City Council Packet - 05/27/1963 TIGAPD CITY C O U- LI C I i, P"I*3UTBS OF o°d E`i'IN "[121`_6 27 19 3 Present: Mayor E. A. NlooO..are'•; Ci=unc`.1meij I'eri P. i-Ianneraan; P. j. Cooper; r. `I. Berciaann; 14. E Johnson; City Superintendent C. E. j anoe and Citv 1lttorn;e- E. Anderson. T`.eeting called to order by payor Woodard at 7:30 P. m. Mayor T.Icorlarf _ cal.�ec' for reacting= of, the Kinutes o_ the ":eeting of I:ay13th, 1963. The Eiinuteswere then read' and upon call for corracti�ns o, a--ections .*,.afor ..... .car.., a0wisei the_ name of Mrs. Schubr_ing, appearing on *'age 2 shoal-, read. mrs.'Hanners. There being; no further corrections the Ninutes wcra ordered.` approved as read. Councilman Johnson: I would line to thank; the Council ver-7 much for the flowers and for your presence at the funeral. Nlayor. Woodara- The ne.;t order of Business is tae I:eeslinr ?one change, or Ordinance. Councilran Hanneman: Consicerinc( the discussion that preceedec' this Meeting, I do not:auite understand the tinting of this Ordinance. Mayor Woodard: It was asked for in tile last Ncet-inc. Councilman Johnson: Unless we have the easenent sinner we cannot go further. Council discussed the '?onc chancre, referring at ti-,nes to Attorney Anderson for advice. Councilman Bergmann raised -he question as to the objection to signing the easement, to which Councilman Hanneman stated do not believe we know exactly". Councilman'Johnson: ,°rs. henry and Mrs. Johnson advise,! me t4ey would" not sign the easement. Playor Woodard: Since mrs. Rens^, and _Mrs. Johnston arc present ro maybe they can tell us their reasons s'or ob I-jecting to it. Mrs. E. G. Johnin-of 11775 S. w. 91st rose and .read to Council a langthitr memorandum protest i ncr f'niinri l mini C actin w4t, respect to the ?one change, o3b jecting to information secured front city Hall and setting forth procedures followed ,y Washington County and :tile Cit-% of Po-t7 and: in regard to ";onh Chan^es and' re_porl-a of Council';mectings. No copy`of this lengthy report was available to City Council. Councilman'Cooper: In listening to this report'tae only objection ;appears to be the traffif^`hazards. 5-2.7;.63 - Page 1. NINE11111102=1 ONE= Cor:,.:Ents on `iI{, LI;,al i .j 1 :c:a-' ,. s. 1ns 1 on V _ f.a'_ b .:embC2:_, oC.o_.,. 1, ,nc Y .11:,r east,;cnt was A,e1' ,:v. ;_ec•ax to the 7.u1.1. ane, I ,'L.'i.tC.1;. + i_s :�` rcT- ) ; , nn he )l . . c' ll the 1 rof> e i zn r=_ewe: on an :vb.en n: chancre tabule .ire oplr nvcl'. Fo,llowinc the an _scu,s;.on Counc l.Irar, Coop -- _-_ 3: tn-1111c we to loalro _.'I c;o, '>ui- c J, T enp.le 1t3C n'+ c'riven Las a- c'l:eaI piot.ilre, 9: t-11'1c.,r fJ,,:__i'.1on" .-.l.r a'' i.t `1 '�.i1C F,rn in, T [7::)[ n C `.1 "1C ? r-a..1• r,ot,.on s^_ccnn;:P�. b Cnunctlran nen,^.Cn , n,:i T,eln call 'r)r v.._e the .,otion was Ca elvi,, unan1.i,.r.., ?' v,:.-. - Payor [Voo,9ar,3: :cot nch, sl_11 '-e a -o ';, . Fees l.4_nr see w-nat he can co <TJn_,it,_ qs nc o _....:.nc nZC, _. : is not o-- to the Conncil, i.t is uT to the person ;s .,.,.c :'o?. ..ne -`Immo change so itcan cnr,e ur, wj,'-Ir :_.1� to rac " .v pcoj,le we , 'tp, ...l r aa 1- L.n � ... _ Count i.l7an Beric-mann suraeste' rr:ec_i.,r• t„._ :.1 t"Ic paa_t, a.` interest anr- At-torne,r nc,rson ,succ es ice - A: i,s a far tiie Council wants to c-o ;eine aI -.ra �.a o. ?•.e r atv r, Soneonea. ,:. j cal'-.ICa' t T" u0.�.1_['?Ib0 CP :L n.- 7.11 an ca.i3Ir1Cn 1n -ae -anler.v, have as! :rr, if In” Cfl 1c i.l;".an wants to Fi,cceec'.' v.1� -:._ A%tCi SOl'.:C a...1... C. t.'.�.0 L1, .r`.;.6 C. t-f;-SQ1CTC cl J L ,:rF s. ....�r `•., z'ayo Y. 'Toor 3 -' - ..:tl :'._.at. a �..C'�Lnc 1 C,%}� .,.. �.1^.{. a't Xeesllnc- a.t=1sE'S w!'Iat ho C.., ., t,I- LIr.-C:1, lle.:T:l� , {'c ll r...._._ .n..e:_._st. -,I -:1.71 J_:.a� CoLlric 7.lIC.C11 a..�i e ,1..,,,^, , ri ri-.." lbn"av nirl'lc, unless sorle`,ilincr _ol',es ur,, The question of police arpli:cati,ons was hroiic;1:" ;o_z,,a 1 1 I'lavor an,,; _{'ter a sbor c 1se7_lssa.on With C:-,Linc7lz an ^crc. ,, an , Coinc.,l:nan .Hans 1n as}.t ` 'Di' ou reCC4.VC :;}'a 1... atinn tror, ilr.: 7anoc!< :Ion''. to ,r:ic.il. Co me-,.L an ..c.-: ann erl. .erj tele i,a;>or"rate -e ?1ie 7_n1_r,-ati.on•. uec 3'--ion ,l as z a- c,, b<. Cni•nc �_1 .an whother the can ates v L*.1;' 7—ear Co,1nc11 for interT"1cws u-C :1; tee ua - reco::,,Iencec' 0r Cruncilraii Mann^tan t,n nt rt._ -he hel.e in an ^recutive`session r nr' .,t Nnrar,ren,t a to Co,1' h._ so' I'ayor Woo^'a..' 1-- rou,ht up t',e`.questi 7n o,l- -`-,.3 c^n 'ac't tvl.t,il Pnr.lan' Generalulec',i 4.c Co l an,, a n roi.rl_. oi,:. 'an er- 11 saving by plac.inr all c licrhts 7rr c. sci1 ,11110 l. r_oti:on b,- Councibr,.an Cooper, lrat accept rile new r roxosal of Portland Ceneral Elect,—c, a,laci.nc all. .c'Its unfar SI 7te,ul e ?l "Ot..or_ seeonl&',', by Councdil,nan oohnson an' upon"call for vote was apr,.ove(7 b un<nir,ous 'AYII. vr.ito. R:--Lor Woodard: 1 have recon enoec' we place fiv4 e,_.f.a 1 on Greenbiirc'r Road; one`at Cenit.er, one at 33t71; one at 91st- -27-11 -,'Pace ?_ 0. �,nar an.,I! t'a li.< z r3 ax -)n n_7,, ^tmc' 1 z Y 1 J,71 ts l ,, ai- the I C,a_ion _..,JC< I . ,3, i-c tty nn i`al.} -ter i'.n-n n j.mnils �'-� ,?i�,, in C,nrt oz -at.i.ct Coun 1:an Iannr ane C wool. 7 i-ca e'7 ?7.r i na^ ,.;a,l r,nnhs' 'c ... , nig ��. . n beet _it or;als i "lave seen i .. rar n, . Cit,y nt rc .na_ 7a o ,i lr, oan, 97 tree I _'_i1.n? Lincoln y .. en n:a, s a l.. c tt_ onc- of those. T*----or. ?,?ooc t: The l. . +.iim . ,itl.- h �., a ,,r" n .4 nclt e Lincoln svenua insleacl of nnc o' o:7ie sty- e,.., 'ia, can be I1angft. _>aail'T.Pnouc, �.n.. let t l }...aP e wflich one co eliminate. Councilman Hannernn: i make 111,jc ,7e rlaco a l?.c.:c on Li-n_o1n,Acen,_ze anrz rec`iUtri,bul.e lielicrht n acvorc'ance wi.t?, Portland. General rlec'_:Tic's rer.orrlen ation. ion se nnc'eC' by Councilman Bet mann. Afterso;- r testi on a.s to .iecide which street to elianinate it ••a5 'cr e lard Ceneral Elcctr.ic,s stu wout re the best_ _ esto use. Iron fcall or vote the motion was unazanottsly ca>rite,, ^1 rates. y-a�,.or Noodarc': On the questi­cj ofa -;anis nr :ccrtbo ht 4 we have two hir3s., Colvin's Janitor Service 33 5.:00 per,month; : Eaert Nin ow Cleaning 2,1..F3 rer rron?-h. I ;oou� to near ttrcres ions; ,cors coLnci:l . After discission,it was .inall»,' Cec 3cca see7; are sfi ,c? ,'.c sato as to a bict for '-ale services cvh e'' Cqt?ncil woul.'. want Perfo lr:ec' rat?er than accept-the bits as Presentee. Mayos 4ocfrarct: Tae P,tz ce=- Iieazing ra11 he an t"nP ??+ia of 'unr n' we are;going to have it printe-0 ,n '-his weep s sue an-3 " next vreek's issue of the Tirare Tines; our �l_ct._on will - Oul r Ist, 1963, we will izava to ru`l-i.s:i Notice of t..he Election on June 13th; lune 20th and June 27th, 1963, also aut;ior.-ize ptblication of a Referen&um Ordinance on the bons' election. I would lice to have the Council gide us autnorit<,, so we can have both elections at the sante time, Councilrian Bergmann; ' I so move; Secondee 7a,, Councilr(an Johnson and upon call for vote the noLion was unanimously approved. b�, Ay,- v Ay,- o;:es. "ayor Woodard: The Water Bcar6 wrote they are discussing t7e matter of. srovi.ng to the-City Offices and will keAu me info=cd as to any future plans.' 5-27-63 - Paae 3. Counc lr.an Cooper: T'T ier. 1.13 ::.iie Ca t,"true i-neer Goin( co tiave the in-gory-,at:ion rear-.;. Mayor Woodard I trouoht :.a was coi.nc to 13— us ''nolo Cnn c R: Councilman a 1f{?A . hl 2n. ran we set u,4 ti,,e o, c.it, ve session` Mayor. S°7ooc+arc': T r,an't se` t_ie date Councilman Hanncrnan (? (c'r-ssi.nix t�zu7or 7no:'a'r.d) Please zea letter. At this point ,`-ayor ;vou,lar, a< Council, ann_man 1 of resignation. Councilman Johnson: In all. c?ue respect tc 17r. Ianner,an, 2 move ti-,is resignation he ah,la,', until _,e",t_m inc,. "•'oti.on secondee? by Councilman Bercrtann. Councilman Uanner,an: Contleren, I will not »e able to t:e. .._rt: my duties. If resicnation is not accepted, •,,au will., b, Charter, have to take other action. As Ralph well 7;nows an, Charlie, ::he amount of service I :-lave perforine,l is next to nil, for the City. To me, that is now wav to operate, either the job is done completely or not at all and certain]-,,, I always maintained I woulf, not be a c;uitter. I. can hared r consider this as such, as I have been wised to un oa ' rcli activities as I just: cannot be ever_ytanere at once. I missed the Budget:reeting, which is once a year, son"thinc- one s'zould' not miss. I would like to, i." >ou will consider that, in conjunction with ,the acrrearent i submitted, to you in writing. As I understand it, the r;iajorit,r of you. take excep,cion-to ny proposal. I would irate to see the Cittr continue this operation under a law not administcre6, unless there is a Fers n iere to do it. However, in due respect to the multiple duties, i believe it is important to have the person I' selected, at .least in the temporary position, until someone ecially capable can be ,found. I have 'asked:hide to dig tin some figures as far as this activit I is conce;-ned. City Superintendent Janoe: Last %ear the builetinr department processed permits valued at fi445,000.00; this year, January $74,000.00: FeDruarir .43,176.00; "? :4 arch' 02' , 27.00; April and May total to date 5330.795.00 making a grand' total;year to cute of $700,305.00. I am ooinc, to read off to you the number of units I ` have been told will'. be constructed, provic?ina we can secure approval for the expansion of the sewer system. Jim >4illock has 96 units, 16 on Johnson Avenue and Brookside Park; 40 multiple units ;behind the Frostop and Chevrolet garage and 40 single units in the eleven acres: Lou_iohn 39 units; Klock 60 units, this is not: counting anything left 'n Loriita probably 12 to 15 units; ScYt:ltz has '10 more uni:s to build. We have 24 units up, three occupied on ;.217 and 10 up t'•rat have not been occupied; 309 units provider] we seen;e the sewor. facilities. `5-27-63 Page ^_. Covnctlr,an JIannnman: :Ls :nr.er if all o--' .. <al e.;,-:t .t_t,,, t ._'-e_ ::s iteire;�I L`tin'. `_tte;e :is t_.i2 feel ng. in :he Council. 'tial this raging ca-n os crate hs�l` Ti` .*nn ` r• to operate wit;;out t'.ie ade< _ a`e ac. L.t: oz, will ?r_ x r .,ten z i.pht out .,, .a:,wn. L havo r',ac e t"e, r s c^G'_p7Y o_ t_zrea .�ng. the a:Ete._` seoinc;" t=t� Pilt�so o': .n :217, so ;!pact, Olts .jai was a_nc yr an�� a,_3 rove. ;—wile Counts :insi actors. Our ;..,-,c,; wi_' . rci o—I ..ti--at ,.t shoulc'. not ':}e oc t,.p...^�t. '!?nc ra.i.ls wJ:;-h _.. a.lsHOve - _. stres.,e', he. in_rcate , sane, ro .; .nc �e .,.nu can r. _r;i^..ln wit:: s=our f 1 ti,_.„e ? :_nrs, a;.cz..z.?t*1 t!'?n,.C: n ,,;'.' tion _pact-s; =1. _ .. ynu can't n .,.'.: car.^. 1 i i .1 _. ?tis is a ctoli to Iae we-t-e�a out ..%, T'r. 1_luec. '_;:zrlt z_) :i c ,�7_. be poste,3 I,1., uz1 iYi;c :On ..rine;., ,a1.1 v rc ,tp +a ' e n^ t. •.rr' e can ,r n_,-ane )cc•^_tt- r Tete o,;,nt=r a.1] ::ati� t__._ s .7;_g. roes ?,-,:L,.aL t r is no,_..a...one ;,O J,7= _..e'.;-_ .r?.,.'':. .(,n. ay.c Y in —is C^'. 111f,>12..Can ^;ee 1>tat anr ;ae can sace a l i'7 Ceni-1e: 1.qC c- cn C., a•. _ '. ...sonnel -o o ._to T p., r n T hat%e clone v,_ , Foma _.5g. Cil i'in Charlie, Bill Thatches ane' ,lob ,on.r.=�e, . .:)r:e r' even .,a..,e to co to -t'.zn plan chec cc_r. r = na-i t�tat c ives in :'e s en . )27V T. hav_ recain.,to.. �..cc_ � _ �, a.. a-=M, what •:_. has t;-,e assets, froro this 'crar.!a;ent , c-e tim ICr '.lie Fe'.vices T ,o ac '.+.nn' c i..n:cs co a pe.r:>>n -wi '1ont e-2.: ] 4_..nc , -a, ;.nc', at :;n n,: a;::.; ,ice 'tc t:an ca,. -,n o;, c;i.. ell, s:> I ask vou to const, e 1 _'hose_ "t.i nc_ n. r 01 , this personnel tri) a hi.n i.s i-, " la.t. y7U car.. :.n �Iia_ , Shape if tzxotzrepeal t7his, law an,' a lacy . o sell is even Worse. 7.lou recall, las. o, nc To.rn Cool: .7ae, installc'' as ;'a,_},` all^? _. e"Jn _n-enL, �'o he<same rt O.^�, "tit these facilities^ _o-n!- continue un6-ox calra' lc ,-ants. I ^ ;Snow john an.. Czia?`ltc can Izan�lao � .)> 7„-;-tern 7„- ter tar. what S nave been able to ._ " angle ifnerylatol--. I r+a'.-:e a motion 'o you to _nvesi_: CI"iax.lj.e 7a.ne, at ,'_iateve ,-;,tle •„oto care to elle ;tit=.,' :;•zt- to operate thi_ o. va.c._ 'r. L:Zc rap .c_.t, o_ the Building Departresent. Council­an vJohn-on second_- bt; Counc,.l-7.n B, .c,nann, +ilia.: We table ,'r. 'tannc.tan' motion until the next mootinc. Jrran call f_- vo .c_ the .result was' tabulare=? as 'MCS, ,cat=or '.Iooc;. C_'ounctl.ran Bergmann, Council^an Cooper and Counc il.r,,an �o inson, niAYY v-ote registered b-,, Coe:cilman iiannemnan. Councilman-Manneman: I will-restate t;ie 't„ocion that Caarlic Janoe be authorizes, at Lho corzpensat on listed, to por{c=a a.n tate' capacity of the Building. 7) parts:ent 'or ':Ile C t,= at least on a temporary iasis. (Viere was no _econ(t to tais r-otion.), Councilnan Hanne;ian _l ^_$-toughis, I eco for :-ou ,_ Yhn criticis ;you will r .. e ,` I reel quite strorcly about tbis issue. I foresee this as what'resolves into a ratter of poor I cislat:nn. It was ?attorney Anuerson's aevice, :that poor lecr.islation WETS 5-27-63 - Page 5. ,ar worse '..xan ntomo :it...all.., T hl'.1 c31.i,_c . .._,..:a ,.1:.`j"„ r os i.nn7 ,:, .Y t.; 'L t'vFti 'nro I will r S e,.:as one �,:'Y) i veli._ _ . . _. - -:'1;712�. '=7;G _," ...:�t_,i r-i-t.T. n, }.':.-,cr . c....2. �P. nnne. Wo .Aare aY ::,Io,,t :Co �„fin , i amcn Y. . r T think cn `a reel a l.a t.l�.a_ n .1 1ccaticn, uT�.,n _ .-rn1Il i -j;:: V:x et Pail -.„k1c'. lig. t5 ':_ '•>)' c`.= ice to G-2. ?dn 1c,.+u,_ ,_ I` a-•r<_; nn ,ce r.c>I i-o ::`1(2 sa,r than wo c•oui,'. r oba'r.3 ,I safel - sch. ',nlc 1,1.s ':;^ar.l..nc. 1.,�r T t l= lh aver, x _ri c s 1 a . our last r:e , t nc: a m,-)tion Villa sone ,roe` A-2, t.hn. n�) ser the , can : t be ur, ,acra .n. Attornev An,-!orson: fi? Council 'las n,-o- a e ni ,. ray-111--,ran -, r r rules, that came robin can he taken at a lata Ccuncilman ,Tanne!ran: The r:oi_inn }?I=t. +ollowc, -` .Acts. of ',n raw up a petition, whi.c I 7:7e1 iev,a i.._ niti.. o. (:r.�er. wo:2.1_c7 then co back to th gi.nninc,• and have :lr:. Counc=l c . aca:_n on this Casca3e rot.orVilla, _ _ was an'. }tear:' at the last me once. T,wcul.• 1ral,e the Inocion `s--hat we accept L1%e request for :one ehanc;e as d.ce..,.F ,se. and 5..,..1_.sn._ for Lhe Cascade Motor Villa. (TI-ere was no econc -,o-'rhe roti-on.) wit-.Iino second., so -an..can let..that none chane_ 'roe also I would succi est the Pecorler no:.-if .:r. Turper ti-)t the proposed :one chaii,e bo table? for. 30 cla-,s ane_,if t,:is is n,,): satisfactory to,please let us know. Councilran .,annerian broucrht up the name ofmbrec _`or plumping inspector in the City, stating he had', tall ee '.:o 32_r and he would be willing.,. to insrec t�t .00 per call I night suggest when you intervi-ew personnel £or the ci te:; that- you interview 'iim. at:the same tire. It mic'ilt: be nocessar"., to amen,'i the ordinance first. , (Aidressiirc Attorney Anderson). Someti,,te ago we wori;e� up t11iS street excavation Crdinance,. what '.eras the dlisy_-os-ition of that? oAttornev An;'erson: Tt is strnn,"1v- ..n mind that I on it. Councilman £1anrGz-,a. ,i.sc,.,se 'w?1_h Attornev Anctcrson ;.'i c.es',i_cn of the letter Mr. Kl lc7recos<.e. eeai�?inc, T-r. Jan..._ uri-no, which discussion ;•r. Janoe askedHill L,,lnch, of t7ne Tiga. ' Tin-cs, if he ha(l react the letter to which ,3il.l Lynch rerl_eO- '--res” co'ancilman'T_-Iannertan: T would like *to have a Par_?. Com-mitten meeting in these quarters at 7:04 o'cloc3c wednssJay even7.nc, is that agreeable-to i.',ie City? reimission was grantee'. Councilman Johnson: _'ou were tole. abouttris meeting of last Tuesday-but we have a b"icy Eror~ the County .or put.tinc the Seal-kote on Burnham Poad, Cor^S,1CYCia1_ Street, Sea F+:ins Street andWatkins Street. These were paired last year but as the County Roadmaster, *;r. Graham told us, that we should "nave those 5-27-63 - Page 6. l e•']c. u t r� n hore an nc e ally a -.1 L.] r qn c c4v,:. t2s ann '-"O r', nam,_a .•tune i s I- c, la 1 J-1 wn r�' r (\ - ,�1. n - tlms a1 >ri l..z Ate al , ,cn P ?at- zs. Y 77.nG' at-.ttt t_ t I t- ' n ear 1 I v. 17 ne an f'LlpS _ • ._ nt :e> `a•. i 3.'•1 � 1 .at: .n t c e=> fo _ nc, li c-r,.: n S'7 or Lit lis i ^o n unj, l'treets. If th i, 4.0t erl r g.} 1 1-7c, r {. a 1 1 nn and, rav "ar< , t,,- s� s c'.; :tt a germ t a�j t , and, rat e n '.71c ncx,c ea, n_ so, ;es t.e - 2.s Stypo c' o t,e we ShOU167 no _ r en l h itc ]cn._s ! 3 e be n for z,t-'•er t,,;7, ­oars, We r.ir ,t ?>e le to s..v_, on c-'l t o r t,- 01_T 1 t- ,'.,"e With l-,1e az rroval c r s Co .ecz 1, 7 lave a r , accept the Comxitc-'. > for 7, 75 Jo -Zoll consa.;eration tlja t t lOre i.., alw i,e , I;ossi r nalcost in res ] tvi . , . c; ess =i;z a_ i irea _, Council -an Ila nne .an „iJC?r, „_sso con ie : 'til,- t Heti an z,e rl�ann n' nrc)n call nrvo_e r - wac .naniniousl.}' pa..se,7 .,it.-z ,A- gate r TJrn ,fir x u t u7 t"e c,Iestion of a rianninc an:? -'rI, C rtzsslen slot in "=r one c arl o,n e cnn t?nr ofso,,-en enb�r hesiCc awe r-a„or a 1t*o2 Cnrnci_l man .ToBnson- !V-r, 'on'' 4,- uS lei. r -cnt7.]t anc' thini, ttot'nc nr e]Gollse c mr 3r n a' i s yen forS Ll :,s ctunt dlel l ort encs an, r t t,,as ,],� natter shoals' he altnv^_ ori - run s t :. .. ll'a ,rror. pdcnc_'arr?: Ono th c more L' in r�car_, o thee.,,-c,n-]t+.nn n! 5.-;entei1''.-.1_ n>c C .olio,Iran 3imsorl: Tr=oce we :at:.le ire red c on c;;- n st~cnnc',ec, i,,. �:*P.�.rn Cc nc�.lr'an C.r>]-cx•. C] Sitt cr;nten6an- .lance brouc lht L;1 t t ,c>n o a .t.j t 1_, C C -hg 131.? ) esen°1. %olio i ,av no 'r.;.inn ,',roU it '•�:.; Cre No action was taken at i-}ti taa:�e. Council. an Johnson rt ce<7 io. 1•;_o '1 ^c>.� Cco c, e c r C, n 1 ,n `ant; un�niroust;, ar _roeccf Council �t re,i at l.l.n,a r zP esj ec ':TTS MAYC.R. Page 7.