City Council Packet - 09/09/1963 TIGARD CITY C O U N C I L
Present: Mayor E. A. Woodard; Councilmen F. J. Cooper;
F. H. Bergmann; N. E. Johnson; C. E. Klock, Sr.
L~ and City Attorney F. A. Anderson.
Mayor Woodard called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and re-
quested the reading of the Minutes of the meeting of August 26th.`
The Minutes were then read and upon call for ommissions or
corrections Councilman Bergmann stated, on the first page,
the name should be Don Batchelar 'instead of John.
Mayor Woodard: If there are no other correctionstheMinutes
stand approved as read.
Mayor Woodard: Does anyone in the audience have anything to
bring up before the Council?
Mr. Art Mason upon questioning whether City Council had selected
any storage space for the police car when not in use and being
informed no place had been selected offerred free to the City
the. fenced,in area at his place of business on S. W. Main St.
Mayor Woodard: I 'have asked Councilman Cooper to check into
some things on,police equipment. I would like to hear what
you have found out:
Councilman Cooper: Since you asked me to take this over,
I sent out two letters,' Sheriff Busch of Hillsboro and
one the Chief Larsen of the City of Beaverton. In talking with -
Mr. Busch he was happy we were going to get one police car;
the letter tohimis to get a letter of concurrence from him,
this is ,just a letter of courtesy. The'letter to Beaverton
is also for the purpose of concurrence.
We are going to have ,just the one transmitter In the
car, we will have no base transmitter so Beaverton has agreed
to do our transmissions at,'a cost of 10i per call. Ibelieve
this 10i fee would be very cheap because if we had to put on
a dispatcher at night we would spend several thousand dollars.
Further detailed information was given to Council by Councilman
Cooper with respect to the'cost of a-Beaverton;phone`and also
information with regard to the capacity of the transmitter::
The cost of the equipment was the 'subject of some discussion
between Councilman Cooper and other members of Council and ;it
was finally decided that the cost 'figure` submitted to Council
should be supplemented by requests for prices from other firms
and it was finally suggested by Attorney Anderson that the
request for other bids could specify Motorola or equal and that
requests could be sent out to various supply houses asking for
Councilman Cooper: I will move that we have the Attorney write
up specifications and thattheybe sent out to all manufacturers
ofequipment. Motion seconded by Councilman Johnson and upon
call for vote was unanimously approved by Council, all members
Councilman Bergmann: Have you the specifications on the car?
Mayor Woodard: The specifications have been sent out to various
dealers requesting sealed bids to be returned on or before
September 25th."
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Councilman Bergmann: The price of the uniforms will be $212.25,
this is actually for two uniforms.
Mayor Woodard: I would like to ask Council if they wish to act
on this matter?
Councilman Klock i would make,a motion that we approve the
purchase at $212.25 for the two uniforms as designated. Motion'`
seconded by Councilman Johnson. Upon call for vote the motion
was unanimously approved by Council, all members present.
Councilman Bergmann submitted a list of supplies which would be
required, which list also included some equipment for the police
Councilman Cooper: I move the City purchase the requested
supplies and equipment as listed by Councilman Bergmann. Motion
seconded by Councilman Bergmann and upon call for vote was
unanimously approved by Council, all members present.
Mayor Woodard: I think we should put the phone in Beaverton
for our police calls.
Councilman Bergmann: Mr. Datchelar has the opportunity to
purchase'a second-hand typewriter., typewriter stand and four
drawer file cabinet for the sum of $25.00, 1 move we purchase
these Items, motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call
for vate the motion was unanimously approved by Council, all
members present.
Councilman Cooper: I got the price on the flag pole including
the base to set into at $14.5.00, that is a 25 foot pole.
Mayor Woodard We will try to get a donation from somebody,
endeavor to have someone donate the flag pole so we can place
it in front of our City Hall. We have the flag. We should
have an item put in the paper indicating that we would like
to have such a donation.
Mayor Woodard: Councilman Klock, have you anything to offer?
Councilman Klock: No.
There was' a short discussionabout the failure to receive a
response from the State Highway Department with respect to the
traffic Eight requested on 99W at S. W. Johnson and the foot'
of Main:Street.
Councilman Johnson: I` have had two or three complaints on the
drop on Lincoln'Avenue off of Greenburg'Road and I have been
unable to contact anyone in 'the' County to see what we can dof
about it. I will probably call them tomorrow or send a letter
to the County.
Mayor Woodard: On that water line that was broken on Lincoln,
they are digging on it today. Also I wish Councilman Johnson,
you would write the County in regard to the storm sewer on
Center Street.
I have a letter from Mr. Phillips, President of the
Planning and Zoning Commission with respect to Albertson's and
Stan Adkins requested zone changes„ I would suggest that we
allow these zone changes and that we have our Attorney go ahead
and draw up the Ordinances to have 'these 'zone changes made
effective`; First I would ask Council to approve the 'zone change
for Albertson's.
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Councilman Johnson: I move we approve the zone change as
requested by Albertson's, Inc. Motionseconded by Councilman
Klock'. Upon call for vote the motion was,unanimously approved
by Council, all members present.
Mayor Woodard: Next the zone change for Stan Adkins at 9350
S. W. Tigard Street.
Councilman Bergmann: I move we approve and grant the zone
change as requested by Stan Adkins at 9350 S. W. Tigard Street.
Motion 'seconded by Councilman Klock and upon call for vote was
unanimously,approved by Council, all members present.'
Mayor Woodard: I have requested the Attorney to proceed with
the preparation of the bonds, in the amount of $150,000.00.
The interceptor line will run over $90,000.00 and we will not
get any money on the Grant until we get both the interceptor
and the plant plans.
Councilman Klock: I would make a motion that we proceed with
the preparation of the bonds for sale. Motion seconded by
Councilman'Cooper and upon call for vote was unanimously ap-
proved by Council,' all members present.
Mayor Woodard: We have the contract with Stevens and Thompson.
Would it be alright if the Attorney gives you an ideaofthe
contents of the contract?
At this point Attorney Anderson_gave Council a resume of the
contract as to its provisions.
Councilman Cooper: I `move we accept this contract with Stevens
and Thompson and see that it is properly executed. Motion
seconded by Councilman Klock and upon call for vote was unani-
mously approved by Council, all members present.
Mayor Woodard: We also have a letter from Stevens and Thompson
giving a schedule of rates (reading the schedule) for work which
the City may request the engineers to do' other-than for the
interceptor and sewer'plant expansion. 1 would like to hear a
motion to accept this.
Councilman Cooper: I move this schedule of rates be adopted and
be accepted by the City as set forth in the letter from Stevens
and Thompson. Motion'seconded by Councilman Klock and upon call
for vote was unanimously approved by Council, ;all members present.
Mayor Woodard: I am arranging for the investment of $45,000.00
in:Tlme: Open:Deposits'to increase .our sewer expansion' fund and
$7,,000.00 of Bancroft #2 Bond :Funds.
Mayor Woodard: Councilman Cooper;will you get ahold of Mr. Guerin
the County Commissioner, or call Clayton Nyberg for a"copy of
the Curfew Ordinance. If there is a fine we would like to know
what it i's.
I have a note on the film and lecture to be put on by
the Northwest Natural Gas September 18th in.the Council Chambers
in the City of 'Beaverton. I have a letter here from'Mrs. H.
Worsech with regard to a swimming tank which I --will turn over to
Councilman Cooper. If there is nothinp else to come before Council
we;will pay the bills'. Councilman-Traasurer Cooper read the bilis
after which Councilman Cooper moved the .bills be paid, _motion se-
conded by Councilman Klock and unanimously approved by Council.
Councilman Johnson: I move we adjourn, motion seconded by
Councilman Bergmann-and unanimously approved.
Adjournment taken at ,9:25 P.M.
Respee fully SUbjnitted:
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