City Council Packet - 08/23/1965 T I A R D C 1: � F, -C ` L Present M.c}=.:>: �,,...;.. �:,rlc un j7 LEm<<ti E. A...Woodard; 1 9x. D•, W, Shinn 3n:d F. A. The s»t-etirg was ca 11..I,1 t _ by tsuyor Kyle who operea the m c :::_J ski th r n• _'. of a'leg iance. Mayor Kyle asked for ,_czx -ct.sc..•L, _,ddit:...._ n .missi.-:.ns to the nunnres of the nc_ `n .x r.°r,,3 r_t 5 ii: •.v' .s requested that, oto page r a ;gr:;ph L', i:he ,;ord be clr,a,,ged to read two. 'Kith this cOzr ction the minutes-•aar.e approved. of;ncilmac. Klock .;t..z��a�..re.d:ftr_ pctte.� ia-e_•n ::he :;merican. Institute of Arc,tite_t.a, Mr. Lot pr: I feel t:.hat the -_y of Tigard would benefit greatly t;,, n raiz•ei i:,dividual :inspect all building pYaz .. is; the futu ,v,, Perhaon you coaxld work with another city, by-having the u:c- of their Building Department for a ppait of each mon::h,. 'This would eliminate the City having to hire a. full time Tnsplictor. Another r,lternative would be to hire 2a City A.dminro,:,Bator who has some knowledge of Engineering a-nd .rho could act., in this catp,.aity for rhe City, .^cun:Ti,.man Woodard,, l :avc- a _,, t wopc._,zl in the amount. of 5520.00 from George it. Sprinkel for ;;he est,room masonry `,+oris at the park. - •Ionnc_,'m. x .doodard. 1: move that we approve the; amount _ 5520J,10 for the masonry work or, the re- rooms at the: City Park., Motion seconded by Councilman .-lock,. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members beiing present. ::'ouncilman Bergmann, the received five bids on the Liabil-ity :Insurance" for the City, The low hid was from Oregon Automobile Insurance Company in the amount of 5440,G0, and the high bice cans from X"Ings .:,re,r. Amezizan ln3urance �ompanv: in the amount of Councilman Bergmann- I move` that we accept the bid from Oregon Automobile Insurai nce ':omoary in the amourmt of;$440.00 for'our Public Liability i:nsu=ance., Motion seconded by, Councilman Mock, Upon tail fax Rrote the motion was unanimousl._:• approved by 'Council, all `zr.*!mbers being present„ Councilman Xlock. '`he r�z*^irag s.d Zoni g Commission will now have one reprF,s..ntatz ve a.tt•enxd �ht "oun it 'Meeting and. they would also like to ha-,-= a Copy of the minutes of the Council Meetings'. B-23-65 page l 7 ��r r 7 tA T , f 1 a rz.l trrk r J ,r_ .r,r ci �r 1 • ,_ •_ I 1 ' ,t E cX.`.. t n r ast 'i�r k`z� y• yJl,,� v0 Iiid Iii +h, c 5 F 2_ 0" 1S a b. X t-d _ .: ci gran c, F 1.'.t ♦ 1 c- ri ded Inv ` ` ! t t�.a Jit ax'�k„ t.,3n .;3Y t tom_. rk c s_ice u.._... r ua�zb "70 mu r t t .a t•t 4 r c } �� 7".c Jr Vx' r ^t r 3 zId be $594 Ys �• -th a s ���J�.Oq m, wt '4 i 'Y,w .3 r Y � e ,..mss, �s k,�. <•; ��. a--2 2— ry Mayer Kyls S :,a re 'a letter from the CLty Engineer, v- ^=, (reading batt r` regarding the Pater_ "Le_.'n t _ ptor Sewti-r" e There waa soma le disrussion regarding the dirt ...._ ill footage between the Fngineer'e figure and Mr. Paterso^'E. { Councilman woo =-rd: I move that we +rcpt tie 'crop. irrFrceptor Sewer (852.3 feet), Motion seconded i1 a':ox ci?'mla Klock, Upon Call for vote the motion wss u:tan+m.1. -_r :a ,) orsd by Council, all member-:, being present. Mayor Kyle; I have a request from .KC, _'::tar c+s. a>king that the City of Tigard collect the connection fees from people wishing to connect to the"Paterson Sewur,. The Council and Attorney Anderson dYscuased this n.: =:nd Attorney Anderson stated that anyone eonne<ta'reg to the n Sewer should file an application for a,7�we:r servic_ , and they should be required to annex to the City G£ Tigard- Councilman Klock, I move that we collect S2F0.,00 connection fee, $10.00 inspection fee and $2;00 for the permit at the time the request for sewer service is made, and the people connecting to the Leron Sewer should be required to annex to the City,of Tigard. Motion seconded by Ccuncilmar: Woodard. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously " approved by Council, all members being present„ Mayor Kyle% We will now have a Public Hearing in regard to the Annexation of .lands of Theodore M. Swan., Since there was no response the. 'Public Hearing •.•as then cloned, Mayor Kyle: We have an ordinance 65-24 Annexing "ity of Tigard. 1f :there are no;objections from f"ouv il, L1 have the City Recorder read the ordinance t1Yr26 times by title only, The City"Recorder then read ordinance 65--24 three times by title only, being an Ordinance AM EXING TO THE CITY u PI.^uARD, OREGON, LANDS OF THEODORE M. SWAY, ET LX, :IN NORTH TiGARDV LLE ADDITION, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON- Councilman Woodard: I move that we adopt Ordinance 65-24. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Roll call of rete re- sulted as follows? Councilman Woodard, AYECouncilma.-Il Bergmann, AYE: Councilman Klock, AYE; Councilman Shinn, A."a Mayor Xyle, A''. Mayor ?Tyle; lie have an Ordinance 65-25 Setting Hea-i;q with respect to the Annexation of a portion of Lards o:l w ,realth properties, Inc'. If there are no objections from � , we ws.l have the City' Recorder read the Ordinance three .mes by tide only. The. City Recorder then read Ordinance 65-G5 three tomos by title only, being an Ordinance SETTING HEARY`t-G;WIfiH RESPECT, TO:THE .ANS)NCi-1.T IO\ OF A PORTION OF LANDS OF COMMUq ALTH PF<OPERcIES, nx-, IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SE'CT'ION 34, 8-23-65 Page 3 B,a C.m-4 .As `i za .;..n;ttp w ,. •. � 4ic`tf'C,S' T_cyi? 6,t ti ?,M„ n -:Y:t1e 1.3, _96 at _ ��'.. v i -. ! c;>_.F.t,",n n.._ -. , _ .. .rns I move thl �- Motion. aecon' o.. .L"1n3:r_ n.z11 k ilrran ..7Y. +... i;r•.x-*israrr., .?'4c:b councilman ,_.r,„ r....:,, Mayor liyle, .AIV;7 Mrs ;v;, gs: T_ have the plans arta t.;< Stye.:: Iinp.rove,ments. ire :wr- tryir.=� n- .:a': :; ;:: of h,, ,Lobs and sides:alks a:s we c.,r., and c. .. _t s i, L the ,:u; 'a '.i, also have the plans for the sewc co little Bull Mountain, begi-nning at the ;I.e'thodi2 *o- ,,.seeding kntirely on easement property t:hrou4I*,. Pze _t:i ar. C].a:rrE,tt to McDonald Street with a sic - aev'ez on mc.nc .%,1d, going neawly to 1:03rd. The main sew,-. ccnz e;r xi.ng a ra McDonald to S.W,--Pacific highway, then pnn•.,s.:ding to I be.. center of S.W. Canterbury Lane. The rjans are Completed enough sr, -hat the City can proceed to acquire easeme.nt.s cr this .sine 1 would like to make a progress report on the pro.e, to serve the Industrial Area on 72nd and S.W. Bonita Road.. We have. a drawing prepared for. the gravity sewer on 12nd and Uiita Road. The pumping stations were finished this afternoon and the force main will be finished this week, We hope to have the plans and specifications ready to nw rIt to you, in its entirety, at the next ..run;^'i3 Mesti:g.; The next thing I :ould like to b:.ting up in the. Mattler of the sewer crossing on the highway. Attorrey Anderson, .Mr, Meigs.and Council diarue_ied tc..: sewer crossing, and it was decided th=`:. the City wo a:LC.' oriz< Pore Meigs;to negotiate with the ? ighway Depar tme:nt. Councilman flock; I move that we authorize Mr. NIiga, cit.; Engineer, to negotiate with the Highway Department foo sewer line crossing the highway. Motion seconded by Council- man Bergmann. Upon call for<vote the motion was unsnim-nal > approved by council, all members being prevent,' Mr. Meigs. The Sewage :T::ea.tment Plant is-compl�-tv�f., ana v; would like to recommend that the City accspt the Plant. the'day of the acceptance of the Sewage Tra.+stmc t 21a:i , tlhs . City is furnished a performance and warranty for one ycA- or the,work that has been:done„ The City size rata.i.,i� 1034 of the contract fee for thirty days. I have some figures on the final contract and a.1. cost is $188,469,04, $6,600.00 of this amount ,`aa r.'a •.narks $2,100.00 for a temporary pump, $1,500.00 for t?ae storage building and the remaining , `QOoOC wso ;car tmis- cellaneous items, The:completion date is July 26, 11GSa Councilman Klock': I move that we accept T. ::.s age 'Tri:atm¢nt Plant as recommended by Ms. Meigs, and the: time of comoleticn to be at the close of business on July 26, 1965, and '+_qtr. Meigs will write'a letter to the City stating this fact. Motion seconded by CouncilmanBergmann. Upon call for vote the motion B-23-65 Page 4 was unanimously approved by Council, l meirthera Lr:.g present„ Mr. Poulin brought a map that he has been workiAg on for the proposed annexation. Mr. Poulin will contact Attor ey Anderson when he is finished with the annexation program, and Attorney Anderson will eft an Ordinance s.=-`ting a Pe?t-1it Hearing. Councilman Klock. T. move that we submit t}i= . .._:...r Street Plans for bids, and exclude from the plans the tkiiy 12 cot radii on the south side of Center Street, ry cr,ixi, to 1--, donor by the individual, or,paid for by the City and the o .<:r assessed for the amount. Motion seconded by Councilman P.rcnann. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously appylaiii by Council, all members being present. Adjournment taken at 3:50 P.M. st-�spectyully nswmitted, ATTESM* City Recorder G,r r Ic 8�23�65 Page 5 1