City Council Packet - 05/11/1964 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL
Present: Mayor E. A. Woodard; Councilmen F. J Cooper;
F. H. Bergmann; N. E _ Johnson; C. E. IQ ock, Sr.
and City Attorney F. A. Anderson.
Meeting called to order by Playor Woodard at 7.30 P.m.
Readinq of minutes of meeting April27, 1964, requested
by'Mayor Woodard. Minutes were read and ippon call for
corrections or omissions, none being= offered the minutes
were ordered approved as read,
Mavor Woodard: Nal.ley's contract: We have the contract '
made out according to the motion lass ek it s the me
as it was before only extended five ye s and with the pro-
vision that they may have another five years .subsequently.
The Recorder will read the contract. (Reading Nalley's
contract.) A motion to accept and authorize signing will
be in order.
Councilman Klock: -I move the contract be sinned by the
Mayor and the Recorder. Motion seconded by Councilman
Bergmann. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously
approved by Council, all members being;present.
Mayor Woodard: We now have a resolution to be passed by
Council. to authorize action to be to provide right-
of-way.. easements 'for the interceptor sewer line.
The Recorder read the resolution which is attached to the
original minutes of the meeting together with a -list of the
property owners which attachments become:a part of these
minutes as if they were hereinafter` copied.
Councilman Klock: I make a motion we adopt the previously
read Resolution. " Motion seconded by Councilman,_Bergmann.
Upon call for vote the 'motion was unanimously approved by
Council, all members being present.:
Mayor Woodard: Next we have the Parking Ordinance for
parking on S.W. Pacific Highway North and South of the
intersection of S.W. McKenzie Street.
Councilman'Bergmann raised the question of no footage being
shown in the Ordinance and Attorney John Walker;appearing
for Mr. Otis Cagle addressed Council opposing the adoption
of this Ordinance by Council.
Attorney Anderson: Mr. Walker do I 'understand because .I
said I did not agree with your law that you are accusing
me of non-professional conduct.
Attorney Walker: It was your statement that I would have
been submitting to this Council something which was not the
correct law.
Attorney Anderson: My understanding, of the law didn't
agree with`yours , I was 'just citing the reference.
5-11-64 Parse 1
Attorney Walker: I did not make any statement of, non-pro-
fessional conduct.
Attorney Anderson: I merely said my understanding of the
law didn't agree with yours.
Mr. Walker: _ Your opening statement was "Mr. Walker I
don't agree with your law".
Attorney Anderson: True and you don't agree with mine.
Councilman Cooper: Mr. Mayor' I move this matter be tabled
until our next meeting to give us a chance to study this
Mayor Woodard: I think too we better hold this matter up
until our, next meeting so we have a chance to study it.
The next on our agenda will be the opening of bids on
the sewer line repair on 95th and Lincoln Ave.
The bids were read by the Recorder as follows:
Bunyard and Pettit $1527.00
Janoe Concrete Products-
95th St. $300.00
Lincoln Ave. $1000.00 21300.00-
F. E. Prentiss $1670.00
Ed Erickson _ $1555.00
The low bidder is C. E. Janoe Concrete Products.
Mayor,Woodard: We will differ this matter until a little
We have run into a problem: , First of all is there
anyone in the audience that has anything to say tonight, if
not we will proceed. (No response from the audience): We
ran into a problem here about the Treasurer and myself sign-
ing checks for the payroll and have talked to our Attorney'
the Police Dept. are 'supposed to 'put in a daily report to
show they are working. We 'don't feel, as if we should signi
a check without knowing they are 'working. We have a form '
here from Beaverton where the Patrolmen each make a daily
report and submit to the office. sI would like to suggest
to the Council that we put in this method so at least we
have something to show that these men are on duty. As
it is now we don't know, we have no report they are`working.
The officer fills in his report and returns one copy to
the Recorder every day, the monthly_ report sheet is on
the top,there.
Councilman Bergmann: I don't see the object in turning
in a daily report to the Recorders.
Attorney, Anderson: I advised the Mayor'there 'should'be
a basic time record for every employee,that is a public
5-11-64 Page 2
record available in City Hall for examination before ex-
pending public funds.
councilman Bergmann: This should be done everyday.
- Mayor Woodard: If we sign a check how do we know this man
is working,
Attorney Anderson: It would be my thought that every employee
should have a record of daily work; you have a problem of
calibrating what days they have on or off,
Councilman Johnson; I am not particularly saying this should
not be done; I am objecting to the fact that it is only for
Councilman Klock: If a record is to be kept I don't think
that should be singled;out' from 'any,one individual. If it
is alright for one employee it'certainly is right for all
Mayor Woodard: If I am going to have to sign a check I
would like to know what I am signing a check for.
Councilman Klock: I havn't the slightest idea of when
the building inspector is inspecting a building unless it
is brought to my attention.
Councilman Johnson: In my case I go out - check to make
sure he does the job.
Mayor Woodard: All department heads that have men working
for them should see that a report is put here in the office
to show when they are working.
Councilman Johnson: You are suggesting they.,carry over
mileage: and time from the last day of the month.
Attorney Anderson: There should be a time sheet for every-
body that is .accountable for time.
John Schwartz: I think it is peculiar :if you employes
people and nobody checks on them to see if they work or
don't 3ork. I think it is no more than right, whoever
is on the payroll, somebody should know whether or not
they are working. if you are paying on the end of the
month; men on the sewer; policemen, nobody knows if they
put in a days work you should have some record of whether
they are working.
C. E. Janoe: , 'Up until 2 resigned from the City you had a
monthly report; you had a daily log; what happened since
then I don't know. As a tax payer I see no reason why
the Citv should be run haphazard.
5-11-64`: - Page 3
Attorney Anderson: The Recorder is the Chief Clerk, he
should keep these records and br.inq to the Council's
attention when necessary. I think this thin, -ills >vasic
an' .it is a matter that anv orranizati.on takes i:1 the
basic manner. Weekly time sheets should he filled out and
certified by him or by his Supervisor and turned 'in as
1.,art of the official duties as he ,is going to report to
the Department,Head the record of his empioyment.
C. E. Janoe: In that respect each Councilman hal a report
from me as to -lust exactly how many permits were issued
and how many hnurs were spent on the jib.
Attorney Anderson;' I take it for granted we have exlressed
ourselves here tonight, each department shouid make a-daily
report to the Recorder of hours he puts in.
Councilman Klock What'happens on Saturday and Sunday.
Mayor Woodard: The report: should be put in on Monday
Councilma. Klock: I would make a motion we have some time
sheets printed for each individual employee andheis to
sign those time sheets, salaried employees and per diem
employees, they "are to be approved by,the Department Head_
Motion seconded by Coi..Incilman Johnson. Upon call for vote
motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members
being present.
Mayor Woodard: Getting back to the award of the contract
for the woxk on 95th Street and Lincoln Avenue (addressing
Attorney Anderson) what shall we do.
Attornev Anderson: If you want to award the work to the
low bidder subject to him signing a contract in compliance
with the law then we should draw up a contract.
Councilman Cooper: I so move we award thiswo
alowttorney rk to the
att me specification attached and that the
with this orney draw up the contract in accordance with the
statutory requirements. Motion seconded by Councilman
Klock who added the award should be made conditionally
(the bond required and the contract signed.) 'Upon call
for vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council,
all members being present.
Mayor Woodard: We have to :appoint members to the Budget
Committee; we have Mr. Biederman; Mr. Pietila and Mr. Gerod
who are still on. We need two more and an alternate. I
have talked to quite a few and suggest Mr. M. C. Levin; Mr.
Art Mason and Mr. ;Hunziker.
5/11/64'+- Page 4
Councilman Cooper: I move Mr. 'Levin and Mr. Mason be
appointed to the Budget CODuni.ttee with Mr. Hunziker as an
alternate. Motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and
Upon call for vote the motion was passed by majority vote,
Councilman Klock votinq no; all Council members being pre-
sent. The motion was passed therefore by majority vote.
Mayor Woodard: I_would-instruct the Recorder therefore to
call the Budget Committee to determine whether they can be
Present Monday, May 25, 1964, at 8:00 P.M. (the Recorder
contacted all members of the Budget Committee who advised
they could be present on that evening)_
We have to consider a desk for the library which is
going to open on the 23rd of May. We are using the desk,
we needed it and we are supposed to rexlace i and we
"should have a few extra chairs.
Councilman Cooper: Inasmuch as this desk was taken I move
that we replace the desk that was originally purchased; .it
does not have a typewriter stand and we should have one
that would contain a typewriter. Motion seconded by Council-
man Klock and upon call for vote was unanimously ---
" Council 1 ali members being present.
Councilman Cooper: I will make a motion we purchase 20
Chairs for the City. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock.
Upon call for the vote the tally resulted as follows
Councilman Klock, Nay; Councilman Johnson, Nay;_Councilman
Bergmann, Nay; Councilman Cooper, Yea; Mayor Woodard, Yea.
The motion was therefore lost b_v a majority dissendinq.
Attorney Anderson: We have an Ordinance authorizing the
condemnation proceedings. (The Recorder read Ordinance
64-6 in'full and then by title.) '
Councilman Cooper: I move that Ordinance 64-6 be adopted
as read. Motion seconded by Councilman 'Bergmann. Uron
call for vote the tally resulted as follows: Councilman
Klock, Yea; Councilman Johnson, Yea; Councilman Bergmann,
Yea; Councilman Cooper, Yea; Mayor Woodard, Yea. The
motion was unanimously approved.
Councilman Bergmann: With respect to the second Patrolman;
he,was hired on the condition he pass his physical examination
and clear a check with the FBI. I put him to work the
month of April, the last four days and he came
days ago and asked ifto me'a few
four days in April. 'he was going to be paid for the last
Councilman Cooper: I was of the opinion he was supposed to
go to work the first of May.: If he went to work anytime
he wanted to I don't think we are responsible.
5-11-64 Page 5
Attornev Anderson: - There could he a misunderstanding,
this is readily apparent; the viewpoint of the man who
did the work; I believe there is a Statute that would
require he he paid. I merely mention that for your
Councilman Bergmann: I might state we have hired. other
people, the Mayor has hired other people and put them to
work and there was no objection.
Mayor Woodard: I would say, according to what the
Attorney has said, if Council agrees we should pay the man.
Councilman Bergmann: We increased the pay of the police
officer and we would assume he is regularly employed in
the City, that he is no longer acting, acting_in:the"place
of someone, therefore his title should be Chief instead
of Acting,- he_is not acting, he is the Chief of Police of
Attorney Anderson: Any one having a discretional position;
any one else might be an employe. '
C. E. "Janoe: I was made the City Superintendent by the
City Council, you don't have a City Superintendent any
more but you went ahead and budgeted for a City Superinten-
dent, you only have now a plant operator.
Councilman Bergmann: There has been considerable controversv
about- the activities of the Police Department; I wishthese
things would be brought to the Council so the Council can
take action if'action' is necessary if presented as complaints.
Councilman Klock: (Addressing the Recorder) Has Mr.
Mayes or any group been here or replied to the letter.
(Recorder advised no.)
Mayor Woodard: They think their complaint letter wasn't
answered fully.
Councilman Klock: Irvington Machine has contacted me;
they had their attorneys interpret the Uniform Building
Councilman Bergmann: I don't have the monthly report
for the month of April; I will have the report for the
next meeting.
Councilman Johnson: Someone came° in to'me about- the'
traffic fight here on Main Street, stating he could not
tell which was 'for blain Street and which was to come off
the Highway; it seems there were four or five people
ticketed up there, so;I contacted the State and I have not
5-11-64 -: Page'6.
had a chance to see it but I understand they have rut a
blinder on the side so you can't see the light,on the
Highway from the head of Main Street.
Attorney Anderson: In your conversation with the .justice
of the Peacil, was there any question raised about making
a turn on the left on Main Street?
Councilman Johnson: No sir.
Mayor Woodard: We will rroceed paying the bills.
Councilman-Treasurer Cooter then read the bills.
Councilman Klock moved to pay the bills; motion seconded
by Councilman Cooler. Upon call for vote the motion was
unanimously approved, all Councilmen being present.
Councilman Johnson moved for adjournment; motion seconded
by Councilman Klock and unanimously approved b,.,, Council..
Adjournment taken at 10?30 P. M.
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5-11-64 - Page 7.
Balance March 31, 1964 - - - _ - ,
April Receipts _ _ _ _ $5,214.70
:Balance. - - - - $2,738.5c5
- - - - $7,953.26
557 - C.J. Roney a/c Plant purchase mat-l- $ 14.41
558 - C.J. Roney - Salary,Aj-:il '1964 332.26
559 - R.E. Janoe - Salary April 1964 240.50
560 - U.S. Nat'l Bank Depositary-Fed. W.H.Taxes 41.80
561 - P.E.R.B. April W.H. Taxes ,$23.56 City $23.56 47.12
501 - P.G.E. Plant 146.43
502 - N.W. Natural Gas - Plant 102.68
503 - West Coast Telephone Co. - ME9-3650 23.05
506 - Nine-T-Nine'$11.53 disc. .54 10.99
507 - Tigard_Water rDist. - Plant 96.55
562 WEM Co. 19.23
563 - Stevens & Thompson 80.00
564 Hinds Supply Co. 8.77
565 - lou Johnson 24.04
566 - Masons Supply Co. 13.00
567 - Leupold & Stevens 4.96
568 Montana Assay Office 2.20
569 `..aliace. & Tiernan Inc. 6.06
570 - Embree's Machine Shop q
571 - -Valley Auto Parts 5.21
572 - Tigard Lumber Co. 99.48
573 - Owen Snyder Road Const. Co. 37.50
574 - Tigard Home Town Hardware; 5.38
Book Balance 4/30/46 '
Im 13
Balance March 31, 1964 - - - - - - - - - - - - $33,179.3-
Apri'l P.eceilts - - - - .. _ .- - - ?,63-., ,0
Balance - - - - - - A----- --- $35,815.8-3
178 - U.S. Nat'l. Banh-Purchase Time Deposit S25,000.00
179 - C.E. Janoe Concrete P,Its. - .J.Co3w' in 4o1 1,�30.5G
180 - Owen Smr3er R,Sad Const. Co, .00
181 - Stevens & Thompson. 725.00
P 182 - Stevens s Thompson 1,500.00
183 --U.S. Nat'l Ban1; 3:70
184 7ack Wright & Associates 10.00
$? ,0�8 55
Book Balance 4/30/64 - - - - - - - - - - 7,767.31
Sewage Exransion Fund Bancroft 4,1 (Assessments)
Balance March 31, 1964 515,017.41
April Receiy-ts 437.14
214 - Lena Delplanche - County Treas. $2,045.36
Balance $13,459.19
Bancroft a1 (interest)
Balance March 31, 1964 $266.36
April Receipts 195.10
Balance $461.73
214 Lena Delplanche - County Tr s. $461.73
Road Fund
Balance March 31, 1964 $ 7,670.83
April Receipts None
$ 7,`670.83
572 - Tigard Lumber 1.96
215 - Pacific Title Ins. .Co• 15.00
216 - Stevens & Thompson 28.00
217 - Traffic Safety Supply Co. 109.20
218 - Owen Snyder Construction Co. 58,50
Book Balance 4/30/64 $ 7,458.17
Street Lighting Fund - Balance March 31, 1964; ($1,937.17)
501 - P.G.E. Ltg;Contract $313.50
Park Fund
Balance March 31, 1964 ( '901.45)
219 - Andre Leriche General Const. $60.00
501 - P.G.E. Park-`Ltg. 5.25
Balance 4/30/64 ($836.20)
Total Payments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _
Balance March 31, 1.964 - - - - - - - - - _ S,1?,-^.34.24
April Receipts --- - -' _ _ _ _ 306.00
Balance - - - - - - - - - - $1_3,740.2q
488 —City of Beaverton - Police Calls on MI6-3344 $ 5.00
( ` 489 - R.V. Symons - Salary April 1964 344.15
490 - D.J. Batchelar - Salary April 1964 373.89
491 - E.A. Woodard - April 1964 - 57.82
492 - D.B. Hartig - Salary April 1964 89.41
493 - U.S. Nat'l Bank Depositary-Fed.W.H.taxes 140.40
494-- P.E.R.B. April W.H.taxes $39.15 City $39.19 '78.30
495 Petty `Cash 50.00
496 - League of Ore. Cities - membership 129.08
497 - Pacific Stationery -'supplies 34.49
498 - Tri-City News subscription 2.50
499 Credit Bureau of Beaverton 6.80
500 - Tigard Times - Notice of St. Vacation 38.35
501 - P.G.E. - City Hall 10.95
502 - N.W.-Natural Gas Co. City Hall 47.39
"503)- Coast Telephone - Police - M!6-3344 '.22.95
' .sco�. a.vna�
503)- West Coast Telephone - City - ME9-2636 35.35
504 Void
505 - Expert Window -Janitor Service Mar & Apr. 49.00
506 Nine-T-Nine (601); $46.86 desc. $1.97 44.89
507 - Tigard Water Dist. City;Hall 5.00
508 - Ball Ford Sales Co. (601) 14.59
509 - ValleyPublishing - office supplies 20.55
510 - W.L. Thatcher - Bldg. Insp. April 95.00'
511 - City of Beaverton— Radio Calls 4.70
Book Balance 4/30/64 . $1?;039.6e
i �: ,