City Council Packet - 11/09/1964 November 6, 1964
Mayor E. A. Woodard
Councilman F. J. Cooper
Councilman F. H. Bergmann
Councilman C. E. Klock Sr.
City Attorney Fred A. Anderson
Adkins Zone Change Ordinance ����9 .'' e i('
Senting, of Now Councilman
Paying .Bills
Reports from Councilman
Report on Martin Tract
Any Other Important Business That
May Come Before The Council
City Recorder,
iSj. SA
Present: Mayor E. A. Woodard; Councilmen F. J. Cooper;
F. If. Bergmann; C. E. Klock, Sr.;F. G. Kyle
and City Attorney F. A. Anderson.
(` Mayor Woodard called the meeting to order at 7;30 P. M. and
suggested the first order of business would be the selection
of a Councilman to fill the unexpired term of Dr. N. E.
Councilman Bergmann: I move that Mr. E. G. Kyle be appointed
to fill the vacancy on the Council. Motion seconded by
Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously
Mr. E. G. Kyle was then administered the oath of Office of
Councilman by City Attorney Anderson and Mr. Kyle then
took his seat on the council.
Mayor Woodard then called for the reading of the Minutes of
the meeting of October 12, 1964 which were then read and upon
call for corrections or ommissions, none being offered, the
Minutes were ordered to stand approved as read.
Mayor Woodard then asked if anyone in the audience had any-
thing to bring before Council. There was no response.
Attorney Anderson suggested a Special Meeting could be held
to canvass the votes of the recent election and that it
should be held as soon as,possible after receiving the
tally of votes from the Washington County Clerk.
Mayor Woodard: The next order of business will be the
Ordinance with respect to annexation of a portion of Pacific
Highway. Attorney Anderson will you please explain this
Attorney Anderson then explained the ordinance, which will
be City of Tigard Ordinance No. 64-21 being "An Ordinance
setting hearingwith respect to proposedannexation or a
portion o£ Pacific MLghway West and the northwesterly portion
of Lot 20, Frewing Orchard Tracts."
Councilman Bergmann: I move the Ordinance be read by title
only. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call
for vote the motion was unanimously approved, all Councilmen
being present.
The City Recorder then read Ordinance 64-21 three times, by
title only, as required by the City Charter.
Councilman Bergmann: I move we adopt Ordinance 64-21.
Motion seconded by Councilman Cooper. Upon call for'_vote
the motion was unanimously approved, all Councilmen bein3
(December`14th, 1964 was designated as the date for the Hearing
and proper, notices and publication was arranged for in the
Tigard Times.)
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Mayor Woodard; We will now have the reports of Councilmen.
Councilman Bergmann: ; The monthly activity re_Dort is posted
on the bulletin- board. On Business Licenses; to date we
have collected $3297.00, with "r1F0 :)t) -,:xtstanding, for a
total of 134 7.00.
Councilman Cooper: Nothing to report.
Councilman Klock then reported on tha request for a car
wash to be installed next to the "Frostop" and advised he
had consulted with Mr. Meigs of Stevens and,Thompson and
that the water and storm sewer situation was being developed.
Fie advised when all the necessary details had been clarified
he would resolve the matter with the applicant.
Councilman"Kvle stated he had a letter from Ron Dreezen,
operator of the Green Valley Tavern at Main Street and
Burnham (reading letter which requested consideration of
parking facilities for the unload.inv, of ,delivery tr, c!-.s
at his _r.lace oc business) . Mr. Kyle advised this matter
would be looked into and report made at the next meeting.
Mayor Woodard then read a letter from Stevens and Thompson
with respect to the street dedications serving the eastern
portion of Tigard, being the so-called "Martin property
'annexation".- Attorney Anderson discussed the matter
of street,dedication and annexation and suggested ways
of bringing the matter before the Planning Commission and
the City Council in order to conclude the mitter before
the Highway would proceed with the complet .on of the purchase
of property for the new Freeway.
Following discussion, Councilman Kyle moved that Council
appoint someone to look into this and brintt a : report back '
to the next Council meeting to take some action on this
matter. Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Upon
call for vote the matter was unanimously approved by.
Council, all members being ;present.
Mayor Woodard then brought to the 'attention of council a
letter written by Stevens and Thompson with respect to a
piece of property on,Bonita Road:which he felt should be
considered as a possible future sewage plant extension.
After some discussion it was suggested that Attorney`
Anderson might develop the price of the property and:
report to the Council.
Mayor Woodard: Does the Council feel we should have
the City Attorney go ahead and develop the price.
Councilman Kyle: I move the Citv Attorney proceed to
determine the possible purchase price. Motion seconded
�? by Councilman Bergmann. Upon call for vote the motion
was unanimously approved by Council, all; members being present.
Mayor Woodard then read a letter from Stevens and Thompson
regarding the sewer easement claims of Mr. Greenwell and
Mr. Schulte.
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After some discussion Mayor Woodard suggested that a copy
of the letter should be sent to Mr. Schulte as that is all
we can do.
Attorney Anderson: The duly constituted engineer has ,the
authority on the construction, and he has spoken there is no
controversv between the engineer and the City.
Mayor Woodard then read a letter from Stevens and Thompson
on the proposed sewer to Me Donald with respect to locating
the sewer on the back property lines of Tax Lots 500 and 800
it appearing that about 500 feet of the sewer would be from
ten to twenty feet in debth and it appears a lateral sewer
would be needed to serve Tax Lot 300, 900 and 1,000 if the
suggested location were followed. '
Mayor Woodard: Does the Council have anything else to bring
Councilman Kvle: I received a` letter from the League of
Oregon Cities and I would like to know if there is any
authorization for representation by the City. Are there any
funds set aside.
Mayor Woodard: No funds were budgeted.
We will pay the bills.
Councilman-Treasurer/then read the bills.
Councilman Cooper: I move these be accepted and paid.° Council-
man Bergmann seconded the motion and upon call for votethe
motion was unanimously approved all Councilmen being present.
Mr. Vern Risberg addressed the Council with respect to the
connection fee for hooking-up the apartments on Tigard Avenue
and he was advised this fee was due and payable to the City.
Councilman Bergmann: I move we adjourn. Motion seconded by
Councilman Cooper and unanimously approved by Council.
Adjournment taken at' 8:55'P.M.
R p0e .rader
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