City Council Packet - 10/28/1963 TI G A'R D CITY COUNCIL
Present: Mayor E. A. Woodard; Councilmen F. J. Cooper;
F. H. Bergmann; N. E. Johnson; C. F.,. Klock, Sr.
and Attorney F. A. Anderson.
( Mayor E. A. Woodard called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
and requested reading of the Minutes of the Meeting of October
14,- 1963. Upon call for corrections or omissions Mayor Woodard
stated that on page 5 the meeting he referred to should show
"with the Main Street Development Corporation". There being no
other corrections the minutes were ordered approved as read.
Mayor Woodard then called for reading of the Minutes of the
Meeting of October 18, 1963, which Minutes were then read and
upon call for corrections or omissions, none being offerred,
the Minutes were ordered approved as read.:
Mayor Woodard: We now have for adoption Traffic Ordinance
number 63-15 which was read in full and by title at our meeting
of October 18, 1963• To enact this Ordinance now it will be
necessary for the Recorder to read the Ordinance by title' only.
(Recorder then read Ordinance 63-15 by title only.)
Councilman Bergmann: I move we enact Ordinance number 63-15.
Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote motion
unanimously approved, all Councilmen voting in the affirmative,
all Council. members being present.
Mayor Woodard I have a letter from Stevens and Thompson
regarding the survey on Ash Street (reading letter); if it
will be all right with the Council I will talk to Mr. Willock
this week.
Mayor Woodard: There has been a .petition handed to us in regard
to .Greenburg Road; this specifically refers to Lincoln Avenue
approach onto Greenburg Road. They lwant 'to know what we can do
about fixing the bad bump.
(Council members discussed this condition.)
After discussion Councilman Cooper 'stated, I believe the petition
should be answered and suggest a stop ;sign should be put -up.
At the time the :final seal-kote is put on;we could have the County -
ramp the approach which would solve this difficulty.
Mayor Woodard: The Library Committee asked about the back room
and since this partition is a false partition the Library Board
wanted to know if we couldn't take it down, it would give them
daylight in the whole 'room. It is doing no good as 'far as the
partition is concerned.
Councilman Klock: It is a non-bearing wall, put there as a'
support for another room. The wiring change would be 'a maximum
of $25.00,; actually it is not much' of a ;job, you would' use some
conduit rather than flex cable. I 'would say '$30.00 will cover
it and the whole, ,job with the removal of the partition would :be
somewhere in the neighborhood of $50.00.
Mayor Woodard: We would use that door between the Council
Chambers so we would not lose that part of it.
Councilman` Bergmann: I move the necessary alterations be made
for?the Library .'facilities. Motion' seconded by Councilman Cooper.
Upon call for vote motion Was unanimously,approved, Council voting ;
10-28-63 Page 1.
In the affirmative, all members being present.
Mayor Woodard: Our next item is the Library Ordinance number
63-16. The Recorder will please read it in full and by title.
(Recorder then read Ordinance in full and by title only.)
Councilman Cooper: I move we adopt Ordinance number 63-16.
Motion seconded by Councilman Bergmann and upon call for vote
was unanimously approved by Council.
Mayor Woodard: Next on the agenda is the matter of the radio.
There was lengthy discussion about the radio equipment during
which Councilman Cooper moved that all these bids be thrown out
and we purchase the Motorola for $819.00 installed. There was
no second to this motion. During the course of the discussion
Mayor Woodard also suggested the best thing is to throw these
bids all out, that we draw up specifications and solicit new
bids finding out from the Office of Civilian Defense what unit
they will give us at the fifty percent cost. We should find
out exactly what will pass their requirements so that we can
pick out a set that will pass and where it will only cost us
half, I think that is well worth working for.
Following the discussion Councilman Klock moved that we accept
the lowest bid as received according to our specifications pro-
1 viding that that set meets the Civilian Defense requirements.
This motion was, seconded by Councilman Bergmann but following
discussion on the question both the seconder and maker withdrew
the motion. Councilman Klock re-phrased his motion to read;
In the lightofthe bid submitted will then make a motion that
we purchase Tarbell Communication Company's set including the
antenna for $860.00 subject to its meeting the Office of Civilian
Defense requirements. Councilman Bergmann seconded the motion.
Upon roll call of vote the following was tabulated: Councilmen
Bergmann, Johnson, Klock and Mayor Woodard voting AYE; Councilman
Cooper voting NO.
Mayor Woodard: I request permission from the Council to cancel
the 'charge' of $315.11 on assessment against SuburbanPropertiesas this was an error In placing this assessment on the;roll'as
the cost was completely paid prior to the preparation of the '
lien docket assessment charge'. Engineer Carter made the error
In,placingthis on the books:'
Councilman Klock: I make a motion we cancel the assessment of
$315.11 in light,of the explanation. Motion seconded by Councilman
Cooper. Upon call for vote motion was unanimously approved, `
Council voting in the affirmative, all members being present.
Mayor Woodard: On the police working .schedule;;I think it will
be nice for us to get together in a special executive meeting
and ;we will work up what we require of the policeman. -There will
be no discussion on it at this time. I think we should do this
at the earliest possible date we can get .together.
Attorney Anderson: I think you should set a time for a hearing
after five (5) publications in the paper on the Albertson?s street
vacation. The first time you could hear it would probably beat
your regular meeting on December 9, 1963 so I suggest the hearing
be set for December 9th.
Attorney Anderson: I have the contract with Bunyard and Pettit,
you accepted their bid,r this is the lcontract I worked -_up. We
should have a motion for the Mayor and Recorder to execute this
10-28-63 - 'Page 2'.
Councilman Bergmann I move we authorize the Mayor and Recorder
to execute the contract. 'Motion seconded by Councilman Klock.
Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously approved, all
Council members voting affirmatively.
-Councilman. Johnson: I move we set up the hearing date on this
Albertson's street vacation for the 9th of December and the
Recorder take careofall the necessary publications. Motion
seconded by Councilman Cooper. Upon call for'vote' the motion
was unanimously approved, all Council members voting affirmatively.
Councilman Johnson: I move we adjourn. Motion seconded by
C;:uncilman Bergmann. Motion unanimously approved,by, Council.
Adjournment taken at 9:55 P. M.
Resp e fully submitted,
-28-63 - Page 3.
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WHEREAS, the week of October 20 through 27, 1963, has been
designated as a period during which the annual observance of
United Nations Day, the anniversary of the founding of the
United;Nations, should be obser<ied; and
WHEREAS, during such period recognition should be given to
the founding of the United Nations as the world's best hope for
a lasting and honorable peace, and it is fitting that the atten-
tion of all people be called to the importance of international
relations, and the necessity of building understanding and good
will through the United Nations among all peoples of the world;
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me
as Mayor of the City of Tigard, I do hereby designate and proclaim
Thursday, the 24th day of October, _1963, as United Nations Day
in the City of Tigard, and I call upon all churches, schools,
service clubs and other groups and individuals to fittingly_
observe the said day as United Nations Day.