City Council Packet - 03/23/1970 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 23, 1970, 7:30 P.M. _ FOWLER JR. HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY ROOM AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, March 9, 1970 and Special Meeting, March 16, 1970 5. :7RITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS $7,763.37 7. AWARD CONTRACT - 3/4 Ton Pickup (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 8. AWARD CONTRACT - Riding Mower (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 9. REPORT ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR SEWER PLANT EXPANSION (a) City Administrator 10, PROGRESS PAYMENTS (a) Canterbury Lane Recommendation of City Administrator 11. PENSION CONSULTING AGREEMENT (a) Recommendation of ,City _administrator 12. BELLWOOD SUBDIVISION',AGREEMENT (a) Recommendation of City Administrator (b) ;Motion directing Mayor and City Recorder to sign 13. OTHER BUSINESS a 14. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 15. ADJOURNMENT 1. POLs; CALL: C. , Kyle, counclimcr Flayd H. , cnacn, r Larsen, Thum— M. t +,ciloran; A ioi. City Attorney; nt. ;.nun A. Telfet, t v r;,t:. -',3 c:. . Doris t:g, cony Recorder,* .,..x D- ; ..i7 3tl 0,-00;.l my _ 2., PLEDGE OF ALLEU. AUClv 3. APPROVAL OF MINUELS, M i ek q. and March 16, 4. WRITTEN COMMiNiC ;' ON.. Val .. er's 2 lzus cw ne_s of Walnut Court Apartments , _inq cwnu use request, for autumobil_ repair .s e icc a, 9910 S. i., Walnut ,.trey_.. 5e APPROVAL CY i ._ LE ,"uv 07 M- M to py Coun c:loran Larsen. seconded by Approved Al anar;:m uu6 Cote at Council pienent 6. AWARD CD19TB Cl' - 3,4 Tor Pickup ^a) L ty Adminisorawai stated only bid tecanved was from Knauss Chevrolet Co ,r; amountof $2708 21''plus $31.81 extra `ro: a spot light , Knauss Chevrolet offered $50.00 for traa.._n on old pickup, City Administrator recommended ac<.ept:nq bid of 52108 21: and trading in old;pickup for $50,00, !b? Motion to awa_d ..en.-ac: Councilman O`HalLoran, seconded by Counc 0 man. Larsen, Approved by unanimous vote of Council present 7 AWARD CONTRACT - R-,,d;nq Mower Y €a, City Admi .utracor- state! only bid received was from Stark Street Lawn and Garden Co. in the amount o_ $1694.42, AAnanistrator recommended City accept turd. °b: Motion to award con Crac t: Councilman Bergmann, seconded by Councilman O'Halloran, Approved by unanimous o e of Council present. 8, REPORT ON BIDE RECEIVED YDR SEWER PLANT EXPANSION (a) City administrator reported rollowing bids were received: Copenhagen, Ino. S 114.019 Richard L. Martin, Inc 17',81,6 Packazd Construction, inc. 199,000 R_vers.da Construcnion. Inc 240,000 Wallis menhanicaL Contractors W,644 City Admivis cater iev:-wed Terror irom. Stevens, Thompson and Runyan and xec tr al:i d Croy w:chhold aw rd.ec ccnt-raCc pendinn a mt :ting wi,h U ed Sewer Agency and Washington County Ad^ for , repoir back to Council. Admini.tranor ir,rLai .,tu .-d .._'e in a possiba._r, or federal rund.ra plant expans.on and Count.:. .r orma',:;y app3 oved Viupaidt.an uf ap i <. , .on, 9. PROGRESS PAiMENT - ,_A^ 'FPIYU LAN - .:nal iayment $4,915.02 ia^ r _,cc:' ,._ or 1 , 0ts Wank, 7 rated fr , ect has been completed and c rmn .;:d : won: : !b' Motion to ep, r -u, ..,_unralnar, Larsen, seconded by Councilman Bexq arr Appy cved by undsimous ncte ... Council present. 10. PENSION CONSULTING AGFEEMEN'?' a, -.ty Adminissianom read _Ctte> Prom Lee R. jackscn -ting rees wculd be 5.30hour .c _tar_al time: 55 per hour; plus ary additional aexpen6en incurred Maximum fee. would be 51,000. Adminastranor aequested authorization co engage Mr jacka,un of F:___:-n & Co. with . .:pulatren they will Roo br' a bramer aL record. 1b} Mar;on to employ Mr Jackson as consultant: Councilman O'Halloran, sescrdcd by Councilman Larsen. Appro ved by unanimous vote Or Council present.. 11. BELLWOOD SUBDIVISION Ai ._?,MENI (a' City Administrator stated Bellwood Subdivision has been :nspertod and approved, however, City has not received deed to two panel.. .:f land to be used for park purposes. He recommended Mayo: and City Recorder be authorized to sign agreement upon receipt of cash deposits and deeds for park property. (b; Motion by Councilman Bergmann to accept Bellwood Sub- division as or October 9, 1959, and upon receipt of deeds for park proper•.y and cash deposit, Mayor and City Recorder sign subdivision agreement on behalf of City; motion seconded by Cc. nvi.man O'Hal:lozan, Approved by unanimous ;ore of Council present, OTHER BUSINESS A, ART POULIN CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION FOR PET CLINIC (11 City Administrates read letter appealing denial of application 3 By Planning and Zon;nq Commission; Parcel of land is located at 14330 S W Pacific Highway 'Map 2S1 10A, Tax Lot 500) (2) Motion by Councilman Larsen to set public hearing for 8:0O P M: April 1`3, 1910; seconded" ay'Councilman :Halloran. Approved my una.._mova none of Council present, Page 2 - City Council Mint:tec 3•23'70 B City Administrator gave progress report on 701 Ccmprehe.nsive plan application and traffic safety grant application C. Mayor, Council and start discussed community sponsored beautifi- cation program. D. Adjournment 8:25 t M, r CT-Ly- Recorder ATTEST: � ,��i v ' s Page 3 City Council Minutes - 3;'23/70-` - BILLS PRFSFNTFD PnR PAy-Kr March 23, 1970 GENERAL FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BAN? Check No. 5902 Caffee Automotive Supply - Equipment repairs (16) 8 3.50 5903 Copeland Wholesale Co. - Supplies (12) 14.40 (13) 28.80 (14) 43.20 (16) 14.40 100.80 5904 Crosby Paints - Paint 15 5.81 5905 Harris Uniforms - Uniforms R6� 62.50 5906 Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies A- Main. (13)3.68 (18) 62.29 65.97 5907 Oregon Blue Print Co. - Supplies (14) 9.30 5908 City of Portland - Equipment Main. L Sup lies l6 34.32 5909 Southwest Office Supply - (10) 17.00 (1319.90 (14) 2.50 (16) 116.82 156.22 5910 Dalley Auto Parts - Auto Repairs 16) 16.08 5911 Westway Chrysler-Plymouth - Auto Repairs 16 128.52 5912 Whitcher Printing A Stationery - Supplies 14� 11.00 5946 General Telephone 18 411.27 5947 Commercial Communications - Equipment Main. 16 49.00 5948 Carl Cox - Paint 18 38.70 5949 Cornell, Howland, Hayes P, Merryfield 14 747.96 -- 5950 Harrison Hotel - Travel Expenses, S.M.I'elfer 10 75.97 5951 Lanson's, Inc. -Books 115 176.82 5952 Line-Up Shops - Auto Repairs 16) 25.85 5953 Northwest Industrial Laundry -, (15) 11.80, (18) 17-50 29.30 5954 Pacific Steel Warehouse - Repairs A; Supplies (16 128.43 5955 RCA - 2 Carfones in Police Cars (16� 1,368.00 5956 Secretary of State - Filing fee for 68-69 audit50.00 5957 Shell Oil Co. (16) 234.75 5958 Standard, Oil Co. Gas 16) 16.86 5959 Times Publications' - ;Public Noes Leron Heightslightingdistrict (12) 1 ..88 1 3,958.81 SEWER FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 5903 Copeland Wholesale Co. = Maintenance (31) 1 43.20 5906 Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies 8- Main. (30) 9.39 (31) .86- 10.25 5909 Southwest Office Supply 31 35.99 5910 Valley Auto Parts Supplies 31 2.38 5946 General Telephone 30 7.06 2004 Eoff Electric Co. - Supplies 130 12.90 2005 Kilham Stationery & Ptg. - Supplies (30)3.25 (31) 6.25 9.50 2017 Fred Meyer - Film (31) 20.64 v 2018 Star Rentals - - ) �P 30) 82.00 2020 Oregon Chapter - APWA 31) 15.00 1.515 Tigard Lumber Co. Supplies 31 5.08 244`.00 004m STAGE TAX STREET FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 5906 - Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies 20 S 8.94 5908 City of Portland - v' 20 26.00 5910 Valley Auto Parts - if 20 7,06 5957 Shell Oil Co. 20 51.11 1509 Shell Oil Co. 20 31.20 1510 Tualatin Valley Fire Equipment- Supplies 20) 7.50 1515 Tigard Lumber Co. - Supplies �20) 20.63 �5 152.44 ROAD FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 5906 Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies (20 2.25 5910 Valley Auto Parts - Supplies & Equipment Main.20 83.90 5946 General Telephone 2027.35 5954 Pacific Steel Warehouse - Supplies �20 45.36 2004 Eoff Electric Co. - Supplies 20 13.40 1514 H.A.Mohr & Associates - Engineers (21.3 3,208.36 1515 Tigard Lumber Co. - Supplies A Main. (20 27.50 3,408.12 TOTAL ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE 8 -7,763.37 k £ f