City Council Packet - 07/08/1963 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL
Present: Mayor E.A. Woodard; Councilmen F. J. Cooper;
F. H. Bergmann; N. E. Johnson; C. E. Klock, Rs.
and City Attorney F. A.Anderson.
i. Mayor Woodard called the Meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
Mayor Woodard -3alled _'or reading of the Minutes of the Meeting
of lune 24th, 1963, which were then read. Corrections or
objections being called for, the following outlines the discussion
= between Attorney John Walker, appearing for Mr. C.E. Janoe and
Attorney Anderson. Attorney Walker requested Council to go on
record as repudiating the letter referred to at the last meeting,
it having been suggested by Attorney Anderson that Council could
take such action if they saw fit to do so. Since there was no
action taken at the previous meeting, Attorney Walker requested
the first order of business following the reading of the Minutes
should be that the Council would go on record as repudiatingthe
Councilman Cooper: On page 4, paragraph 5, should read_«after
some discussion Councilman Cooper moved that the Mayor be author-
ized to purchase a used truck at a cost not to exceed $1,000.00".
On page,5,-paragraph 4, Councilman Johnson was asked about the
letter on the light; I would like to have inserted there "Highway
99 and Johnson and Main«,
Mayor Woodard: The minutes stand approved as read.
Attorney Walker: May, I now ask that the City Council go on record,
in respect to the recommendations made by Mr. Anderson,;City Attorney,
regarding the matter of.whether the City confirms or repudiates:
the Janoe letter.
Councilman Johnson: Twill make the motion that we repudiate that
letter. Motion seconded by ;Councilman Bergmann. Upon call for
vote the motion was unanimously approved by Council.
Mayor Woodard: At this time we want to take up the matter of our
insurance; it is due now for renewal and has been in ,force for a
three year period. Mr. Dan Bertuleit wishes to address Council
with'respect to this insurance.
At this point Mr. Bertuleit spoke to Council regarding the renewal
Mayor Woodard: We should have a recheck on the insurance. I think
it would be a good idea to ask the Council that we have Mr. Carter
check it over with you as he is familiar with the machinery and
other things.
Councilman Klock: I make a motion that we have a re-evaluation of
the City property,for insurance purposes. Motion seconded by',
Councilman:Johnson adding that Carter check with Jack Wrights
representative. Upon call for vote the motion was unanimously,
approved by Council.
Mayor Woodard: In connection with the Keesling Zone change, as
shown by the minutes of several meetings, .the appl;oration for
zone change by F.C. Keesling and Agnes L. Keesling, with respect
to a'parcel of land in Section 35, Township 1 South, Range 1 West,
W.M., Washington County, Oregon.:, described as Tax Lot 2300, from
7-8-63 - Page 1.
R-5 to A-2 classification, was given preliminary approval yy
unanimous vote of all members of the Council present at the
meeting of May 13, 1963, subject to clarification of the legal
status of the access road.
It is my recollection that the Council. at its meeting
of June 10; 1963 referred -the matter to the City Attorney with
instructions to report back to the Council at a later date.
a Having provided all persons having any interest in the
matter a'full opportunity to he heard w-th' respect thereto, the
basic question before the Council this evening is the problem of
the access to said property, and in that connection I will ask the
City Attorney if he is ready to make his report.
Following this statement by Mayor Woodard there was considerable
interchange betweenAttorney Anderson, who presented his report on
the roadway, Attorney Gardner for Mr. Keesling, Councilman Klock and
Councilman Johnson, the resultbeingthat the 20 feet in question
has become involved to the point that Mayor Woodard finally stated;
ItWe will just have tocontinuethis hearing at another time and
probably it will be necessary to have_a survey of that property to
make sure that we are talking about the same 20 feet that belongs
to Mr. Henry so we will just have to wait and call a meeting at
another time". Next on the agenda is the Willock Zone change.
Mayor Woodard: While Mr. Willock and the representatives from
the Board of the Methodist Church are discussing this :natter we can
go ahead with the matter of the bid for the work underneath the
railroad track; Gonzales Road'Boring bid $23.50 foot; Armco $25.16
foot; Loy Clark $53.00 foot. Gonzales did work for us on Highway
217 and did a good job; I would like to hear a motion that we accept
their bid.
Councilman Johnson: I move we accept the bid of Gonzales Road Boring.
Motion seconded by Councilman Klock. Upon call for vote,the motion
was unanimously approved by Council.
Mayor Woodard: We are now ready to vote on the Willock Zone change'.
Councilman Klock;: I would make a motion that this zone change be
granted from C-2 and R-5 to A-2 as requested by 11r. Willock. 't Motion`
seconded by Councilman Bergmann and upon call for vote was unanimously
approved by Council.
Mayor Woodard: I would request the Attorney to draw up the
necessary Ordinance to cover this zone change as ordered for
Mr. Willock.
After' some discussion and explanation the following resolution was
ordered adopted lupon motion by Councilman Cooper seconded by'><
Councilman Klock and upon call for vote was unanimously;approved
by ;Council.
arR E,S 0 L T I 0 N
WHEREAS, the City of Tigard desires to enter into'a written
agreement with the Board of Commissioners of Washington'County
and ceiatain other municipalities within Washington County, relating
to the conduct of ,joint planning in a joint endeavor;
Section2. The terms of the agreement set forth below
are hereby approved.
Section II. The Mayor of the City is designated to 'act
as the representative of the City of Tigard to serve on the
Advisory Board created ;by the agreement referred to in Section I.
7-8-63 - Page 2
i -
rlannr 1, 7'
S _
Tune 30, 19 C7
) ", l]�r•<?. _. :,.:� -:.?aJ. .nc; _. }-'"
11ann_nC' an;. '�Tt J_itC 4v: sJ-on.
' L.r}};17:11 s ton : ',-
Cita Council
to:: of r,--.ntin- an
much-, I ore coin,' C:?unc, .3 _.on '.o y,:C,4 "e
r- _
iiis s u I
Councilman, roil I ha i^0.3. _i r_ ns. _ _ `o t',e C_t:"
Planninc Co-'-.mission. :..ion, cnn�c .- -:,i.nson an.
--pon call for vci'_e was
Ian;nou,1.» a};r rov'
Vapor 7, odarc': g .n;=, .ecor. ue wilh harp_ -.;,e cc .c c, ] t c
nanies of the _ri>al s of 'he C. -., ,v ion .ire thoi
A. -Vason, 1 Irear,: G- C. P",i ll:ir , Presi_..cnt, ' ea7.
2 �,ca;rs, P ,.xa-�aus3}i, Vic.. rresi en
J. Scnult:e',; -' -ea`s anc r A. F i.c-, a-':n.
avor sTO J<'3 �: ! ,.avn al J.rocl, n an, n?., "' C
at tie Treacrent `slant, ,at a salar. - 'o_. nC.04 lel ,.-)n 7n. -T
this L e _s. 7i Lh1io approval of nic.,.l. t ] o'
Councilman v7ohnson: T. rove o,"ion ween,'--c' Cnoncilr^an
Kloc'r; ane' upon call For. vote Inhe so'-ion was uz ^n. sly passed.
i°ayor 400•'a:6I have `a letter '---ae Po...lan C.-eneral
Electric Company re r J—, the contract, --For placinc all t'ze
lights under Sc-edule 91, in connection :vit:i .,nick -ou rcn.ler;en
told rte to co a cacl. I will roa, j�ait o:: Ehe letto "You"',
yearly 'gillon the present sche r,,le 91 ar:otim':s to ,'1,738.70.
Conversion :of the _=, inane fort -tl rce 1 islits t,roul, a -j ??.^,0,
making, the total. for the entire present syster: on = twelve
basis $3,561.00. F1ve more 6000 Lumen taut_7or-r. e� , but n^'
yet installed on Crcenbulc- .loa.0 woul ac ;15.7 per mcnrh
or $7.01.00 per -,.ear. to the previous figure, tra::ino a total of
53,762.00." 1' -,,,oulf, lire to ask the Counc7.l for ya .,,n . on +.o
approve that.
7-8-63 - Page 3.
counc+1. n 1,1 ... Off',.
orniri co J
_.?.1.c 1 _ ,.-,IT a "am:
Iturti i:_ie ecT, J:.:.n ,c .,_ ,n r ,_:tir•..i an t_ ,J 1
Count l an C'»r .,. c n]. _ r•, , I t c 1. .
,.all)_-i sh on t.'7o r._ro..0 _ ._ ce inm:, ,:.0 I .Jas l C.,r_.,
ae .:,llotainc Resolixtion ias on !:;
Counc_J r,`an nsnt c' n C .. , t , .n nr nn -,r,
dose..'° . Coluici.l.
rr 1EMB S, '_;ri^ ],1 e-coon ?c t '.'1"" C^11,L,.. i;f?' ani .o',.
a c,.S U1,r'1 ,;j4-11 srcc' _ t,,I: , _ci al olt :!c. Lon
n_ T iapi_ : icl.O on 1,o_ 1,^' ;Ia.s-c .
results thnr co
to Cho eO,:C 2:o 1_)-7 e Council conccrninc_ ,.n 'l i.t1C -P F a
new section nu.T_.:'ec 41 of Chapter 11' to t_a.t: C_7a_ter,
aut:txor..zinc the issuance, .ti_a sale e" 1,0,000r,t '•Dnm,s o= . r~
city anf,
d.IBR,A,, the rcsul:-_s so i i_ii_, have cn 'ia`=
City -Co .,,ci 1, anrv' e t o: ^ia, ',e^_n 1_ nt_ ,c: }
lte Council,
BE IT RESOLVED: Taat Clic :i..s<lts of.tie elec'ion;..t.`.1 rcsic`_
to the _'ollc+w nc` �asure ne, =11 , ,,e sa;zc ar'e} ;c ,
zec1a::-e6 o_Llouis:
Total cnLes cast: 221
yaL 1.o tnr. YES" 3:=
Eallots`rca6inc ITC" 52
:,e sat. r,casure ' inr r e ib, n1 Los.*s.
3 .�
'ln ai:^.cncnent to tit_ City "tart i o:. tl Ca.t, n,.;,
diing� a net, section niiatn_r_c1 "I of Carter I' iii i- -
ori7i ng the construct-ion, recons t.c i=ion, cr_orat_cn
7-8-63 - Pane 4.
:r -
o , 3 -
„zaY Lcl: of t.le C ,`c r C _.c Oil
ll c ' runt 1
.,._ ..
present at l n ?cc n7 e 7 -•
1 1 ?
,, l
1e inlLo n _s^1 ,gin ta, ^� Y "
Ccnnc 1 .a__c
an^Y oCl-, o1. C.ul c i,7. Ut_ _ .n_,o,.' _n. t;n�n. -)1_1
t7,ere 1-m _ er,- ,
o T:i c r C to Tec ii a
1,.. i.t.. r _nn _ �, ae O_.enon Cc -
v.LtL.CtOn .�^.% 1P_ CCr. '* C°r,.PA4 nc- '_7. 7_.�4 1T;,
30, 19G.' ;_n th-c �'M n_> ,70,r7o I :nV an wa a,t'!
7.u: mast rcal I'oj'er'1 aIT",ats,
the lec ...nn Boarc' at sai Le_ .7 on o
3.Q63 has certifie 1,. .,e s t,l ,_,l fe n C .>11_sJS:
Total ,votes Cast- 215
>a7 to_ trRo^:1 Y 3" 3:7'•
Ballots r.<. ,.y Nc" in2
411 P r 5, a ma;o,' .';z of ,ir' vn�Cs tv_i_ ca atinr q`
sai - measure,
NOT-7, 'T Ia r FOR
zry,at the rem •1,.,, o.. va; el_c+ -?e ' el cans as C -
Co be 215 {o-es 'cast-, .o{ trl�at L13 hallo:--s e a t
e nr' 7.^2
ballots mea-' ',r. P1O" anc• jyi at a ,aa;o-or_USJ tiQ :dotes <.rern_ •.n
i avor_ of. meas,x c
B u^ ZESO VBD: Viat r+ror ,^
is ilerel,;r,, r .xecc efl 5C' notice an . certc t 1 `.a
resj ccs I- 1_'.-le r,t _et an' let for a17 to c :1 �z ;Z n am,"n,t_
si3a of the ("U 1�r,ii al e,.n, ;c, o r'F,er Coun', an . S, kte o c�`.ces,
7-8-63 - Page 5
i 1.qC;< an•._,'.n.1,i,;<Or ,1 ., ,- a Y�
7 ..:.�
to r.A I v c a o .C: J 9 Y. -. ` .ns>. -I 1^:nit -'_a.n4 .'nr.;.�
r ai_.D-. _
T-To, ,, cin ::vers ., _ n:. :"
n..,ve for r9n': f,n..,.n)"<. n;'1 ,. i .,,.,.
c ,
- 73 T;2' £.70T.,S..�.
.:e i.,.c ar' n,7` In _ ., C r� _
n_ 1..11^ ;r n
.:''7C '-'.n t -:nom t T':': i1^. - <. t
,ems an,t 1'. C t',C:� t tal,c c uc
_ �
.,u,m,at,,. tt'.P F,t..] ",r,. -2."
.L, .4`T T �t';c >�:.�^;l: :ri.f: :n<-,;T'l�
a: re. _nt n "-of"" 'tft
+`ae Fu_r,ias r..;te n,. .,ai t n-nl- .t.;',
_,ccount, savFj ,�c ropaje io Say 1:'C-'l tJn•" _'3. ""iC r;i'. �l ..t.,,••S
as the Salme r_c,ro ,vada--le.
L. SS , r,t. t?h.n,.;a o".e n a]1. C'z'
Counci]. F _n.. of -t:e recula r,e_,_nt of r un_cil on. ❑i,
n lS)C-=
(Sione;) S , o m
•'�R in:inc- a, ,C?Tt^_. C'?, 11C'^ � _.1 .,:is^l`L', n la;i=r,
o,' `1tian T. .ij. Sncion 7, t.,^,m-slur• �n^e '_ est,
ashi:ncton County,.Orec cn ( Tor-41 \i.l:le or.1
we will 11 '0 .J r? 1�e..�1 r'EA r• T:eaCt , '-n,._ 7_1.
xen t;- t Cznl_._
(Trac_ Orr in.wnce No. r;t-O was t'?^_n i n 1111, V "'
Counc.,J lnz n ?:lot-',:: 71 moo -,,le :cc-c+pt'pt
h 4-i-gin seco ^-? `,,7 Cn:ancil ;n 'zns^n_ •n ne :v,i call int
:vas Un nimcoi 1v air...,t a C ri ne i�
a:or oc,,Jar have ..0 :t`L;
Yenne : Sp, ;s 'ctae ar nc,3aoe I ar,^_t
pjease.., :o <nfo ., � of tt,at at is_i . - .ince .-n rine, 71 the
cage 6.
"OL?r arpliL c.'._Ll,o 11 . iit[1 i. -',r .,'i1 _
:or s'sf-anr, in inanr- .nc cons,--iv Lon. ,:i C i.i:i ,is zn
rove..�en :a .[, ,.�•nLtt .. .SC_11c s,-;>7... zc=_ ., 1-,'.,s.
As of cli-7 wr.i ..._r w,^. n _'-I:_ ni n r+ -
a c ic.,: , ,1 l f-,? 1.
car c ut is .,rr,gc _ a,: ii ti, i1.t 1p;
soon ns :; . , s t* c _ or - 1
;1_ - ,,T r
pro-'Cc,-. .N Wil.l_ 1 � fn..F717-`!�^t ', %::,e .?, `: 7 1�
r r vi.c•e.
A'pui" for .ani: U. i.. •.
�. Ta.. ,,, ,
snoi_t1. t.e1'c. ose , n ,,' ror 1�--->. 11 J t:1, 11
spec) _icat-ons as o�,; nest--Ie.
1'r• Vou '.1a1;'r an c`v.3t-i-r; ''?<..� ..n` s
const „s. `
mune _
a 1.),o t"-.n 6the i r i . .a1. r
'o.. 1n.-,jar,,, -t oras
favor. W n::ard,
co paint thlc s i cn an the bvlil�Iiny, an 1_t tr_.e.. ; -7-oo-7-o. to
Counc Jllra.n Cooper: S ri 1 nc;-st_ Council ii'c ,D-u'_ t_ n,
the slon c'ox.n; I. 'on't t 1..n.,'i' ^erves anv } t ose.
*aror tk.ocl�r[!: RTe can't :}o a-;-thing L-i i-Al .7. Mow wh, -wns 1_`
Viat about ichwa :af_. i.c viola-arms^
Attornei; A-v e.son: You call nl., til, -a t_ .t.c 'nra r
ve;alcle Corry, s ,_ ?nc., v,1„ can on`orno a_ also >rr'
ran•. one haul__G :.nto i i': ` Court.:-, t',--td fin-^,s 'hp-;C .
P'a;>or T,•,00clars, a,,;e.' Ceunc i.l;an Cc Ore?. wv rt n�-' t
?'Tater- Poor' r e i_l,n(' i:a ?c1;"Ctv cc n1 rq to n_ o'. t to
r_ 1,nC to t" ,., '? r_c,. o ,v-n inc a` e Cit,,-.
pan rnepe 'aoa:ca• ns•a.
,Yor woonzx we grill_ not:+ ',axF 1-,ac Inc
Treasurer C-c )por r. acs the !)ills of to inc w7ii.. 1
be paid. T"c -:i.on sec.on 'e=, Cotmcilyan
a.}-,pro>,_,,t .,,.i Ccunci l..
Ccunctlran Yloc': :1 nqui.:"_e•. ..,aem "o T•r :SUa w .nr ]ti_
roq,L.est , into Fl annin C -ins;e'n a'.3..c t ;? •.
replin ''ric"" now"
A Cot,nc loran (7ocrPAY" 1,va--' fo- a•'.-.,)urnment, Aon
CITY .Lcc�x_
�� G -T,.,AT0 "
. �Y-
YAYCr2.' r 7-13-63 Fade 7.
city of Tigarc
"dear. .�`ayor i^Toodar -
The firs;_ meeting of the Cita, of Ti<<ar ' Planning
ani : onina Cor iAss _on was helo Jul.y 2n6, 1-96.3, in ::e i:oor;;s
of the Cit,r .Tall.
From this SCieoiZinG it was the o. an on o1 h,-- T1Prndbe "s
of the Commission that, in recoiilmen<'ati_on '!e.o the City Council.,
a huclrat of 5500.00 per _,,,ear .rul-,7 1 1963 t 1 , ,r-.h iune
1964.) ,�e allocat-e�'. for e er ,
- �_oi c�n__ral or.<<.:.ati_zc e,,:penses of the
Planning and 3oninr Coirmission'.
Therefore„ the Planning anc' `�onincr Commission
respectfully requests this sun be author :led by City Council,
for this purpose.
Yours very trul�r,.
1111111:1111pll I'll:11 1'' 11111111 111,111', Ilgi'll !,I I: Ill
HIM'Ill ilil :iill ill 1111 MEMBERSHIP
1111 00