City Council Packet - 01/27/1964 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL
Present: Mayor E. A. Woodard; Councilmen F. J. Cooper;
F. H. Bergmann; N. E. Johnson; C. E, Klock, Sr.
and City Attorney Fred. A. Anderson.
Mayor Woodard called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. and
requested reading of the Minutes of the January 13,1964
meeting. The Minutes were read and upon call for corrections
or omissions Councilman Bergmann directed attention to the
last line on page 2, "stop signs" should read "parking signs".
With this correction the Minuteswereordered to stand approved
as read.
Mayor Woodard advised Council that Employee Ben Edwards was
taken ill on January 13th, had been confined to a hospital and
requested Council to advise what action they want to take with
respect to his salary for the month of January.
Councilman Klock: I would make a motion we give him (Ben
Edwards) sickness payment from the date of sickness to and in-
cluding the last day of January. Motion seconded by Councilman
Bergmann. Upon 'call for vote the motion was unanimously approved,
all Councilmembers being present.
Mayor Woodard We have an Ordinance on moving of buildings.
Councilman Klock spoke on the ordinance stating this covered
movement from outside City limits to within the City but did
not confine to movement inter-city. He further stated the
Ordinance should provide for a fee and suggested the fee of
$20.00 for the Permit plus $5.00 for every inspection over two.
(This will be incorporated in a re-write of the Ordinance by
Mayor Woodard: We will hear a report on the Library Board
from Councilman Cooper.
Councilman Cooper: Mrs. Woodward has handed in her resignation
to the Library Board. ,Mrs. Godfreyhas been approved,-for;the
four year term. Now it is in order for Council to approve
Mrs. Godfrey as the addition to the Board. First, I would like
to make a motion;that Council accept Mrs. ;Woodward's resignation
from the Library Board. Motion seconded by Councilman'Bergmann.
Upon call for vote, the motion was unanimously approved, all
Council members being present.
Councilman Cooper: I would like to make a motion that Council
approve the appointment of Mrs. Godfrey for the four year term.
Councilman Klock seconded the motion. Upon call 'for vote the
motion was unanimously approved, all Council members being present.
Councilman Cooper: Beverly Bender has been appointed as Chair-
man of the'Library Board.
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I would also report and you no doubt know, the shelves
are completed and waiting to be stained and I think we should be
thankful to the four men who did this work.
The candy sale is going to be held from the 13th of
February to the 23rd inclusive. We hope with the help of the
Chocolates Inc, to raise about $4500.00; that,is the goal they
are setting. Itis quite a'lot of money but that is their aim.
Mayor Woodard: Thanks for the report, it is a good one.
There was a review and discussion of the car insurance and it was
moved by Councilman Cooper that Council call for bids on insurance
coverage and determine just what action we should take on our
insurance. Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for
vote, the motion was unanimously approved, all Council members
being present.
Mayor,Woodard: This coming Wednesday night we are going to have
a meeting on the policy for our employees and the Auditor will be
here to explain the audit to us. This will be an executive
session, Wednesday night, January 29th,at-7:30-P. M.
Mayor Woodard gave a short resume of the Advisory Board meeting
at Hillsboro.
Mayor Woodard: On the roads to be surfaced first I would
like to advise Councilman Johnson we received $3083.00 from the
County,Road Fund for District Road number 9. That should give
us about twenty thousand dollars in the road fund. It is getting
close to the time when we should find out what roads we are'going
to surface; we still owe $1700.00,for the top surface work on the
roads surfaced this summer. <According to the amount of money we
have we can go_a little stronger this year than last year.
Review and discussion of the streets needing repairs and their
relationship to the City's responsibility following which Council-
man Cooper:stated "I would like to see a map showing ;all the
streets, private, public and dedicated, wo se can see what the
streets are." Councilman Johnson remarked "In other words it is
the opinion of Council if they need fixing we should 'fix them."
Councilman;Klock: I make a motion we accept the policy of fixing
only City'owned streets and improvements of all other streets shallt
be treated as individual cases and acted on by City Council. '
Motion seconded by Councilman Johnson. Upon call for vote the
motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members being
Mayor Woodard: Next is the "No Parking" 'signes'on the Highway.
Councilman`Johnson: I don't have the letter with me; if we want
to go ahead they;will,put up the .sign.
Councilman Klock: IDon't you think it would be advisable to wait
until the building is torn down. We should wait until the pattern
develops after the building is torn down. '
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Councilman Johnson: I have one other letter. (Reading letter
dated December 30, 1963 from State Highway Engineerwith respect
to signal at intersection of 99W and Johnson Street and reduction
of speed zone on U.S. 99W to 25 M.P.H.)
Councilman Cooper: I would suggest you write them a letter
and find out how much they would stand on this total cost and
maybe question them on this $15,000.00.`
Discussion followed on the condition at Walnut and 99W with re-
spect to sight obstruction caused by placement of a power pole.
Councilman Cooper: I would like to make a motion to the effect
the City Council ask the P. G. E. to move this pole. Seconded
by Councilman Johnson. The question having been called for,
the 'roll call of vote resulted as follows:- Councilman Cooper,
AYE; Councilman Johnson, AYE; Councilman Bergmann, NAY:
Councilman Klock, NAY; Mayor ,Woodard, NAY. The motion was
lost by a vote of three to two.
Mayor Woodard: We can bring that up at the next meeting, in
the meantime we can check it over.
The "No Parking"signs on Grant Street were brought before
Council°and after some discussion it was decided to leave them
remain as at present.
Maye"Woodard: On Wednesday evening we will discuss the Sewer
Ordinance, the audit and'policies.
Councilman Bergmann reviewed the gas bill and developed the
'. harges to'be approximately $50.00 instead of ,$80.00 as
had been presented.
Mayor Woodard discussed the disregard of;motorists for the flag
boys at St. Anthony's School stating the janitor was going to
see Mr. Bergmann. He advised the janitor had not been to see him
and Mr. Cooper stated he thought this bears out a little more that
we 'do need a light and could not understand why; the State Highway
would go against the request to get a light and prevent the loss
of -life.
Mayor Woodard read letters from A. E. Johnson of State Highway
Department; Stevens and Thompson and copy o£ letter from City
Attorney 'Anderson.
Regarding the interceptor sewer: it will be necessary
for us to agree on how much we will pay,per,foot for easements.
After discussion Councilman Klock moved that Council adopt 504
per; foot.' Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann. Mayor
Woodard: The motion is the City be authorized, and that would
r mean their representative, to pay the sum of 504 a lineal foot
to property owners for crossing their property. for
vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council, all members
being present.
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Councilman Bergmann spoke about the charge of $25.00 for instal-
lation of the radio loaner unit and it was agreed this should be
Councilman Bergmann. The second thing; we talked a little about
police protection in the hours Don now works on Sunday mornings.
I' looked in our budget for the year; we have an emergency fund
within the general fund. It would be my opinion we should see
about putting a second patrolman on, we have,the funds to do it.
The one way to get it out is, I move that the Chief of Police
take applications for the second patrolman. Motion seconded by
Councilman Johnson.
Councilman Klock: I think there should be some thought given to
this before we decide what action to take, we should determine
the policy.
Councilman Cooper: I move this be tabled until after Wednesday's
Councilman Bergmann: I call for the question on the motion. Roll
call of vote resulted as follows: Councilman Johnson, AYE;
Councilman Klock, AYE; Councilman Cooper, NAY; Councilman
Bergmann, AYE. Motion carried.
Mayor Woodardannounced Council and the Planning and Zoning
Commission is to meet Monday, February, 3rd in regard to setting
up procedures for annexations.
Councilman Johnson: I move we adjourn.' Seconded by Councilman
Bergmann and unanimously approved by Council.
Adjournment taken at 10:05 P M.
Y ec
ResP full submitted:
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