City Council Packet - 03/23/1964 March 19, 1964
Mayor R. A. Woodard
Council In F. J. Cooper
Ccuncilman r. u. Bergmann
Councilman N. A. Johanson
Councilman C. E. 'Klock, ; S W.
City. Attorney F. A. Anderson
Easements for interceptor
Y' Road fund for Ash Street Letter to
=, State Highway
D Resolution for City Street Repairs
Repairs to suer line on 95th Street on
Flag pole
Ordi a for Policing
Street Lighting
oolicies on Employees
iii:'Illl 111111 ill i lllill:�lEl 11 15 ll illgi: 1;
mums= MEN
Present: Wlyor E. A. Woodard; Couric-AT.'C; F. J. Cooper; F. It. Be^gm nn;
IJ. E. Johnson; C. E.<itlock, Sr. and City Atborh y F. A. Andersoa.
mayor Woodard called the meeting to order sit 7:30 and reauested re b
of the b^:inutes of meeting March 9, 190 . 'i'he ..irutes tiere then read ar.a upon
call for corrections or omiscioi 1,,-.yor Woodard offerrcd that on page it
should read the first meeting in April instead of the seco,:d uccLIng `tp='U.
With this correetioi the Ilinutes were ordered to stand ap robed as recti.
Mayor Woodard: wit,, regera to easements on the rtei«rtor lr e; we ha,10 had
replies on some of them, one of tnem V_-. J. H. ScI u a still sta..ds on l
figures and he said :.e will have to condemn the pio;erty to get it. Iii 1,cU;
Mr. Meigs and Ittrie:d to see if we Couldn't get 'lit, mice I_a1f my and vnke
it 750 a foot. We wrote him we would pay 50s a foot. t•r. Sha t:s :o o::-
plaint coming that I can see and Mr. Board is out of th- question, lie wants
us to give him $650.00. He has no fixtures in tile basement and proc;abl,r never
Would put any in. ..
Does the Council wart us to go ahead and co:idenv the praaer y and
turn it over to our Attorney to proceed. The amount of money they hart is
what we figured on paying for the whole job. If the others signed for 500
I don't see tiny the rest wouldn't be"able to sigh fvr it.
Mr. Meigs: I talked to Mr. Hoard on the 'phone saying the City's Offer IMS
50¢ a foot., told him that was all we could offer at the pros rt t 1,e. He
called me at the office and said that wasn't a satisfactory settlement to htm,
he still felt he would wont his b cement hooked up in the new line. Shaw,
Schulte, Lee and Board, we are just where we were before. We c*11ecked Mr. Sk2,w
and Mr. Schulte; Mr. Sham could colmoct but Mr. Schulte T_ don't think can, the
sever is too high for his basement.
Mayor Woodard, Councilman laock and Councilman Johnson d scussed with Attorney
Anderson the relative cost of condemnation proceedings as against the
specified by the four property owners.
Attorney Anderson: You nr.rst be on record form:l.iy bj r;tY,iug an offer; there
is no;question but what it tales more than just buyi.ig It- you can pay quite
a premium and 'there is no economy by going to Court. ' The question is where do
you start and stop.
Woodard. I thin]: we should allOw our Attorney to take that first sten
:in writing that letter with aur Offer, at leas.. it "'ill give"u, something to ga
on. In the future it is going to bother us, n.,.) doubt about it.
Councilman Klock: I world make a motion to have the Attorney .:rite the letter
of formal notification of the final sower easement offer. Motion seconded by
Councilman Bergmann and u-oon call for vote was Unanimously Council
all members being present.
btayor Woodard gave a short report regarding the development of Ash Street from
McDonald down to Garrett stating the County is going to order that in this
summer; from Garrett to the creek is:in but we figure on devoloping'Ash Street
from the plant to Frewiig; half of this street between Frewing and the flood
Water would be put in by Willock so we figure if we 'can't get it any other way
-,Te would do that half and come down to the:creek and the street between Frewing
and Garrett could -wait. From Garrett to McDonald and Frering to the creel, is
the worst and:if we showed signs of doing it we would get this money. ,dillock
is going to do his side down Cto his boundary.: That fill can be just airt, just
so it'sets fora year.
3-23-64 - Page 1.
Councilman Johnson: This in regard to the notification in our Minutes =:bout
the "No Parking" area thst rather Harrington wrote to the State about, this .is
the answer that im have gotta:I. (11,e,-ding letter)
Mayor Woodard: Does Council want to take actio:, on that or do you want to
study it. (Discussion followed)
Councilman Johnson: The easiest wag :is to have a motion. _T. move' accept
r the recommendation of the State Highway D aaroment in relation to the akin;
urea running 100 feet, nor tht.<Ist from McKenzie and 75 fret soutinxst from
McKenzie. Motion seconded by CouticilmaT. Cooper. The qucstion being called for
the roll call of vote resulted as follows; Councilman Coopr, -AY; Councilman
Bergmann, NAY; Councilman Johnson, AYE: ',otir:cilmar. Klock, NAY; Mayor Wood-ird,
NAY. The motion was lost ;,y a;;y0r;ty ;,ote.
Mayor Woodard: Does anyone in ..he :audience have .n;=thir:'- to bring un before
Mr. H. Mayes, 12450 S. 1,14, Knoll Drive- - have a letter here, I thing you .tae
rough sketch of it :in regard to the Irvington Machin Works. (Rending the
letter which dealt with the complaint of the citizens of ;Knoll Drive':::+ith '
regard to the additiorrl constnccLion. by the i .-Infitan 1'acn re ':forks. the
noise from the Plant at night and 'the arc welding flashes of light. all of
which are a source of disturbance to the people in tha- area.
Councilman ilocl:: We will cconerate with ,you ro c•;er it with thein. I will
break down all the facets and sce what we can do. i will put .t together as
quickly as I can.
Mayor Woodard: I am sure we will loot: into the matter and notify you people.
Mr. E. C. Phillips: This is in reference to our rrouosed annexation which
most of you know about already. This letter is the one we 'Ire planning to mail
out the first of April. (Reading rough draft of letter) This is essentially
the letter mr.iled to thepropertyowners. I Mould like the
recommendation of the Planning Co.:imission discussed with respect to some of the
Mr. Phillips then discussed the tax mileage which in the City of
Tigard would be approximately 10 mills higher with the thought that an 3rran eraent
could be made so as not to make a lump;sum payment the first year and that he
had consulted with City. Attorney Anderson who did some checking and found these
taxes could be,adjusted over a ten year period ocyinG 10;5 of this the first year
increasing 10% each year so that at the end of the ten year period the property
owner would be paying the whole share to the City of Tigard. These people would
realize the City of Tigard was trying to do something for them. With sewer
costs at four dollars a foot I don't see how you can>beat that. Lighting; it
has been our understanding that the City does nroi:ose some expansion in the City
of Tigard, it is suggested some of these lights could be put into this .area
rather than in the City of Tigard proper, txvthey are going to get
something if they are annexed. Police; that is a self-explanatory factor. 1t
our meeting April. Bth it is hoped ve get the full support of our City Council
on these features.
Mr. Godfrey: I was just going to sit in and listen to the proposal of thel
change over at the Methodist Church.
Attorney Anderson: All the Council should do is to pass the Resolution to set
a hearing so we,can publish and post the notices. l was going to bring that up
and have you consider a Resolution and schedule the hearing at your meeting on
the 27th of April. It has to run five weeks in the paper. We have a petition
to vacate a portion of;the street. I think we should have the Resolution read.
The City Recorder then read the Resolution as follows: "RESOLUTION.
BE IT VESOLVED %by the City Council of the City of,Tigard, Oregon, that a
hearing with respect to the petition of Tigard Community Methodist Church,
James M. Willock et ux,,Mary Jo Elliott and Janet weber for the vacation of
a portion of a dedicated unopened street, being an extension:of S. W. Walnut
`Place, be, and the same is hereby set for Monday, the 27th day of April, 1964
3-23-(91 Page 2.
_3t the hour of 8:O0 p.m., in the CitY ii'�ll ,�J thin the City of Tigard, O exon.
at, which time and.phage any;objec ions or remora. rances witlir-sticet thereto'
will be heard and considered.
BE IT P(J1 F7 R Rr,CGT•VFD, that the City Recorder of the City of Tigard.
be, and he is Hereby directed to give notice of_ 'e ondency o rii:i 110_1,1don
and of the time :end place of said hearing b, calusing to be pablt.shed =. not.e.c.
r thereof in the Tigard `rimes once cmcn week for` '`oris conse cut Vee? and by
posting at or near each end of the area:proposed to be vte.aed i ..apy�of the
notice which shall be headed "PKY11TCP. OF ST F]ET 'nC?.TIOI, , rd -o furfiner r•_st
a copy of said notice in not less than two cons � ,zot;s laces in ti:e .rtre.a
proposed to be vacated, not less then t-:enty-eight (23) d�iys rrior to the
date of the hearing, and said notices shall describe the Erestnd covered cy
the Petition, give the date it ryas filed, the name of at let s`t onr, ot, the
petitioners end the date, time find place of said heari;
Councilman Klock: I mire a motion to adopt this resolution. Motion seconded
by Councilman Johnson. Upon call for vote the motion :gas unanimously approved
by Council, all members being present
Mr. E. C. Phillips: I assume that Council is in full agreement with the
Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations of Lax-es and so forth with
regard totheannexation,
Councilman Cooper. 1: move that Council accept the Planning .and Zoning, Com-
mission proposal on the annexation of City property. Motion seconded by
clouncilman Johnson and upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved
by Council, all members being present.
Mayor Woodard: Regarding repairs on 95th % Lincoln Ave. I have had Nr. t?eigs
call for bids on that; we will probably have that ready for our next meeting.
Councilman Cooper then read P. bid from Ace Iron Works on the flag pole and
suggested we hold it up until we get other bids.
Mayor Woodard: We have a Police Ordinance that we will study and bring up at
the next meeting. On streat lighting I mentioned before theselocations were
suggested by the'Engineer from the Portland General Electric.(Reading';the points
of installation);
Councilman Johnson: Ig,view of the motion made by Council. going along with the
thoughts of the Planning and 'Zoning Commission in which 11r. Phillips asked for
these two lights in the annexed area how soon would we be in position to install
lights in this area.
Mayor Woodard: We could do it right away, we could go as far,as putting in five
in the first year. These eight lights would amount of $321.60'a year.
Councilman'Kl.ock I make a motion that we proceed with the installation of the
eight lights to be installed on or as soon as possible after July ist of this year.
Motion seconded by Councilman Johnson and upon call for vote was unanimously ap-
proved by Council, all members being present.
Mayor Woodard: I would like to hear a'Resolution setting up a sum up to
$2000.00 a year for the'repair of streets.
Councilman Johnson: I move that we set aside a sum of $2000.00 a year for the
improvement of City streets which have not been County roads and that are within
the City limits.: Motion seconded by Councilman:Bergmann. Upon call for vote
was unanimously approved by Council, allmembers being p,
Mayor Woodard: On this letter from these people up at the end of Grant Street
do you,want to write anyone of them anything to tell approximately when we would
grade it or something. They expect an answer Ir imagine; tell them about when
you will'do it.
Councilman Johnson: Assoonas,possible,
3-23-64'-,Page 3.'
Mhyor Woodard: I would like each member of the Council to fiL-ure ou: what monies-
they will need for their part of the �.o_s far 'th-is coming year so we c.:n m---Oke up
worksheet and when we get the work sleet made 1-p give to e,.ch memk,er to
study and see 3f it is the way they 1rant it or need to change it.
Mayor Woodard: Ben Fd:*ards wants to coine back to work on Anril 1st I would
like to know how the Council feels about l.etttng him come back; ars you know
he has a heart condition in addition to which he is about 75 years of age.
Councilman Cooper: I :,uCgest ire get - report from the doctor before we let him
come back.
Mayor Woodard: On the policies we have on regulations; we have all.,agreed on
all except those of City Council. The only one we have left to approve is the
last"one on employees requirements. (City Recorder then read the employees re-
Councilman Klock: 'I make a motion we adopt all the policies of the Council and
employees as given. Motion seconded by Councilman Cooper. U"n call for vote'
the motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members being present.
Councilman Cooper: The City limit sign on the end of Walnut Street is still
tacked to a pole. Also the stop sign on Watkins going on to Walnut is gore.
Mayor Woodard: The stop __gn at Cra..t aitu':.alnu4 is Come.- s�
Councilman Cooper: The Library Board wants to know if they can have the Library
open on Saturdays from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and on Wednesdays from 6:30 P.14.
to 8:30 P.M.
Councilman Cooper: I would like to direct a question to Councilman Bergmann;
to your knowledge'did any of those fellows taking the police examination have
any previous knowledge of any of the questions that were asked.
Councilman Bergmann:d I told Don they can know the questions as we are not
interested in the questions-we are 'i:.terested in the answers.
Councilman Cooper: I heard that was done and I thought this was to see how
they would react without knowing the 'questions.
Councilman Bergmann: Asking questions in the oral examination was not to
test their knowledge so I could see nothing wrong in knowing what the questions
were. The written examination was the governing feature, we were interviewing
whether they were qualified as police officers.
Councilman Cooper: I was quite surprised when I heard it, `I thought it was
supposed to be off the cuff.
Councilman Klock: What about this Library money.
Councilman Cooper: We have in excess of $1500.0-0 that we received from the
candy sale and will probably have a'small amount in addition coming in.
(There was some,further discussion about the%amount"of candy that had been
distributed for sale as well as the normal loss which was established by
Chocolates, Inc: and their claim about not rettinw the cooperation they were
supposed to have from the schools and that any such undertaking in the future
would:be more carefully supervised_)
Councilman Bergmann: I have a letter from the Acting Chief regarding the
exams that were given. (Reading the<letter)'.
3-23-64 - Page 4.
!"pre Wts con acta It dise"Scior, reg;, the7
'b, one nd to_,•ie
the u..3 cants dor i _c Do2icr o
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Councilman Toi ri on moved ford,jouinmen-: mot.. c'r J.,3«+ci r
arid n..._ns..mou 1 - v•r; „ at oorr:•r
unro�rea by ,rc1.1.
Adjournment t.r,ken t
!R r�it/1r !Fd,
3-23-0} - Prnge.5.