City Council Packet - 03/07/1968 Boom
C I T 'i 7 U n
ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor E.G. 1;yl.r:;
Floyd H. Bergma;.n„ober C 1-r), Attorney Fred,
A. Anderson, City Administrzr. •; d I
b Log an% Keith
C. Thompson, City Ent: ;cf�r; 1)�ri. a '.i , City Recorder
Absent: Councilman r,az'va,
Also Present: County
�:ill,rodt and
County i,
Special. Meeting was called by D-av ,r <y, .: r, `
access road,- "s A Coos Park
County Administrator C.R. b_ilbronti.1
instructed by the he had been
County commissin,e.r. ti� .I,
gin engineering study to construct at le st _ ” right of way and access
road to Cook Park, In exchatlar3 surface access
nge r _, arning
road the city would request ani a r..t r>.; •
the access
j + z p.ce•sent condition,
jurisdiction of approximately 4 niins cS r reets. Streets in the
Cipole Annexation, main arterials a c:ta iat are 3g in city anc3.
3i in county would be excluder. sticat ,,. tr.e accepteft and maintained
by city are as follows:
SW Burnham St, (To be negotiated)
SW Commercial St. (To be negotiatedi 0'40
SW Brookside St, 0,13 Si��i.>ntFr .,t 0.79
SW Freaing St 0.'15 W Caret ;:r._ 0.40
SW Grant Ave.' 0.32 SW Jocns:n 0.08
SW Lewis Lane: 0.07 SW Linc- :r✓A, 0,34
SW Old Pacific Hwy. 0.30 �, 0.08
SW Pinebrook Ct. l Pi ]°r>0.06 sw 0.34
s '�ffi a 'st. '
SW Watkins Ave, 0.2.7
SW 88th Ave. 0.21 SW ;7th ,^:,o. 0.04
0.04 SW :'39th ,to.
SW 90th -Ave. 0,08
0.31 SW 91s 0.08>ve•
SFV 92nd Ave. 0.06 SW 95th Ave.
Attorney; Anderson stated he was ready to prec>e in Court on March 8th
with condemnation hearings on Bilyeau and Scott to obtain a 20 foot
access road to'Cook Park. He furtherror,n .nLac's the `County,Commissioners
had not offered a contract or made an official offer to the City with
respect to constructing a county access"mad. if 'C `
City Attorney to set over condemnation,Proceedln cyto obtain
instructed the
tc, obtain right of
way, Attorney Anderson questioned whether the City would be able to ob-
tain the federal qrant money.
County Administrator Milbrodt stated he tis? na. =, inquiries of the state
regarding requirements for the access roar? and oras informed all the
state required at the time of processing tic- :,pplication was that pub-
lic access will be available. He further sugresced -the City (1) re-
quest the county to relinquish certain streets; (2) request County to
gain access for a 50' roadway to Cook F'ar3c; tht• County in turn •.i;.t,ld
then Formalize our request. This would rive r_h,_ �it.y some thing in
writing for the city record.'
Motion made b; •;;,reracilmarr 13-111: The City requent from Washington
County possessic;n of the stzeets within the City boundaries of Tigard
in accordance <oitl? t.`r, z,rt ^hea liSt; fcirthe i =1•s and maintaining
of the stre(.t: . ..— : C-ounty v>il1 proz..-e,i to a>
r,n access road
of at least <a .r. of uay t:o Couk Lark tra ",a'latin River,
from the main a.r ,)dram F.., 3, echich -oocil< lwuruved, main–
tained and brei.}... the county road r, :,:; that our City
AL•torney ne i, Usmiss condemnat.i.n n+r': ecxings.
Motion seconded 4 ,.n I[Van Moore.
Approved by ur;a u f Council
Meeting a6lAneu: I.1..
AT _
page two March 8, 1308