City Council Packet - 09/14/1964 September 11, 196
myor a A. Woodard
councilman F. J. CooFer
Councilukui r. 11. Borgmann
Councilman C. 12. 7Kloc'%- sr.
City Attorney Fred A. 'Andercon
14 19 4
Hearing on 'gone Change Tigard Avenue, John$On PrOPOrtY
He r,zng an Zone Ctk-,n - Ashler Property, RWy. 217
ordinance -n jol-anson Property, riggar.d avenue
® Ordinance ®n willock Annexation
Ordinance an Parking on 99N and Rwy. 217
Paterson a gat
Greamell PAGG"at
Building,UpWalk-ways Dila szion on 'am* Creek
Any other Xaportamt Wisiness"That Pay Come Before
Ip i A I T v C m L N C I T
TNU f fS OF M,FITIMC S'3T l r t PRM 1-t 1 Qr-,_t
Present: Mavor E. A. Wooa.arci'; 0.,.anc.4.lmen F. J Conicr;
F. ,1. Bert-,mann; C. S. ?,lock, Sr. n' C1it_v
Attornev ' A. Ankerson.
Mayor Woodard call:` the mcetinc tp or,3er at 7:--,Cl P I,% amj
requested real_nn of t.,e Min.xt__s n{' +he r.::tin. f duo;ast
7, 1964 iehi:ch were then read ..tivl unnn call for corrections
or omissions, the"followinc was offered by Councilman
Ali the bottom of Faoe. 2, it was asked it the City would
be able to maintain it after it was esta'.mli.skted.
With this correction the Mint.,:es were ordered to stand
approved as rr:�ad.
Mayor Woodard then called for the reaiinc of the Minutes
of the Meeting of August 2c, 1964 whish were the: read an.3
upon call for corrections or omissions, none beincffere.3,"
the Minutes were ordered to Stam aplroved as read.
Mayor Woodard then stated lie had a letter from the Plannina
and 2oninq Commission with respect to a Zone Chance on the
property of W. E. Johnson' at.,95'!0 S. W. Tigard Avenue, which
letter was then read to Council. However, there was some
clarification needed with respect to the Zone Change and
the matter was set aside, tomporarily, instil contact could
be made with Mr. E. C. Phillips. The matter was later
concluded with the passace of Orlinance num-her F4-77.
Mayor Woodard: There is a letter before us from Mr. John'
E. Walker, Attorney.: (Reading letter from Mr. Walker,
dated September 4, 1964, which letter dealt with the request
for crosswalk lines to be aintecl across the Highway (991 )
from the Adkins Builuina to the T..xas Cafe and the installation
of a flashing ;yellow crosswalk warning-signal above that
portion of 99W.)
Councilman Cooper: I suggest that the State Highway has
been neglectful in not taking care of school crossings.
Mavor Woodard: I would request Council authorize me to
write a' letter to the State H`ghway to 'see what they will do.
Also on Grant 'Street at Johnson, they would like to
have crossing lines Fainted across Grant Street for the
Parochial school and the Grade School, :have warning lines '
painted across the Street. ' (There was agreement by
Council, the letter should be written to the Sate llirhway
and that warning lines should be painted on Grant_ Street.)
Mavor,Woodard: We are going to have a new business here
in Tigard. Mr. Perkins is renting the old liquor store.
-14-64 - Pane 1.
TI,> 7'1- t„ 'llt. ?1 T. ,.7 :.r;n
p{ �charc(-., in _ . f-f !a -, "'rt '.0 c F 1,�
-. L?7
ask Ci_.,, Council
,..,s Iar, Sc
stand 1-iea F. E,.� >t.
T L z as lonr .'e .,_.:^ nM:-
Cn, nc 117aa-z ->c,. . -, ...
no t;, i,.<,ncr %,73t').
va 1.-.,ay al,,nci I'anno Cueel
prey nt ,i at. ti C ',;nc,l t?eetin,! rl 17, 1 r
an�7. art., _
`_',.,P' to r l n I:
_,e.,��_f iia� ,o,. _ _..
lcleareip ictus e of what: can d--,)no .as1? can 1) -:n
Tdne. .ir_l: Ldt' 7.avo lrcCore us or.-'3_n._,n_ : _ =.r -13,
}nri'tc, "An Q-.'.i.nanee c*ran'tinc, a '���,:. hanc„ with z _-.esj�,ect.
to the lands of Harlan A I c; nol nq a sort: cn
Lot 19, '+ card ITi hj.,a rants in 13ecti.-n 2,
"r-t r;:hir
South, :Rance l- »{ [7 .1lam___e� ; _.:0i-an, in i:!ic Ci., , o£
Tigard, Washincrton C,.-,ulnty, 5» ec,on".
n . mote that CrLdinar.c2 a 1_
Ccuncl.i,man .�erar.�nnq T
t c Motion secon�+ed .v Council. an C OP2r- Uron
�i3op�e_i. _
roll, call, the following vote oas
Councilman Coop,er_; Yea; Councilman Fero_mann; Yea; Council-
man Klock, Yea; Mayor 19-nodard, Yea. Passed :v unant,nous
vote, all. Counc-1 r:lemc._rs b .n.� nr._:sent.
Mayor Woodard: We have 02na .ce64-1,1, "An
Ordinance annex.i»c tothe City of Ti_ard, Oa^r_r.n, lands
comprising a po.tiol of lot- 10, Amend--3 North
Tic;ardvi.l le Ad,J .tion, in Section 2, T2S, R U.s, `0.11I
Washington County, Oreoon
,beCit<, P.ecorder read the or linancc t',-ee ti'res, ' v title
a rlli -P_? 1 t-.lit Ci r
only, as requested h,.> Council- and -- r S
Counc zlman Cooper: 1 move o adop t Oi i nano^ 61-11.
Ifcti,on,.secondc,3 nv Bergmann. Upon roll call ,
the follol vote was tahllated Cc,,irncilman Ccot-er,
yEA; Councilman rcrga+ann, YBA, Councilman Ktccl., )LA;
Mayor Woodard, EA." Faso,, by unanimous
Council member_, present.
Mayor Woolard- We have Ord'naucn 6'--15, 1,einc "An
Ordinance amencling an^ su;p.1cmn_nt 1 n, Section 21-A
(Parkinc Reailations) of Traffic_: Oz,.'-nano., , N 53-15,
to regulate rarking on High%a1 21.7 an, T11chwa,, OOtw
near the intersection
-14-64 Pace 2.
,nfte Ct.ty 1,aC", r,
�'r• Counc•,lrran lc'+r�na �,,, 't:t t i?.,an 71�c.'.;,
YE :, rn ?`[:. t o t -
*-ia�'ne WAP "T+^+, t r.rt...: Z] ,. .7�, . .. .., �
-ire. it�c1.
4oz: >>-. mat.
'rncv P1,.nt , ,.^,t r�n 1.' .;7 i7.
can t..1 1; _] n� __�n 1
is LL'-moi silint, c;nt tl? 1.': :.n!' t .,.,
11ti r 'oi, aI-r• hat e 01,`i., 7",
re- i--inr lira nr ,ri.�. ,..,sr c t r_ r , t rn _ .,t, "r
porti,cn ni' Lot L; rC-1, --- i :l l
Thn Cit:' ..o � _. , t �- Ct roan 1;reF7 51 c
oi,, `is 7tz.-:n_..' r.y C . an„ a.r.n tivn Cit Chart ,.`•
Cannc>1man ?Clbc'K e;7 that Crainance
motion secenr'e,7' 1„y Councilman Conn• Uh^n roll call, .he
c o.11ewinc voce vas tabul a',..c'_': 'Co;, C cnp=.. , '"BA, Cl.-
rian Bercmann, 'EA; Councilman KJnc'.-, YEA, a,,nr 7_ i' -. .: •l.
7e by ut}animnus vote, all Ccunct:l mer.?�a r. beinc }`_i „nt.
Mayor Wnol<r-t: I have alae,,” Mr. Cthvital to ba rr sent sn
Council may cue.,ti.on'him with rasrnc
_ .._ co S111 ert:�.nc' ]-,ztn as
Auditor. After s_vera-1 cuk,st_ons havinq t,een i sr._,l Cot.nci.l-
man Klock moved we retain this gen4-1-man as the City 'Ati lite r.
Motion seconded by Councilman Coor--r and Iron call for vote
was unanimously approvel, all Council m.em ers prosent vot,nr•
Mavor Woodard: T Grnkr.? hn Ait[•.rn cr _-_.n„ the
LM road at the junction of S.W. I7atkzn_ Ave. with S. W. Brook-
side Ave. and Attorney An,:Ieirscn has written to the Road
Department in Hillsboro to the attent.ion,'of Mr.: .^--raham ane
Mr. McKinstry. '( letter)
Mayor Woodard: I have a letter from Tom Drandon with r�-
spect to;the insurance on City Hall.
After some discussion it was decided a letter shoule. ,be writi-en
to Mr. Brandon 'askina for an insurance company appraiser
advise us what their succ-,estion would be as to the insurance
valuation of the buildino. (Mr. Brandon had an Orecon Mutual
Insurance Company appraiser go over the 'buildinq the follow-
ing afternoon.);
Mayor Woodard advised the Paterson agreement had leen pre-
pared, in rough'form and Attorney Anderson advised he could
9-14-64 - Pace '3
F-rel are tiie ac peen int ,..r final for'-,' , c c>> "' v
le a] ,lascr;l pion of the1,qun�' _ url 1 i ' G ,' 1`1-- Pa
son, if the Council won cl then author �e t' - -v-or and i r:a
Pecor?ler to sign tri(--
heCouncilman I locR; L so m ve tl at tlicontrac— wi h Mr.
Paterson be aj rrove3 suhi . ,t to Ln ,aa t unc, tl e -esc_ .r t5�r
Motion seconded by Councilman nerc=ann and upon call fci i"
was unanimously all_, j a1.1 Council merhc�
lrs vc ti nc in th^
puryortin ! come from Vr, c'r_,trn-
Dsayor Woodard rear a 1^tteT -�
lvell.'s Attorney. t".x'. Paterson advisc,9 it not 1..e neo
essary to consider action on this lett
after tall;nnc,
further. with Mr. Greenw.ell an _x :.en, ni_ na3 ;poen reached
and he stated there is no question aboutt're easement..
Speaking about the 18 inch line as it was oricrin311;, conteirplat<=d.
Mr. Paterson stated -it was Council's ?ea it 31101'1d be in-
creased to 24 inchcs ii_r_ to the northvcst corner of the Lindner
property: This woul.c7, be a distance n;' aFFroximately 700 to
900 feet to get to the other side cf the Tin ner property
and Mr. Paterson felt it micht net b� asking t^o much for
the City to r.^-imburse him for the difference between the 19
inch and a. 2i inch line which r;as at the request of Council.
Attorney Anderson suggested that if this were clone this much
of the line should become immediately the property of the
City and could he included in the aareeriient.
Mayor Woodard advised he would determine the price tifference
Between 24 inch and 1.8 inch.
Mayor Woodard: 'Do -we now have the'correct zonerequirement
for the Johnson;property? is the Planning and 'honing letter
to be corrected?
Councilman Klock: This letter is a little twisted, the zone
change should be for A-2.. I move therefore that we atrr>rove
an A-2 zone change with no restrictions.' Motion seconded by
Councilman Bergmann and upon call for vote was, unanimcusl<
approved, all Council'members being present.
Mayor Woodard: We have Ordinance 64-17 being "An Ordinance
granting a zone chanse vaith respect to the lands of W. E
Johnson, being 9540 S.W. Tiaard Avenue, Tigard, Oregon,
described as Lot 57, amended Plat of North Tigardlrille
Addition, Washington County, Orecon."
The City Recorder read the ordinance three times, by,title
only, as requested by Council and required by the City Charter.
Councilman Klock: T_ move we adopt Ordinance 64_17. "lotion
seconded;by Councilman Cooper. Upon roll call, the following
vote was tabulated: Councilman Cooper, YEA, Councilman
9-14-64 Page 4.
Te e r o Tranr, ,; C. ...-iTman (-;lrxk
Pas a! - i,nanimn vete, <all C stns 1 't'-- ..,'_ y, r,r_ int
tin::a1C L11'.,z-�n nf'.2`<':1^i=nn: .._ t•„'..:.. 1 , ,!.. .--•_�^.r .-... r .,,.1 ..„1”
to t c_ Pl annin,z sn ,, t n 17111
_ apj-,t n m; nt ha 1-111 I 1_.
.. ...,;u: C't ".'�; �,t to 1 "en n ..)f•; Ln
Coun__1r!an <Ier- mann; S irc.- rs ,na •1 `,, a ,
.. b✓! C3
�•n.11 cons .2 tt tc> z <r,nr.:r.. 'fit a �c'-A
07° t"ic- :C< re i.1, i t,, i-nclt, v:,, �.....,. .
Co, D(,rcrnann: +- takos thxo °F!r. yr tr• :
three m--Lars, *_e;q con_,ti t its am_
Attornev Andnr.son: You ,ia:e a cuo rum to t,ans ac; basin,...s;
as this Charter ri tii'ies "A rn. -,r.i.iv of m_t - of thQ
Council shall. const.itnt:a a q>_inri,m for ,n^,s". P,
Quorum of .."free �-ersons, i:,i: may vote.,. t.s lz!ve)- n ;z prat aal--
Councilman Peromann That -Iiln't name a ne,w
Att:ornev The matter Of - ,?.o.:;_E,n il thf
of the members. "ou coulr� sa- i.t taK.'s ti r.e *whether . _ve
or. four members of Council. There-beiaia a ma-rriltv rresent..
at a- Counci-I mee t incl the Cha2r__r s ay., Pxc..r._ a,s this
Charter otherwise provides, the concurrence of a majority
of the Council present at a Council meetinc shall h» neces—
sary to deci-le an,,, c,ues tion before the Cctin j,1". If yo-
-um a crud:um of throe or more and vntirn, ;or a .,particular
matter you would tale the majority of those present; three
present 2 could passthe issue. -There ;'is a place that
requires a greater vote for vacancies "Shall, be filler7
by a majority of the incumi;ont mernloers of the Council.` Ir
takes, three to fill it, 3.f there are only t?ince here two cou f s5
vote in favor and onesacainst.
Councilman Bergmann: If two are present
Attorney Anclerson: You can'-'t do business at all..
Councilman Cooper brouaht up the question of only havJ-nc
police protection five niQhts a week and r...l_ 1,7.1hat h---re
should be sevennic-hts a :week protection' instead of the
amount of day wor.'K now being under.taRen by the Police;Dopart-
ment, statins* it was more essential to have n.r•ht nrote_tion
instead of day protection.
9-14-63 - Pace 5.
Rom Ems=
;ia,rnr ,loc.3,r: T tr:'i.r.r, r_ n'el:? hive ... ST'er.ial +La?l+rc'
Councilman CrycL,,__ Stat--c! he #n)uc.l,t t h,, !,.as iness
net realize thee,- ar+' n1v cf,tet ti,r+o f_V' n,c nts pi-O_.cit-c,n.
Cciuncilnlan ?<n1 _„ v._,. .. .n: Cp pav .o,- mer_ •.r;,u
a 'e bol y t+ i 7 c gp lin.., wc..rl
Mavnr Wno-)ar=',: Cnitncilman lt.-ire n l:liine `_q
r=�1•ort' Klock: No, n tli nc+.
Mavot I -have had put of a l.ot n cortEs, nrni'-<nc•_
on til no. '; or._ ,r.17_ ^10 7111 ), `ore ever m+.e' _.Zc .,inC,
we read a].l. t)in 1,^t+ers ti ac„1 ' neve r c t
The, are more or for infcmat_,on in it i., a
thoy are there L
We rri]]. proneofl '-o I-,av the
Cozen .il.rual-'.Creasuz-er C�)npe "_n_ 1.1 aftw,r ;a c
nog^{ for pagment. (—F .l.n -) l l s - 5_on
roan hlr:,ch and, nnanina isly a prc)\Y a l '.r CoilnCi.lMIN
. COgrE?r:. HC,e
`a`_ i_ .,, t+' al.C`n i .v:1 t.i !',in L-+i _Xl'.=:•7 "+r.
Mavor Tlr,o .arra: -51.1 ;u4 tiv1 c.).ear-i F=n,7" c. Linc c,at
1i.ft statir)n_s.
3n l i n I- a,, ceN=ntn .z; ?c>, l
u. .
B I:L roveciit. This 3 Ln 7l ;?r Cit r, "'y "r .7:-x e_{..r,.
any linethat, w,l:l nerve a ;1-1,111 or in, iv 1i_7 c. that, Toes
the City approve the line, qnin,7 into r.tia' T can cot
the, z.zaU n it, -A> ,t•;
Gz 71oi,.ar +• The" "[ .L+l° 1.a1. :-0 1 .jr nXiit_,
,..,w ..
C ir' i5;nn] in e __ ..." in '4 t_ <in ,int ,,,,vn it r ,g „tin
i,rz . un_ ;p> er.t_ it,,—I, -m` an, .,i t.
l-:t=ot r nr, nt t_al-,n t c:..lf) p:t,'.
0-14-63 = race>F+. \