City Council Packet - 06/08/1970 T_GARD CITY COJNC_L R.ESUiAR MEET:N,'- JUNK 8, 1970, 7130 .i'.. FIWLER JR. H GH SCHOOL __6RARY ROAM, AGENDA. 1, CALL TC ORDER 2 ROLL. CALI 3, PLIFEGF Of- AILFG_kNCE 4,: APPROVAL OF 1,1INJTr_•5, May ;-'5, 9:C 5� 6VRZTTEN CCy,L,I )NICAT!GNS 6: APPROVAL OF BILLS $62,482 66 7, MONTHLY REPORTS (a) p5min strator (h) Building (c) Finance 'd) Police (e) Public Works 8o FRED MEYER ANNEXATICN (a) Recommendation of City Aaminostratcr 9, FINAL PAYMENT CASCR E CONSTRUCT:ON COMPANY $6225 40 - COOK PARK ROAD- 'a) Recommendation of Lirectar Of Public Works 10. OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL AP"r LICAT.CN - Package Store Class B"License Tradewell Stores, :nc, (Fra rie Market) , 8950 S.W. Cc:mnercral (a) Recommendation c,f City Aami nistrator 11, SEWER IMPROVEMENT PRCjECTS (a) Finan Payment Leron Heights $I260 00 10% Retainer on Fina., 98th Street $2504.05 Stevens, Thompson & Rgnyan, Ppant Expansion $53,059.46 !b) Recom endation of Director of public Works 12, OPENING OF £;SLS FOR SALE 3F BvNZS -- CANTERBURY LANE FRCJECT gA5,6e3.i2 (a) Bid Opening 8:00 P.M. (b) Recommerndatior, of City Attorney 13, FANNO CREEK RECREATION PRC%ECT FEAS: ILITY STUDY Page 1 - Council Agenda 5/8%70 g 14. ORDINANCE No. 70_. AN i;r.r.TNAieCE AQTHGR,ZING CCN :T:.NA;_ J5E'S) --- CN L.AN,^_S CF Dame's, [Yltigrns o Sanie s. Constructicn, in Section • T2S, R1: W.M. TIGARD�, ["AE1,,,.-NGT.--N CGUNTY, OF.c:G�,N. ^,.ap #251 2AD, TaY 7 of 26CO, Requost. lox Cf7r;a ticr:a. Lor- a gei,crai contractor's 14-4 ;,Gne !;nu�str ai _arkl Api. cat oi: , r aper.^,cc_a by Plar.r. rgr.rr. �,on_rg 'a1 Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. 15 CITY OF T11-,ARD ZON1N3 CRDINANCT01' 1970, Recccifvinq %-necdments and Supplements to the Text (a) Public Hear--ng 8:00 F.M. 16. OTHER BUSINESS 17. CALL TO .AUDIENCE FOR THOSE CEST_RINI; TO SPEAK 18., ADJOURNMENT CITY OF TIGARD BUD3ET C:O'MITTEE WIL . MEET !WMEDI_ATEIY AFTER COUNCIL MEETING, _ a Page ':2 Agenda -.6/8/70 T I G A R D C 1 T Y C O U ;; C I L REGULAR MBITING JUNE 8, 1970, 7:30 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor F. G. Yyle, Councilmen Floyd II. Bergmann, Daniel L- Larsen, Robert C. Moore, Thoma.s M� O''Halloran; Fred Ae .:nderson, City Attorney; Stephen M. Telfer, City Administrator; Keith C, Thompson, Director of Publ. c.. Works; Doris flartig, City Recorder 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIIJANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, May 25; 1970 (a) Councilman Moore noted last paragraph, item 10, Pearl Koskovich Conditional Use Application was denied by a majority vote of Council and requested minutes be corrected. (b) Minutes were approved as corrected, 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter from League of Oregon Cities outlining program for June 10th meeting. -5. APPROVAL OF BILLS 362,297,66 (a) City Administrator requested check 2113 Wilde Electric Works, 8185.00 be:deleted. (b) Motion to approve: Councilman O'Halloran; seconded.by Councilman Bergmann'. Approved by unanimous vote of Council 6. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Moore. seconded by Council- man-Larsen, Approved by unanimous vote of Council 7. FRED MEYER AI4NEXATION (a) Motion by Councilman Larsen to endorse Fred Meyer Annexation for r^Psentation to 'Boundary Review Commission; seconded by'Councilman O'Halloran— Approved by unanimous vote of Council.' 8. AUTHORIZE FINAL PAYMENT OF $6225,40 Cook Park Road Cascade Construction Co. (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Bergmann; seconded by Councilman O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 9, OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL APPLICATION Package Store Class B License ' Tradewell Stores, Inca (Prairie Market) 8950 'SeW� Commercial (a) City Administrator stated policedepartment had reviewed and had no objections, (b) Motion by Councilman O'Halloran to approve apnlicat,on; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 10, AUTHORIZE PAYMIs'NT OF 10% 16�,TAINER .- Final Payment 981h Street (a) Director of Public Works recommended final payment of $2504.05 and of this amount $409.60 be made payable to sub-contractor, Owen Snyder, Director of Puhlic ';lork_s recommended penalty clause not be enforced. (b) Motion to authorize payment of u2504.05; Councilman Bergmann; seconded by Councilman O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 11. AUTHORIZE FINAL PAYMENT Leron heights Improvement District ;1.260- (a) Motion to authorize payment: Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 12. STEVENS, THOMPSON & RUNYAN ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS - Plant Expansion 413,059048 (a) Director of Public Works recommended payment of 80% of engineering fee for plant expansion. (b) Motion to approve: Councilman Larsen, seconded by Council- man Moore, Approved by;unanimous vote of Council. 13. FANNO CREEK RECREATION PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY (a) , Council and staff briefly discussed report and reouested Mr. Meyer'discuss at a regular Council session; ;-Admin- istrator and City Attorney expressed concern that the liability of each entity has not been indicated<in agreement. ° Administrator to _write to Robert Meyer Engineering and report back to Council. 14. BID OPENING- SALE OF BONDS CANTERBURY LANE PROJECT945,683.12 (a) Bid Opening 8:00 P.M. Bids as Follows: First National Bank 6 3/8% total interest cost :17,194,38; effective interestrate 6,3522%, Cashier's check enclosed U.S. National Bank bonds maturing 1971-75 inclusive 6%, bonds maturing '1976-80 inclusive 6 % total interest cost $17,447.82 effective interest rate' 6.4458% Cashier's check enclosed (b)' City Administrator recommended bid be awarded to First National Bank (c) - Motion to accept bid of First National Bank: Councilman Larsen; seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council: Page 2 - Council Minutes 6/8/70 T 15e ORDINANCE No; '70-19 is 01 Ofd 7., 0rDaniels. ldi ins, rruel� Constr�ctiorr, in section Ill � ,l:n,_ ri:3ard, 'dashington Cout t} Ore ori, %iap 2S1 2AD, Tax Lot 2600 Re,Jue fer Condi rias uce for a t enerai contractor'-, ()ifice and warehouse in M-A, zone (Industrial. Park); (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P,M� Mr. Rolland Daniels, developer, te:;ti£ied for conditional use Public Hearing Closed (b) Motion to adopt: 7ouncilman Moore, seconded h; Ccunc.ilman BerFinanna Approved by unanimous vote of Counci:L. 16. CITY OF TIGARD 'OI'IIeG O1,DJi\jAXC13 OF 1970, RecodifyinE- mendrnents and Supplements to the Text (a) Public Hearing 8,00 flrM1 No Testimony Motion by Councilman Bergmann to continue public hea.r_ing to June 22nd Council meeting; seconded by Cou_nciiman 01 Halloran. Approved by unanimous voce of Councils OTHER BUSINESS A. City Administrator reported Public Works Dept: wished to t -ins port 9 NYC employees from Hillsboro to work in nark and on road cleanup, Employees would be transported in pickup and city proposes to purchase canopy and seats in_amount`of $3540 City Attorney recommended our insurance be endorsed to cover, also the driver should be carefully;'selected, -(1) Motion by Councilman Moore to purchase canopy and seats for u354, subject to further inspection of insurance situation; seconded by Councilman O'Halloran, Approved by unanimous vote of Council, B. Adjournment 8:30 P�M� ATTEST: City Recorder Mayor Page 3 — Council Minutes 6/8/70 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYTIENT June 8, 1970 GENERAL FUND U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of April 30, 1970 v 5,279,62 Receipts 33,939.73 Bills Paid May 25, 1970 ( 2,085.89) _ Balance si' 37,133.46 Check No. l-G7 -Otto Sorg - Library Rent (15) 4' 166.00 6169 Dept, of Motor Vehicles - License Susp. (11 30.00 6170 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. - Supplies (Ifl 50.00 6172 Portland Community College - Emp. Training 13 18.00 6173 Robert Oliveric - Travel 16 60.00 6174 Charlotte Lester - Police Matrons'Uniforms(16) 8.00 6220 Allen Oliverio - Remodeling - Police Dept. ((j(16)) 42.00 6228 Gene Dunn - Recreation Program 17 182.38 6229 Petty Cash - (10)2.20 (12)33.70 (14)3.00 (16)4.01 42.91 6230 Business Equipment Bureau - (12)66.47 (13) 1.50 (14)29.47 (14.1)1.23 (16)50.93 (16A)15.50 165.10 6231 Multnomah County - (12)9.64 (16) .92 10.56 6236 Leonard Misso (17) 200.00 6244 Northwest Natural Gas Co. 18) 37.34 6245 Portland General Electric Co. - (18)1235.84 (Trust( 32.10 1,267.94 6246 State Accident Insurance Fund - Ins. (18) 10.00 6247 Doris Hartig - Mileage 12 8.00 6264 Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield - Plan Study (14) 2,048.78 6266 Bonita Glass - Glass (16A) 5.85 6267 Commercial Communications - Radio Main. 16) 31.00 6268 Eldon Graham - Rad�- Repairs (16) 20.00 6269 Nine-T-Nine-- Sales & Service - Car Repair(16) 21.45 6270 Platt Electric Supply - Main. (16A) 25.42 6271 Carl Cox - Main. (16A) 17.90 6272 Pargas - Auto Main. 16) 171.15 6273 REA Express - Chgs.on books from Wash.D.C.(16) 28.25 6274 Southwest Office Supply - Supplies (17) 16.00 6275 Valley Auto Parts - Main. (16) 4.74 6276 Westway Chrysler-Plymouth'- Car Repairs 16 90.57 6277 Woolach - Auto Main. (16 2.50 6278 judge Wm. H. POOle` (11 275.00 6286 Lonnie Branstetter>- Mileage (16 9.44 Bank Check Printing Chgs. 12 9.20 Payroll, Taxes &Deductions 17,779.78 22,855.26 Bank Balance $14,278.20 SEVIER:FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of,April 30,'1970 32,483.77 From Time Deposit 10,000.00 Receipts 3,454.84 Bills Paid May 25, 1970 ( 1,423:94) Balance 44,514.67 Check No. 2091 First National Bank - Sinking Fund v 356.94 2092 Undergound Construction Co. - 98th Ave. (32.3) 1,064.79 ` 2111 Portland PrecisionInstrument-Main. (30) 182.75 2112 Willis Mechanical Contractor - Sewer Plant 31 8,844.48 2113 Wilde Electric Works - Repair Bonita Road Lift Station (30) 185.00 2114 Beryl Rich - Mileage (30) 32.08 2115 Knauss Chevrolet Co. - New Pickup (30 2,850.32 2116 Aloha Sanitary Service -;Repairs to Clarifier 45.00 2117 American Industrial Service - Laundry ((30) 7.40 2118 Portland General Electric Co. (30) 22.47 6171 Clerk-Circuit Court - Easement-Derry Dell (32.4) 220.50 6229 Peaty Cash (31) 24.83 6230 Business Equipment Bureau - Copying 31) .38 6231 Multnomah County - Supplies (31) 27.18 6244 Northwest Natural. Gas Co. (30) 114.18 6245 Portland General Electric Co. (30) 277.09 SEVIER FUND, Continued 6274 Southwest Office Supply - Supplies 30.70 Bank Check Printing Chgs. �30) 12.66 Payroll, T:xes & Deductions 4,729.93 Transfer to General Fund 15,627.00 $ 34,655.68 Bank Balance $ 9,858.99 STATE TAX STREET FUND U.S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of April 30, 1970 $ 10,956.75 Bills Paid May 25, 1970 ( 730.04) balance $ 10,226.71 Check No. 2103 Feenaughty Machinery Co. - Equipment Rental(20) $ 355.00 1574 Tigard Sand & Gravel Co. - Rock (20) 108.00 1575 Air Mac, Inc. - Tandem Roller 20) 1,665.00 1576 Ken R. Humke Co. - Supplies 20) 95.06 1577 Valley Petroleum & Welding - Supplies 15.77 1579 Union Oil Co. - Oil 20 51.54 6275 Valley Auto Parts - Main. & Supplies 20 12.60 6277 Woolach - Main. 20) 5.00 Bank Check Printing Chgs. 20 12.05 Payroll, Taxes & Deductions 1,935.94 $ 4,255.96 Bank Balance $ 5,970.75 ROAD FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of April 30, 1970 $ 7,932.05 Receipts 110.00 Bills Paid May 25, 1970 ( 465.95) Balance $ 7,576.10 Check No. 6229 Petty,Cash (20)6.70 (41.1) 3.16 .$ 9.86 6244 Northwest Natural Gas Co. ' (20) 36.04 6245 Portland General Electric Co. (20 6.87 6275 Valley'Auto Parts - Main. (203 5.12 4 2118 P_•rtland General Electric Co. - Park (20) 2.50 1578 Tigard Automotive Supply - Main. (20)) 9.52 1580 Overall Industrial Laundry - Laundry 20) 20.85 z To General Fund 625.00 715.76 Bank Balance $ 6,860.34 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND U. S. NATIONAL. BANK $' 740.55 3AITCROFT BOND#2 & INT. U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 278,00 BANCROFT BOND #3 & INT.. U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 729.68 BANCROFT BOND #4 & INT. U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 1,887.07 BANCROFT BOND #5 & INT. U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 1,862.68 TOTAL PAYABLES $ 62,482.66 TOTAL BANK BALANCES $ 42,466.26 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Monthly Progress and Status Report DATE: May 11, 1970 1. Bomb Threat Procedure g Recently, Tigard High School experienced a bomb threat necessitating the vacation of the school and a thorough search before the building could be secured. The Washington County Sheriff's Office, City of Tigard Police Department, and Tualatin Rural Fire District were involved in this process. As a result of this happening, the first of its kind, our police department has developed a standardized procedure that has been accepted by the school district and involves use of manpower from several of the local governmental agencies. A modified version of this procedure has also been established for certain of our private business enterprises in the city that might be subject to similar threats. We feel that it is important that this procedure not be publi- cized, inasmuch as it is likely to arouse people to attempt a bomb threat to see if it works. 2. Police Department Activity "> As most of you are aware, there has,been `a growing juvenile crime problem in the Leron Heights neighborhood. The department has established a heavy patrol in that neighborhood, including the use of un-uniformed reserve officers in various private vehicles. In addition, the department has scheduled a meeting with the parents in the neighborhood`in an effort to explain the city's 'policies-regarding ;law enforcement and our responsibilities for law enforcement throughout the city in general, in my last monthly report,_ I indicated a crime involving, the slaying of_ducks 'at-the Gerber Legendary Blade Company. This crime has been resolved, the parties involved have been referred to JuvenileCourt, and appropriaterestitutionis being made with Gerber;Legendary Blade Company,, A series of meetings between the City and school district have been started in an effort to increase our communication regarding the juvenile crime problem in the community. It is our hope that this will lead to better awareness on the part of both agencies of each other's problems and responsibilities in this troublesome area. 3. Tax Base Campaign The staff has been diligently working on a presentation to be used at various coffees throughout the community to settle our need for a new tax base. Our pitch will consist of a slide presentation approximately 25 minutes long, utilizing slides of flip charts and actual pictures of city services. It is my intention to have a meeting Thursday evening, May 14, at 7:30 P.M. in the Fowler Jr. High School Library to explain our tax base needs and try out the slide presentation on all members of our various boards and commissions and other inter- ested citizens. I am hopeful that we will be able to utilize these various citizens to help sponsor coffees and particularly to develop an election day telephone campaign. 4. Tigard Water District As I have indicated before, I have been exploring informally the possibility of obtaining_water for-the-Tigard-area-from the Lake Oswego water system, which utilizes Clackamas River water. In -. order to accomplish adequate cost comparisons and quantities' required in the 'future, a detailed engineering study will have to be accomplished. I have therefore asked Stevens, Thompson & Runyan to provide me with a letter regarding this effort and am now in a position of preparing to sit down with the three pro city water commissioners to explain the need for this study. It is my hope that they will recognize the need for improved s engineering and agree to an operational merger to effectsuch a study, together with other economies. I have also been working with Marty Johnson, the Tigard water District Board Chairman, on a possibility of joint billing, utilizing the services' of a 'computer 'service bureau. I- will report more information on this matter to you as I learn more about the costs'and benefits. 5. Annexation Interest in Clackamas County Last Wednesday evening, I was asked to participate in a meeting of property owners of approximately 60 acres of land east of Interstate 5 in the area of Bonita Road and the proposed extension of the Beaverton '-Tigard Freeway. It'was apparent that they are Page 2 - Progress Report 5/11/70 very unhappy with Clackamas County and the lack of services they are receiving. It appears as though there is interest in the direction of annexing to the City of Tigard. I made it rather clear to them that I could not commit the City Council with respect to annexation, zoning or other matters, but that I was sure the Council would be willing to review the situation and indicate their intentions accordingly. It is my understanding that Bob Aungier, a realtor, is preparing to circulate a petition amongst these property owners. I have asked him to prepare a map indicating the extent of the area involved so that we may review it at your study session next week. 6. Improved Traffic Signalization on 99W Enclosed in your folders is a letter received from Larry Rulien of the State Highway Department, indicating a less expensive way of improving, to some extent, the flow of traffic on 99W during rush hours. I would like to dis-;,uss this subject in more detail at your Council Meeting Monday evening or at your next study session. While this less expensive program is not ideal, it does appear to offer some immediate relief at a minimal expense. 7. Sign;Ordinance The Citizens Sign Committee has completed its efforts and will shortly be 'presenting. the :Final proposed ordinance to the City Council for action. It is my recommendation that the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission review this jointly and hold publichearings jointly to speed up' the process. The Tigard Chamber of Commerce, acting through its 'Civic Affairs Committee, is currently reviewing, the draft and is prepared' to endorse the proposal. Respectfully submitted, J SMT/jp Page 3 Progress Report = 5/11/70 O(DCc r-; C)c -c'. m c I Cl c ri ac c, U Cl 0 z, C O L'7 C7 a Ci; ' r{ i� "� �,�•cl c� s= � s:� y <: I r3`c D O n c5 O of J-1:�1.O.Ul ID O - ri cli (DHNv ri l0 rn �D f� U U e r, �7 + F-1 H u' :c. c : cd 41 U' '1 a) NO zS N lS•.-I :' (cL' Fi .i N•ri —1 s- F 0) ri c� a+ m+ cn r; mWc:oG + `c-i W•.-1 tY,•fi i~;"•Ori+' cr t FINAPICIAL STAT"!,.,T NT 7,-XPE!TPITURES May 311,19r7�0 J. �7` {J-, .—11) ) Veyr .tc 'uda�et ` T;t_� t c:Tn,,i1 3,703. 39. ?,073. Court 11,170. 576. 8,715. i.ri cr io 5 ,,621. 4,261. 45,993, 7-1 cair,= pt.. X4,685. 1,047. 11,797. I Innin; ?onin'- 2�,279. 2,993. 17,157. T i)r,1-1ry 8,552. 505. 6,654. Police )er_t. 165,041. 11,615. 144,679 PoIi ce Tr, f i'ic S,-fety 7,572. 573. 5,844. P.-1nk 6,412. 403. 2,913. Non-Department'-,) 41,656. 2.937. 33,718. Contin„enc;, 2_,00 Tot<,l General Fund 339,6 1 24,949. $280,143. "E,vAG?: I=PCS!,L FUND Cner tior: Eind ',laintenance '122,161. $19,668. $113,858. 2eplacecnPnt nd ,g'xpansion 26n,707. 14,781. 61,046. Contingency Transfer C'. _. A. 98th Avenue e 1,065. 25,200. Derry Dell 214. 64,332.. Leron Heights 17,109. Pinebroo1 Total Sewer Fund '? _�, $3 $281,545.° rTAT! TAX STRErT FUND Operationand itaintenance 52,306. $ 4,973.' $ 39,885. Dept. ,100 Contingency 367. Total State T,�x St.Fund w 60,773. $ 4,973. $ 39,885. ROAD FUND Operation and T aintenance °” 39,42G. $ 779. $ 8,901. Cook Park 414. 13,612. `Canterbury Lane 52,591. Contingency 387, Total Road Fund 39,813. $ I1193. $ 75,104. SPECIAL ASSESSP7;NT Di71BT FUND Bancroft Bonds 1,2,3,4, 5 F 16 53. $ 16,046. GrNERAL DF BT FLrr;I General Oblig;7�tion Ronds x__26_1754. $ 10,828. TOTAL BUDGET 4857,037. $66;844, $703,551. FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVENUES May 1970 1969/70 Current Year to GENERAL FUND Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/69 *$ 36,077. *$ 38,288. Property Taxes 88,848. -0- 82,764. Delinquent Taxes 9,872. -0- 4,339. Land Sales & Advance Taxes 25. -0- 122. LICENSE AND PERMITS Business S 12,500. $ 134. $ 12,432. Liquor 100. -0- 135. Plumbing & Beating 5,000. 243. 4,037. Building 20,000. 790. 9,373. Moving 50. -0- 19. Sion 300. 40. 321. Bicycle 250. -0- 73. FINES AND FORFEITURES _ Court, etc. $ 24,000. $ 1,814. $ 23,282. Indigent Defendant's Fund 495. 1,415. USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Telephone Pay Booth $ 50. $ 3. $ 43. Interest 500. 171. 658. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES Cigarette Tax $ 13,160. $ 3,681. $13,776. Liquor Tax 18,095. 9,865. 31,915. Trailer Sales Tax 250. -0- -0- Traffic Safety Grant 5,979. -0-- 5,973. CHARGES FOR CURRENTSERVICES Zoning Adjustements $ 3,000. $ 75. $ 200. Document Sales 600. 54. 637. Library Fees & Fines 375. 71. 388, r Recreation Use Fees ° 1,000. 164. 893. Lien'Check 350. 34. 306. Sub-division Application Fees 1,000. =-0- 50. FRANCHISE REVENUES ' Portland General Electric $ 18,200. $ -0- $ 19,739. Northwest Natural Gas 4,100. -0- 4;104. Telephone 7,000. -0- 6,723. Garbage 1,960. 189• 1;905. NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Unclaimed Property Sale $ 200. -0- $ 235. RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Adm. of Sewer &`Public Works $ 65,010. $ 16,252. $ 65,008. .Gas Tax Refund 800. -0- 1,232, OTHER $ 1,000. $ 36. $ 657. TOTAL GENERAL FUND *$339,651, $ 34,111. $331,042. *Includes Supplemental Budget Page 1 Revenues 1969/70 Current Year to SEWER FUND Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/70 $211,989. $222,825. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Sewer Service Charges $ 70,200. $ 3,455. $ 66,385. Sewer Connection Fees 77,868. -0- 54,705. Sewer-Construction Inspection 2,500. -0- 770. LICENSE & PERMITS Sewer permits $ 500. $ $ 160. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY_ Interest $ 3,000. $ 150. $ 6,367. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Subventions $ 2,325. -0 S 710. Federal Subventions 8,424. -0 4,873. (Pinebrook, Inc.) RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Assessments Engineering, Etc. $ 5,500. -0- $ 363. Assessments Legal, Etc. 2,000. -0- -0- Other Recovered Expenditures 500. -0- -0- OTHER $ 50. -0- $ 912. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS 98th Street Derry Dell Leron Heights TOTAL SEWER FUND $384,856. $ 3,605. $358,070. STATE TAX STREET FUND Available 'Cash'7/1/69 $ 11,561. $ 13,908. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Gasoline Tax $ 49,162. $ -0- $ 58,875. USE OF MONEY ; Interest $ 50. $ 140. $ 832. TOTAL STATE TAX STREET $ 60,773. $ 140. $ 73,615. ROAD FUND Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 9;358. $ 9,358. ;Revenues from Other Agencies $ 18,980. $ 110. $ 2,029. (Cook'Park Incl.) County Road Tax 10,000. -0- 9,898. s CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Permits $ 100. S -0- $ -a- Public Works-Construction Fees 900. - -0- 467. Sale of Street Signs 400. -0- 448. Other -0- -0- 165. USE OFMONEY "Interest $ 75. $ -0- $ 92. ' 'Improvement Districts Canterbury Lane $ $ -0- $ 10,505. TOTAL ROAD FUND $ 39,813. $ 110. $ 32,962. Page 2'Revenues 1969/70 Current Year to BANCROFT BONDS #k2, 3,4,5 Int. Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/64 $ 45,22E 38,721. Assessments #2,3,4,5 $ 12,000. $ 1,837. Interest. 4,958. 874. 5,030. TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS $ 62,179. $ ::,711_. $ 55,042. GENERAh OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 22,563. Taxes $ 2,505. s TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 25,068. t Page 3 Revenues 'CE DEPAR':'MENT ;:ONS J 'I)A Y�!'D M ,NTP .- RRP;.?R7 MONTH 0�' 70 STI Eiti'G_ a)a 1T r ABSENCF! DA. ;'i ABSENCEAVERAGE EFFF: TT E SlR_FNGVf _. end t;i ,Svn � T I m_ _ h I Same ...__ mc)'.].Lll 110T _ IrI i" IrV Un ,^t i ,(1ti i ,n7 r' .A6 TT1gX7,+:a MI,,r,'rAr.OXr, kl I a5`:.,4 y"o..' 1 ' -:'- I I i 3s a -I Rill.., ._------. _{V _ e 4 i I TOTAL PERS( NNEE I 17 15 i 6 5.4 32 36-1% 10.t1 9.8 9.6 CHIEFNS OFFICE i 2 1 13 3 F5� 3 7 .9 7 . . ` SERVICES D-, TRS 5 4 1.5 1.6 30% 110% 3.5a 3.5 2.14 PATROL DIMS 9.7 9.8 3 8 3.5 1 38% 35T I 5.9 5.2 6. INVEST,. SECT. � .3 .2 0 0 0 0 s .3 .3 .2 FORCE ONE 4 3 1.3 .8 32/ 26% 2.7 2.5 2.2 FORCE TWO 5G t�7% 3.5 3.5 3.7 ry ..�7 7 3.5 3 3 FORCE THP.EFF 6 5. 1.8 1.3 30%` 26% i 11.2 3.8 3.7 CHANGESIN PERSONNEL DAILY AXERA(M PATROL STRENGTH 1. Preset.} f,ar d end cf s mrrir. .....m_=_.17 This Same month 2. Re3ruited during o mon .1as'' Paw^ ... .. c a1 nu�bea. Reznst d d'ring rronth............ o om 0 field Total to account fo_'.a....o o.......m 17 riff cers.... 10 10 Less Agents Asp 4g- 4o Separations from -',he ned 'to Taves -4 oo •3 .2 (a) 1T0lLL:'.3wey'. ">°e _.grza.t or. ...... 0.. o Average dally abs- _ en`^es of.'field oI i (b) Retirementoo 000uo 0000000 mm � i i' _ goers owing *e,o (o) Resigned with ch Res pendhg 0 i (a) Vaea+::.ons (dy Dropped during probatlon.... m OR ens_on days -,f (e) Disrrwssed for ys�s� . 0 comp. t"me9 'C0 2.7 2.8 (F) Killed --'n line rf du',ye m..m o 0 (Y) Sick & injured. .7 (g) Deceased ................... 0 � (�) S hoal_a et o.. Total separations 00000000'00000 00 Oa � Total 3ierage daily n ,+ ` ay.,.. 17 .1 v absencsE..o. 3.8 '.3.5 Present for. duty at. end Gf mon._., mo -- ` -4'. Available for d_.tym5 69. .3 Page one F m POLICE DE. AIT-ME_NT MONTHLY REPORT R I.NE 'NDEX AND P07?CF ACT V'TY" TRENE) OFFENSES KNOWN �_. ._ CiASSIFTCAT UN U Repwr ddc ` 'A +ua tF n. �< C re 'Q i, yrs° Ian , Year _.. ()F_FTNSr ea _ r ;s° am. IMI vs. am pe x. (Part C_.__..,.:5 1 7 1�rx'.`t (.a _ ._.u�+. yea ! ao„ Year I + N". i pe jcj„9,ne Pe e 1° rr 7 a:.~• � Ncr � � � ;� .._.._4 _ ._n.. Its a; ,,.,, 0 1 0 0 i 0 i 0 0 r~c b Rape rx° Tota-I _..__0. 0 ._ i 100% L° At0. ,� Rq)e1 0 _ 0 _ 0 0 0 0 -a 3° Rrtflr✓ Trt�.t 0 ,a _2._ ; 1 ..._ 100% 2 I 0 n q 1 No Weapori 0 ¢, 1 r 1 - 100% 4° Agg lava .d Assau:it Total 03 o 0 o up 300% __ ___._ . �.: 0 0 0 0 _ 0 _ 0 R^_ _., ..__ 2 u 0� __0 � 0� I up 200 _ _ J hex Wex cin 1 � r ' Fis s etc 10 j 1 €_ 0 0 �_. .� o _ „yup 100% -- 5° B CIavy Total 1 9 �e _ = 48 i s up T80% 26 '� u _8a 5� a F e iur-v :� 26 �b° No Forr,e Usea' 5 _ 16 �r 1 iup,400% 8 up 100% _f!= Attempt En4 C G� ,.6: ., O 6. Ld s•Pn v 0,rer, $50.00 10 i 53 7 up 43% 28 up 8 4 15 2 uD100% 3 un 400% OrImpe index Total 23 I� 121 15 up 53% 6o � un 110% �_ � � — -- — lb. <Manslaughter b, a s� Negligence 0 0 0 0 � 0 ( _0 __ (Not Aggravated) 1 5 2 up 100% 7 up 40% 6b a I a eri,r $50.00 15� + 63 _ 17� — 13% 54 up 17% -4 PART s TOTAL -- •� _ .� _�_ ��g. I 39 189 34 up 15% 121 1 up 56% Total ar P l� lc .dents 35 192 55 _ — 57% X242 26% Total Misc. Nonni_ criminal CaLl s 148 748 102 uD 45% 568 up 34% Total Calls for Ser ace _222 1129 191 up '16% 931 l up 21% .Page two DE.PARTMEW MONTHI:Y REFCRT LF FENSE , `!.FA Rfj v AFRESF YEAR TO i)A`i'F INLTMnFR OF OFFENSESF xFFRCENT OF OFFENSES CLAS3IF,CAT 10N C'F I EARED B ARRES CI.FI#RE D BY ARREST oFF'tN�E Rr .:« ? B� A f � 7c� I C1_ar- 1 By A of (Par. 7 C':a__.: un rJ ae h' P�r_rn TJ .des :t? 1 , n. Thi II.a_ This Last Thi s La--r . a' ir, ye a Year Yea Year �Ypar Ye=p.. },Fa_ , a Itis dh 3T,.d . N_u.rd ngg _ a 0 ��.�.0_.._.' 0 eMans' g0 I , I 0 y.0� 0 iNan,Saugh b r2g: �ge_� - 0 o 0 o 0 � 0 0 __ 2. Rape _ o o 0 0 o o o 0 � �. �.. a.� .�; � .� .� n_ _r %° Rap 1y Foz e_ 0�.- _0 0 0 i.�. � t_ 0.._,. ___.� Attemp4. Rape 0 0 ; p a 00 0 f- _ 0 0 3- Robbery -� �� � 2 1 � 1 1 1�� 1 0 �._.-_?_...� ._.�..9LL� �z-1- 1021, 0 1001 o . t O No 4d aFP. j 1 1 1 0 100% 100% j ln(Y4 100% 4° A_sau-� `total � i 3 �i 5 � t ! 12° 0 2 1 0 2 13% tom... a° C _ m u� � a � �yao kr . 1 0_ 7 �. __fie i4 e __—r, _ A 0 0 iie Weapon ..�_ � �-.�-- s da Hai t , 1 � 0 o �,� 100 � o o e. Other Assault5 (Nut, Age_ava*.edF ' OW i 3 I 0 0 0 43% 0 i 0 5. Burglary Tkitat _ 2 a.�2_- 3 !a ? � � �04_% 08%_ 06% 08% ooroe toed — y � 2 l.._.�n bo N6F0 i 2 0 2 0 2 C. A t'e mpt Ertr;� � 0 � p 0.�_ � 0---•-sr-��.0 0 0 0 6, Larceny- a. $50000 & over !2 1 2 _1 04% 07% � 02%• 04% b° Undue $50000 � 5 12 10 10 2 41, — 22%_ 16% 19% p 7® Auvl o Theft 13 3' _ 3� 1 m 20% 100% 20% 33% GRAND TMAL ;26 j 22 20� 15 �. -14% _ 18%� 11% 12% » Page t h ee YK)NI HI_`' REPORT: FEAR' - )FMWS!S MOTnI?; CHA.N_E CLASS T!".°A'1".ON OFA_`.. Y �r OFFENSE �* .;w i.n_s i :'h' Y E.aY as ,.am- M" n .,.. � Sari Pe:,"od (Part r? C�'.a 5 .s) Mor... e Ila,. Last, Y, a,, ( I_a_t F " iN1 ^;I?. - _7t7�iP Pe*'. nt`yt ._..� 1. N e fe a.r ag 0 ¢ 4 1 .. 100% 13 225% F aw 1 22 10 - 900% f 55 I 150% " I i crime's 3 1 I 0 433% o � 2 � 0 0 uA 20 5. Sex NOff fis?ti-v �i�.�........:.......v....>., .,i,_�._.�._ .,.. ..., j p (Except Rape) 1 f 3 3 2 I - 100% 6 100% an ix Drl,g Lags 3 i 6 - 500% r 13 I" . .nom _13 �-� 333% Z.YLlquc)...>I Law10._. _ _ 17 1- ,a701, 05 a 9 0 o 8 69 9 :B.y Q 3 1 0 2 50% 10'. Vardalw;m i a a _10 65. t� 8 ll.. curfew `Sruar a 8 - � 21 8 -- � 0 23 10%2" -- 1 . Runaway 3 20 3 0 8 up 150% 0 0 0 0 � 0 i �.4. A11 Otheri� i � � 0 � 9 31 8 un 13� PART I! TOTAL - --- 192 ��55 — 57% 242 PCLTZE VEHICIE REPORT Ul;� #u Mi!,,s Driv nra Flnnal M- ,,s. Gas Use I Oil Used Repairs opt per n1le to Maintenance Operate Vehicle # 2 4,415 _ 12,447 732 7 Qts. $ 241.60.6 5.2 -- — # 3 5,727 12,519 992 8,Qts. 179.80 3.0 # 4 1,902 43,016 180 2 Qts. 156.80 7.1 # 5. — 451 2,978 47 42.52 9.0 1 , —95 Qts. $7=0.=7 Average Cost Per Mile 6,75 Cents L.P.G. F. 'L Page,,feu FF, h r t p \ F.- ( ' P ? E1; ,z' () r`ENJSr,_: _ c i i C., 2p I Q 0 50,x, ; 0 p p y • 2 i 08 0 0 , m 2 2 2 1 ��� _.. i % w c ( 0 i 0 0 0 i 0 _.O.. 0 io ).S ' r I 7.v 3 8 1 �t 7 0 0 1 R0 877- 0 _`0 2 2 0 , 1 , �p , 66 , 100` S 0OIZ u.: a 7� 2 7 2 10M 5/ R 21 19 21 I % _. _. ... 19 , ,_.,., ..-__ 7 100 83 1100. L� ' � 83 o {i X18 5 18 15 ; ' 90 i 62I 9 9 F2 cv 0 - F o- 0 0 - 0 0 t 't 0 �0 n 0 -- '29 s , 33 E 10 6 91�� X61%y 9 32� �C1q rCJrA a 96 I f I fi m a am 93_.._ .. 65 1 L3 i 5 a_38% j 3!> 18% and n.,z •. .,..��. �..�._ �� _ OTHER ACTIVET.r,c T A T ON OF :Ar P Tv TIE S HIS AI7N ru ;®SAME MONS H I�.S' YFAR e Va ai T,c ns t i,ek M r? 17b4P 27 �� OnF r,e�c,.5 & U+1*drNrs F+U. .7 -------------- 9 I ' . - Spec],-,l. Frc wl r n ' - - - - - - '7 .r N 13-3 I �!n7 5, A Give., r f + zp t 271'. _ etfi1 111Jr 0 1 �o F_e -i I yr s ok Reporns, "o de 8o Rr.a.�r.� ,•�rr.P>I a.,r3r Ir g.�.�:� o - -lig - — -�_�- - - 9. Crme Repar'.ed and LM�e�+.• a�.e - � - - __. _,_. _._ 102 7!� _ 9 TOTAIL Ar`TIV.iTTI~;5 o 2?_ 88P W ' 1320 m L .`•.�t. =?i�'f'A4"'MF.N" 9tiPJ''i,;:'° REF'a,F�. AALT'E .iE F _C)PER'< r.D � , rfr{ i'UN_D 6N: IEC"tVERE" Iv4I EsJ �1: J HEC KS E'ttC'PFuI." 5 ti f h T i; L.iaF i '.. _., _ .._.._.- � .., t � h-34.w„_r s .-.F iP F. .' F-EC VE-HED A),.. ...,3,078 9,9 . ,... VA E a f�8 FsfaiJ IHDChS9 iF,T._1F ....?ti`”P 35.15 HAD ClIEC . , VA I T FE LU:. ' ,%TIE MONT!! LAST YF',AR BAD ( tHECY_9, VALUE T E"I'` ERF , ,NF1 ; MONTH e, e 13AD CHECKS, VAI::7E RECOVE:_�r i "AME MGN,t' ':AS:' °EAF. .21 r '. PROFERTY LOST THIS MON'r," ;+A 1 UE 5.00 PROPERY LOST SA MF MON-1,'H I .ST YEAR VA I U ��$ _. ,_2 00 T F';tOPERTX FOLINLl THIS MON'Ti-I '.Ai iJJF $� y 302.00 FRGFRTX FOUND SAME MONTH AST v_4F � _00 1-CiSEi FOR THIS MN'TiI $ 1.212-32 LOSS FOR SAME MONTH ::AF . EA<< .� TRAFFIC F_C A.,,CIDEIJT-:SUMILA-HY IMONTH Year % Chaznge � PGC�DI IUTA 12 16 33% � 56 F2_=t 1-1% Fat Persona �< ,z % -i 7 i 11G 100'Y 25 � 4h 76% PedestTfan�_ p p 0 _ W 0 o � � 0 Hit & Ru.' g 24 !up [Opp 5 ENFORCEMENT SUINIMARi _ -THS..°NONTH `YEAR i:O DAA This Yea � 1, c �P-� w � Gn�.r��� ''� s Xear Ia, Xea.� Gila*age TRAFFIC ...MAL. ! 272179 'u� 52� 971 _ �. 7g7=._a p., .2 215 _ 160 u 71 'S 689 iu 04 57% � 19up 200%rb " s.._98. ''u'u 161 Parking _ 3 16V u 106 211 _ _ 6 D.U.- L® _ 3 5 - 67% 9 13 15 1- 15% Acc-.dent, rrec-* �g 6 9� 9� 50% 30 26 u p 15% & G a__. I - Page s,x r'U. :L;E I)F,•F 0.rL Ps�_�v r.^ilN'nFl:.s' RE?'tiR''' 1Mk'..,;A' n ivhaJr: ,,F T±AFF_C' ENF�tR::EMENT H'S 'YEAR TO DANE: A N i t.a. 22h 162 736 671 ?t up 08" f 3 , 13 _ 08% L a , e' 160 115 41.10 1110 up 07p ' 0 I. 501 p p . 25 13 100, 85 5 2 ( 1 ... T b 2 c ... 6 _ .. _ ._.. ....,._ _ .�„_. _,_.� r�F�rrtl� 7 n g - Fal:- Wr 5 9 17 20 18% Fi vw rToo, C 1 2._ 16% No or I Yip:gar, 1 x . I 0 0 00 0 12. 1 ' � � _ 15 up Other Haza7,-d. ? : I t tr c a* U:, 8 8 39 ; 25 up 56% v1cla+ 51 100 1� i �3t1 e 3tt�, uo ` 1 Parking Vio'latA'.ons 33 16 212 166 up 28% -- � - - CI.ERICAL DATA. AC :..V7:Ty THISMONTH _ q Rad,,.,(- Me_sage_= I;cgged ----------- m 5099 Telephone Ca-il,s hogged -- -- e --- ---- 0o me 255 Card- Typed and File!e o --------------------- 3138 -- - Parso. .�_ Gc. evoe m o --- -- -- .10_30 Assisi s G'i e.. `;o 0*Fier Agenc e- -------------------------- 27h "'the- A t iv o 0 1531— -- � a�� UNPAID OVERTIME LOGGED HY ALL PERSONNEL THIS MONTH M SAME MONTH LAST YEAR (Chief and Captains 129 Hrs.) 111! Hts.' �f 1_63 Fns of repot for Month of NAY 19 70 Hugh H. Wilkinson Chief°of P©lIce PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR MAY, 1970 1. SEWER DIVISION REPORT A. Monthly Data STATE CRITERIA TOTAL AVERAGE DESIGN CAPACITY Flow (gal) 21, 908 _"L 730, 000 700, 000 Solids Collected (gal) 34,720 1, 120 Not applicable Chlorine Used (lb) 1, 246 40 Not applicable BOD (ppm) 59 20 Suspended Solids (ppm) 52 20 MPN (per 100 ml) 11000 Plant Efficiency 67% 6�; B. 10, 000 gallons of sludge was pumped from the secondary digester by the Unified Sewerage Agency. Arrangements with the Unified Sewerage Agency on dumping of our sludge is working quite well. C. On the 13th of May, 1970, 40 students from Mrs. Hostetler's class at C. E. Madison Grade School toured the treatment plant. D. No serious breakdowns or mechanical problems occurred at the treatment plant during' this month. This is also noted in the, performance of the plant as it has increased in its efficiency, especially toward the latter part of the month. Repairs, however,' have still not been completed on the Bonita Pump Lift Station. E The sewer treatment plant expansion is progressing in accor- dance with the schedule submitted by ,the' contractor. Exca- vation has been completed on the clarifier and the footings have been poured. The contractor is having some problems w _th the lagoon, in that ground water is infiltrating through a sand layer in ,the last 3 ,feet `of the lagoon. Dorr-Oliver expects to deliver the clarifier mechanism the middle of August. ' All their structural and mechanical components should be delivered`about the last; of July. These dates should not a cause any problems to 'the `contractor-in completing the sewer treatment plant by the end of September. 2. PARK AND STREET DIVISION REPORT A. Cascade Construction Company has completed: the road to Cook Park. The final report to the State has been made, requesting' payment to the City for this project. hopefully, %ge gill receive this money during this budget year. B. Cook Park has been opened to the public. The grass is still fairly sparse. This should improve, however, after fertili- zation of the field. C. The entirety of the Public Korks crew spent two weeks this month with a grader, cleaning ditches and shoulders of the .roads within the City. Approximately 701; of the roads needing shoulder improvements were completed. D. The City received the new Chevrolet Pickup and it had the propane unit installed by Pargas. The old Ford Pickup was sold at the Portland public auction for $190. 3. ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT A. Traffic counts taken during the month of May, 1970: STREET AT 1970 S, 6^7. Durham Road 99W 1,685 S. W. 121st Scholls Ferry 1,700 S. W. Walnut Teideman 2, 008 (e) B. No new work has been accomplished by developers in the sub- divisions under construction, being Brookway, Cr.esmer and Karol Court. The contract for the Cresmer Subdivision still is not complete and Mr. Paterson still has not provided the ' deeds for the park land in the Brookway Subdivision. C. The Derry Dell project is still approximately ;30% complete. The contractir .does not ,expect ;to start work on this project' until June 1, 1970. The 98th Street and Leron Heights projects were completed this month. D. The Boundary Review Commission held ,a public hearing on the amended Ziegler annexation. This public hearing has been tabled in orderthatthe City might contact the residents in the area and determine if annexation is feasible. The Boundary Review Commission has; set a public hearing for> annexation of the Fred Meyer' s 'property_ for June 24, 1970. Respectfully submitted, KCT/jp 3'