City Council Packet - 03/08/1965 CITY OF TIGARD
� Me o:xe�o
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag
3. Approval of Minutes
4' Correspondence
5 Requests from Audience
6. City County Joint Planning Report
7.` Report From Junior Chamber
8. Presentation From Harstad &"Associates
9 Ordinance - Parking (West Coast Furniture) '
10. Councilmen's Report
(a) Woodard'
(b) . Bergmann
(c) Klock
(d) Shinn
(e) Kvle
City Attorney's Report
12-1Paying of. the 'Bills
13 ' Announcements
14. Adjournment "
Present: Mayor E. G, Kyle; Councilmen E. A. Woodard;
F. H. Bergmann; C. E. Klock; Sr. , D. W. Shinn
and City'Attorney F. A. Anderson
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor
Kyle who opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance
to the flag. He asked for corrections, additions or
deletions to the minutes of February 22, 1965. None being
offered the minutes were ordered to stand approved.
Mayor Kyle then requested any correspondence to be
brought before the. Council.
Councilman Woodard: S had a letter written to the State
Engineering Division in regards to the extension of the
road on Garden Place on Hunziker Tract. (reading letter
requesting considerationfor underpass)
I also have 'a petition here,requesting the City
adopt a policy whereby all highway parking bepreserved
for parking withtheexceptions of areas within 2.5 feet
to 30 feet of an intersection. There are about 33 signatures
on the petition.
Mayor Kyle: -I. would. like-to bring your attention to a
letter from the Honorable Maurine B. Neuberger U.S.
Senator (reading letter regarding hearing set for Tualatin
Reclamation Project)
Councilman Shinn: I move the City Council of !Tigard
officially endorse the Scoggins Valley Dam project as
being presented -to the Congress of the United States.
Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote
the motion was; unanimously approved by Council all members--
being present.!
Mayor Kyle presented'each Council member with a copy of
the City-County Joint Patterns of Development and read a
letter contained in the report addressed to the City
Councils of Beaverton, Cornelius,' Forest Grove, Tigard,
Tualatin and also Washington County Board of `Commissioners.
Mayor Kyle then introduced Mr. Larry Bissett who with his
staff prepared the report. ' Mr. Bissett gave a short'
summary of the report.
Councilman Klock: I have a report from the Junior Chamber '
Of.,Commerce in regard to a study for a City Manager, ,form
of government. We have Mr. Chambers who has that report.
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Mr. Chambers presented the report with a short summary`
of the information contained.
Mayor Kyle introduc-ed members of the engineering firm
Harstad and Associates with resrect to a comprehensive
study of the area. Tile'engineer.inq firm suggested they
meet with Council after the formal meeting to get more
definite ideas as to what Coancil had in mind before making
the study.
Councilman Bergmann: I would like to introduce Mrs.
Monnie Andrews, our new City Recorder who wi.11 be starting
work March 15th.
Mayor. Kyle: We have an Ordinance 65-5 and if there ,are
no objections by the Council we will have the City Recorder
read the Ordinance three times by title only.
Ordinance 65-5 was then read by title only three times
21.7 and 99W
Councilman Bergmann: At the intersection of I-Iyw. 99W and
Hwy. 217 where Knauss_Chevrolet was built they provided
enough land for. the State to make and properly mark a
right hand turn lane from Hwy. 217 onto 99W and on the
other sideofthat street because of the parking problem,
we limited the parking. With respect to this problem
I `am of the impression that we are going to use the land
right next to the curb for. 'a right hand turn lane and I
don't know whether you can do it as it is now.
Attorney'Anderson: I don't believe the amount of land
is- a factor excert as; to the Highway Department standards,
what they require. I would feel that all matters of
this kind that involve the 'Pacific Highway West should
be cleared with the Highway Department and I guess it
has, 'hasn't it as far as the recommendation goes. That
corner was the subject of, a`previous discussion on a
number of occasions before, and what they recommended I
have never seen but I' understood they did study it. If the
auestion`is about a sufficient amount of. area here to
accommodate a `turn lane and if the basic intention of
this ordinance' is to;provide a turn lane I would presume
then the;;proper procedure would be to withhold the Ordinance
until it cleared with the Highway Department. . I£ this is
passed it would be wise to bring this to the attention of
the Highway Dept. and have them mark a right turn lane
so there would be a legal standing for anyone turning.
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The matter was further discussed by Council with rest-ect
to setting policy for parking restrictions and consideration
of petition presented. It was suggested Councilman Woodard
secure a-wr.i.tten recommendation from the State Hi.ahway
Councilman Bergmann: , .I move we table Ordinance 65-5 until
we receive further inform:,ti,nn from the State Highway
Dept. Motion< seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for
vote motion was unanimously approved by Cornncil all members
being Present.
Mayor Kyle: We will have Councilmen Reports.
Councilman Woodard guestioned Attorney Anderson whether
the city accepted S.W. Brookside Ave.. and Further remarked
the street had never been repaired. After discussion Cn,incil-
man Woodard wastocheck with the County as to who would be
responsible for the
Councilman-Bergmann The City Rei nrder, Mrs. Andrews
will start working next Monday, March 15th, full time and
Doris Hartig:will go back to part time basis starting
Monday. A_ ..�__
Next week we will proceed with the
itr+nk linein-
stallation that the Council. approved.
I checked with the auditor on-a cash audit at the
time the new City Recorder will talo* over and he will
be here Monday mnrninq for this.
Attorney Anderson outlinad the carr=nt b,,rlgot proced»ro�
and the rcoui.remrnts to sere(-, on the BI-i'lget. Committee.;
Budget Committee members must be n citi^en, a resident
of Tigard; registered voter and property owner.
Courclman Bergmann: on the Budget Committee we have
one member left, Mr. M. C. Levin.
Mayor Kyle: I might suggest that we plan to have our
individual r^cni m...rdat nor by the 'next meet.-ng ,.o that
we can appoint this committee and get started immediately
on our budget work.
Councilman Klock: Mr.< Phi llirs roc. .t,7 r-et°inn ^` ;the
Planning Commission and the Council as soon as possible
after March 18th. The dre-ussi-nn will be in regard to
this Ordinance Sib--Dill isi_on ',Stan-lards and R^crulation
council agreed to meet with the Planning •and Zoning
Commission, Monday, March 29, 7:30 P.M.
IF We are having some ri.^,w building permit forms printed
that are 'identical to the Co,xnty so we went have the
problem of a. different type of permit application, It
a much more tho myth form than our present one. I
will try to have them ready at our next Council meeting.
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Councilman Shinn: I have the report of the Policy D,nt,
for the month of February. (
Mayor. Kyle: I. bol-ieve you are familiar with the sewer
connection on S.W. Grant"by tho hridae where Mr. McCracken
would like to cnnneet with th-� seco�r. Thr - is a crack
at the manhole and it in riy mind exactly
how the crack came there. It was the opinion of th- City
employees'that the crack was made by Mr- McCracken. Mr.
McCracken contends the crack was made by heavy eauic•ment
going over this. It would be questionable and I see no
way of, th:i.s howi-ynr, Mr_ McCracken has offered
to go in and rppir it. I as7<ed for an estimate on how
much this would cost if wehada professional do it and
t was a rough estimate of $75.00. It is my feeling
that we should do this job ourself rather"than letting
a layman go in and"make the correction. As to the matter
of who would pay for it I believe the City would probably
have to stand the bill for it.
Councilman Bergmann: I woald;move we proceed with plans
for repairing at the approximate cost of $75.00. Motion
seconded by Councilman Shinn. Upon call for vote motion
was unanimously approved by:Council all members present.
Mayor Kyle: At the last Council meeting we asked for a
preliminary plan in regard to a storage facility at the
sewer plant in regard totheplant expansion program.
I have a letter.( letter from E. 0. Ferguson giving
estimated cost of two car garage and storage building
together with 1,000 ;gallon gasoline tank $6,600.00)'
It would be myrecommendation that we ask the engineer
to submit the cost of a storage shed because of this
expensive cost.
Councilman Klock: I recommend a committee be formed to
meet with the engineer to discuss this a little more.
Mayor Kyle: I;appoint Councilman Woodard, Klock and
myself to serve on this committee'. We will look into
this and report to the Council.
Attornev'Anderson: It is almost impossible to get the
people to agree to annex that area of the road as projected
to the City or to consent to the dedication because of
the Highway right-of-way. whatever is to be done will
have to be done on a revamped basis. I think it is
vital to the City that there be concerted efforts made
with the State Highway Department
to provide away to
get by that critical barrier.
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Mayor Kyle: I 'think we should meet with 'the,State Highway
as soon as possible.
Councilman Bergmann: With respect to paying of the bills'
please note second page, Sewage Disposal Fund, check
number `703, $5,82, delete that please. It belongsto
the contractor doing the sewer work. I move that the
expenditures he approved. Motion seconded by Councilman
Klock. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved
by Council all members being present.
Mayor Kyle: I met with a group of residents on Johnson
Avenue last week and there was some concern expressed
by these 'people about the accessibility to Fanno Creek
from Brookside Avenue. There is about one foot of bank
area along the curb and then a sharp drop into the creek.
This'group was wondering what action could be taken by
the City;Council.
Councilman Klock: I suggest that Mr. Woodard look the
situation over, decide the kind and length 'cf the fence,
the basic cost, etc. and report back to Council.
Councilman Bergmann: I suggest Councilman Shinn in charge
of public safety work with Councilman Woodard on this.
Councilman Woodard: I would like the Beautification
Committee to check .into the Warren Johnson property on
Walnut Ave. He`has-a' lot of old cars, lumber, etc. in
his'back yard.
Since there was no additional business to be brought
before the Council Mayor Kyle' declared the meeting adjourned.
Adjournment,taken'at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
City Recorder PY em
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