City Council Packet - 07/27/1964 ZY,aIy 22, 1964
Mayor E. A. Woodard
Councilman F. j. cooper
Councilman F. H. Bergmann
Councilman N. E. Johnson
Councilman C. E. Klock Sr.
City Attorney Fred A. Anderson
Air. G. R. Meigs -- Stevens and Thompson
1. COUncilmen's Report
2. Peterson's Serer
D3. - Resolicit' insurance
4. Keesling ?one Change
Easements for Serer on Willock
6. Ash street Widening'
7. Pence Line Shrubb®ry
8. Bich on Plant Expansion
S. My Other'Irxportant Bug*pees That . fav
Cosmo Before The Council
T I C. rA R U C I T U C O U i? c
I,tI1T0'1LS OF INIEETIVC' JuT;y 27 Ira.zn
Present; Pa,or E. A. Woodard; Counc..l.n:an F. D Ceoi er!
F. 11, Beromann; C. E. Flncl,., Sr7 alld Cit-. AttOrney
F. A. Anderson
iie mecai.n, cvas caller.?. _o i�rc" r..e ' V7
or oodar< at
r 7:30
._ P.i'.
The mnu es of the meetinc, of Jul
mp 3 l.Rr <2 were read', and i.lpnn
call for cor.reet5.ons oi-,ons the followinc- was offered:
Councilman Bergmann: ' I'a_ce three, the tii.i �f, ,-ara ,al'T„ the
Councilman's name should he inserted.
The City Recorder. stated. :it should react "Ccunci.l.r an Johnson".
There being no further corrections t,ze m.i.nt:tes were ordered, to
stand al-roved as mead.
a-,-or Woodard- I have a petition for annexation of Vance R. Lec
piolert,,. (Reading letter)
Councilman Beramann: We now have to have a hearing, for annexation.
Attornev Anderson: All we have to do tonic;ht set a hearin,..
It must: he published three times in the ne-wsz al er. I have pre-
Fared an ordinance, if *.-ou will set the Unto. In other words the
meeting of the Council will be Aucjust lOth, it will not give us
enough time. You have two of these as I understand. 1ou could,
set it for the 17th of August, FerhaFs you would want to have the
regular meeting on the 17th instead of the 10th.
Mayor Woodard: The Sewage Treatment Gior,ts i ,opening is set
for the 10th. We will have bid olening at that meeting.
Attorney Anderson: If you accejt )yids you will have a
Council meeting and move the rog-Ular meeting to 17t;t'of August.
14azor Woodard.: Let me read the other one. (Reading letter)
Peti.:ion''for annexation by James and Bett'r Willock, twat is the
For,'-ion of Willock's at Brookside 'that is on other side of creek:,
he wants to annex that so it is all in there.
Councilman Bergmann: . Can we not read the Ordinances,by title
only,, to;be read three times.
Attorney,Anderson: If everybody votes unanimously.
Councilman Klock: I make a motion we read by title only. Potion
seconded by Councilman Bergmann and upon call for vote the motion`
: was unanimously, approved, with majority of Council members
7/27/64 - Page 1
mammon= MEMO
Mayor Woodard then reac. Orlinance 64-10 by Litle onl�,, for the
required three times.
Councilman Klock: I make a motion we ado*. t Ordinance 6,4-10.
Seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Upon roll c=u11 of vote =:e
result was as follows: Councilman Cooper, AYE; CouncilmanBerc,uiann,
EYE, Councilman Klock, AYE; Payor Woodard, AYE.
Mayor. Woodard then 'read Ordinance 64-11 by title )nli, for the
required three times.
Councilman Coorer: I move this Orclinance 64-1.1 he adorted. ^
Seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Upon roll call of vote
the result was as follows: Councilman Coorer., AYE; Councilr:,.an
Bergmann, AYE; Councilman Klock, AYE; Mayor Woodard, AYE.
Mayor Woodard: I have several problems thatt -I wo-16 like to ta'ce
tip with Council at this time. We were able to get an easement
from M.%. Willock on his Property also, there i.s one of the lots
he has sold, we had to get the easement on this place. Willoch
has given us an easement for his Froperty and the buyer will r,
us an easement provided we will put in the sewer line within 60 `
days. They want- to rut in lawn', shrubs, etc. after the
is dug. Mr. Meias srgrrest_ed we do it now and the cost would be
under $4,000.00 and we would cap the ends and not run it across
the creek at this time. I want to get, approval of Council at this
Discussion followed with resect to the proposed line.
Councilman Klock: How much line did you state.
Mayor Woodard: 'Three Hundred Fifty feet of 15" line.
Councilman Bergmann: That is the line he will be connectinsonto.'
Councilman Klock: This is a-stub line in preparation'for the future
annexation, it isn't actualiv serving anjyone right now.
Mayor Woodard: It will not serve an one now. It will: cost us a
lot. less."
Councilman Bergmann: What size line is Paterson bringing down.
Mavor Woodard: Twenty-four inch line. We are coming into that
24" with a 15" stub out for Derry 'Dell and 18" stub out going off
to Paterson's. Is it agreeable with Counc3.1 for me to have Mr.
i� draw ,plans and solicite bids.
Councilman Cooper: I male a motion we go' ahead and get bids on
r the sewer line on Willock property.` Seconded L-; Councilman Klock.
Uron call _ _ ox was unanimously
apyraved, ma;ortt,
of Council being presentn"ot
7-27-54 - Page 2
REPORTS OF COUNCIL:?EDT: Co! nc.ilman Sera-mann 're}:ortr% he rece
the letters of critic-i. ,,i, ai:xeci.n at tiic }ol. ce ofi_i.cers ani? at.
this 1-oint of his i-nve ti_ga t'•,n l:e felt there was no correct:iVe
action necessar`d by Council.
Councilman Ler3mann stated hQ had talked to mr. 1'oumc: of
Young's,Funeral Home and that a was x:lar-ed to t'ae Citi"
Recorder. Councilman aergn.ann suggested in the futuro .letters
of conirlaints or criticism be .taken 1}° a1'. an _infoi:mal executive
session of Council..
Councilman Bergmann: I make a ru-)tion we have an inforrral
once a month. "^.otion seconded by Councilman Block. Upon call
for vote the motion was unanimously aFFroved, malority of Ceunc;.l
beinc; present.
Mayor Woodard. (A.ldressing Mr. lloffarbax) I understand you have
something you want to bring"up.
Mr. Hoffarber requested the City write the State Highway Dept.
regarding the rerlacement of no parking signs on 'S.W. corner of
intersection,of 991 and Iwy. 217 and the City consider the request
of West Coast Furnishings for "no parking" area and "loading zone"
signs 1501 east and north at intersection of Highway 217 and 99W.
After some discussion by Council it was suggested Mayor Woodard
discuss the matter with Mr. Huntley of -., e State'Highway Dept.
and the matter be brought before Counc 7 at the next meeting.
Mr. Klock read a letter he is sending to Mr. J. A. Paterson regarding
the condemnation of an al-artment house at 12705 S.W. Pacific High-
way, Tigard. He further remarked "Mr. Patersonwas in agreement
with the condemnation.
Mayor: In regards to insurance policies. The attorney has some-
thing to say-
'Attorney: I went through the bids and .information and it is mgr
opinion that bids should be 'rejected and new specifications '
formulated. You have no comparable basis'. The only approach I
can see is you prepare specifications for insurance and say here it
i's* I I don't think you can say one:is better bid than:other,- I
notice some include package deal including fire and one including
fidelity. We have fire insurance, some of it runs out in 1966
and I think what you want is a bid on the City's comprehensive
liability problem and nothing else at this time.
Mayor Woodard: I think we should let the attorney write up '
specs that we can agree to and let it out for bids again.
7-27-64 - page '3
council.aan Klock; :C ca:.e a r.o t ion we I,al e cit .. tarn e ,ar w
sZscif-icat:tons for our _es3ir�.' uis,.ra.�ce ..n .ae.± c tiL Ih-',_t i t
out for b.ids. Mvti_on secon!... C^nnc i l,an ,;e-r c-;ann -inc_ :on
call fnr cote was
being present..
There was soPe .isc-ss._n '. uc ss o: l_i.r•.ci.l., i...esl_Ln ,
Mr. Gardener and A.nle.rson re, Lbe
Sweek Zone Change. Mr. ICeesling stated the '10' stmt was un-
encumbered and was e ,_cat e for purl l.c _;se.
Attorne,,, Anderson addressing Attorny- Gar.,encr: "'!a are cisc..._5iiv
I:eesling-Sween Z-)nc C?'an.e. glow rar as ive ;;n�i t'ie c.,.':_ can
record these,deeds j7roW Renr s, or:ers, an, heesi ncs wa Li-, no
str J„gs a tacd,c 6. five .ion`r: ,nave t.o i ave or q;:a 'e
Mr. Gardener: pioint.
Mavor Woodard: 12, there an-,one -n the ai. ?ecce _ha: wants to talr.
at�ouc .it or have ru,,thinq acra,.inst it. l t-'-'ink C_;uncil .is awar:?
of what the deal is.
Councilman Klock. What we are actually C. ._ng' s re ontno i•_r.
Keeslincc's property to } __r:i.t a nur _na ho to co on .t:. Nnw
in that they have agreed-to p,.it p,.-tin this 50". roaOway and '.
upto slecificatiors fror., Lincoln Street on in and dedicate
for public use .it carries nothing for,the Cit, to do to pave or
anv thine.
Mayor Woodard: Thev have to take care of the Nater, sewer and
Councilman Klock: 1 iitove the zone change be granted and an
ordinance he drawn, from R-5 to A-' with the contit:ional use and {
a permit will be issued. Motion seconded by Councilman Deranlann. -
Upon call for vote :nation was unanimously apr-roved, majority of
Council leing present.
Mayor Woodard: We have an ordinance covering the lim,"tati.on of
height for hedges that are blocking views of intersection and
since we have that we should yet busy on some of the 'intersections.
Attorney Anderson: The first step cwould>sbe to ;c;et the co-operation
of, people and write each a 'letter anc'• ask them to take action
and minimize the hazard. If they will do it fine. Next step
would be to see that the City would have it done.
Mayor Woodard: As our City Recorder is going on vacation we
should appoint Doris 'Harticias Ci_t•, Recorder pro tem. Councilman
Klock so moved and motion was seconded bpi Councilman Bergmann.,
Upon call for vote motion was unanimously. appy ved, major of
Council being present.
7-27-64 - Page a
Attorne_a Anderson: I 1!0'i a resolution I have prepare,! a, ttior _inr__
me to take such ac-tion as i .el.t nec :sa r. t t %,
:r2na '7he .- iter of
prank T. Io':athews Co. fazl:,.re to enter .i.nto a contract with the
City of to a cont_l t ;,)n.
Ma}>or Woodard requested thn Rasolut ion 1te reap, t.e or.iainal of
which is attached hereto and made a Fart of 6; e. mint:tc.s the sar•,e
as if copied herein in -Full.'
Councilman Klock: T nos=e we aonit this-Resol it:_on. Seconcie:i
Councilman 3ercr;aann and upon call for vote the notion. was :nan ^.oust
al--proved the m.ajori.t_, or Coiricil nein, present.
Navor Woodard: Now we 1-;ave a letter. tro: D*:. N. E. Johnson.
(leaning letter of resignation from Dr. Johnson)
We will leave this matter up for the next- ar3 c ive us
a chance to talk this over and see who we will want ,to "Ill the
Councilman Klock: I found out- about tae res,gnation this ro;-ning
and have been giving this riatter some thought aml, -,7oule, like to
have Council entertain the name of Harvev Kna7ss.
Counci.lman:Eergmann: Could we have an executive session the "first
Monday of August and discuss the arFointment at Lhis ,
Council ac,reed to an executive session sor,,e ti.r.e in Aucust when
it would be conven:.enr for all members to attend.
Councilman klocic: I :Hove we adjourn. Ptotion seconded ",-; Count
man Eergmann`and. unanimously approved by Council.
Adjournicient Laken zqt 9:25 1 .;^.
Res ectz '11: submitted,
7-27-54 - Pace 5