City Council Packet - 05/04/1966 I:tR hL) Rtir ,j:rAyanv a 3 fp.tx nay f,r 'v� �i�Y Wr4F Y 96b t C r •1. T iAfiL} ORI�rribNZ
E- i'7, i.i tr(.7i ;ann, Harvey
Knauss, J. FcllCi Well,, 4':,,hert Mote, C. L. (rtioor-jard, Dallas
Sc-halk,- "ityI'aCc)r P,-)hart
n?•x ra'ea;t, l:Ci li..C_1-I_iYi,�tii .,
Y - ,
t"sc?1. f3a11
The m,c 3t.:tng LctS c'a:lt=:,.t t. I1 Y': .'X aL i3 b'! Piave,x' KKyle. tlayor
I:yle asked that: & Ci^1.L'lte;A1 c-, L: ,,e iludg. at Co!T.ttilttlee be appointed.
it wa.. .1"r vt_r+ ,!-)y M •a ntc`st.c by Mz. ?,Y
an carried t.Lat t)r. ;:;c'Y'.alk be appoint -:d •"Intlrl:a 1 or the
Budget : r)< trnittee.
The me,-:ttin• the t�a..x, ;ai t �r,; to ..;'�> �r:iznLlt. Dr. Schalk asked
that. a Sec.x t lry be _;rl;t-,i ;t;..;I to the Budget, get >rcx:ittee.
it was utoved by ''may:r t',ylc arid by Cni-iYvilman Bergmann,
and un5nimously carried that. Mr. 'Woodard be appointed as SFc-
retary ,t`7 the Budges:r_ Committee.
Mr. ':I :r;axt presented �h�' t_irxdget i`essage and explained in detail each
section of the Budget...
It rims tT,oved .by Mayor Kyle .and seconded by C'ounciIrrzn Bergmann, aria
unanimously carried that, the City Administrator's salary he in-
creased to';9,000. per year, and increase the Travel and Training
in the General Administrative Fund to $700. thus i .greasing the
General Administrative Fund to $22,892.
It was moved by Mayor I;yle and seconded by f'ou-ncilman Well and un-
animously carried that the Budget be approved as presented with the
above corrections.
It was ;roved by Mayor Kyle and seconded by Councilman Bergmann, and
unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned.
Adjournment: l0:25 P„M.