City Council Packet - 06/10/1963 -, C it Tanp^.i , ,7 i. ._eeti-nrr »' o. ;ay _7tY1, or or:.}_s^17np, il.)no, PF ar ac:. Na,ror 717oop'a : _ a _,n sT?a, .i _ao',a_art co ace _ - .c �s rn,i:i.o.i t a. Cauncil.r,an_F e.aann: On "s7a?.= o:F t roc 1e o.: Tic;are, I rrov_- 'Ro ac -ct t.T. , s'cna.t_.n o!7 r,a.-]. P. "ann an odor. �ecor'ec by C:>urc-1:.e. Con.:c:: an' :pop call or nti was unanir::ously approved by Council. favor Woodarc; _.-t`. on -u acen: kwam 1 n �.: L400.a.,.'. T.= t_x_re an :•n 1 . `ia yt . .nc, t, CouncilAt . +aia point ant 'a,^.r. 7 a ea i e C.>>,a-;1 statincr t c :,as , y'"e^ n..t.nc, r.. all1-3 3 ^es1 i nc i.n ;he atter r;, Clow n, e+:rlanation t, ?a .� t c•, Ca n a _ac: '..'�anc e nit ..�._. with .,irtx,.neq A�i,?eksor,, t.� ,vas iat_ r nnsenst.t.s ref Council <1ra:. At Lorne;, T,ri.ler.s�,n :,nc 40}n_ 6zi,r,-nrr tog e_r anc C' t this :ratttci .:r:.t, er r_I re'e.avcr t c arr �.. ..t:. R solation an, to report banck to C,o,:nci.l at a later d at Councilnan Cooper: i„_e :a or., one t ling: 1 1,g1;e "n r_eporv, T was talking to t.-l- R.Ic_rc?er, ut cit, census ;ia rract.ical..l, con},lete ane. . e should ::a�_ ger _ of ^� .:J, t_ c'!, the 26th of 27t'rt. 3 want to i.hanr. L-he T .rn:. r _'o: ;a cE,re of this, n; 'has done a gooc,. jnb. Councilran Bergmann: i move ::e 1.av` the „sin^-.ss license application foto s lef-. out for bier for pr.tr._ inc anal ze t,uthor..t oc?, in the interest of saving L..mc to acce, .1te lntv�s: id. boti:on seconded by Councilman Cool.-ler a,i" upon call fot voce was unanimously apnrovec, C:uncil Counci lr:an ,eromann: _ ars croina over to :Iillsbcro tomar,n;.J to fin,71 out rore about the nolir_e. 1 ,ravo several acp1:_cants t. .t I am inves ti.aatinq_ - I avor Woodard.: Vie nc_.t. `sten, on t1ie ac _n a t?p .is arac5.ac solar.; increases for.19r3_19tC: 1 an increase for ,n- anitars; Superrntenc�,Ont of r50.00 Per r..ontl , wi_th ;'_0.O0 ger,monh _.. ra for use of tf e trucfi: Councilmen Is pay shall be '$7.50 per, tiaxt, not in exceed 20.00 per. nonin: The mayor's sal ,r - $60.00 per r ont.h: Attorne.v fc:is to be :,n accorfan.ce with letter of June C tli rot An'_e?-son, cop-,, of wnic'z _ original of wn.ic.i on .file in Citv Office: Letter fno,; J. L. Savage listing fee an al proposal, copy of Vli-Ch attached, or4c;.nal of which is on in City Office: City Recorder's salar,T ins' ase Coi;ncilman Coorer: Mister'Mai,-or, in orr.er to save a little '_ine, if it is agreeable with she other _ostncilrten, I :hove vre accept the report ws.th the salary increases as recommended. for the ;year 1963-1964. h_ot:ion secont9ea ;°�r Councilman Johnson an,,- upon' call for vote was unanimoas1; apprcl by Council. { _ayor. Woodard. r ,oiil_s ask for the approval. of Pill Thatcher in the position of,temporary temBuilding Official.ficial.. :1•`ay I have a.motion: 6-10-63 - Page 2. Gour.^:.1, ai .c-,.n:,..,n: :,rn•_ o,_ �. _ by Cc,�.ncil,-....a-_ D4rc.r,-ann ,,n' upon call ;coc co':_ was nn -ni;:`o2 1.;' �, o�"�•' ! C,: nc (1: T "oul•" t.. ar, _o:'a. + x to ,:)ur !lanninc an ,)ninc; 'UrSinance Flazieinc C T;:z.. sion ci- t', . c n. A',to'. Sort you won!.,. -Ians an C. .inaac,. 1J_._ilin filann7,nr ( 3rl.:;JSS1917 zn6' F1 an,. .Ine Cn7-nc C",.'C. 10 , i_.ov•,i �..-, :.d5 i (:cts.. t.??42'e- it 110.7 -4 ',--at ._..i _ ._...e1'-, '.;.0 411:;' C:...IriC__..J- a rlanninc nc':inn, to rc- `,-lanni_n nn,', " Cnunciilran: ..loc, : I .7­a,:e i-ni--r7m ; .a_ .:a a:% an Or,. a n prexFu,o? for a P1annl.nc• an, .qn,_n,; Cel. a..stop. _ �) > n seconc Councilman ]Z_1 rann. �ttnrneir ilnct;.sson .sc. ....er,`9 should be a Comission of tine I'a<<o. Cjt1 t ol.nc. City EncrinecUr'and -given o'lli., ^rs not mo,.e_!�ihan t�;7o of who.n mall he n f t:zo C7.t-.'. Thev s_iall :9csicnatn err r)i OikicC o x.r own :1ie1s. ITnon call 'For vole n1 c_a_. ocion, in acco):ance ;: '-'.I .�,ttn.rne,; Anclerson's suggn-S _._on, nio,",.on wa;. Council. 'or 7'avor ?'d oo.^:arc: 7_ tet;._ acr.(>l,tuazce, .ar. O ,., .nr_ :•.or a pr.opos_c aircn6r�.ent to C'.xa_telr, Ordi_nan_._ ;.7n. 63-7, w'1i..cll :i ,•ov1'' as'c the rocor0or to read. erg'_nanco No. `3-7, was rea•3 in '_-ull ,y t.e'P.ecotr...r, ,beinc "_,n OrC,i zinec author ...i.nc an,7, - proviinc, an ainenc,..ent: toze C,zZ. tie? or Eix C.:t,, mi•;a d, nr,cora, b ';'=nc . anew C.=141 B.;xt 141 lin f. e con,trvic ion,- TGC' ns4Lructin orcrati-on an naint-_.�_n_e of se..a :- _p >al urriLt._ ,n,' nx 1F5 j:C, .J6.: 1.1t.."?1n Z.. nl. •Ln col: n,a l� t s of S-,1, ci' n crCCnC cn('. ca.11.T.n CC_al. ..l_r `i; ri t w3iir cl ^.1_*t¢nr „ charter ap,_cn m.on- shall,?. L;.`...x,tt.., -to .;'1 vol-Ors." Th-: Orc'inanc_ waF '.teen-?._a.; h• Ti!Ac inl Councilman Cooper: - _1e ac alit v^i:Cr t'ile }-;?•nl-O 1 �', _n(', =�' '��4 :� a1.io Councilman nc3- .,;ann uron . all v o_e .311 i i r. ra_ -l1. rr' tabulate co',css C^.,,nc_.lnan Coone-. 27 Coomc 1.,an:,J.,,.n.i;cr.: Counc_lran _ c,, a.in: qtr Cour±c..l_••azi: Therd "beim no �isseri�iing emote t:xc r.c _i.^sz oJas ccla. ^_- unanimous-1v arr..•r-rovc'! '._aa.or Who,ar(?.: 1 ilave bor<< a l.esclui.on, on 7, 1. 0 _ el_c,. .c.n to be helc 1n the Ci tv of q.:.cEir= nn ;, .3 l 1 :6a. T az ;n ` this R-!oo. lu ion -o ^� Councilr•an;Ee onann fovcr fc,;- C ar; r 4.?nr ,. w, =o+.i n s cc n..e. Counr,_l.,•;an ;o zns^n am -upon call _.*)r Y.CiL.l i.n 'tilt+ Fo11.)winc-: x.•n+y or `,o c-5 a r,' Y_ Councij_.-can:C_ p-ci' 1 o:i pies A1,73; C..4'nci_1 r,,,.n Councilran: ohnsoIl %4 i.i_Slc 11w-E:..7 C4_1_Cl.a.Tian 6-10-63 - Page 3 riC.1, ,.t "t^C;C 11 :._�.(.0._ .•"n ?::f:'.'_ C�11.. i'.r� 'If •Q� an 00 p.r Pa< ,c' 1 c.'t a i, c IN n o_- ;Lh z"r ..a_+1. c _?r to .:;'.i1r_ lecrtl t :ers �T -a,'?. J _.a,�r. . n,-?,..os. n cnC'. [IIt_ ✓ri Cit:_, 147 _ ti n..,;A.�Ora Sec,..an` 'l, of C *",to I,' conclnct.,_ ;_n ac+-or ..n c: ,,,,t'. t u: 1 2,e. e% t 0.rcr=nn, ?.cam. .nf-- Re even+1,;:: Or: J.na_nce PTn C--2-2n r_>f "n (.1j.',,-,- n.1 Tit-ar,.r, _ oublisIflincr ^a_c'-Cha vex n;r:l or_; title ani-' nw:ioer, ._n .n i.caa:: i?.'r.as,, a ncV ,} aF '�,: circulation within '_'.t^_ C of :cca_:r', once .Fxc , w..c:_ successive t.._,_,z._ fo. ":`u_ :i'.?1?._. tS.nc, in 0J, ':'?_ ,--s puhli i�ngs :.o be on Juno 13, 1903, cn' t'.ie ._a., nr on ,-r .ne ^0 and 27, 1963, anj . P.ec o. �r e s oa e?.F, C3,ac".._ t� Post. not Ice hero no Less ;;tan ou.r. n l li.c Place r 'I 1 v tae Cit," of Tic;arc. 02- not 1,_ss _ an tan (10) dz°.'s p:-i.o _o 'i ate of 'said election. Fassec pr`un__1_?t,�a_. �nt.e o.>, 4`t_ Ci`- Council. on 1Y 10t. da`,' of. June, 1963." ;tabor Woonar-.1 a<1v3 sC , ere i.ra to i nyluti.on for a o ,ion With respect to t',Ze incrca.,c. in ,.het.az;--�-+ Cour_ci.Imen Bcrcnann an:9 Johnson ,.ate' ec on ..1c _.cs�.lution aLer_ whit;} Counci.lr.+.an Johnson ..:ovei; we adopt the Resc,l , on � " la purchase of th^_`Ci v Rall. r'otion`seconc.tod Council ,,-in Berarann and :upon call vol_e t'ie resUIlLs were cabul.at^=', as follows: Councilman Jo-':.son voting- Councilr,an rlergnann voting: FLAX; Councilman I.1oci.- voting Councilman Cooper votinn: A'i'l;, '=ayor ?c0061-are voting: NyLi'. T?e posolution .erefcrc adopted h f' :7CRITY vote. "R73SOTIUTION ?ZSOLVED That a 'special. election be anc'. the same is norel callecl to be Nell+ .w_.t lin the City of. Tic'ar-c'. on -the Ist <za4 of July, 1963, between the .lours of 0:00 a.r`. an+ .00 xr..., Dacif a.c Dayli c nt. Savin? Tirre, in ta ;?e Counc .l Cn ,:1bers of the Citi; Hall on Y.ain Sireer_, for the a Urpose of scxi�i5i tine; to the legal voters of. Tigard, tine 0+ c tion aa`. let ,ng a special. tay in e.tcess of t Ze .__ per "cent l..ni.tat?_on or —ti cle Y 1, Se ion 1.1, 6-10-63 - 'Paae 4.'. Oreoon Constitution, t:n _.aisa ;�o sc .t of :10, '7` 52 n .. 7. of sai-ii consi aitionai li:, �_at....oc., _ .p nso of prof i 3inc- fun s wizeraw��.�« t, r7erT. z. e ;e�1 'px:or�, z -,r r. ovo ._tzs itse as a C1tr Hall for t:_._ Ci,.„ n'' BE I`? rt;'' n IM 3C_""„'' :a"" 1, a ac er i'ic,�, and :1e is 1 1 e,..y, ? ec ce ' - dive not;ce sa elee . or. 7: ub]i s,ilar -i n 1 ic;ar, i ..yes, a. n_..., a1 n': cr.neral. c l rci, a .i-::gin + R tiree l i- In 2n 20 ari27,i� , . ,_ ..'. and by popt.]nc nO:;i.c._ i_r _);. n n0 lr2_,g :: ? r PUT'�. .0 cT, COR.,?„cuour places in .^ ,7. c:[ - not z-i... -T !1' "a.s or .:.i,: Cit ounci_l on :11c 1Q' clay of "Pun.., 1963. aavor kToa:,<....: We have 1 T_e _1L.._ . n on c:_.a.a,. be su :itterl to a State San_tarp' l ._._. r a'or�--'nn. Counc_ilrnan Klock .'.,ovecl or the a lop _i.cn o.. t;-,4,s _soltif_-:.on motion Sec OT1c'-e 1 Coinicil man ,;ohn s^n.. Upon ca'.l for '=n re ill--- followinc tabulation was E.ayor Wooclard vo ".ne: iAYE; Co,.ncllrrarn Coor or vot nr-: AYE, Councilman Ecygm.ann ti=otanc;: AYE; Councilr•.an johns-on vo tine_ Councilman Klock voting: AYE. There bei_no no (1is,en: nc vole the _tcsol.ution was-o7:dered unan-mousl,r ADOr-Tse. "RESOT_VE,D: That the Citic of Tic;ard, Oregon shall file pro},--er ayplica`ion for a Federal Grant for sewaro treat,--ent wo_7_s 7ursuan!- to _33 USC 266 at seg for a_ construct-ion errant for enlaracnent of sewage treatment _acilAtics within salt. City, i nvolv i:nc a total estan.ated c—nr_nci.ture in he slam of BE IT FURV:M, 'RESOLVED: T'nat t1_1e ;alcor of sai.rt cit all cause to "nava the Cit7T Enaincor ane i:_,,•- ..Horne • prcpare an application fo.r said grant in the sum of '295,634?. sane to be signed b,' the P'a.>or of said city atic filed wit" ­Ae Oregon state Sanitary <'luthor .t' not later ,-.an the clove of business June 15, 1963; and further that the itayor of C---t-,- be, and he is hereby, authorized to act in all respecc-s _n behalf of sal ..tp in entering said; alpl.3carion'for said -rant." Mayor 1400uard: It is necessary we elect a new Presiru.nc tonight.. I an. rearty tc ceive nom.:,.iations for President. Councilman Johnson: I nominete Counci lrnan Cooper; motion seconded ?a,; Councilman r _ra-mann and unanimously; approved by Council. Llayor Woodard: 16eclure Councilman Cooner elected president. Mayor Woodard: We ne..,. Have before us Yr. Janoe's resignation dated May 10, 1963. too have,done'nothing about it so mar. What does Council wish to do.' Councilman Johnson: Under the circumstances I move for the acceptance of the resignation; notion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote the motion was unanir,.ously approver; by Council, the resignation to become effective June 7.1th, 1963. 6-10-63 - Page 5. Coi.nci].r:;ti C OOr0a.: T Tvoulf' c'iecl. for ,13'5.00 -for Caen Sri r'ex . a4%o. 4700' :rc .7 will i._vc ,._ie rca ;,,, �_ t.._ _.11s- T':z2 bills .�e_e I_un rea «:_'ger :,,iic1 (c..n; _!., man Coo,.er c a" h.-„ ?.-,e pax.-' as xea'. :.ion sernn.w < ,-nc,i,.an ,el-CT,.trill nand upon call for vote pias u.nand.n on 1 ar3 ,�:e�9 '>�. Council. Council.-.an Johnson ,;o vc C):c cn:._n' , s e_ons a. ;:,.an Caor �_ uns7x 1- ,;o'wion :.t Cooper .xT,�i r Adjournment ta;:en at 10:1.9 P. 14L-LIZ CIT'. 1:LF4, �1TTPsST- J G-LO-63 Page 6. CITY OF TIGWM 0n Queatioe of Tax Lavy To bf-- Hold July 1, 1963 UMICR IS UFJW 'Y CIVEN That „....,m. aam �.o..�:sc: to zeaalut.tan y at a "Bola x stl% Of the MY C0=011 of Tigard, reels on mss 10j 1963, az special election ion will be hold an .laxly 1, 1963, botmea ttm hotme of Stoo a.m. and 6300 Peso* POwific DaYlight Saving Time, 1n the Goumil Room of th& Gita PAIL on Main Street, Tignsd, Oregon, for the purpose oi' dubmittlug to the legal VMOVO of trho City the quests Of IOVYftg Q VOCIa . tax in Qx=ws of the sl per cmtt limitatim of Article XI, SOMUM €1,'Greg= Cwtatittttion, for the year b8gim-Mg 9'.xly ll, l ending 3 30, 1964, to r 10,478. they sm of $ to provide Rads -A h to �. puzaba" Tea &+any "d IMPVGMmmta tt matin for t as s CUY Mail In the City of Tigard. fxtGd tta" 10th clay of Vie, 1963. midim O the city 1, C is of T Kims (AA)Uc x J=w 13, 20, 27, 19633