City Council Packet - 06/08/1964 m7l
T I G A R ti C T Y O U N C I L 7N,-_e
Present: Mayor E. A. Woodard; Councilman F. J. Cooper,-
ooper;F. H. Bergmann; C. E. Klock, Sr.. and City
Attorney P.A. Anderson. Councilman N.E.
Johnson absent. In addition -there was in
attendance the following members of the
Budget Committee; M. C. Levin; Al Pietila;
E. C. Hunziker; and A. A. Biederman.
Mayor E. A. Woodard called the meeting to order at 7:30
P.M. and requested reading of the minutes of the meeting
May 25, 1964. Following the reading of the minutes, upon
call for corrections or omissions, none being offered the
minutes were ordered to stand approved as read. '
Mayor Woodard: Before we proceed, Mr. Mason will not he
able to serve on the Budget Committee; I am asking Council
therefore to appoint Mr. E. C. Hunziker to serve on the
Budget Committee.
Councilman Klock: -I will make a motion that Mr. Hunziker
be appointed to the Budget Committee in the place of Mr.
Mason. Motion seconded by Councilman Cooper. Upon call
for vote the motion was passed unanimously with majority
of Council meml)ers present.
At this time_- Council recessed and the Budget Committee
consisting of the four members above mentioned together
with the Council members presentproceeded with a roView
and discussion of the budget.
Councilman Borgmann: I would move that the Mayor and
Council pay be $5.00 per meeting.: There was no seconder
to this 'motion. Councilman Bergmann then moved that the
Mayor and Council budget figure be $1,200.00 combined.
Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. A"roll call of votes
resulted as follows:, F. J. Cooper, Nay; F. H. Bergmann, yea;
C. E. Klock, yea; A. A. Biedermann; yea;' E." C. Hunziker, nater.
M. C. Lavin, nay; E. A. Woodard, 'hay; A. Pieti'la,nav;
The motion was; therefore lost by a vote of five aa_ainst to
three in favor.
Councilman Cooper: Z move that the Personal Services of
the Police Department be cut to $5,000.00. Notion seconded
by E. C.%,Hnnziker. A roll call- of votes resulted in a tie
and the motion was therefore lost. F. J. Cooper; Yea,
F. H. Bergmann, Nay; C. E. 'Klock, Nay; A. A. Biederman, Nay;
E. C. Hunziker, Yea, stiff. C. Levin, Yea; E. A. Woodard, Yea; ;
A. Pietila, Nay.
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Counci_inan Cour or: 1 ,ver Lha'- ne P6S.00
from _ Servicef, `or t'iie Sher.i.i:.. Fleserves
':.n:. Material an. .
Uni`orms Lotion secon0e_,� A. 1 Ple U,lon roll.:
the motion Was , ZIse_r7 ?-+y R t-ofie k` in favor and
against. F. Cooper, _��j t. LI. Prig mann, Na,,,'; L.
Klock, Nay; A. A.41Bie-3erman Aye; E. C. 'Iunziizer, Aye; M.C.
Levin,- Aye; E. A. WooBeard, Aye, A. Pietila, Aye.
Councilman Bergmann: I would make a. motion that, the $261.00
be allocated to the two-way radio exlense. Motion secondeO
by Councilman Rlock and upon call .for vote the motion was
unanimously approved.
Mr. E. C. IIunziker. moved we accept the budget as is; Motion
seconded by E. A. Woodard and upon calx for vote the motion
was unanimously approved.
Por. E. C. Hunziker moved the meeting of the Budget Committee
be adjourned. Motion seconded by E. A. Woodard.
Adjournment taken at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
City ec
order anlA
Secretary Pro Tem of the
Budget Committee L.L.
Girod, Secretary, absent.)
- , 6-8-64 Page`'2