City Council Packet - 04/26/1965 Kew SCK TIGARD CITY COUNCIL t' METING: April 26, 1965 AGENDA. 1. Call To order w 2. pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Approval of Ml nutea .: 4. Correspondence 5. Requests from Audience ( 6. ordinance (a) City Manager Election d i I (Ia) 99w Parking ordinance _J 7. Councilman Reports (a) Woodard (b). Bergmann_ (c) Klock, (d) Shinn (e) Kyle a. City Attorney's Report .."Anderson 9. Appointments (a) Appointment of Vacancies can Planning & Zoning Commission (b) Appointment Of Vacancy, Budget +CownittsIe 10« Removal of city Fall Sign 1.1. City & County joint planning Department 12. Almouncements, 13. Any Other, Rv►siaraeGe To Co Before the Council '14. Adjour t a TIGARD CITY C O U N,C I L MINUTES OF MEETING APRIL 26, 1965 Present: Mayor E. G. Kyle; Councilmen E. A. Woodard; F_ H. Bergmann; C. E. Klock, Sr., D. W. Shinn and City Attorney F. A. Anderson The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Kyle who opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance. Mayor Kyle asked for corrections, additions or omissions to the minutes of the meeting of April 12, 1965. Councilman Woodard asked that the last sentence on page 2 be deleted from the minutes of April 12, 1965. With this ` correction the minutes.were approved. Mayor Kyle then asked if there was any correspondence to be brought before the Council. Councilman Woodard: I have-a letter from Mr. Meigs of Stevens and Thompson regarding the storm drainage system.' (reading letter) The storm drain problem was,discussed by Council an,' Attorney;Anderson. It was decided that the City would wait and see what action the County will take regarding the storm drains. Councilman Klock: I have a letter from:Donald`Reger, 10230 S.W. School St., regarding;the trailer which was parked on the property adjacent to him. : The trailer has 'been moved to a trailer park. LEM J.A. Paterson '(from audience) stated that the sewer' line they are constructing from the Tigard line to 121st will be completed June lst,;and he is prepared to go ahead ' with the annexation. ' Mayor Kyle, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Klock will meet with Mr`. Paterson regarding the annexation. Mr. L. A. Hanson (from audience) asked if some' speed's gns could be installed on Lincoln Az.=f.nue. A little boy,was hit by a`car there recently'. Mr. Art Mason (from audience) also registered s complaint'about the week-end speeding in residential'areas 'in the City. Page 1 -'4-26-65 11, Nil mom -'U;Cl...,a3,, - "t,11_1 ic:k a.r,...r t:."s o,,d report. 17ack to C'ounci.l, mayor tyI have aA Ordi.ante G5-? regarding the: City Manaq<.r r.r:cl it Liieze are no o:73ec:ticns by the rJou' .:r11 We have the City RecoLdel dead Lhe C;rdinance tthLec t m s ?>y t.it ie or:iy. The City Reorder then read Ordinance 65--7 three times bv title only being AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING FtN tstME Li.riu: 2'U THE CiiARTER OF Tf;E C I Ty lir L Z:�ARU QRF.GON' ,5Y Ai1LINS A NEIN' -1-EC.TION T+) i3E NUMBERED ISE-A'ION 9A. cel CHAPTER :Li,; sSIABLISHING THE POSITION OI' CITY iIMAN,_&Or AJ711vR12LE,G TilE CITYCOUNCIL TO r'1t THE COMPENSAT%ON AND PhF-. Li2;BE '_HE DUTIES OF TRE CITY MANAGER, CAL'ING A SPlst 1. 1:'L• ._Cl`._ON A'i' WHICH THE PRGPGSEL �HAi.<'.TER AMEND- MENT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO TIIE V-,YI1ER5 OF THE CITY OF TIGARD,; .ANP DECLARING AN EMERGLWCYa Councilman isergmanr.•o l move that we adapt Ordinance 65-7. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Roll call of vote resuited as follows; Councilman Woodard, AYE; Counciiman Bergmann, AYE,; Councilman Klock,, AYE, Councilman Shinn,. AYE;. Mayor 1:fle, AYE. Mayor. Kyle asked that a date.be set for .the election. Councilman Klock: 1 move that the Election be held on Tuesday, May 25, 1965, Council Chambers, City_Hall,, 'ietween the hours;of B`acO A.M. and 8;00 P.M. Motion seconc,Jrb Councilman Bergmann. Upon'call for vote the motion w unanimos y appioved by Council,; all members being present, Mayor Kyle: I would like to bring to your attention that the four members of the past Election Board were: Marlorre Winters, Virginia Brookman, Hazel Adams, Freda Martin. All these people have been contacted and would be willing to serve again on the Election Board. Co=uncilman Klock- I move that we accept the same members to the Election Board. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council; all members being present. Mayo_ I:yle. We have an Ordinance 65-8,, which was not passed by unanimous vote at the last Council. Meetini and if there are no'objections by Council we will have _Fie City Recorder read the Ordinance three times by tits, o,Iy (this will be the 2r,d reading; . The City Recorder ther. read Oidinance '.5-8 three times by O tle only being AN ORDINANCE AYTENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING Page 2 - 4-26-65 SECTION 27—A tI'ARKIN.; REGULATIONS) OF. TRAFFIC ORDINANCE NO, 63-15, AS AMENDED BY TRA.FFIC ORDINANCE NO; 64-15, TO REGULATE: PARKING ON THE NORTIIE'AST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAYS 211 AND 99-W _ t rounci.i.mao Woodard: I move that we change the footage from 150 feet to 120 feet in Section 2 (a) and ,;b) paragraph y of Ordinance 65-8, Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council,all,members_being present. Councilman Woodard. 1 move-that we adopt urdinane C5`-'R, Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Rail call ua vote resulted as follows, Councilman Woodard, 'AYE; Councilman Bergmann, AYE; Councilman F'.ock,, AYE, Cour,cil- -man Shinn, AYE; Mayor Kyle, AYE. Mayor Kyle; We have an Ordinance 65-10 Amending and Supplementing Ordinance 63-2 (Building Code) • if there are no objections by Council we will have the City Recorder read the Ordinance three times by title only. The City Recorder then read Ordinance 65-10 three times by tit Le only being AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING 'ORDINANCE 63-2 (BUILDI:NG CODE) WITH RESPECT TO SECTION 5 THEREOF, PRESCRIBING FEES FOR 'INSPECTION OF UNAUTHORIZED ST'RUCTURESa Councilman Klock; - I -Hove that we adopt Ordinance 65 Motion seconded by Councilman Woodard. ',Roll:call c­ vote resulted as follows; Councilman Woodard, AYE Councilman Bergmann,'AYE; Councilman Klock, AYE; Council- man Shinn, AYE; Mayor Kyle, AYE. Mayor Kyle We will now have the Councilmen reports. Councilman Woodard: A representative of the Tigard Development Corporation and I will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, April 27, 1965; with the County regarding the repairs on Main Street. 1 will report to Council at the next meet- ing the ;outcome of this meeting. Mayor Kyle suggested that since we are going to repair Main Street some time in the future, it;might be an opportune time to solicit the support of Portland General Electric Company to consider putting their utility fries underground. It is a lot less expensive, on their belga /f to. do this before the street is paved. ' Councilman Woodard.. The Ball Ford Comrany has "for sale" cars parked out on the street, and I feel they should move their cars back 4'about four feet on the parking lot to allow a walkway for persons using the street. Page 3 ' ounci-mU . L, r•3:ratm_ 1 should think that 'when the County is through with z-hei.r survey, and wher,. we know where the sLrec-T: right-or.-way is we might be able to do something about thi; wou!d ine to remind Council that our first Budget 1-1A.. may j, '1965, at which..time...tn& bud tt 6ocurr,,-nt,.s will be ready and the budget message will be given Attorney Apderson explaiLnc-_d to Council the contents of the memorandum regarding tax base for fiscal year 1965/66, ou.ci:mar: i locks l move rhat we approve the cons L, —r. ( it of a storage shed at the treatment Piant, as per plans submitted by Stevens & Thompson. with the alternate using the reams as per quoted price. Motior, seconded by Council- man Bergmann. !)Pon call for vote the motior was unanimously approved by Council, all members being present. Mayor Kyle_ 1 have a proposal, submitted by the Portland- Uancoaver Metropolitan ,ransportat_iolL Study Coordinating Committee, which is a group made up of Multnomah County, Washzngtor, county, Clark County and all municipalities thereof for a metropolitan transportation study. They ask that we provide them with statistics, street class-- ifications by use. physical street systems, traffic volume, travel times, street capacity, parking regulations and traffic control regulations. Councilman; Klock. I move that we enter into an agree ment with Metropolitan Transportation Study Coordinat: .:r Corunittee. Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Upon, call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Co°uncl,, 'all members being;present. Mayor Kyle. l have a' request from Gertrude Campbell,+ Loyalty Day Chairman of the Ladies Auxillary :to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, post 4617, Beaverton, Oregon, that we proclaim the first day of May as Loyalty Day. Councilman Woodard, I move that we authorize the Mayor to issue a'proclamation to observe May 1st as Loyalty Day. Upon call for vote the motion was 'unanimously'approved by Council, all members being present. Mayor Kyles The Tigard Park Comrnittee has asked for bids for rest room facilities for the Tigard Park, bs>iTq Oregon, State Plan 18199 with modifications. The bi,.- received were $8,695.00. 54,554.00 and $2,813.80. We # recommend that the bid of JanOe Concrets Products in the amount of $2,,813.80 be accepted. :his figure could be reduced by any volunteer labor or material received. Page 4 - 4-26-65 dr;:,ations and will dacruase his <t tiy,,r,j t,,-, rnail -_mate foi thane donations. These biis it,<-1u 1._ bt-ptic tank systr.:ra; as reco,flianded by wa<:hirgton " ,urlt. ', }t :alth P•:I't. Then+e racil i Lies need to 1�(l colq .et�,i foo i:ie this ufm,=r. The .-lwn acrd C:suntry Brae::t. ,i th•* the :.su'o1 Park factlat.ic-:n f-,,r rs az=+r .a;ni, T;L:-irtinri July 12. With Lcstt ,:.i1s ai1•r,sial; 1, :..ui sic,.: will be -,ranted for this usf, $1,500.00 .,if the 52,+"s 31..,60 is to t,e paid from the 1'Jr•3! .`i Iark fiu$rictt alv-1 the 1:;Ilatice to 1i-- I-aid 1;i the 19G5/66 bur-1,'eL. ML. r n1_:Ys.n" iaf.>i,n,! I C ,•t.c11 ::t the ")-'A 6- P-1Vt couIel I)oL he caLLied ol t to ttin lac :G6 Eei�,tget .und. Mayan 1Cy16: Y sr ,East. tre ask Mr, Cock .o aal,nlit plans to the C�:,ur,ri'i ior tt:e.ir aelu.zval, at which time we can ask foxbids; Cour,r_ilrr,ztn 1(lc>t kx I move, that wo table action on this - matrev. 1.1 :tion .coi:dezl 't.y Councilman Bergmann. Upon call fca vote t1,e notion !,nus unanimously passed by Council, all well ,ars Being rienent, Mayor ;;%iet T have a roqueat from the beautification Comznittea that. wz� teaz dorm the sign on top of City Hall. Counciluiart Shinn. I move that wa reu,ova_th,� City hall sign if thlfs is `legally posstt,le. Motion seconded '` Counciln�ae, Klock. Upon call for vote the motion w. y unanitttously approved by Council, all. members heing Mayor Style. I have a letter from Mr. . A. Paterson regarding` the I,eRon 11cights Tntereeptor within,City Limits-Tigard (letter was read) . If it all right ' with Council I would like to poste pone action until we call get a report from the City Engineer, Mr. 14eigs. We have been asked by the Planning and Zoning Commission that we establish a basic policy for the Planning and Zoning Commission. I would like, at this time, to aprjoint a'c.olnmittee of Councilman Klock, and myself to draft this policy and present it to Council. We have two vacancies or. the Planning and Zoning colwtti;csion. I have a recc7mnendation of Carl Hanneman to fill thn vacancy outside the city ;limits, and George Sittor, to till the vacancy inside the city limits. Cour;w_ilaran Elo k. i would like to recommend John I�rr.y to till tht vacar:t outside the city limits. I think ' Vage 5 u 4-26-65 he. rs w"l "e"."ed considar"n9 hls Professional status as an architect Cokl.%cil decided to postpone action on this ;liatttt[ UnL71 cher Ilex, nlef_°tinu, Mayor hYle; we have a vacal',cy on the Budget committee and -,.his should bu filled tonight:. Mr. Levine has resigned, Cat. ;cilman Berg ann: I move that we appoint Mr. Al 2i.etila Lo they Budget c'onunittee. Motion seconded by Councilman, Klock. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council, all menwets being PI---sent. Mayor Kyle We }lave a proposal from file city_Cour,:_ ,Joint elanning to partl;.ipate it their Master Facility plan at a cost Of 15; Pet car+ta. Th?.q cost would be in addztion to 0u regular' 304 per capita expenditcure. Councilman Kiock, 1 move that we approve the additional 15 • per capita expenditure for City-County Joint Planning Program. ,lotion seconded by 7ouncilman Bergmann, Upon call for vote the motion was una:;imously approved by Council all m imbersbttinq F, -sent. Mayor Pyle: There k,,Ill be,a Budget Meetin3 in the Council _Chambers at ;:30 P.M— May 3, 1965, Councilman Klock: l move that the meeting be adjourned. .lotion seconded by Councilman Woodard and unanimously approved by Council. Adjournment taken at 8;50 P.m. Respectfully submitted,. City Recorder ATTEST., • yon Page 6 4-26-65