City Council Packet - 05/01/1970 T I G A R i C _ 7 C �2 ;i N C L SPECIA_: MF 'I cNll MAV 0 4:30 1a ROLL CALL: "rrescr.r., May.:.r 'r. v {'._:yu ii„ Eerrnmanr, fray.:.ei 1.•• :.a.rser. c r r-:e:: M _r ._er C. Ach ' istratc.'r. .c':LI'. C- T ,'`:[7:1 -I:. if Ctt r i wcI'ks. ✓i s Bart:_ City +recr;iclei' Absent- c-,ur.c.iimc. Robert C. 4 :re. FYes A A,r:a ._ C_ty Special meetirc wa ..._:y cal-ea with c r cr_rFs -_ Cr.:r.ct. for the purpose _.L awarding the cc: tract r^r expar,sicrr. cf tte sewage treatment. plant , mom 2„ AWARD CONTRACT SEWER PLANT EXIANS;-GN - W::. .s Mec .ar,icai Ccr:t ctc•rs (a) City Ar*i.ristrator stated he '-.ac, nct rece_'.ed wr'._ttr; noticr- trc.n Unified Sewer Aceccy Wash.rgtc aty Board of Cc2tT:.ssr_or.ers. a,th cc issicns had cra--y assured hs_m they weie ._1ng to he't t:e C_ty ef Tigard:. Betlore wr'.tzng feimaS letter c; cc:mm tmer_t, t ay wi_1 have to await a-d_t of former sar _.cry �as:.ricts t deter;rcir: a-e ava" 1.1e cash T^_er: 4 tie 'mcrev ava_.a :e from bond sa::e proce=c:a ara A .m+.r...stratcr ie.:.t C ty would be safe in awa d;Lc the c:rtract, Cit} - not want to ,;ec•ca_czze the a"ward:r:y c. _ e b d ar, C__.:y Adm,nistr _., .ece::LT,erd.ec awarci_r.g c�entract W: .... Mechanica. Car _ cir. is _-1,:!l,-,'_:_-1,:!l,-,'_:',,t_-1,:!l,-,'_:',,t _f 5168,544„ Wath other contract t:= ..r piar..t exparxs the amc-rt c?f $31,615 tcral cost as $200,259,. (b) Motion by Ccunc-.iman Larsen to award cartract to Willis Mechanical Cc+r,t actors in the amcart of $168;544; seconded by Couric I"ma n Berg:marn.; Approved by ^�nanimo:.s vote of C,�-uncLl present. 3e SIGNAL REVISION - 99W and S. W. Hail (a) City Administrator:reported agreement reached with State Highway Department regarding revs=on':'of signal, sight at intersect-or of 9919 and S,W., Hail, State requires cash deposit for City's share of pro ecto (b) "Motion by Counciil,rian Beramar.^ to approve $1,10-00 cash deposit wuth:State Highway Le_>art^ent for ssara' revisicn of intersection: seconded by C:xincll mar. Larsen. Approved by unanimass vcte of Ccancl.,present,, 4, PARK AND RECREATION BOARD (a) Mayon Kyle corn-nented i2.app.1cations were receives: and he hoped the p.iblic would ccntg_nje their Interest and r :support the Park and Recreation Board activities, Page 1 - (Special) Councii Minutes 5/1/'10 ry Maycr Kyle appointed the a ._nwing; John E. Ccnk zns-,ae city Fred C. Cocpar outside " Velma E. Ewen c�tside ' Karl F . Harreman ins oe Betty jack inside E.H Schacht Zr- inside H_E (Sam) White inside " (b) Motion by Cosnc i'.;man Larsen to _stile _• '�I-yore arrei�t7ar:t, seconded by Councilman Eercmarn,, Approved by unanimess core Of Coancf: present,: 5o ADJOURNMENT: 4:4C i; v, C a ty Recorder..- ATTEST: Mayor 11 Page 2 - (Special) Council Minutes 5/l/70