City Council Packet - 06/24/1963 P_.c. -av')
un. 10...:, L
ec' ,n_ ' .._,c :. l L n c1:t b
a vane o:F f�c _ s r
Bio{: r.u.1 r;xo;u,tt ..:_...c__a]__
.. P.'? c.lf_ ^; 1:;Y, nj uI, >,1 v",-,
20 t L;t:_on we f;..,7r, ,_ a t'—at_
n n � v z
; oa. ,lean t!.t_ .. :c : o..! „c_ .-. n.r
Council—an ann Jn
,,iave shown, Coun .,.at. :1oc zaa:.
ric'arnn_v �n� _ n. n`" -I, c _cn_,: :> ''an 1: n"
s-tout 1.^ar b ;:nc.,:oaoc - Ic rts': c` tax "base".
c9oo,:arrt: T.t_ ,„c.: ilvill a tr r.r f, zis nntecl.
mayor ,Too'.a?.c+.. We ±.a:'e z _1rc _. a,w:i�nc._ z.c'.t c. ',.zn:1
you for coming, s t?terc ancaon^ has an-L ti:ncr as .tc _ ..bre :n
3ttornav ;john T^!al';cr: I am arpea_inr ;r ,_ot. _ 7, j, 13 1:07
I'_bnor; 4
will 13
iv:1e City Council ' a ].atter, on .c
face o._ it, J-.,suc.' i.,, t11c, Cit-,,r o.F `_'i:c7a1 cn_ bn %_': ,_ face o' i,`,
by the Cit-,, Council, =-7as ar,_ressccl to Ts7oc:c ..n,. wiLtt n Lzc
cos,rtents iaac.c by 't: "onr ,x-Ionowoult 'trpoa_ t,lattile allecot"
letter mmay have conraanr-_. ct. _ lour ar . motor,, Batt^_=
rerardtinc- 'r. Janoo. It also appears tori .:ose: ...nttUes _i'ac
e ,, ctt_ort of l:Iat letter p 1 1 01 i 11
Ti .e m nc tcs-re. .er:_-a he .,aLLcr
Dr 3_nv(_s;—gation. - _:are Tice at t1i_s -inr_,^..r,
a:,}t i:L"1c Cit- Council '.o-co on ;recorr� as to w.._._'lor or
, _ no
1Et4 .r was astc;? Cit, G'rJ
.a__ t
o ` , ae rlcrtan .Ic7Conca1w g-
ll c'toantCouncilman,
on recur as rcpt+.i.ating 4n -en the leper.
6-24-63 - Page 1.
,i=tJ_ttU• ii. u.'.50I1. - t,l-^_ "'<..�+.. .,:.c'ti .- l _,�,. .rug] apt P_.. :_
Klock znd ti-lar ..;n.1. 'ae i i L an
it can :;o ' -W..:h, ,at -t' ... n.:-, 2, ..r . ._
lett .. an � '� w as
a:.-, �r., c_�1 :4anr?_-� Itpo.;e rx:. a,,
an off,.-tial co, o;' f.t. _i nc Ci-'c
issi,ed-it, so I 1,toulC r^ } t1-1-- c— ZD.11_ .o CI C, as thc,t, wis -.ionl. yno 'o at rt. . i_--_.._ tc>
state that t e;'c .s no cv iOencc it tv. .. an
of cit
<i-morn_' Wal er: SC,!nore n -__ ;a',
the letter an, states what . aS in t'r;e letter,` =+:-r n
w"tat was in the letter-. ;n- on;_ ;soul-:. _sv,,,,m> rrn -/, to in'tites
that: t;tc letter was seen the �,a, o .:ity. I- woult. „wfl
that the Cil_ o'. 1_garc o.,<e a u.t� "o .10u! .r . ., ,_'..
.,e-h^_;. ._ _ o ..e
Mitre ccrrcc'c or not. o;' _,._.}yout 'au .ort1 of a,. on in C
ane we are a lrinc, fiat z_ +.t 'nar; no: ?eon cone in_.;, _
s i.n_? urs:.ei intos'l-l.:ati.on nooC.c,3. ,at we e of cn
.. LI
.�he,�i:cr_or not �...c Ciir:� '.:rtat or r..} a:;r_ace.7
don't }-now ourselvPs, because _._. ,;anoc an'. I havn no': ser-m t-e
letter. We are aasl7ing what is the r,osi ..i_on o`. `..1e c.?-;_ of `P c�,.
rias it a Crt:> o` m?-c zrc?. letter or c'•ntu ^.e Cit,-`r-ruc:d-ate .,n'. ten
it. I<repeat, we are sl' t to Cit— Cour,:...1, since t le notes
Of April 3,111 .is-a r.uLlic, :eCor(7, I am rel as];r _c lat t`)e C
o,. T acrd finrsil .hc io'_ ginC :cpudi_atc le:tcr-. I`S,„ s_:1,10
!ii na the aro ashi ng iL; that it be pity on t-ie -:u',1 :c _ecoi' e
position oL e Cilt,,7 of T4.cari.
Attorne Anderson: I i_noes, i-catc,, to .: ,_
c c: '_Ont I r ul1 ;
I ari convinced that the Tetter clic no' emanate as an o:
Tetter o-F the Cit, of _ card. 'i}:e ii.;,- 6ocs no._ un,"orae tiic
letter as having any official character u:atever. I woul-C
recon ien(A that " wi lat Lit : inates -:so shoe%
I:rs. Earl G. .To'lnston: I ail:helve in racr a.__�, '•�rr ";�e p•rol`OS u'i
Sone change for the I.eesling prorert,r.--
I"ayar. :400carc•.: I.a`r 1 scop _,,ou right t.,ol e ..;,:i_s is crr int
up at the _ne._cneeting- --
Mrs Johnston: t the r.e•eti.n o.. ,run �e 0+_.. ,7— or. ;nt .es--
Atto':nep ntiersor.. ;;'ger tte' .e�rc- -•our const. e:at:3,e and 1eiZr
discussion, we thin;= we hac'e"scare' about all of anc*, I resrec.c-
iull submit c t o t-te 110=a _a t _,ia r a tinct should not -- e }tear-
aga_in, ma, I suggest it }?e -se7c: over until.. nal,. ..ect_n
Mrs. Jo:inston: -ay I 'present the ,r-4a _?-cn _T ,-laze, si_cne . 0�
48 people. (Reaclinc, tIhc petition. wiiic3 was presen_c . to Council-,)
Councilzran KlocL Ita<r I question i:r. Janpe ret"ar,ainc• this s_rect l
(At this point Councilman I:loc., ciscussed-E;,- .l F.)-. „ -nee ro'.nts
regarding the 40foot: roar?. Ibo action to?-.en.)
Councilman Perml,,. n: All I }.ave to report is an Eusiness Sic %_,
,e should be in the by: :Ter'•.nas c?av, Zct'
> are appro.-,raatel`
6-2 -63 - Page'2'.
:'c1':'O_ '700:«7.:�[ .;_ ;..'•.. cit 1�-C2 cyn �,�1 G ..
C'o!1;. 3L°an _l nc:: Om-!
r'.av 170
g0cc e3 c..a1.i ' , cc,
to ? , z 1 } .-- goes
.._. - 1 --- �l ?�LviS7_G1Y1 _
c ,
v O,'1nSOIl. tlpCn i 1:!1 l;it 'Co %O..o ':.�1C ,.,�_ n 5,as .t7_,n.z'.oi si./
o-i_Os ec: Co-,nctl.
_ i y JI
Oic;inance on ;unr: c a_2c c, 1_st ^,
. _ ;
Cctinc. 1..a_x rte_ ar.,, sc t..
cues ._ore .__ .r?. 71e_. c1a
Coanc...1, r1 c' -i. "'w�lvc_ _o r r,
oecon 1- Cotuic .7, a, ..1 ,n. c
J% T ,^
lz :ace o ?7e C r,. i i < ;a'
7,t2 i. ni
C'ounc. 1:..rit"2. ,_OG;`C ' ,..5 _ aPtl, cation for a
"-a for a c.:. n , cn sC tut l..a
C'::unc:17. ,an JC2.,on CTC:., C. ?_C'' i2 fat 7.'. o- ^7''.1.1
Cool-, Par;31 ,_nCcn, o U.%tJ c l 'o
sa'",7;:: ._t.e1;,.1r c "Cat. i ilat ;i_n C_:tr_",C F70 ._.n^
04.1 or onr o-,m c _a?... S nq.
Y..On(-,7 avaiJabIc �4:n r ren o�: C_
C.Lind 1r an ,ohnso z tr,._c_ tv_,.tt.' .nc1u :e, o ,lfu.nntof
p fes•ent 1.;. remaining in t7i3c run.,% Council, ,To-m,^,on i 1..,._c.a o-1
i,.c -one> is no,. cpon- woul.r" co ,ac: in e c, run
anO utero was plea_ of use =-o., t'llis ;.ono. _1.
e Far;: prop .rt,"-.
6-24-63 nage 3.
ii� Fill
.._C.=.ase O� a tr.,,
rn_ , 7 ,
11ann=_nc C .._ :cerin, T nl
an :;ul_1 i"._ ^c ,s ea c n 71
ont ofcc ri_ c cJ _, on
1.1 a.in__n
;- C,-
.o`:nson, C^L,n<- ? ;n
aµ01" eaCl- Ti .e �l
i c,..0. i47 O a,.,d S_a C. .!e :;O'?1<, C?` _ ,^sll ,,,1
is". anc 1C,a.{?S_C� i_s C <._^„OJ. .] Zri ^_
fol, secu—. r., o..
election •r_,G fi.i1S l'or 79 _G._
1-l_ac_-? in, _.all.
7'100 ar'.. have .a. ,r 12” 1.4_R_ un`—n).
rail rna 1.
Roc.a r,7j_ncT fence-a 11e Plant ,ie ._,at._
arnrr, e LAC con,_s3c Car',-e_ ,7111_ (ict a__ - t1i cs0 -co 41e
to cet ,t the ,vor:. started'. on .n Planninc s,_ i:on, S 11 .vo a,
list of seven men tl-tat T woul.c it- Joe-rc._4.l_ ez
Brazaus;.i7 .l Pie!:J.:ta, Zr-. __-soli, Cha.rl_. I.a.-1,; r;lton C. F ,ill .r s
and "I:iii` root. or she 'ic arC. Times.
i. ter sol,n_ c. scvissiol_ _ tto ne' 'in.ersonz r�'ee..�c.:; . c.-nnnral
concert of _un' C,)vc-nl enC i. e rorm_ b') r_1 O'_ni
Ccunc:_l: an S,locl;�: 1 ,>oul.r, . alre a .4= i'hr Tac acccr t i.=.
as llotion second_ ' "_i CcancUr'an os TT1-01call ..o..c oi_c
;ater Cc„nc:.J..
6-2,^--53 - Face
t �..Or::1or, g'_:":. .ice .�'l l'•_ ....1'�P1 .0 n ,_.i.')*?3 ,•.;. rq
<..17.-.;. ,r1.:cs, i o Council a-.11 x_ e .n .':c n
rerr,r+arn snrrc, _ ,o" r c] ?,, -n.,
�. _l_L_.,,,> lrt'o ,.__.•?' .?,, e,': ,n_ � ., ,:`r e.nn..11:
Co .;_:a. cion ant," t--it _ Pi.ilJ:+TIS rn 17.x" calf- . .. t z o:"
avor Tnoc ar.'. 7n have given al, rival -°or _,. 'ixu 1 or?cs
lis} la'r at t:'Sc (?,tc'oor P"1_-1tre "o,_ ,)'ul alsn I ?ati_ c011
as}-ed 'o part_c,y;a .o in i:. IaYa.: ac .._7.1
Councilrlan Jol,nsCin was as, O. l:"'ovt {:'„-, l «.-.:,E_. oil _). ,- 1..c11_
3C,S].SL`•... it IiaO, T10t f1CCn SCn., ::`i1i. that nCSVo1J.�_r u011C7. 1n
in shzto of c1c act ::.e na • not xoc -.i-(c. ,.,:e
CIini-d]er of Coruaerce.
Council 'an Cooner: I al—_1,I, we to t< c _nus':, nd on
lic-llt to cct v Set ho orc. °C_lonl ._CYT:`.
Councilrian Coorer rlov:7. fo o_1_menti socon _i. - C._•L:P.Ct 1,1fan
'.-ro:111F'011'c,nC3. L'.nc_n_r:iouSh' dT)t)1.0i.-c O. •); COL'.nC?.1..
1a4or::nment taken at 9-3- r.
NET �) f
6-241-63 - nage