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City Council Packet - 05/13/1963
Prosent- ;i_„cr ri T`. Co}._ i7. C. v-0.c . ,annc r,n�: V,toin; i rOl:.ea n. Counc i I an 7. .;aa_x sore n'.. to ea-. _., ,•,.. ,.,a.,_ 7 o,.,j. L. -a, i 9nn,la c:: ral'•.ac_. .cr _rea:'inc o. he ;i e„ ,1 previous r•.te ine, AT-r_;1,1 22n,_:, 1.963. nl anr`es, read. an, 111 1,on -GZL1 c:i°.• 3�:9r Y.oi. ^.c:is is v:_ .: i._ <._... .., .... •. ;C._ -..:.::^, .: ,_�,.., ' none, -ie c.cclarah ',:= Pinu .eas arra-Ove' as >_aec'. Mayor r.,,T cas•' reg..a o� ._e o>_ -i:na rr_ No. s- t'ie last iaae...nc but inasmuch it was not cm-g lete :a .? cla _-ficat.,>ns we will_havi '-o re-pass flx 'Or ,:.mance an`. so .n ,v i 11 1-all r the readinc of pr�?Jnanc�c nu» cr= �3-`' i.n 1.' ont--re: Council.,.E-n Bercr ann rep,.. : . Carr'i-mance __7 ?-1,11 ?n'. ol- reari the Or'.ino.nce ', - ti-tIe. a_,o aic; cu11c,. ,:_; a on is arlor: the or'�inanc.c. Cauncila an I3e,-craann r,.o�._ at .•c aie7 `te or,.:?-n=�mcc c3-7 -n it int re,.. inc1,.?.anc, tile cl .,, _a ':_cations . t enc'e roto. P-aticn soc.onc'.n ,, nc.?.1nan Ce , c. an opon call 2ni:ra was ate_rovc;9_, Cotnc.il ra-.__cnt. Ai cs, Fayor '?no"n CoLincia:en r;a.nne_man; Cooper ant r_rr,-.urn, 31c- Councilman 1c Cocncilrsan Johnson aa..,:.,z`. I.a,or: 7.ocarf,. a.wi.11.; ,now nor 111.0 �._r ,,f l.ie "'ear .11C lo): a a_c,7ucs .one c:rncre o_ rbc COnc, Councilran iIann.a.an •.aL i a ecT es ._ on_ .bane C-2 to'A-2 on t'hc Trope n'irate '.i^rc. (Counci.l ,an Hanncr.en usoc. tie . nne rap, �F-',.1 n___nC" '4o the _enc c r.l_ torraS^ei. - - There werer_e ! c,n^ i, (li^' ,ir,. ci,anr; mc._.•.' inca.�nsc as to whether there � n�- a zt - Councilman lianneman', as well as Lai-, :t. ..n_ =r, Ccorcc L_,._s e.cpla ne . there wov:lra nc no increase in .a: esu ::cason of: the `;ons chance alone, ciiv on increase •r,., 1 _1 'fro:a an increases' va1L,e of car,l is an:'. Clem o"oen r_a< n Gi nn ;nc< L,.._ 1_,.,e 13:ca Fror C-2 to P,-2. Cnuncila,an `amen an' t : "te ',L,c „s^ n a se n^ r. ? r'o1 n 1,. c.cns _ t_ itw'is V, a n iri^ e.' st-r_,. w1,en ,re I.sn-. was -!:one". , n^: r f,, not 1aca11, p_s9j1-,1^ :nv , an_ i ', .i, pal _1r ler .^.ne of-:ler vxorrs, -1-je c:m lex ,c11it. ed1 ,nrs =n e a,.,41, rte 5-13--63. - Pace 1. -,ne, no:_ ;:n F, ' ;-n �l_ Z.l �.1 i, .1.1:1 '.�_.. •:'.1. 1.'.>. „hool , 1.C.71t_ '-1,. nea r_, -;!I', ' k.ar - t 1 to n77 i 7 O 1 tin r .,.`.- 1.•3n.. �;nhe C llc'1hcC ynC r+a.-,-_ nr t 1a- _ n ` 1 .n C 1 1'7C L - r�_,r - , nothex 0-i-, e c n ai.. :1 sc- .n n one aJ ^ At no t:le COIln,. r, __ (,.-M r.I7cx.:.aSC � '`� --n c C n n._ - en-�:._7 ) -.r� rn. G". I t Gr, I r, c, ,c CTs. ._ is c ocS 1 r .le.., ay r,,-0.G on i' 0D4ectlons Were raised or k ' 9 YO 's_hl }.'a in...the roadway anr'. it wasc.--plainer' zroulc'., prahibit anc ,c.l Fl c._S en r V^ ,1 ro n favor' of the also`�J.anr, anJ alo corr.15. er i c L lc o,Yn^ the r,proc ement b,c 'zas rio tir? J-n the FroP_ri ;'ayo? 'loodar': 2 th r^ are no o'he iz^_s ions,: rc rlll ti thisbatter un l -�� n er "a6va.. ._ t an., r_ncle oor .:�cc'.s'cn J at r Ji the meotinr, We will ac c ou t'ho rc ul sThose o ',,to':-. - o wish to ' senr, . berationsor Council exc,ulc. J. riay ].cave, if t es wishTae wi 1] now t,a?:e rn t e a ter 0., the zone`change _n, Kees)'na nzonert- Z.r. B. Bec7,, appeare`-.', for i%:r. heed no whin is conHnec' _.n v;o hospital. Councilman Hanneman: The hearing was a_ c. ;�=o1rnrrevio"Sl ^or the .reason the riches-of-pray was not ':Full estal-Ill_siled. 'as that rialht-of-way now been full.=,' estaalishc7 i`,r. Becn.: believe i.t has been. ..Councilman Hanneman (ad`.J.r.assinq Attarne �nc'erson) `ta .hat richt-o£-caay been cleareal to the City's sat t. '_'action- Attorney Anderson: T nee l a few sii,"nature ; vle'ordere' „he :;i_tles searched and we now have adequate c:_escr3p ons asln. :;nowled`ye of ownership. 1 would 1-4 e o the _icnatures on 5-13-63 - Page 2 r OEM ...ie _iocurent. I..ma ors'-nnov,:� .en; n--.--ern_ (n, .,_ r o sj.!-l.e to c -t tTs cn, -n c sign; It it1c i .., ,.: Counci.lt,an Hanneman: It was t- i c,;,t:- ,. + c -bSa1. :ittornc_ .1n(?,e-snn: Fhatnier vou, on an, :,no c'-1,7-11 — is c:•is coiner to require in OrC nance, ..:1:it 'ou ro+,.'1.. })_ . tacit approval anc.? _r_rtheC na.nr,- r ros.^.n at _. ne. t rneetinc . I`' i n.. - are no ntlliicr } -o ,is asaaent mule.. he e-:ert. .ec,. '1_t.i.s cotilr- bnpec.- e_, n_,"- tic rrni$c11 meets t'1113 -.._ _.. 4 f,?—n' Mrs. Lawrence Ioni-,, a,T,4 ..n,at pl -nc to ,,•-oa 13; ui.1 n< „own +here- at; a• , tsc;7 ,e 1a"7 no rla-,-1 7-ncausn e cost would i e `oo creat ;Y,t. that .t^ -" .avc a sT.etc r o' _n yr blocks-, oK V1 .n_ts, w ic'.i woul' .>ho:v .:ie con .:'t.c i o., o ' +L''-,e type units 'n berut on he pro,ert•.r. The ques';-i.on was ra__,e,. as ,_n srn .oninc, "s. Lc tic to Councilman Iia.nner.an rei_l i^ "Ye 'but c is -ir a 'alrl, larce tract; it does have t.to s,i'ri.z,g aspect that pror Orties } etween this amd rrennburc Loot are o" the %\-2 class ani. stioul:l`be oxtendec. :in ,pat way, whi.c?i woul., be a City n,l-._c ate' =one chancre. For t-he purr?osa >- this ea _n.; .'-en, we wJl .; -journ and consider...our CAccisi-on, ifor (viiic`,i':nu am of-A,c T'r. :".ncl-, will be noti-iiecl. l-"tcr. - ;-s i a .e :orratice, we owl' proceec to as is' you i.n'k lannin: i�"ho use of tno lap'. The oning codes .will oe here in the Ci L, 0.. .::ce or -_lois -.i:spec _on and also the Pui.ldinc Cote. I blink an, ccs o-n.X-ble <'.esicner will be arti.li<,_ :vitA the Code; =.t is universal. Mayor Y7occarca: Ne will nowcanclu,'.c .ne .-'iearinn (gin his '%,on^ change and anyone who wishes i_o leave, ,)a:, now he c:rcusec,. 'Ne will render Our decision Ilater in our business session. Mayor Woodard': We will now consi^er "the Ynoll --,Drive sewer proposition. I receive' a letter #;rani t,1e Counts.' clealth Department regarcli:ng properties'on Knoll -orivo. -.n i•rh_c,1•'.i : ev state, ...n confirration of our re<:un;- Knoll Drive, ._n v,.ew o-- the soil conli:tions:we regio} ._nv'thLt the area be servos'.=Fo,, the i ubl i s sewer s s._eM n` .Ta_. ;•rent tc the expense of 'hai:ng this s r� re_': Ltoctermine'-cbou` what the cosi woulc' be anc', tY,oy:..avP coree 'gyp wit.+t a _.:.cure of - , �10,38r' :O, cah-c"i ,,s s rouge ..;.n awe. This rcurc we .�_1'eve to be hi.ct'h blit the only -aay we can get the actual ,'i,•ure -s to Tet contract L-d on .iais work. 'Isere were-ob-lections to placinc this sewer in :-,.ere Cnamness, I:rs P'orcan, J'rs. Jac?c and rpt. _.:s livinc in the area anCl the questions raise. in connection wi'tit 1-tis prorose'.. C.re:' line resulted. in I:ayor Wooeare s atinc' .1e w,--ulc' Check into `hese questions and advise i:he people curt-her. mayor, Woodard: We have a Zoning Ordinance we, would like to talk about. 5-13-53 - Page 3. slow Cnur i t n t.*arn -.In n 1 c _ t.re are 1, ;i1� '-ccm L nov, l` r :. nr , 1.ia, ter' x,_ >nl ?.t nt� c -'..n ..` , Ca11 G L Cc?n '2C - _ 4 1C + �LCt r n On it fc'r. tt ,!3r n`- > 7 v ll_i ioi:. n ulna t wa,c z. ? me <t j r >cn. 5 scy tat, u 7 .zo� -; ,.l in L. ,_r.e serv.i,c . of xseltcs an- Ou_: I si_: co _e Int'. s n t liel t n labor cosi- on n at U1. to , lu= r' ooks co l,in,_.. _,_ t`ac_ t 1 1' I t mal« l iLe o a7 c c ,inn lion > ` i 1 r acccit anci ia . . o, crc _141-1( _n - .. l an Lk,on call l 1 nr N'D CJ"1.^ scconc � 1 Cn nc,__ '1'Y Con ,r r- - all el k of- C unc,] n. 1 r,_ n^ nn �r:pl-o�e ; ci.ssenik.m. vo.._, Col_nc 7]_,.an .oYln,on nc absc,n . C ounc 1.'an Tian Lrnan. xe nI .ak'C to =G on lin_ on nq L.^ n, nn tsar rr O dina,Zc^_; ^,ue 'rouc'� c,r-1 was ea'. ,, . , 1967, an s-con'1 1 r r,1 ar 1 t., I'9 ni z l r O the or n nc : tl ) Cc urc,11.an '_� I n ti,. a n 7 e tc m- :e :':on that G_❑r_c i.l «,'o Ur k I,_nr_c n L „- T-.an C ;'_r. ^-c ca_li In 63_6. c, on scconr c CLnc_ �, il - vo%el,Ie orr-inance aa„ o n..! 1, tie eco n 1v call. for vote .nest-3.ec= in Ccunc 1-aan r r. ann C Cn 1 a Coot'e7 Cor.nc`i 1,^ar panne, an a Zc o' vias no c.,sseni_i-nc.'co:e, Cc,un_. .lY-, jc^ rt.cn n n or Tti 1 e 1^ 1 n cnnc �t th point aansol who .a<. r,ac rhe 1, C nt,n. - r > -n' o�n'. an io inc t l ,a v o,•r: ol.l n n C r to 7 r_a l_ 1 O a cpair art. nu s rta to 1 S ,ce;,-, to1u 1 1 7, C, c n ,�a c 1' r nl ;rc 1'•i , ai': Center r a ia_:, r n „c +acs Tia r ve exan.- ,�:n cr....l 7 ? ritesIwanre. a,or _, o av er, ._ I � i...GP_ ,]L wru..' _ _ - ... SC;LL.IC 7>Ny�l.�4•L� 7 .7 Ul.i. �..C`Ijn,C_? .:At" cn to ~act inn. at£ tis Ca. j torsi _,t,_ .o ecl-on 92.1-00.105 0- wi.Lil resrec', '_o chcici:z nc >tl: a11' c o ? hereon -o r e+_ermine Ilat '_.1.1 a.c . angles enc b cz, ncs: n. P_k:-Cori DrO, ila 5• y, T '71 T,+:S P C C T 9 C 1,CS - ll�.%©311 'fin ,?osoll inn :.Ci LC. - a '', Counc:Jl.' ar+ Hannam i r. n -u.-, c a? "C o of rn3 n es C o v nc 1,all nn an C ' 3 � Co?'rea._, Courc Ll',"a z ,_.._ C-ouncilnan ,:nhnsOn bci.nr a;,snn-r. 5-13_63 _ nage, T t ."r.. ,n .i"-, i,.: ,. a-,:.:.., -. 1. ,t-ic tn:?.0 i�<:�c^ 1S_ a...> a:z� o:•e ,. .,;.., ,r c ,, ,... - _LnC - lc oix:s, ,.,._ ca ., 5 e11 r _ z n==>se .vi.11 c a .., a yo= n, one i S.? a ,._.-, i '.n _w_> ins: ,tej cr ]. ,-. <ca`_7. .,�t _ta:e ..na<c;i _nr1u:' s , o c.i.ty i-:.c a.. _1 C4.i ni'7? fn!-7 1:0 S'..� <",-;•.. avor. l,on_cax, cre tt..ar I �.an.: n nc.. that is olir Covrci lean olinson ',a8 Sunc7a�, morning,, ]: =;eJ_._ .�c n zl 's 7 rcr - - C." Council to ho"r ':. cur rc.1 .s sen..ni a n;uc;; . of 1 i o t:ze funeral Hone 1" P,...c e"ton. --"erzx is no I will. suc,c,est 1-7z0 ratter , _ 3 at-cm ca] n Layior rlooc:arcl: I rec::.v_ . a lc_`.ter rr.. Jaino.� i.n zt.3 :ze :.endear his ar_ - roes e...c�e.a ng ani. ,i' `ore -will call ^r....l . e __. session 1-1--is '-ins to sera what- erste call Counci.lnan :=fanner an a.,';-cc. pear i„s i.on Councilman -inn as-00- 'na at 7 c_ l z e z .lrl o�`ca until =,,t vmel. t., ,_r;_. Councils :,n' enn`ran _epl.--e'.. I wcul' like to '.a,e Live to take x now =aur woa.:_ 'las ca such 0, c;:anc}e in act, , ,rjs at it is 'c.__.- n r els= nece„sa.i r to, at Biel eery least, :tran -,._- nearl,r al;l �[' c.t '- es :eioen � meetings to others, I feel r,iC-11t nc capable -.ncl 'resi-ons ';l.e for the `Obs. one- I ;lave for "min,=particular whn r.userVe_> areat deal: of c-edi`. an^ not only hocause �c is=17.t.nc to ser-ve ...e an ME wi:t'aout salary, "i s-John Cook. In .my opinion"he woul,i ideal Park Superintend-ent :£ the Council wot lc. c.-ns.. .r creat nc that t%ositi.on. ,john actvall_•, was the,one .,o fov.n? tS1 - area ;:or ifs, was largal-, instrt,,raental in aet'inc :'. ob_ai.ne' frog t[ze Count ror fife City :i^ hes ,;.on a c reaz c.eal of c_} both assisting and in 7-n�,sical labor. I wo!alcd on that ...asis like to maJce the motion that Council create_ the ,pos tion o Parlr Superintendent and nar:e John Cook as the S yerintenden`, effective'-e.rameet. atel,r. Councilman Coorer: oat is wi`.hou' }�a_ Councilzran -rTanneman: fes, Ti. has 'e-_l:ressnd "-,s willingness Lo serve. 5-13-63 Page S. z Iill!i!llmwm Mil MEN= mom= I otion seaon,�ec: Coanc_Iran L<.,,r-ann. -�er ,m e on �.,1._ prion anc '.t 3�ein r cloz.ro, Cle .e3ronsible to Cc,t.nc ,ln,.!n 'iar nman 7n,l F , �•ul , O;one i.1, at all so ui: cion call ._or voa._ L:,,� 1.1: -,otns tire, r'at>> .voci, �r , r•nuncJ- r'^an .1annenan, Cotnc li,.-,m c ,tit"e,:, were nr, d,.sscn insj vo'-cs, Cc,oncilr:an o-,ns n ref Counc,li:an i?anney,�an: On.. ,_"z:m out in cSCiu sc;t}are poi, i> or Pa-,'i.nc, nr'-!ac o t;i _.. rancc, The :r,.eri can Le(-ion na.s n. to c1 car t as'-, sic m-.f rJ.n`-.en(1ent to secura- .I 1ir',or n: ,I), roc?. nc, , fie 3a1.1-inr Council)-tan !la n e-:an: ] _glrc"i n the I e,-,1_.nc recon:Penn. that crit .;ran'_ c ie on_ ._.t nc;e an z than we aut.io;._,:n ;one c'ia„ce _ - :o ?,-^_on e Ieesl._.x ?one chance an lir.at.ion. ;'o'-:nn =c n-',c' n n_,nc.l..;•an ., rc - anc3 upon call for vote ,.�. <<xp o�e. -j1 1 ,dooc'.arc':, Counc.lnai—ju ,_nneman, Concil, an C(-O)-er and Councl can P,ergmann. There were,no R .. n_ .n`- votes, Connc;lr�an_.�ohr.son being absent. Councilman Hanneman: I ..oaldalso r r,rlcrc _?lat we: acc.^_rt the ?one chance on tb.c ^u,.ner aipl.i_ca - en ema.. t.�e .or,.ile Par,-. Councilman Coor er e,-.pres e'. onpo ;.'_Jon after whin:! C^u nc,i t„gin ilanncman ma_,e the m.oti cn to acc ;"one c.anr z Hca s_ which motion, however, was not seconae C annc111. Cnunc '_1- ;pan Cooper irovec t ,rc have 1.ie cit- >t,,oin Zw i,_ a petition to la3re in my _ne area cov ie? 'z-)_,,, _'ie C isca le l.or_o Villa. r-�oti_on sec-n lcd b-i CoJ ei_ln an re,-cr:arn .:t'. a _:oll call of votes resul En i.n Councilman cLc.:nn, G>uncilman Coo;er and, Piayor Woodarcl vo,i_nc; rl",i; and C,Duncilr n IIanne ran v i inn z 1, Mayor Woodard: we will now fray tele bills Counc_.l,an Coo;er read the 3-.)ills after which Councilman Borg, ann moved Itnat we approve and pay the bills, notion seconded b Counci.lran :fanner-an and upon call i7or vote the ro ion was a}:prrovec with no-c.issenttinG vote. At this point, Mr. C. E. Klock, Sr. shower Council an architect's of t1ne proposod y is vweii nc-5 +-o r. w.ich he hasreceivedthe:contract. It was moved by,Councilman Bera_mann, 'seconded by Councilman IHanner.-an, for adjournment. Adjournment taken at 11:22 P. M., Council sc reconvene in Executive Session. ne>T ectf 1, sul,mi,t d- z:T ?EIT 1L'CO R. AT EST• - 1 h 5-13-63 - Page 6.