City Council Packet - 05/25/1970 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MAY 25, 1970, 7:30 P.M FOWLER JR. HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY ROOM AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, May 11, 1970 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS G. APPROVAL OF BILLS $4,687.99 7. CITY OF TIGARD ZONING ORDINANCE OF 1970, Recodifying Amendments and Supplements to the Text. (a) Setting of Public hearing June 8, 1970 - 8:00 P.114. 8. DANIELS, WIGGINS & DANIELS, CONSTRUCTION, CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION (a) Conditional Use application for general contractors office and warehouse in M-4 zone (Industrial Park) located at 8950 S. W. Burnham Street, Map 2S1 2AD, Tax Lot. 2600. Application approved by Planning and Zoning Commission. (b) Setting of Public Hearing June 8, 1970 - 8:00 P.M. 9, INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC LIGHT, 99W and BULL MT ROAD (a) :Recommendation of City Administrator` 10. PROGRESS PAYMENT- WILLIS MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS'- PLANT EXPANSION` (a)-' Recommendation of Director of Public Works 11. ORDINANCE No. 70- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTINGSECTION 483.204-T OF CHAPTER IV, ORDINANCE No. 66-20 "MOTOR VEHICLE CODE OF THE CITY OF TIGARD", AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY ADDING THERETO SUB-SECTION (7) DESIGNATING "THROUGH" STREETS AND REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WITH TRAFFIC SIGNS AND OTHER CONTROL MEDIA, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES AND EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 12. PEARL KOSKOVICH CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION 4, (a) Application for conditional use for a,home occupation (beauty shop)` in an A-2 zone (Multi-family residential) , 11405 S. W. Lomita;Street, Map ISl 35DA, Tax Lot 3000. ` Application denied;by Planning;and Zoning Commission. (b) Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. 13. GLEN STONE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION (a) Application for 2 dwelling units on a single lot in R-7 zone (Single-Family Residential) , located at 14135 S. W. 103rd Ave. Map 2S1 11BB, Tax Lot 1501. Application denied by Planning and Zoning Commission. (b) Public Hearing - 8:00 P,M. 14. SEWER CONNECTION POLICY (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 15. OTHER BUSINESS 16. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 17. ADJOURNMENT �G C Page 2 - COUNCIL AGENDA - 5/25/70 T I G A R L` C 7 I' Y C O U *I C I i REGULAR MELTING MAY 25, i9"t', 1;.30 i. M. 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Floyd H. Bergmann, Daniel. L Larsen, Robert C, Moore, Thomas M O'Halloran: Fred A, Anderson, City Attorneys Stephen M.: Te`_rer, City Administrator; Loris Hartig, City Recorder, Mayor F E. G, Kyle attendea meeting 8:15 P.M. Absent: Keith C, Thompson, Sirector ci P.,:blic Works 2., APPROVAL CF MINJITES, May 11, 1970 (a) Approved as submitted 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter from United Cable T.V. Service applyirg ror a city franchise.. Administrator st-ateo he would review and report back to councii. 4., APPROVAL OF BILLS $4030,74 a) Pending further. investigation, Administratcr r.eovested check 6216 Zep Mfg., Co, be omitted, (b) Motion to approve: Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Larsen.. Approved by unanimous vote of Counci , present. 50 CITY OF TIGARD ZONING ORDINANCE OF 1970 - Recodrfying Amendments and Supplements to the Text., (a) Setting of Public:Hearing June 8, 1970 - 8:00 P.M. (b) Motion to set Public Hearing: Councilman O'Halloran, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by;unanimous vote of council present,. 60 DANIELS, WIGGINS & DANIELS', CONSTRUCTION, CONDITIONAL USE `APPLICATION _ H Conditional':Use application for general Contractors office and warehouse in M-4 zone 'Industrial' Park), located at 8950 S.W. Burnham Street, Map #2S1,2AD, Tax Lot 2600 fa) Setting of Public Hearing rune 8, 1970 - 8:00 P.M. 1b) Motion to set Public Hearing: Councilman Larsen, seconded by Councilman O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 7, INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC LIGHT, 99W and BULL MT. ROAD P (a) City'Administrator read letter from hen Mena', Director of Public Works, Washington County, regarding installation of yellow flashing'light'for north-south traffic at inter- section of 99W and Bull Mt,-Road. 'Light would be flashing red when entering from null Mt. Road. City to assume cost of power and maintenance of light for $102, per year, page '1 - Council'Minutes - 5/25%70 (b) Motion by Cuunci man Moore te assume cost It power ana maintenance for traffic iignt at 99W an< V-,_ Mn Road- seconded by Co..ncilman Larsnn Approved by unanimous cote or Councilp%resent. 0„ PROGRESS PAYMENT No., ,. jR,844 48 - WILLIS MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, PLANT EXPANSIC;N (a) Motion to Pay: Councilman Larsen seconded by Councilman O'Ha LDran Approved by unanimous vote of Councli present. 9. ORDINANCE No. 70-18 AN ORDINANCE AMENL N; ANIS SUFI LFMENT:NG SECTION 483 204--T OF CHAPTERVORDINANCE No. 66-20, "MOTOR VEHICLE C3DECf THE CITY OF TIGARD", AS HERETOFORE kMENOEC, BY ADDING THERETO SUB-SECTTON 17) LESIGNATING "THROUGF?' STREETS AND REQUIRING COM LIANCE W:TH TRAFFIC SIGNS AND OTHER C?NTROL MEL=IA, FRESCR_SING PENALTIES AND EFFECTIVE DATE (a) Motion no adopt: Ccunci_man O'Halloran, seconded by Councilman Larsen., Approved by unanimects vote of Council _resent 10., PEARL KOSROViCH CGNLITIONA! USE APPLICATION - for a nc:me occupation (beauty shop) in an A-2 zone !Mu':ti-fam:ly Residential), 1!405 S.W. Lomita Street, Map 4151 35DA, Tax :lot 3000. Application denied by Planning and Zoning Commission. (a) Public Hearing: 8:OO P.M. Those who testified against: Lila Holden, '11485 S.W. Lomita rietter) Chester Klock, Sr.., 11410 S.W. Lomita 'letter) Chester Klock, Jr , 11280 S.W. 90t:h Bili Vermane, 11380 S.W. iomita _. Dick Murray, Q440 S.W. Lomita Those who testified for: Mrs. Peari Koskovich - applicant Doii Koskovich' (son) Public Hearing Ciosed Motion to adept: Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman ' Larsen. DENIED by 00040i vete of Council roll tail as follows: Councilman Bergmann, NA ; Councilman Larsen,; NAY; Councilman Moore, AYE„ Councilman O'Ha`loran, NAY; Mayor`Kyle.; NAY, 11 GLEN STONE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION - for 2 dwelling units on a single lot: in R-7 zone' (Single-family Residential) located at 14135 S.W. 103rd Avenue, Map 42St 118S, Tax Lot 501, Application denied by Planning and Zoning Commission. (a) Public Hearing: 8:00 P.M. (b) Motion by Councilman Larsen to refer back to Planning and Zoning Commission as application has been amended; seconded by Councilman Moore:: Approved by Unanimous vote of Council., Page 2 - Council; Minutes - 5/25/70 12.. SEWER CONNECTION POLICY (a) City Administrator recommended delaying acc t.on of a sewer policy until further information r&ceiveo from V ified Sewer Agency and Lerartment `,; fnv:tnnmer.tai Control. OTHER BOSINESa A: Rough draft of agreement between Unified Sewer Agency and City has been turned over to City Attorney for review and recc.mnendation, Report will be made to Council at a Later date B.. COOK PARR Administrator stated work has been completed at Cock lark under B.O.R. Grant and renuested Council autnaraze Maycr and City Recorder to sign certification of work (a) Motion by Councilman Larsen authorizing Mayr an;: Recorder to sign or: behalf of City seconded by Councilman Moore-, Approved by nan-mous vote c:" Council, C. LIBRARY LEASE - GTTO SCRG City Administrator recuested authorization to extend lease for 2 years with option to renew, (a) Motion by Councilman Mea e authorizing City Administrator to renew Lease: seconded by Councilman Bergmann Approved by unani.mous vete of Council present. D. Councilman Moore recruested status report on City streets<< `Administrator-stated start is preparing list of streets to be R maintained by, Cityl also City is presently grading,and cleaning ditches- E. Mayor Kyle stated he had received several complaints regarding ordinance restricting parking,:.especially on north :side..of Electric Avenue_ Mayor requested staff to investigate and report back. F. Adjournment 8:40 F-M. City Fecorder-�5 ATTEST: Mayor _ s Page'3 - Council Minutes - 5/25/70 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT May 25, 1970 GENERAL FUND U. S. NATIONAL BP-jX Check No. 6204 Portland General Electric Co.- Street Light. (18) 1,168.74 6205 General Telephone (18) 248.47 6206 Business Equipment Bureau - (12) 19.42 (14)3.38 (16) 18.40 41.20 6207 George F. Cake Corp. - Supplies (16) 11.55 6208 Commercial Communications Co. - Main. (16) 50.50 6209 Motor Vehicles Division - Teletype Service 16 23.75 6210 French & Dutchman - (15) 19.50 (18) 219.00 238.50 6211 Northwest Industrial Laundry (15) 11.80 (18) 17.50 29.30 6212 L. R. Ohlson - Office Silplies (12 2.00 A 6213 Shannon & Co. - ft ( 4.40 6214 Standard Oil Co. of Calif-(12) 12.79 (16) 3.50 16.29 6215 Victor Comptometer Corp. - Adding Machine ribbons (12) 3.27 6216 Zep Mfg. Co. ( Car Wash) IN 132.50 6221 Gaylord Bros., Inc. - Supplies 15 83.38 6222 Retail Credit Ass'n. - Report 16) 1.75 6223 Chas. C. Thomas, Publisher- Books 16 20,25 6224 Western Union - Telegram 165.24 6225 Westway Chrysler-Plymouth - Car Main. 116� 4.80 w 2,085.89 SEWER FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 6204 Portland General Electric Co. (30) $ 22.90 6205 General Telephone (30)55.69 (31)198.50 254.19 6206 Business Equiiment BureauS{31) 1.30 2093,` Pioneer Business Forms Record Forms (30) 192.16 2094 City Treasurer, Portland - Supplies (30)) 21.54 2095 Portland Community College - Work Study (30) 52.17 2097 Scientific Notebook Co. - Supplies 30) 10.20 2098 Title Ins.' Co. - '(32.4) 6.00 (31) 14.25 20.25 2099 Metzger Sanitary District- Main.Seser Plant30 113.50 2100 _Van Waters & Rogers - Chlorine 30) 169.20 2101 Varec, Inc. - Main. 30) 316.00 2102 Whitcher Printing & Staty. - Stationery 31) - 222.70 1,396.11 STATE TAX STREET FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check:No. 6216 Zep Mfg. Co. - (Car Wash) 20) $ 132.50 2094 City Treasurer, Portland - Supplies 20) 29.32 2096 Portland Concrete Pipe Co. - " 20) 560.00 1568 Industrial Air Products Co.- it 120 : 8.22 ' $ 730.04 ROAD FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 6204 Portland General Electric Co. (20) '$ 2.50 6205 General Telephone (41D 3.30 6216 Zep Mfg. Co. - Deodorant Soap " 392.25 2095 Portland Community College- Work Study (20) 20.09 1569 Hillsboro Farm Equipment Co. Main. & Repair " 27.70 1570 Northwest Industrial Laundry - Uniforms (20) 4.60 1571 Rogers Machinery Co. = Supplies (41.1) 25.51 $ 475.95 TOTAL PAYABLES $4,687.99