City Council Packet - 01/12/1970 T I G A R D C I T Y COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 12, 1970, 7:.30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor E. G. Kyle, Councilman Floyd 11. Bergmann, Daniel L. Larsen, Robert C. .Moore, Thomas M. O'Halloran; Stephen M, Telfer, Ci*:y Administrator; Keith C. Thompson, Director of Public Works; Doris Hartig, City Recorder Absent: Fred A. Anderson, City Attorney 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, December 22, 1969 (a) Approved as submitted 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Letter from R, Milbrodt, County Administrator, cec;uesc;.r:c_, City of Tigard recommend a representative to Advisory Board of Unified Sewer District. Motion by Councilman Moore recommending Counci;man Daniel Larsen be appointed; seconded by Councilman Bergm,.r.n. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (b) Letter from Lecn W. Hill, who has been trained under the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, requesting wazve: of business license fee. Motion by Councilman Larsen to waive business cen-se - fee for remainder of ,69-70 fiscal year; seconded by Councilman O'Halloran. :Approved by unanimous ,.,c._ - Council Council will 'consider matter again when license is to be renewed. 5. APPROVAL OF BILLS, $55,280.90 (a) motion to approve: ' Councilman Moore, seconded by , Councilman O'Halloran. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 6. MONTHLY REPORTS; (a) Motion to accept monthly reports: Councilman L.,rs, seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, 7. ENDORSEMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION, Town Tavern Ret .,1 Malt Beverage, Class C,. (a) City Administrator stated Police Department had enc°i>�t gated and had no objections. - (b) Motion to approve: Councilman O'Halloran, seco7;ded byy Councilman Larsen. Motion approved by majority vote of 3 - 2; Councilman Moore 'and`Mayor Kyle voted NAY. 8, FARMERS INSURANCE MONTHLY SEWER RATE (a) City Admin-,strator rec<-mmended charge be r,r. number Of employees in accordance with Ordinar,c< No 62-2. Council unanimously agreed to this monthly rate 9. TIGARD STREET ANNEXATION - GAARDE STREET 5 115th AVENUE 1?1,' ;--,!,r J1r (a) Council and staff discussed proposed boundar c- requested Administrator to prepare Resolutions r; next Council meeting, 10, PROGRESS PAYMENTS (a) 98th Street - Progress Payment #4 - $1.99.80 Director of Public Works recommended paving on Street be completed in spring. Motion to authorize payment: Councilman seconded by Councilman Bergmann,. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. (b) Leron Heights - Progress Payment $4 - $25.20 Motion to authorize payment: Councilman Larsen seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council, (c) Canterbury Lane Progress Payment #5 - $5,07,3,03 Council and staff discussed the possibility or L.11c,ud-Lng landscaping; Council instructed Administrator v pursue idea and report back. Motion to authorize payment: Councilman Moore, seconded by.Councilman O'Halloran Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 11. LERON HEIGHTS STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT (a) Council and staff discussed withdrawing areas within City Limits from street lighting district, A0i, niS1_ . o outlined procedure involved. Motion by Councilman Moore instructing City A.t, 'r .v to prepare ordinance setting public hearing; seconded by Councilman Bergmann, Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 12, SEWER TREATMENT PLANT (a) City Administrator reported on plant problems, plant ° modification and various plans rpresented'by Stevens, Thompson ,and Runyan. 'City Administrator recommended City withhold callirg for bids on plant remodeling until ' specifications of E.Q.c. are known. _Administrat-�. to , ° keep;Council informed. Page 2 Council Minutes 1/12/70 13, LIBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENT (a) Administrator requested appointment be made .,_ Council meeting. 14. PLANNING AND ZONING VACANCY (a) City Administrator reported he had reviewed C1Li �. Inventory forms and recommended appointment of M,-, - Robinson, ,_ -Robinson, 4 (b) Motion by Councilman Larsen to defer naming of nc= member until next Council. meeting; seconded by C_ . Bergmann. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 15. TEMPORARY BUILDINGS (a) Council wished to discuss this at another t; ::- 16, PREASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS (a) City Administrator suggested Council conside .ess- ment. method on sewer improvement districts instructed Administrator to investigate fuYth,s 1 ,--eport back. 17. ORDINANCE REGARDING PLACEMENT OF TRAFFIC CONTROI. SIGNS AND S.GNALS (a) City Administratcz outlined proposed ordinan;:e. noo_=ver, he wished to consult City Attorney regarding ' minor points and 're.comimended.continuing. matt,._ until next meeting. OTHER BUSINESS A. City Administrator stated he had requested two engineering _urns to do traffic study' inventory program of City needs for improvements.'program:. City Administrator requested.`authcri...-,t>un: to proceed in that either .one of thetwofirms wouldrwotN...;,nth ' staff in preparing..application for federal aid on traffic-.sare!:y._. =` program, with no obligation to proceed with contract, ,.n =ss City receives approval of federal grant.° Administrator suggrsrc,-, Council r review engineering' firms reports..and 'discuss at.later d,�— council had no 'objections and instructed Administrator to procer., B. Councilman Moore called attention to dirt and rocks left an> Street as result of recent' construction„' Director of Publ ' 6,Io.ks to contact phone company and construction company,” If del;.--& not cleaned to City's satisfaction, City;will do'work and bi(a.:. C, City Administrator suggested Council hold study sessions s- and third Mondays- 'Study sessions open to public,'howeve. r, minutes or formal action will be taken, D. Meeting adjourned 9:15 P,M.- City 'Recorder' ATTEST: Mayor Page 3 - Council Minutes - L/12/70 [ r Burl ;,on - SrGn i 5571 ?t rl '? i0iN, -• 'lS �� r57 X51,1 vi(i :.aorc, ` 7 5575 C' , .r,� y j., 5576 t o inn -- l �i r) 5577 r>>r` 5,7" I - tn..i 5 (264 d �550,. rornal' ,r - 55^1 F_onc!. - +� i - ci( _._(,.,-_,rr �5p2 1 or :r_(- 2 2-6 ir, r 55 , o_r1 '1•-^>ttc 55SE �tti( c�' icrra-�n '.cco �=r �,r 'Urfi�t) 1, o' c5£( tl. ri 1n, ? ric p, `1 1 17 2 fat 55R, z..l t r,rr. "ire 555 r .triol o r, (1.2) 2 2.FS ^rr a,,.iinc ('L .t.r, 1'co' 6:) el ""Unpliec ( l 5 r rt1 1. Sr 559 4 l. .:i; .Tt._dnnl ,gin, ,c>t .,., rz .Y, f �; 0-;: Cr, , 56.21 11.d­ef11) G 0" 5629 ?n.:ur,ac( ,cc-.-;tc r 562? In Lernatz on.-I 'its, 71.00 (1.0 3 q !�� 1,'r r2 r1. 1 -7.1^ 2 �� ( ._1) 19 , ']cr,(1 n f 56>' 37[x1 , `1Ce �1;:} %7 ,rrvr j nt rt r l r 01.1, T_ ^, Dozl _Ction , - Rploncep of .'ev- . e o, !*comber � ce_fits, C Time r�pn r c[ Ind to n n(r alDOW ) , . '� f-I qih Fni.r I _c. l rc )l! �;EYIow Poli ct:��Ot' - Trc- 72, 190 V r � `3<7 nnce Chew' n�C c579 IU.:,.inC.�. .ill .;'111: il.,.ret.+1 ('nl 64. ( 1) Paw - -�, 550 'Wrthwest Ynto-- 1 0- 1 CO. Qo) 10.17 5587 Partl,nd Owntrol Plociric � ern 5590 l .rQ r i Lint 551 T01Ti - 11 5594. Petty - ( 0) ,:IIn)l i-; 1 5630 our �. t 5671 Andr v :� , itt on r -( . 01 56359 635 1 e. gat. ?t, - uir t _�.o. _ . ._ � ) l`�(il rc e (r T 1` - Un11(.` S ) i1 yr 1r1)(02 tp f nifrl scn -�Pccord n ^(-c V -) 5 •- 1903 9rypr Aorrison, Inc. - Cons tructior_ ( 1n,047.0-''- 1904 Underground Construction - " ( T) 2,04.54 1907 ,ol thwe t Testing I bor7tor, Tests( 7.C,% . 1916 ,oroliN mac;,, Mectr0pi Distributors _ n (-,C) . 1918 Title Invarnnce Co. - (11) 2y,00 p'-,v -r, 6. 0 1919 (e7 r_) , ,o. - 7cuip cnt intent r c' ( ,, 31.47) 1920 'ur r ncKee A Co. ui e ..__. ( ` S. ' 1921 C,sh - Poi ` n-, ' 1;) i Ic .r 1929 Nvrren 7sarne: - Sheriff, d. .: r✓ First . I tilt Church of Tigrrd n 1930 Title Insur,nce Co. 1931 Cit, or Beaverton r to. - ouipmEnt 5-ntnI 66.0c) 1932 VroTon -»t Print Co. - Office U p2ieo 1 v r 1933 Ted F. ,chsche. , ?I _C', - .e b.,*.I_ p uppl.ins .ro;_. lonprvl Fund - office Suppliw� 13.22 n, roll, 7' kt , 14ductions 6,5500' 1 15,77H.32 5 ,77E by nk. %3-nce C9,274.90 STS TA TT r P,t U. S. T Br1 pce- s of November 30, 1969 �n Time Teposit 5,000-00 Bills paid Dec. 22, 1569 ( 0('.2 i) � 7' o�aenBalance ,00.42 Check No. 5593 Petty Cash - 2upplies 1201 14 5632 1 z f Lu-,nbe- Co! pp i e � I 5.71 5635 Volley Auto PnrtsSupplies F in, 1061 25.95 1470 .. ht� cinery Co. qui ..F_ t 1 .c_ttni 2r, 35 r' �' 1437 General Tool SupplyCo. o7lic.- (2 � 1438 32 e`cno z - Supplies 490.17 1448 Davidson "Pva, Co. supplies �r� 3n,y ..1.1449 Vn.1ley Pet.roleup 120j 14.66 f of 1 Tres, Deductions 1 :.57 ai 2077.01 Bank WInnoc 04,948.43- nC L7 nt� , rTr nr t3 rrr- or i 559 5592 3e yl i C i7 C 559'5 P ttv c'--i l 1 1 56.5 n3e;� u�p r ,7t; 141 1_ - :r,. en td n �tlac cr 1 �� 1 1l-40 1-'8C �^- ml, 1, ,_r i t no. r - 1+ +1 C tipllTa 1 nS g� 1142 ) '0 10.00 244' ton ,rcct c r ` 11 n 11r4 ,C '71.79 1-+ `' roar 31,,c'. E Tn 1: a 70 4 'ntsl ? CC i^ r .no el 14 5C o 1 e �cwr 1907 TorVn,,est Te T1 ? I7C ''i: "UppliEls fro[ C o`?.r l {'�hlr? y �^ 1 ] / ,. - r'- (^ ter, Dark :9r]once "17,`:57.1.5 '7=- CCI n U,^T n ::J r_, lr TC^ _. ._ `(1.r r BC;IIC CNT 3CA1?1 �=2 �: I?'T. U. _ ICdf,l; 3 ;d1I l,C3b.19 3'itr Cigm TjCTrD I?m U n^TCi1=-.L4,f36.00 j T3Arrr,01-T 13CI D, Trn tr — r, 1311__"JCi�OPT BONN 'S z Ir1m, U. S i\'.s ICTIrI' 7*v 4,42>.00, Total. Pn-yeble: 55,280.90 Tptol Bank Balance 96,006.95 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council January, 1970 FROM: City Administrator SUBJECT: Progress and Status Report 1. Planning & Zoning Commission vacancy Enclosed in your folders are copies of completed Inventory of Citizens Forms from two residents of Leron Heights, recommended by Allan Paterson. Fred Anderson' s research regarding the possibility of utilizing a high school student on the Planning & Zoning Commission has divulged nothing to support either side of the issue. However, he has expressed some reservations regara ng the rights of minors in general, and I am inclined at `his stage to drop the idea. It is my opinion that Myron Robinson is probably the more qualified of the two men that we have information on. I would therefore recommend the appointment of Myron to the vacant seat on the Planning & Zoning Commission. 2. At your last regular council meeting, we discussed annexations in general and reached consensus to proceed with the initiation of two annexations by resolution under >the <newly, established procedure. Rather than adopting resolutions at your coming meeting, I felt it might be more appropriate for; you to review the rough draft of my proposed letter to the citizens in the area and then preparetoact on 'the 'initiatory, resolutions at your meeting" on the _26th of the month. Please review this letter carefully and bring it to thecouncilmeeting with suggestions ' for improvement. 3. Sewage Treatment Plant Several minor problems have plagued our staff at the sewage treatment plant. We have recently experienced, on two separate occasions, a' failure in a portion of the electrical system. This failure has caused only short-term stoppages of certain of the plant' s functions. We have called in Stevens, Thompson & Runyan and a representative of the electrical supply company involved for advice on corrective measures. The plant has also experienced degradation in the digesters as evidenced by a somewhat °serious drop in the :P.H.' of the sludge. Again we havecalled in Stevens, Thompson & Runyan, the E.Q.C. engineers, and experienced` treatment plant operators ffm from the Citi' of Portland and Metzger Sanitary Districts, to review the situation and make recommendations for 'corrective measures. At this time, we are preparing a list of 'steps which will include the addition of approximately 1,000 lbs, of lime into the digester system in an effort to correct the problem. Keith and the staff at the treatment facility feel that our plant may well not be operating at its true capability because of this problem. At your meeting Monday evening we will also be discussing in general terms the progress on our proposed plant modification plans. 4. Temporary Buildings As you have probably noticed, several temporary buildings have popped up around town, specifically John Cook' s temporary trailer location and the kions Club paper shack on Main Street. In several of these cases, I have to admit that I believe we have administratively erred. It was originally my thought that we had legal authority to issue temporary building permits via a provision in the Uniform Building Code. However, further review of the situation leaves me in some doubt as to that authority. In any event, I have asked the City Attorney to study the matter and make a recommendation. His recommendation is to utilize the conditional use provisions provided in our Zoning Code to handle such situations. I am somewhat concerned that we may be trying to stretch the definition of a conditional use farther than we should be. Please come prepared to discuss your thoughts and, provide me r with some policy guidance on this matter at your meeting Monday evening. 5. Garbage Franchise The Washington County Board of Commissioners have finally issued certificates to Herb Frank and John Schmidt to provide garbage service to certain specified areas 'within the unincorporated portions of the county. This will have some impact on our , 'franchise agreements with Herb Frank and Carl Miller, particu- larly, with respect to areas that we annex in the future. it would be my suggestion that since we've been having minor complaints from citizens regardingFrank's garbage service we, by contract, agree to rewrite our 'franchise ordinance with Herb and perhaps hold some public hearings on the matter, in order to give these citizens a chance to air their problems.' I have discussed this approach with Herb Frank and he is very receptive. I have therefore asked him to sit with his ,attorney ' and prepare a _rough'draft including any modifications he would dike to see in the franchise ordinance. tahen this has been` presented to me I will prepare additional modifications affecting the City and present it to you at a study session for your review prior to establishing a date for a hearing. Both Herb Pg 2 Progress & Status Report - Jan. 1970 and I agree that plenty of publicity and a public hearing on the matter is important in order that the citizens may become educated on the need for franchises and the services t involved. 6. Study Sessions As you are aware, I had indicated before the holidays that I would like to begin having weekly meetings. The first and third Mondays would be known as study sessions and would be open to the public with the understanding that they were welcome to attend and listen, but that they were not neces- sarily allowed to speak unless called upon. I have found, from past experience, that both the public and press soon gain confidence in the fact that your study session meetings are truly for study purposes and that no decisions can or will be made at these meetings. It would be my recommendation that these meetings be held in my office. The meetings should be handled very informally; in other words, no minutes will be taken, no tape recorder will be necessary, and the agenda will be rather informal, just listing topics to be discussed. I had hoped that with your agreement to this idea we could begin this procedure on the 19th of the month. However, I have been asked to speak to the Lions Club regarding the pro- posed unified sewerage agency that evening and may not be finished there until about 9 P.M. If you are interested in meeting at that time, fine; if not, perhaps we should wait until the first Monday in February. Respectfully submitted, Stephen M. Telfer SMT/jp Pg 3 Progress & Status Report - Jan. 1970 O o o c)OCC 00 J CJOC>c cV ri C� ��. 0 0r.raHC) ,,,j 0, � cu. O 0 OD r+1 r� H O 0 r{�•'� `-i D) t;0 td 0 O i-' 0 N O rQ) •.-i �D O ,0'O 0 U O 'A H r; o Q1 N E' CJ ii O I 1 1 G 1 m cn H U lC Iq td ctl r3 U iJ N cd N cT U N 5—4• 1•-H•J C1 CO C11n W E 8 .0 M 1 Fj U2 O O U N U O O O H H 0 0 4- ('J U fi CJ 41 rz [d N:d in U) a 000Lc,Lr,0N--1 ^ C!i .N 0 co N C-10 m :NiD•:- -i NNr-1 �n c2 H a O U N O H C� 0 O U 4w U 1 O �U: L O I ) N!-) do aCd a coEFlo a) UU Hz w P4 t -z ow o •i s4 Q ,-A0'(1) cdouo r'I �OAI. R%rO �T 1'969--1y 70 VIT`t' 031 TIGARD Building Department 81 Permits is ut.d as follows: 46 Single Family Dwellings w 897,758.50 7 Residential Remodels 18, 568.00 2 Apartments & Duplexes (85 units) 796,276.00 3 Commercial & Industrial 502,000.00 10 Commercial& Industrial Alterations &. Remodels 77,901.00 9 Signs 7, 660.00 14 Miscellaneous 24,870.00 81 $2,325,033.50 6 Mechanical Permits �� `10,590.00 Permit Fees for 81 Permits $ 6,257.00 ' Permit Fees for 6 Mechanical Permits 36.00 48 Plumbing; Permits issued 2,342.00 71 Sewer Connection Permits Permit Fees 142.00 Inspection Fees 710.00 Total Permit & Inspection Fees $ 9,487.00 185 Contractors Licenses issued HEPO T CITY By The CiGy of Tigard ' s BuildingDepartment -- 1969 12 Permits is-sued as Follows: 7 Single Family Dwellings } 145, 784.00 1 Residential Remodel , 200.00 1 Apartments & Duplexes (11 units) 90,000.00 1 Commercial & Indust.rial ,000.00 2 Miscellaneous 3 355, ;00.0:. 12 291,484.00 Permit fees for 12 Permits, 1969 ��r' 901. 50 10 Plumbing permits issued, 1969 544.c0 Total Permits &' Inspection Fees, 1969 1,"45. 50 C1TY 0'C' ` lGi"Li2D - Building Department - 1` 69 178 Permits issued as follows: 70 Single Family Dwellings $l, 342,402.`_i0 11 Residential Remodels 26, 302.00 14 Apartments Duplexes (494 units) 4,104 , 528.00 7 Commercial Industrial 1, 725, 1'36.00 17 Commercial & Industrial alterations Remodels 182,1.21.00 27 Signs 36,807.00 32 Miscellaneous 72,498.00 178 $7,490, 394.50 6 Mechanical Permits $ 10, 5,0.00 Permit fees for 178 Permits, 1969 18,117.00 Permit fees for 6 Mechanical Permits, 1969 36.00 90 Plumbing Permits issued, 1969 4,675.00 140 Sewer Connection Permits Permit Fees 280.00 Inspection Fees 11400.00 Total Permit & Inspection Fees $ 24, 508.00 185 Contractors Licenses issued $ 6,344-34 �v FINANCIAL, STATEMENT EXPENDITURES 4"T December 31, 1969 C ;111?RAT, FU"vD 1969-2970 Current Year to Budget ?Month Dgte. ,iyor r+nc' Council 3,703. 317. 1,923. !"unicipal Court 11,130. 910. 4,812. i".dmi.ni strn tion 56,621. 3,842. 24,840. Building Dept. 14,685. 962. 6,203. Planning k, Zoning 22,279. 1,367. 7,311. Library 8,552. 668. 3,210. Police Dept. 165,041. 13,125. 73,725. Police Traffic Safety 7, 572. 549. 3,015. Park £,412. 249. 1,526. Non--Departmental 41,656. 3,392. 21,008. Contingency 21000. Total General Fund ;>319,651. 25,381. $147,573. SCIAGE DISPOSAL FUND Operation and Inintenance w122,161. k 16,966. 51,147. `�'• Replacement and Expansion 26(•,7( 7. 6,070. 25,987. , t Contingency Transfer ( 12, 5C9. ) O. S. A. 70 98th Avenue 2,043. Derry Dell 32. 8,73v. Leron Heights 4,853. _t6,24 Pinebrook 2,7^ Total Sewer Fund a 7 7-1'5T4. ;r STATE TAX STREET FUND Operation and Maintenance 52,306. $ 2,959, $; 2©,634. Park Dept. 81100. -� Contingency 367. _ Total State Tax St.Fund 60,773. w 2,959. 20634. ROAD F t,TPTD Operation and Maintenance 39,426• w 1,287. 4,480. Cook Park 71. ?,848. .: . Canterbury Lane 12,524. 37,430. Contingency g7. Total Road Fund` ' �9 ,. ,81:3, ;13,882. $ 49.758, 4 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT FUND •, Bancroft Bonds 1 2 3,4,5 - 2,588. GENERAL DEBT MTD General Obligation Bonds w 26,754. �^ �<• � 9rs_ O9 e � e ,. TONAL BUDGET : $857,037. 8 186. 0 py �3