City Council Packet - 03/16/1970 T I GARD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING; March 1.6, 1970, 7:30 P M 1. ROLL CALL. Present: Mayor E. G- Kyle; Councilmen Floyd H: Bergmann, Daniel Larsen; Stephen M, Telfer, Clt.y Admini.strator; Keith C. Thompson, - Director of Public Works; F-mily Wied.. -]Ianning Director Absent: CUuncilmen Robert C. Moore, Thomas M. O'Halloran; Attorney F. A, Anderson Special meeting was called by common consent of Council for the purpose of reviewing bids and awarding contract for purchase of one clarifier mechanism and three aerators to be utilized at the Sewage Treatment Plant, 2.. CITY ADMINISTRATION READ BIDS RECEIVED (a) Fred C. Cooper of Stevens, Thompson and Runyan acting as City Engineer forwarded his comments regarding the bids received, City Administrator recommended bid be awarded to Darr-Oliver Company for supply of equipment as per specifications and their bid of $31,615,00, (b) Motion by Councilman Bergmann to accept City Administrator's recommendation, seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 3. BUDGET COMMI'I:TEE APPOINTMENTS s (a) Motion by Councilman Bergmann to appoint Louis Girod to a 3 year term, seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. (b) City Administrator recommended appointment of Robert Burrows. (c) Motion by Councilman Larsen to appoint Robert Burrows for a 3 year 'term, seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Councilpresent. 4. Adjournment - 7:50 P-M ` City Recorder- � ATTEST: or