City Council Packet - 02/23/1970 - REGULAR MEHTIN, FEBRUARY 23, 1970, ,.'Q cm. 1,. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor E, S. Kyle, Cdunclivir. 6 WA 11 Bergmann, Daniel L. Larsen, Robert iMo-re, M. O'Halloran: Stephen M. Telfar, City Aust oLL .,.— Fred A. Anderson, City Attcr.ne•; ; Faris Hartin, Recorder ¢ Absent: Keith C: 'Thompson, Direct-or nt: Pu}:•:._,. .........: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLESIANC 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, February 9, 1970 (a) Approved as sQbmitted 4. APPROVAL OF RILLS $12,494.30 (a) Motion to approve: Councilman Moore, seconded by man Larsen. Approved by unanimous vote of Council_ 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) None 6. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS (a) 3/4 Ton Pickup - Sewer Fund City Administrator requested authorization c t ,. cal.; for bids to be opened 4:00 P.M. March 9, 1970 Motion to authorize call for bids: Councilman Larsen, seconded by Councilman O'Halloran, Approved by unanimous vote`of.Council: !b) Tractor and Mower - State Tax Street Fund City Administrator re"uested authorization to call i bids to be opened ono p M; March D, -1970,- with the w of the bid to be made within 15 days, Motion to authorize call for rids. Councilman Moore, seconded by ;Councilman Bergnann, Approved by unanimous vote of Council.. 7. PENSION PLAN (a) City Administrator requested set-over to next Caun:ci meeting to give him time for further.research. 8. RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL AT TIGARD, OREGON, FLn _UR:O.E_. O INITIATION OF MINOR BOUNDARY CHANGES BY ANNEXATION OF IERRITOR°i To Be Known-As North Dakota Annexation Parcel i ToBeKnown As S. W. 121st and-;aarde Annexation - Parcel.: 2 To Be Known As Derry Dell Annexation - Parcel 3 City Administrator reviewed city services and explained ? ,, ,1vv e for annexation, (al informal PoWic was "ttandoc v, people and ,f; r,sr -roo t.i .:r - determin 10 lived�r-n ._ aardc 1,I in ,rin arry Gc:l PA wc1 3, 10 unkrc.•. did not ident tj f i t individuals who t., heir - Marry Chaymanc, _ n il9th Ave. Albert Far rth kor•_ E111 Robins,in, ., i c1v 7 s Forry - Ray Evanson, _ North •iknta T" s (Lynn) IUV-V1"h, S- . _ ai mcs L ;iC .. :t07tn Lois Pa:.klir (ny W Park St can I?ogers, . .ut Gene Rogers -,:rut Pete r, K« :aK, o 4. Park St Bob Hugh, Lane Mrs. Etta Rcut•r-. _ 0. Fcnner F. M. Thomas, _ V Fairhaven Helen Reider, W W 10 st Ave. Mrs. John Flaic'w_n, 0 W. 121st 7un•e washer, 4 T a arhaven Hugh Brown. 1, V Geary uell Ct Dr. J T. Har; or.th .. kot� Con Johnson, S ., ra,rha,ron - Informal public .. ..seri (b) Council took tc rider consic._,<_. , n au . _-_ act nn proposed rescl:_t .r, at March 9tt, 9. ORDINANCE No. 70 - _ N •- _ t r•*:CL ANNR: TN'_ T( i_ •=,r 1i -t•_i=' 17 ..on o weaith ,, 't.:as, nC a:... Tigar, Lvaagelical Church a taction 34, -- TIS, U, W.M, Washingtz ,nry, Gregor (a) Public Hearing cont:nuod from December S. _G69 cc`arc:. Meeting (b) Mayor Kyle reopene! rKe Public Hearing and awed for testimony. Dr. _J.. T� Hart of W North I>akota rec, ..,vended lot sizes for proposed d velopnent be larger than 7000 sauare feet City Administrator r q"ested Public Hear r.g be continued W March 9, 1970, Counc` meeting, (c) Motion by CcunCa,mrr• Larsen to continue 1"Lh is Hearing Lc March 9, 1970; s cor.ted by Councilman 0 Ha loran Approved by unanimsis vote of Ccunci i presnt . OTHE= BUSINESS A. City Administrator reported na had received plans and specifications for the 'sewer plant_ "expansion and requested authorization to advertise for 4 pieces of enn pwent with canes: cion clause to be invoked no later than April 25, 1970 The mechanical equipm_nt, to be fabricated and handled separately, is a clarifier and three aerators:: Page 2 - Council Meeting 2123170 Mct to x tt,i>ril c. „PPrc Od bY anani mCIE vote of Wunc1 . B. Adjoutrment 9:45 P.Id i f Cit 1 ATTEST: _ '-sa 1----- ---- Mayor ting 2/2a/7G Page 3 — City Council Mee BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT February 23, 1970 GENERAL FUND,_U_ S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 5785 Lake Grove Printing - Prt. file cards (1611) $ 33.-?0 5786 City of Portland - Tire chains (13) 14,97 5791 Southwest Office Supply - (12) 7.56 (13) 4.93 (14) 8.54 (14.1) 17.90 (16) 7.56 46.49 5822 Anderson& Dittman (1.1) 260.40 (7.8) 141.75 402.15 5824 Business Equipment Bureau (11) 1.22 (12)1.46.41 (13)10.88 (14) 5.77 (14.1)3.66 (16)172..69 (iGA)10.43 351,06 Po 5825 GA F Cake Co. - Supplies 116 5826 General 'telephone (18) 517.31 5827 Harris Uniforms (16) 62.50 5830 Shell Oil Co. - (12)24.52 (13)20.43 (7.6) 128.50 1.73,45 5831 Singer-Friden Division - Postage t,?eter (10)25.00 (14.)24.00 (16) 54.50 103.50 5832 Tigard Business Machines - Service (12)64.16 (15)2.67 (16.) 17.50 84.33 5833 Times Publications - Public Notice (32) 7.20 5834 Valley Auto Parts - Equipment maintenance (16) 24.30 5835 Savage, Carlson & Co. - Audit (18) 900.00 1975 Marine Lumber Co. - Main. (15)16.02 (18)104.34 120.36 $ 2,850.42 SEWER FUND U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 5791 Southwest Office Supply (30) 5.88 (31)8.40 $ 14.28 5822 Anderson &Dittman (30) 102.95 5824 Business Equipment:Bureau - Prtg. (31) 43.40 - 5 5826 General Telephone (30) 3.50 5830 Shell Oil Co. (30) 39,36 5832 Tigard;Business Machines `- Service (30) 20,00 5835 Savage, Carlson &:Co. - Audit (30) 400.00 1972 Stevens, Thompson &Runyan (31)722.75 (32.3)`1,132.52 (32.2)70.00 (32.4)4,282.81 (32.5)786.99 6,995.07 1974 A & E Sales & Rentals -' Pipe Wrench (30) .75 1975 Marine Lumhrr Co - Equipment Main. (30) 6.43 ; 1977 J. Thayer Co. - Office supplies (30) 27.50 1978 'Tigard Lumber Co. - Supplies (31) 4.41 7:979 Van Waters & Rogers - (30) 7.73 1990 -Oregon Blue Print Co. - (Milar)' (31) 485.63 $ 8,151.01 m ' STATE TAX STREET FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 5786 City of Portland - Supplies (20) 5830 Shell oil Co. (20) 37.49 5834 Valley Auto Parts - Supplies & Main. (20) 20.47 1978 Tigard Lumber Co. - (20) 2.52 1484 General Tool & Supply - (20) 114.26 1494 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. - Supplies (20) 497.96 S 752.61 ROAD FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Check No. 5826 General Telephone (20) $ 26.35 5832 Tigard Business Machines (20) 2.67 5834 Valley Auto Parts - E. uipment Main. (20) 37.65 5835 Savage, Carlson & Co. - Audit (20) 250.00 1975 Marine Lumber Co. - Supplies (41,1) 5.25 1978 Tigard Lumber Co. - (41.1) 1.00 (2.0) 16.96 17.96 1485 Wayne Kruckman - Repair Carburetor (20) 19.26 1486 Traffic Safety Supply - Supplies (20) 130.22 1493 Marsh & McLennan-D.K.MacDonald & Co. - Ins. (20) 224.00 1494 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. - Supplies (20) 26.90 $ 740.26 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 512,494.30 a stt u