City Council Packet - 02/09/1970 AGENDA: 1., CALL TO ORC.EF: 2� ROLL CALL 3.. PLEDGE UF' ALLE01AAC I' 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, JANUARY 26 1970 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6.. APPROVAL OF BILLS $ `3.992 37 7. MONTHLY REFORTS (a) Administrator (b) Building (c) Finance (d) Police (e) Public works 8,. PRCGRESS PAYMENT No, 6 - CANTERBURY L Wf 009 (a) Recommendation, of C_ty Administrator 9, PROGRESS REPORT (a) Leron Heights (b) 98th Street (c), Derry Del: - 10„ PENSION PLAN (a) Recommendation of City Administrator 11„ S. W. 175th 5 GP.ARDE ANNEXIiTIO (a) Setting Informal p=ublic Hearing 9' (b) Recommendation of City Administrator 12., S. W. TIGARD AVENUE ANNEXATION , (a) Setting Informal Public Heariru . (b) Recommendation of City Administrator 13. ORDINANCE No, 70 - AN ORDNANCE AUTHOF=?ING ON LANDS OF ARTHUR .',. PO _... '; SECTION.10, TV, R1W, *R M INGTON COUNTY. OREGON (a) Public Hearing 8:00 F.M. (b) Adoption of Ordinance ' 14. BID TABULATION - PURCHASE OF BACKHOE b (a) Report by City Alan nistratc 15, CONTRACT _. MAIN7ENANCE QF CFF :(E r x.. (a) Recomrendation of City Adma v 8tratw OTHER BUSINESS CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESLRIN3 TC EiKAi, ADJOURNMENT r _ 9 C I i Y coyny. t. L. REGULAR MELTING IiBRLIARY 9, ju%, .'SU _ 1. ROLL. CAL'_.: PL---A:at.1 oayo:. E. G Kyle , C'::. 'm: : t' A0't ,_-"; .,.'ph,.. I'(,'- . , _..- ..,. __ ynk DIOL ar;, L _.Intty LILY At _'.c y, En.: h"mpson, Diru tcs Of PW1.,3tr_ W,-_ks; D City Re.-c.:._dEC 2, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MiNwILS, JO :�zy ;u. '9 '0 (al Ap%.caVC-i 14 S bMltte<i 4, WRITIEN LOt9AU.ICATIONS (al None APPROVAL OF BILLS S43,992 0 (a) Motion ;.o apprnve: Councilman Uunqmann. SeVLLaQQ - Councilman Moc te: ApprnvEd by ur.animuus VOte of Council 6, MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Motion to accept: Councilman Larsen, s•e_ur:d_d by Councilman O'ha.11aran, ApprDved by unanimous vote of C:;uncil 7, PROGRESS PAYMENT No. 6, CANTERBURY LANE S1,009.56 (a) Motion to authorize payment: Councilman O'Ha:l seconded by Councilman Moore Approved by unanimous Vota Of C-uncll 8„ PROGRESS REPORT - Lerun heights, 98th Street, DerrY Dell Wr..Oement: District (a) Director of 'Public Works reported no progress On c.cic.ts, ` . PENSION PLAN (a) City Administrator requested setover to next Council meeting in order to interview prospective consultant 10. ANNEXATION PROPOSALS, PARCELS 1, 11, 111 (a) City Administrator recommended informal hearing b: set for 8:00 P.M. February 23. 1970, at which time residents within those areas wou'd have: nn cppertunlly = be hua:d regarding angcxation. After informal pa:blic'h_arinq, CounL'_i �t may their: adopt r,z 1 __ion to initiate k:Ounduiy be prest * -u tc H, li Adary _ sew i tasx:,h- Letters vsl: be mailed to I._ per•y owners within the prownsed areas, - (b) Motion to set informal public hear ng: Couneilmna 1_.-, seconded by Councilman Bergmann Approved by unanimous vote of Councii, 11: ORDINANCE No. 70-4 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONDITIONAL ON LANDS OF ARTHUR J. POULIN ET AL V SECTION 10, T2S, R1W, w.M , TIGARD, 1h1;Hi.^!C"PUDJ COUNTY, OREGON (a) Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. C, L_ Crawford, 15260 5: W_ Ptclija hjgK ,,., requested more information about pr poSe-d leve i pn, , Public Hearing Closed (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman Moore, suc.anded by man Larsen_ Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 12: PURCHASE OF BACKHOE (a) Director of Public Works reviewed bid tabuistinn -, recommended bid be awarded to Case Power and Eqi pmc in the amount of $9,989. for a new backhoe (b) Motion by Councilman Moore to authorize purchase a, backhoe for $9,989; seconded by Councilman O'Halinisr. Approved by unanimous vote of Cauncii, 13. CONTRACT- MAINTENANCE OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT (a) City Administrator reported bids were received as faijown: Tigard Business Machines $321. exception dictating machines Bill Morrison Co. $379, exception calculator and dictating machines. Washington County Office Machine Cc $477, exception<' dictating machines Business Machines Co, $652,50 no exceptions City Administrator recommended awarding bid to Tigard Business`Machinps in the amount of $321 to be paid do quarterly.basis. (b) Motion by Councilman Larsen to accept bid of Tigard' Business Machines, seconded by Councilman Bergmann, K. Approved by unanimous vote of Council; OTHER BUSINESS A. City Administrator requested authorization to purchase d 10 drawer map file in amount of $546012._ Informal telephone qucvations were received and low quote was from Kilham Stationery, Motion by Councilman O'Halloran authorizing purchase of map files in amount of $546.12; seconded by Councilman Moose Approved by unanimous vote of'Council,, 9 Page 2 -`City Council Minutes 2/9/70 off- B, City Administrator reviewed 1968-69 audit and reported auditor's recommendations have been considered and corrections made City Administrator also reported he had requested auditor to prepare contract whereby closing entries will be submitted by September 30, 1970, and final report received no later than October 31 , 1970, Council recommended audit fee be included in contract and requested copies of contract before considering. C. Adjournment 8:10 P.M: R / City E'C62dEEr ATTEST: Mayor =R Page 3 —City Council Minutes 2/9/70 BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT February 9, 1970 GENERAL FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of December 31, 1969 $ .9,165.50 January Receipts 27,675.2N To Time Deposit ( :0,000.00) Bills Paid January 26,1970 Balance 53, 36,01 Check No. 5640 Delbert D. Voss - Witness Pee (11) 5.-;0 5641 Gordon R. Miller - " '" (11) 64 5642 U.S.Post Office - Postage Meter (16) 100.00 5646 Otto Sorg - L.ibrary Rent (15) 150.00 5647 Robert C. Moore- Parking Lot Rent (IJ 75,00 5650 Robert Hill - Travel (13) 30.00 5657 Department of Motor Vehicles - Teletype (16) 23,75 r 5663 Tri-County Gun Club - Dues (16) 35.00 5693 Flagstone Motel - Travel (Eugar) (12) 10.00 5694 Oregon Finance Officers Ass'n, - meetings (12) 24,00 5695 International City MQrs,Ass'n. - Dues (12) 47,50 5705 Robert C. Lake - Witness Fee (11) 5,00 5706 Gary C. Brooks - 11 (ll) 5,00 5707 Mrs. Dorothy J.Chenovert - Witness Fee (11) 10.60 5709 Department of Dbtor Vehicles - License Suspensions (11) 35.00 5710 Portland Community College - Employee Training - Robert Hill (13) 18.00 5715 Hugh Wilkinson - Travel, Ontario,Oregon (1G) 140.00 5720 International Conference of Building_ Officials - Literature (13) 71.45 5721 Louise P. Kyle - Witness Fee (11) 5.00 5722 Renee Livesay " " (11) 5.00 5723 DonnaThompson- (11) 5,00 5724 Department of Motor Vehicles License Suspensions (11) 50,00 5729 Leonard Misso - January Salary (17) 200.00 5737 Wm. H. Poole - January (11) 275.00 5738 E & 11 Machine Works - Domes for overhead lights (16) 27.54 5739 Nine-T-Nine Auto Maintenance (16) 12.95 5740 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (18) 91.71. 5741 J. C Penneys - `D.rapes for Mr.Telfer's ' Office ` (18) 58.50 5742 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. - Postage Meter (12) 47.03 f 5743 Platt Electric Supply -'Bulbs - (16) 8,19 5744 Portland General Electric Co. (1.8) 65.72 m 5745 Six Robblees, Inc. - Lamps (16) 29.80 5746 Standard Oil Co. - Gas (12) 1.90 5747 Westway Chrysler-Plymouth - New Plymouth (16) 2,836.46, auto repair (16) 108.07 2.,944,53 5769 French & Dutchman Maintenance (15)19.50 (18) 182.50 202.00 5770 Shell Oil Co.- (12.) 6.94 (13)10,42 (16)204.30 221..66 5771 Union: oil Co. - Oil (16) 75.90 5639 First National Bank - #3'. 2.55.00 5648 U. S. National Bank - Bonds -'Coupons #4 1,125.00 5651 U. S. National Bank - 44 3,000`,00 5652 First National Bank - #3 255.00 1474 Tigard Automotive Supply ;- Rotor (1.6) 1.26 1968 Willamette 'Sabs Co, - Auto Maintenance (16) 18.44 Payroll, Taxes, Deductions 181401.22 28,190.89 Bank Balance $25,045.12 SEWER FUND, U. S. NATIONAL BANK Balance as of December 31, 1969 ? 9,274.90 January Receipts ;323,21 From Time Deposit 10,000.00 Bills Paid January 26, 1970 ( 667.33) Balance $ 27,430.71 Check No, 5643 General Telephone (30) 32,30 5739 Nine-T-Nine - Equipment. Maintenance (30) 34.50 5740 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (30) 123.17 5744 Portland General Electric Co, (30) 334.39 5770 Shell Oil. Co. (30) 11,24 1934 Ronald E. Johnson - Travel (30) 70,00 1939 Bryan Morrison, Inc. - Construction (32,4) 25,20 1940 UndercyDund Construction - (32.3) 199,80 1943 First National Bank 356.9.4 1944 Director of Records & E=lections (31) 9,00 1952 Roger Thomssen - Recording Fee (31) 1.50 1953 Daycoa, Inc. - Bulbs & Tubes (30) 80.23 1954 Frahler Electric Co, - Repairs to Panel (30) 120.46 1955 Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. - New File, $266.47, supplies $9.50 (30) 275,97 1956 Howard E. Loar, Sr. - Liquid concentrate (30) 33.50 1957 Van Waters & Rogers - Supplies (30) 263.61 1958 7,ep Mfg. Co. - Deodorant (30) 271,21 1959 John S.Hagman Mileage (31) 12.08 1960 Beryl G. Rich - " (31) 23.52 1968 Willamette Sales Co. -• Auto Maintenance (30) 6.23 1969 American Industrial Service Co. - (30) 5.53 1970 Division of Continuing Education - Training Course (31) 30.00 1971 Van Waters & Rogers - Chlorine (30) 338,40 Payroll, Taxes, Deductions 5,018.97 $ 7,677.75 Bank Balance $19,753.03' STATE TAX,STREET FUND, U. S.°NATIO NAL BANK Balance as of December 31, 1969 $ 4,948.41 Bills Paid January 26, 1970 ( 313.59) Balance $ 4;634.82 Check No, 1452 Feenaughty Iachinery - Equipment Rental (20)' $ 355.00 1466 General Tool & Supply - Supplies (20) 19.30 1467 Halton Tractor - Parts Book (20) 1.50 1468 Pacific Steel Warehouse Co. - Supplies (20) 76.54 1469 Union oil Co. - Fuel (20) 59.36 1478 Alaska Steel Co. —Supplies (20) 15.45 1479 Pacific Steel-Warehouse' Co. - Supplies (20)' 16.65 1480 United 'Alloys, Inc. - Supplies (20),' 74.25 1481 Valley Petroleum -`Supplies (20) 7.93 Payroll; Taxes, Deductions 2,105.47 $ 2,731.45 Bank Balance -$1,903.37 4 ROAD FUND, U. S NATIONAL II'1NK Balance as of December 31, 1969 $ 17,857.14 January Receipts 2,091.21 Bills Paid January 26, 1970 ( 337.22) Balance $ 19,611.13 Check No. 5740 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (20) $ 64.50 5744 Portland General Electric Co. (20) 16.03 1960 Beryl G. Rich - Mileage (21.3) 15.64 1466 General Tool & Supply - Supplies (46.14) Vise (29,90) (20) 76.04 1470 Alaska Steel Co. - Pipe (20) 19.56 1471 Ken R. Humke Co. - Hinges (41.1) 8.13 1472 Ii. A. Mohr & Associates - Blueprints (21.3) 2.25 1473 Thunderbird Broiler - Canopy (20) 100.00 1474 Tigard Automotive Supply -Fuel Filters (20) 3.30 1459 Chas. L. Shepard- Construction (21,3) 5,073.03 1482 Overall Industrial Supply - Laundry (20) 13.80 $ 5,392.28 Bank Balance $14,218.85 SEWER CONSTUCTION FUND U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 740.55 BANCROFT FUND #2 & INT., U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 104.67 s- BANCROFT FUND #3 & INT, U. S. NATIONAL BANK $ 4,436.00 BANCROFT FUND #4 &- INT., U. S. NATIM AL BANK $ 4,125.20 BANCROFT FUND #5 & INT. U.S. NATIONAL BANK $ 6,428.00 TOTAL PAYABLES $ 43,992.39 TOTAL BANK BALANCE $76,754.79 i - MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Monthly Progress and Status Report DATE: February 1970 1. Sewer Plant Operation As indicated in previous monthly reports, our treatment plant has been experiencing some difficulties. To remedy problems with our digester, small quantities of lime have been added in an effort to stabilize the pH factor so that sludge digestion will be more adequately accomplished. To date, some improve- ment has been shown and we are confident that this technique will succeed. We have also noticed an improvement in our trickling filter. This indicates that our digester problem had probably reduced the efficiency of the filter because of re- circulation of sludge rather than separated super natant that the plant is designed to recirculate. 2. Sewer Plant Expansion Last Monday evening I briefly mentioned the fact that I have reached tentative agreement with Dick Mi"lbrodt,, Washington County; Chief Administrative Officer, regarding our plant ex- pansion and financing thereof. Now that the U.S.A. is a fact, I feel more confident about_ proceedingwith the expansion of our plant. The County will be happy to provide us-with'-a cash advance in -the amount of the difference` between our cash on hand and the final bid for the expansion of the facility. This cash advance, in reality, 'will be a no interest loan, inasmuch as the borrowed amount will: be 'subtracted 'from our reimbursement compensation originally estimated to be roughly $756,000. It is;my recommendation that we ask Stevens, Thompson & Runyan to complete the specifications and arrange for the calling of bids at the earliest; possible date. I would further recommend that we attach 'a cancellation clause so that in the event the bond authorization for the Unified Sewerage Agency fails on April 21st, we will have the ability to cancel the contract. 3. East Washington County Advisory Council Last month I wrote a letter to the Advisory Council' inviting myself to one of their meetings in an effort to explain in more detail`our citizens planning process and to solicit their active participation therein. They have had one of their members attending our meetings 'regularly; however, he seems to represent himself rather than the community as a whole. My objective is to make the people of the Metzger-Garden Home area realize the significance of doing their own planning so that it may be incorporated in our ultimate comprehensive plan. It is my feeling that this should alleviate some of the antagonism and concern within that community toward the City of Tigard. 4. Rolling Hills Annexation Wednesday evening I had an opportunity to meet with some 35 residents of the Rolling Hills Subdivision near 72nd and Varns Street. My purpose was to explain the advantages and dis- advantages of annexation and to determine the general mood of those residents regarding the possibility of annexing to the City. The response was rather surprising; questions and answers lasted until approximately 11:00 O'clock P.M. I stressed my feeling that the various isolated pockets of un- incorporated county must sometime annex to the City in order for us to provide adequate planning and services to protect the general Tigard' s area environment. I again explained the council' s -position of not forcing these people into the City and in essence gave them our word that we would not initiate anannexationwithout some indication of support from their _ community first. I was not able to ascertain any particular feelings one way or the other, and will be following up in a week or two with several of the key leaders in that community to determinewhether `or 'not there is interest at this time. 5. 121st and Scholls Ferry Annexations The Public Works' Department has completed the :data gathering process for each of these annexations, as decided upon at our Council meeting, several weeks 'ago. At your meeting Monday evening, we will be setting a date for an informal public hearing and we will shortly thereafter mail the letters to the residents explaining the process and indicating the date of the hearing. 6. Governmental Reorganization Committee The Metropolitan Study Commission has formed a sub-committee to spearhead a study ;of the possibility of governmental re- organization in Eastern Washington county. Mayor Kyle and I have attended several of "their preliminary meetings to offer our support and resource. George Lewis, as a member of the Study Commission, is serving as chairman of the sub-committee, and has elected to use the following approach: A steering 'committee composed ;of citizens from all of Eastern Washington County, hand picked for their known interest in effective government, will be formed this Page 2 - Progress Report month. Undoubtedly, this steering committee will be divided into sub-groups to explore specific governmental functions and make recommendations. It is the intention to expand the overall involvement to include anybody in the Eastern Wash- ington County area interested in working toward more effective government. Wednesday evening, February 25th, has been set as the date for the formational meeting of this steering committee. I will keep you posted in the event that any of you would like to attend. Respectfully submitted, i 4 Page 3 - Progress Report" C:o 70o O OO=) O(DC0C JC?oco 0 - CV 3 l O r1 C\ v T o O m �J I ri N C3 N F-� k3 C F N I b U r-i •ri - 1i u) c tr:; ua+ �I.. •�•.i•.-, a) o .i•ri .-+•r, rio f u) CS H L/1 �-� CI lid H c) -I H C r T. O C Cd. Cps rl t'q •r{UJ. Ul•,-I ri•r1rt UJ-6 :P, C C)• s~•-iC.) ooU Hh w ro(\j (13 ro..ro ro...ro 3 rq b U] U)L'J U]UJ n U Ln d'.n`7-.U\T CI CY) 0 Lam• �U 421 (d N-A ri m N_n 't7 H N z ro ro co rd (aro d 41 •ri•ri ri �i .�•.+ � - U v3 n33 Y Y3 v3 O U)co to C) fJ n n U)z- 3 c 4� o ro I s C) 'o r{r i to ori^4 -{--I t-, n •2 FiCd (6.....:.Z C15 Cd d ro O H - 12r ,.,ro F. f-..:.:. aiu.N:s,-zi a, c3 0 Tbrobb4db ,rlCa' o romm a Cum (1)•.iCO EH U W:W WA:-7FziWWW:/1 f7 : .hT7- 1i 0 �.Yor ;nd Council $ 30 $ 2,003 _iun5 cipal Court 11 ,�.'0. 736. 5, 54q. dI?iin?.si rr'tion 4, 433. 29, 273. BUilclin' T,'OT�t. , .^� 1, 203. 7,406. Plamain- r.- Tonin,, ,279;. 901 . 21 Tibrary 8,5 2. 1, 254. 4, 464. Police rept. 1v1; 15, 712 . 89,437. Police Tr_:ffic Safety 7,572. 490. 3, 513. Pnrk 6,41? 200. 1, 726. Non--Departmental ?1,6 c .1 , 723. 22, 731. Contingency 2,0 0 Total General Fund ;;;35,651. $ 26, 740. $ 1.74, 313. SEWAGE DI.W S�,L k U'?ij Operation and iaintenance :;:'122,161 $ 4,940. $ 56,037, ?Zeplacement and rVnt.nrsion 260,707. 2, 967. 28,954. Contingency qec. Transfer ( 12,509. 0. E. :".. 622. 1, 324. 98th Avenu-6 200. 21, 397. Derry`Del] 58, 732. Leron,Heights 25. 1.6 272. Pinebrook 2, 775 Total Sewer ?Fund 483 72,3 r $ 8, 754. $ 785, 541. 9V%TF TAX STREIET F tDZB` Operation and. 1,17aintenance 52,306. $ 3,043. $ 23,677. Park Dept. 8,100. Contingency X367. Total State Trx 3t.Fund 60,773. $ 3,043. $ 23,677. ' e. ROAD FLJrTD Operation and Maintenance < 39,426. $ 603. $ 5,083. Cook `Park 35. 7, 383. Canterbury Lane 5,091. 42, 521. Contingency 387. Total Road Fund : 39,813. $ 5,729. $ 55,487. SPECIAL ASSESS.f1ENT DEBT FUND Bancroft Bonds 1,2,3,4,5 16,958. $ 4,635. $ 16,046. GENERAL DEBT FUND $ General Obligation Bonds 26,754. $ 10, 828. TOTAL BUDGET "857,037. $ 48,901. $ 465, 892 . ; FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVEMI'S JANUARY 197 0 1969/70 Current Year to GENERAL FUND Budget Month Date Available Cash 7/1/69 * $ 36,077. $ * $ 38,233. Property Taxes 88,843. 17,603. 73,927. Delinquent Taxes 9,872. 720. 4,014. Land Sales & Advance Taxes 25. -0- 122. LICENSE AND PERMITS Business 12,500, $ 196. $ 11,772. Liquor 100. 10. 135. Plumbing & Heating 51000. 228. 3,076. Building 20,000. 526. 7,986. Moving 50. -0- -0- Sign 300. 80. 176. Bicycle 250. 17. 38. FINES AND FORFEITURES Court, etc. $ 24,000. $ 1,806. $ 1.4,828. USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Telephone Pay Booth $ 50. $ 4. S 25. Interest 500. -0- 154. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES Cigarette Tax $ 13,160. $ -0- $ 6,233. Liquor Tax 18,095. -0- 11,735. Trailer Sales Tax 250. -0- -0- Traffic Safety Grant 5,979. 5,973. 5,973. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Zoning Adjustments $ 3,000. $ -0- $ (25. ) Document Sales 600. 5&. 400. Library Fees & Fines 375. 49. 259. Recreation Use Fees 1`,000. 104. 511. Lien Check 350. 24. 190. Subdivision Application Fees 1,000. -0 50. FRANCHISE REVENUES Portland General Electric $ 18,200. '$ -0- $ 10,157. Northwest Natural Gas 4,100. -0- 2,405. Telephone 7,000. -0 3,155. g " Garbage 1,960. 222. 1,119. NON-REVENUE`RECEIPTS Unclaimed Property Sale $ 200. $ -0- $` 69. RECOVERED EXPENDITURES Adm. of Sewer & Public Works $ 65,010. $ -0- $ 32,504. Gas Tax Refund 800. -0-' 1,232. OTHER $ 1,000. $ 49. $ 595. TOTAL GENERAL FUND *$339,651. $27,677. $231,103. * Includes-Supple;iental Budget Page 1 - Revenues 1969-70 Current Year to SEWER FUND Budget_ Month Date UM�MAvailable Cash 7/1/65 $211,989. $ $222,825. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICE__S__ Sewer Service Charges $ 70,200. $ 7,826. $ 39,850, Sewer Connection Fees 77,868. 250. 52,915. Sewer Construction Inspection 2,500, 10. 700. LICENSE & PERMITS Sewer Permits $ 500, $ 2, $ 146, USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 3,000. $ 361, $ 5,368. REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Subventions $ 2,325. $ 710. $ 710. Federal Subventions 8,424, -0- 4,873, (Pinebrook, Inc.) RECOVERED EXPENDITURES - - Assessments Engineering, Etc. $ 5,500, S -0- $ 363. Assessments Legal, etc. 2,000. -0- -0- Other Recovered Expendihres 500. -0- -0- OTHER $ 50. $ 17. $ 644. IMPROVEMENT Districts 98th Street Derry Dell Leron Heights TOTAL SEWER FUND $384,856. $ 9,176. $328,394. STATE TAX STREET FUND Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 11,561. $ $ 13,908, REVENUES FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Gasoline Tax $ 49,162, $ -0- $ 23,585. USE OF MONEY Interest' $ 50. $ 51. $ 436. TOTAL STATE TAX STREET $ 60,773. $ 51. $ 37,929. ROAD FUND Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 9,358. $ $ 9,358. REVENUES FROM OTHER .AGENCIES $ 18,980. $ -0- S 1,519. (Cook Park Incl.)" County Road Tax 10,000, 2,091. 8,867. CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES Permits $ 100. -0- -0- Public Works-Construction Fees 900, -0- $ 467. Sale of Street Signs 400. -0- 448. Other -0- -0- -0- USE OF MONEY _ Interest $ 75. $ -0- $ 57. Improvement Districts Canterbury;Lane -0- -0- -0- TOTAL ROAD FUND $ 39,813. $ 2,091. $ 20,716, Page 2 - Revenues 1969/70 Current Year to BANCROFT BONDS #2,3,4,5 Int. Budget Month Date 38 . ,7 21 ' Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 45,221. 1. Assessments #2,3,4,5 12,000. 1,976. 8,210. Interest 4,958. 97. 3,657. TOTAL BANCROFT BONDS $ 62,179. $ 2,073. $ 50,588. GENERAL OBLIGA`.CION BONDS Available Cash 7/1/69 $ 22,563. -0- -0- Taxes 2,505. -0- -0- TOTAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 25,068. -0- -0- Page 3 - Revenues MON-ti . ' -A 70 S 'Ca' I� Tl EPA R` NC Er` 1)A. 4L 7E,N - AVEi'.l!CIF E EFF( r WE S CFFNC_T9 _ I Same �':h� �i l7 , ) TTIl?_ P() ur,iz 1'70..,.. ! C ':1 V.j TOTAL PERSONNEL 1F llj 7.1 j r. °' 3 2 32.5 `.7 .9 _ ,Jen {. _z.. , ._._.. m CHIEF S OFF C 2 2 1 2 i F E0. i 31 d ? Q 1 1 B T F SERVICES D'V la.' > 3 1.7 0.9.._. 31! �Q. % ! ' 2 �s PATROL DIV: S.. 9.7 9... ... s )1.2 3-71.7 7i .� 1.1' ..1._.�. _., _.1�•Cd �.�., INVEST. SECT. 3 .. __ 0 0 0 ! 0 0 9 i FORCE ONE5 �t 2 l F 1 r• �.n.�._ �:�.. _. 3.2. W._ e FORCE TWO i 7 6 3 6 2,3 ��� 37. _ FORCE THA.EE 51 1.3 i 32 5� 32 m 2.52 2 .7 CHANGES IN PERSONNEL .= OA?E,Y.' A VERA!'E FA`_"ROL STRENGTH l0 Prese^ Vf,.r d'_ BT c_ :i5 rt f . Yaoo 0 1g {M T J3m2 d?lor'4 2 2e Rp ted dunIng t r..ti ........... Tl n last yea`, 3o Re1r s+awed djr.rang ;non-?). 0000oo.. os0000 T" �' - { ' `J c_ate. nu,,be— ..,e.�,d Total to accoun-, C""0000Ooa000......o 11) i ' eff.-.Ce.'.°S.o.e 9 9 9 ,e Tress Age ntls A. g- --- 4e Separations f.ron, ocUn rc. I nec to T .TQ =g.." .� Q AO (a.) Vols.: to y resfgnat.ion2 A-�erae as y a =r z O O D O 0 0 r O g , / ei:ues of fa.el.d rr. ..- l�J) Re;S.28me:.�, ""o 000moo ( Resign-ed with a, ,-ers owing `tt, `ra rges Fe_�d_rg (a) Vacation„ Y:,�-p- (d) Dropped du .ia g p.',robatllon,0 0 o i ens on, days off, ( Dismissed For cause . . _ � :pomp. time, et"-_ 5� ?el (f) I{_.l.led -- line cf duty m.e (b) Sick & . n'p- ed' .�� .6 (g) Deceased •coo 000000 o.o o...... � 1`C'). Schools, etc.00 0 Total sep .rat.,ono e o o... .....u m. 2 Testa h averages daily absence5.eeo L,2 3.77 g r o Present for duty at, end C,`.f m _ l'h 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 � ��•-. -� +. A�*e-'able for duty. L.5 • Page; one POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTIILY REPORT CRIME INDEX. AND POLICE ACTIVITY TREND OFFENSES FtTiOt4N CHANGE CLASSIFICATION OF Rdported i z -'A.ctua1 c r'e :�e Ca rre L Sear yrso Iac' Year _.. EE _ OFFENSES k::owr. 'h.. E?.his year, t.0 vs. _,am.e mon+h, vs. Name pe_ll'od (Par; s. L asses) mxant.h dall; Last year ! 'a year Iv z eA Per�en Nrtrbe_ Percent 1. Murder & Norm i neg gent Man- slaughter ughter 0 0 0 0 0 0 For b',e Rapes. 'T o t dl. OO � ..� -G 0 ,._ ._.,....._a..._ ao R?.p¢ t� rorc o Ar e 5fi Rae r, 3. Robbery Total 0 0 1 100 i. . _0 _ 1 - -100 ho No Weapon 00 0 � 0 4. Aggia�ratec±m__.._�- ,W__.._..._ Assault Total. 0 i 0 0 0 00 ( 0 o Gu - b K f e _ 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 r..-67th,, Weapon 0 0 0 da Hands Fist, Pte, -- 0 0 0 a 0_ 0 _ "�,�_G S a Burglary Total 14 71t 9 un 56 9 up_ [6 -- ao Forcible Entr 8� 3 � un 166% I uz�A1669 - - * -- - - b` No Force Use 4 �s 9 4 s 20/ 1 2 N o A-t,tempt Entr t a m 2 1 un 10 Z - 4uo 100°6, Larceny Oyer$5o.00 5 5 2 uo 150%, 2 un 150% 7, Auto Theft 2 2� 0200 un _0 un 200 Crime Index Total a 20 �2 12 un 67% 12 un 67/ lb. Manslailghter by Negllgene p 0 0 0 G 0 4eT,Other Assaults (Not Aggravated) 2A 2 1 I.0 " _ oun 100 — _ 3 6bo Larceiry Under E $_50000 1 15 y _ 15 5 un 2.00% 5 un 20G� _ PART I TOTAL 8v 18 . 8 uo Zll Dotal Part II Inc' :dents 9 �T - - �. a -- 5G ZlZ- un 13�� Total Misc. Non- criminal Calls _T_ 162 � 162 — 115 un 1% 1% 5aun Liz, Total Cabs for Servaee i , X51 s 250 _77 I un 1�1r 67 un ZiZ, Page two POLICIE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT OFFENSES GLEAMS BY ARREST YEAR TO DATF NUMEsER GF OFFENSE ERCENT O�; y v._. OLASSIF'_OATTON O ' T.... PERCENT OF OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST OFFENSES D BY ARREST �a,r �� BY 4z r.s c. Tata1 Cleared By Ar r s+ of (Pat+. T Classes � . I A Pe suns Ur de-r iR 11 Person Under 18 Year v� 'This La< . I This Last This .Las+ �- ar° YearY�a.. Year Year Year Year l o Crfminal Homic d Murder and Nor_ 9 _ .. reg, gen*�, Mans'i.at.ghter9 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 2" Manslaughter by y,ms �r Neg1 J,gence 0 g 0 �,.�_d . s �y....� 0 0 22Forcib-L e Rape ts0 I �4 To . _ Q Q 0 I 0 0 .10 Rape by Force r ..� ---- - e 0 ba Attempt Rape Q 0 I 0 3o Robbery Tota;. ` Q i 100 _ o 0 s� 100''_ bo No IPdeapon 100 O _mo q O O i t 0 0 0.. -L� 0- 4o Assault Total a a Gan _._..�._._..,—�_..,_.�,_.� 0 0 0 0 2 100$; ! — y i O 1 0 0 0 0 Q O Q c. Other Weapon ,. -_ 0 00 do, Hands, etc. O Q 0.. �I - 0 0 l -�0 eo Other Assaults mom- 0 �0 0 0 0� I Oi 0 (Not Aggravated) 0 1 i 0 n 0 r�0 0 0. 5. Burglary Total, - 2�� I 0 2 0 22% 0 ?_2-, a. Forcible Entry C0 r 0 0 0 0 0 b; No Force Used I Q -2 p 0 ILO%� �c;. Attempt Entr° 2 yr 0 0 2 0 r 6. Larceny ao $50,00 & Over 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 by Under2$50 00 � 3 2 1 27% E� 13% 2 01, � 7s Auto Theft -- - .0 0 '0 0 Q Q Q Q GRAND TOTAL ®._�..� _ .. 3 3 13? 33 r 8d 17% Page three SWAM REP m ..., 1.R.. '-R-'t'(F ?ti-DF OFFENSE 9 hNT W*! CLASS CIF N r„•r r� A �w '�f .�E,.- - y IFHAI4 r+' (0 F'FVSE -�U'• _ .. �C': 1'1t-,;. 4T)c! G M, PSam, Y: I I r o Bnt err_ & _ f R S, 2 2 ! Il a 0 0 _ . .:...,. 0rNn i Dng Laws, � I � 8. Dnil�111ry, 509 2 9. D.1s0rde_ y G er, 2 o N 0 i u-t 1i3 7a 1 n Curfew ? uL .!1 1 �� 2 u UO U L 1%' 2 . 20n"l)' 2 200 un 0 xa as 0 0 0ua o All, Other I 6m ' 6 12 Kp? 1 2 ^ PAR-, T TTOTAL _ m 50 5o_,_aa.�__.._ T f _ d u 1L; _ POLICE VEHI.G?.E REPORT U x t M.yes Driven E.t.�4” iK:1ee Ga, USect 0a3 U�Eti �RPpai.rs &-� Ca t per a+t 1estc, -ma in*erarice Operate V_hIcie #2 x:,519 113,216 503,6 12, qts lOS,�5 I� 12.3. - #3 M74 147 :.3t�.-t 301 5 3o ra 7is 121.53 2.5¢ ##5 2,7 1' 36,310 274-0 7 qts 59.91 ! 2.10 521 10,0 0 qts 2F,67 c.1� ,705 12 11,02,0 � 26 qts i �' 315.26 � � 0¢ f Page f nµ 'OFFENSE_i �..._, � ..�� � ,.MIS t' r - C�.A I ' ON ,I� ". 1 .< < � E'R.,...Iv OF Or[ENE_ �� tiI?RF CLE9F,� ARrF., Fv Sm. (Paa '_ _. z. F� Mrd' �- f + 1 � O i 2 2 1 f ' J R en 1L<3 te. 0 p 1 i a + 0 2 0 ......,._ ..��_.a. ., .�.�....,�., a T1 i r = KO<! 2 ' � i i'� >✓ ,� � 0 p p FE`S �p 0 ' m D'_ c ! ! w __.. 0 2 0 0 ° o irn-�, E o o 0 a 0 p 00 _ G � � t 2 J 2 a 1� `0 �-n�} � j t w � i ®- _71.E 100/ 715 ; o� 014. i t p ! 0 l 0 m X 22 7� 71 E 10 3 32° �lu:;lgs _ OTHER ACTIVITIES G' AMlFIC TIR OF ACTIVITIESHIS MON?H ��� SAM} MONTHgIAST YEAR }.a Vacat`.on House CneE,k Made E6 2. Op< Doczrs & Windows Found - Zo Spec v al Prt ,dl, maic- ! 0 �= �rideL�d � � Fp. Ada4. Ap e 22�' sv; 366 - 5, kid, Given o C 4iLe' -------- 75�n 'Tf 137 War aT3.+'; Served _.ro at._.on Reports Plade pla..lnt$ _LT~BE:A.:-�g'a ed ___ Z.2 9. tr`Y"117teS R.epori-ea �.A�+], f..:.V£,5f,._oa4.Ar� ,.,.,�,:_d.� ��.�3. e"'�" .�. _...,__..a..._._-..�:_._ TOTA.ILApTIVITIES ®e _ 2,3h9880 Page - Page W f i w•e - N�ri.`"-. V`1-TTt. fJ!-_ r,('i�'Ef? , - _ .=:_.:1 .. + .'?=i• F::IJT+J Y:`;'. J-•.FC"''.�j LFtx' �tt.,.... ..ri+� C::�T_i ^FJECJ'S s - T �( � hr RJYEft` '' ail: �7VEl�F J ''f, „. FROf RECQ"'ERFD 5;1 hie mQN.,' !A ,'EAc o VAT;I. _$ BAD C-HECftS,, VA.I,1.rF FAD C.HE h-, VAS r_ _ ,_S o 'SAME MNTH !AST 'FAR. -------- BAD -o BAD C`HEC'K 1, Vik 1.+-F uEC:.JVERED HAD C-NECKS, SAL F 1-EC0ERFD ::;AME MUN`,f{ '.AS.T rFAF; FR.OF'FRTY d:nS'? THIS MC)NTc.? a VA'UE = g one. L^r,orted FROFFRTY" LOST SAME MONTH LAST YEAR VAT. UE ,.. ,. "o ^x> Y .,�O ?':ROPEIRTY F:iUIZI TH17 MONm71 v'A.,U FR°.FF?;..,,.,, FOUND SAME MONT.;11. �,AS' YEAR R FOR TH15 MION'T 11 '7 3S F'0j, SAYIE MON.E :,A S "Tt N-C ACC D.,n 7 SUP'vtkR.; - rH�anMID14T4 EAF TO DATE ("s4 r t.i Th—3 "Ia g j J > Y�-3'T_` .b �o.0 3,...b� 1 ACO1DE1`, Ft?Ah 9 16 78% � � S ) ! _ 2�� ! u m�2 2' Prcperty D n_ge _; 0 } 2 2 O i 0 & ttT 0 ' - TMENFORCEMEJ7 SuIMMARY [ THs� M`ONTHb YFAR.aO DATE T" s Y a ; s ' q Chars , Th---s`Yea, La t, Year " han _ TRALFr-sr MTAs _ 219 f 99 _1 un 121° z 219 _o 99 !u-j '121% H d.a too TVs ,a, u .8 78x9 a t .. 82_ YBun „-82cr 1119 x 82 nt,ki2ry312% earkang 57 29 �un 597�� � � � 2 � unm 97� 3 + 1 sun 200% 9 ,3 1 i un 200` , Accide �Arr�sts i [ & Oa Wal dne 11 uo 175% s 11 ti un 175% Page fi' POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT � CzM A. ATIVE SUMMAR' OF TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT d�IS MONTH YEAR TO DATE VUOLATTON Yi 5 ToS Y a"' TPr S 1'' a, 11,-i 5 yea;C Change Hazardous V x t aT x o Total Dr-i-viyig While Urde. E Irflue e of I Tao:, G 3 ! 1 i 3 !i n Violation of Bas,,..`--. Rule (Speed ng) < 39 79 RecklesE DL i v-ing ! { { 0 _ Disobey Traf t z Csg al 28 ! Tu) =.�,A � -- - -� " � �,"y, i z Improper Passing 3 3 un Improper Turning lO10 1 I an 3^0a Failure to Yield I Right- of Way, 5 h 3 3 " - � - - - Fallowing Too Close , . 3 No_or.Improper Signal_ -S Improper Lane Usage � Defective Equipment ! 11 ' 2 Other Hazardous Violations -� 3 1 6 3 ur, 1 C; Aron-Hazardous I Violations Total E2 d 17 62 17 uo 2655, Parking Violations Total 57 { 29 5729 u7 97? CLERICAL DATA ACTIVITY THIS MONTH - Radio Messages Logged ----------------------------------- 5 026 Telephone Calls Logged --------------- oe®® mo ------- Cards ;Typed and Filed m oo ------m 3,3 2 Personal Contacts ---- ---o-ao--o-o>om------7------ 966 Assists Given to Other Agencies --------------------—- 209 Other Activities ®m 0 ®=om --- -- ao a 009 UNPAID OVERTIME LOGGED BY ALL PERSONNELTHIS MNTH SAMA MONTH LAST YEAR ( Chief and Captain 169 226 195 End,of report for Month of January 1970 Hugh Ho Wilkinson Chief of Police PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY, 1970 1. SEWER DIVISION REPORT; A. 11onthly Data STATE CRITERIA TOTAL AVE DESIGN CAPACITY Flow (gal) 56 ,019,000 1,807 ,000 700,000 Solids Collected (gal) 61,380 1,980 -0- Chlorine Used (lb) 1,811 58 BOD (ppm) 51 20 Suspended Solids (ppm) 52 20 MPN (per 100 ml) 1,000 Plant Efficiency 62% 850 B. Stevens, Thompson, and Runyan have completed the preliminary plans for the sewer treatment expansion. Said plans have been forwarded to the Department of Enviromental Quality for their review. C. This month the Department of Enviromental Quality adopted the water standards for the Tualatin Valley. D. major repairs were made to the second stage pump station. The secondary ,filter -and secondary clarifiers_ were out of com- mission-from January 2nd to January '9th. This pump is now operating properly. E. On January 27th, we started lime addition to the digester to bring this unit back into a proper operating level. The digester was slugged the first day with 300 pounds lime. Since that time, we have added 250 pounds for a.total of 550 pounds added this month. F. High rain fall this month (18.65inches) has caused excep- tionally high daily flow. The highest daily flow this month being 2,971,000 gallons. It is estimated that we also had instantaneously flow of about 3.4 million gallons per day. 2. 'PARK AND STREET DIVISION REPORT A. This month quite a- bit of time was spent in the `shop ,for maintenance of equipment and preparing it for this summer's use. In addition to this, the gas pump ,shelters were installed and a boom was installed on one of the pickups for the lifting - of small loads. B. Vandelism continued during this month on the "TERRIFIC" Tigard signs. Three signs were taken down this month. All stolen `signs have been recovered at this time. 'x C. At Cook Park this month, the switch panel was installed. The electrical system and the panel for the electronic controls on the irrigation system were installed. D. With the high water this month our usual water problems were encountered, however, we did not have as much problem as the Beaverton area north of us. 3. ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT A. •Z:ie address survey of the City of Tigard and the adjoining area was completed this month. We now have addresses to all lots in the Tigard vicinity. B. Traffic counts taken during the month of December: Street At 1969 S. W. McDonald Hall Blvd. 1669 S. W. O'Mara Hall Blvd. 430 C. Final reports were completed on two possible annexation known as the Tigard Street Annexation and S. W. 115th and Gaarde Street Annexation. Tenatively, an informal public hearing is planned by the City Council February 23rd, 1970. D. City Council this month selected CHP4to do the traffic study for the City of Tigard. E. To date, none of the contracts with respects to the Bellwood, 3 Creasmer, Brookway and Karol Court Subdivisions have been com- pleted. F. LID PROJECTS % COMPLETED STATUS Derry Bell 30% Civsed Down 98th and Commercial 96% 98th Street needs rock. Oil repairs are necessary to Grant Street. Canterbury Lane 98% Clean up and patching are necessary xis Leron Heights Sewer 96% Clean up required Respectfully submitted, KCT/bns