILLU-i G SNOU—V..R ,]Axes T1.13.A1a DONALD H.()LHON Fyq py YIVC.q APR 29 197 City Council CITY OF T(d;4R City of Tigard I) Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: Due to the press of time, and other business, I find it necessary to tender my resignation as Municipal Judge of the City of Tigard. I have enjoyed my tenure so very much, and it is with a great deal of reluctance that I find it necessary to make this tender. I will continue to serve until you have had an opportunity to obtain a replacement. I would also like to state that it ;S has been a pleasure working with such a progressive },1 police department and city. I ' Yours ver Wm. It. Poole WHP/cc i L i l ' v CITY OF TIGARD P. 0. Box 23321 12420 S. W. Main POLICE DEPARTMENT Tigard,. Oregon 972233 April 28, 1970 Mr. Stephen Telfer City Administrator Re: Complaint of Mr. Patrick J. Gamroth 12045 SW Lincoln St. Tigard, Oregon Dear Sir: r In reply to you and the City Council regarding the above complaint and the ability of this Department to provide field tests on suspected drugs. The Department at this time is equipped with a small compact Narcodal Field Test Kit, designed to test many types of suspected drugs, which establishes probable cause or reasonable grounds to believe that drugs or narcotics are ` E J present in the substance tested. The tests are made by the application of specific colors, depending on the nature of the test. The: test in this case was negative. The sugar cubes were tested for L.S.D. The test was made by the application of reagents number 4 and 7, to the suspected material (sugar cubes in this case). The color reaction, if positive, would have been violet or purple. The reagents remained clear, indicating a negative test. This test is a standard test and is designed to indicate the presence of L.S.D. I wish to advise that after the test was concluded, Mrs. Gamroth was con- tacted by Sergeant Rea, The Sergeant advised Mrs. Gamroth of the results 4 ,1 of the test, and that if she did not want anything else done at this time the sugar cubes would be disposed of by this department. Mrs. Gamroth in-: y- structed the Sergeant to dispose of the sugar cubes. y 4 i t i I hope that this explanation is satisfactory at this time, however, the Police Department would be more than willing to provide a demonstration of this type of field test at your convenience. _ !ti Respectfully, captain RBASbw :r II �i S 3 I t , BOARD ON POLICE STANDARDS pq AND TRAINING G 326 PUBLIC SERVICE BLDG. SALEM, OREGON 0 47310 0 Ph. 364-2171 Ext. 1250-1257 TOM McCALL April 27, 1970 GOVERNOR RUPERT L.GILLMOUTHE Shariff Hood Riv.r County Chairman HAP,OLD A.ELLSWORTH Eugene Vlor Chalrman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick fiamroth MEMBERS 12045 S.W. Lincoln _ JAMES J."ideY. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Pact Pfnt i DUNL t - =d f Oregon Citiaa DON€een Dear W. and Mrs. Gamroth: Attorr�oy Portland &YRON W.WELTONf - Major �Vfs are responding to your letter that arrived April 23, 1970. Orson stats lim JAMES H.JON Chief of PMS The questions you ask are outside the scope of our agency's oe JULIuS L. .MATrsorf purview. We are suresurethat Acting Ghia Robert B. , dams Of SPsdal Apni to Charge - maI @www of Inv.atig.tion the Tigard police Department could help you or explain their WALLACE W.McCRAE department'a action regarding the case yob Question. Praawom Blue Mount.in Community Collsiv t° J.:a u cuacELL We certainly rise your concern for your children's wale =PoRat Burow fare. You were wise to cell this m0ttQr to the a tiota of �a Po lam .� ;dice. T°ls4s is a time when Ian ®nforaetne�nt n s the Con- STAFF PAUL.BEiractor TTDofide�nce and cooperation of all csitiz®ns. KAaEL HYER - Training Coordlnator W truly Yours, C.JERRY McNEW Trelning Coordinator ^ '-3 Paul Bettlol g 6cutiva 1Xrector IPB:ws I 1 bc: Captain Adams li �a { `�k r„ ' Mr, & Mrs. Patrick Gamroth 12015 SW Lincoln Tigard, Oregon t Dear Sir, We as parents of. three are wondering what type of pro- tection our children have against narcotics. We live next to 81[ units of apartments and have had everything thrown in our back yard. Last week we found a pill bottle and some sugar cubes, that could havenharmful. We called our local police 3 department and it took a second call before they even came A s�. to pick up the sugar cubes to 'be tested. They are supposed to have checked the sugar cubes with their narcotics field test kit. The cubes were then destroyed and nothing else was done. t We are very interested in knowing whether this is standard procedure. if ii: is standard _procedure, our children aa•en' i even safe in their back yard. We would a,preciate any information you could give us on this matter. Our childrens lives are at stake, please help us get better protection for them. Sincerelyyours, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gamroth s i as kFx A 5 i CITY OF TIGARD Time: 08140 _ Dateo -15-70 POLICE DEPARTMT Sector; 2 ou property Tigard, Oregon Grid- ��- Sub ject x _ -- (possible LSD) _, OFFICER'S REPORT File No. 7877 Complainant: GAMROTN, Lir?i a Jean Comolai rant reports that at about 0900 h-114.70 her children 12Oh5 SW Lincoln found a 16oz box of ('.&H sugar tubas (opened) in her back yard near Tigard, Ore 639-080 the fence that separates her prooerty from the Villa La Paz Ants. ` The complainant was fearful that the cubes might contain TSTao The sugar cures were taken to the Tivard °olice nepartment and tested by Agent Ar.anstetter and found to 1,e free of any Tan. The complainant was notified of the results and authorized Writer to despose of the sugar. a Donald L Rea Sgt 2 REPORTING OFFICERS A3 DATE REPORT WRITTEN,. h-lh-M 'a e k V ,v fF (,IT'-- OF T HARD TiTree � MICE DEPARTMENT Sector �:e��a �u :ate __,.lam ��._... rd C^ kn-.. Grit :, ri, �rC e�tmk Cry„( G.tl Rr}GR” Ca-se N"'.1--.7.077 _- aOn the abM t data . CAM= 2563 6 t titstUs officer Md staw that thava has bow eMMUMS 4ML.% of Rae RIO Rat Gwmth zubba6la 1MttQ his bwk r&Td f directly M43 Sw Lincoln reav of his &MIMMS these P-Vavwata bahm ths Villa . �pftearammt, MumbeTs Qts mat bm= by M. am= wa ww 69 NtAtQ& It stawd at that tim that tft, a contacts Vitt the Mmaedmnt reawdus this tM of ir tut a. jbs complaftt is also knom by this oflical IaI 104MCDOOD bft have beam wagelted to the Tigard Police Wp&Ttm=t Sao aaalm as gal as t ld so was takm. I assured Me. GAMM at this UM tMt I wMad t WN aPe"MMt ad Infolm thm of his Reftwe and tMt t would also Imeem tbg apartm=t sameggazat that if sawthin w&s not dam wi g So days® Mg. GAMM wMld 004h 103al Mal civil action, am this date® this eQfiesr called 6$9-7700. ., o to tha talcPhimt f®t tba OMMamt at the villa Ufte. At that tim tMre ws MO &UMST 02 tha tQ149bm- I 2NM Made Far tact at Villa aa® a of t t ra l a r Of Mr. CAMM,S &Mllin. At that t&w II GOUN met tall whiab wirtomt house VMMwT was the esma qmrtmmt doing ths sarbs4p dIMPUMs a all ffwtmmt &-mlaftse ara in lve car" inside arat Upper mad 16=7 Staimm4fts. to ewev to dates the et arwtMna wimber you w5uld bwm to enter eaeb ®pato 160hiss act the wizdma In that avalrumat xa they view to. 1 tbam naft an attempt to emtazt dw MaMS&SMMt aPALM with so regulta& I le M ® 77a A00 at this tim Of ths 91t . I that this eomplaint had bam made t O thm Gwmv&l tft2s amd dMt ths OtMV8of tft d1we"123 b ftgamud egaistall action, thst was possible usuld be tmk= 16 81d0c ts WIVO tbia probleme At tMe tun I took me faveher action cad fwftv IMCOUP41M would to a asetaT 4f fad t t and revest. I strong again dmt dds - 4-13-70. SAO Toport a<hold by tug offtear In grartbor ImsusetLeep Mw hEmbVitumGIVOM A file �`�f 7877 is a A as ® t f G A Aalat A i I( E I i ! 70 l Dki� OF REPC}RT° REPORTING OFFICERo to re4_._�.�._._..rd9 t:C _ t �M 'lGA2ti) le W. Name of C_,mpla�.na^.mac _ 1���.� �7�!��, ®s�'r�� Add re s of C mp: Nature Date Rticei•. - .. Office- r� t _ S F'T S Y�iQ(i Ai RJ G- (7t,1�9� .a d N J�d � IsAAe V Invest:iLg tion: .,�a .aTdT/Poa ®e4w�a,v7S v io T�C ni PJ 6- ems• e- Nr :. IDO0prs ry OL. 'j IV OvaOc � �[JNa- /1,D'olaic tlf rf � � Sf►" dVMf+/a G �nPiLAr'�, GonIT, Rfa,� �,aZa/✓/rS Cj . !Y al0.+1,0 L+KfE Gvp, r.1a To OWTAZV VOM AOA WASa4 S .v® 7- d r-z f. IVY o.,I to 7'. AZff C r v 14 AC4'-#O zw ,a4 to 5 r1,..4 / oe e v ��� ° + i c r -- � k i �� 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . I lipU U A :Sx'I 1 C Sr - a - �_� J t-+.: •.-i .r� 1, MA in is 'c u -f u U ri— '- o :�'c7::�afa:nUr��x.3�a EiEa FINANCIAL STATEMENT IXPF`:`d. IITUg�$ Ap,i� 0, 1970 1969^1979 vurrpnt Year to Rudget _ ":th Late ;ouncil 3,703. 2. $ 2+634• Tirn -� icz ,! ^.oi- rte 11,130. ,43. 8,139. inistr �:r,,, 56,621. 4,3-=,7. 41,732. � ', iso ".cion 14,685. 1,105. 10,750. .;znin :.onir-� 22,279. .:.,500. 14,164. T ibro.•y 8,552. 506. 6,149. Polic.t: !)ept- 165,041. 12,691. 133,064. Pol.ic.r, Traffic S"fete✓ 7,572. 454. 5,271. Pa Nr 6,412. 354. 2,510. ":on-L`en. ? tmentl 41,656. 540. 30,781. ant i agency 2,000. Potel , T��� 651 B75,93: $255,194. enerml I��nc ;7W,-,3E L!SPCSr`.I; F"rzi. 8. $ 94 189. Ooperationanc °•:nintr,nane-p ";1"'"',167 . � v,4J Replacement and Expwsior. ,; 707. 7,=;54, 46,265. 7ontin ,enc,, 1.,9as. Transfer l1p,509. ) C' 1,557. 24,135. 98th '�✓ awe 2?_?. 64,118. Derry Deli. Leron Heights 17,109. Pinebrool< 0777' Q g Tots l'Sewer Fungi 2 ,81 ;TATE AX STREET T 'FUM'. Operation and .;ainttnnnon 52,316• ` i.,0 6, S 34,912. r Park Dept. Contingent ' 3E7• U 37,912. tail.... +P m �+ I• r ° t1, .3� ;u ty,r)06. .� ^ _ t'7'7 #° $ 122. � Operation ane' r•'aintenaner 9,426. 6�_2. 8, 4,799. 13,1.98. Cook Park 52,591. Canterbury Lane 3 Contingency 7� Total :?c�:d Fund 81 � 3 5,424. 73,911. . - =° _ SPACIAL' ASS `3`:LSrv'T `.::i? W a-incroft Bonds 1, 2,3,4, ' `16 58. � 16,046. GF.i?-?,AL DEBT r.r,P!T General. Obligntim. "lcmr' S_26,754. $ 10,828. TCTr^:I, ?3U rT ;+ 57,037. 551,193. $636,707. FINANCIAL STATF.E-ENT Rt;'VE?dUES .',pril 1970. L?6,),'70 Current Sear t:o GENERAL FUND Budnet. llorith Dat- Available Cash 7!1/69 *$ 3 ,077. 33 _8, Property Taxes 88,948. S. Delinquent Taxes 9,87?. :335. ?,330. Land Sales & Advance `faxes 2_. -0- LICENSE AND PER;^SITS Business $ 12,500. s 106. $ 12,298. Liquor 100. -0- 135. Plumbing & heating 5,000. 17 F3. 3,7A9. Building 20,000. 367. 8,639. Moving 50. -0- 19, Sign 300. 65. 281. Bicycle 250. 12. 73, FINES AND FORFEITURES Court, etc. $ 2,1,000. $ "1,500. Indigent Defendant's Fund (335, 920. USE OF _MONEY AND PROPERTY Telephone Pay Booth S 50. $ 2. S 40_ _ Interest 500. 117. 487. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES Cigarette Tax $ 13,160. $ -0- $ 10,01)5. Liquor Tax 18,095. -0- 2.,2,050. Tailer Sales Tax 250. -0 -0 Traffic Safety -rant 5,979. -0 5,973, CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES ZoningAdjustments" $ 3,000. $ 75. $ 12.5., " Document Sales 600. 43. 583, Library Fees & Fines 375.` 36.' 317. Recreation Use Fees 1,000 166. 729. Lien Check 350. 20. 272. Sub-division Application Fees 1,000. -0- - 50. FRANCHISE REVENUES Portland General Electric $ 18,200. $ -0 ; 19,739. Northwest Natural Gas 4,100. -0 4,104. Telephone 7,000. -0- 6,72.3:; Garbage 1,960.` 219. 1,716: NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Unclaimed Property Sale $ 200. $ 166: $ 235. RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Adm. of Sewer & Public works $ 65,010. S 0 $ 48,756. Gas Tax Refund 800. -0- 1,232. OTHER $ 1,000. $ 15. $ 621.s TOTAL'GENERAL`FUND *$339,651, $ '5,568.` $296,931. * Includes Supplemental Budget Page I Revenues 1969/70 Current `..-ear to SEWER FUND Budget !Month Urate Available Cash 7/1/69 $211,989. S�22,825, CHARGES FOR CURRENT S10VIC2S Sewer Service Charges ° 70,200, :r 12,167. 62,930, Sewer Connection Fees 77,868. 510. 54,705. Sewer Construction Inspction 2,500, 7O. 770, LICENSE & PERMITS Sewer Permits 500. - 4, 8 'Co. USE OF MONEY & PROPERIY Interest 3,000. 4 203. $ 6,''17. REVE1\'UES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Subventions 2,325. -0-- $ 710, Federal Subventions 8,421, 4,873. (Pinebrook, Inc.) RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Assessments Engineering, Etc, $ 5,500. S -0- $ 363_ Assessments Legal, Etc. 2.,000_ -0- _0- Other Recovered Expenditures 500. -0- -0- OTHER $ 50. -n- alp IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS 98th Street Derry Dell Lenon Heights TOTAL SEWER FUND $384,856. $ 12,904. 5354,465.' STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 11,561, $ 13,908. W� ` REVENUES FROMOTHERAGENCIES 'StaYg 'rasoline Tax $ 49,162, $ -0- 58,875.:. USE OF MONEY Interest $ 50. $ 63. $ 692.' TOTAL STATE TAX STREET $ 60,773. $ 63, $ 73,475. ROAD FUND Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 9,358. $ 9,358. ' Revenues from other Agencies $ 18,980, $ 160. $ 1,91.9. (Cook Park Incl.) County Road Tax 10,000. 101, 9,898. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Permits $ 100, $ -0_ $ -0- Public Works-Construction Fees 900, -0- 467, Sale of Street Signs 400, -0- 448. Other _0- -0-. 165, USE OF 'MONEY Interest $ 75. $ 18, $ 92. Improvement Districts Canterbury Lane $ 10,505. <' $ 10,505,-' TOTAL ROAD FUND $ 39,813, $ 10,784, $ 32,852, Page 2 Revenues 1969/70 Current Y,ar. to BANCF.OFT BONDS f-15 Int. c uc1- ::!,int}; D�tr Available Cash 7/l/69 45,221. 38,721_ Assessments 42, 3, .1, 5, $ 12,000. 56, S a ` f Interest 4,95£1. TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS $ 62,179. 744, 52,331 GENEI:AL OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/69 22,553. Taxes $ 2,505. TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 25,068, Page 3`Revenues i P�:.. l♦:vu 1.�EPAR."M N" CONSOLIDATED M%QdTH Y REPORT MONTH ,,-F APRIL 19 70 <_`F T-FRS NNE:. NUMER ICA 1 i A VIMAGE l PER C E N ' STRENC; { A 1 LY A BSEN(-r`DA'_-Y ABSENCE� AVERAGE E1;7FC? 1YE STRENGTH S E, d tai �Sm I n ame this montal mon Int T.'.I"'I Tr'un .:;` I T,O:' ht ?'.t?r i M02i.,::,a � 11� nor--h y v y a yeas I TOTAL PEHS ONNEL 17 13 7.2 9.�3 CHIEF 9S OFFICE 2 1 1.2 , 3 E0� 3'1! _ f3 7 SERVICES DIt'IS M 5 1.8 30a I FOr PATROL DIVrS, J 9.7 _- .. .5-' ._3.2 155.2_. )1.2 K.5 INVESTo SECT. 0 0 3 003 �.3 ,w__. j __. .,....3.., �. � 0" 0 T, FORCE ONE li 3 1,5 J 1-1 379 37% d 2.5 FORCE TWO 7 3.5h 2 2 s 37� 3.8 FORCE THREE E 62.2 2.0 . _37%_.I_ .50° 3.8._r 3_•7 2.0 CHANGES ?N PERSONNEL � DATLY AA'ERACM PATROL STRENGTH 1. Present for;duty�Yend�Cf las monrhV000aa lE?_ Th_?.,�- ➢Sarre month _ rixar, last year 2. Recruited dur3.ng inon r.......U a o 0 o a o 3o Reinstated during mon,..T .o... ....... l„ Total number 6field Total to account fo 'oou.o,....� .a... 17 1 o.ff_cers.... 10. 9. Less Agents As� �g� 4. Separations from the se,v,Le+ ned to Ir..vest_gat.o _ .3 .3 (a) Voluntary reslgnat.. on n,,. 0 0 Average daily abs- (b) Retirement0 I ences f field orf- .o.om..00..00a..a I i^ers owing to,. (c) Resigned with ch,rges pend-ng" (a) Vacat.lono- lrsp- (d) Dropped during p obat o 0 I ens on days off, (e) Dismissed for Jca,se ........ Cx � compo 'meq etc_ 2.9 3.0_ (£) Killed In bine ctfuuy 0000. O � (b) Sick & nju ad, 1.3 .2 (g) Deceasedv i o....o....o..00..o (y) Schools, et:..., .0 . Total separatlonSo............o® 0, 1 n� Total average daily, 5o Pr`esen t for duty at.. end of menth, p...a e 17 absences,... li [ 3.2 !°. Available f or duty. 5.2 5.5 "tUTACE JEPAR`rIVENT MONTIT1,Y REPORT GR I Mr; INDEX AND P01 TCF ACTiV_r'r�. Z RENi� OFFENSES ENOWN CLASSI ICAt tON OF T ept r ry t "A tLai' t T L ,.t r e , YF.i! s. T dc. (iF E'EN�F f7;t r!' :!?•. :.h ,rea �:o \-`i-o aTt 1T 0')."h', S o Lrtt o _ p (Pa_ _ .. 4.. Y to M_? r C. No.- Maa 0 E 0_.__,_._. ._. 0 1 0 ; 0 0 mC,rG� i 0 0 0 ( 0 Zito Rape ty Furcs m_. 0F _ _ 0� 1 a At,r ntp R;,p<- 1 0 I 0 30 � 2 ( o �. ��� v o 2 No Wea o 0 Asst .t Tc ,al. 1 3 _0 _ ;UT) 100% 0 un 300% 0 0 ::J:-,--_ 1 bo K :f 2 7 0 0 0� un 200 0. _S Other Wc-ap.�.r.�._ 0 .� ' _ 0�.._ �0 '" 0 d0 Tia d FyJ etc. 1_ _ v_ 0-._..._._ UT) 100�wi 0 5- au--g1ayy Total 13 w 39 _7 UT) 86% 21� wan 8 a. Y _ U z ; h e Ent.-v _ 6 b. Tut Fit Uses _>0 un c o Ent. 3' _:� 6 �0 un 1 e lug. 500% --- 60 Za er.4 r $5o.oc 17: 3 l up !t6% 21 up 105 a Axs�o�T'ilea t �._.� ___L3___ 7 011..�.._.� - 0�...� �,0 Crtme ±r:dex TO a. L 31- _ 98 10 un 21% 11n 118% lb. Manslaughter — Neglwgenc 0 0 0 0 0 0 eo Mer As.Aults - (Not, Aggra,rated) � � 2 4 1 s 100% 3 6b, Larcercr Unde3 �a -- $50,00 11 j 48 I 10' up 105r, 37 un 301 I~ 1 PARTOTAL ' ¢ Y C lttt ?5021 u 11 8 u 2 Totaf 7art r Ixae dents 6 _p a 153t � up 0 `f 18 211 Total Miso o Non- T j 9 criminal, Calls -1 - 126 600 112 _ un 13% L66 un 29% Total Cal11s fo Ser race 216 g03 176 �3uF_m 2,3 740 -1up 22 -- �aga two x DEPARTMENT IAMTHLY REPORT GFE'ENSES C.11-FARED ARREST YEAR TO E NUMBER OF CrF'FF NSE5 [I FERC ENT OF OFFENSES CLASS IFI(.A`I ION OF CFEARED BY ART-LEST k CLEARED BY ARREST CiFFENSES - VTc ua �a By A r ps Tot a.1 Clear -1 By A r s?. of (Pari {Iris.."_9,1 r € � s -- P son=� U t zP I I Person_ Under y� La ' r _ ThLz € n�� � ` Thi_ La.t 'Year I Year YAa; i ` Year Year Ye:i a Yea 10 C mi'a t. Hcmi^a. � 1 I Mrd� and Non— i /� 1 0 0 0 n 0 . I� neg 1 -g� Mai a ghtr 0 0 -6 0 e � 1` L Manslaughter by : Nei! 1gen,� 1 o n 0 i 7 0 0 n O 20 Fr c b'e Rape , 1 � iI 0_ r 0 0 1 0 0 0 t.,_m. y 0 >o Rape by Force 0 0 1 0 0 0 sl. ,Q } _ _ I_ A l rop Rap._ 0 0 0 _ �yA-._ 121 t-'t` nr T c.al2 0 1 0 1 100% 0 1.00% i 0 I ^moo ATTi B� i I I �.,. 0 __slr?0� s � _1000 0 to NoWa t- p _. 0s _.- I 0 �- 4 I A�vau r t Total i 2 r I 0 29 60% a o tsar' _ ��, i o I:Yl F 1. C 0 r _1 .,._..., 3 _..._. Y N 3__.__ .�_ _..Q•_�.-- 50% 0 Other Weapon0 ry0 � 0 0 0 � 0 � 0 0 1_r o, 0 ,;� 0 �_�10 I 0� 100 _ _x__0=a_�z a.a Other Assau?t5 i (Not Aggravated) 0 1 3 0 O 0 _6th`' I 0 0 5. Burglary Total 0 2,. 0 � 2_._ a. Forcible Entry ! p �.0 0 e 0 O 0 b No Forge Used�- p r 2„ - 0_m 2 9 0 Attempt Entry 0 -��- 0 � a0 0 0 0 60Larceny- + a. $50000 & Over r 2 0 2a 0 5% 0 5% 0 bo Undue $50000 12 10 i7 8' 25% 27%� 1K� 2? --- 7. Auto Theft 13 2 � 31 27 1�0%_n GRAND TOTAL X20 I 17 � m 11 13% 19% 11% 13% Page three pry DF T NT N lTs _'i` �a r'Ats.Mfi_�� .1w11ti H:;� REI�tR"` IIDFt: LIFFENS)` Ir3u�I4J*: c HA 111 Zx r - �`'I �',iV �E ]`->(:`w t1i..� `Y1. v"i_ t•' '•d1T' tilt (Par� I_: as es:) Mu..,..', Da I.a-s t Y, ar I.a_ a — -- - --- - —. _ N,iprje•.° Per era? i,. Forge— P C � c 3oOi' 17 20cYR I au 3 1 21 8 1679; 4� h511Ii`� 3. Sion r F opv. '_y - C*1r 0 ! h. 0 r � > 2 0 5. Sex Offense,-2 a (Equ F«-, R<pe,) 3 200% y. �.4 11a o v.Tc 23 ' - 00 - a 2 i Z aA,_ _.� c . ,�< ,. Laws � o i 6 i e� _.. .a..,._-...� 2 200 10 '. D5,_ �..��� _ 1 0 8. - 60%� 9. Disorderly .__,� _.� yCcncll ,a u0_ 2 ; 0 _0 14. �Ja<idalllzl m 1.1.. Ca fpr, x m _ _ n -- - "rt ax ,y _ � 10 13 - 4 a av 15� 15 -� 15� 12. Puz,amriry- & I o EsvP� 5 9 17 _ p o up 500 5 Sun 2hO 13. Arson0 0 _ 0 - — All Other 9 r 1 � a� _ a 3 22 1�4� !ab — 109% — PART .'I: TOTAL 46 153 43 up 07? 187 22% POLICE VEHICLE REPORT EITW Miles Driven Final Mjles Gas Used Oil. Used Repairs & Cost per anile to Ma n+enance Operate Ven .cl.e #2 8,032 _ 712 X11QtS 289.90 6.3 #3 3,191 6,792 299* ' 8 QtS. 145-06 4.5 A 1.,573 41,14o 163 ' 8 Cats.' 73.69 1a.7 #5 - 562 29527 57 0 11.70 2.0 9,`798 U-3-1-- 0.3 L.P.G. FUEL CONVER TON Average Cost Per Mile h.3 . Page four FF ;;Fj m. 01"T Lti SE_' rf' .,'? � i'PF:>: c`�4F Gi rr AftFF`. - i r 1 s 0 i 0 0 0 1 j10°' i PT V 1 , 2 ? ? i 1 1100 bow 100% 33% m, , 5. 0 1 I 0 0 �_� 6. I 0 ."s 2 0 � 0 7 t.ir _ " .z. 80% 7 0 0 i 80% 87 0 0 0 ! 0 `l00% tomo 0 1Ca V `ua. 1 2 06% 1 a c 'i 11 1 15 ! 100% I - a 13 _ 100 (low loa> 3 _ t_....5 _ _ .. _ - l Eapf !15 5 1 15 � 5 ; � 100 � look � look look � A�" o+r� i19 26 i 5� i� _3 lY 86% `i 57 � _ ?-3% `G14N- TCfr-A L i59 69 w 40 - 4324 ��' 3. 32% 26% I 17 OTIM ACTIVITIES G.LASSIFIOA?ION OF ACTIVITIES� THI MONTH SAh� MONTH LAam YEAR 1 Vicat c ?ic;uP1 se Checks �de v 1la1 _ ._, 34 e _ -_ 11 7 w 2a ouej3 Nc)ors & Windows Found - - 3, �c I, P c,wl `Checks Ma3e ___ 93_ _ l 1 X09 $o As ��, R�nde �d r� O Iie: Agen � 0 258 �_. 210 5. Aid Given to G, - �, Warrants Served 0 _f F- d In f_vrdga} ion Reports Made e w SZ 103 _ 8. 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ACT:.VITY - THIS MONVH� ti Fadsr Messages Loggedm o T-lepho. e Call's Logged x,1;05 Ca,-S�'Yrpe �,e A ai=?' 0 2,725 P rtsu* do L_a4s m m 3 061 6 1.023 As s` s G' en o 0 he* Ages.[c,e, ------------------------ - - Ol�her A_t-` i s es e --------- o 258 s _ -- 1„ 211 APA.ID OVERTIME LOGGED BY ALL PERSONNEL Y TH IS,MONTH - SAME MONTH I,AST YEAR (Chief of Police and Catainr105) 75 i ,- 158; End of repor-. for Month of April ��9.�p Hugh H. Wilk inson Chief of Folz:ce PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR APRIL, 1970 1. SEWER DIVISION REPORT: A. ;Monthly Data STATE CRITERIA TOTAL AVE DESIGN CAPACITY Flow (gal) 28 ,107,000 936 ,000 700,000 Solids Collected (gal) 35,420 1,080 n Chlorine Used (lb) 1,407 47 n/a BOD (ppm) 78 20 Suspended Solids (ppm) 49 20 _ ^4PN (per 100 ml) 1,000 Plant Efficiency 62% 85% B. Three major repair problems occured at the treatment plant this month. The magnetic starter for the secondary filter recir- culation burned out. As a result, a new starter and other parts were replaced in a section of the panel. Repairs to the panel were made by Frahler Electric. The secondary clarifier No. 1 was out of commission for three days as a result of someone throwing several pieces of concrete over the north property line --- fence into the secondary clarifier. The cost for repairs are apparently reimbursible through our insurance company. Tile Bonita Lift Pump Station had one pump motor out of commission for the majority of this month. Repairs to it are not complete at this time, however, it is expected that the pump will be back in operation by the 15th of �1ayc C. Stevens, Thompson and 'Runyan investigated' the possibility of federal financing on the sewer treatment plant expansion and found that we are not eligible for "any° federal funds. D. A` disposal site has been arranged through the Washington County Health Department for disposal of the digester sludge on a .weekly basis. Approximately "2,000';gallons of sludge will be pumped each week; the cost of which will be substantially less = than we have paid in the past.` It has cost the City from $40`. to $50. per thousand for disposal by the Aloha° Sanitary Service. Tentatively, we have arranged with the Unified Sewerage Agency to haul our sludge at a cost of $15. per hour for one man and k their truck. With the site we are presently using, it will Y. cost- as approximately $80.. per `'month-for disposal of our sludge. E. The primary digester still has not recovered at this time. The ph is far below a satisfactory level. We are presently considering_`the possibility of pumping from the secondary digester to "the primary as the condition of the secondary is much better. Stevens, Thompson and Runyan are advising ,us quite closely on operational procedures in trying to revise the primary'digester. 2. PARK AND STREET DIVISION REPORT A. Cascade Construction Company has completely installed the base rock on the Cook Park Road. The leveling course and the asphalt has been delayed because of the inclement weather during the last part of April. The completion date now will probably not be before the end of May. B. An inspection was made by the state for progress payment on Cook Park. The amount due at this time is $10, 543.18. C. Again much of the time spent by the Public 11orks Depart- ment was in the park. The irrigation system has been balanced and the seeding was completed. Estimated date of opening of the park is June 15th. It is hoped that by then the grass will have matured sufficiently for public use. D. Installation of the playground equipment at Woodard Park is still pending completion. 3. ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT Traffic counts taken in the month of April, 1970. STREET AT 1970 S. W. Walnut 121st 1114 (w) S. W. 121st Walnut 1387 (s) S. W. Canterbury Lane 9911 1328 S. W. Bull Mountain Road 99W 1572 B. Contracts have been signed ;by the developers of the Karol Court Subdivision. The only remaining contract to be signed is by ,Jim-Aikens on the Creasmer -Subdivision. C. Parking Ordinance 70-9 was passed by the City Council establishing "no parking" in four' additional areas: ; S. W. Electric Street at the intersection of Hall and )9W, along 99W at the north 'city limits and at the entrance to the Pineb'rook Subdivision off of Hall Boulevard. D. L. I. D. Projects PROJECT COMPLETED STATUS Derry Dell 30% Closed 'down 98th & Commercial 96% repairs necessary to Grant' Street Leron 'Heights 96% Clean up Necessary The only work completed on>L.I.D. projects this month was on the 98th and Commercial -Street Sewer in that the contractor had 9 8th Street oiled and rocked. Some minor work was done ,on the Leron Heights Sewer Project :in cleaning up of the lots. Page 2 - Public Works Monthly Report - April, 1970 E. The Boundary Review Co.,wmission set a public hearing date for the amended Ziegler Annexation. This hearing date is to be May 6, 1970. Respectfully submitted, Keith C. Thompson Director of Public .•corks KCT/bns Page 3` - Public works Report - April, 1970