City Council Packet - 07/22/1963 a:oy .dC ar rally _._x ?
a_, a, ira11_ n
my 'I h, 19C-3, ti.:-,.?t _ie
alio ,n +.;?-..< to r xc i ..:a;:e M = Co rc-_l" (T-hc wa,, .;,
Counc i lra;z lar_:' ,ave
received ,,2,150.' err Ls ar ro-iratel.' q7 ning_u... ! ,
Councilman R..,_r,, ani sro:,n a7bou lice 1 .a-t su')-con. acto! -D is C_,I:s..on
was enter-0 into Council .an '1oc,'. an-: %ttorre; son. 2,_r< ;ti.l-
I',3,n 11r.ccr:nann.rtate. rile. ca._ul. ; 'Ca;,,<. -eme notes anG: cone. bac',,:
propo e ,sc.z.__:ulc at tic ue;tt _<.;na. (No action as. taken.)
Isayor Wocl ra:iscO iir_ quest ,o.-i ol. real _ate a i.nsuran.ce
ren being sesse3 Business License fee �0 47h'ic111 Cit* Att0r!-!CV
Anderson sucroeste 7, the Statute that covers it licen me b1 the
State sass no other license or fee shall 1,e exacte , if t%le-
Conduct O",> Suchas
insurance broRers, it is unc,oul.teely
true y0u could license. ,.._lenE as such and sugge ,o'C'- checking. into
insurance brokers.
Mayor WooCare cruestioned the possibility of enacting an o dlinance
on the State Motor Vehicle Code. City Attorney Anc',erson srceste::
delaying this until the final'pr..nting of the Co+'c has been reccivvc'
as he had just received Volume 3 of the State ri_nance Issues of tre'
Session and said it ndcht be only a'matter of a month anci then '!e
enure Code probably would be set up. n<a tel' woodard states, it
would do little good to hire police; until we had the Traffic Code.
Councilman 'Bergmann nndvised he had 'a letter .fror,'the Oregon
Association'of City Police Officers, with respect to an assessment
for a Police Training Pr_ocrar!, ar.7ountiva to .„10.00 .-o the _ff ct
this was to help 'defray: ti!=e expenses of the work, which Ile fell,
should be paid by the City.
Piaynr Woodard spoke about the pick-up truck for the City advising
Harvey Knauss looked at 1.r. Janee's ,,truck and advised him for
the avoun't of $1,000.00- ?le could not get a better buy and Sf .Knauss
had :the truck it would cost file City several. hundred dollars More.
Cours loran Cooper. said "I believe you have the authority to buy this
truck wherever you cret the best deal.” payor t9oodard stated"'I
7-22-53 - Page 1.
z:.anc_ `r, ; az... .,ai �.r:c ' mc_.l rr_t
aut.:oil atzori
avor Won Izx
�'oto tor_•. ParC•r. Ula 1. 'aE._ nC,( .n ]"is It o 1
in t zc ?'e r. :f t _.. 1`:: . Coo'.. c rro i r t� } u
t1i,' roles free of (,.,i,ar,0, n',-, it C ... 7.1n,.i
t e:P .ter
charge viitl trio F. r. ✓_111125 an' =.r, ,.t_r,
to install one flood 1 c t at a cha c� _ i)0
ao . er, <.r.rec,
that woulc hr.. Ver-,' , 'ale *__' t 3.r
+. electricity
nee' the electric. _ 'c..rn �hca e.
Ceunc_lman inhnson inuuireci i,oa an ,,`' `,7=, CoL:nr.i..l as c-en .n
Parti: property an3, sair, talerorert�; ,as vlense r
F i'.,.it, ,.mss ;f
the ,tori;- can b� fono vrithout too riucz _0.177,r.. The e '.1a., been cl.
work cor.ylnteo .., e_e alr a 1 an:i vai c),.!^i or ani.::xt-ions an', r;an.r
ind,ivs-duals are rcotinr t>eir ti<roe and ef_oris an-, evon
ree os charge to ti'ae C .-7 in orde.- ko r,a. c_ _7ii.s a wort",-while
proposition. There is-a lot of rooy.. c..oern ..tare ,.or n.,icnics an' an,.,
21:i.nC of',,
ir, B,>rl Tunpor spo re about his regi et,t�--d zozo e',ance an_ as'_,.c' i_ ho
cvul` have a cor;..ittiscn'. to c.o a;Yea as ',e ,a'. a rei;ain.inr wall to
put in and wanted to Q:E "tarter'.. There Sias no .action i a)zen 1,,ut
it was suc,cester.' r:roL-abl 'ua,zc 1 .;_onel area c Mild ne used unc'er a
non-confor:.:iivg use classi_ficati.on. This ?_
witt, the City Planninc, and , Corn-ission wnn soul' en i.a7e a
recd,-,menCati on to the Council.
1^_ayor W,00cs r : We have the Janes T'dill.ock. aoninr C_ :inance nL,..)er
63-10. T;,e Orc'i.nance 63-10 was tltian rear, ;in it's en ._rret'r .'Dv the and then by title onl, .
Councilman Kl.cckroved that Ordinance 63-10 he aoopte%r, mc"'-ion
seconded by Counci_lruan Johnson and: 'uron call. for vote was unanir^ousl',-
adorted by Council.
Eayor Woodard: On the Curlew Ordinance, we will wait unti 1' ti,e
three Counties, GJashincton, Vultnor.ah and Clackar-as write their's
so all three Counties will be the sane anc then we can consicer
adopting a Curfew Ordinance. ,
(Pddres>ing At orne Anderson) On the purchase of the
building, shall we rive you ac-ecl: {:onicht
Attorney Anderson: You can, if you wis e, I will ta:;o it up ,vith
Curtis Tic*ard and will try to r e- -t closed b., 3: ,e first o t.?e r:onth.
1�:ayor Woodard: On the Bancroft Bonds; 'fere are some that ',cavo not.;
paid the assessments nor interest and others are in arrears; `:tae will
have to get then paid up and I az, going to ask. Mr. hnlerson how we
should go about it, whether to write t;ze- a letter anti what_ kind of a
3ttornev Anderson: The law requires the City to pa.,' —ao bonds when
7-22-63 - Page 2'.
'r!e aic" 'r7u',,ill ?tc.,n velli r. ' t: a. a ,1---.4
I will prepare a-fox;_: leLte_ t'ta_ tat}r r can i at ... to
no_i_i cac•'i >_a"_.son '-i the '11 olmL t lots_a_, D'u ac_
law r_•z ,c:.des i spec to co.11ec i_i i_, Ln,e T_ ...
Na.-or .7codard: ._ urc-ast .rot 1,alze ur a -orr "l.ettomr can sand
oul- It is CoinQ t ?a neccssary to O� , .a_.7_-o _o;' of '.=�1nSC '•-G� �-'�.,
'Lakinc r:lonav ror", sol-e other'Onr..
(AdC.,-css Cot=ncil.,:an �ciinson) !I()" ab,')"i'. the lotf-nr
he written to the Count,., a'cout the aco__,stance o` "-he
unc i.,.'an Joi,risori. phis I will. ce= ... 1+one, wa:11 accopt rvrn%,au:
Scop:fins,, Conmercial and
Itta.rne; e,rc; . son: ar._,G,_er .ia''.,a.. call ,.e,
Ewritten statement as to what roa :s we are c'c inr, to w,-nt. worl: nn}
he threatener :r_ b, pass. us 'J.z we .•ic'- :-F,+ `. 3n.
Pdavor SVoociarc,: hlsc, lie street. lie .t at :T olrnson .. e_ ,
.you sent your letter in?
Councilman Johnson: No. t'avor: i7oo_.a ;c re ��ou coin t-;?
Answer:• . ..Yes.
Favor Woodard; `le are ..ten5tinc_ the once at t,-ie r.lant several
:l enn_ths; it ray be l c`t Oren and if so -1 aP.Y C Oinc to have to I,i ra a
watchman for those particular nights. IT it is oren an w_ ro near
a watchman I wanted to mention it so }< it cones 'up. in tha pill. .%oa
will knew what it is for.
on the insurance; tae 2nc-ineer sa,•-s we si Cult' co ahead an,'
insure as 7t is because as soon as we work on ":Iie, new plant we arc
roing=to have to increase it.
Councilrcan Cooper: r_ er Paver, on ho,t o 7vl a'1et-t-er' was
sent ''to Flowers, Inc-, abo»t the stor. c . of of,! =Joats: 'on 'Cult 17:-17
we receivaC; a reply stati no it it the3._ n,cnt_i on not to use °rc I of
again for that purpose. (The lei er ,or; ri.m.yers,;Inc. was, gar by
the Recorder..)
You ask•s!. re to attend the Water .0 ._rd, et i nr to try
and tall- the Water Boar' to movtirc• imto, t,ie Cit;- fl c1
d.iscussecl it several- Limos Fa:etr ousl, ane t'_2_�= a;c agree t?ie=- wol:1 3
reconsider -i t at- alator; 'ate and see if it a"k-j S,707�jn ':n.
core into Cit- Hol.]_.
on he vi__,: control rattarj we arc Going ':o hava ri
p.{ complaints and ;zf_. yf e;=ell ua_ve a fo r':1n �r ,<� 'r_ ,en'
to those people about 1'i-iom wu _ _c .`.e c,en,rla_i nits.
vax 4ao?ar?: Tro ;f ' Counc I. an Coo},er'c -Ie vn
the Recorder and lat., n,.,± send out a "err 1a;-.tCr Of nr=.
is can. .i_r,e so aeon_ ::o sprat• iFm, 7•i.11 ;'resp
s o rlc have n Clare n c n ac-; `retie , -a„ nrx, ',ac._ i.> ac,;.,
this year, i._ _ baco, nec_ss .
Councilman Mock and C uncilran Jnjinzon, e,ioc, s,se r" e_.n T. '. ._c:a:.'
application 7.ass Ia'.2.].l r'!.nc r Y . t sof
.h 1'OlI.OTiJ4r' respect- to a, p - .a5� ^n � ]:.;c'._t�s
Statement this -u,,uld, be a tempo a.v L ;'nM1 conclusion was
Councilman Ylock. was to review ;:ie entire Scatter +a ten he receives
tae comrla to file.
Mayor Woodard- Councilman Oohnsnn, nZ.e ;--ot anut iC1C S`c Y er?xL
7722-63 - Pa..�e 3.
ns I-I'le
:?-I i nr7> on,
chart:!: l"' o"
_aVz -! -e In fUll o_,c an',' o t 2 'a-,' n'"
fc o'n nn^ rG,-)n: T.,, 'tee r.in_,-n.,
a "qj' Of .'i 1'nrlt _7.?:.� ;1 f in.-
"� rl.a.:^e P,-c!
_ =t.._n c',.1_ 3"-`terr ]-nv
1-he P?ann.i,n-` aan'3' -Cnl ._1G- 'rF -,,, ZUClon a7" a, ,i- n» C L.n •'P _.t,rG �f'
snc�- tliis was 'A
paW>;.ne e;x n' arc, re ,+n .._:o1_1 n'nc
112 C":J_ =nra `10c L.l s.3".s i.3',-It o !" C', '1'�,_- 1,n. _ the �'O
T ,ays '1 OL.1 .:i
')f Cr.^ i.0 neir '.orl' is ani. .1 r-_rr.e ,z, n nr i
i1CY^_. ,.O �ilG]n •.LL.7,. be no.
7-22--=.3 Face 11.
a=er =:oo:.'ar': T oulc =„e -1.1+r_c 'r.i coo eal.n..r,
<i_to.r. nc
Ins 0,'1 1-1,' 'c Was L.:in C i. of T].c rf wants i,t sa ..]-• �i. ,.
ym-i ,)_e nit ta �.;;],�'�-:., .e t .o cr.nunt. CQ ^nn-
'a"O Aorr?an ;L thin e C.,; ,a lc—o" nro
]nor'r on film , ,.=a Tis-._ it
Counc.A an :rO ,nsor: T
particular 1.. Ftl a pzo 1.,.s
],.?S P_, T •'On 1. .:':'1..--.. ..tit C.'_1T_ 1
_ n:'= s�]ovl-
- qui '^ ''.h SI_t..? „E±:^..
Counc_l:.�an .'!)}]nSOn• I-:..,inn ,,rc. cr+�CiliPri: :tc+ 7.'1_, COn.n'•' '•�._
Coune].lr_n Flock 'anf' Lill-3n.r.cusl•; a^r toc c.,: _n
AOc ournmon+L ta'Een at 10:15 n,
real-er. ull /t'il.i1
Gjf �`ryrJ
"T Si
7-22-63 - page S.
City of Tigard, Oregon
WHEREAS, there was referred to the voters of the City of
Tigard, Oregon, by the City Council_ at a special election held
on July 1, 1963, a measure proposing an amendment to the charter
of the'city by adding a new section numbered 41 of Chapter IX, the
ballot title of which reads as follows:
An amendment to the City Charter of the City of Tigard,
adding a new section numbered 41 of Chapter IX, author-
izing the construction, reconstruction, operation, main-
tenance and repair of sewage disposal 'facilities and a
sewer system and sewer lines both within and outside
the corporate limits of the city, authorizing a bond
issue in a sum not to exceed $150,000.00 to finance the
same, and authorizing the pledging of the net revenue
and the city's general credit and taxing power, both
subject to existing bonded obligations of the city, for
the repayment of said bonds, including the principal and
interest thereof,
`EREAS; the canvass of the results of said election by
the City Council shows::
That of a total of 221 votes cast, 169 votes were cast in
favor of the adoption of said amendment, and 52 votes were cast
;against the,adoption thereof, and a majority of the votes favored
the adoption of the neasure;
NO141 THEREFORE, by virtue of the authorityvested in the
office of the Mayor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, I, E. A. WOODARD,
do hereby proclaim the adoption of Section 41 of Chapter IX of the
Charter of the City of Tigard, and declare ;the same to be in full
force and effect, this 22nd day of July, 1963.
E. A. WOODARD,`Mayor
City of Tigard, Oregon