City Council Packet - 04/13/1970 T T R P c` 1 T Y C C rt N C 1 WE REGULAR MEETINGA.;-P-11 13, 19.?0, 7;30 M to ROLL CALL: Present; Mayor E„ G., TEyie, Cr_; nc_'.mcr F1<%-(d 'r., Bergmann, Laniel L. Larsen. Thcmas M C H�e_dn. Fred A. Anderson. City Attorney Stet­,er m Telfer City Admir.istratert Keith C., Thempscr., E:rectcr of Public Works; LI-rrs Hartig, City Recorder Elm Absent: Councilman Robert C. Moa-re 2., PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, March 23, 30, 1970 (a) Approved as submitted 4„ WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) None 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS $51,991.,36 (a) Motion to approves Ccuncalman O'Halloran, secc,ncec by Councilman Larsen., Approved by unanimous vote of Council pre=an-., 6. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Bergmann, seconded by Councilman` O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous'vote'of Council present. ' 7. ORDINANCE No. 70-9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND S'UPPLEMENL'ING SECTION 10 OF CHAPTER VT_I (Parking Re,ul_ticcns) OF ORDINANCE No. 66-20 BY AMENDING AND SUPPLE- MENTING SECTION 2''OF ORDINANCE No. 67-41 ANL ALSO AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING SUB-PARAGRAPH "A" OF,SECTION 7 OF"SAID:CHAPTER OF ORDLNANCE No. 66-20 BY ADDING PROVISIONS THERETO AND DELETING:PROVISIONS THEREFROM.TO REGULAM E r PARKING WITHIN DESIGNATED-AREAS'WITHIN THE RIGHT OF;WAY OF: S. W. Pacific Highway (99-W), S. Wo Hall Blvd,; S. W. Main Streets S, W Burnham Street; S. W. Commercial Street; So W,, Electric Street; S. W. Pirebrcok -Street, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE No: 66-29 (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman`O'Halloran, seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by majority vote of 3 - 1, Mayor Kyle voting NAY. Ordinance did not pass by unanimous vote and w4.1i be re-read at April 27th Council Meeting. 8.. PATERSON BROCKWAY SUBD_'VLSzCN AGFEEME?'T (a) City Adnt n2istrat. r recc-nm .. , :agcr. recei •t nf c•a_n deposit and deed tc r>ar R lana, may,r ar: C:ty Recorder be a,t.hc.rized to sfgn a.areemer_t bet;! of. the C-ty. (b) Mot-.cr.. by 'o,nc, _man a.srsen to accej.t Brce-Kwav �- division and autbor ze Maycr ar.d City Fec:--rder sign on beha r of City- sec.-,nded by CcLnc -.ian: Lergmarxn Approved ty urian m as vc•ie of Cc,,rnci: presert 9, SEWER PLANT EXPANSION (a) City Admin' rat^_ rep:c Un -3 e ce;r.c staff is dc_'ng audit rst si-ec_aicsiewer avaiiabi I ity of cash. Hca*ci c.i. CC­at, r c;:-r e s_c:.rrS to meet before Ay 2? and w .l i adv-se C ty available to can City m-ney mer part exp-ars _.. 10, REPORT ON RAILROAD CROSSING (a) City Attorney rev_ewed raNcrt of Commiss cners t ;n thre:u;h ? sty;: _ated ir:r_erf:m improvements, City°o r^rtfan cf <rterl:a mrr^.L°ener.te include ins:Lallaticr. ni street __ygnt. arm _ i; : arc barricades repair and mzir;,tain the roadway between the tracks„ Stem 8 requires raiircads and. C':ty, by C.:ctober tr.; adopt pians and Spec:ficat_c•r,�, tc:r permanent _,mprc•ce- ment of cresaing, with ayyrcvai of F', ;:C- fte-n 9 stated time f:o_ permanent imprcvements may, be extcr,dea. Attorney Anderson further explair.,ed apportionment of costs and improvements for '?tem 8 will. have *_'he agreed upon, City Administrator stated City had agreed w-th 'ra,i- roads on" items i through 7 for interim imprr.vements but had not agreed to expenditures or item 8 (b) Motion by Councilman Tarsen t accent Items i through 7 seconded by Councilman Bergmann ' Approved by unanimous vote of Cocnc i present. 11„ POTTER PROPERTY 'CONDIT'ONAL USE (P.R. ) (a) City Administrator explained proposed concept and, pian for phase one of Planned Residential Conditicnaj Use.. (b) Mot'ia„ to accept the first phase of project! cattcil- man' O'Halloran:' seconded by Councainan arsen. Approved by unanimcus vote of Ccuncii present., Page 2 - City Council Minutes - '4{13/70 12 WITHDRAWAL OF ANNEXrr, AREA [irCM L iT':2:✓ is ES E i 1 L"STR—,-T (a) Fat-iic. Hent_;,4 8:00 i''_M. tv:' Test ':n�r - To meec ea-i. regs_re:nents, City ; 'ti_r.= t ator requestec rub__ :tea:,.—,c be r.t..r: F i __. A1-- -' -' 27th CCLnCii McC-t.:.r.g.' Cc r,cil <.vr.t--need <,�t._c Eearirg tr., Apr_ -th 13. ORDINANCE No., 70- 0 - AK ::F.D NA.NCF A'.'"_H: .z P3G CCNLST T.A:: i:SES ON LANLti. r,E ARTH'UT, F'(-TL-N E AL �.r. Secticr, i0, TS::, z: W, W.M. TICARL, WASH'_NG `>N Ca_suNTY;. t:F.EGCN (a) Public Hearirg 8:00 y V: These wh+e test.t Dr. COX, ap_licanr Jchn M, Thcmas (iet-er) Those who testified against: Mr.. Woodman., cf- (s-:de rr�sent t_C+r:) r` William Graepet nwne- c;.. Canterbury Apts Mr,- Wyrick, :ar.'-tertuxy Cres PubiLc Hearino C.:essed Ci-ty Administrat_:: rec rnmended ccr,a-t,-*,-.)nzi r to imposed in czr'a-.t-.nQ Cond:t -,nal use (b) Mct?on to adopt.: Caunc,7man Eercynann, secti:nded'by Councilman C3'Hailorar. ~ Y Mction to amend condition, 3 tc read "for ceurcil approval'`, seconded by Ccart__,nan La:sen.: Amendment and ar o nal. rctio_n ap;,roved by unan'imcus vote of Council pre:s:,-,nt, 14, STATUS REPORT ON LOCA ?MFROVEMENT' D.S':F_CTS (a) Canterbury Lane - project ccmplete and assessment nc,t-.ces :railed (b): 98th Street 98% complete (c) Leron Heights - 96/ complete,. should E�rai.ize prcie t by 4/30 (d) Derry Deli - 30% complete, work win. nc;t start .cure {OTHER BUS:R'ESS A. Mr. Harvey Krauss, Fres=dent o: Tigard Leve:cpme nt: Corp introduced Mr Charles Peterson, who spoke recuardirg ,rstaE'iat,er, of traffic light at intersection Of S.. W,: Ma-,r,. ."chnsr_n and S„ W, Pacific Highway. Tigard Development Corp, requested City g initiate a request to the State Highway; comm-,ssion Council requested staff to meet with High•, ay Cammiss%On and re.ort'prraress to Tigard Development Corp. Page 3<- City Council Minutes - 4/13/70 B. Admznistrat r reperLea _7nexit:cL IeLlt. ._ rec _ ;tare, property locatea in _n_-_ of 3"_. C rc... - equesre:: Administrator ani:arm Mr Stark we a. tee:. IWE time, and if he so se,:re:-, `' may p_r0 c his Clio! Q__ ... to the Bc::r dal y, Rev:n :_Mm (1) Manion ty C._�r.r !M _ale �q.ZS cc C.:Y AamIrL%- SecoLuedqty cau md.0 f: -Zyhn Approved t}' WV.nL7QaE v..'tc .- Li,�r. _ r;_; ,_... C. COMMONWEALTH ANN EKA ':'--.^ (i) City AviiiniS.tratCr State= CIMMCtid'e. ..t.t "I :.C:"S. requeeten ei.12C We date `.t rr.•:ric 'nce ce City Attorney zz exr:-.rt tec :sects c= ameruM; _rdzrance and repart hack rO Coors-_ II, TAX:_ FRANCH_SE (Y/ Harvey hick. cwver e "Ce_:... Tax!, lnq,e �ea _...r:C-_ approve tyanzier Of .-^X.i tra c ire Lc aze. Rooke. Adm trate_ w.snea to make re% .t c: row app oca .t anO wmake ter,- 7e 3.[.iCr at `_ext C' ^C__ meet_nt4 s E. ADJOURNMENT 9:15 P.M C=tV tcEC-qI'a E-r ATTEST: 1= Page 4 - city Council Minutts 4/13/70 { MUM MEMORANDUM TO: City Council 4/10/70 FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Progress and Status Report 1. Personnel Changes As described in some detail at one of our recent study sessions, Agent Don Barbur has resigned his position in the Police Department. This resignation has resulted in the following personnel changes: probationary promotion of Police Officer Donald Rea to the position of Acting Sergeant. The vacancy has been filled by James Farmer, a former police officer with two years and eight months of experience with the City of Costa Mesa, California. 2. Increase in Part I Crimes The police department investigative time has been stretched to the hilt lately because of several major incidents. Most of you, I am sure, have heard that the Prairie Market sustained an armed robbery about a month ago. The department is making excellent prog-,*=.ss on that case and may well clear a number of other armed burglaries a the Portland Metropolitan area. One of the local Plaid Pantries and an adjoining cleaning establishment was the subject of a professionally- accomplished break and enter, robbery during the early morning hours this past week. In-addition-,to these two ;crimes, ,the department is involved with the investigation of the slaying of some 13 ducks in a pond adjacent to GerberLegendary Blades and a questionable deaththat may possibly be` a homicide. These kinds of situations become difficult to cope with effectively and still be able to accomplish our normal excellent job of traffic and patrol work. 3. Commonwealth Annexation As you will recall, during the 'long period of time during which the Council continued the public hearing' regarding annexation of the Commonwealth property to the City, mention was made of the matter of timing with respect to supply of water. I have received a letter, a copy of which is enclosed in your folder, from Commonwealth, requesting that we consider modifying our annexation ordinance so that they may annex first to the Progress water District. I find that satisfactory progress has been made to institute annexation to the Progress Water District. I have, asked the City Attorney to review the situation to see if`we, have legal authority to amend our ordinance making the effective; date later in the year. If this is possible, I would strongly recommend we do so, inasmuch as having the, undeveloped property in the City has little or no significance on our existing city services, assessed valuation, etc. 4. Sewer Plant Expansion I am enclosing in your folders a copy of a letter over my signature addressed to the Board of Directors of the Unified Sewerage Agency. In brief, this letter explained our circumstances with our proposed plant expansion and requested the Board of Direc_tnrs consideration regarding commitment of funds to handle the deficit between our cash on hand and the total project cost. I have received a reply to this letter, a copy of which I am also enclosing. As you can see, there are several problems attached to a commitment from the Unified Sewerage Agency. This leaves us in a rather difficult decision-making position until after April 21st. I would like to discuss this more fully at your council meeting Monday evening. 5. Environmental Housing Conference Emily Wied and myself attended the Environmental Housing Conference as guests of several of the local savings and loans institutions. This conference was without a doubt the finest pre- sentation related to our developmental problems that I have ever heard. Members of the lending industry, appraisers, builders, developers, federal and local officials, and many others were in attendance. The program was led by Walter Lewis, Professor of Architecture at the University of Illinois. The essence of the whole conference was on the joint responsibility for improving our environment with better planning, design and understanding of people. I was so impressed by this program that I am going to attempt to develop a follow-up program for the specific purpose of involving the City Council, Planning 'Commission, and _citizens in an''efrort to spread this valuable learning experience to all. 6, Railroad Crossing -; Monday evening at your Coundil:meeting, Fred Anderson and I -will report on the Public Utility Commission order recently received as a result of our 'hearing from the Willis West `petition. This morning, s in my, office, Keith and I° met with representatives of the two rail- "M roads to reach an understanding in terms of timing and improvements related to interim requirements established by the Public Utility Commission order. 7. Governmental Reorganization in Eastern Washington County As you have, probably read, or seen on television,' the Metro politan Study `Commission,': through a sub.-committee, have proposed- a ballot measure to consider consolidation of all governmental units � within Eastern Washington County. I have been involved, the staff level, with consideration of this issue and 'I am very supportive of it. However, I am very concerned about some misrepresentation of the issue and its timing. Jim Kadera°s newspaper article on Friday morning in the Oregonian unfortunately made the issue sound as though it would be voted on in finality during the November general election. It was my under- standing that this was not to be the case, but rather that an advisory election would be held to determine the scope of interest in Eastern Washington County for consolidation. I ant now rather concerned that people will take a negative attitude toward our immediate problems, particularly tax base and possible bond issues, with the possibility of consolidation around the corner. I would very much appreciate your viewpoints on this matter. Respectfully submitted, SMT/Jp Encls. m . , r Page 3 - Progress & 'Status Report y BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT April 13, 1970 GENERAL FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Bal-ante as of February 28, 1970 $ 3,920.64 March Receipts 27,987-54 Bills Paid March 23,1970 (- 3,958.81) Balance $ 27,949.37 Check No. 5899 Otto Sorg - Library Rent (15) $ 166.00 5900 Hugh Wilkinson - Employee Training 16 400.00 5901 Dept. of Motor Vehicles - Teletype Service(16) 23.75 5913 Roger Thomssen -Recording Fee ((12) 4.50 5914 G. Jay Otto, Sec.Treas. - Travel-Meeting (14) 15.00 5915 Salishan Lodge - Travel expense (14) 12.00 5917 Roger Thomssen - Recording Fee (12) 10.00 5966 Oregon Narcotics Enforcement Ass'n.-Mbrshipl6) 10.00 5967 Dept. of Motor Vehicles - License Suspensions 40.00 5968 Donald J. Edwards - Witness Fee (11) 6.60 5970 Emily Wied - Mileage ((14 43.60 5971 Judge Wm. H. Poole Ri 275.00 5985 Leonard Misso - March (17) 200.00 6001 Northwest Natuzal Gas Co. (18) 34.42 601)2 Portland General Electric Co. (18) 1,224.77 6003 Tigard Water District (18) 6.00 6004 Anderson & Dittman - Legal (11) 96.00 (18) 230.05 326.05 6005 Business Equipment Bureau - (11) .29 (12)20.07 (13) .72 (14) 3.90 (16) 16.80 (17) .08 41.86 6006 Butler's Tire & Battery Co. - Tire Repair (16) 2.00 6007 Commercial Communications Co. - Equipment Maintenance (16) 204.90 6008 French & Dutchman - Main. (15)19.50 (18)146.00 165.50 6009 I. B. M. Corp. - Office Supplies (12) 16.92 6010 Fred Meyer - Supplies (12 5.87 6011 Multnomah County - " (12) 37.48 (14) 3.45 - (16) 19.97 60.90 z 6012 Nine-T-Nine - Auto Main. `(12)�.00 (16)10.45 13.45 6013 Northwest Industrial Laundry 15) 16.20 (18) 26.25 42.45 6014 Nudelman Bros. - Uniforms (16) 335.90 6015 Oregonian Publishing Co. - Adv.Police Cars(16) 325.17 6016 Retail Credit Ass'n.- Check on officer (16) 1.43 6017 Shell Oil Co. (16) 163.44 6018 Stas.cndard Oil Co. - Gas p �16 16) 5.80 6019 Cas. C. Thomas - Publisher - Literature 8.00 6020 Tigard Automotive Supply - Auto Repair 16 6.34 6023 Tigard Business Machine - Equipment Main. (16) 8.50 6024 Tigard'Pharmacy - Film &processing (16) 62.71 6025 Valley Communications- Equip. Mein. 16) 32.80 6026 Val-by Office Equipment - 11 11 12) 17.75 6027 Westway Chrysler- Plymouth - Auto Main. 16) 1.58 6028 BarburBlvd. Rentals- Rent Steam Cleaner (16) 16.00 6029 Tigard Community Center- Rent (11) 100.00 6030 Valley`Auto'Parts -'Auto Repair (16 30.29 2046 Southwest Office Supply - Office Supplies ((13 2.28 Payroll, Taxes, Deductions 17,730.09 $ 22,199.62 Bank Balance $ 5,749.75 SEWER FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of February 28, 1970 $ 22,283.80 March Receipts 4,536.95 From Time Deposit 30,000.00 Transf(>rred To Adm. (15,627.00) Bills Paid March 23, 1970 ( 246.21) Balance $ 40,947.54 Check No. 2003 First National Bank - Sinking Fund $ 356.94 2006 Clerk of Circuit Court - Land Acquisition (32.4) 750.00 2014 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. -Supplies (31) 50.00 2015 U. S. Postmaster (3O) 8"'.99 2019 Dodge Building Cost Services - Supplies ((31) 15.95 2022 APWA Spring Convention (31) 17.00 2023 Illuminating Engineering Society - Emp.Training 7.50 2024 Richard A. Stonwall - Easement (32.4) 80.00 2025 Beryl Rich - Mileage (31) 26,64 2026 Addressograph - Multigraph Corp. - Supplies(31) 100,00 2027 American Industrial Service - Contr.Service((30)) 12.86 2028 Bearing Sales & Service - Equip. Main. (30 45.77 2029 Case Power & Equipment - Back Hoe (303 9,989.00 2030 Metallurgical Engineers - Contr. Service (30) 25.n0 2031 Daily Journal of Commerce - Adv.for Bids (31) 73.80 2032 Ken R. Humke Cc, - Supplies (30) 21.05 2033 Kilham Stationery & Prtg. (31,File)546.12 (31,Magnetic Locator) 39.50 (30,Books)22.50 608.12 2034 Van Waters & Rogers - Supplies (30)226.90 Gas Analyzer (30) 54.27 281.17 2044 Aloha Sanitary Service - Pumping Sludge (30) 1,500.00 2046 Southwest Office Supplies 30 14.07 2047 Valley Petroleum - Supplies (30 8.39 2048 I-R Equipment Corp. - Rent Pump (303 24.25 1522 Portland Concrete Pipe Co. - Supplies (30 144.15 6001 Northwest Natural Gas Co. 303 172.72 6002 Portland General Electric Co. HO) 290.84 6004 Anderson &-Dittman Legal (30) 64.70` (31) 201.50 (32,4)1.02 267.22 6005 Business Equipment Bureau - Copying 31 .64 6030 Valley, Auto Parts Supplies &Main. X303 7.27 rPayroll, Taxes, Deductions 4,252.28 3 , $ 19,231.62 Bank"Balance $21,715.92 STATE TAX STREET FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of February 28, `1970 $ 4,211.13 a From Time Deposit 15,000,00 Bills Paid March 23, 1970 ( 152.44) Balance $ 19,058.69 Check No. 1508 Feenaughty"Machinery Co. '-Equip'.Rental (20) $ 355.00 2035 General Tool & Supply Co. Supplies (20) 54.78 2036 Stark ST. Lawn & Garden - Reel Mower (20) 1,694.42 6012 Nine-T-Nine Sales & Service - Equip.Main. (20) 4.50 6017 Shell OilCo.' - Gas (20) 12.25 6030 Valley ,uto Parts Auto Main. & Supplies 20) 7.52 3 Payroll, Taxes, Deductions 1,874.03 $ 4,002.50 Bank Balance $15,056.19 ROAD FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of February 20, 1970 8,010.98 D�RCH Receipts 1,140.25 Transferred to Adm. ( 625.00) Bills Paid March 23, 1970 ( 3,4!3.50) Balance 5,112.93 Check No. 6002 Portland General Electric Co. (20)$ 11.90 6004 Anderson & Dittman - Legal (20) 19.95 6030 ValleyAutoParts - Supplies ('10) 7.11 2022 AFWL', Spring Convention (20) 1.7.00 7025 Beryl Rich- Mileage ( 1.3) 3.84 2035 General Tool & Supply - Supplies (�0) Q,=ltr 2046 Southwest Office Supply - 041.1) 5.28 2047 Valley Petroleum - Supplies (20) 8.15 1518 Chas. L. Shepherd - Canterbury Lane ('1.3) 3,000.00 1519 Chas. I:. Shepherd - (21.3) 1.,975.02 1.520 Frahler Electric Co. - (41.1 Supplies) 240.68 (20 Contr.Services) 56.00 296.68 1521 Overall Industrial Supply - Uniforms (20) 23.00 1.522 Portland Concrete Pipe Co. - Supplies (20) 49.00 1523 Tigard Feed & Garden - Grass Seed (41.1) 266.7.5 1524 Tigan! Sand & Gravel - Gravel (20) 16.60 1528 West Flood Construction - Repaving & Land- scaping - Canterbury Lane (21.3) 847.50 $ 6,557.62 Bank Balance ($1,444.69) SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 740.55 BANCROFT BOND #2. & INT. U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 104.67 BANCROFT'BOND '#3-& INT;, U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 674.7? BANCROFT BOND #4 & INT. U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 350.71 BANCROFT BOND #5 & INT. U. S NATIONAL BANK $ 207.05 •TOTAL PAYABLES $ 51,991.36 TOTAL BANK BALANCE $ 43,154.87 r,r, o C •.-1 Fi It N 1 C C F O CV ;; s-i 11 Lo q co c;� _ c o�U)cn c:i O 0 0 0 q .�A 6i,ice y-v"N,rtD --I .D (J CD '.o 4 � 3 acs vc u., c tr] '1 U 400 CIS @ tc cl•ri 41 �.,. 9-4 U xW N0Pl. m F T-XP'71!T ITU.rR S March 31,1970 1969-1970 r1:- -,nt Ycgr tc. PuQet t t or moil 0 TOM 130. 2,182. Ze ;r a ,, 11,130. 789. 7,196. . � . .. �n; r :. qC,621. 3,860. 37,345.9,645. T�Kdmi� ; l ,6Pq 1,078. t i �';, ',279. 1,812. 11,664. _.. . -r�- 5,552. 623. 5,643. F of ice Dept !G ,041. 14,803. 120,373. T' Arr `"r-.ffic .. fe : 7,572 . 485. 4,817. T,. ,'�12200. 2,156. . t.:•.=nt:,1 41,656. 2,247. 28,241. Cont 1ng c . Tot,�1_ $ 26,027. $229,262. G;ernticn .: Anten,-nce 1 ,i"1 $ 27,,55. $ 87,781. opincerII..nt and E pension P,' "Ov. 6,061. 38,711. Transfer C . .. ` 1,394. %t'•%Vi ":ve nAe 22,578. err-,,r 831. 63,896. T,ernn_ 17,109. rm: FirF>>,1c 2,775. Totn2 Cower Fund 77? 147. Mi. $Iz, ET,7Iy Opera tion anc' .-',aintenance 0 52,s, $ 4,156. $ 30,816. Contingency 367. Total St"te T:=Y. St.Fund a 01,773. $ 4,156. $ 30,813. Operation rnd Mairntennnce 19,426. $ 1,066. $ 0500. Cook "Prk 496. 11399. r-Einte�;'bur•r r,:3ne 9,035. 52,588. Contin enr-.• 07 .^ota, rtr d T'ur.<. r six, $ 10,597.' $ 68,487. QW11L • ..SS.7,,,NT 123T FUND 7- RnGrOft ?fonds 1,2.7,1 ,5M 16,954 $ 16 i046. m „r ' General 0bl qPt r n 'c nds 21 754. $_101828. TCT,°L KTD07:' 0857,037. $ 75,527. $589.683. 1. t FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVENUES march - 1970 GENERAL FUND 1966 70 Current Year to Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/11/69 * $ 36,077. -0- * $ 38,238. Property Taxes 88,848. 8,246. 82,1.73. Delinquent Taxes 9,872. -0- 4,014. Land Sales & Advance Taxes 25. -0- LICENSE AND PERMITS Business $ 12,500. 280. $ 12,194. Liquor 100. -0 135. Plumbinq and Ideating 5,000. 239. 3,640. Building_ 20,000. 158. 8,262. Moving 50. 19. 19. Sign 300. 10. 216, Bicycle 250. 19. 62. FINES AND FORFEITURES Court, etc. $ 24,000. 2,021. Indigent Defendants' Fund 285. 285. USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Telephone Pay Booth $ 50. 2. $ 38. Interest 500. 118. 369. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES cigarette Tax $ 13,160. $ 10,095. Liquor "tax 18,095. 22,050. Trailer Sales Tax 250. -0- Traffic-Safety Grant 5,979. 5,973. _ CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES ZoningAdjustments $ 3,000. 25. $ 50. Document Sales 600. 77. 540. Library Fees & Fines 375. 281. Recreation Use Fees 1,000. 44. 563. - ' Lien Check 350.' 36. 252. Sub-division Application Fees FRANCHISE REVENUES Portland General Electric $ 18,200. $ 19,739. Northwest Natural Gas 4,100. 4,104. Telephone 7,000. 6,723. Garbage ' 1,960. 189. 1,497. NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Unclaimed Property Sale $ 200. $ 69. ' RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Adm, of Sewer & Public Works $ 65,010.- 16,252. $ 48,756. Gas Tax Refund 800. 1,232. OTHER $ 1,000. 6. $ 606. TOTAL GENERAL FUND $339,651. 28,026. $291,365. *Includes Supplemental Budget Page 1 Revenues 1.969/70 Current Year to SEI,7ER FUND Budoet Month Date Available Cash 7/1/79 $211,989. $222,325. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Sewer Service Charges $ 70,200. 4,003. $ 50,763. Sewer Connection Fees 77,868. 510. 54, 195. Sewer Construction Inspection 2,500. 20. 750. LICENSE AND PERMITS Sewer Permits $ 500. 4. $ 156. USE OF _MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 3,000. 314. $ 6,014. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Subventions $ 2,325. $ 710. Federal Subventions 8,424. 4,873. (Pinebrook,Inc.) RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Assessments Engineering, Etc. $ 5,500. $ 363. Assessments Legal, Etc. 2,000. -0- Other Recovered Expenditures 500. -0- OTHER $ 50. $ 912. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS 98th Street Derry Dell Leron Heights TOTAL SEWER FUND 5384,856. 4,851. $341,561. a STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 11;561. $ 13,908. " REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Gasoline Tax $ 49,162. $ 58,875. - USE OF MONEY Interest $ 50. 142. $ 629. TOTALSTATE TAX STREET $ 60,773. 142. $ 73,412. ROAD FUND Available Cash 7;/1/69 $ 9,358. $ 9,358. Revenues from Other Agencies c $ 18,980. 160. $ 1,759. - (Cook Park Incl.) County Road Tax $ 10,000. 930. 9,797. ' CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Permits $ 100. -0- PublicWorks-Construction Fees 900. 467, • Sale of Street Signs 400. 448. Other -0- 50. 165. USE OF MONEY 'Interest $ 75. 17. 74. improvement Districts Canterbury Lane TOTAL ROAD FUND $ 39,613. 1,157. $ 22,068. Page 2 Revenues ' 1969/70 Current year to BANCROFT BONDS X2,3,4,5 Int. Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 45,221. $ 38,721. Assessments 42,3,4,5 12,000. 376. 8,898. Interest 4,958. 168. 3,968. TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS $ 62,179. 544. $ 51,587 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 22,563. -0- Taxes 2,505. -0- TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 25,068. -0- e � Page 3, Revenues PO::'0E DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATED MONTELY REPORT MONTH OF LARCH t,9 0 DI:STIt IBUT TON OF PERSONNEL. NTTMERECA i, i AVERAGE i PERCENT STRENGTH i DAI.L.Y ABSENCE'DAILY ABSENCE AVERAGF EFFH:C`:'IVE STRENG' Ji Tri z f Same Th Lam. ; Sia this mons idrraon - moi .>a mon*_.". = I mon hl mon rv.zt month 1 mon=;h ` La5': yeari I 1 r,^ + �.35'._ I 1as':, k � y ...,.�....,.�.r.._._ �a,. � I yeal, year TOTAL PERSONNEL 16 lh i7 3 5.8 ! Zt1a% ! 111v 9.7 10.2 ' 8.?_ i � i i7- CHIEF aS OFFICE i 2 " � 1 ;1.1 .3 55� 7 i SERVICES D IVIS. 4--M PATROL DIVIS. 8.7 INVEST. SECT. .3I _3 .5 a I o o 0 F 3� .4 .5 FORCE ONE3 � -" 3 _ 4 :leo i.5 ! h6% � 37� � 1 6 � �3 6 2 5 _ _j _ _ _ r FORCE Tim 7 6 '6 2.5 51% 42% _ � 3.4 3.5 FORCE THREE 4 2.3 _ i.8 . 118% 3.7 1.7 1 2.2 CHANGES IN PERSONNEL DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH - - --------`-m_.m _ 1. Present for duty end of lase: month 00000 1 , Thi s Same month 2 �h last year . Recruited during month............ 0 month a o. .. � 0 ----�....��_�_�.,.c.s� 3. Reinstated during -month......o...om,o.o. 0� 1. Total number field Total to account for................. � officers... 9 9 2. Less Agents Assigj 4. Separations from the serv3ceg ned to Invest,igat.,- �5 (a) Voluntary- resignation ....a. _0 ' � 3. Average daily abs- (b) Retirement ................. . ences of field nfs'= (c) Resigned with charges pending 0ioers owing to-.� (a) Vacation, susp (d) Dropped during:probation.... 0 ' ensi:on9 days off, (e) Dismissed .for "cause 1 comp. time, (f) Killed in line of duty ...,. p-` (b) Sick & injured. 09 .2 (g) Deceased .....o............. ,...a (a) Schools, e+.,... Total separations o.o.00......... 1 Total average dail„v 5. Present for duty at end of month ...o.. 16� 1 absences.... h.5 1a.0 "�ma 4 Ava-41able for duty. h.2 h.5 Page one ri , riE 'NP,E:k AIM } :?i ?Cr. AC r "'. Y 'REND ...._. 1 UHF�rr�S I`NC�rIPT t_NAN-._ r �.,"m I,u t o = ,. t c ri -1 ! a r pp ala 0 0 �: __..�. 0 _. 0 _ i i I 0 0 w 0 �- �..�_,. 100 n. 0 w o K : r,;r i 0 l n 0 pr 0 r 1 T 0 0 0 _ - "{ 2 I 0 UAN 100 I 0 uo s I 0 a 1 L r, t. h We pt:r I 0 } -. .__._.1., 1_ 0:.W.W u- 1d0�i_r__ 9------- A g Agg n 2 2 0r A�o2 a. _. _ 2.._. ...._u_ p._._ un 200 _..r�._ u x Q 2� � Q0� f 1Eart ; f- aA F 4 x f 0 0 _ ..m_..y. a - Vs� �- I !} 26 L 2 up 100 r t r } e Fr. ,v un 200° 6 Nt Fr U, _ 1 ILl__- 0 0 - a . A 0 0� ; 6. 7. 'A c Tt _ 11 =fin 1 un `30c)% ^a l � un 100` 0_ ,m r.de.p Total-4 � 67 �_�. � 1235 _ up- 66�- � � i YS 91. - Ibo rlartslai, z_zs � -__.�•a-• Neg . geg� 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 r„+�;�” 2 ! 2 200 t ... 5 _ (Net Aggro A- 6be Larcen-jr Unde T10 3_.7 11 up 10 27 ° uP 37 _ BRT I" ;Cry A li 30 106 �5 _ up 2 0� _.a�' a {U-i? b22e _ Tota Far T 103 cr minaC._' al 3` € 159 _ 474 _ _ 1_3 _ u�_ �� �.117% 354 e�up 31t� Total Calls fr r Seri ce -b— 688 226 �- 03% ! 563 un 22-% - Page two POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT OFFENSES CLFARED BY ARREST YEAR TO DA7T. V ._:._.. NUMBER OF GFFEMSE PERCENT OF OFFFdVSES CLASSIFICATION OF CIE.kRED BY ARREST CLEARED BY ARREST OFFENSES _.___ _ I CI ota C.:=.-r.ejj By Arres r,£ Potal Gleam>d By Arrest of (Part Classes) � y Persons Under 181 ' Persons Under 18 mh, is This Lasc, This Last Phis Las* W Ye" Yea Year Year, Year Year Year Year 10 CFx��minal Homicide a Murder and None I neg_igen* Maralaughtex! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- _ b Manslaughter by 9 Negl ge ac•L; _ .� _ i 20 Forcible Rape _ Y 0 0 'rota", _5 0 0 0 0 t� 0 Rape by Force - _Wim_ bo Att,emp� Rape pp i — �� -- 1 , P, 0 -0 - _ 0MA Y 0 0 3- Robbery Total ao Arzreci _ - _ 10 bo No Wea.por I —±L-Q1- - - 1 0 0 .�_�...�._ _ 0 4. Assault Total -- 0 OC a o Gun -0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 (b. Knife 5� 0 5w 0 a Other Weapon 0 � 0 O__ _ 0 ( 0 O 0 =0 - d.. Hands, etc, _ ` � e. Other Assault 6 0 0 0 0 �r 0 0 0 o 0 (No�S Aggravated) -0 -=u3� 0 0 0 75% 0 0 5. Burglary Tit _ 0 2 0 - 2 0 14% 0 14� a, Forcible Entry 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 0 -- — bo No Force Used 2 0 28% 0 289 - c Attempt Entry p �" 0 0 0 0 0 Y 0 ' 6, Larceny' — a, $50000 & Over 2 � 0 2 0 8% 0 8% 0 _b, Under $50.00 x`10 9 5 7 27% 33% 1 22 Y 7® Auto Theft 3 1 27% 100% 27% 100% GRAND TOTALI � -- Y i 17 16 10 9 5% 9% 12th Page three r; RE1,G4,". a 7FF v, ` k2�rOnT�r GLASS!FIC,A I Ora aI' F g 3 F (JT F ;N`�T" - J_ _c..., h. 6 , gr� SP1'1f aid r w .W _ 300; 8 I. a t i 3 l _ :.:. l3 .�.�..... 8.,. 333% 1 37 C 3 o S ° 2 ! d _ r 2 20W j. 3 50% O 2 o (Ea Rap .} r � i 0 6. and- .:.. =y.. Drug Lww s 1 1 i 0 100 wo Lair --- 0 v0 D ji . .ltid ,, E t .`y-,..i�.o Ilya„ _ -g8 ,33'.aZ.,,-s.- ! 1 4 y 300T, - __ 9. Dm __Sorde ' � � _ 75%n _ y ° ! ° i � ]Lla Curfew TT'111a .� 2 Ra� a� y 267% iscap,es 412 ° up �-,-o Ars., . i -- 400% 5 ',RP Z1aco 14° All Otho:_ i 3 �3 0� 8 — 167% i 33 154% PART 11 `I"OTA aA ( 630 1 108 �a 58 ,�. - _ 93 7bu ���m POL-ICE VEHICLE REPORT U, :.t # M les Drip e n, P31--elMiles as Used Oil' Used Repairs & � °r.u per mile to Maintenance Operate Vehicle _ #3 �W � _ 87821. 183.4 6 qts. 79.5? 12 50127 1 I °5 #4 1976 4009 2 Qts. 17.65 I 6.6 39767' 203,0 6 Qts. 47°22 1 2°1 #5 1185 2089 76.9 6 qts. 1 #2x 3560 3560s. 9.08 1°4 3 r 3001 3001 h'7.5 6 qts. 13�°66 6-79 7®l ._ 11,428 (PropaneFuel) 143°1 370ts, o° 3°6 �`l7 Average Cost`. Per ° Mile 5,5 Cents = o i�"� c�Vehicle _ -1W;Replacement Vehicle Page fc:?xr New Vehicle Converted to Propane Fuel r^OLTCE DEFARTMNT 280NTHI,Y FEPORT PART FI OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST YEA Ft TO DA'L'E _.._ NUYI72 ^ OFF TSES PERCENT OF OFFENSES ?+ OF CLEARED 5i ARRESTra CTR2:17 BY ARREST C a � By A -e�,' o' By 4 eK of F � er s(r u. je a8 �- F6rsons Crider---8 Thi_ Last': Thais �s' ! This Last, 1few year Year (Year Yeaz i '.ar I Year Year r. t --___---_v Cita, tm._ i Ing 1 I 0 0 0 33% 00 F:�roe 2 >emenm & c 1 F aLd 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 tee: P,oper . t.y C r, ane s 1 2. (V 2 2 1 100% �- 6� I 0 0 ,. Wea ors Crames 0 (.Ek_evt Rap,) 0,._. e m- 0 0 _0 ln! ( 0 0__-- - - 6. Na „cti and D .,g iAws 7. T ,uY ' Laws _ - , p 1�E_ 1_ sp L 1_ 0 I 75% �_ 0 8. 6 r I 86 —0 0 CondL 2 �. 1 { 1 m - 0 40 100% 1_100% 0 -- '0. Vardalas r +0- 2 0 �08% "-u a .y - - 3 I 11 _ 1 3 11 c100 .__ 100% IOG __10_01____ - ` Escapees 110 5 10 5 86% 100% 86% 100.% k 13. Arson_ 0 0 0_ 0 0 0Q lli. .A]- Other 12 ]1a 1 2 2� 31 6%� GRANT`TOTAL' 33 4 ;19 25 31•% 33 � 19% I 17% —. OTHER ACTIVITIES CLASSIFICATION OF ACTNITIFS THIS MONTH SAME MONTH IAST YEAR i. Vacat .on House Checks P1ade - 185 117 _ x 2. Open Doors & Windows Found a - - 21 3 3. Special Prowl (decks Made --------------- 4. --v_ ---- -4. Assists Rendered to Other Agencies ----- 260 12 5. Aid Given to Citizens - --- - _ 6. Warrants Served ------------ - 0 Field Interrogation Reports Made d. Routine Complaints Investigated -------- 9. --=9. Crimes Reported and Investigated ------- 63 TOTAL,ACTIVITIES -- _ ---- --- 2397 -� 1181 — Page five R R REF' t E:. F' _A.J !J 7 N:- D ; iE(KS DTER",-,. 110.90 2 6119-67 F{GFFI�'P " lir 1rEr7 P :Sr,'1t `t)n EA u'F ., , �L �, ,��{; 1,886 12 EAD CHECKS, VAI, T4 _ 328.08 F�iT,r CHEC-B.� . VAPF t.-,. - �,�iMF N:uN'`'u 14 �' r ...� .... ..._.a....,.._ l. FiAD �Fig;.;, VALITE r ,.. .�-. �..._. .._.__,_ .....__._. I a PF P RE_� , _ . , vU�TH --- � [1.5PHAD CHECKS , VAL'IE 1.ECOMRFT _� �� M� r A,- YFaF ,175, THIS S 10 1!Ill VA,UE FROYEFTv LIST SAME MTI .1:AS' YEAR VA.,,UE 3 �t35 91� �:._ RCiFERTY FOUND TH ?vGNr I � !rA LUE 286.25 FR]FFRTY" FUUND SANE MONTH _:,AST. YE411, C FOR �'H'eS ?, I 2 G22 -A _ C'S FOR SAI'L .AS` '�I;A R . , . T L FF..{ SUl'LL'L'111..r m T a, Th—is '1":'-d i i.. 3^,. 4:,t1�.rtopo - ACCEDENr r:;CJaAT_ 10 10 . �33 _ 06% % F4. ii P G O - C 0 0 0 300pi 12 i 11 300n. 1 a- 6 u 0 { - 4 _ 2 200 H'ENFGRCCEME.N-, O LMMAP - _.._a w 'Ti'�ON H n -�--.m. vEAR TO FiA'lE h. S .{ d �'r�., C., d E' `r.1 .5 Z2d" i Vea: TRAFFICT TA Y,�-... C1"a- �� .182a �31%, _ S5 �,- E.' uD 50% _ 116 a 39712 _ tit 11g w JJ '"� 49 — krs 1 I tib M,2 _�� �AnY. P-51 121 �..j uA 22% Accident, Awre c, mp & Cit, ' onn 6 6 { p 19 11 un 73% . . POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT CO!QAR_ATIVE SUMMARY OF TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT TH L5 MONTHYEAR TO DATE - VIOLATION This Ysa,.__1 Last Yea Tn-is Year Inst Year % Change i E Hazardous Viciations " 1 { Total 135 i 117 i 1104 286 up---�8a - - Driving While Under � Influence of Liquor 1_ 1- ' I 6 _ - 5 ry up 20% Violation of Basic Rule (Speeding) 85 63 227 10 — u2 51if F Reckless Driving 1 1 S 1 1 0 Disobey Traffic. Signal �; 13 13 � 56 -- 41 � un 30% - Improper Passing _ o 3 3 - !t - 33`' Improper,Turning 5 3 1.8 20 Failure to Yield Right. of.Way 1 4 7 7 Following Too Close N 06 7 19 :> 1 1 No.or-Improper.Sigral 6 -�p-- 0 I 0 0 0 Improper^ Lane Usage 7 9 30 18 n 66% Defective Equipment 11 5 27 10 up 170`% Other Hazardous _ . .Violations . li 5 22 12 p 83% Hon-Hazardous Violations Total I 47 21 146 68 p 115% Parking Violations Total, 46 ' 24 148 129 p 15%�,= � CIERICAL DATA _ ACTIVITY THIS MONTH Radio Vessages.Logged - -----------4-m-------------- !4738 Telephone. Calls Logged - o oomo-® ®® 2769 Cards luted and_Filed ------------ma-om�,mme'oee�°on� 3208 Pergonal' Contacts ��m oe-o ®m® ���, 1116 Assists.Given to Other Agencies 260 Other Activities ------------------------------ 1180 �APAID OVERTIME TOGGED BY ALL ?ERSONINEL THIS XDNTH S��1'- 11TH I&ST (Chief of Police and Captain 115) 37 514 Hrs. ESnd of report for Month of MARCH 19 70. Hugh Ho Wilkinson Chief of Polipe PUBLIC '1701"I,S U1:PAFCR`1'1-!_­UT UT P,EPORT FOR 71ATZC'1, 1970 1. SEWER DIVISION, R_`PORT: _ - A. Ionthly Data 11: C! IT?ERIA TOTALAVE:. DL`SIG I CAPACITY Flow (qal) 290 ,423,000 1„,^,u + ,000 700 ,000 Solids Collecte=d (gal) 61,38) 1,930 n/r. Ci.lorine Used (11)) 1, 594 51 13OD (Ppm) 20 Suspended Solids 47 20 MPN (per 100 ml) 21,000 i'000 Plant Efficiency 60% : 56, B. Quite a feta problems were incurred at tide sewer treatment plant this month. The primary clarifier was broken down for two days which necessitated tale pumping of the clarificr and added to our problems wi to the digester. The digester i.as not completely .recovered at this time. A total of 3000 pounds of lime has beer, added and we can do nothing more than to e.ait for it to return to normal operations. Up to last week, "lie recovery of the digester looked 1,iopoless, however, gas Production has started and by the end of April, the digester should be oz)erating satisfactorily. C. Five (5) bids were received for additions to the sewer treatment plant. The low bidder being Willis Mechanical` Contractors, P. 0. Box 2521, Eugene,' Oregon, in the amount of $168. 644. D. Stevens Thompson and Runyan has started on the preparation of material to arrange for federal financing in the sewer treat- ment plant expansion. a 2 PARKS AND STREET DIVISION REPORT A. :Most of the time spent by the Public Works Department this month was in preparation of the ball field and, picnic areas at Cook Park. About 70% of the_open 'land at Cook 'Park has been seeded. In addition, .the pumps: for the irrigation system has been installed. B. The playground equipment was installed at Woodard Park. The equipment was donated to the City. Completion of the installation should be made in April. C. The contractor started on the road to the boat ramp at Cook Park. Completion on this road should he about the 20th of April. D. Vandelism to the street signs t its month continues. Two "TERRIFIC" T4and signs Ins c-sere stolen this :nont:7; one on and the other ori 12 i s t Avenue . 3. E:NGINEERIIIG DIVISIOid REPORT �l. Traffic count taken in the month of Iarci, 1970 STREET AT 19 70 S. W. 103rd S. W. McDonald 175 S. W. Tigard Street Tiedeman Avenue 745 (W) Tiedeman Avenue S. W. Tigard St-1073 (s) Tiedeman Avenue S. W. Tigard St.1020 (N) Tigard Street Tiedeman Avenue 1353 (E) 121st Avenue Walnut Street 1060 (?�) Walnut Street 121st Avenue 1209 (E) B. A report was made on tine amended Ziegler. .-annexation to the Boundary Review Com-nission. This area was exPan, ec, to include tie Rollings Hills Subdivision. Tile total area being 109 acres with a total evaluation of 2. 2 million. it is estimated that there is a population of 305 people in this area, of which 106 are registered voters. Ti Y S .µ f - April 7, 1970 T 1 Board of Commissioners e Unified Dowerage Agency of Waahi ty J 0945 S. W. Cashmur Luse PorLland, Oregon 97225 ATTENTION i C. Gordon Tupling t Acting General N.atsamgor e G,antlemens _ s a Zasrly .in one preapuratioris for formation of the Washingtoo County Sewe taago Agency, it was recognized that tho Tigard Sewer Treat- %ant Plant would �iatvo to be expanded for the interim period price to Ines coapietion :;f the easter plan facilities. Coat estirasbas of ¢130,OCO were pruvided by tc engineer prior to actual doeign of the ororoa*d exoaniion. fhie $130,000 figure tam® bom used consintentiy in our financing, plan as prepared by,MartlQt Wells Associates.' Actual design work on the expansion a during the middle of November Rad was completed during the o"ond week of XaSVh. Attaeftd a is a letter to Keith Thompson, the City's Public Works 01.rector, ':. from Fred Cooper of _9tevona, Tnompeon and Runyan irAicating the Angineer'a eattriate .of $182,960 as the coat of the proposed projeafka. The City inLentiona.11y divided the bi.d an the exponsion Late two separate ports. Ditto for long lead-time ahcal., 1tc= were opened on marelt 13th to allow for an early award. ThQ bid call for construction wast hold on Marsh 23rd and no award on that itan ,. 4as been aedo. I am enclosing copies cif :ts►ts enlinaer's r ;.' dation to the City Council with the roo pact to each of tho bid calla. An indicated in Mr. Cooper's letter of Aarch 13rd, 1970, Um app=eftfs a.; law bidder on hitt construction exceeded the o •s ostimaft by 19.1%, mushrooming the total cost of the project 0200,299, plus an onginearing fee of 9.50 1®ss $1,000 for a grwW total of 0210,2049 The City currently has its its mover replacement and ampamics available cast: in the amount of 0160,000. It had been cn= orig hope to tm: lea to fund the cntiroty of the interim expansion. As you can imagine, we are nrov in a difficult decision making positicm. Th® expansion must be rsadco in order to meet the Sinviramostal li:ty Control C ission's requirements and to maintain the ecommic stability of this L>ortion of the county. page 2 R COMM" 4/3/70 preliminary discussion vim � and Mr. eque has be= 11ald to explore the poftbilhilitlY sof f of ,he agency to the City, in orQ to 6stisQy :gross payments should this contract be awarded. That disausaism cont"plated deducting the amount Of 1042 frem the City's total astirmated roimbuxacmQuit, as establLshed in they fin&MVial pl . it is ray undereatandirg that an anaLt of the bees of the weoentlY raurged ani oisl sanitary districts isAicatA doubt 't aVai1- aability of ?undo because of it p.Tjor comitisent to debt aeervico or apocial truct accounts. An .alterna Ave solution might be the 0=3ALtmMAt im the &MCYCDt offul�.y this deficit to oec made from the proceeds of the bond sales, authorized tay the voters on April 2lat. The City has intantionalir timed the deasttline for award of this contract to hpril 27th. sold the lattor solution ba f asib 0, the City Council could elect to ' sward or ro ject aft-or having knowledge of the suncovs or faire of the ban lection. Y respectfully request yexar careful consideration of this mituaticO. please call on sic, if l may juin in your deliberations or provide any additionasl InfomatiOu. Very truly yours, dtaphon Talfer City t.6ainistrater SMT/b" ac a Richard,?Ii Lbrod t, County irai€a trmtL va OffiOcr Daniel ,Potter e. a R Op C6 W ASHINGT N COUNTY a 1 43 # a1� _' j COURTHOUSE—SECOND & MAIN STREETS uke GON HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 _ 15031 648-8681 April 9, 1970 IIr. Stephen M. Telfer City Administrator City of 'Tigard P. o. Box 23551 Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Telfer: your letter of April 7 was discussed by the Board of Commissioners of the Unified Sewerage Agency at its meeting last evening. They very much apprec- iated being advised of the critical financial situation existing in respect to the additions to your sanitary treatment plant. „j They are sympathetic to the situation and have directed me to advise you that the` are takine, the matter under consideration. Our own financial position is heing studied by a firm of Public Accountants and it is not yet clear exactly what funds our agency will have on hand for its own immediate construction .seeds let alone advancements for other needed facil- ities. You are aware, of course, of the pending bond election on April 21, and our immediate future is very much dependent on the outcome of this election. Whether funds obtained through this bonding measure could be utilized for plants soon to be declared surplus appears to be a question. A copy of your letter and its supporting information is being forwarded to t` Mr. Richard D. Roberts, County Counsel, for his consultation and advice. We are well aware that this matter is of great importance to your contract award, and we shall endeavor to get you a more definite commitment at a very early date.. Yours very truly, CGT:vr . G. Tupling, Temp. Mgr. cot R. Milbrodt Unified Sewerage Agency b R. Roberts 8945 S. W. Cashmur Lane . A. Moffat Portland, Oregon D. Potter NNONWEALTM, IMC. (:ONM0—F.1. BU-'.1 421 s.w, 6,K AVENUE ''PORTLANO,OREGON 97203 ) A, C.J. $07.271.1141 March 26, 1970 NAR 2 CITY Of T 19,E ir4RI) City i i.r••:r 1 City Cott: i_ ]'Z/,.Y' S. W. Mran Tli�rrd, llr._�L,r. rrC?rl :.m car:: We ii stl;rl—,d to hear of your annexation of property we own on '!Io_is ?Ferry Road near Progress, at your board meeting of Marc!. 1�70 We had been assured by your City Manager th=1i; ncti,ln wok;.id be set aside until we had time to annex said prcnerty to the- Prc:;-rs,ss Water District. We felt this was n cessnry sinc, t!: ,ity of Tigard lines were not of adequate -, is e rar.c in the IV-tit location to properly serve this property, _ ei f uct.-int; a ch ? er viter rate to the ultimate purchasers of F living, unit :' 4r1 t"ti s area. We :.:, at tiii:; time, obtained approval from the City ,of Portlanr, +e'rt.<:r W, ter District, Progress Water District and are pr •; :;ntJ beir,• prbcc,ssed by the Boundary Review Board. I 1uw 3 likF to . y •-t this time that we have no objections to be rc. in the City o±' Tigard and it had been our plan to annex 9v to the city as scan -1;7- the necessary fundamental's had been proces::E 1. We, requt�st, therefore, that you repeal your ordinance passed on March `'1, -Lei?C •Annexing said property, commonly known as the Robinson prod e--:.;,' giving us an opportunity to complete the annexations we ' .ve in process. We ,will be happy to rejoin the city as soca as tht-6t,' steps have been. completed'. Sincerely yours= f Joe ;,. Pearson, Vice President w JM':m ;f. 421 S'f. ntf• (:N',F. r 5U>1.AND,ORI1G N 9720.2 ANCHORAGE.At.ASn4 A rPyF.IDAHO FWIENE-MEDFORD-SALEM,OREGON SEATTLE,v,4;4INr,, )N SAN FRANCISCO-SACRAMENTO-SAN JOSE,CALIFORNIA