City Council Packet - 03/09/1970 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 9, 1970, 7:30 P.M. FOWLER JR. HIG11 SCHOOL LIBRARY ROOM AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 7_ PLEDG.P OF AT,T,F.GTANCF. MR 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, FEBRUARY 23, 1970 5. WRITTEN COf11MUN ICAT IONS 6. APPROVAL OF BILLS $35,870.73 7. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Administration (b) Building (c) Finance (d) Police (e) Public Works (f) Library 8. PENSION PLAN (a) Continued from February 23, 1970 Council Meet-=ng Recommendation of City Administrator 9. AWARD CONTRACT - 3/4 TON PICKUP (a) Recommendation of City Administrator, 10. AWARD CONTRACT - RIDING MOWER (a) Recommendation of City Admin_strator 11. ORDINANCE No. 70- AN ORDINANCE PROPOSING THE WITHDRAWAL OF ANNEXED AREA"WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD FROM COTTONWOOD PLACE LIGHTING DISTRICT: SETTING A DATA, ,IME AND PLACE OF: HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO SUCH WITH- DRAWAL: DIRECTING NOTICE OF HEARING TO BE _ GIVEN BY PUBLICATION AND POSTING: RESERVING TO COUNCIL DETERMINATION OF RESOLUTION TO BOUNDARY COMMISSION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8:00"P.M. ,_April 11, 1970 (b) Recommendation of City Administrator : 12. RESOLUTION 70- RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, OREGON FOR PURPOSE OF INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGE BY ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY_- TO BE KNOWN AS NORTH;DAKOTA ANNEXATION - Parcel 1 (a) -Recommendation of City Administrator . 13. RESOLUTION 70-_ RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, OREGON FOR PURPOSE OF INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGE BY ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY - TO BE KNOWN AS S, W. 12'.st AND GAARDE ANNEXATION - Paace% 2 (a) Recommendation c:f C-,.y Administratoa 14. RESOLUTION 70- RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, OREGON FOR PURPOSE Or INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGE BY ANNEXATION OF TERRrTORY - TO BE KNOWN AS DERRY DELL ANNEXATION - Parcel 3 (a) Recommendation of City Adm-nistrato: 15. ORDINANCE No, 70- _ AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TIGARD LANDS OF Commonweaith Properties, Inc, and Tigard Evangelical Church in Section 34, TIS, R1W, W.M. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON (a) Continued from February 23, 2970 Council Meeting (b) 1008 Petitioned Assessed valuation $81,000 (without church property) Area 112.4 Acres Zoned Washington Counry S--R 'Suburban Res..dential" (c) Recommendation of City Administra!:or 16. RESOLUTION 70-_ RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, OREGON FOR PURPOSE OF INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGE BY WITHDRAWAI, OF TERRITORY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS FROM LERON HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTRICT (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. (b) Recommendation of City Administrator - 17. RECONSTITUTION OF PLANNING AND "ZONING ` (a) Report of City Administrator 18. RESOLUTION 70- RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, OREGON- FOR PURPOSE OF INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGE BY;ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY - TO BE j I{P.OWIN AS TIGARD WATER DISTRICT - AGA PROPERTIES r AND CALWAY ANNEXATION (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 19. OTHER BUSINESS 20. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK 21. ADJOURNMENT i, Page 2 - Agenda - 3/9/70 e T I G A R D C I T Y C O U N C I L REGULAR MEETING MARCH 9,1970, 7:30 P�M. 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor E. G. Kyle, Councilmen Floyd H. Bergmann, Daniel L. Larsen, Robert C. Moore, Thomas M. O'Halloran; Stephen M. Telfer, City AdTiini6Lrator; Fred A. Anderson, City Attorney; Keith C. Thompson, Director of Public Works; Doris Hartig, City Recorder 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, February 23, 1970 (a) Approved as submitted 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter from John Cook Chairman, Existing Park Committee, :requesting meeting with Council to discuss formation of formal park commission and also to discuss future park development of City. Council requested City Administrator to invite Mr. Cook to Council study session. 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS $35,870.73 (a) Motion to pay: Councilman O'Halloran, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 6. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 7. PENSION.PLAN s (a) City Administrator recommended appointment of Lee Jackson of' Follen & Company as consultant, with stipulation he cannot submit a bid "on the plan. Council requested City Administrator prepare contract and bring back to Council for their approvals (b) Motion by Councilman O'Halloran authorizing City Administrator to meet with Mr. Jackson and draw up a contract for presentation to the Council; seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approved by majority vote of 4 - 1, Councilman Bergman voting NAY. 8. AWARD CONTRACT 3/4 Ton Pickup & Riding Mower (a) City Administrator stated only one bid was received on each item and recommended continuation` to next Council meeting to give him time for further "study. Council in agreement with recommendation 9. RECONSTITUTION OF PLANNING 5 ZONING CO.MMISS'ON - (a) City Administrator reported Commission elected to maintain ex;st:rg terms The unfilled seat to expire y July 2, 1970, a:ong w._th Mr. Everett Severson's term, Members of Ccsn ;ssxon are as follows: ;, Alan Paterson (Chairman) 7/2/71 Everett Seversaa: 7j2/70 Clarence Nrcoli 7/2/71 George Lewis 7/1/72 Charles Woodard 7/2/72 Jerry flarris 7/1/73 Lewis H, Gosl;n 7/2/73 Outside City Robert L. Fletcher 7/2/73 Outside City Vacancy 7/2/70 10, ORDINANCE No. 70-5 -" AN ORDINANCE PROPOSING THE WITHDRAWAL OF ANNEXED AREA WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD FROM COTTONWOOD PLACE LIGHTING DISTRICT; SETTING-K DATE, TIME IC AD PLACE OF HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO SUCH WITHDRAWAL; DIRECTING NOTICE OF HEARING TO BE GIVEN BY PUBLICATION AND POSTING; RESERVING TO COUNCIL DETERMINATION OF RESOLUTION TO BOUNDARY COMMISS'ON AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY (a) Setting Public Hearing April 13, 1970, 8:00 P,.M. (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman Bergmann, seconded by Councilman O'Halloran_ Approved by unanimous vote of Council, RESOLUTION 70-1 - RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, OREGON FOR PURPOSE OF INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGE BY ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY -'TO BE KNOWN AS TIGARD WATER DISTRICT AGA PRO- PERTIES'AND CALWAY ANNEXATION, (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Larsen. Approvedby,unanimous vote of Council. n £ 12. ORDINANCE 70-6 - AN ORDINANCE.RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND RECORDING CHANGE IN' THE. BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY;OF TIGARD BY THE BOUNDARY;COMMISSION, ORDER NO. 88, INVOLVING LANDS OF Lamb-Weston in Section 1, T2S, R1W, W;M, , WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, RECORDING EFFECTIVE DATE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY : (a) Motion to adopt: Councilman Larsen, seconded by Councilman O'Halloran, Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 13, > RESOLUTION,OF CITY COUNCIL AT TIGARD. OREGON, FOR PURPOSES OF INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARYCHANGESBY 'ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY To Be Known as North Dakota Annexation - Parcel l` To Be Known as S. W, 121st and Gaarde Annexation - Parcel 2 To Be Known as Derry Dell Annexation.- Parcel 3' e Page 2 - Council Minutes' - 3/9/70 (a) Motion by Councilman Larsen to consolidate discussion of three proposed annexations; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (b) Mayor stated public hearing was closed, however, :.r members of audience had anything to add to discussion they may do so at. this time Apprax-_mately 84 amended meeting. Those who testified and nave their names are as follows: Mrs,. J,: T. Hart, S. W- N:Dakota, Parcel 1 Albert Patecky, S W N.,Dakota, Parcel l Mrs Lewis Mrs. R. J. Gaarde, S. W. Wa1nAt, Parcel, 2 Barbara Nelson Mr, Endicott, Parcel s E. M. Thomas, S. W. Fairhaven, Parcel 3 Dick Smith, S. W. 115th, Parcel 2 Kenneth Bunn, S. W, Howard Dri,,'e, Parcel 2 June Webber, S. W. Fairhaven, Parcel 3 Lynn Miller., S. W., Fairhaven, Parcel e Mrs. Jean Rogers, S. W, Walnut, Parcel 2 Bruce Anderson Mrs. Smith, S, W. Fonner, Parcel 2 Mr, Turnbull, S„ W, Gaarde, Parcel 2 Mrs, Meyers, S, W. 100th, Parcel 3 5 unknown 14. RESOLUTION 70-2 - RESOLUT-1.0N OF CITY COUNCIL AT TIGARD, OREGON FOR PURPOSES OF INITIAT18N OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGES BY ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY 'I3 Be Known as North Dakota Annexation - Parcel 1 (a) Motion by Councilman Moore to table resolution for period of 6 months; seconded by'.Counci.iman Larsen. Approved by majority vote of 4 - 1'; Councilman O'Halloran voting NAY, 15, RESOLUTION 70-3 - RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, ;OREGON FOR PURPOSE OF INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGE BY ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY To Be Knows as S, W. 121st and Gaarde Annexation -- ` Parcel 2 s (a) Motion by Councilman Moore to table resolution for period of 6 months; seconded by Councilman O'Halloran. Approved by majority vote of 4 - 1; Councilman O'Halloranvoting NAY. 16. RESOLUTION 70-4 - RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD, OREGON FOR PURPOSE OF INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGE BY ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY To Be Known as Derry Dell Annexation Parcel 3 (a) Motion by Councilman'Moore to table resolution for period of 6 months; seconded by Councilman Bergmann, Approved by majority vote of 4 - 1; Councilman O'Halloran voting NAY`. Page 3 - Council Minutes - 3/9/70 17a ORDINANCE 70-1 - AN ORDINANCE FIND,NG r3AT ALL PRICEEDINGS REQUIRED FCP THE: WITHDRAWAL EROM LERON HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTR T OF A CEMAIN N AREA ARETOKSTANIAN TOOK CITY, HA L BEEN DULY AND REGULABLY [i i N[UC T L F 'T 'DhHER FINDING - - TRAP :P N 'THF BES !NTEPEST CFTHE CITY OF T_GARD TO W3THDF.AW SU'ZH AREA FROM SAID DISTRICT, 0ESCVLBING THE AREA :NVOLVED AND WITHDRAWING SUCH AREA PROM THE LERGN HE.GHTS . ,GHT:NG D S'lR.!CT FURSUANT TO SECT!ON 222 524 OREGON REVISED STAIU"'.E S (a) Public Hearing - S:00 P M No Test.Lrnor'_y, rubl.c Heai :.na Closed (b) MOtiOn to adapt: Counc; lman Larsen, sec=onded by Councilman Bergmann Approved by unanimous vote of Ccuncal 18. ORDINANCE 70-8 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF 'T_GARD LANDS uF COMMONWEALTH isR IERTiES, ;NC AND TI-GARD EVENGELIC'AL CHURCH _N :ect.ion 24.. TIS, R'W, W M , WASH:NGTON COUNTY , CTEG0, (a) Public Hearing continued from Fabsuary 23, 19'0 Council Meeting, Mayor Kyle reopened the pub!;c hearing and asked roi testimony. No Testimony - Pub1_c Hearing Cased (b) Motion to adopt,: Councilman Larsen, seconded by Councilman? Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. OTHER BUSINESS A. City Administrator reported Mr: Stark had presented a petition for annexation of. hisproperty located in;the vicinity of S. W. '130th and'south' of Scholis Ferry Road- City Administrator recommended Mr`. Stark be requested,to contact his neighbors regarding annexation. Council in agreement with C.ty Admsni:strator _ recommendation B. City Administrator requested time to.study 'Ralph Peter"s parking , problem on S W. Electric, Administrator to make'recommendation at next Council meeting. C. Adjournment'10:25 P.M. 1>4 / I --C-01 Recorder- i ATTE T: Mayor Page.:4 - Council Minutes - 31'9/70 MEMORANDUf4 TO: City Council March 1970 FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Monthly Progress and Status Report 1. Pension Plan After our many weeks of deliberation on the matter of selecting a broker of record or consultant to aid us in the establishment of a city pension plan, I have reached the following conclusion, which is my recommendation: In my opinion, it would be well worth our money to spend approximately $1000. to hire a consultant to aid us in the design of the benefit program needed for a pension plan that we can live with forever. Researching the background of pension plans in general for municipalities in the State of Oregon, I have discovered that most private plans have been established primarily by brokers of record representing insurance companies. Most of these private plans seem to be "package" plans and have not been particularly tailored to the needs of the respective city. Additional checking has also put me in a position of recom- mending Lee, Jackson ,to act as our consultant,. He seems to be ° well respected in the pension industry and particularly by ° brokers representing 'various insurance companies. I am;per_ .rz sonally impressed by the fact that he has been involved ,with establishing pension plans for insurancepeoplethemselves. h ' An additional consideration is the fact that our employee benefits generally,ought to be reviewed and considered in terms of our long termposition in the la7,00r market. I _believe Mr. Jackson will be able to lend valuable experience in this field to us. 2. Annexations As a result ,of the vociferous crowd in attendance at the hearing on the three proposed annexations last week, I am rather perplexed regarding the continuation of the process. I have, reviewed the annexation statutes with Attorney Anderson and find that no annexation may be effective at any time during the 90 days :prior to a primary election. As our schedule now stands, the 'earliest possible time the Boundary Reviewcommis- sion could hear our three proposals would be at their meeting g, April 8th. The new boundary statute indicates that the annexation would be effective 45 days after the adoption of a final order by the Review Commission. This would obviously establish the effective date of these annexations after the primary and, for that reason, these proposals could continue on schedule with no problem. However, annexations after May 31st of any given year could not be considered for taxation purposes the following fiscal year. I believe this would have the effect of not being allowed as an addition to our tax base and would cost the City approximately $17, 000. during the fiscal year 1970-71. For this reason, I think that it would be valuable to inform the citizens Monday evening that you are still most adamant about your position that the area must unite to provide the necessary improvements to protect our environment and that you are interested in more of the citizens becoming apprised of the facts regarding annexation, and '.hat you will continue to study the matter for 6 months. it would, perhaps, be advisable if you could indicate to them that you in fact will be con- sidering these annexations again at some specific future Council meeting. I would recommend that we hold a quick study session again at 7:00 P.M. in my office prior to Monday night's Council meeting to further discuss this matter. 3. Parking Problem Enclosed in your folder is' a copy of a letter from RalphPeters regarding a parking problem on S. W. Electric Street across from City Hall. I will put this matter on your next study session agenda, together with a problem regarding bus loading zones on Main Street. ' 4. Traffic Safety Grant `- Last week. I had an opportunity to represent the City before the Oregon State Traffic Safety Commission. This agency is responsible for-reviewing and approving traffic safety grants`. .After a hearing, they approved our proposed traffic safety grant, which has now been forwarded to the Federal Traffic Safety` Commission offices in Seattle for final' approval. It is my_understanding ;that federal approval is nearly automatic, which would indicate that we should be able to execute our contract with CH2M and commence the inventory work as early as April lst. 5. County;,Road Takeover For the benefit of those unable to attend the study session, last Monday, March 2nd, we again discussed the county road Page 2 - Progress Report � e n takeover. As per a meeting between myself, Keith Thompson and Washington County officials, I am asking Fred Anderson to prepare a new resolution, indicating the City' s desire to have the county relinquish all streets within the City for our maintenance. I am enclosing a copy of a letter from Ken Meng that describes the county' s financial problem. _Monday evening we also discussed the possibility of a serial levy to help finance some general improvement, including shoulder grading and drainage work on these streets. In the near future, I will develop additional information on this subject for your review at a future study session. 6. Personnel As most of you are aware, Ron Evans, an Acting Sergeant in the Police .Department, resigned last month. In his place, Leonard Cardwell has been promoted to Acting Sergeant and Leonard has been replaced by William Wells. Mr. Wells is a lifelong resident of Tigard, a graduate of Tigard High School, and has recently completed a stint in the service. Incidentally, his service training included considerable training and experience in the area of disarming bombs and other explosives. Though I hope we never have to use his talents along that line, it is comforting to have that kind of ability on our staff. We are also sorry to report that Bernice Sherman, one of our clerk-stenos,,,willhaveto leave us in June to accompany her husband who has;been transferred to Eastern Oregon with the •telephone 'company. Respectfully submitted, SNIT/JP Encl. 2 Page 3 - Progress Report I I rl 01 ri Fa R< ,Y ,li Q N cd N :! ti o Sa QJ -+ QJ C. N O O 7 L1 J i E C;J F-I [ y e 's n1•moi (U f4•r+CEJ s �� ti)UJ U1 U] cn .oO tis n� \j C N . I N J V H 4-•a ;stn o c C•rl.H ci N N S-+ C E E E z :�5 •".cll N FINANCIAL STATI3MiaV'P RhVENI)r.; 1969/70 :a;rrent: Year to SEWER FUND T3udget ticnth _'),,te Available Cash 7/1/69 $211,'389. 1222,32.5. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SGRVIC=S Sewer Service Charges $ 70,200, 6,'310. $ =u,'I61). _ Sewer Connection Fees 77,}i6R. 770• 53.625• Sewer Construction Inspection 2,500, 30. 730. LICENSE & PERMITS Sewer Permits $ 500. $ 6. $ 152. USE OF MONEY & P]OPEI2'PY Interest $ 3,000. $ 332. 5,700. REVENUES FROM OTI -"R AGENCIES State Subventions $ 2,325. -0- $ 710. Federal Subventions 8,424. -0- 4,.873. (Pinebrook, Inc.) RECOVERED EXPENDITURES ,500. $ -0- 363. Assessments Engineering, etc. $ 5 5 Assessments Legal, etc. 2,000. -0- -0- Other Recovered Expenditures 500• -0- -0- OTHER $ 50. $ 268. $ 912. Improvement Districts: 98th Street Derry Dell Leron Heights TOTAL SEPIER FUND: $384,856. $ 8,316. $336,710. STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 77-17-6-9 $ 11,561. $ 13,908. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Gasoline Pax $ 49,162. $ 35,290. _ S 58,875. USE OF MONEY interest $ 50. $ 51, '$ 487. TOTAL STATE TAX STREET: $ 60,773. $ 35,341. $ 73,270. ROAD `FUND Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 9,358. $ 9,358. _ REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES $ 18,980. $ 80. $ 1,599. (Cook Park incl) covtnty Road Tax lD,000. -0- 8,867. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Permits $ 100. -0- -0- Public 'works' - Construction Fees 900. -0- 467. Sale of Street Signs 400. -0- 448. Other -0- 115. 115. USE OF MONEY $ Interest $ 75. -0- 57. Improvement Districts Canterbury Lane -0- -0- -0 TOTAL ROAD FUND: $ 39,813. $ 195. $ 20,911. s Page 2 - Revenues 3 NO o- 1969/70 Curren r_ Year to BANCROFT BONDS #2,3,4,5 Int. Sud et_ Month Date Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 45,221. $ 38,72.1. Assessments ;k2,3,4,5 12,000. $ 312. 8,522. Interest 11,95n. 143. 3,900. Total BANCROFT BONDS: $ 62,179. $ 455. 51,043. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 22,563. -0- -0- Taxes 2,505. -0- -0- TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS: $ 25,068. -0- -0- a FINANCIAL STATE?+1LNT EXPENDITURES FEBRUARY � Grr.JrRAL FUND Current Year to Budget J'onth Date Payor and Council 3,703• "" 49. ?" 2,052. Municipal Court 11,130. 859, 6,407. '-dministration 56,621. Building r 4,212, 33,485. Sept. 14,685. 1,161. 8,567. Planning &- Zoning 22,279. 1,640. 9,852, Iibrery 8,552. Police Dept. 556. 5,020. 165,041. 16,133. 105,570. Police Traffic Safety 7,572. 819. 4,332. Park 6,412. 230. 1,956. Non-Departmental 41,656. 3,263. 2 Contingency 2,000. 5,994. Total General Fund ;x339,651. ?I 28,922, 1203,235. S-T:"JAGS DISPOSAL FUND Operation and Maintenance w122,161. � 3,839. S 59,926. Replacement and Expansion 260,707. 3,696, 32 650. Contingency 1,988. ' Transfer ( 12,509. ) 0. E. A. 70. 1,394. 98th Avenue 1,1.81. 22,578. Derry Dell Leron Heights 4,333. 63,065. Pineb'rook 837. 17,109. Total Sewer Fund u `, 2 °6 13,956. �199�,497 ST--ATE TAX` STREET FUND Operation and Maintenance 52,306. 2,983. $ 26,660. Park Dept. 8,100. Contingency 367. Total state Tax St.Fund E0,773. ? 2,983. 26,560. ROAD FUND n-erati on and IV + N Min�enance 39.426. Q! 9 ac, Cook Park a .L,»�L. V 6,434. Canterbury Lane 20. 7,903. Contingency 8 1,032. 43,553.' •' Total Road Fund 39;813. 2,403. 8 57,890. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT FUND Bancroft Bonds 1,2,3,4, 5 8': 16 58. 16.046. GENERAL DEBT 'MID General Obligation Bonds T 26,754. 10,828. s TOTAL BUDGET $857,037. S jar26 5--- f PC)T.'(',E DFPAR?'MENT CONS01.11DA`n`ED MONTHLY REPORT MONTH OF � Y iq 7n D,ST R EMA`ION OF FFRSONNE 4" NUPEZR.ICA.1 i AMMAGE i PERCENT STRENGTH DAILY ABSENCE: DA 11,Y ABSENCE� AVERAGE EFFFr'T IVE STRENGTH End r7f_ 5 ne 1.TFl s !Sump (7}� s T S v r t rl - i I s i.._same this montzrlmon?h mr n*.'h mmonl.^( mon-.1mo v7ZI P�C,rn-:n i mon�h _ Lau1. y_a,l 1 �' 15 a�"s i V£-ail Year year ! TOTAL PERSONNEL 17 7� F 8 i r 6 i ) 0k 0 x ..2 .9 _.._.. CHIEF'S OFFICE 2 1 6 1 4 'Cf° !�0' l.l; 0. •^ SERVICES DY4'IS, 4 1 7 1 1 I 31 35' _.. _. o _ w a PATROL Divis 9.6 4 _ K 8 t 15� ! l���° __5 _ ! r.l ,y , .__ INVEST. SECT. �� �t 0 ' 0 1 0 __.. .0 •e�#� �� .a s �_ ,_�� ? FORCE ONE 5 p !a ,1.1� a 1.la 3, 3 - . . 6 3..0 mss 2. _ FORCE TWO �8__ 6_ a:3 12.4 9/" �hO% .9 -3. _.3• d.® FORCE THREE ! 1t �2 31.8 �57�_�. �.�_ �1.�� _2.5 2�2_a CHANGES IN PERSONNEL - DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH 1. Present for duty end of last�month W...... 16ea:r This � Same month �..��._� � 20 Recruited during month ...00 �.. K 1 �_ - z�.�ar month last 30 Reinstated during month.... n.—� lo Tectal nu.,..ber field Total. to 'account foroo uo...o....a 1 � off 4cers.... 10 9 -'; 2. Less Agents Assig- 4. Separations from the sexvic.e€ ned to Invest-igat.o .4 •4 (a) Voluntary res gnation 00000o OI o Average daily absf enoes of field off- (b) Retirement ................. 0 iters owing-toy (c) Resigned;with charges pending�0 m (a) Vacations susp (d) Dropped during' probationo... 0ens on, days off, (e) Dismissed for taus' �0 comp. time.., etc- 3.23.3 (f) Killed in line of duty ..o.. 0 (b) Sick & injured. � .9 •0 (o) Schools, eta,... .h .5 (g) Deceased o.0000..00000000aoorT Total separations o0000.o.00 _0 Total average dai,'� 17 absence5oo )j. 3.8 5. Present for duty at end of month ....o. 1 . Available for dr,.ity. 5.1 11.8 Page one PUDLICE JFPAR,MEN`T' MONTHLY IEIPOR' CRIME 'NDFX. ANIS P01-?CF. ACT7%Tj,rY TRENn _ OFFEid ES KNOWII Y - ANi�k., ._ SJ F I .CN O �R� �i r L .� ihr + �-� is i ti - S sx v a Yea,-- tAS -yea r - (Pa. 1. MT r ,eRi Nrr = 0 ! 0 0 ; 0 0 Man e Pc rT , Rape _.._�_._..__ _... __r ....v_._ _ 1_._. { ,.. l _ ..1.=,vd i _jr) I o Rape by ora ­T ., Rape 1 0 ! 0 0 s 0 0 t 7 3. Ro"t r 'o}RI 1 ] ] i n n lOC Nc Weapon 1 � �� un lrp, 4. A �, eg aeras Assau.ft Total. � 0 fi 0 0 0 � � _� 0 I I; _ ..,_ ao Gz 0 s 0 0 n nu o K i,r n _ 0 n Weapon 0 t. O*hey i Fav.... _ Firs r t _.amu _I _ 5o au r g` az To ,a 4; � I.. . un 16,4 12 a F ru.hie Ent iy! 5 13 �.� �?ur �un 1��= - --h No Fera Us—I 2 y 6 co H+ m�ir Ent,��" l� � �Ou (`in 2OOr +n 6. s.ar,-ena cr�-er I'._._.__ $aOoC� 12 _. . 17 �7 un 71 ! 9 u 990 7. Auto�T'fie°:� v 57 0� un �0 0 un70Oq _ Grz:^e Index Total �al 26 )47 11 un 136L_ _23_ un 1021%�� lb. Manslaughter r%y Negligence � 0 _ 0 0 0 �� 4 eo Other Assaulry _.� (Not Aggravated) { 0 - -- I.. 2 l - 10 > �s 2 - 6bo La cen,f Undezi $ 0;00 12 2.7 11� un_ 1? I 16n ur• 69 FARC�I TOTAL � 39 7�� 23 _ un 65� i — lil �un ��g�� Toa1 Pay IT I�sc.,.c�ents 25 � 5 -- 2 v FR% Total Misc _ Nan= cri n� Calls !! 153 9{-..a,.om. un � 1 !, 2kin 216 h66:ceTotal a171cr_Se-r� 161 un ad �3�� Page two P61,10E DEPART.MEN'" MONTHLY" REPORT OFFENSES LFARED BY ARREST YEAR TO DATE . -__- NrJMriFR GF GI FEtJSE m j PERCENT OF OFFENSES CLASSIFICATION OFp� CI EARED BY ARREST i 4 CIEARED BY ARRMT OFFENSES GTuw ea~e I By Ames- tai Total Clearc�d By Arrest t of (Part r Classes) a i Persons Under18 � Person_ Under 18 h s Ia p This La 7, Phis Last Thas .Las fear YeaLv Year Yea Year Year Year Year, to Cr .mlrai. Hom.1c d9 - d M-arder and Nunes II neg2 _gen,, Mans-laughtex! 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 00 b. Manslaughter by � ! �.`.•`_". -- �.-_m_,.-a--�•----_._ _W o� -- Neglgence: 0h 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 - .,..e_..._.__. ... _ 0 2. Frrcib.le Rape - Total j 0 0 0 0 I_ 0 I 0 0 o Rape by Force-- - ¢_ �_.. - s b. A!tempt Rape 6 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 3- RobberyTotal �._2.a.�,l..._._..0� 0� 100` o Armed - + 1 p ml_ate. --0 _10!) _x0 P 1 0 0 0 100° 0 �9 i 0 4. Assault Total � 0 2 0 I 0 0 10 a o Grxrk 0 0 ; 0 0 Y�0 0 fib, Knife 0 i 0 o 0 0 .0_ 0 Other Weapon r 1 0 0 0 �0 _ - -s �._. .._�� _�� .amu_ a _— do Hands, etc. 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 eo Other Assaults �WY -- �y - - (Not Aggravated) f 0� �2 0 0 0 100% 0 0 5. Burglary Total 0 I 2i 0 2 ' 0_ 1 °' -- R a. Forcible Entry; 0 0 0 0 0 p bo NoForceUsed 0 @. -2� 0 2�m.. c. Attempt:Entry 0 0 0 0 > 0 60 Larceny ao $50,00 & Over X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bo Under $50000 5 5' 3 3 19% 31% 1 11" 7® Auto Theft ��� ? 1 1 1 14 GRAND TOTI 8 10 5 E 10 2I 7% 15% Page three POI,Yr r DFFARTNNT MONTH T_<Y REPORT `R,M, INDFX OFF JSF-! KNrJ N CHAN(IF CLASSII�'7C'AT_:ON 7 ' Rep�.r. �d c-< A . .a�� Offe.:se< OFFENSE b...cmr,. 11F _rt:. Yea_ c; so am M. n 3_, Saida Per cd (£ar T..t. C;_'u se's Mc .r. Da tN t Pez 1.artter Pe erb 1. Fr ge v & C oiinf j erf e 2 9 2 1 Ii 100 20 Ems yen._ . & F a n t 2 6 — 200' 21� �or t - 3o S?o en E'_op.r4Y Crime' 0 ! 9 0 0 1 un 1Y7' I,.o TRti pc � 0 .res 0 � 0 � .. - 0 0 a 0 0 5- sax Offer;sey s t t YY (Except, RapF) 1 l 1 0 100% 0 100; e Y y ! = 6. Nar-caty,: and I I Dr- g Laws 0 0 l ., loo/', I: �r.I,a 0.d. -=__.� ,�.. _. v_ .a_� .v 0�a 0 0 i 3 1 — 100 0 3 9. Dz scrded. y { Co n,ducW 0 I 2 0 1 — 100% 1 1i 1Q0 14 1'10, Cu f ew & I i Trurniay l 1 0 40100% + 2 9 105 12.^Runa�,ay & i Escapees 18 — l 0_�a Q 0 0 0 ! 0 14. All, Other 3 �¢ o E io t� _ PART .�T T _4D --���5 75 ----��?�68 _ 86 15 POLICE VEHZCIE- REPORT _ Unit # Miles Drive. Ta al Miles Gas Used `Oil Used Repairs & Cast per mile to _ Masntenance Operate. Vehicle # 2 4127 47343 11,39.7 27 Qts.; 4 1115.19 3.5 €. # 3 3559 5o860 137.6 23 Qts. 268.h6 8.1 # 4 1-471. 37781 11,8.h 6 Qts. ' 60.1a 4.2 5 904 1h25 74.5 0 15.03 1.6 OTALS 10 00 2Ts. $ 9.09 i.3 Average Page; four r.. J� CtY _'{: EAkF r }'. t1 F7 HF— PA .' �cPc.. FR N tF OFFENSF. _ i CiA` S i i'; ?v '')t r,i A.i : -?t . . h:. Pa r t 5, Y a _3 '.'y & 0 0 I 0 0 r 5. [rt Rte} 0 0 0 i 0 j 0 0 0 i 0 k o 0 ' 2 0 r o 20 �3% I �� , � . ". 1 2 2 0 o i' r( s a r i lilili f. �1. j 2 l 2 1 10^f, low" o f xb 5 + m¢ 5' 1 5 , 1100% j look, i 100% 100% 0 0 1 0 r n ! 0 I 0 3 n 14. to: o}r t !10 9 3 � ' 1 1 1 looW ; a CRF,Iv �r0'rA�� 1 2 �T � ' ;- 33 1 g �27 _ 3 13 � 16 OTHER ACTIVITIES G. ASSIF< AT FON OF At I VTrIES :HIS 4ONTF� � SANS MONTH IAS!.YEAR 1. Vacai,,,-,',o-n House Checks vfad_. V18 ��� 89 2. Open Docvs &_Windows r+irad 30 Spec.�l Prowl Cherk2 Made 4, Ass-.,s+5 Rendered tcd Other Ag 179 of-- - 5. Ald Given a'c ---------- 72 i 7� <� Wa an¢,! aerr;eti -� -- _�� 0 tiv.t 1 F-lel.d Ir p_rogatlon Report, Made qr o Routine r ompla�nts L ves':.gated rn 153 11 9m Crimes Reported and Investigated - 63 �� TOTAILACTIVIT IEa a-- —®---...-----®- 1 967 4 i 956 Page f i,re �10D7 "L% REF r . VAL H�0,-I:_.:? FUND AN- FE{.`OVERM 1Nt:T`.DTNC, RAD r`HEC Pis, PRi.1pEFt',`Y .ri t E`d _•A...;r ' A, - _. I VIEEim.. aE�U'1EtcED 'P ." Aq =,v <,~07.29 -.A`_. . YFt1.:' w4U C.1 EC Y—q, ':F:I k v .,- ` r;n,"'}z )17-1 .2(, 2(, BAD C:ftr�CES, 'it,IT �Cr�. r_t�;L P.UV. ? lA � YEAR. oaf w !ADtF,t..BS� MONT',A';.ALS' uL'. rFlir< • _. ._.. .., RAD CHECKS, ,,A.!-1,E f'ECOVER:E?rP^NIE MUNI"i{ AS.: '?EAh. one FROPERTY W-ST THiS M)PJn?? o VAI'=.]E sg _ ?one FROPEFTY I,OST SAME MON-11 ..AST YEAR VA T-lE -------- _,_ $ T�,Lip_ .`itttFEPTY FC1L'PD Tti>> k P." � VALUE -.� 70,00 HiO REF Y FOUND SAME !'AST VE,AF � VA z;?IE �5 1h.5.55 FUR R#T)Tn a.., L Ll 1. o, 117 03S FOR SAME MONTH '.'AS-7 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT SUMMAX; r TH a `MONTH 1EAu TO aA E - r � , ACCMENT TGTKI iI f - i� 12 z ,W. 7 ��un 71 r 21 -� _23 Fe a: ar.._ 0 i 0 - 0.. 0 00 P rscz a r lrJ a y6 Pedest ni an s a 0 0 . 0 r r0 r p te" •�, 1 t ENFOR(,EMMr , SUMMARY ,TP MONTH -� YEAR TO—DAA-- _ _ u lies Year # z s yea 1 ch-a g f This �s Year �Tas#. YeaA —angs �� TRAFFIC Tr0 AI' a iu'? 15%_ 372 _ 230u 62d _ 3 11'z 1021�3% Other V olat,on l 8 -3G ?9 uo W, 108 L5 68 a =, 51% 101 + 97 up c1cr 3 -- � 50T25% & Oz+a`m 2 1 ur) 100° 13 9 5 UD 1403-'. Fn t?1 t p�i`r, ;F F A ti - dFt.1R'F,T1 N" zS T orq - ,"EAR _ ) Cp'rD y i C y., _ - r x 11. i 102 ')(9 L,D 'r ..{{ �l 3 1 C ti � 4 Llr) 2[ k )G5 1h2 �( tzo 1[ .,0 �13 0 1 - R g c Wim, 1 + 0 i 6 � K � "un 0 FC-Ilow`.rig Too i No or 0 ; _ 5 5 23 9 5v ry 0 F L1F u,w, _. _.,. ,.¢_._ss ,_T _. . O h _>_ � 7 r + u?, 7 ;up 57 Viapar or: 37 xz sz _ 3 99 Z 7 UD i 119' Parking h5 76 1 1.02 3�' - _ — — ACS a.V:ITI THS MONRH Radio Message< Logged _ „ 7 9 1 Telephone' Cal- - Logged -------------------------------------- 3186 Ca-d5 Typed and Filed o ........ Perso..al' Cr.. ta, _ 2922 - - o --- m 911 Assis s G-Iven .o 0%rte- Age be e o0 ----- Other A *•_r m - 279 - 2704 _ UNPAID OxTErUIME Lt �--� s� '^� �`•-'- -_- AGED BY ALL PERSONNEL � � TH-T; MONTH SAME MONTH LAST YEAR ( Chief of Police & Captain 122) 81G End of report,to Rift Month of February 19 70 H Egh H. Wilkinson Chief of Polic p-